The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 14, 1915, Image 4

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    AMCl Theren utttkaf 14
beta Vfrglala. aad tbe rata-1
i'i j -m
-1 r,. w
I Ml. ThB MTMttl AC VlTgtal'
MM Mh there. Thty
af brass, and an mmm sM w
R(mnM a abby adr fall eeO, Sr
t WW "SoatttB Ulli Bad Ik
Sgnfw mt a mot. "m Hwn.' i
hi Urn write akatly im "of tht
at nagge which tha Kkr
-JMsa Brawn. g To don mlad I lfk
hata yr nm tab ktar da chtt-
Ma winya fawttful VMk
nl do aothla' at an. Share gota at I " i
iW KnanRrU 40 - I wase Wee laaif. ,
7 vT. " """.'.T - th people of Amykla. a aarteat
c::: - r -r ncr. uk tb report
I Jl ,. ' . T! T "J"?T J. . Wl WtM. Creating COetef-
! I" o W at Htk among th tabanUant. ud M
- aDU u u, Km mnI late. that the authorities
; nrvwa supported eartttf by wasting -., ...... i . i.. tLLt... .
3 - k W AH WVVI wru
viHiKi rrnHDKV .Dp Mr eeawpa-1 for a itai but it - dr rka
tloe 10 taking car af fajafly H W14 I M dU inair. a kuitU Rnartaa
' atfrantaca, . , , - I amy. Bat tk ritixMia of iMriiu
ueo wjo a cona, au. i vara law aMdlac TWv ulkfd of tha
Jinimies w
School Marb
ajmi taa ealy iisr')'1 ,r
Ma a tart autfa fasttiwJ l(h
i-ua chata. N bn wim i mt
am aanl o axHa. ahh-b
aoat 8wl aa aarfuL" kl.otaU;n aa
aaCobaJ vara b Wtl Kttb-r-
Iaa4 to 1M) ta Bua Ibal t all o-i.
la-y (Hit aa la tal-la a ataajr
aa taf art pH'i -" r"
aUaalr CaaHta
How She
Br PAtl ttirtCOMB
lonrar ab lnqotrwd.'
"Ma wtfta nrtaa a
bout 4 a vWca. Sackoa jv"
on roaud about aalf paat a." .
-AU right, Mr. Jooaa; H aa dat."
ura. Joca vaa Ntwval la taa aca-
KMir micr mm mava. wao waa ro-
uHHiiy aik4 ttaa ay aar aaptofara
.tfkt hMWf Ltrm la kxw Ik
, iljllJTfo a-n ptajlac at taa atiaat.
f Jirid Sue dM not dtatara taaav Sat
s fwas taking aa eya InTtator of tbt
I t-ttiipriueut of tbt furnltara vhca lira.
aiakJas a awatal rear
loum auul4 I remorfd ftoa tbt
J itat 10 tbe tvinctify. Mr. .oota.
f iiue, (tripptd of tapaoay, waa aluirij
um mnm a aoieaaa aoaataaaaca a
i w, that Sua had tfapatati a caa af
if for blai aad bad tt art oat aa taa
labia Uh a iileca of cora pona.
- J; I thoughl ya'd cocoa botae acedia'
1 toniepla to braca ro' op, Mr Jaoa,
JaH tb fta '
- J Her Utoat'otfulneaa araced ap Moat
aa mnoa aa tt r-frcaaaMata.
I vaataar, af taa rropa, of tbt apftroaeb
bv track awrt. bat aartr a word dU
tbtr apatk about tbt apiroav-alac
my. Emrbody abay-d taa law. aad
aotoody told taa aatborltka at taa lav
I paadlat aaaar. Tbaa taa dtj rVD aa
aaty rkttai to taa tavadara tarawtb tbt
I faitaful abadfeaca of Ita cittaaaa U tat
faatwoa ptaca af faraltara hi tbt
of Wara." which
arawmtd at taa taa called taa Sara
caa Haad. at Wara, Eaflaad. bit rt
awvod ta Kya Hooat la Ita. Hhitoa-
aaa af taa enrtoakiaa of Ear
lud aad attaauiaa twatra fatt atiaara
II at aaada af oak ataaoratatr carrad
at aatnaadad by a caaopyj aua-
fartad ay a Wftj aaadbomrd aad twa
badpoata at tat tooC Twatra
caa occapy tala bad wcuforta-
aiy at aaa ttaav . -
Taa bad btara taa data 130, bat aa-
Ckuax1aat talak It la aot older tbaa taa
of BUtabata. Soom aatbarltlM
ay taat waaatatad far aala la IM
j "How did ro' ktwrt yo' po wltar abt I waa bid la by tikariaa DUeteaa.
