I if I'd i? si i I 'it B I : 1 1 i i I J f. 6 a - m 4 a M 4 r Mr 'I, !., i t V 4- LADIES raiTllIOC'JIBi A large assortment of Ladies man tailored suits of the most up-to-date designs and very litest styles are now displayed at oar store. To see these beautiful patterns is the way to appreciate them. ' NUBONE CORSETS We are Sole Agents for them One-Fourth off on Pattern Hats Sport Caps. 95c. 1.49 and 1.96 Miss CE. Olson Millinery Store. 2nd It Main Oregon State Fair' SALEM Week fcejrinning September 27th Races, Fat Stock, Poultry. Agriculture, Horticulture, Manufacturing All the activites we are interested in will be represented from all points in Oregon Sale Dates. Sept 23rd to Oct 2nd. Tickets liroioed to Oct 6th Alt Iralm DJfMf tm thm fMp A'k our local AxihiI for toUa eeheulee, and liakate SOUTHERN PACIFIC JOHN M. SCOII, Ceaer.1 pM9MaM AfMM. NrtlMM, Or With the bo t KmstHk past th epot wW tba notable city ic ue twin y m aKati, I traveaar ewe h PvteoU, or rwnoll M it mi called, at press! a ! caeiat euberb f Sapie. i Tats aibwrabte ad dirty at mm MKM labae tsars a II aw at. as coaaavtad b truUT and afcaaaa rail- wv with Kant a4 to oft brftd j txte aiiaira toarfc who iMm to a ta wtna of the aactaat teaaid east wpttaalir ial ta aUghty a, which atxl Ml f tba aarteet afcjrkaa r Patoott. Near by, tee, at tb volcanic t14 of suoatara, mi a ejwtmial. bat a Oat Dial, tba crater eg lew Tvh-ain, tutu hb-a oa caa tares bis raaa In aianv placaa and tad auk aad eulpanrou vapor tesnmg rroea tea not aa b wub- orwe k. noawjr tiara ar rear asore dreary ar darvteble peace ta Italy thaa thai aaodeni auburn of Sa lt he net tba ragged partur aaaa watch eeanewhei red to wont elate of Nanlea. but ta a eqaaUd. eawhnkenroe tow of tba worn typa.-CbrtaUaa UeraU. f Qa fta Flaaara. RaM ma wbo bauva Mcbalra at a op bout, "Tba acma of prv'W Ma aati tba parfwetbt at ail turcttau bu kamw ta tba btuuaa raca at Wot- J to tba art ot aiUU aieo. II waa tatbu about tba axtraoia aiactaaaa of raa aadara lor Ug (una. "I baow of o otbar tbiaa In tba kk ikaiaj oC kMcbanka,' aafcl ba, nbat wr4 oat wttb ao grat rata aa tbaa raaaa Aaoarm." U aaid tbat wit tbat BwtruniMt It la Doaatbia ta Dtaat abut within ooa jard at tba daalrad tantat bm il)c way. n bra I mnarkad tbat tbat r qubd anvaual VOrcy tbto adeatbt rnilW. "No. aot daUnt. baraua ooa or tbea Baifcr vabjba 100 poanda, but nay moat ba BMcnkUy txact and t rty oa plana by hkb tba'atiaa tk ta fur! oa tba dbaatrra mto ar to ba amfcVJ. EuiHik by fur baMlac tba wtobc actlu luatwad ( a valine tba Imtmla tvard tba rbjbt ona a anpfttut9Ju rur (v(:a aa " w RKltrkluai wa aiot truly baild ap frooi nbUL-Uu Maveater DOTS. Was It.Spirit OrJIlusion? Br F. A Mi MO L Hi Ucb. "Brow avr atada rrat M twrt car far. 'KtuV aa . abr . Thrra yra r b wa kb kMl ta tba tl by a bona.- "Now ba baa a bonL m-mr of bla aw."-8t Lout Iot lHU b. Caraiab aad Saab rta. Tbar ar fa. If any. rotwr aria PotW Bloat ttnt'KNuaat bioklbc Aab. Cora wall. Cuclaad, aaitua tbarn btb- iy ana wax a tbaui Into Ma alia ntttk craai and paratay. Cornwall, btr torawc coabj Albracbt atl'ialua ta a National daumnhU M-bit bullatlu. oiakaa any Buculr of tbltta into ita aitj ralla lb product tarartatty V)uab PK" tboaxb alt Ihiug but atiuaba ar iiiHiojr tba tuatrrtala. -rVjuab ta" t" lim to tba follow Iik ctrulab atury ra Ptal by tba writer: Tb daU miu oim da to tha baaka of tba Tautar, tba rU'i'llu rtvar that dlvldaa Daron and Coruaall. and kwkad cr at tba rocky laud bvyoud. Ilia luajeaty roaablvrad aba atft cur mit aad abook bU bvaO. 