The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 21, 1915, Image 2

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    mlisaoRd Aitocs norad oetoki li
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tfca Fw iS at EUiaao
U. A. 1AJNO. Mltav.
County Official Paper
daaanrtpUoa: flJU par a-oaum.
Uncle Sam has recognized
Caranxa, in conformity with the
suggestions of the A. B. C. con
tention. The rest should be EL
z. i '
New Jersey . went against
woman suffrage notwithstanding
Wilson came out for the measure.
It is whispered that Wilson's
bride-to-be it against suffrage.
This may explain the situation.
The county fair at Forest
Grove was well attended, and
the fact that it was the best yet
held in the county, as indicative
of what we can do in the way of
agriculture, horticulture and
stock raising, makes it more than
worth while.
mad tat KMtti&!r mAviw nt
SSc; considering the ran of 09
a .. a
neaa me aa ranee was unnoted
for. All the stuff was sold at
mod stronsf Driftl inform immh
choice light hogs are quoted at 7
to 7 10. medium 6 75 to 7, and
heavv at & 75 to S.
There was no radical change
in the sheep division this morn
ing, onlr a handful comint in the
market Prime lambs are quoted
at 7 to 7 15. ewes 4 to & and
Wethers 5 to 5 85,
Now that Washington County
has a state road and did not
know it we should make the
most of it and see that we have
one good thoroughfares through
the county. It costs us $6,000
Der year taxation to the state.
and let us at least try to get it
Weather made to order added
greatly to the success of the
Scholls Grange Fair. - Although
the exhibits were fewer in num
ber than preceding years, the
quality ranked very well on the
core cam.
Perhaps the greatest attrac
tions in the exhibit building were
the school booths, each of which
was praised very highly by N.
C. Maris, who judged.
Prof. Ralph Reynolds, of the
0. A. C, judged all the live
stock; Pro t. Larsen judged farm
products; Mrs. Dahlman. of the
O. A. C; judged canned fruits
and needlework, and R. H. Ureer,
of Hillsboro, judged poultry.
Mrs. Dahlman lectured to the
ladies Fiiday afternoon, and was
very interesting as well as help
ful and educational. She dem
onstrated to the audience the
proper care of the sick in the
home, and was very well re
ceived. Mr. Maris talked on
Grange work and its scope. Sev
eral musical numbers added to
the delight of the hearers. Prof.
Peck, in his lecture on phases of
Rural Landscape Gardening, de
lighted his audience. The illus
trations shown on the screen
were beautiful and greatly ap
preciated. Special mention is
deserved by Rev. M. M. Reid. of
Scholls, and his chorus choir,
which rendered two beairtiful
selections during the evening.
Saturdsy morning was devntd
to the discussion of vegetables,
especially the potato, by Prof.
Larsen, of O. A. C. and a short
address by M. S. Schrock. Chief
Deputy Dairy & Food Commis
sioner. The afternoon program
' was given over to a study of
corn by Prof. Larsen; a talk to
the boys and girls on "The Beau
ties ot the Farm." by Mr.
Schrock, and an addresson "War
and feace," by Dr. W. T. Fos
ter. of Reed Colleire. Portland
The Lad ies' Aid was there with
the proverbial "Scholls Dinner,"
which was enjoyed by many vis
itors, as well as home folks
No prizes were given, except
w me juveniles:
A pretty wedding was celebrated
at the home' of Jos. Cawse, of
North Tualatin Plains. October
2a 1915. when his daughter
Bortie was united in marriage to
Virtnr HaJawav. ftf Ranks. Kw.
Andrew tarnck ometating.
The groomsman was Leo ual-
away. Miss Agnes Maskentline
was the bridesmaid. The bride
was gowned in a blue traveling
suit and carried a bouquet of
Bride roses.
Thev will resida at Ranks, ami
be at home to their friends after
a wedding trio.
