IIILLSUORO.ORKGON, OCTOBER 7, 1915 NO. 29 STATl c 5 Sain i CTifATr circuit jimIk c-n. nut Ciriiy hl nnoings In the rNana va J. It. llordon. ff"fi Ttr iA bvtbw of Miss Shane bought rl II ll L . afirafrtw Gordon over mar illMi KwttMWid put up a slow -blasts tad taortgag m a nrst .y Oct. !" I ctt. Interest U paid until yOvBg Ktono louna n couiu noi tba Mvmmti of brinrhtat. ilc)4 M turned the place back to esadiaraUoQ of giving po. Cesett "Itioa Gordon wu to return the tola and mortgage. Put tin naniiMi failed to do. J udge l'ag " . w WatU Tillamook. Sunday. A Land rTO I sImhiIi mrt thra fur Portland. Oeti- I October term. Vr 11 offeit fraa i n nfneV a Portland at- CiM..r. Ifcwtv with office, with C J. theatcoad ccaaaon. was iirme cuy - ..a-a' A In! CliH VWMH in iiw . vLiimmA eMrt. Ur. Ufner has jum re t Portland W Wn-d ffom g lhre. a,.., tnp utrmeot MS elta Wtshinirtoa I). C. and New frcetxhibit tae York City, hie mother raiding I o, comntta Uoa. la th. lattar city, ii. says inai 1 .V jI - era fairly irood back Kat 1 TTLl JZ tTSthattherti- evidence of a .btr 15. Md time everywhere. tb. yea when til , iMtnd the EitUI tarcuu uours-u. u,. J: J iDaftaa Sloup, decree of divorce ar over. Irrf rTJ? w ratiiar Kainun.u. vt. - IN rTI.- IS tIlll. Anna VI ll. W!Jf7flL dafault, entered; E. J. f 2-at To S n KooJ I'foducu Co.. f?r-i IXliT4 infinitely. Set for aPJmpwwW n.u. tlnirn Wt. t Vg-SSn KaneV Oct. 20; will tow UalCrkt a Hare. Oct; 22. A m a. a. I n...k luilta an, I k North wettTUra tna, nana and frier-, p Sad prito far tt t.. t- with prompt d.liv ;i.pl.y aa4dsl Jarred Wright. Tel. II 151. Uatoand trpiaai- '.wte me. Iliti.Um). Itoute &. r prixo. wja ttltad 1 will come and arrange for it individual fira5?V 2D 30 orUtioQ Uaa t4 A. v wm . "m- V7" k. .Kifeteji eiUlUest to Oner Island. Sunday, for ytontoPwtissi. Uaekattnt on thy rewrve ia cturera' It UM wtlca tnay ana u. u. we. III bo wateJ laltifsted. They brought back r V 9l4iutlof the Columbia uiver fhava tottsakriicsfiai. Sroo UoMi:;s;st Hooey to loan-on farm aecur- lodostrtea csd tT t prottot three large nr ' Bureau. durance com pan lea. Give me a Sirtof thoCaotStani rad Un. Hiraoi i Neal. of North 1 of their f'TI rteiaa, a ton. 1 hla ia the tenth J a larco atSa. bey bom to withSu,1 i f n f 1 1 ! nan i f.mininn niM'aranv.r. I i . - . . i L iW.a mm COUNTY REGISTRARS GET APPOlMinEHTS Stale llrallh OKkir Name I'.lev cn to Knrive Vital SlalUlka I VfRY BIBTM AM) HUTU TO BP. HUD Bin ill PrrmiU Ml kt Kracak4 loi Intrrmtnt i Miae GHAS. LOUDOil GETS Thi State rard of Health has msili fli'V'n aiiiKiintmenU of r'gitrar for Vailiint'n Coun ty, and tht-y wiil have utrict u iMTviHion of all vitul HtaliUica. Attntimi? iihvHici.inn il mid- ivtimust n-port all births in ink. on firoM'r form, furnwlietl. 4 . ..I .Ml. I ami lli nam oi tne cruw. anu the chi'.d'a latent. mut Im written therein. In cae of dfkih th. family mut at once riort, and a permit will le granted lfore interment can take place. There ha long Uen need of vital nUtmtic. and Oregon has had ahout th? Koreit law in the I alt. u I 1'lwt B Hnnir voiir eggs and produce to Oieer a. they want them. Urs. F. Bockman. of Aloha. wan in the eitv the last of the week.