RAND fiSIQ FffltfErTO .... .1 HaavaVtatt. f MM W.lhlrdalWII'Rer UK coarwwT wit f.ic' Hail Tfla th.tSfetOMlhrNt Want The McDonald store, at Tigard- villa, n robbed Thursday nkht the burglar or burglar entering the front door, which u a rather unsubstantial affair. About fifteen dollar worth of pocket knive. a lot of men s socks, three Ingenoll witches. and several box of tweet cake wera taken. Presumably th theft waa mad by aoma boy in hi teena. A lew dollar in en ter are alo mlaaing, aa well a a lot of pennies, and a few old coina, among them wera aome half dollars and quartan dated 60 jury Ira ni circuit coum IHEAMBUIOB CREDIT 10 QLO leaulaltartal iMiard I Ind Fitly Om Indictments For Action ADVISE PITTING JAN. Oil Jr H.OM Aba AU Thai Jatt a Praaeriy Eaais- fi Whra Icarne Taw Fred UcNelly. of Jolly Plains. waaaeity visitor Fnday after. noon. VVank Kelaav. of near New ton. was a city caller Saturday mom. in7 Mr. and Mrs. A. L Grebe. oflOIJPeop4r.Tbc.tr. u naa Laurel, were in town Saturday rUndiome New Strwctare afternoon. Hops were sold last Friday atkW rEATllES ADSCB F0 PUBLIC twelve cenu to nil aome mortage in Eastern orders. .. niBint was Alad In ..rcuit court, Saturaay. worn of Beavtrton, hl)l ,f. lloas. for dlvortt. married at Beaver u t .t r i ih. ana n mh ... .K.t.hebu repeauaiy ..- . . i .... t.n name, and naa llllll - . . . . l ...4 .4 x ,;, kieaea mm. i . ,,,,-1 h a to tlM . .. k. ,t the ht-aJ. iw ...l niaee oi inm L 1 1,. knock hi brains irns vmanU Doaaeaaed o j:u.W)0 in property ana I ...ii. aald In vy. una itrr . . . . .. mi nno Mm. Will l iwifi'."""' tmv I want! on wra oi bmSnreclUa that he went fn.m the hoej w i ..art ago. aiuuviaww liter, up In Idaho. jHwya.gfu appreciated." Thu !t,.r h left Mr. f"""n travel iaspafx-r publicity. . i ; in return: that en1 .. h m drtHi Sd.th. ould. Wanatone ,nf men Frank Johnson, of Portland. was out Friday, viaiting with the Hartramofa and an joying a pheasant bunt. BeiUlag WiN Coot ia Flu (WI(Bi Vj aaavai Taawsaal vaMan 1853. iv. t. r.rma ..n nf After grinding for a week on w ih i riiL. m w m au w IAA kkn.it 11rT tBis In aaiit. I 4mlnAl I taaait I rrlt (ffl tn aTTAfflil uy vivVi aavuuv bji ..- .- wfLHvas t HJSI? f 'IT: . ItriaSa d it urvTv, uii iwih -- u labors Saturday n gnl anar t i.. .u ' . . . ! Ani rart V;,,!r ware diamiMed by Judge Gea R. ... .Jr"!!!".! Your presUga in business is increased Rreatly-.by caan rem, aim uiwi, '-. i .. . ..... . . .. A . i luiyroona v. ouiNy aim nm nouses in me vviuametw v aiicj.i s-- .Kio a wa . Knlr Mfmnw ii it -... r ir.iu in. KnnM uav ev. r hit one inaicimenu iu u. t... .... iianita war. . . ,i i"a onahalf In cultivation, barn room were returned, and four not true rotrried by Rev. Brietol. ) at the "r ""J" ii-nontha build- IP1 for 10 head cows and 4 horse, bill were found. The report of home of the officiating minister. fiv won,,do"7 '"J JS" good well, and fair house; Unant lhe foow. R-y. Briatol. October 27. 1915. m. which ia of hollow tiliijg h lean work out greater Mrt of .w . r . Jup duv Varul.- -Reiriatered Holstein J cement The ttructure is Mu John II. Wall has his new theatre If . I. 1.. nn farm uvur. huildinir on llain Street on- the 1 reDreaent three large nre site or the old reopiea ineairc. ri I ... . . . . . f IS awaawawaatamwawaaaaaasj, oJljTi1&r III v y-W X U "fc I a a II 3AFETY: Your money ia safer in the bank than in Svour . J rawer. ranch, cash rent.