iniflLLseaR Vol. xxii 1 ! I LLSBORO, OREGON, OCTOBER 28, 1915 wa m to SEATTIfJT-J O r(.ni4 Company llwrBtsi WI. ai-ro itf rsactss Cfctaiel Vsteatts NrsssU 1I4 Ml AaMCHlM M, Oltrt Kka ... . : . t . i a Kineaennr. iwrownx v. ttiu city. haa been held to imw iury at Seattle on the cl.rte of obtaining money under fu. trtensee In the Mi a short Umt before he set n...i in the Garden Tract, West . .i r. .It It will Km r ,01 mis mj. " " red thst-Klngkenny or k. f. Ik. ..uniixl a comowiT nvrw n of manufacturing brie " - ... ... ,nu.i from com dueL It cased hi thwry of manufacture on the .Ilk u.1 nimlurt oi cnemww wiw iw duxt. and alleged that ton of thi article could be manufacture f, at a coat or 12.89 per ton ana lfoulataoWfor$m Several II,;hU)rv) people look atock In hi laat ve nturt and coal mine ws UHitrht over near Castle IUh K. which ia ealdto be of a quality and practically out fthemaraei. ih Waahngton Stat au C. 0. Front returned Thursday from a trio back to his old home in Nebraska, near the Kansas line. He rrttorta swat mm crop bark there, and the Unt of tinea. He stairs that the tim everywhere Kast of the IIik ki am rood, and that there hi no complaint by the farmers or la borers, and all appear to be sat isfied -the only fear back thrre ia that the big interests mav Bunjre the country into war. r. Frost brought bark with him an ear of Nebraska corn, of the dent variety. It was nicely trot tied with red. and had kernels a half inch deep. Just why broth er Frost should have brought back that particular ear. with the red in it. is not known-but in the old days, when he was a boy, a red ear of corn meant that the finder was wont to try to Viae some buxom girl, if one were to be found at the husking bee. For rent. Two farms -one of 160 acres, about 135 acres in cul tivation, one mile from Forest Grove, b&rn room for about 20 cows and 6 horses, city water, cash rent; and other. 142 acres. It miles south of lleedviile.about one half in cultivation, barn room for 10 head cows and 4 horses, jrood well, and fair house; tenant can work out greater part of ranch, cash rent. C J. Itirdsel., 512 Seventh Street. Hitlsboro. I'honeCity 326. John Vanderwa) this week re ceived the check for the It, Mc knight lire loss, which occurred lm 9 hen the hon house and two floors oi hope were consumed hmiiitu alWethatin 1812 King-iin blaze. The insurance raid L .... m u nnanlMt and Bold COn- n I ha tvau tMHl while the Wkrahle atock. although he re- price paid for the hops was 121 Wived but little money for. him- cents per pound, and the check Wlf. He told those 4o whom he for this part of the Are was t ithed to aell atock that a dying Hops were sold, or bar- iennan chemist had given him gained for. on the date of the he formula, and when a man Are, at that tUure, although the ould bring him eon oust ne BIUaj very lew. mild retire to hit basement and ., .. L . . - " . n-- r r iviirr. ltu unm u. ml.k a labratory, ana soon ap..n . . the Southeastern Dart V,luS?ri : .ZeS-of the county, wm an AWus i:ir,l a diMm&na ard a succeM ; ,. .. .i . i ,k. r ' . . .t ... li. eauer. rnm. lie uu BILLY BROS DE.0 n o Was Killed In a Ugflag Camp About tktober Twrtttk a he nrie whln a e. aixives Wi. BifTciUw wU Ms Hm! eJ Frlc4s WstsisHUItawe D. S. Smith, of Banka. was in tows the laat of the week. John Lof Us, of the Arcade dis