The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 07, 1915, Image 5

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'atay I!
Will ttul I Maya and (iraoj
I iprtU bl AllrnJaiwc
Suppud ul Aaitaal futa!
'lUfcrUtUSUU-r .awcl Al
fred Stohkr for divorce. Tiiy
were married al ar; K'hh,
dwrted tT tut a
Ivul and fur tlir.- nrmtlii
T l . i . . . .
j IMS noi cutiiriituiii i in? 'ii
Choi I lt 3 1 DOrt of herH'lf and two iMiyn,
.,..... t't .
- I ,.. tl, ly.lin.ii..i,l liiriiii.
m w Mm Silnlilt-r k:ii llul l.i r
CMtSTD weTt T3 -sa,lj,ulrtinJ olji'! t hr nation-
- alitv. which M r rem n. ami ai
. n Mfti Imltfff says thai hi? abued h. r Uhuu.
I lik. ili.l ii. I urml tail), til 4
It " " Wa- . liitic Idea.
I l.'..a Ct..n II.kiiaA.Vti J.I iriuta in
hitto Merio onM' I cuiin liednmm unit., dining
aiuuii out l ruuni ni-. im....'.?
" . f4. L. L.I .- ....
. instantly eiliea wr noiwtuT -- '--a
. . k Uarlo. in fsnv heater, stapl inf-rwu. canned
ttlon. I1-"""? C. II. Ihornvll. UdM-ru IL
., j ttnu't ranch I .. . .1. .. .1;
u..Ha. m thl Southern Tacilk l -
01 p""'"-"
KIH:trk. Mcrto aa own 1 jhe fumri r uw ii
ortlanil markel iia oay. pianiy
g M, ., (1 M. I'lumm.r. l t.urlH,
to to f , yof l4Wn(.u,w;V .M .K.I-
. .Ik avail nl:. -. .1 II. .. I '
turnM on -iitnmiworin. a. inr'. .
Whn h trrla nomt i iu-ch, A. K. H. f. i. U'wwy,4.
- i .1,- wife had an alter ividiui. W. K. ibil. C I. J im-
IIU "" . . ai a--'.-.a. . a I 'I t
. .,a ward. Ura. HWIO Umi. A. IL DrIT. I. II. .n'ti:i
th hwband aUrted guiC. II. Vii i tiv.-. Si.ihi. y
... I that iha Itad tO thrl avaa .nrvived hv live ii ly
' jh- MtJ t outald hhe Ami wit". -'l hy hi wiJo.
inJ MHo wpt In throujihwhft w formt-ny Mih riwuw
w. Tha wit " ""IICoiHTt.
nJ "rw'1 'n"l . I 11. Ilaxwrll. Ian. f.-irdn.-r.
it . i r i i.raw jiwi inn-SMI a " - w - .
,n. ani""ri U, tH Mr. J. II luvn ann
,r'r j .t!!L It Clu.U lv. 'f n-ar Mmu.ta.n.
erio nrru W(.r in llm cay r.i iv.
ly, two taklnif ...uVni,,. frm a vi-it t. th-
t ana Momacnwu (; . wt!nut r.nch. out m sr
ncli. . a.?Jhol!-. They were well l.Uwl
rfSSSSr Shi theirvmit and think that
J had fhd futur- of thi product 11
that rpii7. Uomethlnit to U Undtnl on in
hrr. ana n thit locality.
Notice-A y'arlinjt
aa I fe . A .klnLn (II
if ItaavM ana uwonvruieer was i-i. i-;; -
! " "liT.r.wa. Ii- ik. .vpn nir. Party oa limn
nouraurr w -ri""'-'u . - , - .1:-..1i 1
r. Merlowaa broufni 10 Mmi rcim-i- "
Ito call. prov- ' '
MerloUabout42iearof chargwior ;.. alvcrm...
.. kl. k...K.n mam a hoot L,kB and take nam.' aav.
e had been married before John LliUM-rt, Hank, Or. : J
a family frown oy ine :mu U r.r. wifeoi i.ev.
if. The Uetloi nare two h Ull A at iktnany.
tk. tMat affd 7. Thel ' .... i..t f the wick.
