The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 07, 1915, Image 2

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.MbSOOStdVlaaW lSAl
L. A. lAftia, Editor.
Godaty Official lper-
eabeertptioa: $LS0 pat Inn im, ,
,i i 1 -
I-ONO A atckUkftK?
The East is prospering greatly
these days, and only where lum
ber and cotton are the principal
industries is there anything like
depression. Lumber is looking
up and Fillet Sound mills are
running full blast Portland will
probably be the last to feet the
t-fir.'W lira. il.Lfcl
wa iron ztB&ul t&i
P. A. Harta . th. Writ t?R
atxk buyer, was in ah
oat oi me wees.
Miss Ema. of Banks, were eek
end guests at the hoae ot lira.
c v. aictunney. I it m km Hopus wb got u
Mrs. Geo. R. BairW went tJ".lh UUi
Salt Air thi s an. iit T I-'" u world at large Ijr
CiirS?L5?? 'l "fcPW Ik Assert, gag tor ar
l"?. ;.. -. , srs3:un 01 -r- -lajr. . week. II.rib.klMMM s-
AatJ Why ike Tow. oi $dU
UdVt lUt Has,
. Br M. QUAD
ftHWlH INS. M..VWr, N
iwr au4k-.i
"'N"" stii.tuw.. aa Manila- be far ha h-L ...I k.
- -
l. M. McLauchlan. of th fi to hhml kMr
P. Pa. wb in -.. k:- fr wk betur a aald earth in
ing enroute fo7 McMin
makmg an ofBeud fUt .bL,"
" EVAikt A m .ft t - A awl th iri ad hk. a-... a a
HVrv. . I ' ureiron Electric, was out to Hills- CT"- h1
dui. weu-sioiseo as compared 10 boro, Monday, looking after bus-1 ""TV" prrparwi. ii t.i bow
Washington mills. Washington mess for his company. Me took ?' " 10
drove one over on Oregon sever- 8P'n through the hop districts ., w iTkLITi Trr
ai years ago, when they procured ww.u cum. i uihac u aaj foht
contracts ahead for from three " h,t Mountain Flour specials r.rVr "- "
to five years. SeatUe.nd other ""J1 lirat ItZJ "?S
sound ritiM M i..v. ,,ov-.w-1.Per . ib. .1 l ";::f..r-?
--j- - v MrM Infil- SL IS i k.l I " mi
possibilities. Ut Portland Uke lots. Uy in Tour Win er .7onU ? 2.:MT.,t Bd -
courage and get down to business. Hbw. It is likely to raise at any a. K... .
urae. . I from Ua urtrt au4 Waa to rteor
Uty free delivery is still hanff- Peter Huher inai k k. wU It w a aiU-htjr
ing fire, and Hilisboro shouU set contents at the ranch, near Reed. lJ
this mail arvomm.finn ville. last nifht. The Diano waa I, 7. r. 7 "r. . - u M bwwt:
vJ Th-, ; " "w ua n wwuiu
much more delay. The city i iTom nV hi iher mbui.
N Vairt MU fer4 Koa
la tat (touch rrvoi brb bJ
tarn ItiMot rr. bka
cootatm nrtx. blncHi ami
It l tKMtrasary to frrux u tbkt unt to
auU Uvail tUtbW. ao4 JNI "l
braaa It ba tb rt to tKi thU. It
k aMh mM a plant bailu ibM jul
Rj. Frawtli uar U ruialrttt to
burning H. aaa tbvr ar l r-ult.
