The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 14, 1915, Image 5

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    ThsStst Industrial Commie-
os W ei tending Insurance to
farmers covering accidents fur
their workmen, end already 3jo
have taken advantage of the
measure. The rale on firming
Is 2 Per cent on the payroll. In
computing the communion adds
lid monthly for board, and the
farm nana pays one cent per
tNiKsmXTCSSt3 month the rite would I on $55
per monin-cosung a si.iu for
4 ad.
Sow. aadvi i aaatha.
aa4 m4; Joojaoa, yd.
Cfcalawn, 1H
New I
Hocae, CaMIe, Sheep. -Meats aaa
Swim In ilvklence
jusi vs arc in uioesT mjmbeis
I M Ha He Ttleat Par
notonCountr Annual
Institute wl htld
aiilwro High
. 20. 21 end ZZ. A
Utcorp or insirucwwe
ngsgeJ. A new "
i... ln adds 10 UM
Luv-ar. thatofdoONS-
nd art. Thers art s
trachrrs In the county
toing ome WOTl i00
Th IliiUboro teachers the visiting teach-
Wructors at the Hy
Wh on Wednesday
1 1 ir. Joseph Scbafer of
t'nivemity will tf
i Thursday evening to
i public la Invited. The
IruitorS It as follows:
whill. lrJos.8chafer.
mk. DesnR, F.Clark
nun. J. Teuscher, Jr.
Mine A. If urphy
V. MiM M. Cogwell
W. Barnes looks for-
. i
several years. The
uiii tM very large.
u im the caoncitf or
w - -
to lake rare or tnt
I mallev. a DrosDerous
known resident of the
diedst tit hoe
LnHtt Crove, Saturday,
W 4M years, lit waa
Strmsny, and cams to
)try when ht waa 18
lie totaled nrsi
Island. Neb., and D
came to Washington
lie lived for soma years
hit on liales trees, ai
L . a a a
I.- ana rorest urove.
V bk'o he bought part of
nown Mmngaii. ivm,
. tir.Lt r Ma dath etas
UjM'mus circumstances.
hU.-v was known aa an
honest man, and ha
t.U friends by the hun
ny of them bring prea-
the funeral servicee,
V.' hi'ld in Forest Grove.
Ufv. Sluebt, pastor or
ran church at Bloom
Jating. Interment waa
View Cemetery,
his widow. Ilr. Smal-
h to mourn hit loaa five
iK.ra. Frieda, Sophia,
the farmer and 20 cents for the
Itboror. On threshing, clover
hulling, hay and straw baling. 4
per rent, prune drying. 1 per
rent.: wood rutting, 3; land
clearing without blasting. 31:
with blasting b per cent., and
road work. 3 per rent l'ayments
can ba made the commission, af
ter accepttnee, the ISth of the
month following the labor. It
meant that laborers accepting
ttila can not sue the farmer in
case of injuries, and the com
mission wilt pay all expenses of
daetnr'a bill, hoeoital bills, med.
icine, not exceeding 50 for lost
time. Haying CM per month for
a portion of his wages. The
State Commission expects that
many farmers with a big pay
roil will accept the provisions of
the lie. and thus shut out con.
aiderabU litigation in case of in-Jury.
Probata: W G Hager. admr,
(ilea inventory estate Cleora Ha
ger at S406.0C; Ullian Josephine
Itogert appld admi estate John
Francis Dodson, estate valued at
$7000. bonds Axed at f HOW, Nov
IS set for final accounting and
Anal settlement, estate Ora A
Cook, deed; Jos Lembcrg apptd
admr estate Wsllburga Lemberg.
valued at IVXJO. there being 3
heira, Joseph, husband, Nicholas,
a ton. and Lilly Curtea. daugh
ter; Aurusta Wienecke est ap
praised at KOTl&O; fetal Geo
Zetzman, deed, closed of record
-total estate. $19,090; disbut ted.
it inn 20. tnnd of J H Kerr.imar-
ditn of and Ila Livingston,
filed and approved.
The Duress Society of the Nor
wegian M. t. Church met at the
home of Mrs M. 8lgard. below
IWdville. on Tne lav. OcL 5.
Tha meeting ws4 opened by the
president. Mrs. F. Bockman.