; 8 "IVw-ly.";' ; .
, i "Is the gwtna to pall throachr
i 1 "Hon know; 008 powtrfel akfe."
, Mia. Joata mt toatcad of galatd.
t be waa worried about her eoiklraa.
i ,DU Utwt roond tt Bcceaaary to teU her
t hat be had aerareil tht tcrrkca of
: tome one to take rart af tbaca. Ba dll
tot teU bar that bo had gut a
nMuan. for he bad teaa CTtdcacaa al-
idy that aha waa eipoctlag to etrp
nto hb wife's aboea, and ba kaow that I
bin would worry her.
; i-eriiapa tt would hart goaa wall
vtth Sue had tbt carbed ber bapa
. leoce. Though lira. Joaea waa reourt
y I d Erttlng wecaar erery day. aba hung
n la a very atxtiTaUog way. Hot got
Mired aaklaif Mate after ala vtatta
kl i eMnua only tb rettettthia. -Vmmit
I J cry portly; abe'a gwlae dvwa bill paw-
! rful fust. So It orearred to tbe girl
' o ro to the hMilial and ak queatkiiu
. ; n Iht own nci-oonr. Mht btNicht a hrr
.; etit poxy and. apiwartug at Ibe ho-iil
fx ll door, waa rcrelTed by aa atteadant
i -Tell Mm. Jonea," aba taU. offtrtug
he poay. Mat a frleu' ob de funiili
rouirht ber de Bowera and bopen abe'
ruiu inner.
The attendant took tbe Sower and
turnlDg away when gu
Aira. Junc-a
.'I "Not.,
U" Boffloar long aba gwlne to latT
v 1 1 tit aoctor doeant aspect ber to live
ae ween out"
Sue took her depart a re. enaUr com
, $ rted. Tht attendant took the pony to
... in. jonea with the oteaaaga. Hit
-mem was too III to appreciate the kind
j tteutlon, but tbe faculty of cnrkwlty
I 1,1 not yet deserted her. and aba asked
; iiiriiu ei ute nniuy aad left a
1 a me. Tbe nurse ask! aba bad aot,
f hereupon Mrs. Jones askad for a d
' ;iiptkm of her aad waa told that abt
. fas a mm colored girl sbuut twenty
.Mrs old.
That night a bnrry call waa sent for
'wo to come to tbe hospital to tea ah)
J lfe before sne died. Moat obeyed tht
I minion ana round tbt Invalid la a
; nto or collapxe. Wbeo told that bar
jtiMina was there sbt rallied, aad
( went to uer ijeaaMa. - -
g f Mma." she said. "tak goad cara a
t clilllen waea I'm dald."
5 Martin." .
V "Gib all tnw frlon'. 1 tk
T ' - - - MJ 1UU, HO
Miank de cull'd gal fa de flowera abt
uun me ae naaer aay.
"Wha" cull'd gair
I ,Lunno. 8 lie said aba waa a frtaa'
- ue iiimuy.
If f'l wond-r"-
Is Mone checked himself, but too late.
I wl to tell what ba wondered at. aa
A iDiltted that Run tnfoht h I.M tk.
waBa others ciaim taat Dftkeaa'
af B900 waa aot coosfctertd
w a. a a .
" was aaa ai ay taa twaar. v
t .
Tat Bad BMrl af Haly. i ,
Taa lad shirt, destined ta becoaaa aa
teBjaoa arkyaibol taroagboat Europe,
waa aet at Brat adopted by GarltaMI
for aay faatastlc or apsctacular rea
aaa. Tat Kagllab Admiral Ingram
saya taat the red ahlrt Ud Ita ortgia hi
I ikKtaalty ami tint tta adoption
waa caused by tbe nved of ckxhlnx as
acaaAitalcally aa puastbla the legloa that
Oarlbaldl bad raised for tbt liberation
of Italy. Aa offer was mad by a
tradesman to supply at a reduced rirlct
a larga atock of red woolea shirta Tab
oftar was eagerly dosed on. Before
taaay years bad paastd tbt red shirt
bream tht symbol aot merely of tbe
legxa. but of tha ntw spirit working
for taa liberation of Italy. Atlanta
Tba real greatness of a blackberry
Fa la the eating it fresh trout tha Mu
It doe not need angar and rresav It
does not netd anything but a tbamal
and Dnwer and a nwuta. '
oueg tbaj " " "
aatrred a bank aad
askad to be adThwd bw to scad moeey
to bat? aaa It aaothe dty. Tha prasi
dtat waa the only oo of th aekan
prttaal; aad th woasaa waa referred
to him. Rat waa a garroioaa oM lady
aatat waosea whoa started
talktag boat their soaa. pnorrd' a
steady stream la th preshVafa tan
of her aoa'a aopertortty over other wa
mea'a aoaa, mlogWd with torn hard
h a had had.