trict, waa in town the last of the week. John Herdlein, of above Bloom ing, waa in the city the last of the week. Elmer Hays, of North Plains, was In the city the last of the week. Jasper Keffer. of West Union, was in the city the first of the week. C. W. Bloom, of below New- ton. waa in town Monday. He ia still holding bis hops. Emil tfarty. of near Tiirard. was greeting friends here Sat urday. Henry J. Keenon. of above North Plaina. waa a city visitor Saturday, on road business. C. R. Bradler. of below New ton, waa trutaactinff business in the city the first of the week. Mr. and lire. Hush Archbold. of Dallas, spent Sunday at the A. C. Archbold home, returning I Monday. Ward was received here the laat of the week through Will Thomp son that Wm. Bronaugh. well known here since 1908. was kill ed in a lowing camp at some sawmill point in Idaho. Oct 12. 11)15. Hronauffh came to Hitlsboro in the Spring of 1908. ht n the Oregon Electric .waa grading its line into this section. He worked for Joe Haines, a contractor in a grading camp. When the track was built here he remained in the city, and uiapL .ill e.4 l.e! awkAam fna J lean s r n ve bm atas tvnuvi ivi w J. Krebs. Hronaugh waa a aii- Money to loan on farm secur footer. bluff and hearty, and had ity. 1 repeeaent three large Are a kindly heart He waa a uni- insurance companies. Give me a venal favorite, and one of his call.-E. L Kuratll hi! littlS mo1"r. w!SoiivedbacCk Sltlutli inMiswuri. Bronaugh made a ff 'MinT tnp back to see her in Septem- J mn c,rcu,t In-r and October of 1912. Every un few weeks Bronaugh slipped a Chris Peterson and family little money order into the mails have moved back to their farm for the mother, and when times on Jolly Plaina, after an extend tiuhtened ud in the Northwest i residence at Forest Grove. it was his regret that he had to . . . , , c hisel down on his usual remit- 4 M": Andrew wngf t.n(. ter. Um Hettie, visited with Mr. r. L i -f mnA Un P. EL Cornelius, on the uronauKn was mcmiwr wi 7: . r . . ... 4fc.: the Loyal Order of Uoose. being ,Hrtrampf ranch, Leisy ville. the one of the charter members. I If U ati nrflintv sinrl hill Cm mUi WlmtAmaA ltmtn I III KVni fSMtuuistft vssmi wi rW NNVi W sivibwiii mother will receive a check for talh calve,' for service Fall 'of ... 1 . I . . . n . f 1114 riinerai evDenses. When the word wu orougni EEOIOH--- CIBSEO O a Two Pkyslciaas Atteste4 to smI DispMlag Mlalef MS. IAILEY ADO W0C9 IXiCX3 Cast U Is Haeis ef JwJte CsshvMI mi Briefs w ke SslealileJ The contest against the laat will and testament of the pioneer, I the late Wm. & Kaie. of Forest Grove, ended in the circuit court last Friday evening after three data session before Judge J. U.I CampbelL Mrs. Gebbie, the com-1 plainant had several witnesses on the stand who testified that! they believed Mr. Kane unfit mentally to dispose of his prop erty on Sept 6 1914. The defense. F. T. Kane. I brought numespua witnesses who testified that although Ur. Kanej hmA failed nhvaieallv tfcev THlt a St Mm. A I iveiy Deiieveo mm ot, menuiiy, to dispose or nts propeny. ana that he would not be influenced in any manner to dieaoas of It contrary to his beat conscience I and dehherate iudsmcnt. The defense sprung some lm-1 portant evidence when it die-1 i mm! th fact that Dr. S A Railov and l)e. W n nd had amint th tMtatae thm