PmIam llanaon. of Tacoms. and
Verid. of rortland. were guesu
of the meeting. Those present
were llesdsmet F. Itockman, J.
Sorenson. Chnstianson, I'ierson,
Carlson. ColTman. .tmmerman.
Solgsrd and Adam: Messrs. liar
HnlMrd and Bockman. All
members and friends are cordial
ly invited to the nest meeting at
the home of Mrt. Andrew her-
ton. at Beedvllle. loesoay, rtov.
Vnr ftaln-Household goods, in-
Miwtinir tiedroom Buile. dining1
room auitc. 2 ruga, range with
k Kak. wood or coal
heater, atapl groceriea. canned
gooda, quantity potatoes, etc,-
C. H. Thomell, llinsooni iv. t.
small red house, short distance
Northwest of Mataon atation on
Southern Pacific line.
The State Land Board has
notified ita Hillaboro agent. Thoa.
H. Tongue Jr.. that another ap
..mtun tieen made for
Om MeairH aa Talrtv-FMr EalrWt
Wtrt leaked
in nirmiiw wm unril i(,iuf..... - i
L. j II n.ipnnunr firm liiins. inese
..I sir. ana m. k-f-; 'Mnar.
ml. one mil aouthetat I loans are aiwsyson
ro. Tuesday avening. ty, nna carry six per w..,
when a number of eat, miacoumy
Hurprised their aldeat eelved ita ahare of fnrn i loant
fard. theocctalon being from the abate board becauseof
teenth birthday. The lack of appl cation, ine nr.
waa suent in mutle. applying will oe aervea.
good Jersey
and conversation. At
refreshmenta were
Tkme present were
and Mesdamea John
lal. Walter Tews, Ed
. Arthur MHtenberger,
h o. Tews. William, carl
a Asbahr. Dan Kmrick,
V I. r rank Greener. John
Ceorge and tlyrtle
t. Samuel and Otto
llattie and Lydia
Klmeand AgneaTews.
hHP, Henry Tewa, Ed-
Herman Freudeothal.
I'ublic Nailc
Inklvy. havlBff Ml mo
m and biwrtl, ' win
, mill l.iw
"hihIiIh fur any drtita kite way
t'li'inant ', Inklay,
Mullnv and W N Ha
f Laurel, were In town
y. ' '
Johnson. - of Portland.
f a special addreaa to the
u on the moral conol
tho town. Friday after
the Uvansrelical church.
Krs are specially Invited.
with two children will
laition aa hnusekacner in
Wry. Will work for U
l 1 MVS ISfBj w w
. Address Box 123. Bea
ura., Koute2.
V"l Mrs. J. A. Imbria
McMinnvllla. Sunday
loop train and enjoyed
ill Mr. and i!r. J.
of Seattle, who are
the Hnharira. lira. Ho
ming i. - , ; ,
f ea at the Baptist Church
I A. Smith, naatnr. ' Sun
pool 10 .a, m. preaching
.Buoject, "iba unnauun
Q. Younff Paonla'a meet
ITah fiaU' RlV
cows. 4 coming fresh within four
weeks; also farming implement.
Located in Washington uounur.
Cheap for cash or notes, good
...J., a, i,i r am Hat tie M.
Sl.'TuR.ssth SL N.. Port-
W. " - " oft
land. Ore. 29
n.Mba and Ruxton people, as
wall aa those from Timber, have
been enjoying the motor service
aince the first of the week .The
travel has not been ot we o.
but when the weather geU bad
it la thought that it will pickup
For rent: Ranch of 160 acrea;
80. cleared; good houae. large
barn. 5 acrea in, w..
piped to houae and barn, bome
stock and implementa for sale.
W. Thayer. Gaaton. R. 2. ao
H. Ri Uavla. of South Tuala-
tin. has returned w
ll now ntereeiea in '
husinesaln Idaho'a capital city.
a. .i.t ni will meet
next Thursday, ucu .;
kn of Mrs. u. v. -
OauAnth and Baseline
. .
Vetch and oat teed, ready ior
k. rtrtll. All finely cwaimu.
....... i 'I'OI.
F. U. Crabtree. wureui
Scholia. Une 22. Na 255. 31
rnrneliua. was
Nirrv lAiunt we,
a "T .:-M,Amv irettlng the re-
porta of tne og won
atjiiaawa .