-C J. Birdsell, 612 Seventh Street Itillsboro Pbon City XM. L It McCroakey, formerly of 32-4 KuraUi. we. the lirand jurv. auiyi roraaie: -ivegiaierea nuiiin - . . . ... 7 . k..,i i van nf 249K. with Z4 I eel oi ceiling. mpan. led and .worn nqui w. - ' nty wUl b. over .ii i t '"TT,"' Hua. Oregon. Route 1 Cornel.. Un and there U a balcony up- inauie in rtasninKiun wwow, ... t, Unhnna. I i k.. Tfc. Blaul su tuanaat-avwM management haa alao built a amnkinff room, to the rlxht of . " a ef th oparanng rooa. ana mis tatur altxia will be worth COO siderable to the Dlaee. There ia ... Mint mvn Avarlookina the vu. y mw . wvh. w - - n Cliff Long ia now working on a balcony, reserved for the owner gang Wlin me u. n . n. ioi me Duuains. MaMkhuit tne i iimver itmna naa a leaae on f W-atnn. where Col Clark the theatre and will put up hia Wa Kava poturnfxt fiftv-one f Wrwl aHiia am of Oreffon s own arenerator and eauioment. true bills and four not true bills, brightest weekly newspapers. which will represent an expen- W have examined into the! . . . diture of at least two mouaana .f tk. r.iv Pnnp Money W loan on nrsw-ciaaa Jnllai. V.UUUIWUU. v. I . - . I17.U;..x I . . . ia Tolanhnne. Banka.now In Chicago, writes Oregon, and to Inquire into the M . Uf H a the Argus for soma copies or the condition and management of went to HMsdaJe. Bear Bertha. paper quoung tha office perUining to the Friday night to auctioneer a T?wllT u;r of iuatlce. and to the eon- school baakat aoeiaL The school Us in Washington County. Mr. . .MlMU i. tha) Karhli diatrict netted HccroBKsy wnira; t tai mi. .- - :- , - 5L10 from the aale. a wee agv a ivm - i iuiiviuih " i""""- v ... ..k l.i.ui I. walnut I. .!. ... .f..n I CI In L growing, and 1 am toting Ore. the muH of our iVe.tigationa e P gonall 1 can. Anything you .... i . Snacndme on walnut culture low.-.) . jowr .ofj ISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often Job- aittawf if w.mi kitrA m M-nmomil Ksinar aUWUlflt .kaMIIVaf It J VVa aaaSW WHIIMV VM aaaa aarwwaa CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of.'paying ' jMUtiy cneck, wnicti is a receipt xor me amount paia. l Therfl are onlv a few advantages of a bank account: rnaa IB id aee us and we win ten you more. I I all If A. Pa CatMt lalaratt On Sawinafa f aw w wj fM' aaWBiww aw aw mm American Notional Oonll h,mrofrty. He returned for automobile tajsinaaa. pig pay. v .nd whlle the bu.ldinga J,rm "-TVn John Beatty. who haa had TXT tmmnttd to We make you eirt in ten weeks , not modern. wt found them County Aba e charge of conatniction, bw given i !ta M.7 October I. by mail. Pay u after we se- cMn, we kept. and the inmatea Pny; by E. J. UcAlear, Mana- the work hta eareful attention Aatti cuyouposiiion. l entury Auto. provldedr. ger. tf ,nd the workmanahip U a u. followed. . . , 7r in,ulul" " we nave examined nip me John shoemaker la' charged I raeni w a - . k. kaa arnfttM aaro iconuiiionoi inecoumy jau. wiu K .k k i athM tamn niffeona ivroncr, ut suiuauw, i I'lilllll " " . T We have examined il. condition of the county jail, andl-,: niiimr ihra tame Dizeons ,.. K and that hlaheatta n.rW !.ura mves out the in And it clean and kept as well Bak.innirjnr tuP. J. A. Bussard. it U..mii . .i .k... .....ii marriaa I muiM Ka nniiir nrpaant enndltion. I j l. ..t ...KAt.il in.nnui iiroaen. mra- lormaiion iov wv ""V .r . . . V "r ; - - i ana ne u uiaa ui -,w,,. valuable nor raawn ..utheU. S. governmani ma we nna me urn jau wnj betore the errand jury, wnicn . . . . . . . . . ..i.j ...la l.i.J ma.1li linhtiwl and lin.l . adi'tirlng me ww i neat Utile sum ui mnnj v"7 vK,,,t . i was in session iasv wi. ri..n anil ii ii uajiuK an rap aa ureaon i nii. mihwi , 1 . . i r w.a an .... . - ww... - . . . i . . . i j .k.. Th. rittf ai rnMMi i.pnvfs nun i ai t irvnni. umuu. uvn mh f ,mry. ? -I A ten cent revenue rap v n me jai, oe flir 1' re-aS fon suil exrrienced and practical land- riv th w, -onthephy.c,an. man WMe!tod with jto v ihi norae raai"n ama. lanoiner on me niani"a mi r--r---. .