Those attending the ceremony
were: Jos. Cawrse, of Schieffelin;
D. Gala way. Banks; Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Galaway and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. R. L Mc
pherson and children. Banks;
Miss Edith Galaway. Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Milne, North
Plains; Atr. and Mr Jnhn
Cawrse and children. Schieffilin;
Miss Pearl 1 horn burgh. Leo Gal
away. Banks: John Milne. Mr.
and Mrs. J. L Cawrse, Miss
Adelaide Cawrse. Miss Agnes
AlaskenUine, North Plains.
Bride and orraom received
many beautiful presents.
R E Bateman has rMitrnnt aa
supervisor District 29. and Jas
West appointed to fill vacancy. ,
xseis Larsen will act as super
visor dunnsr absence of FA
Roy Moore appointed super
visor in District 31. vice Geo
Taylor resigned.
(Jerk 8 fees. Seotember. 1711..
70: Recorder's fees, same month.
A B Todd. W H Crahtree Jr
and Co Surveyor to view Rnarl
946. petition G Carpenter et al.
I L uenehel and John t Yiday
to view road 649. petition M J
enengo et aL Same to view
road 647.
The sum of 50 was mnm.
priated to L M Graham for the
Land Products Show.
Wm Schulmerich and A J Rnv
appointed viewers for road 648,
petition of Ambrose Schmidlin.
Mrs. Barbara Jane flnruiman
Brierly died at the home of her
aaugnier, Mrs. j. li. Garrett.
in Hillsboro, Oct. 18, 1915. She
was Dorn m Platte Co., Missouri.
Aug. 26. 1843. She was married
to Marshall M. Brierly, April 18,
185a. They moved to California
in ibo. ana from there to Ore
gon in 1886. The Biiriivino- ohi.
dren are Samuel Brierly. Walnut
Grove, Gal.; Geo. D. Brierly, of
..uinyon ity, ure.;Mrs. Annie
U. uarrett, wtfe.of J. H.Gar
rett, of the C. C. Store, Hillsbo
ro; airs, nose E. Boyce, of Hood
Kiver; Mrs. Beatrice Bowman,
of Portland, and Mrs. Eliza Bow-
man, of Kings Valley. She lost
son at South Bend, Wn., July
18. of this vear.
the funeral took place yester
day at two o'clock p. m., from
the uarrett residence.
, :
Receipts' for Monday are: Cat
tle. 1628; calves, 21; hogs, 3346;
iheep, 1045.
With the large run of 1600
head of cattle in the yards Mon
day, top 8 teen sprang . the mar-,
ket 15c.' Today's run was the
largest seen at North Portland
for soma time. Prime steers are
fcrinjinsr 6 75 to 7. cows 5 to
aw . m a aa .t
o u, ana oui;s o to .
A most enjoyable time was had
at the home of Mrs. Esther
Leisv. in Portland. RatiirHav
Oct 16, when all of her children
(except two sons. I. R and H
W., living in Idaho) together
witn her brother and ffrandph
dren came to honor her 79th
birthday. A banquet was spread
at noon and again at six, and a
delightful day was spent, and
one long to be rememhereil hv
me iamuy. ihose present were
Mesdames Esther Leisy, Edson
Marsh. Rhoda L. Catching, E.
Durkhalter: Messrs. and Mm.
dames W. A. Montiromerv. G. E.
nainorn, u. fc. Lisy. Uw eht
omeroy. j. k. Long. Douelas
Leisy, W. N. Hathorn. Clyde
WktSOn. Th(M. Honlnn Po
Leisy. Archie Montgomery, Lu-
cne ours nauer, taaot, Mildred
and Ml ton Watsnn. Helen mnA
Kathryn Long, Harold and Bes
sie Hatnorn and Alida Hen ton.