-a ' ' i?iaai him ceaair
Laurel, Ore., iwuw i. -
. n ttnA line a fOIZ
Kilmer prauiviw, - . ,
land paid Fireman, waa grating
friends in town aawnw -
I. H. Maxwell, ot above
.M.indaie. wu down from
Ezst Dairy, yesterday
The livestock exhibits at the
county fair lst week were the
largest and best from all stand
points in the history of the coun
ty. Prize awtrda for other ex
hibits will appear later. Prizes
and awa'ds in livestock were:
Standard Bred Horses
Stallion. 3 yrs and over. Fred
Woodcock, fct; K Crumb. Kel
su. Wsith. 2nd; 11 D Ledford. 3rd.
i Stallion, 2 to 3 years. Fred
Woodcock, t
Mare. 3 yrs and over, also 2 to
3 vrs. 11 I) Ledford.
Colt, under 1 yr. li O Ledford.
Perc heron -Stallion. 3 yrs or
over. Wilson Si Schultz. 1st; J E
Price, IlilUboro. 2nd.
Coach Home-Sylvia Lenne
ville. Forest lirove.
Grade Draft -Gelding or mare.
2 to y y rs. J L Bartlett, Besverton.
Best single roadster, J II Mc
Nsmr. Light driving team, Samuel
Sadplk Horsk on Pony
Harry Broderson. Dilley.
Shetland ponies, L L Paget.
Gaston. 1st and 2nd, .
Jacks, etc
Jark. 1 to 2 vrs. F J Cl.almers.
Jenoeu. F J Chalmers. 1 and 2.
Mule colt. L L Foilea.
Polled Angus -Bull. 2 to 3 yrs;
cow, 3 yrs or over; neiiera. un
der 1 yr: J F Schaffer had all en
tries and look all premiums.
Hiasteina -
Bull. 1 to 2 years, L L Paget.
Gaston. l;W K Newell, Stfghert,
Bull, under 1 yr. L L Paget, 1;
W K NtwpH, 2 and 3.
Champion Bull. L L Paget. '
Cow. 2 to 3 yrs, W K NewelL
Heifer. 1 to 2 yrs. W K Newell,
1- I. I. Pairet 'L
Heifer, under I yr. W K New
II 1 and 2: W H French. 3.
Senior aad Junior unampion
females, W K Newell.
lt.JI S vesrs and over. Wm
Srhulmerioh. Hillaboro. 1: T.
Withycomba ft Son, Gaston, 2;
Albert Dethlefa, SegJiew, 3.
Bull, yearling, Wm Schulmer
ich. 1;S Sorenson. 2; A T Bux
ton & Sons. 3.
Bull calf, Schulmench, 1 and 2;
Withycombe, 3.
Cow. 3 yrs and over, wuny
combe, land 3; J B Ward. 2.
Cow. .2 to 3 yrs. Withycombe,
Heifer, 1 to 2 yrs, Schulmench,
1; Ward. 2; Withycombe. 3.
Heifer, under 1 yr. Buxton. 1
and 3; Withycombe, 2.
Herd. Withycombe.
Senior Champion female,
Junior Champion female,Schul
"senior and Junior Champion
males, Schulmerich.
Hull, j t.i, oer. W. A. Ooo.ll.'
.tl.lo,Q. atj V.J. UwU, B.uki. R. !
'"Ilui;. on.U-f I yw. H. a Walaoa,
Ptucil Of"M, lS Oomlia, lad.
t!uw, J v, Ooodia, tot
Cow. 1 T", ww, w
lll(r, I 1 Otxwio
llnfrr. under 1 y'
Lrwl. init.
CU.iupi.. bull, WaUoa.oa ytaag
bull. , ,
Chimplon wmnw.
Cord wood wanted. Caah paid.
Iark Box 1062. Portland.
Frank Imbrie, of near Orenco.
was a city caller yesterday.
Mrs. Bray, of Cornelius, wm
in town llonday, on business for
the Cornelius paper.
R. Harper and Mabel Snider,
of Forest Grove, have been
granted marriage license.
W. H Kelley. of above Bux
ton, waa down to Hillsboro, yes
terday, making the trip down on
the motor.
