The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 07, 1915, Image 4

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    A Deathbed
"1 had botved. My child.- MM At
l!kHi, "to HimI jrlnx dirt fur yoa
fef.r petfrtug oat, bat It fc dieted Bid.
If 1 could oar left yoa rtca would
now mind haadluc bi my chljm.
Itut remember tbta. my little clri. IT
i here a any ark thine u la dead
JiWpUyf (or llvui I'll help yea.
Tbe wwe th but wonla spoken ay
Tom Atkinson to bto daughter. Kile.
II passed Into nnconrfcuue and
lied tbe aaai night Ellen bad bee
aith him U tb gold nekla for jar
aoJ bad suffered with him. on dlaap
lwlntnient after another till to her they
were no longer disappointment, bat
expected happenings. Bat till la very
last be bad expected to atrtk It rVb
and when be waa takes dowa with hit
last Illness believed that bt would get
wrll enough to dig a Uttl lower In a
bolt? be waa sinking and would atrtke
the cuntlanatlein of a bud that waa
Iayiug bot a hundred feet
a w ar. When death cane b bad not
reached tb goal and left bla child wttb
but a small bag of dart, not worth fort
However. KJleo possessed something
be valued mora than gold tbe bean
of an honest, energetic young man.
who waa clerking In a ator not far
from tbe property on which ber father
bad done hi la.t digging aud where
be had built tbe cabin In which be and
lit daughter lived. Mark Ilosraer
married Ellen a few day after ber fa
ther bad been laid to rwt. and the;
lived together In tbe abode tbe bride
Jiad occupied ever slue ber father bad
been seized with bin last tufatu
Ilosmer was willing to work, but the
district was cot producing tbe gold
that had been expected, aud ante In
tbe store were ruunlng dow n, ill sal
ry bad been reduced anil bad reached
point where they found N difficult to
make ends meet One iilsht when
Mark cane home from work be tohl
Ida wife that be feared bis employer
was about to discharge him and do all
tbe work himself, aluoe I be business
would not warrant an assistant.
At 2 o'clock tbe next morning Ellen
awakened ber busband and asked him
If he beard anything a mutual. After
listening be said that be did not and
asked Vr why she bad asked the
question, phe replied every now
and again she bad beard, a sound lire
carta inrowa rnm a arel.
"Co to sleep, my dear be replied.
Ton llred ao many years In the sound
of dirt thrown out of holes In the
ground that tt baa got oa your nenres.?
Tbe next night Ellen fancied sbe
beard the same sound, but, since Mark
bad not beard it and thinking sbe
Would tronMe blm by vailing bis atten
tlon to what be seemed to consider a
crk-k In ber brain, aba did not wake
htm. Rat sbe listened her-velf. Sbe
would hear the sound, apparently not
far from the bouse, of a shovelful of
earth thrown on the ground. Then
all wag silent In a few minutes she
would hear another shovelful loused
u seeuiea to rer. rmm iirhw. n
thouch some one were discing In s
trench. OiK-e or twtr she tbnuclii she
beard a pick atrtke a stone, but of thii
be wag not sure, flue could not k
cate tbe sounds, but it seemed to bet
that they came from a corner of the
lot In rear of tbe cabin.
Sbe was tempted the next moraine
to tell ber busband that she bad heard
fba sounds repeated, but refrained
yealMitg (bat be would think some
tbbig bad, goo wrong with her. Ah
Boon as be bad departed for tbe store
he went out to tbe rear of what wax
;a four acre lot, half expecting to And
that some claim jumper bad been dig
I King for gold. No algn of earth thrown
. np appearea.
