XL ..jaaoao AMct Taanaavotee it i s C Jwa T. Mil. Mult cl vtft flwttered dovm chimney thw M of Ernest Harold Baynea to Mertdem. N. tt, mad m promptly banded tad released. Tbe NrnJ o( the old style and bore tb numtwr (XSM At 8 o'cturk p. m. on June l 1912. two chimney ewlfu ftew from tbe chimney luto tb hm room of Mr. Paynes' house where the bird had been caught year and eUrht days Ufore. Aud K! whew tle birds were taken la band aud erauilned one of them proved to be 32iS. Remarkable as this may era. this diminutive creature, less than all lmhre In length, bad traveled ouudred of miles to Central Atnerk-a or else- wb.-re to the trojib-a where he speut the w Inter and then had made the Uvig re turn journey at the approach of mai mer and found aaia the chimney of hts choice ta Tillage In faroff New Hampshire. And throughout hts Jour aey lug the little alundnuta ring had traveled with hlia and had proriured Bt the least efftvt on the bird's Kml One wonders If the swift lived al ways In the same hollow tree to South AiuerVa. Xw York Toet. A Youthful Speculator. Senator John Sherman made his first pecalatlou when be w aa a boy of Bit teen, and It turned out badly. At toe age of fourteen he was working for the lusklngiun Improvement company at 3 a month and at the age of slxteea was anperiutendont of an important part of the work aud had been ad ranced to $40. During the winter be was idle, as the canal was closed. It was at tbU time that be attempted bis nrcnbitfon. Salt waa very low on the JlnsldnjutB river aud ery hlh at Cin cinnati Ko John bought a lot of salt. loaded It on a scow and started It down the river. All went well nntll wltbln one day's float of tlie Ohio river, when the theniututetcr wei.t down to aero, and the scow rViuainod right (her for two lone mouth. Kverybisly bad a . great lauth over the youthful specula tor, but be Ih'e.l long enough lo return the l.iush with luUTot. Si. Louis :ioUvIeiiiHrat. - ' . , W'i if Th Horaa Chestnut. Why the borse rhtwtitut b so called l reUil.Hile i!ut. but lt h'SSt One I I'Mo exil:iii:itioii of lite ntinie may ! fi.:ind in .i e-uliar characteristic .f tlo ine If. v.hen it Is mature, a l.-:f I Itro'.on -..if rliMnlv nt the point where Uh s..0i jIIUM lite l.rKtx h. It will 1 dixeiiviifd lh.it the base of the stem is the evatt shape of a horse's biNif. aud If one looks further oue wttl wee plainly nmrkej upon the "hoof the nail marks of the horse's shoe. Tbe similitude of hoof and nails U at least remarkable. It might be supposed, in K'wi f. i t "-(. ;-,r. tioe. that horses were fond ot ibe fruit, but one believes that this Is not tbe case. Hot does any other creature, except perbapa the rat or mouse, attempt to sot this natural and abundant product E& tends Us Ortfoa,a ssooad at eTUawii Statement ol ewwerahbx sea. of Uls- twm Argiw. CM. I, tCli. nskUshsea. L. A. I-"" sn m McKisibwt: V. Mcbinner, MHor. UA. ! Itgned) Ul.Un SulwrritMd sad swjra te betuea bm this Uik if At oTOetotwr. U II tiKreniMa. Koury Publie It. A. lAi&a. Editor. County Official Paper Imo4 Kverf ll.W par Annam. Tkmrwlnj -T- ' , IXHO McKINNBT The iVtston lied Sox have won the world series aminst Phila delphia, getting the pennant in four straight mmes after Philly won the first of the series. To say that the series overshadowed even the war is not putting u too strong, for that was the first word, every day at noon "Who won .today?" Bulgaria has declared war and is now with the Germans. This means that the Balkan states are divided, with Greece