- - . -ki. ... 1 1... an nna da. Wn Henry diJ In WMU .u ' J:l k.":., T. T alWni on Uirinlr to imorove his home- There will t a meeting f'L-rr'no: in- a roadway in front of property grounds by the planting of ttcea. naa a aa i iiiaaii k.r k iv a k..t vw-w at the Michael Susbsuer home, ment to good mechanic. Kroner, of Portland, architect aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBMaiBaaaaBaa The Oregon Nursery Company YES! ViE I1.1VE IT CI STCEl! One Million Board feet of Good Luncbtr . A stock of lumber so large and varied that you have oromot deliverv of anv order. We carry maT large dimension timbers, and can aave you the ezpente of special sawing. When you want lumber, promiats don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, acr- vice. and courteona treatment You can do better for less with this company. EktSgcr lunte Co. all hi property to to hi daughter. r. wi h.riil. of Sumntaf. - Mrs. ri l conteatad th win, arw ILnry gave .bar auout m tit withdraw tha auit th a elTectcd. A UU1 TIME at mv iMiv.-" --- - one and tilf miles from Cornell- U. on the North tiaina ru-u. Sundsy. November 7. All awn bers are requMUfd t te present. ir.,.ir of Portland' popular detective. Too Senne. Chs. Hill. Morril bi:om and ."".i-.iL. k.miod for Chinese Young PeopW. cltaa of the.' heMnta at lih.i.ii u.hnni ! onvM a L'..i.i Aiicr uriui sr,.'iu"ur in ii. z?:?.af' Vk. :..! at duck Mem enieriainmenv wnu iiney er- -- - auarial at the Uorel Hail, .jmn.r at the m rB"1"- Viliiv evening. Nov. 6, 1916. ,i. Houava anJ three I VI - ' Ml a.alA aukJB i o'clock. Tha procetxla to k i l i . J f .v. tiwaru ouuaing it ti-ams and for papering the Vch. i,iM.rrm will ha aa rollOWS: i if hv the class. we cnaii . the King Some Day." htruiiH'ntal.aolo, lira, uary ,horn. lal uuartet "Tha Vacant bin a 1. For Sale or Trade Frank o. Mr. Uert RowalU m jo BeU'ction, Ur. 'era. ixi quartet "My Old Ken iy Home." nriift solo, Mr. Granvilla Ev it. i.lo Uld nf Thalia. Ueitaiion. Mias Grace DaiUy. Vme hv the class. "In the t of thn ttAik.M ImiMHinn. Arw. which Will DO tui.ii to anyone bringing or Jmn a basket j w . --- i...i!nm iann for c cared acrrau-. "r orawale. near Orenco preferred. -H. Jeibroan. Himwro, v.. Thirteen laborers have niea -t cut at llelveu. V" V w"".. t . - ... L iraiiiiinir. acre belonging w of Portland, who conducU tbj he Grover Street Uvery & reed At P" . Ublca. Uura vou are Mr and 8 per cent money i.V.r. iilbboro. Ore. Uool; creek; county mail ww. " i - .i . i . . in j A i . . .i.. .l- i l. .r -ihii ka nnoina in rrank Hinman ana i anrnoDerT. eic. -win uwi n wwi lormea inn me wwi v ,v a . - -- - --. . u. ih.n imhra . veniemana nemiuiw u aianot examine mem ur ua i Sipprell mill, south luaiaun. ie i r"tv,"fpB. them cxperted. vve louna me from a gcaffold from the J. Wies- ' Those who have ever stopped various offices well kept, and the barn, and was precipitated JorimM0veTT busing, of the off kes apparently w KfevL H,s face was .badly 'Sd0SBS well taken care or. na bruised and a cut three inches in r ; st0ck' need not be told that IVa reanettfil V submit this as u.k mu th nnao. reaulted. f61.' 