sh aakt, "waa arwaya aa
afferUoaata rattd, trathfaL taowicbtful
aad artt gar aw a bit of rroabla
Ha waa aa smart waea b waa at
school that ba aartr Beaded to atuily
mark al boast, aad bat mark were
always 0 and D, whk-h are the high
est, lie aerer gut A but oik, aad be
said taat was a m fetal. Una day
cam bom aad aald ha wasat gutag
b achool aay more; ha dklat apprera
of tha . system af educatloa. 11a
tbotajht the boys were treated Dk
meat all put Into a borawr
and groaad out together. II said ba
had fouad that h couM do oaa thing
well aad It was rery aaty for bin. I
asked alia what It waa, and ha aakt It
bad authlag to do with school work
and dalat aeed aay eduratkNt at all
Ha would show u Instead of tl
bm; tbaa I would uaderataud him, Ha
ttfted tha dock from th mantle, took
It all to placet aad put tt together
For ad s sake, JlmmkV 1 said.
law you going to ba Battened to be a
dock Uokarr
"Oh, awthar,' ha aaal gfrlna gat a
hue "yu duat uadarstaaa what 11a
Mrkasatf "
Tha atzt day ha bid m toudby aad
id. Tad woal see bm agala Ull I'ra
aoaw sarcasa ha Iba world.'
--ioa woa t maae such of a too
I aasd, w about aa tdaoath.a, I
waa to haps y would hart auto ata
kitksa aad go t coUaga. I conkl bar
pahj part, aad you could hart earned
the reat Isarhlng achool at somethhig.'
-1 harta't tbaa to go to coUecc. ha
Id. ITa got a bfc work befora me.
I'm going to make something that hat
aerer beea sacceaarally that far coa-
atructcd.' ,
Ha went away, aad I'ra not 'ami
aim aldco. I'm sore h win auceaeit
but I wlsk at would tell tea how h la
gttthac; on. Tuu see, h has had a lot
to contend with, first ht waa taken
tick aad didn't earn a cant fur months,
oesldea paying something for twin la
a hospital. Then be"
"Madam,- u terra pled th banker.
lia to busy to listen to all thla.
Crota your daacrlptkHt of your ton I
judta that ha It a ae'er-do-welL"
The old lady looked at th banker
wonderingly. "JUnniln a ae'erdo-welt!
Why. be t tbt smartest boy you erer
taw. How do yoa aappuae be tr got
thus high mark at school uulaaw ,
Too baukefcat ber sburcsk.'nc"uir
now puui-- i ,.,)
tl abt
XO, tot
a thousand
Kiaf ttrsag't Riss sad Flt
A kingdom was on t up a lea
ver bUaad. ta aortbrra t-flke MkMgna.
ad dourhibed for some yenr. Jatu.-s
Jeaae Strang, a prouiUi.nt Mn a.
bad auarreled with lh WUt of tiU
rhurvb aad la ISitl atthJrvw Kh a
few AUIowera to that W.iud. vHb.r
MuraKNM Joined lb colony from time
lo tlasa, aad by th wkiter vf 1s H thry
wet anVkaUy numerous to threaten
control of th kdaad. la July R. !vA
Strang waa crowaed king with elabo
rat trectasoabsv Tber waa much coo
troTemy between th klonuoaa and
lb other Inhabitants of tbt Island.
mostly nabermea. While on a vhlt to
ivtrolt rreakleat ruimor heard of
thai Uttla kingdom within the domain
of the I'aKed tttatva. lie seat aaarturd
avl to Hearer Island, and king
8traAg waa raptard and tried fir trea-
aoa. II rood acted bis own drfi-ne
1 mad such aa akiiwut plea that
ba waa acquittal la Ittu he waa aa
sssslnsted. aad hit kingdom feU with
Tha Oidest Saaueia.