' There was a thick undergrowth sen-
aratlug ber from where she had seem
. ad to bear tbe sounds, and passing
! through it sbe came to tbe extreme
fwruer of the lot Tbe ground was
Just os It bad always been. Tbe aur
face was uneven, and ledge of red
: atone a few feet high furnished a con
, venlcnt seat She sal down on it and
; Sdly picked op a loose piece of tbe
atone. Examining it she noticed that
It presented a rather singular appear
ance. Her father bad often shown ber
aucb pieces of ore, which, be said,
were Tery rich In gold. -
1 Ellen took the fragment to the cabin
and put. it in ber bureau drawer; then,
faking ber father's pick and shovel,
f ahe went bock to the spot from which
be had taken tbe atone and began to
Since the Dlace waa concealed bv
c undergrowth, Mark did Dot notice tbe
excavation. Ellen, who bad bod a long
experience In the appearance of ore,
dug on till sbe came to something that
looked worth examination. Taking
apaejrnens, the next day, Instead of dig-
Kl"g, sbe carried them to an assayer.
d . One evening when Mark came borne
from work looking distressed on ac-
count of the dullness of trade, wblcb
foreboded bis discharge, Ellen threw
(her arms around bis neck, exclaiming;
"Mnrk, we are rlcbP
"What do you menu?"
"Come and see." . .
She took him to tbe hole she hnd dot
picking up a piece of ore, told
that she bad had a specimen from
place assayed and It bad shown
J00 to the ton.
I "How came you," be asked, "to dig
lerer - ,
Bowing her bend reverently, sbe told
jim iniu ner tamer naa guMed ner,
tad when he asked how she reminded
Im of the dying promixe and tbe
ounds she bad beard at night
Portland Cement.
la the manufacture of Portland
anient, cut or shale and limestone
re around together and "burned" In
tary kilns. Tbe cement comes from
. I Him In tbe form of bard, black, seml
. fltreous lumps, or "clinker." When
"ulverlied tbls clinker becomes a gruy
NMli, uowder.' wblcb hi the familiar ar-
1 eoutclc of commerce employed for a great
f it tarloty of purposes in practically every
ype or building construction, it ha
fug been known that tbe fineness to
trbicb the cement la ground Is one of
A most important cbarnctcrisiiis. iui'
quenlly giecificatlous rcipiiie i m
aero, wtnea oaa oiv otaing per
square inch. Tula bi tbe ptacth'al
Uaitt of axchanical slet in respect
t flneaeaa, for although Boer sieve
can be atanafactured the necessary
anlforailty U als of opeutnr cannot
b attained. It ts weU known, bow
ever, that tbe Ciinute partklea of
ceoseot, which are just rapatie of pam
tng tbroagb tbe oettbtgs of a No.
sieve, are atill too largw to I of value
aa cementing material nea mixed
with water, lleace tbe really valuable
ponaM of tb ceueut couslsts In the
extremely tne powder, tbe amount of
which can only tw Inferred from the
The Result of
An Infatuation
Batted Musbreei.
The "saored mushroom" of the At-
tera, wbk-h waa railed by them teua-
BUKatl and owed as aa tutoiu-aut aa
according to InvrsttKatious rvnily re
ported, aot a mushroom, but tbe nar
cotic cactus, Lopbopbora wtlllamsU.
now weil known for Its ne by tbe
America a Indians la relhioua cvrento
nlea. It b) popularly called "uiesi'al
button," though a better name ts eyota
Early writers oa Mexico dcocrilied It as
a Biushrooui, and this mtka as to Its
botanical status still survives. The
adstake Is due to the fact that lu one
of tbe two prtnctiial forms In which H
k prfred the bead of tbe plant Is
cot off transversely, and wbcu dried
It bears a cfce resemblance to a mush
room, la Its other form It ts cut longi
tudinally or In Irregular fragmeuts and
was described by early writers aa rail
dlabottca. or "devil's root"
Analysing a Mast.
Pa Qulncey, who wrote tb "Confe-
loos of an English Opium Eater" aud
other works now considered cktvsic.
waa a etranga. 111 balanced pei-Hou.
Vernon Lee aays of him tbat be bad an
lnca!city for bidding bis tongue on
Irrelevant matters. whUh ts a sign of
tattellectnal weakness. He bad alo a
marked Incapacity for keeping but Irrel
evant emotions (especially the Tltuper
atlve onea) to himself, which ts a mark
of moral vulgarity. He had a manifest
tendency to talk big and at tbe same
tun to mix slang with grandiloquence
la situations where no humorous effect
could be obtained by this proceeding.
let withal these traits are redeemed
by bis great subtlety of thought his
tragic depth of feeling and occaskin
aliy bis marvelous power of aeetug and
aylpg. New York Telegram.
aVaelau'a Chckrd Carr.