'NoT ba aald Baally. "No, that'a do rtaca for ! Kvrry na Wbo DM th la lurnad Into aalat and avrrythlnc alaa Into aijunb pla, I'm Dt fur nvltbrr ooa or tt otaerr And ba (tared Ut lvou. On aabtM alinoat ba tamutad ta aa tbat kUllaar maa ! war baa tmmm mm aiaci artjc-ruaawpia Latlcar. VaaiaVt aw awn Loral Kttrbeacr. raiabralad for bla Jar ami txactlux maanar. mat bla Mb-'b em ooa ocraatoa and pro4 tba ao quality of bla Datura b arfcnawi. aoginc u nor. It WM la tb dr Wke tba raUwa wu being drlraa acroaa tba deaart to ,aarrww. a yooac Canadla offlccr of agtoMra waa ta ckarn of tba Work. Wblcb waa MMIh aln aal fctrOy. wbe oaa mora In tha alrta ta KUGBenar tbaa was) aoDaarad on ia acao wtui bla dlaap proval of ctruia taaturaa of tb work wna ai aawi bluntncaa. TM yottU MBcar rJataftad ni Ml liu cbtof bad Inbdwd aad tbaa qutoUy D tjiurau: ; . "Am I boaalnc tal railway, air. or r yooT , Kltcbaaar gar him a quick claor. reoffnla him aa on of bla own aort aoonaa approrai and went away. Hillsboro General Hospital "Service to the Sick" Address, Box 246, Hillsboro, Oregon rf Hat I Cm af f irm. Aa aouaa la Mrar attaokMi b . at tb top aad bottom at ouca. If tber m aara and ready exit at both top and bottom ary Uttl danfer to Ufa la to b feared. It la Important tbat all raiia aoouia na ao know aa to ba aaat ly found by day or night by erery In mate of tba bouaa. If tb clothe you bar on catch Br blauket. rug or oma ancb woolen artlcl abould ba quickly and tutbtlr wrantwd joo. Air la thus excluded, and tb Are we our. a amail Or In a roum pan onen b put out In tb earn way In preference to nourtn wata on if i caae of Are keep all doora that aa far poaaioi. ii a room to full of amok ip tow or crawl, becauae amok and hot air both rlee. BolW Up Pram Within, If paycbologlat caa contribute any mrng 10 im progreea of mankind be moat Brt of m offer .j,, , Heaters! Heaters! Heaters! Bargains in Heaters SonDtZ "th hPPiness. fhm 7 ?t l T9terS .T" b6gin drive our ' PrePre noW to combat them. Fortify the home with heat Don't take any chances. Here are somebargains in heaters Deo feater-A large cast lined heater, priced low, has swing top, nickle rails, made in three siz js 20 inch $ 7.50 23 inch 0.50 27 inch 7.00 Garnet loafer-Made in St Johns No better values on the market in medium priced stove. Body of Wellsville polished steel, cast lining3, swing tops, full nickel trimmings 18 size $10.75 20 size t2.50 22 size 14.50 (.'', 900 eater-Has mica filled openings in front giving cheerful effect of fireplace. It is square design, cast lined, nickel trimmings and side rails 20 size 0I3.CO 22 size 15.C0 VJxalfcMter.Th "box heater" oblong. II- 1 . . . . .... otw uuuy, neavy cast Doitom and linings, Urge front door, swing top. nickel trimmings snd rails , 22 size 25 size $12 $14 Kjrta1 Vaf4giarCombination coal and wood burner, has steel body, heavv cant iini fi. pot nickel trimmings 118 size $13.75 FSrtHykamtor-YLw duplex grates ke a range ror Burning coal or wood, special smoke deflector to insure perfect enmhinanrtn fn ornamented with highly polished nickel trim- mmga. , Size 119, Price 018.00 ' ORMAN?;BROS. FURNITURE- CASH OR CREDIT Second Cs Main Sts , Hillsboro. Or. What the Duke Sal. Tb Puke of Wetilngton. of eour, jw aaW -rp, guarda. and at VinT at Ualertott, but b It generally know bow bear a came to aaylug It? Sir Herbert Maxwell ta bla biography of tba duk polnta out what la tba nrob. abl ortgla Of tb Dleaalu brnod. Lat on tba afteraooa of that memo rable 18th of Judo tb Itrat and Sec end batUUona of tba Third rhaa. a-ura were foremoat In tba attack o Mount SL Jean, Tory bad reacbed a rroaaroad -ttnawara that Britiah truopa were lying behind the wayaide bauka according to order to remalu pron when wider Ire, but nut actual- engagca Tbeo at tb nrouer mo ment Wellington voice waa haanf. "clear abote tb Btorm," "Stand up. gnardar It waa MallUnd'a brigade or guaraa tbat thna "atond on- ..