Tha oldest aequola ht om 3.130 years
af ago. A family of Ore roukl have
pk-nkked aader this tree who the
U reeks war baUding their wooden
bora aader tha walla of Troy aud
rturaob and hit army wets lclug en
gulfed ta tha wattra of tbt lied sea. It
has beea tbe roateeapurary of rvery fa-
aioua man and treat aluc the fogsy
dawa af history. While Innumerable
maldtadaa af men and women fretted
their way through tha dreadfully lui
portaat whak or two of Hint that tbey
calkaj Ufa this tree rout ruled Itself
with gatttaff a Itttl thicker In tbe trunk
aad wreathing its top la more majeatic
I Hiring the loiter part of lYealuVat
lliierta'a admlblstratkia of the goera-
axttt of Mrxko It txvaate aeceasary
fur th t'nlteil 8tste goernmet to
rod to the AtuciVau rereseaiaUa
there a Uocutiwut of great Imrwruar.
There were VI ci tea a apte la thoaa
Juys who were stfeitiUtHg ta thwart
the effort of the IVaahlttgtoa govera-
aient and alio Worked ry adroitly.
lticy bad thru- ronrelerates ta th d.
partuiriits bo posted thau as to what
aa taking )lac
l-sul MUiard. a cWk la th atate aV
partmenr, a lutrusted wkk thedoca
uieut and warned to guard tt carefully
lent be ! uVpowewd Of It II waa
i youtur nian ntvutly marrleil and.
tallug bis dl'iali h horn, told hat wife
of Ma nibwlon and aked ber to pack
a suit rase, th Wily baggs h la
lemled t take allh him.
Now. tbe klt'lWaa secret aertka men
st Wanbtiitoa, kiH'Wtug that laul
Millard was a clerk In tbe onV of lb
n'Ury of slate and bJ ( u
ar rets, bad tciuptitt hi a If with
tea els lo get Uifuruiatioa Ibrvugh ber.
She had not ) leltted, bul. Iwlug hrewd,
bad pretended to ti half lucllued to
.vnwtit Klie Kakl nothing t aul
lUmt having leta sounded, but when
be tlt ber of bis uiUaion sh want
jut I'll ptclcn-w of His ling puivhaae
tml told tlie ito a ho hid tried to
buy ber that her husband nould atari
the next morning for Msikv with aa
ImiHirtsut ulitk'b.
lU'for going to bed that Bight aha
tsked to art ib durumsaib ahkh waa
contauted ta aa otBvlal taTslupa aad
sealed with the aaa) of aha Patted
State. Bh Md aim thai It watd ha
Wr to put It Into a phaa tnratop
addoMMtxl to aa asauiwd nana II
ailed her to d it and aba buh II lata
f1r1ii K tf
"aService to the S:ckM
AtUrcsjt, IU) 146, HilUborvOrtu
CrovwUncJ. Oroon
Kough ami D(rsc! Lumber of al) kioda.,
Iniiri u it tt vnti m x'ltttr T.nniltnr ti
t ur ciiMt'tucta kh1 x-rvicc bm) reasonable prutg. '
Mill locatct! Six aujouolulf miles North f Jlill.
taru oti Unite J kaiUay.
H. S. Thorp, Propriotor
l-t us
foUag. Mowadaya ptoplt who hare
made their piles, possibly lu th lumber I isother rotun fur tha Pttrpuaa,
""". wa BBoior uown to ioo ai 11 kmc K MIKiiaoL
a, aaa tnev wire gnat up atnoug Its
wfal bra ache aad aay, -My. bow
pretty r-aea Pranrlsca Xulletln.
aybm Army OUeharat.