staying neutral It is not expected.how ever, that ureece can long re main outside as England will probably force her hand, having anded troops on Grecian soil. The conflict is still in doubt, with the Germans in the as cendancy. "Carina Married Couples, If every wife who Is trying to cue her husband and every busUaud who Is trying to cure Ma wife would stop tbe operation and all the husbands would devote their energies to curing i t i ' themselves and all tbe wives devote J their energies to curing themselves r hollies would be a great deal ' than they are tday. JJ ing wives woo a energies " oelr usb aetrlnientnl j jl3 home than the fS?,, -fThere are husbnndi !, Wliumnire set themnelves the task of curing thetr wives of liuperfo-tions of so much less consequence than tbe lu Ormlties of chnrarter and temper nos- i aeiwed by the butiband himself. Edln- burgh Scotsman. In the death of Lou Stinson, of Salem, Oregon has lost a citi zen of genuine worth. ' His heart was ever, with the poor and low- y, and his kind word and ready smile made the world brighter and better for those with whom he came in contact He has lett his impress on the state as has no other man with the same chances in life. The great fra ternity which honored him has no regrets that it extended to him the hand of fellowship but it has regrets that he is no more. For Sale Singer sewing ma chine, good as new; also buffet and dining table. Inquire at this office. P. O. Brown, who has a home- swaa in me upper country . nr-iyealed rived Ia3t night for an 1 - visit with his 'l U Latham. " Henry aiaiines. oi Laurel, was aa Argus caller today. ir. lurwin mis morning re duced a fracture of the leg for Sarah Pierce of Orenco. The Cong. Church will hold box social in the Moose Hall, Friday evening. Oct 29. Do not fonret the Scholls Grange Fair, beginning October 1K lomorrow. Leo Murphy, of above Buxton, is serving davs in the county jail (or assaulting utto Skibbe. tiair-orother. , . Card social and dance-Th usual card social and dance takes place at St. Matthews School hall, this Friday evening. Oct 15, commencing at 8:15. Every ooay invited. Admission, 25;. Daniel W. Ward, of Forest Grove, and Miss Ruth Goodin. of Cornelius, were married in Van eouver. Wash, Oct 12. 1915. 1 he groom is a grandson of Dr. W. D. Ward, of Forest Grove. ar.d the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodin. Mrs. M. Fruttieer. of .Hills dale, has sued Fred Lanirer for W30 damages, .alleging that ianger ran into her wita an auia. on me siavin lwad. near Portland. Langer will fight the case, it is said. Dr. L. W. Hyde. Spanish War Veteran, yesterday received word of his appointment as Aide- de-camp to the Cnnmander in Chief of 4he United Spanish American War Veterans of the United States. This is ad honor that but two others have on the Pacific Coast Ellis Miller, the 17-year-old s of Andrew Miller. Oak Park, was operated on for appendicitH. this week, by Dr. Uobb and Dr. Kr win. crnesi losii, the same age, and who is a son of Fred Losli. of Cedar Mill, was oper ated on for the same trouble the first of the week. " Are you troubled as to the Bi ble? Then hear the sermon at the M. E. church Sunday rrorn- ing, on "Is Belief in the Bible Scientific?" Are you pessimistic? Then be sure and. hear the ser mon at night "Is Life a Trage dy? Live congregational singing is a special feature of the night service. Worth going miles to see the wonderful deep sea motion pic tures. ocean bottom secrets re- Pettsry and 6swsy. la