This history of the possession of
Preslau shows that it has changed
bands very often. Early in the
elventb century II was made tbe seat
of a bishop aud " Uf having formed
part of Tolaud bevuiuo the capital of
an Independent duchr lu 1 ltd. In
1335 It waa purchased by John, kins
of Bohemia, who retained It until I4U.
It then changed bands and became
subject to Bohemia once tuore In 1 UN),
passing Wilt) tup rest of Silesia to the
Hapsburgs In IKik It en me under
the authority of Frederick tbe Great lu
li41 and waa recovered by Austria tu
17o7 and regained by Frederick In the
Seven Years' war. It bas slm-e tieeu
Irussln. excejit a few day In 1S07
and again lu IM.T. when It was held
temporarily by the French.
, Our Army Rations.
The averMge daily fU-i. I ration of the
fulled Slates tinny Is mailt- up ns fol
lows: llncoii. li oiiuceti (or fivsh meat
HI oiiiiccmi; lireai, 1.1 ounces; Iteuns, 2.4
iiiices: potatoes. 'Jn ounces; prunes or
cr-.cs. IS ounces; coilee, 1.12
i:i.v: sua r. :fi imiikvs; evaponiteil
.11.. ... iimin-s: vim-gar, .(l of a gill;
il; ih'Ihut llilackl. .04 of
mi : l-id, ''.I of mi ounce; butter.
f nil h;;i. e.
At th Zenith.
I'a uhat ilm s il mean when a pub
ic in. i ii i., r.ii, In ! st Hie r.enlth of
his pnpi.huiiyv"
i( iiitnns. my ,,n." n-nlled the de-
fealeil rumliilale ruefully, "that he bt
about ready to hit rhp tuiww.i.nn
Blnnlugham Age Herald.
Leva's Progress.
Knlcker-How can vou tell how lone
they have been married?
.Bocker-By whether he wants him
to stop smoking to save his health. bU
money or the curtains. New York Sun.
Scant Courtesy.
Opportunity came knocking at the
I'll give blm two minutes to ex
plain bU proposltkm," said the great
niagnate.-Knnsus City Journul.
lauazu Falls.
More than twice as wide a Nlnmni
and fully fifty feet higher, the fulls of
iguaxii, u) South America. Is one of the
great wonders of tbat. continent
Madge-You don't believe all rou
Hear, do you? Morjorie Urncloug. no!
Why, dear. 1 don't even lielleve all 1
My. Judge.
A man whose only motive for action
Is wages does a bad piece of wort-
Charles Wagner.
Fellow On Another.
Tblng always bring with them their
owd phllosoiby that Is, prudence. No
man acquires property without acquir
ing with It also a little arithmetic.
Emerson. '
Couldn't talk.
De Style-You say that loving pnr
of deaf mutes were sitting lu the par
lor aud didn't carry on a conversation?
Uunbusts-Tbey couldn't, for they
were holding hands.-New York Preta.
Even Virtues.
"They're a happy couple."
"What makes them nor
"She can cook a dinner wlthont
burning It, and lie can eat one without
roasting It." Baltimore American.
Two uieu were sitting together at a
table la a cafe lu MadrkL tbe ou a
young Anwrtcan trotter, th oth
er a Siauiard aho bad takcu som
pains n cultivate bis acquaintance.
"Yoa uotked the lady," said tbe
Anterkan. "bo sat a few seats la
front of us last Sunday at tb ball
tlht the one la red and blckr"
"I notkd that you admired ber."
"Sbe ta very beautiful There bt
something abiut ber to drhe a uaa
"1 or that reason I shall not Intro-
diK-e ber to you."
"Yoa kuow btrr
"lutroduv nie."
"That you may be driven uwdT
"It would be very thrilling to I
driven tuad by bet."
"th. well. If you Insist umu It "
"What Is ber uaik.tltty? tine doea
aot kxtk like a Spaniard."