Mrs. Emily C. Bumn WM fnnnH
dead in bed at her kome in For
est Grove, this morning. She
was born in Indiana, in ijmi
and in 1847 came to Oregon with
ner parents, uarl Allen and wife.
settling near Corvaliis. She was
first married to J. E. Piimi
who Dassed awnv n fam
J mm M,TW aiO
aiier marnatre. in that
.... " uii ivii
two children survive, Mrs. J. N.
tionman and MissEmilv Pitman.
of Forest Groye. She was mar
ried tO Wilson Rnmn in
the husband dvintr in iqiq i uI
family moved to Forest (.rove 15
years atro. Ut Mr unA M
- m IMIOt
Bump the following children sur-
vive-u U. Mark and l).mil all
of forest Grove. MarK Bump
has practiced law here for many
Ihe funeral will toU l.
oaiuroay, from the home, at
James Cruikshank
Mary Anne Kirkness, of Farm-
ngion, were united in marriage
at the home of the groom, Octo
ber 14. 1915. Rev r. s ri:-
officiating. '
Wanted at once; Ymmi, mo
forautomobile business. Big pay.
We make you expert in ten weeks
by mail. Pay us alter we a.
cure you position. Century Auto
mobile Institute, Los Arue'es
A. G. Jenkins, traveling pass
eacer aoent for the S. P. was a
city caller this afternoon.
For Sale Sineer sewing ma
chine, rood as new: al) butTVt
and dinimr table. Inuuire at
this office.
John Powell returned vestr.
day from New Mexico, and will
soon start for East of the moun
lira. W. a Wood departed far
the San Francisco Fair last Sat
urday. Dr. Wood will start the
end of the week and join her at
the Golden Gatd City.
M. R Hoard has on ekhihitian
at the Collier & England realtv
office some two samples of sec
ond crop alfalfa grown on his
ranch south of town.
W. N. Hathorn. of Laurel, lost
his auto and garage by fire, yes
terday. He had just started the
machine, when it exDloded and
caught fire.
Mr. and Mrs. R. XL Rovakin.
of Portland, were in Hillnhnm.
Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Raloh Easter. Mr. Bovakin is
consulting engineer for the
W ashington-Oregon.
Alfred Lindblom. a Buxton
oeffr. has admitted that he waa
the author of the misfortune of
the woman who died in Dr.
Ausolund'a office in Portland.
but denies sending her to the
Mrs. Kate Morris Tavlor. of
rorest Grove, died Sunday at
the home of her son, Robt, Tay
lor, the funeral taking place
Monday. She was the widow of
the lata Joseph Taylor, and is
survived by the sou. She was a
native of Covington. 1Cy.. and
came to Forest Grove in 1892.
The citv is full of school teach.
era this week, attending the an-
Barnes has nmvided a fine nrn.
gram and course and attendants
are a unit in saying that it is
one of the most successful meet
inca held for several vphis The
sessions are being held
the new school building.
Folk, esthetic and social riane.
in fir classes, under the i strtirtinn
of Miss Georgia Wey. director of
physical education for girls in
the Portland High Schools, will
open Saturday morning in - Haw
thorne Hall, on Washington
Street, between Second and
Third. The hall will e open be
tween 2:30 and 6 o'clock Friday
afternoon when pupils may ign
up for courses.
The Orecon Snrinl Hviriene
Society cordially invites Mothers
and other adult women (18 years
and over) to hear Dr. Bertha
Stuart. Director of Physical Ed
ucation for Women. Reed Col.
lege, Portland, Friday. Oct 21
at 3 o'clock P. M., at Lecture
Room of Hillsboro Public Libra
ry. Subject. "How Shall 1 Tell
My Child." Matters of great
concern to the welfare of our
homes and the nrotection of our
girls and boys will be discussed.
a meeting for women only.
Bring a friend. No collection.
koTit r nM. MrntiMf.
wicmiI Mint4rMur a IM vault f luM
K Mrt iIotmJ. k, timi la lit
t'ltvniv I'nurt al SUU ot tHvutt, lor
vkiKKtoa itoumt in a !
atinittMtiralMr H& iat mi.I Cwurt
tumm MxUv. Nu.mmIw h. ID V m it-
. wuf ol III n'-i.-k A. M. l m1 U.j M
HlttkMU. llnr, M lb )(' wtMnai
ulKihM t, Mk atvount 4 lit Anal
M4Urninl at tmki riaM.