Piano for Sale-Slightly used
KfijU ll shot any tuano. rnce
$100. Cash or terms. Address
P. O. Box 72. Orenco. Or. 30
Chapter ol Miafortuawa Mas N
brr f SubdiviakHis.Perfo4 el V
Jske IUfTety, of above Moun
taindale. a fixture there since
the early fifties, waa in town the
last of the week.
For sale: Re-cleaned Winter
oats for seed. Slight amount of
vetch mixed in. Price 11 cents
per pound. F. F. Hanley. Hills
boro. 1(. 3. Phone F319. 29 31
Washington County, according
to the state statistics, has over
600 automob ilea. This means a
vast expenditure of money, and
does not show hard times.
For sale: Six year old Jersey
cow with a week old calf at side.
Also 21 head of goats at a bar
gain, phone City (3 CRehse,
Hillaboro, 2931
sue of uglhits
few Saffcriaf Fraai a Irakca Leg at
Haw ie WaatfUwd. Waak.
GooiHn on agad
Supervisor F. J. Williams this
week started on a half mile of
rock roads connecting with the
East end of the macadam, near
his ranch a mile Eaat of town;
The Wolf Bros, and Henderson
are doing the hauling.
Money to loan on first-class
farm security. Washington
County Abstract k Title Com
pany; by E. J. McAlear, Mana
ger. 4tr
The Southern Pacific Agent,
Mr. Shinaberger. hat authority
to sell Saturday to llonday re
turns between this place and
Timber and way points, at one
and ' one-third fare the round
Good Real Estate security of
fered for loans at 7 and 8 per
cent Call and took applications
over. I. L Perkins, Hillsboro.
Oregon. tf.
. J. Teuscher Jr., the Boys &
Girls Aid Societv field man. was
in town - Monday, on juvenile
work.- Mr. Teuscher formerly
taught achool in this county,
nearTigard. V
Wanted: To exchange English
walnut ranch in bearing, and new
huniralow. barn and large chick
en house, for email house and
three or four acrea near Hillsbo
ro. Wm. Shawk. Route 2. Yam
hill, Ore. zs-w
Geo. Butler was Monday ex
hihitinsr raspberries in all the
ataffea from bloom, green ber
riea. to the ripe product Then
talk about Oregon not being
naradiacL Thev were crown tn
the Jaa. Sigier garden tn aoum
Hillsboro, and were the especial
care of George.
Wanled-at once: Young men
fne automobile business. Big Day.
We make you expert in ten weeks
hv mail. Pav us after we se
cure you position. Century Auto
mobile institute, -uos Antreiea,
John Boeker has his new store
In thm Pvthlan Ru d nff. 1'OTt
land, occupied with a choice lot
nf Kia willow and reed manufac
ture, and he has a fine chance to
dlanlav his wsres. He la Ship-
nino- from the till Isboro Plant
everv dav to all points in the
1eonard LaKue, formerly of
Scholls. is holdiry; the champion-
ship belt as being the one beat
bet as recipient of accidents cov
ering a series of years he la now
suffering from a broken leg at
Woodland, sustained while build
ing a fence. Oct 7. LaKue la a
brother of Z. M. LaRue. ot Sher
idan, formerly of Forest Grove.
He is also a 'cousin of the Rowell
Brothers, of Scholls.
Several years ago LaRue tue
tained a badly sprained and
lacerated leg by virtue of a coo
tact with some lumber rollers in
a Portland sawmill, and was laid
up several months, forty-two
skin-grafts being used before he
was finally cured. A few years
later he was kicked by a horse
on the same leg. A year later
he was thrown from a load of
hay and sustained a broken arm.
the other arm badly sprained.
and also receiving a badly in
jured neck. LaRue also carries
a piece of steel labia left lax
the result of an old accident
LaRue was in training for
work on the Grange dexree
team, of whioh he waa eaptain.
in order to so to Yale and insti
tute a Hranm. after which ba
contemplated coming to the
Scholia Kair. when be Dad nis
calculations shattered by break-
in nis leg. ni nwnj ""
in this count deDlore his mis
fortunes, and hope that the aer
ies of accidents do now close.
Mrs. Benj. Birdsell died at the
family borne. Seventh and staple
Streets. Hillsboro. Oct 13, 1915,
at 9 n'rlnrk in the evenine. after
an invalidism that covered a long
period of vears. tier maiden
name waa liary Eliza Duff, and
aha area tnrn in Port Dover. On-
ttSISEJIT tario. Canada. June 20. 1845.
