BEAVERT0N-REEDVILL1 ACREAGE Is the Finest Suburban Tract within a radius of 10 miles of Portland, with np-todate car service A "Home" Section Buy a Small Tract here and give yourself elbow room. You can buy an acre here as cheap as a lot in a small town and still have all town facilities. Rapid Transit Will get yon to town in short er time than cars from Port land's other suburbs. :Why not spend your declining years in this Garden Spot? SHAW-FEAR COUPAHY I02 fourth Street Portland, Oregon Best Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros., The Reedville Store WITH AISPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Reedville, Oregon ianoiill Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum- , ber of all Kinds. Mill 1 miles from B. P. - - Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. f i : Lumber delivered to North Plains A. LIcCIJMSEY Ccrc!:3, Ore., Route I ' For Sale Efcht lull-blooded White Uinorca hens. Fin lay era. Willard Tupper. Hillaboro. Thot, Talbot of Cornelias, in th city Monday, on busi at the herilTs office. For Sale Five-paswnirrr tour IPC ear. for $330. In rood con dition. Wilkes Auto Garage. lira. W. A. Kowen. of Rock- wood, was in town the last of the week, the euest of her sis ter, Mrs. Thoa. Etirick. Janitor Tupper is more than busy these days, with the great mass of leave on the court yard. As rapidly as he cets thorn cleaned he has another offering from old Father Autumn. Four Portlanders. enroute to Tillamook or the Nehalem, came out in an auto, the last of the week, and just as they entered the city ot Lornelius. cut a "pigeon winir" and the machine turned turtle, in front of the Iros. laiDot home, two were rendered hors du combat for the minute, while the other two were just scratched up a little. One fellow, who was bleeding at the nose bewailed the loss of his pipe, while another congratu lated himself that his quart bot tie of frumenti was not broken. The machine was practically wreck, out strange to say a jug of booze was not broken. The machine was brought back to Hillaboro by a garage man for repairs, and when the quartet came to the county seat they were interned uutil they grew sober. Km InAw T radar The Mtlr of India la aea trmW. no too rrupuloos, aod'tlue basina Mi a null margin. It la aald that be Malla foods ao clos that hia profit la sad by aatnnf th packlojt to. Na tlTae btvwna laotllorvla by tbe purchase of a pUoo ablpplna " Thla would be dirUvd tato two ownpartiwDta by baud. To tows section would ba rented for a few ceots a mouth to tdmamitb; tba upper leased to dhur fle or native ablrt maker, vblle on top a cap merchant displayed bla wares. Incomes are to small that toe uU- rklual who owns a "bubble bubble" of water pipe baa several robber tubes connected with It, and for a Mplcc." onc-tsteith of a rent allows patrooa to hart one puff. I mention these farts to re a real glimpse of romll- tloos. Despite this. I know this mar ket worthy of our best efforta.-V. EL Anghtabaost tn Leslie's. Greased the Whssle. Some years ago an American bast- man. Wishing to get frelitht through a BossUn port, approacbVd the government agvut with a request for eipedttlon. Ue waa told denrery might ba ma d in some weeks. The Amer ican protected that he man bnr those goods Immediately. . "liars a cigar." said the niusiaa offl- eta I. pushing a box toward the Amer ican and leaving the room. Thu Amor- lean opened the box, found It empty and dropped In fifty ruble. The Rns slsn came back, looked at the box. pushed It toward the rlxltor and, as ha again left the room, remarked, "Hare another cigar." The American dropped fifty more ru bles In the box. Tbe Russtun official returned, looked at the clitnr box and polltelf remarked. "Tour goods will be dellrered tomorrow, sir." Wall Street OREGON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland- 6:32 18 8:28 9:58 12:43. 