Ua b lb furtuatkm f -rtMvV- achl
faa. A (ivat ik-al tf thla ta t-aui'lit
la th duuKh In th fortu vt Urgw or
atuall bubtihNt. anl mk vt K r-a(MM
tat lb air. Th mrt tlwt ronnut
raiw rauM th kukh to rta
MLWhrih'l SaW
Kti-e U fcrby glv tKat by ir
lu of aa KoulUn, jukt lW'
cr a-J ftlr af aalavf tb llinn
Court f th SUU t WW ,ur
U. Cauiitv. la th U vt
Wai JUtt. V. J
DVoa.k. I (. llwr' "
mtawat ft Mortri Oa. ftha4aaf.
waxina Ibtwia. "u
.Ut4tbob Uo SrMwbi
Dtiua mi J )tlatl six! Am la Im
J lb pUisHd lvi lhr blMl
wnaiy-h WIUt til? J out AfH nh
lairtvot lSftia Inna Soihi i, li
..I naul. m I wnvat. twi aurnint awl
, . z - - .
umvu iuuic uciajr. 1 lie llljf la t1VV J , , II nwumit M mm
entitled to it and has made all !S?v"i ' ?.T!l!0?e of.
.. , lL . -vu iiurrwwiamipuKi. A I iw. uua Bauutlrra auk. Ill
preparations for the new regime, defective flue was assigned as I raikUatbf had dkni wbu latuir
It is to be honed that it will be the cause and the blaz tank I tb ur and atniw. na .
esUblished before many months. PUce 8hf fter 7 o'clock. "ff1 H?1!1 kuw hUa"
It is Ume that the Commercial There will be a snecial mMtl.. bad r.d hi7n nT ' . , ZZJZ
bodies took the matter up with of the German Speaking Society I hf w bum. it aa Uni tiw.-
the postal department lat the Jonn Oppenlander home, " 't. but a oum go
I near aney, Sunaav. Uctober 17. 1 w a aMHiia m unirr
I . A aa - ft fit m laliihiil i a a. ! a
iac one o clock d. hl. Uatinv
through the afternoon. All
members are requested to attend
ih. luhi 11- huh la UlU aoltr..uil altota,,. k.. ...I
id rartoiMk a.-M sa Th mi oi i sJ .g, (h, Wllt. e.a..a.iii.g
th lmUi I to lift th lily 'f lui!h I ... , .ui, Mu u .j iva m bluvb
a that lb bat ran niwtml rvaUlljr IfoaHvoa (U brawab; lUibti, ia Mhl
ajal bak t iMMju-rlj.
ISraaptUw Ootrwna TabNit.
Our wn-tihi. far ouiruu txir Ul
ot W brliix a atfiai lu tb high
at Ivaaoua of IvHjitua ixl pHr; out
of all nvimrtkMi Iijmii ur blll to
teacb. a.4, furtbrr. tb rrrt hvarttuc
.ad aymiaUiy of um-u U uxx tru tail
t'oanl aal Mt
N'uw tkrrir l virtu Ibrttaf
I will oa lloaday, U tb day f N
tmtwr lots, at lb boat duor of lb
Court Houattn lb City of lltlUboro,
Wanhinftoit County, lrita, at lb
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. wf tabl day.
toll at public auction (tattrct lo r-
I ipiuJlo th hicbt lUJr, for
i tb. thlr aixvikltiit W wuut to b.
A dp ayuiialby la ahat rrqutr eab Id hand, alt lb richt. till and
for any atthfent of tti lulml. fur thlttrrUhHhlh dfatlnlt t rilbft
eblf dlffprriK- Iwtwr luan and urn lot tbrai bl oa lb totb iU nf ,Njo
b) . dlcTmiica of liurwl..ulUIU w Wit. ih aiail.j apoa ki. L. .1. . k rlCIOai BMI. Of Ur IO UT Bu
uiorvaim 10 auow iiwi, db ai - i.i.., ...i
r "'W " "" IBI...M. Mtt, aa.1 acciaia C
, mi
In 6 DcwU
Solos by Oswdd Olson
Prlcra 1Q-13
word. It b oulr amu famllUr iii
rbm.- of trjf tuia oa the Irvvl If
It b. tot u win hw b brd of
Fto cd.trib.ta a abUlt.' toward th mr
rbaaa of a lajt WHb bla pa-, band.
If acmabb) to alL b .mum h u ih.