She moved to Iowa with her par
ents in 1851. and settled in Win
neshiek Co. She was united in
marriage to Mr. Birdsell in
March.. 1851. They resided in
Iowa, on their farm, for 30 years.
and in 18S1 moved to Oregon,
attltnr first at Hillsboro. '
With the exception of a few
years of residence at Hurray.
Forest Grove, and at fort-
land, their homo has been at
Hillaboro since their arrivaL lo
the union was born eight chil
dren, Irvine dying in this city in
1834. The husband and the fol
lowing children survive: Mrs.
John Lee. Boise. Idaho; Ifrs.
Prank Uvitz Onakertown. Fa.:
J. P. Birdsell. Enterprise. Ore.; orricE
Kd . a a I
Mrs. K. L. ucuormicK. nuisoo
ro; lira. John Dennis. Hillsboro,
now at San Francisco: Curtis J.
RirdaelL Hillsboro. and L. S.
Birdsell, ol Cam rose,- Alberta.
Tk fufitpal takes nlare Satur
day, and interment will be in the
Odd Fellows Cemetery.
Mrs. Birdsell was a kind and
lavina? wife and mother, and
throughout her years of illness
maintained a sweet disposition
and horn her afflictions with
aaadi fortitude. A few days
asa aha suffered a relapse and
the attending physician notified
the family that deatuwaa im-
12 re. Dennis is expected up
from San Francisco, and the son
and daughter from Boise and En
terprise will also arrive in time
for tho obsequies.
F. A. BAILEY, M. a
rsyatetaa as4 sari
0ce:-UpUir la SckalaMftcfc
atiwaia "uttwt
oiftea City M2; raatdaaea.CMy SB)
R. M. ER WIN, If. D.
Sargtoa 6. t. P. t A r. I. A B,
Oftiea la tba TaamwMe Sleek. Taifdaeal
aUta Street. HUkoara, Ongaa.
OSica Iloar a to it a. m.: I to a. aa.
Tanday. Tbamlar. Hatarday f is
Call anawncd day w Bight. RoSS)
phoaca. OdW oet Utllabofo "itiiaa
Uoataifa la SckalaMfkk Bkta.
raoa-BS-ottce, city JB4; Kaa.CttySat
Irs E. Dsrrwtt, M. D.
om.. f.ijuu. h.u iaa
BmUmm XttopbiNM. Mala KM
A rally waa held Monday- morn
ing, and abort talks were given
by Supt. IlcKay. f ror. fatten.
Mr. Heater and Mr. Garret
Taggart, Scheidt and Harris
made a few remarks ior tne era-
Ant ttod. Some of the new
j yells were rehearsed, which were
lad hv aetinff Yell Leader Harris.
uraiu uci . .."ri. I rTofs. rattan and uradiora nave
sei openeaupwun offered prizes for the best yell
holding steady with last week si . .
There are fine
Receipts for Monday are:
tie. 1228: calves. 5; hogs.
sheep, 1367.
A very good run of cattle came
forward over Sunday, ine mar
tosaas least net 1
O&xt apauira la SehalaaerLih Bleak
OtaUlia, A. C. Shata Sldg. Kaia A sai
at 5
tops and poorer grades a
slow. Cows sold readily
and hrifpra at ft.
With a greater demand than
number offered and a better
trruAa nf at tiff, buvert became
generous and the hog oaraac
went up 15 cents, rnme ugni
hogs went over the scales ai
A fin fne tons. About one-third
of the stuff offered sold at the
A limited supply ol sneepcame
forward with ready takers.
Prime lambs are holding steady
at 7 for best grades. Ewes are
going at 5, and wethers at 6 85.
Rev. Father Mark W. Lappen,
tnr aouoral vmn in eharve of at
Matthews Church. -Hillsboro, and
who was succeeded by Rev.
nrosDects for
a good girls' basketball team this
year. Enough for several teams
turned out at the first call.
There will be a football game
Friday afternoon, at 3:45. be
tween Hillsboro High and P. U.
second team. Admission. 25c
Everybody come out and help
tha foam win. '
In the first game of the season,
yesterday afternoon. High was
defeated by Alumni. 12 to 7.