"Italian, but she baa dwelt In many
tteuaud, tbe person who was to glr
lb lutroducttou. after asking tbe
lady's ieruiisskHi. tmik the American
to call upon her. 8h received htm
"Ah. Mr. Allwrtson," she sakl, "I am
only too glad to make your acquaint
iik lou Aniertinns Interest me.
TIhm Is none of ttie blae aloit you
that there bt about Kureiiia. You are
so enthusiastic, so generous, so Intel-
Altwrtson was aa refresbed by these
encomiums tu behalf of bis country,
men as be would have been by a roller
ou tbe beach on an August day, espe
cially aa a pair of compelling eye
above the lh were fixed unou bla
bile the words a ere sokeo. If a wo
man baa this great power over a uiun
It b usually lutautniieu In Its ef
fect It was a lib AltM-rison as If be
bad qunffed an Intoxk-atlng nectar. He
passed an evenlug lu a delirium and
afterward a night dreaming of Senorl-
U MoreilL
ils vllta acre freueut It cannot
be aald that bis lufatuatkm Increased,
for It was Imrn iKrfH t He waa full
of gratitude to Ilcnaud for the Intro
duction and could not understand why
the Spaniard wan not also aa adorer
of the beautiful Italian. Itenaud, In
stead or rtiiMiiraglng blm in his pas
sion, 1014 ni in to tme a cure not ta
become too deeply tuvolved,
There waa nothing by which Albert
urn could Jud;e of Hie lua-y's social
Position, for she was a stranger In
Madrid and not exjHt'teil to hove a
place lu eock'ty there. She took car
In observe the iiroprk'tk aud would,
pot accept gifts from lu-r mtmlrer e-
i-ept sin n ns a muy uiicnt proeriy re
ceive front a man. Itut one day when
AltH-rtmii, calli-d upou In-r he fiMind her
irritated at not receiving au existed
remittuiice from her bunker. She need
en uioiiey io uiiiKe certain ptijnients
and the delay was annoying. Albert-
son asked to lie iermltteI to advance
the amount, but was refused for the
time bebig, though the neit day, the
riifids not arriving, bis offer was ac
inree aaya eluwed. but no remit
tance came, A I hereto u sulil uolhlug to
Itenaud about the bmn. but one day
uen me two men were walking to
gether, pawing a gentleman evklently
or uiku degree, Kcnaud bukl:
"Behold your rival for the affectlona
of your senorltn."
Aiiiertson s heart stood still. He had
begun to susrt that there was some
thing wrong about the expected remit
tam e, and this accusation on that go-
count had more effect However, be
replied the Imputation, itenand told
blm that If he could get sight of tbe
lady's private pairs he would be con
vinced. After much discussion Itenaud sug
gested a plan by which Albertson
might make the test Albertson waa
to take advantage of his Intimacy to
steal the keys of a certain escretolre In
her rooms. Then he was to take her
opt to dine While she was gone Ile
nnud was to take the keys, go to the
rooms. oen the escretolre and bring
Albertson any proof he might find
tbcre of the existence of his rival.
Albertson at first promptly declined
to have anything to do w Ith such pry.
lug. but Itenaud artfully worked on
bis Jealousy until he consented. He
waited and watched some time for an
opportunity, but at last It came. He
carried the keys away with him and
Kaye them to Itenntul. The same aft
ernoon he took the senorltn out for a
The next morning be ren In a news
paper of this arrest of a woman who
called herself Adda Morelll In her
apartments. A detective had been
watching the lady, who was a noted
adventuress. He hnd used a young
American, who was dniqicnitely smit
ten with the woman, to secure certain
Incriminating paiiers In her possession.
Senorl t a Morelll was wanted for vari
ous crimes, the most Important of
which was the poisoning of her hus
band. Kbe would lie taken lo Italy to
imj triea ror ner offenses.
Albertxoii was crushed. For a time
he Could not believe his senses. Kut
at last-he hnd not Is-en repaid the
money he had ndvaneed-he saw
through the whole scheme. He hrid
been diified not only by the woman,
but by ftennud. who, having noticed
his Infatuation, had Introduced hlin
for the purpose of using him to secure
evidence needed to obtain her convlc
rwtUjTiut iDl ru ctcrr jU'Wiii
of tb true workers-th peaard. At
th very end of bis life, a ben be Mt
hut horn b walked with bis daughter
through a village and aald to ber: "I
don't yet know our peaMut. I H
tak a stick aud aaudvr from door lo
door, knocking at each house. Then,
perhaps, llsteulug to (he aunwer tN-y
wHI git me. I alii pructrat tuto liwlr
tru aiimbv" Exchange.