A daw-barge amy ba purchased by
soldier who hat serred at least one
year la th army If he U stationed
nlthla tha coaaaae of th Tnlted
State. If be ta terrlng In Alaska or
auywhera oatalde Iba ronllnrntal lim
it of th tutted State or If his or
ganbattoa hat been ordered lo take
ttatkm outside tha routlueutal limits
at cannot obtain a dlacbarga
Tha prlra at which a soldier may
purchas hla discharge, as taken from
general orders No, 4. war dTnrtnicnt
W ashington. P. C- Jan. 8, I'.mG, is as
follow: "After one year service.
la); two years, f 100; Hire years, $'J0;
four years. as3: or years. : lt
klUlard next uorntiut bade ah) wtft
oHiby and started oh bb) )uurny. Aa
may t c ipectrd. be Was watched by
ths Meik-an secret Bertie taxployaaa,
bo w,r lulcut oa waytayhui hba,
but b took precautkina alwaya to be
here there were other about htm,
nd they found no opportunity. A rory
pretty wotnso vss sent on th trip,
which was mid by aa, to ftartnata
hliiu but Iaul, U-sUto bring m fallhful
himbantt. was no fool, and ht Hfimal
to be duid by her.
Iurlntf tha ruyag hi stateroom waa
entered and hi suit caaa exaininad.
tiut be had Ukcn th dUiiabh and
placed It In the breast pu M Of hh)
coiil, whera be could runnstitty feel Ha
bulk. TIh-o th constiinitor, feeling
on that lie ntrrled It on bk rmo,
buile efforts lu get htm by hlnuelf an
umi mry nili-bt p-t It Into their
Di-tor Iv. T. Helms, Cbiroprector, eiteadji
s curdbl iuviution to tbe public to visit
his newly opened offices, rooms I tod 2,
Heidcl liuildiog, lor ctusulutiou sod
treatment of all diiwiacs, acute or chronic,
(or frieuilly vUitstka sod acquaintance.
Office hour 9 to u, sod a to 5. Other
hours by apjaiintiucnt,'
Special attention giveo to
tbe treatment of stomach
trouble, rbeunutUtu, ssd
diseases o( Women.
mltted that Sue might bar left tht
1 ,'wers, and when risked who 80a waa
v 'i admitted that aha waa tbe womaa
.bo was taking care of tha children.
;rbnpH It was M one's evident deetrt
. iti-ep something back. At aay rate.
i e iiHiiMcr took rright She raised her
- If a Hh marvelous strength contld-
iiik oer condition and betwaaa the
? free aua nor husband got the atory,
j bluding some admissions from the
, ter na to Sue's kind aollcttvaa la hit
t mill. - - - ,
e jo siose." to aald, "yo wattla'
1 uh to aie to marry dat gair
;'I liuln't no secb thing."
rue gins waitin' fo' me todla
frry yo'. To' s'poat t irwlna to turn
f chillc-D ober to a gal like dat? No,
ja. I'a gwlne to get well.- Call de
abulnnce. I't gwlna home riant off."
phtt was not permitted to carry out
assertion, but aba rallied from
it moment and a week later waa
Vk in ber own domicile. Miss Brown
" warned by Mone of her coming
a acparrea in time to srold a scan,
f Our First Cainaaa,
J'lie earliest coinage of moaey for
iiorka nt said lo hare beea made for
rglnla lu lli The London company
J been formed for taa purpose of
1 eshing rolouliation work la Virginia,
, d iu luDU.Stf George Botncra, aa
; l , live promoter of the company, act
; ' ,t with an expedltloa. ! HU reeaaa
, , t itmutcred a storm and wara wreck
I on tbe coast of one of tha Bermuda
. finds. Somen took possession of tbt
' 11 lids lu tbe ttatna Of Great Britain
was forced to remam tbart'let
utba, but naaily raacbtd. I'btJ
1"" f-t VtJz2i
r nek susceptible of
n-eniciit by human srt We kaow
mm. rated lu the country la middle
1 -une w. wlio came back from Ok la
m i l h! old ui'e just to Oil himself
e a me n .Hi bliickberrlet aa they
Nobody Im knows What Me
rrn nre would think htm fool
mtii iiiU;lit almost coma back
UrliN 1
!l A
rolu i:irHille for
Kx. luiii .e
a feast like t hat-
Too Exacting.
-Ixwk here, sabl tbe bead of tbe
Irm. addressing tbe new stenographer,
"thla letter Is all wrong. Your puncta
attoa ta rery bad and your spelling Is
wort. 1 can t afford to sand out any
bbcb eras to my clients."
"Wall," tbt replied, "I'm sorry If
work doa't suit you, but waa you ex
pecting to get a Mrs. Noah H. Webster
for 13 a. week r-New Turk Sua.
The Very Closest
'My boy," atid th klad old nncia to
am young nephew, -yoa art my tip seal
relative, art yoa hotr
"No, uncle." sweetie renlled tha Urtla
rtilow, "toy father baa that distinction.