5.10 . ' . " " current and request that we B.il.V aU;nded the Ut argest ana iVS h dav nf October. injury- . . .Jnot seen it you should arrange to 0ta W W l a i I a j vwi w I inches in diameter, fence rails, hf you are contemplating the . 1 l . 1 f nil Vin.la intnl u .l..i;.. nf anv nrnim'pnlfll 1 anu iH'ttius vi un i"u" 1 iuu pianniiK. v ."j v. . . stovewood lengths. Will go into stock, you should endeavor to set the countrv. Write, pnone or t thia Pal -ao mailt may gei call on me.Carl Skow. Hillsbo- the benefit of our Fall and Win- ro. Phone, Uity 40a, or can i tet rains. Tualatin Hotel. The State Editorial Ass'n. will McCONNELIvMARSH meet at Salem, Friday, for a two Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Track. A D 3 O LU r iLY . Kverything in Building If aterial Ilillsboro Aato LiYfiry A. I).. 1915. (Signed) A. H Spraner, Foreman, Jos. A. Moo'e, W. B. Fitch. Lester E. Campbell. W. J. Thorn burgh, J. A. Kirkwood, W. J. Burton." Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Deaaonable DAY AND NIGHT SEBVICE and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176 de days session. J. P. Hurley, of R T McConnell, of Portland and the Forest Grove Newa-Times, Mi8g Mae Marsh, of Hillsboro. N W iof is on the program. Hs subject is wereunitedin marriage at the W. w. to . . ..u,4 5. k. Matter with . .. ...1 r v SI. OT KiSTITUTC J V. Mott and Lena Lyons. '..., f ..ial the home of J. J. Lyons. Oct wis. Uev. J. M. Earbtr, or 1 est Crovek officiating. m.ai . an.. rkM'..A.Mnn nf la well known teiepDone man 01 Z ajra-SZa irhth'irwUk UheRoaeCity. They willed. ... lkJ.II 1. D.aUa1 Miss Christine Olwn 0Mrw 5 balance acreage; the guest of her P"y" " tw .. w . .k. uraak for OoUrio, lor ' a jM-awa A. ears of .nri Un Riaaner. of South Tual- the laai to In- XL JZT 2S .(. " H.7 T. ..hand now has his 9. P. AND P. B. B. ?Zr:Wm i..rv Dronerty lor .i.tioS manufactory over at prWective purch-e PUBLICSALB tSZf&W&frJA week, on business at . "lie sale at me lu. r?., r Chriatoflferaon will depart for the ffo. r" Tr4in . I - B .Milam WaWT Fl III B lirillaBM . al . 1 wa w . I one m -v.- - I South the last or we weea. MeMi-nviile Train......7:S8 a. m. ten a. m., on .... I ti.n nMnra aara mult. Isharidan Traill 10.C2 a. D3. 1 rRIUAY, IWVMBM 0. io ; .h3f- night Foreat P. . GriT learn, "--. "T . SWavartaa. Oragaat - aW Cwyfaaar toC hmiae. . . 1 was a county eav t.o. day morning. pvt. mmIh ImI.iIab maladta hv the Siatert of St. Mary, affords upertor adaoUioaal admitafca, comblixd with the Uflnaoce of a niaed home. It U dellghtfaUy litnatad la tht Iwalthful Tualatia Valley, only it mllea from Portland on the Soathtra racific car line. FulP.Prliniry. lattf madlate, Qrammu aad High School ConrtM. Separate department for ittW girto. Thoae who wih to prepare for the teaching profcMion can 6nd tha Teachen' Training Coarte amply equipped and prepared to do ttrong work.. A jtra loate from lhi courae aecnrei t Teacher One Year Certificate wtthont oab nation. Exceptional oppoMnnitiea for thorough inttractioa ia Marie, Art xnd Bxpreaaoa. A ne!y organiied Commercial Coarao . J m.m anil Sla fat aa maitton of reisonaibilitv. Vttf nmn . ji. 1 j ' - - further Intoimrtlon, or proepectnt, Aciareta anier amii rA'r m Train 2:15p.m. The State Savings Bank 1. an Old E-lUbU ln.tttv.tlon with laouret ot over 0300.000.00 10 n. m.l l.rr.ii i. milk: Jeran heifer, iai. ..,.. anma mat tn thai fihiMna Train...... ......4x3 D. IB. I - - ---i. , :. i.ii.il 1. 