3:58 5:43 8:10. 9:t (Sat only) From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54..... 9:20 Il?2r5 e 2:05 4:27 6:25 7:13 9:12 (Sat. only)... 12:25 55 minutes. am a m a m -.. am p m p.m pm pm -pm aoTtca or aamrr-a aa&a ow romxcioavas. Notice ( Krby slvee that slrts f n eterutloev o,tv nt ertkr f aal. teaued out ef an4 titular le eei t the Circuit tVert vt Ih. ttlai vl tfecu tot vahin(t.. Hity an n !.aj 0 t Srt-rr. HI J. in cu therein aita herein Jm H MrlarvtU i lltilirr. ae.1 ivu Huuatom Ivila U Hnu.K. H'trt K tUrbteua. Lucy K HarMao l4 Meiet tYattk CuMtaaa. a wjuiun. are leferutanta. aa4 heeln juditfm-nl rvklwKl In ravor of the pla niiff enJ afalnet Iks dvren.taata, li,l U M.i Ion. tvlla U lluuon. Hohwt K. H Maoa aa! I.u-y K HdirbtKXt f-r t . villi lnirt Ihi'a fr, !th day of May, ai n ratr of t rr m annum, an l t Hir lhar ;im of I4tk iiimiwi i f. ' ih ioi or aaU jil.intifr ih. . ml al an4 hrm a Ju.Um-nl rdvr4 la favor of I ha o,iaUitt. Unrt t Frank. Cunthany. a corivrati.-n. anj aaainat I ha datomUaia, KloH K Hrtu and Lucy V, llartiuoa. t't wifa. for h sum f $( ee, with In terval lharroa at the rata of r coat par annum from ana nfir iinibat lltn. U. anl Ih futihor nm u( t:je atlornoy a fra, hu-h aalit il lo aw dtravlej aiij dvlirrl. tm- amiMiaa aw to maka nalo of ih ml nrotatrly horainartar uVorrttwl la Milvt o oaiiarr ins Horlnbror mium uki and tha coals and n-uca ot Mid Mil anu or aaid writ. Jow. thorator. I will on .ilur,ly ilia UiM day of lVtolr. H al Ih hour of II o'clock A. M. otaid ilay al tha a,Him door of th iouil liouw wl WaahttiKUHl (."ounty. lrro. In llllla- ooro. vron. II at puNic auviiua lo tha hiahoat bl.kter for raah In hand, all of tha follow Ina bounded and il-.rtll real roiKrly. atloaia In Washington vouniy, urvsoo, lo-wtt: mm Tract, ommacin at tba aouthMat rurnat of Ih iKMiaiioa l.and Claim ot W. Mm '" and wifa la Hwiion IT I A. It 3 W Wtllaawlle UvriUian. ai4 runntna th4ic wat on ilia aouth Ima of .J claim I1H rha.; lhm- n.tflh ci. to tha aouth tin of ln in Iho norih half ot ltl.H-k U uf SimnuMia' AJ.lMl.m lo tha town of llillalwro; tnmua ui i cha. to Ih enir of ll ally run mn north and aoutn in lU-ik l of aaid ailduioa to said town: thm.- north to railroad trat rlit of y. lho. aaiward with tha id right of way lo tit waal Una of Ih lind CUim of M. Moor and wife; inu ouih lo lit lUc or b.niilns. ton-Uiiuna- II arras, niur or It... And alao rommwini at a point It fwt a.t of Ihs northaaat cornor of Lot In liloik I? la aimntoua' Addition to Ih tlly ot llillnl'oro, and running ihenr f rat 10 a point SI ft wl of lit nwihwral corner of Lot T. In aaid Work 11. thenr ouih to a point In IDs cnler of alail tro aa said aireM aiia(a upon th plat of fcUmniott' Addition to I lie til) of llillnboro. aa tha nam la rei-urded on paaa 3 ,f I took -H- of Itecord of leda for said County: thwir aoal with aniil tvnter U fW; thetir north to Ih piac of beginning And alao all of Ma numherad Four til. riy lit and Kix () of and In Ulock Number 8iio IU) of Mtmmoni' A-Milloa lo th lown (now city) or IIMUhoro. nrrgon. Beeead Tract. IVginnln at Ilia aoulheaal mnui of th WheeliK-k Hlmmoua Itunatlon l.n.1 Claim