He never girts ma a cant unlasa I ask
1 . .-
Chinas Lanaua,
The Chines languagt la very difficult
to learn, for, although there la no al
phabet it la necessary ft matter about
auaaj ay name cbaractera.
Sort Enough,
"He denies bit wife nothing."
-wau, wart one way of aroidlnc
rrouDia ir you caa afford It." Detroit
r re Press.
Snbtlety may deceive yoa; Integrity
never wui. tjromwelk
The Kanaarts.
la tht coarsa of a long stay in the
interior of Victoria, AoatmUa. 3. Q.
O DoBoha gathered conclusive cri-
denca, whkh ba preaeata In'th Vic
torian Materalltt, that tha mother aaa
froo, when hard pressed on a long
pursuit throws her young on put of
her pooch. He says tha youag kanga
roo la "sent spinning from tbt pouch
aa in mother, by ber enormous leapt,
Imparta to It a mora or less rertlcal
Deadlock and Wsdltea, 1
Tha compositor baa made it 'dead
lock' Instead of 'wedlock.' Shall I atop
the prater
"New; let It go at that Maybe the
compositor waa right Ht is married,
aad we are two bachelors. Why should
we aet ourselves ap Ib Judgment over
limr Louisville Courier Journal.
Gead Advlc. ,
"tow atate your cast rery wall." aald
tht eminent attorney to tbt young man
Who aougbt hit daughter's band "8up-
ta yoa take It to tha court of last
laaart". . t
"What do yoa mean br thai airf ''
Aak the girl, man: ask the a-inr-
la n mannfacturtug
concern aa was organising, tha ureal-
dent implored her not to rob herself by
putting her moaey la torn wild scheme
that would rarely explode and leart
her In tha lurch.
"WU4 acheme," the exclaimed. Do
you auppoat my boy would let hi
mother put her money in a wild
tcnemer Why, be Wouldn't"-
"Enougb, madam, Let m have your
I1.0U0 and 111 giva yoa a draft for It
that will bt aa good aa uopey for your
son. uui remember that I warned you."
The old lady opened a band bag and
Pok oat a stocking; from which ah
Pound a quart measure of bills, gold
sna Hirer, n banker called a clerk
and directed him to count tha money
and, finding the amount aa tha old lady
had stated, gave her a draft for tt
Two years Passed. Ona dav a eae.
riage drove up to tht bank, and aa old
lady wrapped In expenstra furs waa
helped to alight by a maid who carried
a aatchel and, going into tha bank.
asked for tht president
"I'ra got a lot of papers," ana said.
AS opaoiaf the eaiehel, ah draw
forth a pile of securities whkh the
artsldenL on looking over, found to ha
of great value. Urn locked them In a
bog in tbe safety deposit branch of the
bank snd. handing her tbe key, told
her that tbe, and the alone, would ha
bla to unlock the box and would bare
access to It at any time during business
Ton don't seem to know me " aha
"Heally." replied tha banker. "I must
confess that I don't"
Don't yoa remember mv rnmin. in
here and emptying a etocklnr fall of
money and you giving- me a paper for
tt to aend to my boy? Well, Jlmmle
waa getting up a company to mik.
tometblng he had Invented. He'd saved
t000 himself and needed f 1,000 more.
I tent It to bim, and be gare ma a
third iMcecel m the concern. Afta a.
got to making money ba 'watPtorf th
sioca,- waaierer that means, and gav
me a thousand shares. Jlmmle uv
ea h share It worth $300. I knew that
annua couton t nave got all those 0
and D marks at achool If ha
mighty smart"
Madam," Mid tha banker. -T m
glad that yoa didn't accept my advice.
I fancy your eon la a genius, and one
never can tell what such persona are
going to da"
And tbey told me be had nam a.
pelted from school," added tbe old lady
aaa Without a Spot.
Soup Without a SIMJcn seema
harder to negotiate than meat without
iora. aua we can siiunsthlr with
the complaint recorded In the diary of
Felix Platter, a young Swiss, who went
to MontpeUler In 1552 lu order to study
medicine. He lodged In tbe bouse of
his professor, Catelan. one of tha
greatest doctors of bib time, and yet
write Platter, "We were comnelted to
ett our ttew In tbt usual French fashion-that
a to aay, picking the meat
WWBJur sugar and than drinking
ewvub ib rata,; seven years, iW; elitht rears. nliu. tu til IO MVstMHm .