1 WW ii, vauo.w. ".ZZr au. ..nihi' f.muuiuruiu w ii v.i,a iim , nniiHffiiiiinTiiu inin .n:u d. iu. i ae,J0nca Tcnnw . Almt, I . Ti .j k. .-. Thai ts IUtlMil ' I j -in. nearly newiiou" p H'f . lulBinouveu auuu rrum rvruauw .an Ion tmtir. diat I nt.i-iKiilad about the town. plow, fanning mill,. JX majority of the eacapadet were Eugene Train arrivea...8:15 a. m. eon, 10 u -. 'j. laMriitad to the vounz cna Wllr.SrJ2: W- their teena No arrests wera poreat Grove I ;,rhhrrw .pi.e-ooth harrow, io-s sometimes the poreat Grove I t K az-a af BnTWiai BtBU . . . AM aa am a. Watches If you arc Hot familiar with banking jjj? and talk it'over with and wc intt gWly give you ny Information desired. AU business strictly confidential Ac count o( Women and Chtw- r.lren aolicited u t under, cash: Hallowe'en saturaav mgnt viw -.-. . aten note, a party at the Pythian nai . a w . .,. r.Nvmmaf miUMC WSS enJOyWI.lr imTH 9:45 a. m. I ll:C3a.n.l . .8:15 a m. ..4:C3n. m. . .6:43 p. o. . .7:15 a m. ...9X0 p. m. 42:15 a. m. on fi at I North Rut I (Sixth and Mr 4 Per Cent. Paid on Sawing DeP"1' tooth harrow, ivlke;ooi" nr,row' i""' mafle, ana wmie auiueiiuiwi r ore8l ur LVi.i.. ha- fork and 75 feat of ropa aad 0rA annoving they Wewl SWidnn i0""' STi -.w'Hom. w?n, taken with the naual degrea of McUlnnvUla tlon. Steal tanga, Iftw Home 2 V. Pn-aat firm aseavwaaasa . waaamw a w ana. . n..a.l-v. aalAmaa aaa-i t Auawl I Forest Grove TnnK .1 noon. 'n rywian owi rj i MetSinnvtile ijuii... . .. ii ana over, banhaoie ppnvwj interest at 0 per 6 - , uOP1r.n waa in fine voice " "r i??!? " .ILT a .car aaaain nvatr avaia. itiwaarwii - a 1 mrvaa-awirH sarin am a. aasnauia mublbib-. WnU Hri "aTcook. Owner. IfrtffiB.- w u...i.aa Auetioneer. C. J. Kichelet also nvorea tne. . twi, , .1. n aauBaaaay-vf . a Miaia ae . Bnmnapi 1 , 4 w AvaMaatasw 1 F. H. Sholea.t;ierk. to their delirtC FV J. P. R.&N. Train 4p.a. ... . t l. Isatat.ii waa aneored for a return I CVmb Portland . . ...I mm n.rvina uura! . . .. , . I . r. . ' . r 11C r. ,aaa on aaaxoDhone. ana ura. r. y. p. r. a n. Train r.us. ra. halter, or douu. 6...1, rendered piano solos. The aw B- at E32: city callers rnaaj. -.. . 5 TObed in . goblin .t55-m from Pcrtliidll Rnv vonr Watches from Hoftman. It no difference what von pay yon can eet it here. . . . " M . If have them tram 11.00 10 sizs.oo. u the prices. cakes Ve ere are sacs ; ot Waltham make, 16 size, in nickel case, $5.00 Tl ' .1.' 2 ) r ers. JSlorln 1 iewels' in nickel easel urice Waltham 7 jewels ia nickel cm far Hamilton 17 jewel, 18 size movement' Hamilton 17 jewel, x6 sixt movectat 6.00 ia.50 A. McGill, Pres. . A. C. Shnte, Vice-Pres. W. Mahon, Cash. W. V. Bergen, Asst. Cashier All other grades and makes cheaper than tLr? can be bought elsewhere.- Come in . and let- tts t: yon what can be had lor such a little -mosey. . . " .li- .n-Ki- a"" w' .YMK,. " a at p. m. iron rsrusa Emll Itoy waa injurwu, o..mj. ajrav" nut on aann. aiwrw o.tafj.v and Sundav onlv. In a colliaion. In PorMnav mi hour atve Hundred delishtf U Fortgi Grove E?eial-(2itsr week, wnil noinn 'wv.- iwfr8snmenu werearre. a.ra. dayfl on,j , 1 ulna Sarah Burns, or foreat a., u. .ooni i" From rXruana.... ....wu.i p. n. nv?waTs Hallowe'en gueat progrsm waa opened by sections To Po-tUaj ;.....UiJ p, p.i of iates Utrie Long. . 1 - 00 1 S ' -a aJ wUiJU- - 4K A