the royal ma uu factory of pottery t Mefcnea, Saiouy. the work aa fer- tueriy carried on wtth the tmt ae- rnvy lo prevent tbe five froi bmtmUuc too a eb- herv. The tahlbibuwut was a complete frtre, the prtoHllU of wbk k sa not rabwd day or uU'ht, no atrancer beta per mitted to enter for any purpose what ever. Every workman, even the chk-f Inspector, waa aworn to silence. This tujunctkm waa formally refieabnl every month lo the superior orfl.vrs employ ed, while the workmen hod ronMantly before their ryes In larue kttT the warning motto. -Re Seft t'ttto tVath." It aa well kuown that auy pTu divulshiit the roooa wuld be tuiprboHl for life In tbe rele of KoeuUxtrln. Ern the klmt hlmoelf when be took stratutvra of dtittuAlkn to visit the wurka waa enjoined to se crecy, Oue of the firemen, however, escaped and assisted In establlshlntt manufactory In Vienna, from whkk the arenrts spread all over liermnny. LigM and Sound and Class, Why doesn't tbe cked window shut out llcht Just aa much aa It abuts out soundT Itoth ll;ht and sound travel through the air, aud their waves come in contact sllb the (taMa. Tbe light. after It baa goue tbnmgh tbe window seenw Ju-t as strong or stfungrr, whlls tbe sound seem ever so much weaker Why U It? Many of us have woodvt ed. The rcamm la that light Is not I wave of air, while sound la. Light Is wave in tbe ether ahl.h to In tbe Kl iks aa well aa In the sir. so that light In ysUiig through glass stUI has Its natural path of ether. Hut wbett sound wave strike tbe window glass ttay muxt put the glass luto vllntl.m. snd tlie gUw bi turn muM make the air lusldo vllirutc All lliU ksens tbe nrv'iii,t!i of the sound se, aud they retu-b our ears nipallo of prodm tug ).- utartllnx effe. t tuau are tbe Ughl wares whk b reach our eye. Th Msasurs of a Man. At u. mceilug nt w hkh a romlneut modem staiesumu, who Is h.t In sta tute. to e.ik the Itoitl t tiairuiau. emleatoruig lo 1 witty, oluterved that he wits somewuut diimpimtuted stwul the Mlltk lau's l)hl. al iirotwrtlous i had hard so murb nU.ut this geu leumii. be subl, "that I naturally e xh U-1 lo tiH-et a big aisn lit every eiwt. but, as you see for youraelie. b very Huiall." Many an anu auuld have beeu Upset by soeh SU uu ortiiiinle N'Sliniliig to the proceedings but not so this one. "I am grieved lo tlmt." be said, with mock serkMimieM tbut your rhalrmau la dltunioliilnl my slxe, but this Is owing to tbv way you have here of measuring a niau. in my irt of the kingdom r uiensure a man from bis ruin up. bin you evidently measure htm from from bis chin down." Fsarsd Premature Burisk Tbo doiiof who U ft Inst rurt Ions thai watrb should 1 died, lo bki Tks rssuly Leak, No Ve.aeoce of lowiue. nothlmj that stands written In nay book, may saay tbe hxsrt as dure, that etuUve uaUty -tbe race mark I a ta a4 Ihts Is into of the ot ous pbysfc si SM-ect than of Its lboe.nd seit conaola tlowa. All the world knoas tbe lisp burg lip. tbe Jaw line of tbe lue trta. tbe subtle marks ef ctaip keen Ibetr ek--iwe tv Ibelr own Couactoosly or . each fsmUy rp .i..U trure tbeae sinbols as the small compaay of tbe learned might before sotue luecrtptk-a on desrt w..tm Um iiukm and ratcbre to voo and me. T the few wb wader land b-re H the key ht Bk ka the lst s. tho rinill mok la tbe arck of ... . .kk. fe n ori'ir. vne corvo w read ibe signature of ra.