Wlilcn Is aa Iron pipe ltKha ih diauieler 4 f long trum whicb Ih tump of th oak bearing Ire marWad In official aurvey No. t; by J. c. Hall. County t)ureyur. in lug, bears N. l i. ir tut I7S llnka. and running seat en I ha aouth Una of aaid cUihl laid oul In aaid survey No. ;. IJ.:j chains to a cdnr tenia pott with an Iron bar 1 Sr Inchea by I Inch by II inrhea driven beside II; thence M. 1- ir I. e.l rhalna to an iron rod eat m tha dllch; thence Kaet lilt rhain i an Iron pip 1 1, tnchea dumeier on Ih t line of the Mli-hart W.Kre l. L. C tht-n.- K. lrg. 17" W. i ll rhalna lo th plac of beginmuB, containing T l ac-ree, ntor or Ire, and alao al! of lota 4, 4 and of lllock 17 of and la Hlmmona A.Willnn lo tha tuern urn city t or la tae Cit Court f Ik el tVesoa f autliNW w-" i (Wear Prune. ' - Urn llalvere., rtalalitt. . u i, - h . I. sr. wiikv I rt. r J tiesaiL War A KaJL. K. VI tailing n mnty i'" CMiwaallwai aia all Bf b-U. oent l ik )M.I.iiIiw i'"i, ,T(M IttK eaia. He lalere-t I the herein, IVetxIeala. i To TkMna la. .. m -" an :el dateexlantK I. ih ,i it, of tit Stale al tWw,v , mi ! .re bit rr-iuire.1 to apwar al a"e j tne "i piai nl against m Iw : ,.ie w.tit ! auit ow r lr l l"l; ee Irutu the dal nl the urn ! iuiin tai uiiMMa, and II h I d la d ll api-ir UeHtll'el Court ft " l H P'aTa s i,i i.;iuiitf' n plaint. hi-a) h tew blnl w Uh he clatk l I t lilexl rourt. low it. korsoae-reatquletlna lltle In tha plain irtt lo tbe hallo ing dewtlbed I! prop- j 1 A brt or in lmiiuj lana v m. iame rUrkerln fei-tm one III. ! ,l,i. nue il) -.ulS. Kaao (l, of M uiatiiMW Jaenoian, aii w .rulaily de-nl4 aa KilUiw. W wll; l iiliiumg at a ton ou th wmlh lin of a tiliy .-! tfx t aold Ivy Jawea lUiker to lame k Kelly, Ih aa betng the N.nUiaaat Kirnetol alllty a'( f a oieiua Ui A II. JohnanH In th alral4 livt I'laitu; IhiMMW " tl .it, Hi linevl aaid keiiy tr.-t linka lo a i.k' u liie iMHth lli id tbe t'uuult .Mill; then north M lg. eaal I 77 rtl"' Wi a atone; lb am etiig to NMlel Autterof the aaid Kelly liect on the north tin of Ih CiaHHir rm.1; lhee eaal I.Wliih u Ihe veal jiu ol f Kftr liajCeralroiii'a land than.- auula ti-ut1 chain to a etaa on lb uiulh 11 u o aetd IKinathMi I -an 'I Claim: Ibenr weal 4 halm u lhHmtth4 trur of eawd A II Jobnaon Irai lj lhn .North Al chain 10 111 place of beginning, iluatl in naahingUitl County, Hlal nf tKg.M iMIilalniug .l I .', of laU'l, lwr ol la " Ami that full h decr-e.1 by lb onirt tn bat ho figlil, till. Inieieat, feUleiii lieu in or Ulan) uf la aaid pmparty, ol lliat ih piatuduV be de,ffwd I'T the court to tuwuerln le einipl nl '! pnn-miy Irr and rletr ol all aeere rla.lne b an of be deiicUta herein, that you b Kii r baited, raatralnad and erj lined Iron claiming of afling any rigol llllenl Interael In or W the real pFn,fif atmt davrtili thai lb pllilll!la' ho b otbaf ut fttllhaf fll I lhat ilMOouit luai deem juat anal fiiiiianie. I'hi auniiimni i, n iilihal by srtlar al llonorahi tiuirg It. Hagley, Jualg of th aiHiv awirt, ahii-li rlr ol pilSil.