f PR 11 HK LIU "5 J Utitl ww NUN to I HamNtee kflll Yeeretjear j I. haK9LTM AKJ tJ i ircraa; ' , r mm Hawed W Eroea P. Purdv. of Forest Grove, M la the city Saturday. i"n aad nu hu din end nrure Jr.. have CO acres of lead la the Imperial Valley, tack or San Dier. tad it kin one of the matt fertile ef the Southern irrigated districts. They paid S1Q an acre It naaaa at aieht mii ura. tltleaow worth MO to3H) Eraere. By No, l laoy win ve harvested three crops off tk kJ-".. aa4 it will mIm taytilaf that can bt produced f savwhere tmv naa in or neiar corn tBM tear lot of alfalfa. A town rSctooifus 10 O fflK3 Vetera ne at CIvM War MU With tteaeVAaeaal RmmIm at Oreve r.M-i Walker, of Banks, was la city caller the last of the week VrA Hum. of South Tualatin, aa in the eitv the last of the week. Ron Thurnher. of Blooming. in the eitv the last ol the week. . OUnOIEZiE VISITS CITY CF GUI Wn Bora an Prtwot Site el Helet Washington). Mala mm4 Tfcird M Benin Jmu Holine. of below Reed- 11 1 TWO NUKCtt ACS W ATT83ANCC villa, wu in town the last of the week. If in Violet Tivlor. who 18 teaching near Gaston, was in the city Saturday. - . a A ft I lot r Alfalfa. A town l - .,.. l Nathan Noland. one 01 ine T:. .ThT . of TbeWMhingtoowunty 'Jr5onira was s city caller .ill. .. .hmhii Asaoctauon met in waimmw m.. tr nmsartt wtu nave an ai conTvouonat rw ... , , . hk - - j-- . n.ki,. u.n l sir. ana urn, onn nj. Thwtoav ANaraeea LEFT NHS TKUtTY YEAtS Savi Tarn Was Net a trim to Twa Wkea Ht fteperew :.J- una never tww home out tY U Frank L Hay. General Superin tendent of the Pullman service for the Great Northern Eailwcy of and Stesmship Unas, arrived Hue. Thursday, at the Ionian M".'.. kJL. vlfltinir Wash- Monday from St PauL and vtofc. l Hamilton w i-s.i ur.va Ura. n. u ateepiea. - - JTra' WaTtoo uiuniy reiauvea iuei relaUves at ,u (Ho.vear oU lef Coaia. Wtan.. wera nere was serreo. iwt. v. weelt Orenco. the Sch - r al. a LI ikJ. a.kual I a ... Vltll.L.u aaajf.a Ika I ... .... . . . rawna I C wan. masin- uir .nauw normenyoi niiwwn mu i Wm Knhh and family, or 7. . T .l. tUi to HUlalvwa. Forest Grave -ji i u. a4 tooehsd lo.r.i:. u sainr. kitrvam. aajo- -Jl(4 n-v- (w. y. c was r TT..." . d.. I il :" .. ' s iianUv .. UAa Ta. T" . . .. . ..i lUDOn nBUOOU IIUWIIWHi ' I UJ. IUCTW v v. ... nrT.":' : L7r.u. W SI'S! b advancad the Idea that we home. Hinaw"-r" cm Bsauu IZli " l" ak. i., fM.ii.. of Che vintf in ine aw-ws. w- "".'.TT ... T..V.. . .k.lhaln ilountain. were in town children wen- w ""llTi L-a k-.M..t mKnekl . . ... u..t w.. u. I Saturday. iruesU at the letter t J Wfi lh otl-r iwo u'ilrain. cTOI.w: "I oo Third Street In fsw clt t-oVaTtt ths Souiwfdty. Ki. Elmer UUler. of Shady Brook, in town SatunUv. accom nanuui k Virgil Davis. fomterW IB UMBwi ir - . . . , j I 9 M louav In huainaes atl.lraa in laacaorlallxauoa M WuanKwimww.. ..