- A I'autmeier and wife, of Farminirton. were city callers the last of the week. Jake Schneider, of Leisyviile. m in tl. ritv the last of the week, having finished baling hi ho. Oscar Donelson. of Vemonia. came over the last of the week i.iih kia fnmil fnr . ahOft Slav in HillHhro. They are the Chas. W. Loudon, convicted the guests of the Dr. Bowser iamily. hat 0f the week of a statutory J. J. Krebs. of Rockaway, has charge, the state's witness being been spending the past week Vanderlio. was Saturday 3. LUUUU.J DCID fen rr; Was Taken to Salem Saturday by Sheriff J. E. Reeves I DEFENDANT ASkS NO NEW Til All AWANTA! Told v Caart Tie at Salt te af Dcfeasaal 'a Ceasacl Mailer morning sentenced to a minimum I of three and maximum of twenty years by Circuit Judge Geo. R. Bagley. Loudon appeared for sentence at 10:15 and when asked h..r lonkintr after business mat tern. He was out to the Freer sale. Saturday. Ilavmnnd Simms. of near Schol!, nearly severed his great .... laa aualr Hfkil Cllt. ting wwxl. Dr. K. H. Smith at' I if he had aught to say before the tended tne sunervr. sentence was pronounced replied i Dr. ti R McDaniel. Chief in the negative. The Court then Surgeon of the Hill Lines in the s-id: Northwest, wun omcea in rorw . iti8the judmnent of this land, came out now ' ia juni- urt that y(fa u confined in the ed pheasanU wita ur. v. u. penitenti,-, at Salem not leas Wood. an three years nor more than w f r.MM liavville. twentv veara. The matter of II. viiviho. - " . , ' I . , ' ' . . ! . L. ltniau llaltimo aI . lnmrlumm.nl nonanna thi retrard. I le new Hnllinaa i..i:n(, hl hnn eron. this larvelv UDon vour conduct at the law Mill give the state complete . M r has sold a state institution. If yon are and n liable data, the rniwtriri lotion of his crop, and is hold- prudent your imprisonment may ueing re(iuire.i 10 . iB-h e baUnce for betUr n state health board. tne sp- SAFETY: Your!rrtDnevjsl-iafer in the bank than in .vour cash I drawer. PHKQTir.P. Vn,,; wBStiM a mwmns tWMi vaa Uff v. a - ' v ---- - - r - "rf being able to give a bank reference. . I DISCOUNTS: Notes may b dicountei and loans often .ob tained, if you have a commercial bank account. CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid. There are only a few advantage) of a bank account; come in and see us and we will tell you more. American National Bank . aa-a-a.a.-.......M...-...ii..-.....- a.-.- ---a.. lM. Scott, fenger Artut, & httlLLSSSSS rr"' wt jZi i. Ka timber ourcnasing SotforthaO.W.R.&N. nest Herr and wire, or tor naSier.lath. city Monday. Tb.,Wnt th. Summerj an the OsUQ raocn ana nain tXTaM now living in Cor- ao)ine motor ts. g, R. Cogan. of below Scholia. Jllliboro and Tisk wber. ha ta angaged in cutting Vie It fort BfttttSk. tic was In town Saturday. He .in ..ia im- I rv i- . kaiM itntfir. csuseu do not wtmst U( k baadlTnff an engine. Ur. b. -nuasat tVit tesa. 2 eatth attended th. injury. 1 Icavo TteCt , w-joci, Harsh, of the Jaing and WrttotSkmu In the city a1: ri.rn5?frm.nover. iunty .Mt at t:U - Jacob Micbel. of South Tuala Ut 453 and rea Ua. wat In th. city JffW ber, raactlri t week. H. has finiahed bal- o'clock. VJ O il his hops. tth.fHottiec3. tu.i.v. C A. Umkin juuona fcavt csta from thm county are: District Z -City of Hillsooro. l)r VL II. Smith. IN O. address. IlillHlioro. )iL77 (melius and liloom ing. Dr. B. J. Crowthera. I'. 0. Cornelius. Didt 7'J - ForeHt troye, inciirn I rut .ii r"..r.wtt Crave without lim it. VerUmrt. l'urdin. GaW Cwk and Dilley. Dr. K. I. Drookbank. V. O.. Forest Grove. District SD-1'.anks; limber. Huaton. Mountamdale nd Man ning. Dr. W. II. Mumford. F. O. Hanks. . . District 81 -Gaston and Cher- ry Grove, Dr. James A. naner, u II I'.ilnn - District !tt -Tualatin. Tigard and Multoy. Alma G. W illard. 