-ailnu leilaied lb th day nf Itrp tainh. r. lull, and direr Ihl uuintoie lo I pul.ualie.1 oiH-e a eek lor a pwlod o( an i-on wuilve aeeli. Kleolhral nuldlewtkik hepteatiber t li. 1 nf laal pulilwall.m (Mober 31 . Ill Col . tow, AlUireja(of I'laliililta' BL'MMONS nil, i la Ih Circuit Court of the Stat f ur.gun for Waehlnstu ''niaty. iay fvrti, riaindS, Wl!:ini SHI, IxifaoJ ! Hililaiu rwoti adoi uw.l A. fMKiant, lireetlng ! In tha iiamo tba Ktat ullinfm y,m ai liT,,y rvt)Ulrel I., af and naa ii.a c,iii.iaii.l filed egutial you In the al. euul.ed un or layfur I'n.lar. tlief' b day of, eblrh mii il la tit weela and niur Irora and arter lllura.Uy, lb IXUi day ol nepiemlier. I'Jli. Uia due of ih Orel pubitrwiio ol llila huniUHiiii. and If you lail lo u IH-ar and i,ii.f the fiaintllt h.rwai.l tue aof win j,,,iy loiha lour! for th relief prayed u ,u b,, ui ii r a Ot.T it... i nig m, L.nila of malrlnumy hrrruir,.ce and iing b wu you and lb (..annul ami lor auh utiief and lurther rwtiel aa paruitt lo ulty. 1 l,la .111111,11,., la . . 1 1 1 -1. , . . UI - llllleborn, liregon. lyin aouihiof an .... .il.. ...... of th. Mouth.rn 1-aclficT Ihiilro..; ..y ih. . T aLVT" ." That aaid pro,rty wi I o. w .. ' Von .u'ur" to" th obtnin.d therefrom artlie.l Citcini t Wl ol the h.- .'.i ,.zUZ . . nc with th docre In a.tid : the Cuuiil of w aahinai... ....i .T-.i... cauae, and aa f.. I Iowa; u,f u, laat uul.liraii,,.. ,.t i'i... . 7 Th proceed olilulne.1 from Ih. a.i'l, n,. .,. . . " ' ' of Ih. f.ret tNircsl of land h.rabeii I U'U ' ' " " particularly de:rit.l will ba Rl liarilw.n.atbirnee fe l-l.i1; ., ." ,he !""" ""lo plain. '"1 fliainler of t ui mrKt) HajiM,,,-' I t.rr of Hie eeveral aunia of money doe ' I'on.aiid. Urreou. "" uiilo th plamiiff aa hrinlwfor .t I I lorwi; court, tu law pro- -a m ..a m -a m - p m .pm p m .p m a m NOTICE Of FINAL ACCOUNT. Eatata of Owen Kpplny, T)ncattil. No tin la lieiehy itivnn IhaL tha molar iCiirvt ciemtrli of thneaUUi of Ownn Kppley. Ii rilexl her final urn, tint tn aald eaUt with tha tllerk of tha n.n.n. court of Ik Hints of OrKrm lor Waili- Itigton tMinty, anil that th Judge of aiu nan appointed MomUy, Ihn iGol day of Noyeir.Ur. 11115, at 10 o'clock In the forenwm of raid day aa lit timn for bearing objection, to aahl Hnal eoant and the soUleineiit thereof. ah nsira, firiHiitorN ur other imrHon. In tersatad In aaid aetata nra .,.,, .i mj uis ineir ot.Jm-lloim to tnnl e,uie are wireby requlrad to tile thnirol.Jm tiona to aald final amount in aald i Unrt i h J. i e he aatd time aiipointmi -- nari,, i,ofi an me Dated at HillKhoni. n.anr n.i. m u , .7. . , " ' 1 iolii uy ui vtwiuer, t:ia Mm i fcppley, Kx!iitfi of the Km atataofOwmi Kppley, Dnrmaed rirai ptiiilittttluit Uittohor Zi. 11)15 IasI publication Nonmir 18. !l5, latlourettr A ljlirvii l, r .. Eseeutna. , Kecond. to th. nnvmeni nm,. th. fend.ttit af.ier A frank Conuynv or n,. Mivcral aunia of money una unto the aid defmi.tant aa hrretnliefar act forth, and that any lialaiic. If .wrli ti,,r lie. iw to in ciera or aaul iio dietrlbuted by him aa by Vliled. That the pnx-eeda oblalnetl from th. mil of the oni parcel of land hi re- innerura particu nr v d.. ni.i ..u i I'lilied a follnwa: Klret. to th payment of th. i eiinia of nnmry .ln Unlo Ih ilr.ii,,iiu leier A Frank CMinnanv. a ran.,,. a tierviiitwlora ant forth; ' iwc-omi. ami that the real due there from. If any there In-, be i.m.l ti.. lerk of aiiid ,,, ( Im, dih..r...i - y law provlihxl. Hnld an la will bo mail mil,Jrt t r.. lemptlon per th ii,ii,.. of tl.a man) Ol i irpgnn. 1'ated thlH KeplemlK-r JJ, 1IU, , . J- II MK V KM, .Sheriff of WaehfnKlon Coimiy, ( it-.. ,."y C 'M't'l'K-Un, lH.ay. William (J. llare, Allonmy for I'luiotiff Ja.h A lluhey, Allnrney fut iH-ruuil ant Miili,r A I'rank Company, e Cor- poratlon. SIMMONS, aoVaaaat.J3 Insures Full Milk Pail Cow Rive inn milk and make rntlkine viler and enwr M.k.. .. j bothM and flitlrn liv n. V. I.