- . ... I I . I . ---- 1 . I . . . . . . . .aaMit wltaknsrj'rila. wta la towa cstaroay. the deaths ot lour smwiow. coi ft Schietcei nave oougni i vh- 40 C A swacawe W V r U i L in a lew txt30vtrtl the Sound city, i ". Joon the faet tUtweare V the eldest waat to ttj S fi?oVSl nVtioTatie. .Uh Waminctaa G c!J ever tia way . the world. The mornloa ser- I . . u . .n l Lul.a .u i-il ah Cornelias Orenco. the Schofielda and the Frank lmbries. Ur. Hay hnrn nn th tirMMlt BitO Of th Hotel Washinftton, and was edu cated in the Hiiisooro senosa. II a idiii ha lft haM thiKv IMTI sko and wbn ne oepanea uevw was not a brick bulldcs la taa eitv of Hillsboro nor i planked street The dd eowt house-now standine; eositt (UrTY: Yocr tssatyX ia tbe task ica la freer tzx Ut I aad 1 1 TZZrnCZ: Yerr pr k taeas Is increcai crtly: ky I a a a a ai . . dia U cvs a fc CrSCUrm: Ka cr ts osxtsd tad kss aftsat- .a aa a a a a av :t3. u yta cve a esrci css accooat. CCMVErairiCS: YeakcvaUM crest eoDTssiaaea.ef pryfej scy esacx. wtua ts rast wr ca bsoob. fsu. i a-ava ezw ski a law n asa wa ' task cseaost; n,i. of a aaaa i by tia Hall, recently, aad tts isibeen la ratxtf tsn Snan.V. TlS u up to the city Cr fr WttB I S53i"V Hamilton b rtt tc. ,. mi SKI US HQ i.vuo' eaussd ll t! nMaintar ksa kft . kt3 -Itu atMluUi. Vin n.M a tsaH tract ar UeUter. aad before was worklaaT for a A firm of priatera. SMALL WCSLO Garage, and the Hotel Tualatin, waa ttaa tie niint MnitoL and ' tSa nr"ii here thought it wu aocat ttrot ture. Mr. Hsr first went lata ts 12 J a i .-rt. i nr t 7 ... . m. fl BI I k. aaaA4alM-4: K ISOObeiTV. I .V- n....lf .Utaail t-ttmva. and than eoatloded k. H. Hathaway. E. P. Her-e t-kea Doasessioo. Adriair Dant P.5..anfi-aatof the to dowa and see his eounti and Comrade Garden. ... contemDtaiea coins into business U.in. .nd uter drifted tbt rtrl friwtJ. Be says uai.uer. utaer Maraatas were dm wt tD Yamhiu Gounty. where he went to work for tte . .a . .Alma A. al aat ANfl I I a A. a t u rw!i antiatant to the fennsyivanuu Aiier wira " r . " l h l. trivin-. aad Is la as Joha HunUntloo. 01 LMts, sna rieoaitaoaas any of the lw ,f MJW mpwva. w- zes wuh Warveterana 0SS30N EIXCTWC TRAINS a small world, and then Thu ftvritaa UoRfiti & ho was In NewOrlctaa. to Fran. Paul! -I was rtan one of the Okftia nlirhL to New tW il someone Ktpsd sae k I turned araead. Klba Souther, of U;; Ihuilitlaaa VOU tllBk I irrfeahlt surorutM. The Ue after the fissd.are 'fvfrywhert-ptUfcU'Xaa- working al uaivaaisa a a a a .a ia nana una norcB htki He writes ttet the ion was much la eieecs the dispatches tsii. IABRICL MASTV I J To PortlaadHg ninutea. 7'1K 8:28 IB 8 68 12:43. 8.