The High School team put up a
stiff game against the mote ex-
nmrianMMl Alumni, and consider
ing the fact that this is the first
game in which aeveral of the
achool boys have played, their
their performance was remarka
ble. For the Highs, Burk halter.
Scheidt. Allen and Fisher starred
at Mrrvinir the ball, while Tag
gart. at the end. and Johnson
vSVll " . a a i il i
Catholic parish at braeiey, t. runnel rwr and Oarrett
rado. a city of about ten sm inliii.tiA
Orrua: Mala
Office, apatatra la Sehalaattkh
Hillsboro, - - IVrcaa
sand people. Greeley is one of
the finest cities of its r.xe m
CiaitMlliaa Surkp
A.l rant. A.T. Bualoa A Suaa. Hi;
L. L. PK. li' , ,
Kin, uiutef I y-. Baalon ut aaa Jta;
jlw, umtcr I y, Pft. i Buatoa,
tivl and 3rd.
Flock, Buit.w, 1,1 and nd.
Srt ol lit, Uattoa, !! and d.
... ..... Hnai.Mi aa aired lam.
Ckumploa e. Paget oa wt laoib.
Anooaa Opati
. . . f i.i.. OnMik. waa tnt
oult eaUIWior of mt aad look all Ike
nrronunii In wen Ciaam aa n
1 a.... mm Imp m .11 1
Boar. -' "?.rL'.Jr
0rnw,-, , -
a .
aaa va. . . - r.
Boar, aader 6 awawa, a e. V"J. v..-
.-a Uaa,aAaa aaSSci SSarl tttL
ssa. tR ssftAaalBsel bRbSjcI Dwsjf . wsaiwa aw
(wtfWi i
. m - a 1
Sow, l8 monlha, Nawtll iH; Baatoa.
lad and yd ' - ,.. .... .
How, uDwr 0 a,oni,
too. lad ana jra. .
r Hmlntl. IK: vYuw.
t-t..m'tJooihiD ob botk boat aad
waiawardidlo W.Jt.Netrell.
. .... Cl M Joha
Boar, 10 rrvnTi' t n
00, ua, , aiUhlalaf
Foreat Orovl, loot H. D. WlaWgwr
Fonit qrow. jro. .
-Haar, v 10 u.vM."-. ,
noar undtr6 moatha, Jokuaoa, t
aoa ano. . .v. ..1.
Haw. 18 monini oa vni. -.
W" W?aCta. tat aad
aroTwaliar Boieam. Foiart Oro-e, ltd
o, unaar t asaatkt, J.diaaoa, irt
,nA.'.".' 1 1 iinai. Font! Orove, lit
Lil.lVf .... .
iiriiialar. and. '
Herd, Winoiiicr, . .
Cbamploaihia oa boaiaad saw awaid
tdloR M. Baake..
Dwtoci .
Boar, 6 it moatha, F. J. Chalawra,
CefsaU-. R. 1. J Albaiaaai Fa.m,
tt It. C.reer. of this citv. won
n-ia aa fnllnwa at the voultry
..Kikit at th tvkiintv fair last
week -White Leghorns. 1st cock;
Mediterranean class. 1st grana
All hreeds. 12 and
tiiMiiiBivu --a li a
am Ksknsi &nii v Ann a. uuiieu;
Vis aawaa - w
flrat nn. Brown Leghorns. 1st
iwiiaMi 1 ami .1 hpti: first Den.
Rhode Island Reds-lst cockerel
,2 and SV-pulleta; first pen.
Vi want Torn farma one of
, VI B . " " " .
160 acres, about 135 acres in cul-
mIa- 1 mil from Forest
r.mvA. barn room for about 29
mm and R horses. CUV water.
k Mitt and other. 142 acres.
Vawojaa swaewf : . :
li miles south of Keedviiie, soout
one-half in cultivation, oarn room
For 10 head cows and f norses,
in the bsck field, scintillated,
while Frank Schulmerjch was a
tower of strength at guard.
Telephone oce Mala 103?
!lncfTaanr to Dr. liaklatat
Office ever Delta Drat Store.
Bawllne, bciweaa $tk aad Stk Sw.
Hillsboro, Ortca
fredrick Aarssa, M. D.
Successor to Dr. CuAoiiiafctrx
Office and Drug Store, iS
Orenco. Oirat
Ttieabooa eoaaaatlnni.
sw a.
a. a
r ..1.