( lib a Ttctarioua raah awept the cbaa eeore out of tb combat-Londua Mirror. Tblek and Tla aballa. There are aevaral ktmla i.f Kirk . plualv abella, wblcb hare been dealgn ed for varloua puriwaM. For Instance. there are tba ibella tba raaa ut whk-h rery thin, ao that their capacity for containing exittoalva ma ba inrM Tbeae explode UiaUntlr at tba albrhtrt oHiiacx ana are need aa mlnea, or. la oiuer worua. the cauae danua tv. by Ibe luiimct of their maaa hnt h tk. Ilcnvneaa of the exriloaloa. Another tintl of exllre iMI la made by In- rvniug me tuk kwea of the aterl raaa ami mluting the charge of exploitive. Tlie exiUwlon of thla mbialla U calco iKtrd to take place little after con Uct Thla type I uftrd for tha thjn of alld defenaea. Ilka walla, earth, en worka. etc.. aa Ibe thk-kneae of tba ca.se and the alowneaii of explosion per mil Ibrm to ix-m-trnlB the fulirto ht,. exploding.'- umilon Standard. THa Man In the Iron Meek. The lUatllle. wtie fall Jul 1. 1T marknl I hi- birth of French llhwt was built in IH to defend Pirta RKBiiwt tne KiiKib.li. It la aa a slats Prison, however, that Ibe aritn fltrM. Is remembered snd chu-fl of the mystery of one romantic prison er, iue Mali lu the Iron Mnak " was "lulerned" there la luTO and rfii In 1710. Aa to who the prisoner actually HSU Scarcely two ailtborlllva marmm smong tlte almost lirjtimrai.u ants have SkumhI the Iuc de Verman- uoia, sn or iuis XIV.; the Hue da Ik-snfort. a siipiKmed aon of Anna of Aiwtrla by the Duke of Buckingham; a tain brother of Louis XIV. and Count Muttbloll, aeoretar of alata A rK..i III. The last two may be termed toe fuvoriiee. aeetlts of Prey. - Many Utiles dacloua liwet-u generally bare wonder ui apiwuie. The ao called "green fly," otherwise uooulari kn.h .. "golden eyes," Is, as a larva, a tremen dous gobbler of plant ce. It thlnka nothing of devouring Km r th.. - I VII. after another, at a meaL Thus Insects uieiuseivee ao much to keep the num bers of Other Inserts dan n.. mJX., uv even with their aid nor with all our "iKcnuiiy in clevlMlng metboda of de- "...itnuu i-ouiu we maintain . .... m mv ccnUI llclll airu lint lr,lnM... were It not for (he belp given by bird. after nmrnrentlv la-i mora ",r I Ah. - . si.-.my, One of the m , : i. .h."?.. "T ''"' il ri.s.inv. - durtng . election m w way. In c " - - tm of Fox when be called at .hop ProvWencc. I. wl,,,!. I '", "'" during one of his candidature The like live. I, 2 ' ,'.'v"r . . . my nioiii..f m be aeccptnhle, him r"ii' snopman bapiwned to be a rabid oppo nent Taking bold of a piece of rope, he said eavaKcly: "Vote for rout I'd ooner bang you with thla roper "Very Interesting," remarked Fog blandly, examining the cord. "A fam ily relic, I preume."LoBdon Mall. Revised Version naiiusom u that handsome ta tuttuv up. Those who live In glass bouaea abould largest siege guns. "uiuius; iaus iue succeea. ..!ieC?!itr to ,h motbtr of preten- seevia. aVsSAfJ mutt that tha .trong anVetl,m ,,, ; ml ui mother Im ein.l,!,,! , , e