MbhN. at Minrlaa and kwr It
will be discussed
Mr. L. P. Jacks! ntrrain
the Uilley Five Hundred Huh
Said to be the Kki vi the last of the week. Fivm Him.
....,....tH ... . -
by the Board of Director. JSS. "
aa hlM inf nf ! I " . .
:.:n 1- 7:7:. i iuiw anna im iwt of bkj aatural
Tb draco, aakl that aa ibo a
boauilfal atam-b, wltb a lubtbty ntrn
pint to It and Ik fMlu'aof tbertuwd
bad got ao worked up orrr frmlom
I.J 111 M.-. . . . .
o'clock delightful refrertmenti ."71 S
LbtMln Faa.
Aa a rub Abrabam Uncvlu a ft
wr lea tba. tltu of ixtu-r aWTr
or bla circuit Jutb IbixU ouc r wltb bliu and luobitcd that
bt waa dolnjc a ra hUiuik-a lo bla
aaoclatoa at tb bar bjr rharKiuc ao
llttl. fur bit wrvlc. um 1M lo
XfW bj. tnrouM varied front fZUuO lo I
3,000, and r. wbn b waa rcoa
Sheriff of Waihingtoo
i'ounly. lron.
noma to iMKitiroHa.
were served. Mrs. SuUord won Joaiya, ruirtua wuiiama. AbrWham
nrst pnze: Miss Carrie Johnson. I Wait, art -other, ami th.. .
Second, and Mn. McRrid I uol chrto' and abakla'
Wat ScMawrka aaa L L Crawfard tW.lrde th,ebJby Prize. Those A.bottl AWJab DarM-
. entertained were Mesdames Me-1 tb ar off a h wad
onae. Morey. trowther, Latta. I rL: . uuu- tb . bad Hp to on of tb gaiua at tb Huoib
U. N. Johnann J W U..Umm I tt amr. but uiMlrtb aUtkm mtmt aakml-
1 L. Crawford, one of the di. ..Pollock. Broderon. SuT I l22Tl-2 JES!rr -r1?1 1 .-1wu ai Mjr cMto
wvrnra h iv 0.L..,.7L Kord. Wolf. Ben Ward. Uia Z mm ,r my bMNodr
la lb MatlM at Ut but uf AuauM
w WMria, itmjmmmml
Nutiii t hrtir (Itm that lh aaWt
alanni turn Ptnotl kr Ih abut.
aua aa oat of tb ablt lafr ailMUIIMl,M",,Juitoitratir uhi
tha.i.t. ki. iu. . .!. . 1.. ... laliif AatoaU Wlvawh. 1 and, and
... - - . . . : : , 1 ituaiaai tL m by la KmiM
v. w .uu lur iutki, ai l nuw uwVita, alt wni halna
though b. arer wut Into court forbtim acaiatt mUi Mat bmrmb,
I" tba. $10. During that nrriod b r18' .rird lo tr.i ih mow
waa at tb hu-hi ..r hi. K!V?".u.r tKhw.,
V 7 .."V .V.r,M."ufl aii.turair at
tr" ""W- mu ih njj kbou- I 'w uio iM Militant l Mara A ml
UUT and talrat rhaivwl ..i.T.i tln.ln HattMal Haak Huiliiiua. Mili.i...
tboao amoa.ts.-Tb Trlf Abrahan K!If,? " ""'b ' u u
LuKola." ihu-.t.i.u vi.j..-. .,
lliwm War, AdmlaiatrakM
Cwldnt TalL I '"""i. .