1 . O.Tualatin. . Dist 9t-Sherwoml and Mid dleton, Dr. Walter II. Becker. P. 0. SherwwKi. DisL l East and W est Bcav. erton. Aloha and Kinton, Dr. Faul M. Carsters. of Heaverton. Dist 90-Orenco and Cedar ii. ti iw V. N. Anderson, of nam, ' - Orenco. , Dist. 97 -Garden uome, ur. It Hettelaater. of Garden Home. Diat 23 A-All Hillsboro with out limits. Scholia. U"''. iita innpl and North Plains, Dr. W. D. Wood, of Hillaboro. UUrilUII VI Ilia v ufi mhv... r- - -- f.. iu K.ian fnrKottr fiirurafl. I pnl at the end of three veara. K vuw ujwiiv. .. I . , U I .... ' . , Louaon was uaen to oaiem 07 . r , , I UIICI III W.. waw.Hw.v Moanutndaie, waa in we Saturday. Steve naa nnwneu prisonment H. was non-oom drying-ten acres of his own mitta .fer conviction, al pi unes besides drying for evera though there were rumors that other orchards in bis vicinity. he woud try for t new trial on He turns out a fin. article. the ffround9 that he did not have C. D. Farnham experts to fin-U fair trial. His appearance for ish his 30-acre bt an harvest this rentence and the fact that no ...aoi, iia hod ail hut nve acres motion ior a new inai waa maue. nniiait' Ratnrriav niffht and bears out his statement to the k,..nk in um nt th new croo I Ari?uB. last Wednesday, that he for the F. A. Ross store. Mon- would not attempt to delay the day, They are a fin. product, case. .n.i mm nut at white as snow. Loudon will no doubt be an a 11 VI waer - i : , . . . , ,f n r. WilkiKL exemplary prisoner, tteunaer- and.Georg. EmrootU returned . u- of lha innr at nil varaaaaai iriHii ami! azJa." I . . . . YES! I7E1IAVE ITK1 STOCK! One Million Board feet of Good Lumber .... . A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery ofcahy order. .We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense of. special sawing. When you want lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Our specialties - are quality, ser vice, and coartcons treatment. You can do better for . less with this company. Gtedger Lumter Co. DR. 0. C HIATT tended outing, hunting and fish ing over on the SileU. Neal left the last of the week tor poru land, where he takes a position with Jones' market He and his family have moved to the city to reside, J ihn Schlegel, of Woodburn, formerly of Banks, was in the city the last of the week, com in nvar fmm Marion County. overland, with his team. Mr. Schlegel has bought a small tract close to Woodburn, just to have a "little something to do," as he expressed it He returned to Woodburn the first of the week. ICOFFCB CLUB COOK BOOKS atlona j..V kl lmbne are attending ne a ntttor f .tteWlntar. pnee tn tba acrth ounty, and ia tea cttcai acboduw yst It is to ba hcti com. a parcueat r and Tboa. Uan lains, war. In ite ornlnf. a., n -I atlh nt the Arsus . .nont the week 3d 10 Dallas, me kuco. w cUUr, Mrs, v n U- !M 1915. to nr. uaD. sum . . MdUri.F;L Erwin. 01 near EsbolSa, a daughter. J. r. Caratans. of Banks, was ta town Saturday. Dr Oliver C. Hiatt. a pioneer L'ton Ikiunty. died Thursday arternoon, Sep tember 30, at the .homo of hia Mr. Anna Dixon, in Forest Grove, from the elTecU of a dose of bichloride of mercury which he took Sept. 18. For several years Dr. Hiatt was addicted w me use of alcohol, and a number or vearsaw. while sutlVrmg from its use sitoi niuiwii 111 At that time he was precucm dentistry at Vemonia. i)i Iliatt was born at Logans- Ind.. Aoril 21. 