-e, Chawe Imnrinl nutlia. matbS Seal of SottM struggle so profound a to were set our Itpe at this pertk-ular angle, or through dimming attenuates lo per neluslo a ceature bom thoosaud run aro la h of m some agony of boly or of soul The fsaiUv look. Tbe Brsl we re member; tbe last we shsll forget lUUabeik liobiua la lUrper's Msgs tine. Fatber and Children. "la the earlier years." says l'stW fh-irles C Jelfrraon la tbe Womsaa Home Companion, "rhltdrcn ran b controlled by tbrlr mother, but by an J by there couwe a tune when they brgin to nolo the eiolu t of tbe fstber. Ni eyea are keener Ibsa the eyr or child. He sees everything tbe fiturr does. He redects on what the father dues not do Ills kiglc Is toetorsble He argue SU wsjr to comluWi whk-h rannit ) shaken. If ht father des not pray. praef mut tw unue-ewry. i.rosa owa surety know what a kewlrd If bis father neirr read Hie lUMe then the but lik rsn l dlieiaed with. Is Iher know what books are moat wurtb reading If he does not go to rhun b then lmr b atiendsiKe Is a inoi and not a duty, for men so old snd be father la would Rot beglert rhurvh If thurvb were of Value to tbem." The Moft Rcmarhablc Pictures the World H3 Evdr kOTtt K TO i nKiiirons. IN TIIK CtU NTY COURT OP THF STATK OF ORKHON '0R WASH INUTO.N COUNTY. n Ilia Mallf of lbs kUi of luum 'liiik, lirevaaMi nintli-e I hrry lm ibal lha uili ignod haa bxea aouolnlad hi lha abut nlllU.I t oiirt aa a.1 iiiinutiai.it til lha m alaol Ausuala WumU, i.raae.t and baaijualatleilwau'aalyUi lrwrih ruaj inararor. ail hiwm laims againai asld aaiais ata b.h. uilinail ami raiiuirail U nriwii th katnthat nltb the ruar vow-tin ih . r in ma unoaralgtiail aluilnltrlir at belaeoihieof Wiiliant il H. Iran .National lUnk Huildin II. n. ..... Orngon. ithlo sis monlba fnuu lb lima nervui. - Ihla !Uh ds, id tlctubaf. iHli. William Wtaraa, Ailmliiiairaiui ul via aiMiwaiii. --mmm- T'N1 TAKER f- Rounder I fJdY I n " a I w a:i H in il I Iwt. I i.jiUihi Wm KttM a W km .'fc..il a- . .1 a Sm, ii 'W wwimn mm aHMrt' I. M..4.mtMI sWswH.H.t2J The Willi am ion Submarine Pic tit ret - " la km 1 t , ' S .vM i I , , vVrf! GRAND THEATRK Friday Only. 7 RU. Frlcea IO-20c 15 USED ESnyAPWJS) VESTIr1ETCK-rifI-KQ:: mm 1Q The Hillsboro Phormocy Unapprseiated Wit Sir nenry Wot ton. fi twenty yenra England's amlinssdor to the court of Venice, dbum-ered. to bis sorrow, th.it It Is not always wise to tie witty, even In so simple a matter as writing In nn autograph album. Once when visiting at the bouse of a friend his lnwt bnaighl out the visitors' book ami requested Ulr Henry to Inscrllio bis name in it -together with ome npproiHate m.,t merit W illing to oMUre snil wishing to say something nt once nent. witty and wise, he wrote the following and appended bis nnme to It: "An ambas sador bt nn boucKt runn, srnt ahrond to lie for his country." liut King Jitnies 1 did not appreciate the effort of his am- bamdor. It was five long yenrs be fore he received auother apiNtlulirmnt at tne royal humlx. Weighing the Baby. "I have so often boen unitized to henr leoile trying to devise a way to wench the liuby tying blm In a towel find uhIiij? vhiIous devbes," says a contrib utor to the Woman's Home Companion. ny hot stop on the sciiles with tbe winy in your arms and then without him? The difference la the baby's weight. Like m8y fltJ(,r things, 'it is easy wuen you koow how." Precocious Talent, l'roud Falbor-Tlmt boy of mine is Eoing to Iw a great rtimtirler watne day. HynipntlietlQ Friend-Wliut wakes you I hi e-t so? P. F.-Wby. he Is only four years old; and alremly has acquired coupon thumb from clipping the pic tures of bank buildings out of the njHg-Biiiea.