My! Convict
Cle IchiiMi In Reams.
When following out a color heiu
tai furaishlug a room a link tois ti of
aa rutin ty dtffereut but barntoniflug
cidor rslcva au rti-rlhtit effivt This
da brought out by a prof-soual dec
orator aba was dlscusaliui the funiUh
bigs of ber own home.
One room which aaa furnished In
gre-u and bad a greea Velours couth
cover was ieclal!y noteworthy. "The
room needs aoiuethlug to break the
uiotiotuuy," ab said, "and some pU
Iowa with a bit of old ro cokiHng
will do tt."
A bedroom wber th rohr scheme
I blue and white ts attractive, but re
qulrva another color to give It warmth
A atralght color acbern Is easy
enough, for any one to carry out, but It
call for considerable skill lo make tt
distinctive, aa lu the practkal applies
tkvu of a little variety is usually necv
sary to mak the furnlsbluga really
charming. CJooil Health.
Oant l Radicat
Tb aivoner young foiks learn not to
be radical th hmht they will tHul
tlkemselve floating m-t-ucly down the
stream of Uf without frtctlou. To be
radk-al take to tf trouble; you have
to l couttnually ripping oflf venwrs.
scratching surfai-es, engaging lu otigt
nal researcb, applying . M tests, lifting
Ikla, making analys. tearing off uuisk.
demandlug proof and so ou lilluiitatdjr.
But tt la all pernicious activity. Tbe
leaders and makers aud seller of earth
Bi thugs up so that they will seem to
be ao and ao; their leadership auj their
fame and tbelr profits depeud upon our
being perfectly credukaia aud accepting
thing for What they ecu. Why, than.
ask embarrassing questions aud thui
incur tbe everjaatlug III will of tbow
who kr trying to boodwluk ua? It H
much better to take thluga a they
come (pajrhjg cash, of course) aud p
humbly grateful.-IJfe. . .
Fs and th Literary Msngr.
With bis stork- aud hta crlticUms
during the tuenger two years of bla
connection with the maguxln IShj was
rrrtiiluly able to reflect that at no
lime In her previous literary bUtorr.
be bd put Itk buiond ou the map. But
the letter be write to Anthou when
projecting the Stylus was somewhat
flnmlsvyatit "I had Joined th Mia
senger, as you know, then In Its second
yeur. with TOO subscribers, and the
O l outcry was that because s
uiagaxlne bad never succeeded south of
the Potomac therefore a uuiguxtue ne
er could iueeeed. Yrt lu spite of this
sua the wretched taste of the propria
ior, wnicn ouniH-red and contnilkd me
at nil ssns, Increased the circulation
In flfttvn luonths lu JUitaj sulsu-rlbers.
luiyiug mi auuiial prmit of f ln.iio whtu
I kfl lt."Algernon Tussiu lu Iktok
, Cambog.
(amtsvg bi on of the art Ufa most
liiiHrtntit yellows. It Is too uiiiii resin
of U tree Wlili h hears v..ll..t H,.,..
and leathery, laurel like leave. The
name of the pigment Indicates the
country from which It comm, fr gam-
ihkb is simply g corruption of Cam-
bojn or Cnnilsslla. In this fnr eastern
country I he tree grows wild and shed
those sticky tears which hdt the
artist to paint the sunrise nnd the
autumn tints of (he wood. (In nils.?-
a brought to Kuroiw bv merchnnis
from the east toward the end of th..
sixteenth cciilury.-Loiiduu Auawor.
The Height of It
"They tell me," said the nrofessor.
that Mrs. Hlghrollcr Is a very aymtia-
Hurtle woman."
I ahonld say she was," said Hark-
away. "Why, wben her huslmnd elop
e.1 with Mrs. OnyUiy she Immediately
sent Mrs (Jnyboy a telecrain of eon.
dolencc.M-New York Times.