-C8.. ?? ...pm an the local agent Geo. YY. Mason. John Rocker Br. la visiting his a a j-a iL ami. anion, at uerceo. ooum rn faiirornia. ana waa mere a..m.Amo m tti. falhar'a tMrthdav OH"Wi -'-- - . i make a visit with E. J. Lyons, atTurloek. Kinnlev Lvtle. who is work- ins With thn eitv engineer at Vtey tewaa. , f fa p-4-Ranch butter and fma crJ. bene and frier , p. tjKX Witt PnKPiBT!I VVr4hi TaT R ILL 'ZSUrZ U aaliro. Koute ft. asi 1 win some ana arrange ior r!!a II a aaaaTtMrd. hBS gaae to Kgxa. Oresonsrman Countf-ahere he has moved on aiun nnca. m - . , ... wttl ruastosk and rBkwaeav ka.ii. tassad BIS WKT-TVun rMt t43a to a dalnrr' rnnl r.ranar. of Bctw. m town Eatarday. He aw. l. L-w m.lia a aala Of aTSi aw -. i.... maw ior ! ' riaatiag. aaa uu w st- vr gki Strict are awaksaiag to 2g.. the value of thia culture. . .. m .L. !-. I tt. ' Read the nowceoi rrr.iTua CiUaboro motor senlce Installed 1 9:12 (Sat only)- .w. CAathavn racac. iwiix-n v . l :. aiAath i mht warn w i vyBOCa n lain ui eounil aaas i v " - . i - r- . , - r'! elve you toe scneauw. The seeoaa euiuoa m iw . . 7 vani there he was rivea the position ox assistant io ue superintendent or ine roiimta service, and from taere wta given the supertntendaoey ct Ue i'anaHian Pacific. Later he re lumed to the U. X. and tank La present position. Ho cays that a a. . nv a. a. . awt a. tne i i real - noruern isn s Anino a anlendid bnaiBexa on its lines in connection with the ataamahin aurviea. the Nortaera Haoine and i real Nonnera. ue left for San Francisco, Tossdsy A csockd Xzr-x tokiz stttried titf jca csa txft procr jt dIrtry d say crirr. ve cn lxtrs itl-gTTn tisbsrj. asl era rave yea tlx ol tptdal sawirs. Vtra yea wast lacbtr, pti don't 11 Tear UIL Oxrtredaltbs are qszy, i vice, acd coortsocs tre2. . Ytm cat da.ttfct i .a eeaaa4 Q pm pm pn .......pm pm ir( in. SunHav at even ng. after visions wtu ats i t kmu MoUinnvii e in brother, tsen nay in Astoria. 1 Ilia ' - I'n r tuwitred Lar-I of Tmmvw at Great Ia. cant. in thia vear of our Lord unless -.jii he trtiuferrad to the 1 1... Ol. ...L.M maI. Ki.MU KflfftPA I n . ll I . . m -n n.tnl upwr rwniN in. vw , " jlofc. raw lenuiiiua, m hmmwmwi long, tjuttea lewnave pwweu that w,n please morgan s t.ua ior raii-aowma, uu mo '""'v-i ooro inenas. lets with this coopsay. ' , Ktrjw.M.M. ment is not at all universal. Wheat was up to 83 cents de KtraMwi at Hiiiahoro. one day CSIfcat weak, but prices fell by the I..... m m.9 tk. KA.If'a hnau S. P. AND P. B. E. a aaa a . a. aaa a aiaw a a . a ftt 5T tSj-ti JiTfrrTNtok. are on tale st the ure&wka ctatss, was In from ", Hta. r air a " vidtd the county Grove. fnlloerinw DtBOBS: Vsught'sGrocery. Hillsboro Mercantile Ca Donelson's Furniture Store, GrtsJ ft Powell Groeery. ram umcerv. lw UfloiB. Caeaad Et Bear Uorton Graenhoitss PUCUC 1ALB II ..I .. mmA C7 M'WI ihii it, aaw w . BUA..I m f.m latur Uwii t t j ihrna i&rre nre mnM tr L'srtv lived .I-l.a aA-xcsalsa. Glys mss mwr of veara cn Cl E. L kturatii. in. Ihia aide of Tirari. I . .. ...i I aal J. A. k a month he kaa kaca 0l!!r.. Cherwood-tiid- n Hillsboro. . lie A-irtbrhood. were eoun- MAmtmtMA .hi a at aoc a lieutenant ia. we ZTZZi -iiaa Friday morning. I"- lu r on thalSI rrATiT. . rr. !, pmv Bn( rt a y "w - iuoo ..""