- at tha horn it. .n,i Mm IL A. I., mV,. us a talk on potatoes,
- .inline bucti m -..-,"'. .-7.,," ir;: f iu .umMt c
iiiiu ... 1 h iiraiii. aim. w t
lh S-holU Oatitti? Fair hold
tii-xt k, Friday and Saturday,
Oct. t'tand !'. Svnd your ex
l.ihitu in an rarly a you can
cure will ! tak-n in ljkinir af
t.'f aih and fv-rv artxle on
All co to Iw i-ntcred in the
Mdch ('ow (ntcKt hhould le
hrutiL-ht to Mr. Adam.' barn, on (Kt. II. after the
MKiriiinn milkinvt. T"tinir will
Iwuin with tu Acninir tnilkinit
..n IhuMdav. This will clone
the two d:ivH content on Satur
d.iv inorninir. ifivinir time for the
ti'stpr to liifure out me winne
ni-.l miitiH thi announcement on
Sitiirdav heforo th chine of ll
l-'.iir. I'ow will !' i" charge o
ll il..h C. Makinm. wh. will A
ad Ufwor taking care of them
I wid folio owncrV instruc
lion an to icejinir, tic. bi
MAinm U tho tiMtcr for th
Wnshinntonfotinty Cow Tentinir
4rtt. nn.i h t uvonifhly comiK'
1. nt t l.Kjk after every detail of
ti, wt.rk. The te-timf for the
,..i.t..t u announced before, l diinu tiv l!co. II. Fulle
wider. Deputy State Dairy ana
FihhI ()mmis8ioncr.
l'rof. reck, of 0. A. C. will
rive an illustrated lecture Friday
evening t)ctoUr 15. treating on
Kural Landscapo Oardenint.
1 i.j tNilliH-tion of uicturea in ex
tremely beautiful and trim? out
o,.. iw.n.ix 111 ni.H tniuru w
rL ir .I..LT..P. l'rof. Heynolds
ia ul iu. to iudire the live
stock, and i scheduled for a talk.
ah titm-lc will lie indited l-nday.
l..r I nrttiin W ill iudire all farm
the week, uriKluct. and haa been retjueswa
. .... .nlly .in (uU9imH.
Turlev. of the
self lid aa
Fair. wa in low yeateraay.
Miss Iira Tamieaie. of Tort-
and visited frinnda in liuwuoro
and Forest Grove thw week.
Don't fail to see "The Nift
ifer, a aramanc mawrL..n.c. .
the Grand, tomorrow only.
lWrv Stream was in the city
from hit Orenco ranch the last
of the week.
Sal Sinffcr sewing ma
chine, good as newjalao buffet
uml Hinint table. Inquire at
this office.
N. H Dudley returned the
f.rat nf ih week from a two
weeka' trip to the San f ranewco
I'ifinn for Sale -Slihtly used
tivn Mahmanv Liano. rnce
turn I'uan nr 4rniB. Addrens
l (1 Tl Orenco. ur. w
'rWurtnr J. H. Dobbins, we
known here as a boy. w makinj-
the White.wn-1'ortland run past
this place for several days.
Mis C. E. Olson has a fine
distilay of the latest styles in
ladies' and Misses' Wits and
.... I - aTl Aax.a
coaU. Car. ana iook mem ur..
C. !tlu.r and Ray Keasoner
ral 1 1 pno.l t Fia first of the week
from a hunting and fishing trip
to Sand Lk,rHemlock and Til
lamook. 'For sale: Six year old Jersey
cow with a week old calf at side.
Also 21 head of muhi oar
wain. Phone City 62. -C. Rehse.
n- n I. Spars and mother
have'moved to Portland, and A.
f' r. more ana iamny
mnvri intn the Sears cottage on la
the Garden Tracta.
Best Kaww. Pythlaa la State al
Oreroa mad 0atrally Btteved
The Oregoo Hop Grower.' Asso
eialion kaa seat out a statement
at . a h a Jtlal
01 We WOfW BOP crop ana iw la SchaltMtlc.
futurea aa to probable prices. I iukitte-9uuihwaat umn aa
England has but a littl- more ...dMrtM
than half of las year's yield. riaKti. it,r-.i-K-.a.yaa
while Germany and Austria are 1 amwmaamammmmmmmm
from one-third to one-half ahort ,,,, M n
NO CAUSE EXCETT BJ. KEAlTi I England wUl be abort zju.uuu .
hunaredweignts. roaamn a anori- physician and SURGBOH
ag of SSO.CGO hundrweiKhti u.r.UIJ.Ul
This certainly should mean a Ryk
better price if supply and de- ookc in the Tim bkek. Taira mw4
mandara followed. Of course. Minstreu,iiiUbofo, Of-gaav
. . n -1. I
o c;.vH aa fwonalthewaroiiin turopewiii mn MAwrwwirww
Mrs. Myra Greef, of Spoline.
visited friends in town this week.