1 ktwl Ur:vlwr T, IMy .
v alMMUNS.
k Malwai lii. "
W. N. lUrirU. AUufiM T AJmiut- Luirwl U mept a4 mtct w
llar. I ..... u In liM hu
I lk CirriMl (Mrt ef Ik Sll mt
.,17r".' Wlit4i ImHj.
Willi HsMriMaa,
E. a Bnmm.
entitJJ Court i i " ,B mborr
ia arl uy vt lmlMf.
Utl lUi ltr IM MlHCiuw
Ursliutt oi U. umiHo4 upon
.i tail mt bt aptwar
Una cwmiilmnl, lor wuf, lac
currl atul lU ur an ot&t M
v-uttunUun tarUB Utrcrtun
..rutml tsmbartv bslonnuitf W y4
...i ..i, ..i. i. it urn AaaAliuilua Coun
ty, Urwm brtafu iuhU
Ui Shnff rf taul SUU nJ IVunty.
..... .1- ..l.fl .M IH
t lh tnsianr l"' r"1"1
.k...... ..l.lU rtlun: tkhl.k Mill Pf
th SiJ " . v"ylr i Kn.n.ri u uartuuUriy Ut
k 'rm thJ&'ttZTJ1, m bu.:K o.u. ;j u.
Coming to tho Grand
The management of the Grand Theatre lu ex
tracted to show the best Paramount features uivt (?T
week surtiutf neat Mouday and TuejiUy, (kt. j5 j6 t5tJ
the Keat play that is known to everybody
The Virrfinbn
If all old canes have not a'
ready been removed from the
loganberry vines this bhould be
done as soon as the grower can
get around to it, says Professor
V. R. Gardner, pomologist of
the Agricultural College Horti
cultural department The old
Stock Bhould be irathered un n
completely as possible and burn-
ea. ine old canes are of no
value to the new vines but are a
source of possible infection and
infestation of diseases and in
sects as long as they are left
standing. Fall spraying with
Bordeau. 5 5-50. is aUo a enmi
practice. It is not certain that
this treatment will entirely pre
vent anthrocnose but it certain! v
biiuuiu reauce ine damage in
cases of attack. O. A C. R,ii.
letin. ,
M at th. rate 0f 8 pV, l Lr " hm.w. I h lJJr. ia. S lot cluii-.
nd th further .urn of 'sm m t Ihicm, -W. ola wllara, 4 .
"iHIWIMIItl K-Jll- .W C,M "d ...I K-.,f hI MklMl ih um (
Nvirin inturtu.! i l a - " w - '
WUI SeKUres in .1 n l i'-. k kt.L.P IK writ uf k(UihmMlt
at In uuiunc o in iii-i.n.
tn du ann oir a i
j m ..w r liSI
lnfB .1 4L . "UIIIT, ! " . --.I tiu M,U
a nty Dlstntirf IHU oummve - '
,7 whwhiiili " Pblita trf U th; li.Ur.
ILi. j r IT" u tMrtiru arlv j. I Anrut, purinam v nr
CnbrfwMr"ow lowttT 7 "LrsbU J. U. C.mpUll. JdC. of Ih.
hlT.7" 7J bushrl lt tntiuen toun. ma a im wi-.