-r.- . inn roan mukhv i i.. t. ai4.t'..aa aale. was a W I Heinany r. w. -"-7 tiijci. n aasaa a-il .. aatumeil IO I VJIBU. ' . I vuim. MWmmqym--. Van IMUWIHUn . - - i liany took advantage of the laJse. but the fellow with an eve for better values held on. liany think that wheat will yet go to a dollar before the first of the year.: P. W. Phillius. who returned the other day from Cottonwood, Idsho, says mat crops are line up there. While tn Idaho he met Jos. L. Ileek. well known here, and also an old was run ion I County school teacher, who at- .uia p ii when the late L-on- mrav. . " s . vMaajnan Tonffue was a student. family moved to Ore Friday. ftsr a fort- i . lull iHVVtni wwe mvw . f"MJr.MAV F rltteljs - tling on Bull Lssstsla. EStKro. om lezml huslnesa. died about a year "vkaio. 8cb rn ah BOOM w" WEDNESDAY. OGl'. IS71. Ed. Olson, who has been up on Valdes Creek. Alssta. an Sum mer, working on a placer claim, I thmahiMM4l tonVMin kke. Wash.. Jaf i tlarty. i woat ny, and Emit Laty, i&rd, on the kce tlsce. sou are Ur. Fanaer-i pr cent money to tst. krkins. Room 1 Com mer '..Hillsboro, Ore. Sour eggs and produce m tk.u A Akajat I". Mir J wan MrV(W. UI. nl w.4ai.l(a mininir. IVtlimed Sat- in: ";w-A:ni." aatVon i- if-'j '"r-v'r k awiaka I aavirti nraiK Baaiia sw hm" i aa aaii aAriiBra an w hi i it; a. amiiu iivia t r Parhan. of near Orenco, I H-k. cow 7 , gave 42 la,,t Mujoment for another . hj mrl' frethinLij:! was . .. j y. it ta nf Foruana. 1MT 11. W . a4WWl - . ... rv Tkl ii.- ka leat 01 me wes in ne w equipment 1 run. MM. SCOTT DUNIWAY he Shnto Eavfe' Ul la cm Old E..h! Iattitu- trUh IXwaourows of oft 0300,000.00 ... . matliAiia call you are not latailixr wtta caaara " and talk it ottr mlfr s4 wa wii gi--ij give you any bfcrcxtloa dsilrea. AU business ttrictly coBfidstttial. Ac ' counts of Wocaa ud Chili z '.4x9 aslicitad t " " ... Per Cni. Pftld en Uyi Dwwata. 2 heifera,cMBj irwwv. bull, 18 montca. - other dairy sunes. M . . nuniway. Nine-yearoiJ w bh.s-w. t---.,. -d v??:2!Pn?.kl-- Ma . .fr 'aeveral weeks of nve-IW new v7"" rZ "Vs. . aaiaterof tfefi mower. ltft ucne ?-r . wl of the ran. it i. , All arrant the P. K. & N.. trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on llin street lororuana Forest Crave Train 63 a. m. XI oMinnville Train ......723 a m. Sheridan Train 10.C2 a. m. Forest Grove Train 12&9 m. McMinnville Train......2:lSp. m. Vtimt r.mve Train . ..4:13 D. SB. Eugene train 43p. ta. MoMinnville Train 6:3 D. Forest Grove Train . -9:P p. ta. From Portland Eugene Train arrives.. A15 a. ta. McMinnville ..:oa.o. Forest Grove " .lliJan. Forest Grove " ..S:lSp.m. Sheridan " ..43p.fa. McMinnville " . .t'.Ci D. Ct (Forest Grove " ..7:15 p. fa. Forest Grove " ...93 0.0. MfMinnville " .12:13 B. D. A 1 1 trains, stop on trj tt Sith and Main, at North Ezz-i and Fir streets; at Sixth aad Ur streets and at Tenth street Steam Service Old Depot To Portland P. R.AN. Train 43 p. m. v From Portland P. K. & N. Train ...'