mora. ing of the day the deed sad will were drawn and siamed and they had pronounced him entirely I capable. The physicians had been asked to examine Ur. Kane I because Mrs. Gebbie had made I some talk of asking for the tp- mintmeiit af a smantian. E. B. Tongue testified that ne I SAFETY: Your money is!safer in the bank than in gvour etk drawer. , i I PPPTTinV' Vni nratiil. in knalfiAM im ' J Mtl K being able to give a bank reference, DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often -tained. if you have a commercial bank account CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of psyiej biils by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid. There are only a few advantages of a bank account; mm ia :and see us and we will tell yoa more. American NqUcxiqI Ccnll victims that he sunstitutea a brirquet already made, through (''switching." , Mmtaenny. m wit i.i ... aiiMniw si irauu. .mere wa mrm""r "lt.M and says that ha can produce the iitoude. si . st aa jasasaaw warm ub Kinukenny will have a chance to show thathtaiirocesswaorisa unr. . . t is known in JT i . m, ikAusand dm- larsoutof Hlltebowloeaah. but it must have cost nun aii w a. mm.m kia niuknn awn a.ssv vw" 'TrfJZr' m.ther or lie iwica urvr , tint he made any money ou . the d-l is not fcnowo. ivi . ..,skAMiiiAai avsw in ww mmi ington claim he wu endeavoring to sell patent riS" siaiesano nwa " r..i ful the deal wouia V,m-- him a quarter of million ow-. - PAIR ACKE3$SU pall 01 1 . . .. . . . WlThdt Goetze. '6mZ 5. fi fW Route 2. Cornell- ."r." W"f"K to HilUboro there M universal I u. Telephone. 32-4 AXT- Kreiua,L?.fMtmh Albert Foord. who works for deed andwiH in question in the "V c?. " uTl u.-i rjZ the O. W. K. .. at umatiiia, face ot an dvef cieannK r '.. . i . .""v... . "JTi ..1 wu here last wees YESS.lVEDUEITnSO! One r.SHon Bond feel cf Good brier ' A stock of . lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry tsaay large dimension timbers, and can save yon the ptxr of special sawing. When you want lumber, prcr" don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment You caudoabclf&r less with this company. lamer boys of his classes clearing ud two acres ef are the Pel KbH round so as to hsvea always extended to charity and tkT irtioi the " TZZl f SrilSSW htn "is Purse waa tooofUw ewH gagsucSW of Banks, fres of, TS-TcVera nTliof. While U-sJJJ SsT enti" three acres, when aMon tor a That he met Thos. Talbot of w .111 viva them o n. m hnm he worked genwenii cearoi iwmp v ,, a ,t enough room for a baseball field. PUBLIC SALE west ot liiilsboro,'Bi iw . SATUUDAY. OCTOBER W the lust make a ot the week, ne win ..Mvdr ramnaiiin lor tii Kan homeatesn.4 Kainif daadad to the ItSTfcXl Hvad wUh the Old here he met Thos. Talbot or f dunngthe laat M Cornelius, ior wnom nc w. - ( hta ,lfe llM w,u men over a years ago, on the secUoo UrL 9, daughter. out wi I acres, ana un grBnui. nn fvym I xr ... jif KaBSL S3I U0S Kemp r w- -h, u v. "T wl near Keedviiie, sionamy. acres, logemer w(i 1 savs the potato yieia ia not wrxc egacies. . . . 1 Main St and P. R. & M. Ry. Co'a. Trttb. cleaning up w. '"I M'wr', McCourt Port, season, and expects w - a..r, .01 m--.- - - r.j'.Vnas. W N. Earrett .a. ..AB uihan Hiiiai iici l. am rtoienrH au iivwivh vaeaf atmaiii uim. a ibiiiu. saiiu avwa " . . - rruir. man ever " iresn . !.. j.!"" ... 