and cnltnUne wHh tl(,r , "U as" was the re)ly, -b t Since then thm . behind h.. 7 ; '""r'"1" 'InM behind his wif,. ' closiil In Wall Street. ' Dncle Josh-There', lota of money dropped In Wall trwt, ain't there? NcphewLoU of It Unci iosb-And it a a I dropped by folk, th.fi tryta' to pick It up. Pack. , ' r eajsasrsa , ' " , 1. m - . . . .. .j-. A fil-UAl B.l. Discontented Wife-several of the men whom I refnsed when I married T "r. Tha ..yiiira-i nan wny. 0n 8ur. Outlet. .wlr.Why do yoinhink ynl. will b"re trni , he,.plll ,, , e gmtemem WWy Kluwriy-l had What one has tbnt one ought to use and . whatever we ,nkp ln aaaht to d. with .,, our JLll??MJ" ,h a,,'""'-"t of their wishes there Woniu im , Mred of the w.iung. Tber bt fextbttig ao strung lit Malu as tb chalus tbst draw two htmi togvthrr. and nUIng U-tU-r tjp"' tbaa tao luea tlwt orWlimlly '""' bsv beru bruken aprt I) a tiUU dvllcate Augers, ecb Iwinuiug sM.r n lipa of. sy, half a criilury n l ' i i as an athleie'a tbv(a aud uiu b bsrl rr to Urud. Tb ItMMt reiuarknUe csh of lb . kind came under my otMtnatlou. I will rviai me story. i . IVeaM lir gvi7. when be as I young to riueiiilr Ibe fact, lwm piayuiaie ut a nine gui iiwm i owa age, klls llrK'ii. Ttilr piuf , plaiv ra side by sik, snd tli cli Uru. neither bating brother er Ut.-r. were together all day. Ttx-n tUcr ut to the a-im klthtctgaricn uil gfterwsrd to b aaute St bii4. T'"'tr 6rt aud oulv aciurtilK-u wttrii iMuld went to cvlUge. Tlict Uiol for each other, and be nvglo tMl Ui atudlea to writ her kng hllcrs, rr calrutg equally long rn V u-it ilif first etaiulitalloua rsute on, lKuh s bright follow, be fslltnl TuU rii.1.l his colb-ge csrwer. II rvtunwj (. du k and wa neter agnlu rnitt from ber UJ half a century la it. lt.-n death dalUHHl tr Tbey were nwtrrWd ah.-n the gtxiit waa blaetven. Hie brtile rlk-lid-ra A Va waa born to theui mi l a l mk-hier Tb foruter llicd, the lni.r li..l In lufaacy. Tl'l the n mu.. 1 1 in oi hood be rwiualiicU t r . i i - Then be broke away l rug lit nesa at authrr lu a'tvii Ktu 1 tlM-lr ji'nili i h.-1 I, t. !,-.. Intimate aa'luici u I Hticr .-mi hj Blkltll ag llrc' nl it (i.m.i .-. tblug aociil, Tluw lk Li.i i i', WvMtdervd. at IhK (r l'-i , ' aitractite sul i-pni u r t i . them Into aucliii iiinioi a.ii . failed. Mrs, Gregory ilt-.l m n -i i waa a year after ilu Urn I .. act)ualulsn-e of lU.lr pu.i, i. . a ,,. of nearly Ofty Sintiikv n I-m ha) partuta' bsppy iiMrrii-i !,(,- I, , htm he never numicd w Hcu t mother died he ruitil.l f t 1.. rome to live lib him I Im.l 1,1,1-), Creorge Uregory'a ciuaittianc n-nu time before this, and when hw filr appeared on lb art-lie (l-nirta ami I both barbeiora, were luiiiusie, I U-liijj t bis bouse frequently. When 1 as introduced to hi fsilirr I aaw baudoottie old geittU nun ub a florid coniileiku and ltlie hair anj musts.be. it struck nie llwt If were a woman I would fall In ! with him no matter what hu k George told bi of the c.e n-laiiun-ahlp Iwtween bla father and hi ut mother, and whvo the tatter tllol Iw feared bla father would hi rt-a ua. Hut bl fsthcr xvumi i,i N,(tB down to an acceptance of hu Tile and m measure apparently crar- to grle 111 n rH.ik, soimthlng about blm which be nuuuiui.li au-,1 to no ooa. I discovered It fi.r ni -ir, One day when going tj,,, Gregory'a bouse saw , f-iiin-r put ting bla night key Inlo the (,,f. i opened it. lc.l Im. k a If n II lug for aome one to emrr. th.