.. 9:12 a. sa. Loop Special, due at Hh&or at 2:W) p. in. trom rors. a.n( anil Sund.v oxlv. Forest Urove special i-ar-daysonly) KSvim PorUnnd 133 & CI. To Portland..... 11:13 P nt nttio Mo Ul:tj ry7, I 1 1 CaSSSBaWaWaSSaSTaa '-"-..I. V . Feed ci C:3 ii!i DAf AUD t:iCUT C2DVIC2 if3 C!3lHuiii ; PfJ&UCSALQ I will sell at us,i".s raat cy farm at Witch UascL r. east of Hillsboro, on Q. P. way, at 10 a. m., ca ' Monday. OCTC 1 13 I Mara, 7 Jrti S5 wate, ta yaws, ibyttMfielmertKaty. laaSarfcaiaa - haw. Ittoeetatdaoam Sm tnm NfCaeJ ea Ca Cx Iwieml faa.niBay.ls iriti. Oaaawaat ani C f -y Otaetaa, CataSt Si;aitaaint aw Wtof lawaewUtpe tTaeTi.liliiraan, TJ-gg lUn-tSla-kav tm&Z Hinvlani-lai fce CaeO fcatpi laCaate,art mi-Raw a A asy er-aaUt Vr, jJCz falalainaa.aipe-t. Sflaws CCTT (iron gia; etldtai. ueot itwi gny tnB, 1000; nay aon, 1 ya , with -wena call, pood be4 n, vaattlaa. to litlar ta Nov: Daeritt t - mt. niharaa awwtr. Mada CC. lo-l J . t.ini-.aaBa inna av. rjn drill com laattr, poUlo fk, ILjt f- .1 1 .-UteA a a -- hftiaeM, kU (SU otk bMW,l x it t-horft ceHitfttot aad wiiSir, UJ burn viffoa, ood, bad cattar, m aaa amnitta nan oawra, jmm wrf w McGill, Pres. I C, Shut, Vlca-Prtt, V. llahon,Casb. W.V.tira. Aut. CtxtUr . Vr 'rVrc-.t- baci way waa prominent as a Mkea. hoes, grincztss, axsu 7tl I ana ner muim mveucv. rakes, iw'1' I ha a marked woman. She x-cut saw, waw2-.r- TJa .k. nl.in. in 1852-then tsars' a dUa!Tn fBrkt. of Hillsboro. ..gh;d531ailJre Of Urs. Donlway's family of oiu, a v"Tj7m ii..i.i.t ahiMMin. har on v dausnier. cross. Ssow DU-n,wty stearns, p ttintv tons btlsd fcty. Umo. died in January. 18SS. Hwhus. Twenty, ions . p r nun wav. died in 8 s arc .ians su: Arfcx - ? miawnw""""" . . . 1 W..L. . n rv..iia.li i. nn B.i ' . . . - lev. oats ana paw ,ui i "T. ,:.v : j " u iw Ynrvi"';"r"!:zzzr.zi I". . o-u Under 110. ICitr: WilliS S. Uuniway, former I ouolhfttartldeiadoaatoink Terms of Sale-Uaasr ftu, . lo August i.tmr.ll AT NCCM ctshjovsr.einoows "w K Dumwsi is TarnTtta and . t"!!? 7fSaa?a7 whan'cal ov;?;i2 rnonths' ttee. trztii:: UiyCS A. uaniway i two K?r c.t, .j a of thsUta University of ISon- tia. i ; y ttJta. and irn k. uumw .1 i .4, u ltz ( ? trralra t:3 tiro D (1x5x9. c: czi d tia rnt er:; ctji ts ur-u t,;s AUcttrrcrrl ctji ta trr-'it clrl & a a at I Tain ear I r rassersr. Lunch it Rooa. , A , "J. lt Owtttr. t r. Vifttli. itlsaesr. .. AA 4 4. i t i i 'I lprt. iiat t:urney ai turi. 'V. v ;.