.M 1200 each; 8 tonft h,,' ,n ,b .,,,U"
niOWtP. 1 K L. B . . ""J 1... aitatM Sll.4 flat,
kor- S f hilvwe.U taatoe withtM
.win narrow, 1 thrv !(,, 'I'W IMrcor UiN in n aay '
Vb.rtSS Urtjter. 1915, and tnuine
S53 Ith Wrlt of "chmc
S; f Court and
cau at tho instance of th. n,.r.
u uimpany. a eorporaUon.
sum mom ti Kcrvei upon to I
on Ihe )h -I..- r .T.""" talw In Mm Matir f th KtaM of Auuu
WH. said order ribilhat thi,
Rommon ha 1 be nnhh.kJ i Vl
... KU, lur ix aucreiive r, minn,ouriiiiiMiniMrui in iim m
conauruUve weelu, be-irntn wkh th, u,l0' Aot Wi-n-rho. IwmI. .ml
Uuna tlterpof dated the 21xk J MqiIeJiUojnMit ten tnvrth
Oeotr, 113, and eo.ffm, Li,2y.f' .Nu" l !
"d, ms. on or '"tr
Attorney for riainU.'f.
ItfUIUU lin'ITU US'VM a "
HlH m.A ik.o tAn arnwMP rnrl annnr(ff
II4ft eairM "n ' w "
complaint on or before lrrmhr
r. I1AKF.
' Attorney lor Halntiif.
aaTM'R to CMKniroa.
!4lMMka ll iii.h i!
Ntitlre la hvrnti iIim that Ihe BiMler
Wnl bum bm apixinlml br lha abue
ttUllnl Court an liiiin.lrkf ii(Umm
Notice of sheriffs sale.
Ib Ihe Circuit Court of the sul p(
World KeepfreHh Co,
a Corporation,
tice is herchv riven th.t k i.
tu of a -rtir, i..i." .
i i ... i""Kiii anq order
lit. UllHM Mill .1 A hatai.
I mnilleil ami rnulnl U pmwnt the aaiwe
uinmnef un ine yrpr funenen ibex
Idrln the uoilmlito,l ailiiiliii.irainr at
Una law offl.e ol illiam U. II v. n
Iikh Kalliinal Hank HulUliii. Ilill.i..,..
'fKifin, oilbln til Bioulha (mm the lime
I'In Ibla Mh 4t rliher. M&.
Illiam Waliiaeka. Unluuinid. nl
Ikiale arreaali.
Win. U. liar. Atiufner lor Ailatinli
Nolke of Final Settlement
Public Notice
My wife. Itiklev. Iiavim, un
ml child . and m hoilan.i h..i i
m be responalhle for any (JeUx kh'o may
Banks, Ore., Hept. 30, 1I5.
Notice in hnrnh
inel (InifniHlratiH' ol tfi o.iiu r
Marahall Knlwri. it,.! ..... ...
the i;iiintv l!mirtir tlu U1.1...1 n.
for WaNhiiiKton Uotuit, my ti rial aenunt
an adntifiiatraUirof hhkI entail. i,it umt
ja il lurt liaa mt MiiiKlay. Noveniiwrffi,
l 6,at the hour of lu oVlt:k A.M.ol
aaid dav aa the lima ...,i ..
IJotirt Ronrn in Mlllnlmro. Orfgotl, aa the
plana for hearing oir.tioti to aaid
ewount and onal aottlmiit of hul.j
eatate. .
. . , . Jolin Kobertn.
AOmlnlMlretiiv nf th. nui.. . i.i.
finlierta, leeaid.
W. N. Harrull At. ..- .
I.t. . iwr AUinlle
ty, in that cerurn . ,1. Tv . VSVn' . '''' H" th.Mh urn I.,
VI I , ll , " . Thei. 'nl. a.linlnmrali or wi.l tetata. ha.
Iveenrresh f nmn. I ur.... i... . .
... i ; r"j corporation ! mmmm ami riin a.
w.w defendant, thOe waa du y iaaue ,'"'-""",t"f "' '' " "'
nut nf k- V auup' I Mae Bieil ami ...i.u..ii u .- ..
v.nruii V OUrt and In ft,.. In 7 u -rr-" "".w.f , im an
undmiirncd Sheriff w..k!?Jh! ! "L ""r?"''"' ".ahoorof h.
( on n I u j . . "' I ai.mtaui daw, ana lha funtn.