-u t,i hluiself. The mailer made hut luii,. Inipresihili on me mi ,,cr I -,t the old geiilleiuau lalUiii; I., ,lm.-;f HI tne hl.rurr .t Mr. lliluL!r,g llM b a rcnlluM iiLhmI. I -ru.it., Self l t.lerhear him , lXiUnr aasre Hut I iH tttlviiS i ,, , bom he r illr l "i,,, ,u.r.- -j,, ,n epUi.1, l,.,.i,Pr mi-( me v. .nt,-rli,K aud I iiuir.iii-.i ii-i i t.t-4 .im, I,,..,, ., slgU-d nml H4ihl 'Ho ) ),-,-. uwnl 11 1 , known tlii f ,,,,. , avkh-uie eter nhi.e li.ll,.-r ,,. , h With me. II, r.r , with him-J,t ,., I ,!,, U((W W hither he sec h.-r spirit. . ., , harlea lUat it la pr,M., tt)tll hi -er he l.cur l-r ,,-piu, !.,, ,. Ulke t0 ber- sll (hi, U , ,,,,. , I have often heard him luiki,,,, .r a you heard him. ami , ,, WUie thing. t her that he Wa , MJbig "Iw llre.1. only , ,rr U-g ber life as K..llui.t ,r n, w they were young ,,,., 4, ,, tanrh, ah la with him he win , . while she slamU. win , IU - doorway wUhout wuitmg ,,, gone before hi,.. I ,111V, , tola the house Hf,,.r l,vlu , ' wraps a i, )(,.r,, UH ,. Myr m .""""""""'""llien.-Hl,. ii,.,,,,,. hand In hnn.l. .) -,,,. ,.r ,,,. . have o ,,,, N.,. hltl, . ; ; Ibrough the empty air as I ri,. mw Mm .1.1 It when I was r, ,v, ' W you olsterve." I nkM, l g..Miv.tSubtUutei - fr Atk For I - . I "a U H a l?'-Mlie'r-.f2fl I e' C-liiittewnv I L Mulllll. J THE Oman, MALTED dlr Mad kt thm Urg.M, aamarv Malt aan. . . ' saa . lsa u Wo da not irtnho and the) catract ol select rLE5 ' Bat Food Drink ritjEfS . m ' taWJBna water Vied Sawmill Grovvland. Orrort Rftih an.l Utcswil Lumber uf all k'luit. l,ct as limine with jou im your Lumber need!. We tm vu-.i.iMu-ts Knsl ,ctvic aii'l rcAviu.ibK- jtiiti, "Mill liviin! Six atuluuclulf miles Noiih uf Hill. II. S. Thorp, Proprietor Aimouncemcnt U u r I. T. )U 'lma, Chiropractor, cxtcmN .iionU.iliiiviutii.it to the public la visit liUm-wly Kirticd oO'ucs, rtnuus I and 2, Mn.U l I'liil.linjj, for -consultation ami tiiatnuist f all iliscm-s, acute tr'tlirouic, (or I'ttcmlly viiutiu. aud nitU;iintauic. hisvf hoini to 12, and a to 5. Other hour by ajijHiitittncut. HU.LSnORO OKI-COX SjH'Cial attention given to the irrtmcnt of Mmoa trouble, ihcunntisni, aod Ibcajic ol Wojucn. M - ? ) ' F'j .1. H Ml IB '"L'-- -v- : ' 11 sasaa fWk $10 ivilhviietfitbslilic this for Hectriclhto The co ,t of wiring is sli'Kht-rmrdly to bo reck oned with when you think of the comfort and m.my convt nk nees that electricity brings. Y tir home, ton, cim lf nm this cheerful welcome into thr nifil .t. No matter how old, our men ran , wire it quickly nnd without disturbing your . liouM-hold routine or arrangement and without dirt or diaordi r. Thus, easily nd cconomicully. i too, y(,a can enjoy tho brilliance and conven H'.lKC 'if . . . , . Edison Mazda Lamps A We in V, S. A. W iacW iy MAZSA J-rWe ZTJP! H ym wilt hr bow . hint lilreni lamp 3ft mKrn montiM h n u , 11 'I !;"";"" hrn ,hl th KDWON MAZDA l-mp Have your home wired in time for EDISON DAY will ,,! ii - . , i yiat Will let us Uo n now, 7"" Will HV,J , ,mii Call Of lulvplxin a- win let t.s oo n ii.i that ilia Rapidly khorunliig day always bring. Wire your Ikjusc? o thc installment plan-Applicable to fitly house iu ottr avBiom. VASHINGT0N-ORE6ONC0RPORATld:: Office Hillsboro, Ore c,tic, M,niu 922 for auu.m.ilile lmninnH,. Hi B Si v u rp you,,(,n,t)n. Century Auto, immmmmm' til T?sm MHHti. A I An . MfYm I' III It'llL. . 1 tut? II" I with bath; fruit trees. ywj poultry. ! At 1018 Main Ilillstmro. Rental, $7 prmc Iniiilreat Kuratli Uoftl t office, f or address Mr. 543 Yamhill Street, Porl 1