I. Crawford, one of the di-
rect-s 01 the WMningwn vwn
fkyairiaa aJ Uargtea
Hii HUe Ibay VlaMa te
C-aaty Is Laal II Years
AWaatatimntirtfl ftf WmfHr
most beloved fraternalista. shot Seounl i that demand and ELMKIi H. SMITH M. D. P. 0 j
himself through the bead it hia tDe offerings should be very physician & surgeon
Salem home. Monday afternoon, food. The association orgeaall ostfopath
about 5 o'clock, using a double- growera to join tnero .
harrollMi shot run. 12-gaoga. vmT cro" DU, ,fc r"rX'' omee i. u : w$a. a.
barreiiea experta to tea a fine price in the To.u., Tbu.i . 8tur.ta t"
Stinsoa was tor 18 years the JJTC f uture California is c.n. -n,. a,ot aotk
Grand Keeper of Records ft Seal Jj at H frurn thia stand- "hu' a.s iiuu-
of the Pythian Domain of OrelpoiDt. Aa the United States has I amwwi viwaaw
but 40.UUU hunareaweignis 10 n PHRR K Ti
export he nome na fore,S!n J' V rhUCO
price ehould . commence to pitvsiciAS & SURCKOM
strengthen in a yery fow weeks. yur.cK: L iiioSchuimtkkBwlg.
Oregon, this season, is raising pllu,u ut&ce, City j&t; Re., city 164
one-quarter of the hops produced tnJiHEORo, OKECOM
! iL. T -: . . J C.toa I
in wv upiwu
Ira . Barrett. M. D.
. aa . Da . amah Wlfd ff
Arnold Peterson, of Sc noils, and r..,,,., fcuwt,r.e. Ma ii
daughter of Chaa. T. Koeber Hiaaioro
. Uakali. liioH hor horn- IWWBIMrW
mil Mwra. f - --
Peterson was married August 25,
a a .
: . . . 1 ........ ...I . .(...iLttfti. tf it A. wu
turn this ween 10 ht "V. ,;
r. oav ia isniM
ll. .a at MatttriM . t
miuhi-i. -a...w-. , iiurn mis i" . . 1...- i;n
cuuuiv wn ."". lan.i i.n ner war " . .
..i"- I..-. Um Utrid " '" " .l t U lliltl.mnd .irati.m and ta K. J. I'. aucsie.
IKUIHDWH. TT 1 - ' I VISll WUn ftV vw 1 L..l rmmia.
.a Biiahtpor me rorm .. 'ii.. a .rta. state uairy anu ruwi -
ii..LI K,hitto. la 1 v . Lin-r. will appear on the pro-
. a.4h amamjaj Ataeatai 171 Bt,. a aaai la rmm mTBW'Vi I ..aan baat .1 1 uiu
neaa woniM ""' " I r"' . : -r..Z :,,; frlr"'' . . " . c...... l
1 workers mum
I Club work for Hoys and
L akJUMHi Mitllara. 1 1 -il in Waahitigton lAiuiuy. ,.. wii l irive a talk.
115 She united with the Kin
ton Erangelieal Church six years
tso and transferred her mem
bership to the Scholia 11. E.
knaa.k a vmm lf.r. She IS
parents. brother. Pro.
koeber. ot Daria, CaL. and five
7. 7. Ittara tin. Elizabeth Hub-
son. He wu whoie-&earwa 1 . . . KiaiL Waah.: Ur& Una
gentleman, and wu generous to Hard, of Scholia. Veleste, MabeV
fault. For aeyeral moMna Ud Uaod Koeoer. ai nome.
cst.-n ha. hoon in Ul health. Funeral services were conduct-
""" . I I I) 1 BiuM tMUtWl
n tin Arama rarjrc i . -r""" .