1 :"ivi. t- -.-aa hat t&e year roll-around. , For aale: House, ana wr 1 '"'.LSmiTk cooler. 8D- vJr. "7" r.i "5. vised share and share alike, - arvs in a -. 1 1 . : 1 1 Aans1 prmHi miisa vwsae w 1 s t . as'rsasinfi 1 all ne louin HilUboro. Kd Scotch f "'" fro If for cleared acreage, uouo u -90W9, RrtJf mare, a-wl -H. Jaibman. Hillsboro. Ore. Chaa.C.SUmper. of Brighton .. a .i.M In Southeut Hillsboro, was sold at m tfta aao a fraction going to I . .! t fAVS7.Cnl.lll The seven acre tr?,Bold S? .l.. 11. 1. i tWnk r&. rot t'hn aaAnnd morbragee. who also bought in ih f rsw5l lot, three in number, for pp. wier & Frank stUl held thmr second .. m k main neooenji .nri man hn in the mtia tract Hurry. . " : ' ijkA. mac I with 10a . IS ?PBre. w r 11 ifiso: heavy farm inmi'. . . j 1 w. - HWIV k .ill ahall ho ncsst tad . k...u rimiuii wi -- r- . - - 1 ii- k. ana idubv. u. , nc. j 1 -. af - " . ... ... rw n. SUmoer. of Brighton " - MeCormick mower. Deer- tna m.nT w- -- Togue Jr. feel, eertain w w- Reach Tllamook County, ana -j" g.ft cut; lT-tooth There will oe medical Mtsmnaum w S!S.Jte Stamper, of Beaverton. Ln? haww-drag harrow, 2 the German Speaking Society ficenU and that they will wta Jeanetw dvi "".. Thnr.. spring nrw''u'"-. .uul!V .kln:.k.i Suahauer home. I.k -T.. Rrlfa will be sub- were united in m -vr : u-inch steel au. is .- -,--v ' .(..miwiii iicL. 1 . u..a mimvaitir. inn anu iiaii . 1 ihillcu .k.n t 1 ha eir- "".." . v. 1 ... Nortn ruuns nu, Hon. J. t(. cainpw". Lunch ai noon. , ip. ;z'"LZ.n mnm. euit court offlciaUng. Terms of sale10 and unoer. Sunday. ovw - 1 . p. and l. B. at B. e. Farmer-1 rash: over, on yu -" m'vi - . ill&MfO Auto Livery Feed end ficcrina Steble Fricea CwasonsibU DA1T AND MIGHT 5EDVICS 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176 aea m r raiiuvi uvcie w . Han vuu su 1 - A o as . saiiL 1 - a E. u rw n-, f- Monrv Behrmann. Owner. -v- . that potatoei cial Bidg.,ninw. r.ri lfahl and Gerhard boeue, .C!l!-L -d And. Bendler, of No" h Tualitin Plains, were in town Saturuay. Monrv Behrmann, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer F.H. Sholes, Clerk. For Sale or Trade John Oppenlander. of Varley. .... ,Mn..rtintf business in tne www I aavai - J . ti. .m Kaa taVimiaiiiM aisriLrisz. uiu B)aw wa 1 urday. ne a-v- - ;r:Vf; .l are of one quamy v.. r'mSu-d . M J ST J"sCSSa iw r.;;Tnun:.....:ra t. . harvesiea oi ;..i;sn. Tealn 7J3 1 from less ir.n aTw'j:- tv.i 10.C2 a. m. Urs. 0. A. Cook, of Cornelius, Grove4'rain....l2X3 p. sa. S a a UaSHSMiaU MVUna B v M aa. ikaN W 4 or I J7mA 111 lOWn Gsmwuiv- st. .ot i::3tik MMWa.OrHa r saw r J asssf CffT,,7r r . ' . . J-l k. .Im SIMM af St. MafT. Tiri i.a- . Caw4 .7,TA.H.hWW .UMtad la tht healthful TwUtl. Vrfhy. oaly IS vZ'tnm PortU - the fttoatmar. Padae eat J52Bafc rfWa, 0ae.l High Bcbaot Coar da t Hut ttito. Thoae who wUh to prtpam ww I I m Taaeam Tralaiaa Coatat ampif eqatepto T ZZ li. aam.wai s a a a zis a aaai a . vm ii. bbw-. . . (i. ikia aMiaas. aaewwaa 1 bbbtisbib ibm a - - t 7 1 HnuinnviuH a rmi 11 ' bf ..ta 1 era mil nvn tau vnmw w " .... At IX) lr wi "'J'Vm :ii k. kamsM. UsslllW. "-u i.liln a w" " - . .7" . i ..MitU. for thoriMaa bMirsu3 waiamaa mwh"""-' . a - M p nL aw ai a s iwniMi at w irei aaaww s uiMfle a .mva a rain . awa aawaasi .a a .aMiikaiMMi. iMiviaiwasi vuiiiaww- - - citt the last of the