Saturdar bflvruoon a womaa "tn Ur lur Adaiiau
The History of the World
Vauw ft Cawti of
U tlfpirtn) in art. cincw and Injury
and iTiitrntrnl Iq wonderful ruiort
San Knndactt
Tlui wonderful K i position cloee. lw. 4t
0t CM If
uuimencn. m : . . . T' -
well known as an .iithniat IimiiT. 5 rH Johnaon, of
. . . " wiiyut;y ana rarest i;mv mh
DacKed up by Sam Sorenson. this Mrs. Henrietta Morgan and lira.
miming siaiea to the Argus a. Long, Hilisboro.
mat the county fair, which open-
it waa aUad that a Public rontrtlm-
Uo. aboald b taka up to buy a flfto
doiktf Sag, and tha rani th quewtkm
ed at Forest Grove yesterday, is
me oest effort of the Fair maa
agement. Mr. Schulmerich says
me livestock exhibit is repre
sentative of all breeds in num
bers, and excels ail other fairs
ever held here. R. B. Collins,
who is attending the Fair, says
that it reminds him of the old
county fairs held here years ago
--excepting thU thb blooded
stock has a better showing-.
Tbe school children wr b"
.who, e...
of wbr It should b ralard. Euoa
Uopkla. wbo bad atartad It all. got
op i. a mount way ajtd aakl h would
to to tb cxganw of piantlu a pol la
rmm mw Ma at . u .
Ine funeral of the lata AiuIm I crouaii an th. a,.. .
I ... " " w " iru livw was neia saturrlav af . I m boua In towa.
noon at the residence on Wash. I "w woukia t put Eoo to ail that
tngton Street The lanre enn. I trouble." said beacon Blai-k as lie run
course of friends from all overt He" "one bto ,bwr ,n tinkit
111 L!. " "" Wrntl Ik. ,.. 1.11 .. ..
rvasningion U)untv attending 1 7L ' ,n D" w
the obsequies u .n IKKS d fr" th n,,f f ,
tribute to the trenuin 7 r! .wnn "rri"
the ex-councilmin. There w. "-"I ""r.u ow
a. - a. a - - mavu 'Bin nKiiiHr
fkl" . U?IOn ; nwe nd b wiped lb tear of t,Hibi fr, hU NOTICl;
L V 1 mernt)er3 Of I Jr- It iwi t as hljjh a nuiii pirn.
.n,j vuuncu wnn Whom be I wntrsL-
r,v,. u... ... .. . . Thro erenbodr bolmt
II I . '
Where Is br aald tb calemaa.
"I dout koow." ah rilld.
"Well, neltber do I." sakl th gat
8o walked away. The luMdvnt wai
Cluaea Boaloa Record.
P"s't Caart f la Mai at
(r -laMlaaUMS Uxtalr.
i:rr.,.i"-" . v "-ud i
- nvonn, riMOIIRs,
T. .. .
" L. 't,'"": ' ail ntiwr
iTJk, ...V M""un,B0"S ,bHiliH al
lobe of whl. b the .triml dlautelvr la bamta, mjf.od,, "
eiartljr (hrt- ulllluiHrrs. Iwuty b u .11 h,,''V? ""oa.of th ...,,
ln,, ,,f water at IS em V. Mnt I oL '"'Tk. M. , .
eiiulvalen, , ,,., mmmeWf OT 2 lib
centluirter. roaipiamt Bil S-li ! .
ntttl.! Bu,i - r."-
!-! mri alas ltk byack to 1915 with
Scenic Shasta Route
Through the wonderful Vtlleys of the Wfl."
atneite, the Sacramento, th? Umqua aad
the Itouo oirera ficeptional divrrakV
' A D .-oo.
I. tb m Briilib plutraiacoporla
urop la defliinl a -routing from
Full particulars with copr 0f "Yi
Nuii. Shasu Itmay or QUIfomii and li
World Kkituaitiona on applicfttion ton.arr
Il Two
i.i.. ....... tpr to in
JOrttM. rftm,fcofJ
a)al, Partleea, l5l
cursinns. . ...... , IT. ' . ly. - . k. I U,BUU w d nearu. r.verj man urea.
ot the count 7 . " " P"8 " h wrmon. f he pail bea-i-r !at -mnM fl ' nwtt of hi.