A. II. Brown, a veteran of the
Civil War. died at Roseburg. at
the Oregon Soldiers Home, Oct
1L 115. after several years 01
illness. He waa born in Henry
County. lows, Nov. 30. 1849. In
trail the rami v moved to Uregon
and settled near Hillsboro. For
Several years Mr. Brown was
night officer for the city of Hills
boro, an-t he and his tamiiy re
sided on Fir Street for an ex
tended period. Mrs. Brown and
tha Yollowinff children survive
Cyrus F.. Newton; Noia, wife of
G.orge Jack, r armington; uaua.
wife of N. A. McConnahay, El
monies; Wallace, of Beaverton.
The funeral took place today
from the Donelson Undertaking
n J in
1 " s 1 C A4 tl Mini iHWltuvua nmm-m
Colorado, and has vast dotal the Uwia Cemetery, near Farm-
one of the leararta,
aaaau-at 4A- .
iMwaiiaiair. w
IbtM Sttranaa viWmL -C
BwiHle aa
a a r
tU-W: W-4 1,- r
e, iif vvisf A aiM
aim ewaaaawa
tfUvaoa: VtarlWl f j
iOffloa np-aUlra avar Htllaowo Hi
nnilAtvn ta
""'"h" T . . . . Mn -i
with a student Doov 01 bv m
which ten percent are Catholica,
which wun ine . enure cauoay,
for 10 neaa cows ana i nuwo, ive9 tne resident pness con.
immvI well, and fair house: tenant Dt4aMihiA nHr
ine peopie 01 nnnuw,
Bpective 01 religion, oonBni.uw
Father Lappen on his new ac
mh nn-ir nut irraBier oari, ui
ranoh eaah rent- lnouire ai
Argus office. 30
Tha. taahr Mr. A. E. Mur-
A UW avB)v a
... a k 0 t!.kJ..
raw and the Bcnooi 01 wainw
ftft ttnded the Fair in full
. . . . .L - J-
nMA iaai nviiav ana ov ine ae
" - . j
cision of the judges, was piacea
..niA tka hnari of "Favorably
u..innaii " in thA naraoa. mis, ... r -
district has some boys who are
making a good start in agricui-
tulnnlnor flrat nriZB OO SUn-
VUI V, niHiiiH. r- -
Amu,-- tuimnlrin and befitS. THeV
also carried off second on a piece
. manual trniniliff WOHC. and
expect to have more work along
this line, including aomeawc sci
ence, during the coming year.
W.IJa Anderson, formerly of
nAHvi'.! whrt he Waa BUDerin-
tandent of the Ladd ft Reed
Farm, was out from Portland.
yestardxy, on business in tile
oounty seat
Taken ud: Red and black
boar. Owner call, pay adver-
tiainff and coats of keeD and take
same away. R. Kirby, Beaver
ton. R. 2. Ranch one mile west
el Cedar 1211. -2
Tha ladies of the M. E. church
will serve "Institute Dinner" at
tr.s church, corner of Third tad
wa-htaztsa, next Wednesday
aad Thursday, at 12 o'clock.
Fries. c. Everybody invited.
Per cda, for C3: Drivisj
tfata aa4 Hiss. ,
cacit tstisr cti;lsy to tits lr.yfJr
Prank Unger. of Chshalem
Mountain, waa in tha county
seat Tuesday.
Tha Wnndmen of the World
111 ; a danceat the W. O. V7.
:: v . jt.Li
Hall, one mile west qi ,xzzt
Mill. Saturday evening. Oct IX
Admission, 60 cents. Evervbaiy
invited. 5M,
V.I.. Il ka lUMa itail-tar I
isiun am mm n, , rw ivi aw. viiiwi
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. O'Dell, of Jpony, tiout 10 years, gentle and
Laurel, passed away Oct 8, 1 3.1 fj, tt' far ct"iren to drive
Tne iiuieonewssaxea s --iiu t; r.oct, t " i crc s, vzzzj
dil a u. rcuccz,
- Lylni-la t:r:;!;
1 aaa sow iriaaiad t t
ThsUrtftrrr:-tr-Wifc J.::! r'
tl c:'-L:
f r"? cJ t
)p; preichlRg at f:C1
acea T-i t'"t Tit