18.72. and The second edition of the Coffee Club Cook Book is on . sale, at (lUCCnU. . In .T.l..iiiai At hooka are on sale at we .--;;- law which rives Driaon officials a riffht to free him at the end of I the minimum sentence. Mm Loudon and son so to to California to reside, and will amir, fnr the husband and father to join them at the expiration of I his confinement. S. P. AND P. E. A E. All. except the P. R. & N.. trains are electric and stop at the de pot on M in street. Ta Portland Forest Grove Train 6:50 a.m. McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m. CKariHon Train 10.02 a. m. UIIVI iva-w.a a ------ I Forest Grove Train - iz:ou p. m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Forest Grove Train . ...4:10 p. m. Eugene Train 4:53 p. m. MnMinnvilla Train 6:40 D. m. Forest Grove Train :ou p. m. Fmm Portland 8:15 a.m. I Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Kverything in Building Material fnllnainir nlaces: Vaught'a Groeerv. Hillslioro Mercantile Co. Donelson's Furniture Store. Gragg & Powell Grocery. lloss Grocery. McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove SS RoomV-Second St near Fores! Morton Greenhouse PUBLIC SALE McMinnville All trains. i .9:45 a. m. 11:59 a. m. . 3:15 p. m. ..4:30 n. m. . .6:40 n. m. . .7:15 n. m. ...9:00 n. m. .12:15 a. ro. I on flag at The undersigned will sell at auc- ,.iJ . kia n1aa nn the DOrt ln- rt"1" rV . . . I lion aaw a . , came to Oregon with bis parents kpringville road. 21 miles east of when he was 14 years of uue. Bethany P. 0. and 3 miles west . ... . I t. I iH UA.inn I . ...... J O .... ... am Ik. Am The fami.y locaicu iiiuiu mii i0t wuiwoou vuurw h county. When young Hiatt Grant Holcomb place, at 10 a. tr manhood he studied m ftn denistry and located at Forest WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20 Grove, there pm-ucm mo v- f Shuto Caviogs . Bank )n Old CxllsbU IntUtutlon with locurcca ci cW and llaymond. Wash., . ana ' w rftnevw OsborneNo 3 mower, 10- From Portiand " 1 SI n& rSk He ehoyels, apaaes, P'c m-a-. oaoo.ooo.oo re not fctBllisr with banking methods call talk it ovtt witSt us and we will g fly ve you tty bfcrr-itba cttired. ah busineta itrfetly ccsisati. ac count c( Vcta tud Child- ' . "i; A.'1' Cont. Tttd ca Stwla Dwpoalta. , W. Mahon, Cash. W. V. Bergen, Asst. Cashier Jrove, there prre icmg his Pro- plows, 60-tooth spike Saturday and Sunday only ,sion for a great many years, j h njJ harrot Foregt 0rove SpacUl-(S le also practiced at IteUwham. gfJJ j J R h and hiler 5. d , ..j unvmiind. Wash., and IP i.'"" xt o in. n ' ,i..j in.w atnn c;.tK .nil Main: at North Range I and Fir streets; at Sixth and Fir nlMuitfi mil at Tonth street B.IM -- . Steam Service Uid uepoi To Portland P.R.&N. Train ...4:30 p.m. . From Portland P. R. & N. Train .. 9:12 a. m. ; Loop Special, due' at Hillsooro at 2:00 o. to. from roruancm ii Nnnia nniv. Satur- Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAIf AND NIGHT SERVICE and & Washington Sts. , Phone, City 176 ST. HAItY'S iriSTITUTE Daavarion. Oregon CaaMtraa Maf Oay School far CirH Thi popular institution, cooilucted by tbe Sistsr of 8t. Mary, afforda aupetlor ettnmtional advantage, combined with the influence of a refiaed home. It U delightfully situated in tbe bealtUful Tualatin Valley, only It milea from Portland on tbe Southern r.cific car line. Full, Primary, Intef. (irammar