and dollars, (xx-atod in Wuhington t-jumy . (;i , will tlM KMve a ta : ;. a. sortnieni ' Gift rnarkable
remntnU of Cheap for cash or F. rVgel. uf l'ortland. will tall wood just received at the Gift jm
ui after heLoritv.-d.lress Hn,tu .. "."Inn "Co operation, and thcreKhop. JfiUon foi
uik h.Jd of tie
. 1 faatnaa ariAf ht I a as. Kilt V
bankrupt, and la a few posx, 411 ESth iL N..
had amaaaedftconpetency.liand. Ore. '
ends and relatives or tnei . f lowa Hill, wis
Ind arelelUnf wild stories I ". e Uva the rains
try tileawa the mrerence tfjr t lu.,,nly those
Mra.Mtr1o.klllidMrbo yet very
without Prevention. HK, the quality of
rumor is tnai wa u .,rnl,nt. but mere
IZZ Kl N.VhorUgetliU
iiti w' 1 - . ,
;n itA 11 intv or iriMM music. ,
tirinir vour families.
(;,).hI dinner served at a reason
able price. Secretary.
I'tllU.lC SAl.tJ
undersigned will sell at auc-
1 11...
I . 1. 1 Th.MllllF ll.V " " ' " .. I ..V
p mrriu wsai nwi am a - a ... . . ..t.. u,r 1 it 14 ki'h.ii 1 1 1 . .. ...... at ...a i.ui.1 tin 111c . t 1.1 nt tna 1.1111.1 nuun 1
tut.-, outside "ill o """VV ." uon . nf aay. wv. man. He
C 7J mi 1 w Iut kMrd them the tuber pnwucuu... . Sprinnvuie nmu - Chapel, on W.". hia vetr,of
Gi irViiT Thnonrln C.rl lleidel and family. ' llethany . ; ltween
r .. . . .1 a 1... .. tkou'in-k. lin.l eXl" H I l.rilUl ll"11""11' I ' I ... ..... tk.a liinalr M.l.a antul
v.... .h.t k. nuita1 K-rlft uolrt ...nd the Winteron Ue ii i- ni..on Lia letter from his daughter Uroclaiming
r." "r.rr: r.i ::. "."' " u .i.,- Fred i euiei wkonivsuai, uui. - 7 .k. kiiiin of ik-.t. h-
kTAS" ess ; err; u- -' iv- "-j-r.! ? kSr v.--s w
niri... uw. . .Tal n teStCU. B . .e Lnstk ndll..J .nl
Me in. linreeyea
who hsst know lira. I ... ..
Rooms 1 aa t Mat Bafiilat
JJlie auir in .Schulaefkyilfc
OMUira, A. C ShaU Bldf. ataia sai
Omoa: Main Straat, opp. Ooait Btasa
ijuuuuuuw wnvn syy ifYirTr
Office, vpstitc in Scnulnmerick llssk
azea movner, u iiiwraauium w. .w.., , 1 . f lj 1
2T..:A. r- kia wiffl and a-jn.lQk nd W husband formerly HQlsboro. - - i lit
Mr ami Mrs. u. a. ray", v. I mifiM him aa one 01 namm reauiea in roruanu, muu m "i
NewDorL have taken apartments I g- t to their present home several!
; ih National Bank annex, for H. wa. conflned to his room Learaago. The husbsnd has tde telephone office M.ia 103.
.u. r:.. aftor aiwndinff thel.ii ak,k rhamnnth of SeDtem 1 nmmlhf nf the entire COmmUn- I . .Main 103
Summer at their Newport cot- and t u thought that hfa Uy. DR. E. W. IIYDIS
Successor to Ot. Linklattr
Office over DclU Drag Store.
Sun the run . ... Hueliae, between 5tD ai ota oo.