?UM?r directed, a writ of vnrt '.i u.ia iwi Hm..."1'
U15, and which aaid Writ commanded l',1 i'T''0- -' "nal 6;
uiiuirnnrnoa, .Sheriff of aaid Coun. r . . ,nw'1 "
y to , aoll ail of th. following ,-hJ7'.';.m
P:,,ct,..r.eal Pr,,Prty, to-wft: Lot. I, nf ui.l i.i. '
(HI auview ";U6.LtoaW ,iiht L"'"U- . .r .....,o
a e ------ .......u,, ui ins I riavn I -
ot iwiaboro, Washington County. (kk
iron. Which an ill
in the notice of mechanic'! lien t ii.wt I .
and T. l'h n1 ?te9 'J ha k
LiVl iVf ifu" c.rce 'rom
Ti. Ithla? of 8cPtmlier. 1912.
whirl f .hi ? ''hS" "d intent
rfn r ' r' . "".a 2th I -
filintf of a.d notice of mwhanic'a lien, K"-.,t, " " SSL r jSI!
and .ul-wquent to the Sth day of Au Uk. -id fiOT
ut, iaif the date upon which th . Ix-i-n-lanu
J piamtiff beKan to furntah labor v,,rl"" of m-Whm.. 1,
and maUriol in the conatruction of th, 'Tfe 7"" ""! '' - ffl P..
drier upon id premiae. and referred muM ,ZmJ1liiimi .""urt" '.b.,.
to m aaid notice of mechanic', li? S-TrJ.?..
ana referred to in iid Writ of Esi ! Jifls-S. lii I ,ipu"
cution. or whi.-h th. .Iivmri ....... i..- "'o'l nial
Ha.1,0 Mar.h, , I'lalnlliT
since arc
Yw ine UOOV0 enl
dered on the .ti,i 7iu
oer. lain. .:j i-. rr".i z '"'"""am. ii tiie .. .......
, ...vll HAM. luuirmenr ami i nuniiraa iinii.. ..... w. i
decree waa rendered i -. henti ii,. ... "7T. T."''"" h In
Judgment and de t,," 0' ? 'A al
lUtied court, mi- MmkUnmmTW'i, u"
h day of Soptem- K'n ft tha'af.:?'"?
id iuulima.a. ...I ill ti n ...1 I ....' W "'UII lit
UI aUalfl I 7- noniea VTIUII I .u..a m, .
12 of Cfr 8U,r"e?'5 1 nT'orbi
um of $111.66, TOHta in tht Supreme UU lni..t . tx
Court, and $y8.25, cwts In th. OrcT-t lm$!nVau'''
L"J lt-26 the coat of thU TWr.t " Jr. imft".
NOW Til L'Ul'l'nnr , " Ihur .n... . i 11, ''''""' r tho fur.
Notlna la herh f.n ll... r . i . .
. v 7" "" iiuinonner.
iirne.1 baretiem. ,y the County Court
of the Mulj nl 11......... r... ... '. . "urt
ii . . ? "ii ,.i naeniniruin
H.nDA!:iU fJK?"rttl R'tnlnhtraufr -f
. u, n. naver. deomami
and have quallflwl a aiiuh.
Alt naratina h.vlt.0 ii.i.u i
... . r , ....p, ..i.iiin iMcainni aaid
Mtate aia harnhv imtiftiui i,. .... .. ..' 1
Mm. tome with' the prope,
the law ollie of W. N. BaTrett, Id
-oVmotC,n "U m,ml,,,' ""' t!"
uaUM October 7, WIS.
4J . William O. Hamr,
now f H ;r u-Sr" wr,t- -heV tuzmrj- 'r
., ---""" v,ia m purauance I n i'"" ""iiani and i
ot a.d judgment and order of ' ufc n.i 2"
aforesaid; I have duly levied UDon an- IT ""1. -'d
aeizca ihe wh.l.. .c. . i.. ,7. " i id in.k. ..i-... ..