Ducks and Mosquito.
According to rxisrlinents renorted
by H. (. Idxcm, the most formidable
animal enemy of tho iuohouIIo Is the
duck, and the Introduction of this bird
bi recommended for eliminating um.
qtlitoes and the dlseawm which these
Insect spread from innrshy regions,
where draining would bo too cost I v
Two ortinclul pools were constructed
of equal uren, ducks being placed In
one nnd nh In the other. The former
pool was quickly freed from mosquito
pupae nnd larvae, while In the otberl
tney eiiiillnued to nhound. Wild ducks
are said to prefer mosquitoes to nil nth.
er fil.-Indianapolis Newa.
I ruiudug utv suto leUurely akmg
a t-sid 1st th couutry and slowed up
even from that psa lo turn a sharp
Iwnd lu lb road wben suddenly
heavy weight dropped from aa ever
hanging lTii'b luto luy car dlrvntly
Is-hlud live. Turning. I saw a man ta
o uvk-t trttea rUliur to lit feet
"ut on full spwsl. b said lu tiuv
to Indicate that be would t obeyed.
I did Dot o Hist b poasraaed any
weatoa with whkb to en fore bla de
aiauds, but It was vvklrul that b aaa
an aaHsl Jailbird aud as such aaa
likely to t deaivral. As a'a as I
had lurue.1 lb bend I obeyed bis of
dcr, aiy iel gaun regbileiiiig forty
nilli-s an hour. The man cltuibetluvrr
the Imck of the aeat and aat down b
ld me. Th rad befor la aredetl
It my atteiitktt, bat I toi-k tint to
glance akl at Mm. .Now that b was
fleeing at so rapid a gait bU abol ex
pression was rhaugwL lraplt his
trlprs, I saw In him a man of rvRoe
mettt It met my xi with aa hs
at k'k aud said;
"My fricud. If you knew that Instead
uf defeating Jmttc you ar try big to
uuiU a frightful act of liOustka you
would I U tter MtUflcd, I bav tru
lh vk tlm of a rousplracy to defraud
a on uk of wlil.h waa lailiW-r and
was M-nt lo the pctiltrutlary fur bn
j ears. My nodi alfv sent ttw sur
rctltkuly . a lib wbk h I rffect
d my e. ns'. II. r ot'k- I N to get put
of th country, send fur tier and our
jrhildrea and begin life anew "
While be making lhl brk f Mate
men! I kr4 en on lite road ami
the other u dim I douhi If ni,i
can lie to me and Inqwa tu K i
Is sieaklug ihe irnt U. , i i i, ..
that the man n. -lo.e.r - i i,.
bla slutvrlty. KiwhIhVi- uii i
fll; biliittloii at k,t I on i,,.,
"There h noihin" I tvphri is
vuld gte me creniei .lii- f .. n .
than to enable
pUrpOMV Where shall I take
"First you mul throw my ,.irxu.-r.
off my track. They are n.4 fsr t
"Jet back there and coier yourself
up to the rhtu with lb wrap.
He dkl sv and his strli set run
realed. but h waa bitnrhrailed. I
gave hlin my rap. rVvlug a man atwad
of nte wearing a Coiiuim.u wook-o bat
I stopped king enough to buy It giv
ing blm three tlniea It vain Thru,
entering upon a Mig stretch of com
parsttvdy straight and level r,t I i,U
on th balance of my power, making
fifty mile an hour.
' Ik you ks.iw anything of th por
ulir I askevL
"Only that my (light most bar been
dlscoverrvl long ago,"
"We must bav another ult of
rWltM-s." was my urit remark -V.
hull bar t mop ami buy one."
y passenger nav me some klea of
a sizes be had worn In-fur Ms bxar
vnumn, sn.i nt ihe first op,.rtnnlly
'""igin nun live nwessary outfit it
s. or Niyliig nie fr t,e, HlM
uny. but I told hlin what wmikt r
. ...iki is ma viiiii i a un nr ml
urvly that be n, what b.
lie ninnagisl to
1 under th wraps
brklge. threw hid
water Mowing rapidly
eiin-u riir aiMSXI aiillla.
oni. no I lM-i,-., t,t win, turt
mil a.n iiiiti-.-i- r m4-w
-"inn not is- retaken, nt
ame Hum-.
lassini: tn viii ;!, a , wt,.rl , n(l,
busliHMs iiiiiuimti,.,,,.,. procured
funds mil supplied hlin with what he
wuuiu r.ipnre Tiiei,, stopping Mt .
railway st.ttk.u. I M.,,s tiw fable
snowing traliis for New York nnd, by
taking n longer route than tin, rails,
put blm on a train without hi being
obliged to wall n( a statkin.