-Ulcbmond Tiuios Dispatch, West .yesterday, and ,mmf his mother, who rd from a fracture of the hip some weeks ago, is so far re covered that she can with help get about the house. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hutchison, of aoove Worth Ulains, on the crest of the ridsre, were in town yes terday. It has been a good many years since Hutchison and the Argus man shot at a target for championship honors. Miss Brown, nurse at the Dr. Smith hospital, has so far con valesced from a seven weeks at tack of typhoid that she was able to be taken to her home in East Portland, yesterday. Mrs. Smith accompanied her to her destination. J. T. Rice, of Varley. was In town yesterday. Mr. Rice Innka for a good BtitF price for onions this year, owing to the shortage in Ohio and Indiana, California is now shipping East and this i a better prospect for the Western market, particularly, Oregon. There will be a special meeting of the German Speaking Society at the John Oppenlander home, near Varley, Sunday, October 17, at one o'clock p. m.. lasting. mruuKn me aiternoon. All members are requested to attend as business of great importance ."ii i i " win pe aiscu8sed. A Washinirton Cotintv fines , -r awB wv has again attained fame in the racing or tne world. Hal paced 2:011 in the Grand Circuit the other day. He wan trn1H in Oregon, and his mother was formerly owned bv Mrs. .1 C, W. Redmond told the mare a few years ago. ' Hal Boy's fath er IS Hal B the peleheot pacer. Thos. A. McCourt at one ume owned the darn. Testing Fountain Pans. Fountain pens nre tested by an in triiment called a micrometer. If one , piece of the nieoh;inium J out even n six hmiilreiHirpart of an inch, tbe ml crometer rejects It as fnulty. Sarcastic Wife All, that you ' are you owe to me. John. J John If that wan all I owed I could quit work tomorrow. Dullas News. ' -Like the Bee. Hokus-Wby" do roil liken Ilardiippe to tbe busy, bee? H Isn't particularly inJustrioiB,1 is he? Pokus-Oh, no! It ln't thnt Hut. nearly every one he tmicVa arnnr-'Tflwn Topics. great" photoplay, Neptune's uaughters," in six reels, featur ing Annetta Kellerman, the world s perfect woman. Key. J. G. Tate, of 1'ortland. will occupy the Cong, pulpit next Sunday morning. Mr. Tate is a Hood River friend of Rev Hams, and is said to be a very interesting talker. The Conir State Conference is in session at Hood River, this week. Mr. Harris and .Mrs. 0. B. Gates are representing the Hillsboro pas torate. OREGON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 7:18 8:28 ., 9:58 12:43 3:58.. 5:43 8:10 :. 9:i8 (Sat. only, a m a m -a m a m p m p m pm p m pm From Portland-55 minutes. 7:54 9:20 11:25 2:05 4:27 6:25 7. 13 9:12 (Sat. only) 12:25 a m ..a m a m -p m p m -p m .p m p m -a 10 to wnteh over Mm n U-lit and ibty for live iniys. lie illreil. sihI hells were to l tin Hit frotu bis ImihIs and feet to Kive wiinilin; of lli Hllk'hteet move iiient. rlimlly. IncUioua were to be mndv In IiIh ttmii t. Harriet Si.irtlueuu alwi hud a fesr of burlul alive and left directions for hei body to U ib-niitaleil, while 1jhI iiunon nupni.ii.il rr a Mtt mortem examination of ber remnlns. Which we umy sik, Is (.