HP and de-
mi-l i. b,;,!.
f or a derraa nuui.. i.i . ..
ifl. ki th. .i717"'S" " 7 '." '" ""
Gov. Withycombe was thm "S's" f m s.olen -. ". f,w,w.
yesterday and delivered an id" ffi Wn7 jH p '& MTi KWP1'''"--
1 the ornin. "viewing Walch R. C auS?t' T 2 dorod ,f ,h"y b- bTO-iff
husbandry, and what it means to Kexp j R Tviiiv j Tl !f' ,bei w tribute red ct.
Washington County to have a sSfenl? ThL'n-ger n,? M H WM ' "r" w "' r-C5T.".t
representative annual -nih. wvenst.n. The n-jr.cra.-j cal "t. witb no more w.0hv . ..r,"ri, rr""'"1 oi i,,u.dni
i na poM- i l i i "viwa .it c Ija i. t w aar.. t a viiniBin. i ... . -w- ui
Rill ll I SMI aii.ui a . j
t. " -.raai prop.
'"pf n.l.iBr.uty Hang.oi
...,,.. Ji.rH,., " . m' .
Nm5 rj'r,0v xnz, -"
- - aw imviuk ia siiiii nv nnrc )mon la.. : r y
to be better ihan last season and u ve,D T' Ba?ley and HoD- .Dwcon Btack r"ltM u "
the event is attracting a ereat Ji ' Barrett. e present p'p "is cud until b quieted the
attendance irtttim a Kreat Mayor. ft and tbe. be said:
Program' for tomnr. .Speaking of Mr. Jack's ser- "fLe.!!f,"WoU' b",rt P"
Saturday: u v,f M councilman Mayor Bar- ETr
rett SSVS that h ... ... w barer yelled th crowd.
y to 10 a. m. Cnmni4;. ,tnDutes. His committee Huf ! I got to flinSon in .i.. i...
nurivui juaging. "VT. """ys cneerxuuy and wrata. i umwiiisiiir
. 10 to 10:30-Arrival of ,.,. flwckly taken care of. Pt p poit and tak harre
Bion trains , and fnrma; r
ytvmnmg uaca. I w o ir iDotit ererr nun
Iba iiU d..r " a.ak. on it.. Tir": '". l
urt upon Iha ,ih .1.. J"...'" ''' ".i": t i. ...... h.. ' TT rhlii
in laor nf Mxti. u..l : I" : . .L of ih. 1.1,1 T"
nt on u,.
'I 111 of ...
k. 1 . ... ! Willi! lit I IL......
enca or .cirri sal. ow
i' Iha
WIS. in la.,r ( ,. Mar.h Li.m 7ir """ Ih. mu K.ili
Si' ? t"snlnek aa KrUrla of ih. ?" '' 10 III
11 1.1 ' .. ' " "in 01 1 li..... 1 .
,,nmn wl., ... 1 ,muu 1,14 : ll,
hala.a th. H.Hi.,,-1.
1 - . . . w-.'mj w in in. i-i.-...
a . I mw -wwi g wuk auini aaa a na niifiiidi l..ltl I nrvtaai ami, uia Ml. f ....l.. I LIIIIUI lt
zto5p. m.-RaCes. proniptneda was one of his at- f. ke- i Ar.a" k-"'pr.
r n nuroo ut. ?aa 1 i "a u.i hi un ...... iii i . ' - "iui mi !...- i waiit
... . .. .1! o lurinor ..... of . ."- m 'WKloni... r...
r ir. 'iirlhr mm nf u " ".!" "', leonu In...
formation of
f'll U ttrMjr f;N it,,! t,f tM
a :wiiMH .,. M f
s ffeta..t ..... ' -
ii.T 7.':. ' '"' ..!
7 ot fiti.,n nil
M lntl I. .,i1( ,.,
; "", 1.
."' t fr t it. miW,.iu ,
jio.i k h
iia u f aj.. ..... .
tiJ jr r.'". "'. M in. 1,.
. . '- (.Ml. ...
'' S II K.h , 11 M M
u. n.a. (h..,. Iul UM
a Itwi i. H ihtatHM,
SMI tlM ul H. Hthrntt Vml
"' Us is w ih a
th lta tf Wthni.j. fMtaa
, trnmrm r ta aat Mat
Me t. a4 1 r hw tt g
Nimhmwm I. tk. bat
IH a -( "i I f llll.lm.f iMMk
tar ia ftcmik... t-M-ifi.