SH; nlu yearn. WO; ten years, A3.V CiuiUMiinUiy f ..h.-nii.rfe ,. ak.-
e.erea years. lar-PhUsdelpbtarreoa. st I he stem of he e-L .u,-ne
ih-.t bo go v. ua ttitu to ma. .No uut waa
ihvru, uud Mllliipj ,Uiu4 iu rTttfa
ttrMlt'rat Win ea has rird. list fc
toe ni or me .,yBKe ,
utver l im rnuKlit alone.. j
iii orrlvliitf Rt Vera ttj be il
irniii for Mexico Clly. Ikliw ,iar l
the enemys coimiry. be f,.t t tm
m in iiH.nni.mfi.r. Aud lie ass, TU
cxHwi:a were doing ir,.ttr wur( M
ito-y plonscd, sml Une llis-rta's
n1.11 knew tlmt I'aul irrW-l su Supor
lam d' uu cut from ti,e t trd $talr.
."i niurf-ni u ass a fores,,,,-
Tha Child at the Window. -
Oftener than not w may tell a
chlld'a sex fmm lb time tbe child
Kuds at tht window on a rulny day.
Whatever the years make woman,
she Is born doimtlrsteL The little
girl looks out of the window chiefly
becaun aoiwthliig Is happening out
side, not because sh wishes something
would baiipcn. and returns contentedly
lo ber Indoor Intrrmts. But, however
the years thin a man's blood, bt la born
an open air adventurer. The llttl boy
lire of carpet play and remains gas- th.n tlmt be would robbed of k.
u t th ruin aud gray sklca. weary- True ammgli, si ibe Omt
IUbT riaff CKaa mahn m, sal. I.. I 1 ti n I .t "
Ing for th sen to shine. J. J. BelL
O You Remsmbsrf
Itemember when you used to pull
your boiled shirts over your head 7
Buffalo Newt.
And hooked 00 your bow tta at the
Wck or your celluloid collsrj-l'ltts-burgh
And went out bugey riding Sunday
niernuonar iHMton Uloba.
Hoggs't Horss.
lloirge' Horse, at Iluxted, Sussex,
EniflniMl. In the neuter of tht old Iron
ilMrk-t was formerly the residence of
itsipn llocxe, an ronmaster. Ha u
celefrated aa baring been tht Orst to
cast a cannon in on piece. Thla oc
curred In 15-M.
Qur Death Customs,
will, h the trnlu slopu-,1 ..,.i u...
m..r,( the rnr wh,-m I'8U as, tUl,
WH'd thnniKh It, evidently ,xtng for
..,-. ,.n nniiiii.j i, in, i..
-" "o iwtf!tK. car su.) ,,d no
."... 111 IIII.IIIH! t), jajcksge In lils
- .. u 1 noii n.i.y iwrmltted him tu r
i. "" I" IU car be bud ift
... ... r, "",ur"lljr m "
.. ne ni;r.jii.M ut he had at
ICI.ipted to , 4rrjr tU, dov-uu.,,, , D
llliout .r,.t,Mln. Whai pualad him
M that any ww could hat. wind
mc.14 r.u a.lstx awrwary who bad
Kln-i, him the dk.hb. Mrs. Millard
dill Mi.. . aWaATl
m i IT. '...T ' ,u rtamnt
nNKiil.m' Mcxb-o lily ho Wt-e.
mined to ko to h. f.,...-. " .
iMWHy and n.H,rt hu 1,-. t ? ZTl
IfMlLlsi.- ..' .., .
"nliav lit- sa f TI n mftia . n . .
The Egyptians. hellevi. ih. ,t.,i uliiim, t ..... i.i.. . " !e"M
naonla iumAA k- im 7 ... " 7. I... ..... . " to
, -. .uiuKn uiey used I " i iirni no reri)se4' then
when olive, sometime killed the fa- 'wli'at tlmt. luivlug L-,i hl. 1
vonie slave and born of th dead man.
lu India, for the same reason, widow
were burned with th corpse of tbclr
Ml 17 but hlM . .
fhMi.... . 1 ... 1 7 " - "" ""iticn.
i'i"iiiion was ttiinuk. u
and not u, , . "
, ., vwiiiH-iiimi
Clever Answsr.