Avtenrl our sin Hillsborov Vn&
Mrs. Alice Wirkes re.lurHed nd 4f wfl
Sunday from a week's i visit .with knUtire. tast Spring, "h enda w Md interment
c....nta Mr and Mrs. Chas. I bov wu made a k. oi r.. ui i , w.,-:.;14a ..m.torv.
hit j.a.c... - - r.ii;--In ktialth. and Bll"
lurr. of above HanmnK. n -7, October 1
.ther is quite aick. did not tttak T-JJ
Good Real EsUU aecumy or " bf HiUaboro Knishta Card ef Thanks
fered for loans at 7 na o per he w HouM Groyerl ;
cent. Cal and ioor app. Combs. Wm. Nelson. ?. Hi w to friends for
over. E. L Perkins, nillsooro, i . , . lmg went toSaleni I Xa.afaM-Inaiw anH floral offer-
Oregon. ae Logan Stinson, Loa's.oolT tere.vement in
a l J s m a. a. ar Uaiaat.M KiBaW
The High School atudent way on. created a k01'1"""; the toss of oar mother.
oflicers were elected JM that ume -7.."-"
as follows: rresiaeni, owmc, ror tM peny
Watson; Vice Pres.. Leon Allen; Hotel.
Sec. and Treas.. Lawrence lag- stineon made many official tUv
rt. Ha to lodges here, and he wu
Stamped pillow cues. new pat- peraUy KKV
terns for lunchj clotns. aiso M over theaUte, Hia MrB, c. H. Malcolm, of near
aortment of Coos MyrUe MWiia Uon for his Qreiiea cssed swsy lut night.
axed mother, hia love snd af-Ufteraa illness of longstanding,
W. J. snd J. 0. Henry.
tin. IL F. Ayres,
Mrs. A. W. Livingston.
- . ..-a .V-U! 1 k!a
tage. - suffennga si ias. unm..
.he Holy oawj - nKlaii MlM
. . . . ..J ... a .
WU seil-iuiureu, wu 1 we aeaire
fraternal work made cerest thsnks to all who so kind-1 aaaaaaaaaata
the center wherever tendered aia ana aympauiT
1 later years be oe-louring our oereavemeni. w
fnr hia sincerity in death and obsequies of the late
the lesson of friend-1 Mrs. Higer.
brotherhood ot man. 1 w.U. itager.
)o are inclined to bellate ahe inii departed
I.. . '.il .L... .L.lual. ...". - . . rt nn
uie irum BC( thn ween mi"
. . a a. .L. iiini M
rs. nieno remain-ai ,
pi Washiniton wr-nhtht
I.... I alaaad In tall
nay. !! w mw - 1 mv.
L 1 . . . .
nay morningv , "
Woner Barrett Ip
t at Beavertcn. ynUriiy,
no expression wu mtae
. . . . a . at a, 1 .
tiii)abiuty, tr r
Sing that tier.)
lh from wr
Mprln. Tl
Mren came eyening
swore to 1 ftajrrlsiai cwrg
i, - a I' Tlal
j Mrs, Smillunf "fA iLu in Uanding nine feet high.
Willi ' ' '
42 lbs iiciu. . . ...
faults they were of the
nf the heart'
The funeral took plsce at Sa
lem, today, ana was na w
UihM visit at the home of Mr
and Mr- K. tl. ff0X..ner Oak
Grove. They went via the ban
Francisco ! air.
Services at the Hsplwt tiuircn
.T:. l-nintf and evening.
11) iwar
2 he.f
1 wanieu. au l:.u
mm I il ..... . I I a aa a a-a a. a. m BkaSl PI n llr BSIlia IICW a . u-a a 1. aa.
f rosh n Mayi Ludlow, barn and large chick- Swalle
" ..... .11 . c ..mall twuiae ana iuiuii"'. . . i .Miia luima nitr Mtutuic a n-i -- -- . . .am
,, !. lit months. M..K cans anu -n nouse. r and LaKU,IlU
other dairy supplies. ttJ2lfiu i Yam-Un lived on s .county plsce SEa33M name was ..a,-
m;.,. ....up... 1.1 nav mare, iiw.iro. hi. - i :i. a, oat nr Maiem. in ww ui. 1 . ... . 1 ua ---
. 4: V :i sets dbl hill. Ore. "r.r. Tm. mmand.nff aview Bvm LSOWiin. anaan h U,
miifi-. .!.. I....I .. .. j u.-ly".,""":-,".T. Imarried 10 ur. swwiey i"' ,rti-jinu. riunta
work hunies.zewwiii;i - jhe eight year 010 of the wuismeue. than twenty years. Her husband
ness; 2 sprinir wagons. of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. . Sd the following children sur-
Five.f.a.t new 0.drne No 3 f ear oU is suffering from 11NinN altK:K YAKD8 Haiel and Glen, all
mower. 10-ft Osborne e -oump-. gevere cut on tn, hana wiw an Ut home. The family came from
TupK run of about O hesd of Nebruks about ,14 1 ,jrs srosnd
. . , . hi.-" - 1 ...