!. I.l TS MI4 .iMki.
ti.n.i..H, itatwti k th a-rnci. rtt.(Mj 11 in
A . - ni M.H.. I ' ktwimm. a. in Iki. J01
"'aoaal. .n.l ..... . . I -r , .
nmu.u , . i.a.1 ' nwrmia mhiimi trail
i, iiMu-i4.iir .w..t.ti am kt
liar. rtrat, r th . r H -SM I
Mini"" M iml mm 4
'' lia """"" ...VI.'"" r'rr as bwbbl.
. -mm. m in. prwM mm bl.iw a ttaak farr
" I KM Pf MMWl A I
Mn K ttofMHlast . hrtsMM'
sad I Sal ear tawnr. if asti
parade of school children
10:30 to ll:30-Srhi '
ii.oj-f lowing demonstration. ai-
r .u.. . . 1
10:3ft to 1 1 ... , . J?91 " ,0 1f,lt-t b waab,
1 1 .0 " ,,r- . varaae. iue uuai way can be cleans i
Tbe. Squar Jualtrn mi.H.
f . . . I tl- . ....
1 n m .-Ran ":"r,wuu- 7.." " flruu -miwimi of " "ow a minio. me.
A ' ' wrn-eri ana pa-4 p ana allow to lace to I w laat "ft bow lu stars
rade of premium livestock.
Saturday, October 9
f P- m. Harness races
remain iu It for several hour. . 1-...
although It ia well to ihaka it oat orZ
cagiomilly. a wide mouthed bntti. u d all tb
oao maae tyrants tremble.
ong uiu. bsd womhliiMi
worm KMiier
If) a m Hr- j . ' to band). When tb wo?M P tea tnlniu
su. m. luniiiv iiMmnnoraA 1 lui-aa ia 1 nnrnti irhik. . . . a vja ham a a. A ...
A." L a-, " O -vmuugufl. I """""(("'J WniCQ 11 Ulg atOainat I . inini nitt ftnsM iMlwn
In ? VaCt0r8' J" Ut ' tbe b0tt,e keP M-1 " ,roaM IWto-4 There
- .... i,tUia L-uncen. farade 7 v cuu "au!r un"J the soap baa all lDat "'Tee or four patriot.
ril 1 1 tlaof a.I. Af II . . .1 hAah wtMA..g M ... I a. ...
...caiutn, louowea by the 7 om lDe Iac- not I pontnm ' eneh other'
viuamg events of the harness wce at BU; " th. bot- wmmu n B"' "trolled
races. . i nnse it tnorougbly. "wi way of bla. Ihhuh
.1 ia iace is narrow wind It round a I ww nd rattled till
bottle that has heen corerni wits. . I ta then aald:
nlo . - I Ml . . .
. w.n nanuei. and dnui 10 near rrom TV.... n.
fflov, ,t ,lllfJ) ,t drjr Jf t h m i matter. Mebb. he can m,gK,t
- . car xor in tnat way dry It on 7; .. 11Mn' Place In town on h dr of n, ll.Z, ' "T"'- h,,,l
" towei. then pin tb I " """'
Point of the Utoe lu .lae and allow It , """J there In tbe
-w. .i oeuer not to uss ateel t7!7, irr coimiy asked Tom.
k "mniui or tne danger from I mio ten.
Rev. Daniel Poling, one of the
u.ouiiKuisnea leaders of the
la. .
- - MMdhttii rt . !--!. .. m MLi Its Iha wi-ali mJ mdi
five rem. iiiit-.. ""( i ih. ..i....7i r.-"'- p'omt. .J it. ..., frta awn as fviiu.