-ntiler. the fenr of death or the fear of llfel-Umdon Klamlunl GRAND LOIWE Fred J, Sewell and Wm. Nelson attended Pythian Grand Lodge as delegates, this week. Mrs. W. N. Barrett attended ta dele gate to the Pythian Sisteia Grand Lodge. Mrs. E. C. McKintiey was elected Grand Junior for the ensuing term. The Hillsboro la dies put on the staff work, and their drill was the het eooe j witnessed at the Grand Lodge. I Wsbttar's Worthless Area. t. . a aa. . tnwiici neiaiter was surely a (rent jrarnr wnen ho uttered tlio peronitbih at bis reply to 11a Vhe. ami a stpr.tmt wnesiuun When be formulated tbe AMilmrton treaty, but he failed as a prophet when In the United Htates leiiiite be deiioiiuced a pri.Hi,,u to Jftiitillsli a mall Mine from In.l..!.... Jewf, Mo., to tho mouth of the Colum bia river. "What." sold the Kislllke fmrilil, "do wo want with this worth lens area? TliL rrclon of KlVllifea ainl wild ItcilKtft. of deserta. of shift li.c nnils and whirlwinds of dust, of rac lus'nnd prnlrio dopi? To whnt use could wo ever bom. to nut them l.m..i leMorts. or tlioso eiullcsa moiiniaiii rniiKcs, Impiiiefnilile snd covered to their very bane with ntemni .... 1 Whnt can wn ever boiie to do with tlie western roast, n count of 3.tXiO miles, rock Ixnjiiil, chei'rli-ss, tinlnvltlnit and uot n harbor on It. Mr'. I'reslilent. I will never vole one cent from the pub lic trenxury t,, viare t,p i,.M, r,mt urn Inch nearer to Hoston tl.un It now Is." ExcliaiiK'e. Could- Handle Beth Sides. Simmon-imrt C.irker always will Inn In hern" iMith of a question? Klmi.iu'!-, Koi mi !.;; yil, let hlui do aM il tiid:lti.-.li(jge. ' " Mi t cr j,tr p-'afo! ntnes are more i-atiiav:t j-s-f!.. e iiiniietirs of our " ' , ., .-i. ?.! " -1 "a.-, -a .u, -T-t Li fcf-lLys i. - , , 'm n - '&W &s 1'' l ,f a... . . ' oa ; " Venic and Tourists. The (,-reiit imiiti-jr 0f Venice Is that of Ilioetiliir 11m 1I..11111 I lie moveiiieiit. f tlm foreigner, alt ney are HKinrully gul.Ied and directed hy n host of oriiH.tunt exs i tn. nre not ouiiriui i rorw-nst. It Is known that u uie rori'iKiier arrives nt the railroad station be will tiko a Kondolu to bis uoim. no may travel In tho fprrvl,i or on f(K.t nil tlm rest of the time, to "oney, nut when lie arrives he ih ume a Koinlola. so that ha ma. ciiKiiully mention In wrltlnir borne that ho stepM directly from the train Into luxurious Koiidola. Knowing this peeiillailty, t, municipality f Venice "" i'" l"" me Kondolu trallle from the rallion.l aim bin as a sort of gauge ,M.wp.,i,j-, -ArKonaut. i-mmI Savirement IN TIIK COUNTY COURT OV TII'J STATE OK tlKKCON Vtn WASHINGTON COUN1V. 10 lbs Mailer ,4 lbs K.ui. of Ur, U k, llMTaaarf. N.illra la l..rl,. .1... ... . ufT: '"""'Warnr ol aald aauia. ha. nir,i Inlhsroumy t'4iirtof lhaHuir w...., ,. ai a.v.Hil an. rrt a. a-lii.ii.l,t, mrw,f, .,, (rt . "f . m,Mi appointail kloj.lar. the Ml. .T L IT"' . m- l bu"' IK i. ..... "I ana lha r...i.itr toort fmtn ol this I'mirt lloi.i : fZu,.'.l" lt".',", i-1"--'"' -S'li Ol'lM'llllllal law mm t.l M...I . n h,..i ?" ana l..r .... .....,,,, aj,im,u wiismn ilavm I coiIm-, pm . , , Harry I',.,,' Admlninlratov of aai. aauu.. - . ...am u. liar.. Au..rn., for a.l,i noticg or sHcirirrs sai.i IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ma iB OK ORKt.'ON KOB "AMUNUTON COUNTV. Hbe Msrsh. Pl.ii.uiT Kclllh II llM.anl .ml L'.li... k, i.. t- " . . m 'owii A li.i..i.l.. t. . aiiM iiis s. lloManl,. L ... , . "lawianU ' ' " an atmilhin.!,,,!.,,.,,,, f tlw sl,, ..uiilH. r. J"" IT m" JioU.imiit rer... . .'"V' "I 'V sod sualiml KJ .ru K-iiti. Miiw.,;;, i,;",.,:rf..r." Mitslei.r Jnu. a 11 . . r 'Scea abrinUviure. Oratid Theatre. Friday A Swift Upparout "I see you iiv your arm In a antr. uMiuisitive piiHseUKer. "Bro- ten, isiri i r v "Yes, nir." respomliid the other nus- "Meet wild nn ncclilflltr "No; broke It whll trying to pat my self on (lie back." ' "Oreat Kcottl uliat fwrr Tor winding my own buslness," llutu's Horn. A Ratio of Chickamauga. One of ,m i,,,,.,, rh,r,B, () t)) miit post, No. 8'.'7, U. A It r!Lnr'.",,0f Ur(ky the altar,' presented by William Bcrri. It Is a Blass case, (l w ,,vutl,r of wjk.h bat lefleld of Cblckumauga, und each of tbene ltuuipil thvn u einbedA- J nix Han I,, ' iTZnZ.l:'" 'rel t ,. ' ' w;t h .u lent HI ir . .... '"f of H if isvot itoi.., j:,,: ."