Ur. W. E. UcCourt,
HUlaboro. Ore.. Oct 6. 1915.
died at the
Fredsrick Andsrsso, M. D
Successor to Dr. Cunnirtkftra.
- Office and Drag Stove,
Orenco. Ccsoi
Tlepbona ooniMailloot.
-X. 10 a. m.: Young
a dead ftiah'a service. A 1 u,r4 "uy,L
-Rev. E. A. smuii.
w r
IU OX -ki" n-nta.T.
Vlo. ni , , 4 Utlm meet next Monday, eve-
fo add toKn.l!srtotiwJt
V the Besvertca Dank hu nn tt we v . rf win.
ul her for $1S snd siucnea
TtiMi-.-.. " --- - . niu..u nM. Keedvu e. wnere
csttle. tne rJ r:7.M Of her
, ten weeks oc aou iud id three sisters, Mrs. Carlson.
mrtMM aa aiiw.ata rS
aatiftaaiii: - -a Ba
XlWa: BaHUl tiia'li'8- SV v
gtamtt tao-H cawait h i
a a . A.. tTaWakS ah AS I VILtlU.
i nr nap nrcmiirTT. a usiw . o
mply abl i toiay goes with-h Bethany Grange wm
!lnTeSftLlP& will dance Saturday evening. Oct. J.
ke . s strong defend slnat Tickets. 50 cents.
. t .1 1- 4k. kallaf I ...! A
! rriminai cn-rsa ia vuo iinvivvu. . .
. . . , . ready o
ner neignnors saa inmua. Vetcn sna im - ,
the anii. L a.. Tel.
F. M. craoirrr, "-.- -i
Scholls.Line22.No.255 31 Frank ttoiuno,
HVrun viaiv., - -7,. iv.Uk
man. . . J., nuting,
indav. lor a ic u-j-
Mr...ndM. 8.1.
a,ir. (. lahiM. kat laa tail .a
a..... .aiTa.B SaaT aall aVMrll. I will
OlamMl r. X iklsy
Bauka, Ora., Sapi. SB, uw,
Fred Narup aid C. J. Brb,ot
iminirat n. a lew neuen i; . . D.
u.u na aiLfr we ac i r . . n tA i -. DiauMiumr men. z. ura. sc.-
' 1 5ftr century Auto- st 6 snd calves rgiu.uu. "rtoT CaL. and
i-juiuv.., - . I Mai awkSksity srnnn nuin nsiv wu biiwhm " " . . i .
".k:f lnaiitnte. Los Angeies, .rr. n....litra Sehtaaltxer. of uncoin. i
IT M"5!S-fiLSrB iludamesPer-
ters' tools, "Victor ci.v,
household gcHHls. 1(H) chickens. 4
ducks, new aianay i n , , mftrnSnl. ers swni - aCr- ind gchmeltaer sre now offlca ,
KiBhteeniat. iiogs. " I W.l. om.v. i - M
old; PoUnd.Vnin.-ra- wa fisted with hillbi
rancn, xor w...u. . .."sv: at o w iwr , "ak. twst-rb church, and she - -
p-nUirsom Ha.uaro nawosw
... Q L0 lo o u a..... - ,-iaw -tend8 tta
t- - sr . a. ft . a. ? - miiiav i rum
e Banks asctlOB. wars C9wn w tornea mis ;"h P!inch.