. "".. .mi u,. 7 ."!,u"" ou.rt tol " b ia i. "h -.a im .. i-r-at r
had died I lolluwini ......!" . : Ih. 1 1 .I.,.. .... " etair oi ... .. " in... ... .,IM.I.rai l'm,i,.un.iii
and Inirs a umnM ZVlW in .W brtabf. tmt tmZ)
bow a r"1''" T'artar (.1 W 4 t tLL ...T ""' "i"na.l lr.M rt-.-TlT 'wn.i n.i ih. ""''-'" !...., ,.. . . aa4 n..l ia"
t It. II Nri7iun,,rw , b ! Z.TJT 7
by olTerln- "'. . " ii, ai tl(hf a f , ,,,7 ITT h. s.r-
............ Now Ther.f.. l.- ....... . . .iiilu.l.l7 "lay da ..7 . I.. r ' "'link jl 1. . 7 ' V. ".' ,m". .k......7 .TZ
-.,. i,.. 1. ": '"! or a . 'n... " --... m. .utn ,1. , ; - . ur ." '"T" "
was ni. 7.L "nl or""'. a, ti'.r:""' UnuU. w..... . '-hia.i., iv.7. ". "'' s ' '
s he,! 'h da. of Nowtnl-:' .n.7"??'fc l-bUW .T1.?'"''. wh 0, . ',,' '"-l.l.r f. . . ' . V?lsi.trr u-..k,.-..-TiJ
m m thift '" . tb. fn,t-d. o,",,: r'!' iwVrrrrt,. .',t!'..'' ..r ... " :? ...r;.! , i.yrvr'
hs Kot order ''""on f &t ui f f Pu,"' 1 .uTiT""" . ,r,",, r"ph ,U,'r- A""r!?"
" hlehsai ,,1 J:: V"'.. P 'l, to th. ioiT"""Br' n u.. . I i imiiii.......... aet, I awl btlr A t' CL
' inr 11.. 1 ii .ci.i 1 swrai ton.
pli.l.i ..... . . v. 11
Oowai.U.-k " "'"J"" w,"'.' Jsme.
iminmi Uei.niU.itii. or Mitl. nV7i
on th. a.L '..",MI,ir.of Ibam. bl
wi 1. Ill
lt.lf., -...
i,i.s .v.?.:: " -ii.-sti.
- w-, sttoriiH.
ih. 1
'W. W.,., '"J . ' ' . T. 1 as,, ,
""' hi ""I riimnliig
"i. ..uni. ii... . "-win 1121 ..I..
rust When dry th lac w ill look Uk
new. Youth' Comimni...
to miZZJm X"' htor
! ileor,. rL::""'l ':"' idn
coal.. ' aerul.
many etrlpeer
Anti-Saloon jorcea. will apeak on
Famaiia Tsmpla and Statue.
Blnce about the enr 752 tbe trruml
ceremony of Kalgen, or "opening tb
uplrltuul eye of the statue," bos been
celebrated but Ore time, at tbe tempi
commonly known as tb Daibotsu of
Nara, at Tokyo. The original atatni
.uuerea trrternn. -u
Oace, In 8T5. tbe bead aropped
Since then It baa suffered twin from
ore, and upon each occasion tbe bead
was destroyed. Tbe statue la Its alt.
Mn posture measures Ufty-threa and a
naif feet, tbe leneth nf th. ..
sixteen feet The two Bodblstrtua
flanking- tbe Dalbutsu ar. blgh
thirty feet Tbe temple Is 188 feet In
frontage and loo feet In depth and to
known as the largest wooden building
In Japan, though 1. 1. . T
w i"aa luuuirn ir la rnimk "
National Prohibition, at . the t,?an tbe ortK,nal' Moo yean mt
house, Hilisboro, Oct 14, ' ! !" "ot bnl,t ,0 protwt ato.
t 8:00 p. m. - , to tb. weatnar.
7 .l . De WM t enahrlaa
1 aa tat chief figure of th tempi
Wobodr eould tell.