-.. uVlr d.Mrm by epiaymg them wuh Conkey'a Ry Knocker Cmii not i.itnl milltandi;lynicowlhr rear e ana comluit lliat mwrc a lull milk pad Kccpi Flies Away' From Cattle and Hones One ounct ipt,iy ro aniniili Sam In ih circuit court of th mat f Oregon fir th County of Waanlnetu. J.iaephlii C Oakley, J'!,inliir. I John Henri ,k!ry, Irfad.ol. f.i J.-hn Henry Uakley. h,enda.n In the name of th Stat 0f Oreiron . i """'I'-"' a.,,. 7 ' l"-oi liimi aghiiMl you i-V. ;r . . v . . ''"'' '"'"re it.. . . L r """"' "f. "". that Hal. Win, u week in,,,, iho ilt pldi.wti "'. " '" ami li nil lail Ui iaioeai .... ..,riai inn plan ,( ,ii app.y i.i lim .m ,, lh , ; I raved lor I.I....1 - . - . . . . " " " mariieg. conirai ,1 I... .. . T ' K'MMmUol , mni'iiajely of Ihn le. u 'I-"- Juet ..( H.o.u,,," r by imi.ii,.lm , .,.; , "' '" "'I"..ra., U I!.!, i . ol , mllw ,. ' yi ....h punaca , u Argu. , A-ftM, l,...pip,.r p.,,,1,,,,,,1 .j tul,. ". Or-.,.. . w, ,r ,,V r n..ka, the ! ,,dhb.M lime, tot rt.iwn ptoltti. "MONEY'f The Mint makes it and under (he lerma of the COSITINENTAt, itlORT'lAOK Co, Vou call secure it at 6 per c-ent. for a..n' lees pnrposs on approved real catal TanniM.. ...1 ... - .....aami gi yi,nr Waill Slid W win oo operate with ton PETTY COMPANY 136 Denham Bldf Denver. Colo. Patterson Undertaking Company O. A. Patteraon. Mar. Fours ai, Dirktoas ano Kmbalmrbs Free Charjcla Lad Aaai.tnt Over Hillaboro Pnniltnre AV IM. ri. Night and Snadsy Phone Main 177.' Day' Try It 15 Day. Money Back If Not Satitfactorv Try a c.n torlJV, r. it. .. 3 K,n, af.w :iir :m aviir A. J. HARTRAMPT Hillaboro . . irM- LOOK! THE HILLSDORO CAPITAL 050.000 SURPLUS nd PlXOriTS 025.000 An t!!, fc tuJ ruaaervativc tmuV lv.ttcl in the? llitUboro Comtnrrridl Wtkj :k , S. V. ftr or r Main and Sectn. mrtxts. llillsjroro Commercial Hank. I Hoffman's Sapmill U Ming fruin the bcM timber n Wnshitigtuu ctmnty. The finctt Rough and Dre.rcI Lumber KILN DRIIil) I-I.(K)RINr. and RUSTIC alwaya on hand. Krtimatc hq IltiiUiua?. IIiHiriof, Rustic, Ceil inn -all kimla of finiahed lumUr ftr Iioum: material. We deliver. rhotw: IV. Swiea. Gleocoe Central, 3; PHTER HOrFMAN, Cacona. Oregon We Want Everybody to la Tint wc vill. kenning al once, give Cah Kcicr rrcciju with every cah wle, sh.minjj amutitit of lair, date and ho i he wle. We will aak you to keep these rcce iU a we are going to give luck to uttr rash cuttoniera one day ' cash Mica each month. We will select one day each nmnth anJ vrillannoancc in our win dow on the 5th day of each month the date we have selected, and then all yon ill have to do . Mc over your Cash KeKtMcr receipt from us and see if yon h.ic any uarinn that date, if you have Jiiit hnug 4hcnt to tu and we will refoud your money. There is no trick to tbi Vaught Grocery Co. Second Street Main iu Hlllsboro, tC3 e 1 1 tc WMiTLYriZPar et WOO CLA-TOMTU: soiai,y ( The Hillsboro PhormcC mm 1 1 A a a. SiCQSO STREET Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Capable Wvricrjieu Baths iu conncctiou, and a Fine Shower Rath Newly Furnished Shop. A trial wiirlease vou. JAMES ANDERSON, Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro. With every cash pur chase of $1.00,1 will ivc a ticket ou pre m nnn,f 2rpiecg aium. in u m set. E.I. DONELSON Furniture Store 1 Pacific States UneCotutmnv. 1 .... . Z u, r ...csrrfiitipty I' , John Vanderwal Wi vlOCKty T)F ,Ht 0)t ya ) JUDae 1 aa. . - .a. vm mw lajtaaa . e- a 1 MH1 TNI U ToaaeVa; 1 I TM" 9WKKtBAaT leal-Jl "' L lawMws. "thi o.r:o 'ifteieai A new hred SK your dealer for W-BCT I nniiiL - w. . Keal Tobacco Gh3"- I 'i llMtll.t ' li e ww aaaia 77J , , .rt