:i sows. 2-yr-old;30 little
I"?.. . . I. ..1.1 knv timn..L . atartlnir
. wriiii ,... - a a I W.V II . . ,, . I
.. : j iw hn whiaL 4U .k. .aak 't'hev will ran a
tujr o"v l..-i., ITJlKii hnr.i i , . nnwi and nut in their I . 0,.nla
buoats. wuuwi'w. "T-j-J- piowiiB .v --t- V.r,"M"rr. "C-ki-kK-iiht
ley oats and peas mi iw heat crop ior n ... i wasninnwin i"" fj I 5 1 ,
ensh; over. ?"" . l""v'r ; -'Resolved, that liiiisroro uran ...u
ebleapprovejVte a S p 'nt N p , of HusbMdry
1 WO per cenwiwi v. .. - . turning all money nwtw 1 CARS W imwaa
u.. iu Qfoto nf Oregon irom me , 1 . -
sale of lands formerly held by ou- rincere
the 0. & C, R. R. Co.-the so- who kindiy ax-
RobtGreer Jr., wUP f- of the
t. lartJ
auut UIWI waif " ' ' 1 il i a ,
aaa, a a . a aai.1 I 1 ft . IllaVlald
iployedU Rawer W ! Au"" p , tlhurch. has
inths, vis ted hods Fores. u;"""emDe-of the
For gale: Re-cleaned Winter p k-.---- . . Ffah, ai,d
ts for seed. Slight smouni 01 r r. . , were in
...... 1 1 ...a. nut nnnnn. maiiirnier. -- ; .,,..1..,,
eicn. rnc hwiiw f' rWn 7 " MM Klnnming. yvnwiuaj.
0.cHnuno . . ( " i . w'B. vesterday, on
luDert Idaho, are vtsiimx wiw iibki
sums over $lu.
Lunch at noon.
j, jacKoia, uwiivi.
. J. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer..
Krwin Hitter, Clerk.
For Sale
Twenty-two young pigs. $2.25
lrl VkoutoK white boar and
., ..u,.n.o- several bows. All
must be sold beiore i
m Mrs. W. B. Bolton, .
Witch Hazel Station, on b. r.
Mh A Rueter.
i-a v n Waarirener. of Port
land, wu the guest of Mrs. Jen
nie Sewell, Sunday..
Unman hair flPOOdS St reUOn-
the 0. & C K. Fi?tornmA in-Mil nk tosllwhoso kindly ex- able prices can found at Miss
..iu land arrant -be turnea m u'!5 Tia a .un.n.k. in nnr 1 7r rvi tnr
v""t-"."" ," ui- ..knni fnnii tenaea u uu aju.!-", 7 -:- u a. WW" ""-"
John VonBersen'of near Hills
dale, wu s city ctiler this moro
Coney ' to loan on first-class
f r ta security. wtcfcinsion
a. I
a mt m at a B - ..
For taie; ny-E Eooca ft aai
t.liii', v. -
Mala and TkliJ.
he Bowlbys,. over In1 SSSt
Hialatin country Uri. Abhott
i a rf..,.k.. t tn'uAn Bowlhy.
. . . . a ,a flfnen.
John Sinclair. the -. the crest bargains
wu in the cuy u. - - - , h -oom ln a3
weak. " , ' ..ra;a. MisaC. E. Olson'a
ca ea lana Krii.-' r"? .." jUjj mlA and avmcau
to the irreduceabte scnooi xuna Er& dth snd ob-
of the State or Oregon. , -7 - ,tte AlKirew Jack.
rk. Wonatn Gun Club, com-1 knakani) and father. .
.MW " "I . ..... 1 .
prised mostly or wiuawiww.
had a big day's hunting. .Sunday.
Those attending the lake ahoot
ing were B. innaip .
H. SmltlV oruwii.
motVJ.W. .uonneiu
Wood, Jos, WiiiiamB, nu. 01.
Sams F.J, Sewell. Herb&hul-
mar oh. I . H. AOBaiS, nuiawww,
and John Porter
Hamrfck. Guton
and Dr. Huntley
tin. Andrew Jack, ',
Wia.Jack. it
lira. P. E. Cornelius,
nnialv O. Oct & 1S15. r-
www"-, I . . .
I v lUz:C3tr ur. uwe wi.i
arv ta at nst-J .S?uifcs.
Uctcser , w
Upstairs, in LU&Uitf T '
DUllUlU, ba-J a,-.-- ...
HUlsboro - - -
County Attract & Title .Com
tinjifcy C J. UcAesr, t:tta-l
I am now prlr4 to I
.nUWaat"-!. 1
t a
rd W. H". There will bea , ascixl Mt&S gSig
! .Dr. liunson of the LoJ Ttt-f jH!J57
t of Portliad. evenins, Ost.ll 'JVUJiUu
. '
.Ur. Abbott il
were out u cuests.
printer, and to e-Ji
JpertMx:: r