" Tears to me." said Tom M he stort
ad to WMuIm. mi. .! u..
h. 177 . ' i"r to nie
. n uuue oi you can loll 11.-
7.h7J AB"irt''' " and a
.,u ,uuu tieirer bang lip an uM
w . a.asi,( '
a .
hZ.u 'ua 0 Nv' '' re
ui a unrru.t left In n, ,MM.
.d nothln- more ns e'er S2.
"w fJ'w piihii,. Hng
m taba.-,fffw,lh,ri-
Applegat.. "-
ksue, f j,:ubenf, 1W5.
of Final Settlement
"?! r OREGON pnp.
"muiun tODNTY.
-' rLicstk-av ... ... ' '" "r I. i. . . - -; i
u " Ih. to n of I.,,. . ,M,,i" A.I.I liau. ( ,
qtlHI aM...t Of. ,, " .lw.r.l r,"" "f . .. " IZl
V01."" IIHi.l"; u,,,," an.. , " " nm.
' aii j. 1 "rinataiBii ' - '! nati nf a
....... - v uni .. , 1
oinui. ""i.' ...
1..I.J . ' ""
"toiler 7, ,6
Natlt ia OC7J
in tnm retktr tc'
ravM or hhmuc-s r
Ik Hasiwiif tu sU7-
WMaMtJM. d, .
NcAitw if Jhtrby
iMHanasNl by ivilrso'x
haaiaMof OnVMt.aO.
ih ratal nf Jtts
HMtSMt, wnI hM -
Mrs. cumber- Von win rin vi.. I ' Mstter ..f th- ...... " .
cliiHses. mr ,. .r V:,.D.'. " w"
mu m. . .
vumoar-unaeslrables and no B,,' n theConnti . MM baa
plew.iontkMw.-Mf. fl Orw,1.n"ri"?beNut.Tf
to mad up of two
1 umler
my chira Ho i w .
fe tber. m.,lhr aiirned. th un
ible. and in the n
his filial aeuount u,i, M,w "f
n,,r,i?tr.tor th.riSf?wd th".d.
tsu . . I '"r" DDOItllAd AaWM- --in
IMil laUIIIa I UST HI M.. . ' . .HPIIiiaiW. Ens. atil.
om. woman h: 7. o'clock a i . Jri8.' ? hour Jf To
Will - LTZ.:mr. """"ana s Court rnnm"'-.TSr..iMi thCoUnt.
Ike kind" LTJ" J". I" " ftSSft - 7m7TiSi
7l!Zt.0,, Ukr enter AdmlnUtrf ,JlXP '
WMTSabws.T i-rM-Tfcf in,
Aflmfnlstratorof tlfi"" M"r,r.
. w. N. rrt,, . ,,
" rey f((r 4((ll1)t
Ad. Z,,; "'". Jw. nior. all r
7, li, ,.' '.rniw..f f....iMHiUtgaa'
i.i... . .ir.i ...
r Hin......,, .. i'tiw ii
... in.. 'in All. Im.... . "
i.iLi.or.), to lli. C'll
mi. I,. : " kin. . . v"
i. llimk i... ."""rilmlon
Hall.t " IIUIIlV at.. .
7"'.f"n,' "I. t " IMISt With
p. I. .... . i"aca of iu....... '""ni iiorlti ...
tit. Zi-' WNton to, n,w, "I of Hlmmiii ". N"ilr hi...-.
ii.vp niiuiiii... -".Kir. .1..... .
li ItnilMUM
th. data If
Uai4.ISpstiiiM in. J
AdmlnUtralrlt of sU
JVUIItM.,0. r, AU.
and tiZ I s...
ail psrsun. I.. ; "n. '"il.."Siniiiii ,. -".,.
"'"' Whleh th
,M0 IE.
All pitraona ara .kf
that ptfoatcutlon cl
ing or ctherwis J
my fma. South cf I
city toiiU. nesrr
9 ; i. . U
ii.-. Ha!
Hl.,h.. .P"t With mmi .
.wiiaa mm i liu.h u IS
X7-t. lows-
. " 'W tlKNlO. s .'. '!.!.. " Z: .