She This Is the fourth ilm.
have priiposed to me. How mnnv ffltnaai
do you want itu (. rafu ....
w - ' "v will SI If"
rersonnlly. think ,hre m-, ,.
sufflclent Ixindon Mall.
Many men owe the grandeur of their
live to their tremendous dlfflcnltlea.
Spurgeon. A Good Imltstltn f Prlet.
Oamond-Ouy strut like a man In
hh) flrst dress milt. Desmond Well,
hardly that; bo struts like a man In
bis Brat rented dress suit-Boston Jour
naL A Nstursl Conclusion.
"Why do descriptive writers apeak so
wieu 01 m angry flame?"
"I tupposs because the flame are
usually put out"-Baltlmore American,
Eaay Boss.
"You owt It to yourself."
"In that case, there's no hurry. 1
"nd myself a very lenient credltor."
Lnulsvllle t'oiirler-.loiirnsl
An Importsnt Considsrstion.
"Poverty," said Mr. twin b. i.
BodlsKrace." '
"No," replied llr. Omwehar ..n..
erty la like wealth In one way, The
mount of respect attached to It de
pinds entirely on bow you cam by tt."
"IMU Qllf,
Baesptltna, ' ,
A sort answer turns away wrath," ,
"Don t you licll.v. u ui ... -II
ed n.e yesterday how I liked her bU
"Where do too winh t,. . .
'First let the driver lake you to Tour
dtlimtlo,,," replied auL 'OM M'our
"I am iriiiiiif i. ,,.... ...
emlswsy - ' "H B,"
order to drive to the eiulmssy. Tbe b(.
bn, k on tn.Hl.lon .nd mad.
fijri , ,r,en,rk. When
"I' O Im enibuany h. ,ulUd Z Z
and followed ber lot,, fh. k.L. ' '
we btgaad our 'cults, and 1 m .;. '"::"""'"-
jMIe Hcnted nm him waa Mrs. Ml?
"It'a hi,,, Paul," sho said, mnldUig
nl Urn pnnr-r In th .,,' IS!
"'' "HaoltltHnouvou wrattto
meluliK-lnneta another
;.0lrHurue,fj,Hlmi(i HnuXlI,
!-aim look waa g dummy" ","mM,,;
TIicii Hho tid 1)ln b .j '
had tried to briiH. n"rnW the.tHeiny, ..HMJiif), , , . ..,iu,r. ,. r.i"l I
the owner h.. . ',"" ""I'swe 1;
..Z 'J'Jl'L h," b'aiTled tha
. wiw lii lira ...e.:M 4
, '"" "'nn. and nftur lil
became ihn r.,., " f ."m ta Hi
nd aon-m-w ' 'L' ' "lnwhhjp
Hew .Vortf til, iflH ,8J1ol
m for vlZttl" Ja4
iawtttalkW ""'luw'' d chap.
r . -a.
I -1
si . aman
Vd I
V, -Lirrn
Ell . afl
A a - . aBWamaWafjajsaaw MBWaxawBBW emXBMaWXBl
The cost of wirintf b slighthaity to to reck
oned with when you think of th cczxt and
many conveniences that elwCtrid tta.
Your home, too, am glenm this chetrftd welcorno
into the niKht. No matter heboid, our men can
wire it quickly find without cturkfcj your
hwaehold routino or arrajisasiKA end without
dirtordaordcr. Thus, tuly ezd exoRCJcally,
' SeT Cnj0y " C4; cvr.
Edison Mazda Mm
avaa m u. S, A. ml gaMtea B t
Whn PDIftOM DAY It rslsbrttod OeawW tt -a ht kw
aX'2dtamS t'Z'1?" t
a .
Have your home wired in tiza foCBSON DAY
will avoid it. ru.K 1 L "a J!. fm mM ae 4 h aow, ro
Call eiiljto 'mvUif eayt alwaya brU
lllc msuument plan Applicable w
any house in our vatn
1 -onei Main 9aa i!5 n(S(MI UMmiinrn
Baaaaai mtBBaVtawaaa j
' .
. t... .aBBBBBBBBK 1
f II r. iBS?.rf e saasMi
,f "I Art.. "" ?brse- i laMi
ii " i .i in 'aa sawaa a tss
uUl'iJ aalMlaaa, a-S aaalamsat.
I.a. Llkr'
rmaaalaaVsT 1 " ,w" '
W Hie 1st fra saaxMa,t 'iTCMlM Bse'