and Hiirb School Cjuise. Separate department for ittla girU. Those who wish to prepare tor tbe teactitng proieasioncaa aaa tbe Teacher' Training Count amply enuipped and prepared to do tron work. A fra uate from this course aecure Teachers One Year Certificate without ewm uation. Gxceptioual ou.ortunitie for thorough inrtructioa la Music, Art nd Expression. A Bt ''y orRSuiietl Commercial Conra cover a period of two year and fits for any position of responsibility. Pot further lufoimatiou, or prospectus. Address SfotOC SMPSWiOl ..10:33 0. m. 11:15 p. m. PUBLIC SALE iiv'-" " j png. note uikk", v.. wasof striking appearance, ana grindstone, axes. 7-ft . - his courtly ways always attract- t wheelbarrow, carpen- 1 wm gel) at public aale at my ed attention in a crowd. In hla ycto aca,C nou8e. f ,t Witch Haxel 3 miles ....nor Hava he BCUUired much . kou 1in un utii.hnm nn a P Rail. VUUllRVa . . nn n VIHaiH. aJU UID BSiJ W I HUfe Ul lAlllaWw wee - - nrooerty and was accouniea i . - . to on bu at 10 . m on motlerately wealthy man, ow no bu and 8 mixed. Monday. OCTOBER 18 Inst hlS Property 111 iy T""ljnn Kn nntatnM. flrrain and POia- . . ..maaji iaaara. 1000 ' 1 1 . .1.1. .lyl UirUUU IW 1""-' . 11 Ulliw IiJ"l- ' ' Tdlng. tiooiiroa gray geia . ft. at aaatM a aAA' aWaSS Wfliern oini", -i., niu ia m ra m x nowi in. iw j "", meir in o - 1 coming iresn in iy. Cr, Oiborae mower, a oiaae mac, 10 mauc Hiatt . . ' . . ... . hu heifers. 100 chickens, poultry dltc, , tripie saag piowa. t cuitwatot. Ineuers. iw . t iqwc, iit--a r - . - netting, team of horoe. harness d,u. Watches Buy your Watches from Hoftman. It make no difference what yon pay you can get it here. 7e have them from $i.oo to $125.00. Here are aotas c! the prices. , . Waltham make, 16 size, in nickel case, $5.50 alaala ton bum. tia.tel work aaraa,rianeii WPrea.' : Mit, VkfrPrts. j The deceasea is virvy ' netting team of horses, harness drill cow plantar, one daughter. Mrs. CIfcgW l?",' nf Portland, ana one smier, ? e.sf.old boar. Poland- vrrr:.-;r.iV aad waadat. Mil , Minnie Parrish. of Sahem. Chma.erit8hire croas; 3 2 yr-old bnnl wagon, good, feed eatttr. ihJjo- n -I .auina WAM hpld Halt I vl" "mJZ ., . . ! inn H... L.I -I.Za V.a fcaaba.rf laa haB mW)Aw. a Forest Grov.. with TO" C to..k.lUr.,a,hod . . . .!.!..!... unurMii iuj wot ... la-noiia. lam tool or ail ainu,aua anwi burial in Moumainvi of Sate.Under $10. SiW article, found ea a fam. ml l. ..... a .!' lima Kank. I , tTunir ana XTAWI tiarAvou are Mr. r armer- i casn; over, iuw" -and 8 percent money-se. me. eble approved note, at 8 per cent E L Perkhu. Room 1 Commer- Two per cent off for cash on all cial Bldg.,Hillaburo. Ore. sums over $10. J. H. Kennedy, of Da. ki ; has Vkol,( 0ner. moed over to h.s rancl near Auctioneer. a. 1 I II ai 1 n d ami Will I ll'l I II 1111 am " " ' V . . . "TS?-: ;':!.; Erwin Ritter, UerK. Klo-in 7 iewels. in nickel case, price Waltham 7 jewels, in nickel case for Hamilton 17 jewel, 18 size movement Hamilton 17 jewel, x6 size movement 6.00 ja.50 15.00 I.TTKtPH AT NOON TarmailQ 1 and under. Cash : over, 12 months' time, ccszaoi. ntimvaii note, at B ntr cent Two per cent, on on casa over J. L Bartl.tt Uanager. J. W. Httshea, Auctuaetr. - All other crades and makes cheaper than they .-nn ) hnncrht elsewhere. Come in and let ns show av aata a you what can be bad tor sucn a mtie money. Hoffman THE JEWB2T. HUlaboro. Oregon 1 1 i.l. - 1 resiueni vi ma. ovv.w...