. . w. wiu anovo ae-1 iiiwimm 4renfriliMl m.i . . ' " '
"ibed real property, and notice t " MutmfiV"''""
hereby jfiven that on the Wnd". u! HuUiat .i, .m ,'?J' 1 ,u the
ii.: V" '. .."T00". M,d dy at w.m .."""f . W.Ha,,
thn Si. .TT,""" ,,ou'' of urnjon. ' """"''' wmntyMui. or
. .. v.., v, 01 ""ninirton, State of "' Tlirfiire t,. .
O reRon, , the City of IlilliiboroJ w? lUUou ,. 1' "V "'
"'I Ot Dub p nnrlinn K. u:t. . order of aal. ....i i . ' r. dw:i ..
bidder for cash in hand, all teMZ
?' September IHA TOVEL? Pf
;-". "r wnicn it may hare acouirm "'x"" owner roreaah iV. i. 'I
cotH and acri;,0"?Jd' B.nd d!!3?rTl;ul. &.'
Writ and such sale. . .. . date
aiiie.1 defrnidauu, or U.. w,thl
1 t he 2Hth da nf at .,,r ln'"". hail
'4 .nX;t & ? Wl
toM propertyTor Jfi l,',.l,J.
WITMPuo . - ji ? " Mil
WITNESS my hand and ieaL this ' Mi
lth day of October, 1016. deaoribod
r c BBniM loaatifa
Atfirn.. f. tn.L.iM n- ,,.on County. Or..
Vaa ii ii i .i. i .i..M.,.vaij 1 . l j '
Surrioj: the great Wctra claislc DUSTIN F.VRNrjJl
The Virginian Sln of th Crott Kotxtcl
the Ranch a Mrt. DUcK It DcK Cinders!!
and mit oth:r ?rca'. Pa 40 PUyi. Hire tc a lew of
the ur vtm will we Mary Pick ford, Dustia Parisa,
Mir,;urita Cbck, Wm. Farnum, May Rwiog attj IU
I)tn. Duu't fail sec every Paramount n 4j Pbj
they will l at the (Irao4 every Um., Tars., sa4 Friday
For Solo
The best vacant M.xk in the City of 1, thrtt
hhxks Irom the center of town, one block tuna the &
P. Klei-tiicrar elop. This U the best barKio em
offered in I lilUburo. Inquire C. Rboades, Sheridu,
Oregon, K. V, I), a.
40a ft. Jackson Street
Thi ; nitK-k Thu i ni.Kk
liiS. One. fioon One
fourth cash, !! fourth cash, bal
atux- one fourth ance onc fuiirth
- each year. each year.
Alley v
c j - j
ThU H Block This IlKxk 5
fijoo. One- $iiSa One
fourth cash, bal. fourth cash, bat
ancc one fourth ance one-fourth
ench year. each year.
399 ft Lincoln Street
Th WhoU Dloch for 043OO
Inauguration of
Motor Car Service
1VWCU ,,i,,slr, Tirnber and between C
bro nl Huxton o the following Kbcdulc.
25 A. M.
8.3" .
92H :
938 e
Stationa Westward
Tiwber , 6.10 P. el-
Castor Creek 6 04
Strasac) 5.50
Sco6e1d f . 5 3 ' '
Wirfa . 5.29
Hares -' 521';
Dnxtou mo P. U. 516
Manning 14 5.09 ,
Carsteua 1.6a 57 ' '
Davis ; 1357 5.3 ,
lianks 11.5a 4 57 .
Roy 18 47 4 5a -
Schefftin 13,41 44
?y "37 4-4
MataSt 13 38 . 4 33 ;
Hillsboro I9.9C ' A. to
locaUgrc"rthcr lBfoMoa..M to fare., etc, call
125 P.M. Q
A crcc-ea tit Cel.
W. m, Banatt. AUoraa iu
r riainilll.
t.j i 1. .r"