Meanwhile he hud given me the ad
dres of his wfu nnd ucked me to rail
IM.n ber to receive continuation of hi
lory. ,B ,mrtM, ffll1) (m hl
efforts to expre his gmtltude over
came blm. nnd he could any nothing
All Im could do was to look It,
As Hoot, as , ,.fl ... ' . ...
ren.e my ssmn In having aided a
uiivm i io uiiiKe good Ills incline s.,1 I.
was then that ilnul.U U-gan to trouble
"ot go fo seo 1,1,, wlf i
cotislderalile llle ft(r , a, j j,flr,.
l fenrlhg tbat she n,Klt lm maU.Un)
mid my visit w r,l)t .,lfi111Pllu-
to my Infringement of the law.
iii'ivspiiiH-rs notices r n.-
-;.pe f,,Mi, prison uf a bnllk ,Blbw
"line mr ran.
Hillsboro Generc
"Service lo the Sick"
Grovrlnnti, Orrjvn
k"iu;li ;u
liv'titr tt i!
! hi.
ii ii 'ill v tif t.'
nil tiivituri vii M'nur
vtl t,ni i! r r
; !
.Mill Iixalru M ,unj ,m
Uifo ti l'uiu-vt KaiUiiy,
uif Hi!
Iv i-li.i;
H't No
t!i i
nil (
l prim.
f IlilU.
H. S. Thnrp. Proprietor
en i
!Va tt i I. T. 1 Ii Im.s.Cliiiujirai tr, txtmili
a uTiiul in uat t-t!v ti!!icu
Ills III vvly tTllt'tl I fiaCS, ft-.!llf I ;tilt J
llciiM UuiMing, r t ivntihuti .fi and
ticutiiu ni of all .liMMM', 3t uteirvl.totiif
for fiirtnlly iiUtt.i at, J tiuiti.umance.
;!.vr ltnsti i) o 12, m;4
hunts ly u'js.iiiisum,
ti ;. i
'rvl,tJ a!,.rm:..a glVfl (
the tK.tit(Ut i f oc:'
tnuiblc, ihv.uiutUm, a
vl.i-c.ivvjk ( Wcisicn. ,
tenst. a
mrsrtis to w
i'hiv bis rl.illt,-.
httd. crossing a
SllNH , 1
After ihis I
my man
least fur
His Reason.
"Why do you alwny leave the bouse,
James, wben I begin to sing the old
songs?" pouted Mrs. Howlt
"Fresh air," id Howiit-Uawr's.
' Anethsr Way.
"I don't see how young Bent ley can
sidestep all bis bills."
"He doesn't; he sidesteps the coder-
a.---.IainlaTme HeraU.
Tolstoy and tho Peasants.
' Tolstoy, the great KiiKslan nnvelliif,
Sient bis whole llle lu 11 e1)He ,.,.
mutilon with the peusnuis Umi was
persmiilcd that nil ihe wisdom ho
might. Iiavu oltained comeriiing life,
Its true meaning ami its true aim, wuii
due but to this fuet. He knew Ihe
peasant soul; be spoke nnd lie wrote,
especiully lu bis religious nml uuttnl
works, the luugmige of the peasants.
Ho nlwuys says, speaking of truth,
that he menu "the simple peasant
tiutli." He considers the work of tho
peasant the only dlgiillied labor, and
no never ceased
Natural Pottery.
Excellent natural pottery Is manu
factured by niitiiro la the case of a cer
tain cactus, Woodiiecker are apt to
e.avate nests in ti)0 tmuk and
branches, and In order that It may
protect Itself against these incursions
the plant exudes a sticky Juice, wblcb
liitrdciiH, forming a woody lining to the
bole made by the birds. Eventually
the cactus dies and withers, but the
wooueu howl remains.