!" nsn vs ri.i. tan v. ' l,r" siol ea,,t. .e,,.H.,i 7,:'" u-rll " "Oil . ... .'-Fiiiiitainiifi U"OI tit la rw-nt, (Mi, hi T, ,,J T,f "I Kai.KS lwo (Z W l7,f W.nlnKto.tt.iu" Oreuon No Tlisrafora. I,. - nisofaKo::'!". tii. ii... i. ...... win nn m,.,, id. it HI Hi-(, Nurlli siiinti "x.iiiy, Muuidt virtus of .!.) il'inraa an.l HI ll' Nt .UU ..I Kl o'rl.Hk am.;. ' 1 ""r-. ". '"'., ,,urt ,, " T ' or of lh,. oiKtou ri.ii.,1-. .;, '' siiotii.i. !....,... . " .' si, i.iii.ii,. 'Ihsl W.l.le;,V,fSW'M'l, i U riKbi.iiii., ,i V...''!" '""I'isll ii,. ii. ' ""Ilf1LHtlll.il. 1.. ".Hl.l,:K. d.-eH.,l """S A "nrlllllH K. lfa-it.i.l . "'i A '..ri.is,w,,u,0s:,(ii w,: :, OK the Will dar of V , J1 . ' iU"" 'l dais of ii or allies imt dau, had I '. ' """'"T' tossMi..rr. ir..".urnj ft It I Hit M It.... I aSHTfeym " drs, Interaau Tl C '-' !., Oi.afa ' " aim this th day ofSn accruing Costs ilateil " J'li'mnbar, I, , Bhurlff of WashlneiAn n '"VK", km,.., i C A,PKte, Deuutv first imiis. 8pb.in,ar,ni I'liti jmi yyAiu.iMujio Miy nUc the ordinary htm crop when yon cm vrt wvcral liiiu-n ths net rcturon from waliiut. hh at Ub r, in 8 or y ycam.? While w. have leveril thous;iul Kltrl trcct, only a lew htuidrrt). afidc froa tho iu ur wn ..rth.it!, luvc been planted in W'aib inntoii County, when it i widclv known tint wc but tluumiKU t.f arret of th finest Und auiuMc ( r wl uut proltiction. -O.tr tree for tbe acan arc abaot two-third.t Hold, and Rtiiiijf rapMlv. We arc pUciig thi advertisement to jjivc WashiUKtoa County people a chance to order before it U too late. This advertise ment will not appear aain. FlCttD CUONER and McCLURE HilUlxiro, Route a Inauguration of Motor Car Service Hrtwrc ii Hillithoro and Timber nod between Hill iin and lliuMit on the followiojf icbedule. iivtward , Stations K 15 A.M. Timber Cat-tor Creek '.. 1.4H '.SI .5 2.(7 2.10 9.19 9 2S 9.VI 9 3 9-5.5 StrftHncl Seoficld ' ' WirfH . Hates Buxton " t,io I. M Miinning 1.04 Carstcu I.02 DavU ia 57 , lluiks 12.52 Koy ia.47 -Sihefi1iu 12.41 aglcy 12.37 Main St ta 28 HilUboro 12.25 1 r J fit thcr information n tit lar. rtlaocu. - lortl etc Westward 6.10 P. H 604 5..S0 53" 5-29 5.21 5 "7 c,.2 4 57 45' 41 433 , 40 : A. (HI OS SOUTHHRN PACIFIC rrm Mortrfarfe Uan. ilrii0U8aH"t term. nutin u.n wanted and phaanV " my Fear & Gr ADMINISTRATORS NOTICU 1 tN tiiiii a lmilnr- nt.f ... . "' t.MIIIL 1.,i,i It - . IIi-Im,,... .. . ... ;--". :""oiy, limy , ,;. " r . s'ioifton 'lab. of VZTm Slm-r Ol "' bsvi,..i . 7 "lfr, il-.n,. I .... " aaau,. ,. . - -OH wlllU' l!' ' 'aw omiM ni w n ' vnniera at Or.iKon. wiioin .' ,,Brr"'l. In llills- I V-"'""". -.'Wlwrj, H(5 Hawr. .1.-1 .1. lata of (W.. c NOTica ov nmii' Noiloa la herwk -V" !ljjttv sikiimI artiulnllraior or U u 11 Marty. .l-osl, l I'omilr Urturt uf lha Btsts."' "r w'litbiiiftmi iJtMin B fiib airiuliiUUslor an'i " ., j baa SM Montlay. oiiilHlMr- -' A. M, i iiiiriif IOoVIcmK the tln.s, and lha Unimiytw-n ...It... . Dim IllaiS ' ubji.iwa ti -Misfl am-'"'' oillfoiaiil of awlJ estal' - iatau uelobw 7,ihi" u JCtl.lt m AilmUlnia-af HMSStaMt wiij