wees. N. ft . a mf ewawi Octtai cm a at a w liira i n . m awnnnv i 1 1 aa nwr v o iyw a a.s uavastai waaiii awn 111 a r a . sn a v - & . . ar aakakakamaM na ..iw. bvbbbt by jiauidaunx B-mWA; Geo. W. fr- ITT' hed- small houses; 63.cwi 5. ana awn "'7'"-" McMinnvme nain 1 eaFrf WBr7J3i equity, and thus pttt their B k WMi county seat caller slashed, wna 1 h j Uoa to remain Gr0Te xitln 9X3 p. m. I HiufamaUQ., or pro.pct Addr C 1 ownequlty. Inesss IsSurda Se lfoOO fence poato; near through the Winter. From Portland L- doneMr. UeDevitt eopi" M wd Mrs. H. M. - creek I county mail road t n, cordwood, poles up to 12 Eune Train arrivea..-8:lS . rutt inchea-ir .diameter, en rail innville ..A 01 me piace, . , Tiio SWc Savings Bank 1. an Old MtobU Inttttutlon with J lourct of owr 0300,000.00 If yoa are noUamtlUr whh banking etfn give you any Information desired. AU business strictly counts o! Women and Child ' . r.jen solicited on OaYlnrfi Deposit. 1 . in; Dinc wa DoaruB r-r; 1 roresi urov near town. . aoo- . --MSTOvewou..a rprwj uivt Argus, Hilisooro. - the ewun shenuw icail on mc. v-. .T ;lc-'nnJr,u' Ira phone, uty w Forest urove Tualatin Hotek,- Forest Grove Congressman wus u uw-iMc Minn vine MISS LUCK COMPUSIENTCD U . .3:15 p. n. I ..OD.O. ..feOa. O.I ..7.lSa bu ...CDO. d. 02:13 ia. . naetvwas eJtir. FSTT Jl u t fat " 1 1 1 lf.. ' .n on f at TSM C w twV of E?fcl.t. ley. ot .I nr" Usii-5 W..oTtJi I-s felin, ucwuer , . . I atitnents tn tnia vicwm 1 and rir airwjui, - Miss Ida luck, a Mr. Hawley has wore- streets and at ienw iww ta. 1'Bt a ura inv Baua las at sieiwi a . a juiaiat ersaw amiiu , waa . Wat6hG3 Buy your Watches from Itoita. It. no dirjrezce what you pay you caa pt i: ' a, have then from $i.oa to $125.00. Lsr tn t 2 the prices. . ' , - Waltham make, 16 site, ia tlritl ctrs, Is03 Elgin 7 Jewels, in nickel cass, pice 5;S 4-U nictfl cm fir nsiiuau J-"--l Hamilton 17 jewel, 18 size cvernt Hamilton 17 Jewel, t6 siza coveraut Sonth. The W I this district for a number Steam Service. .Old De?ct beent requested bring ttsir d appeorato haye a To Portland .kiwiaa and on their arrival 1 . .u. jut u taHai . .. commenced the making of dn- tbat heisnuking a ?- JPoetland ty .1WL-mt to every .part of wtnej. m Train...... 9:12 a. m. IllirintT IMWnuwMw.w.r ." a 1 A fthfit it KMCfl Gim avir-i-- ... stitl. " . Ll.L IBIaM I.BUBaTlBUlU VtBiwaw - w I W K Dnaalal etStA Sir I.ZaErUI story conteetj mwn,-- tween seaaiona I .T'iidl sua YiPiTta sail us utm uiwu . 1 saw ..ini aJa aaaa aiwws 1 .--ZnL At aix o'clock a Dr. Ira E. Barrett, coroner, v A ga,, only. SSnSlScheo twSXserVCe? Thel Md Dr. B. M. w! wl - Fort 11 iSmade a pretty of death. JM iuJ to , D. PD. 4 Fir Csw. A.McGUl.Pres.' A. C. Chute, Vice-Pre. W. Mahon.Cash. u; V. Berceu. Asst. with iucenlerplewor a ex f white Diossotna, -t;fc,; aMdaV to ascerUin " rwu"u ' hnW Of WniW WIW. .a-- - ruw.-. ---'.u - anvl . ?.w8Sa:,M:ith lh.a "normal with tt. except, th. week. . recipwT. '": Ta,u:fc. -7,5 the stomach, and tnai . . .k.r.. tttenttls. J"1""".:."' T.irr: ntomalnes -jrr- All other grades and cakes cfc can be bought elsewhere. Cone lu ar j you what can be had for such a li:t.s r.- '.' - '. -X " ' : . . ItfOM II , 1 'V 9 ta ptomainea John K. B BM V . " Cashier riiMita. The guta wen r5" cko - 'Btaw mTTB BHra a . a.Bii 1; . - - t eu;ty "tt 'sis j conUSning advice igt w i