Some lime after my mil rerr-lved n
'"'r wr ' " '' Krr-ai caution from
Dodging T rouble.
"W'bnfs the matter r
"My wife soys I don't know bow to
nanuie me hnhy."
"1 wouldn't get muffed over tbat
n," said the older man, "Take my
aavice and don't lenru."-Louinvllle
A Pertinent Question.
The Pond Mother-Nice girls never
Put themselves forward before tin
men. Tho Wis Hniigbter-Tlicii how
do the men flnd out that they're nice?
Belle-And when' you wrtif Into her
,room you say she was shading her
; eyes with her band? Ileulnh-No. only
vjcorows.-TonK.era Watesiiinn.
lit nti l,o 1 ...... r
.meni-n, 11,, was paving t
wjr l" Hcndfur his wife and chlidre ,
. i,w auihorliUs
the convict, mailed
on bla
Dto plan was never carrltsl out. for
.C0D"l,,lr"t'ir" aim had ruined
"bKht to trial fo, rtrU
-n na fact. of tb,0(n.
22LS.r " m'w ,r,' for lu.r
by this lime the whole
5X2. r'rr1; 1 fl,u'-'-
' " ueiav. was
ed, ' "'C,,nr,,','-' tnrn.
:V; V" .-'.-..." - '1 ,.. ' -P..''
f t '' - - . '. . . ' .m0r -
----- Jf W r
. r r i. e ,. ',. .-.
5io wShvireafibaseL:
this for Electric Ligk'j
The cost of wiring bbht- -hardly ! Ix? ttZ
oiM-d with when you think tf lh comfort ti
many convi'tik-ncfs that Hfetricity brinrs. ;
Your home, too, enn i;lfiun thb cheerful wt'lcoCJ
into the ni;ht. No matter how old, our rntftca
wire it tjuit kly and without distillling ylCT i
lioiiHflioUl rotitim or nrron-nient and withc
dirt or disorder. Thus, tuiily and ccumrnks,
too. you can t njoy the brilliance and convO
. lence of ,
Edison Mazda Lat:
Af.f. in U. S. A. and iorli.c by MAZDA .Vrfr
Wh.n RDISON DAV l rsUbraM Octotwf Jt, fm will b
h Invfiitrd id IneaiuleatMU lamp 36 ymts . Ro w.rtHUfWl"
lanip ninkii.R jiti.ei,,., (,, ,w, ,lld(iy , .;i)SON MAZDA UJJ ;
tiiskea eli.ctfi.-ny t, hirfna t(llr ,lBa,,e W --v
bn wllh the old MyW .ailsin llll.
Have your Iiome wired in time for EDISO
giv you
our knowUdua ol liuhiO, II win t-t do iWT
will avoid th. f.isli that th lanUly shornlig
Call 01 tulajihon
your house on the iiistalliiici.t .liui
Miiy house in our system.
''"III IH ,
I.Hll:. l
There Is one thing t)inf
u ii never
Jo inventigiiie tho aim-' tum "Un""tiig, and tliul ts the good
bve dn.
vnted P..
1 ,ih a
ll It l Ml,,,! ...
by t, . . "
" zTi: 1 ,,,r
innc, Main . , f Oliuc llilUbcr
Um olZ
-"" Hum mi ,
, Willi n-w ImiII.II.iii. h ll-'
Inranil uniMniU, n.i.l iiiimr s"
Im ullMh, , ni .rllv i.r
fiirll. ih i Br, 'i ,, nrvliiVl
niliil Irnlnln In l iiimneref-f
ArrlitUietur. I Me.lleli'e.T'JK
l MurK, M u.le, l'lil.n 1 rl,"J!T
AH. Ijirae n.l .Irini
Ulirarf i.f limn (V .
leni I.., 1 1. 1 inn- fi.ll r piinllil.wfc
Tullli.n Kree, lrnillf '
Vvi.inon. -H,ene I i,-:'u
Write fur fee innliw.siblr",r