kWttr tt TITUTE eawAwaSsv ...itailaa -' ..lata! !) ..ttlead Ta a-Mweai wa'TielatBsCew 'l lt a t g Blioa- ajtatowMsaas! A eat I Bat aw by A QMm of St. Uy. eSutde wstfc tat Utassts f wlard Tealetla Valley, oaljr it Fall rrlateiv, Uut- B potato expert swat fur Sat the Mattkta- atofaeslBS eta Ixl StwItBed M4 feepefed to do etroag ITihmiiOm TaaCfti6cai trtwaittos ftt taortagk laettactloa f etaaalltt Cosset atrial Coataa Bay atxtltoa tf teeooeatotlltv. Pot KEAL ESTATE TRANSFER S east I - S r I . ... I Jlor" Ma. siewjissaa, Gmnitai J aaaiaaB ifcip to imTJ AC - Oar Lumber. Shingle. At bb11 HAM 322k! 7JTY Everything it kept VCr I dr? la ear shed unaVr one HI rooi. lome in inn nave Ulk. Wa gie a dolltr in value for ft dollar in coin. opeland & McCready New Yard et 2nd & Washington St. Phono Main 932 Daily Journal endThe XT My Argus On. Yoor. Doth Papers 05.35 Dally tad Sun Journal and Argute On Yeor. 07.50. Do It Now WeeWv Argus Firnr-rounTii annual Oregon $ tato Fair to IO 43 10 1 Archibald MHJltl to Marie Mlley. Wit ll aa4 U Cwei VWaj.. Jacob Itebrt ! fitviikt Cobb, l ta a M is. B-.-N4,,n. ' to J k Roakaai, M 1 1 I t ... ,j awuittv levtopeat Co taOata ILUaiu. vc i; 1 1 1 r i iw ctc l KcBwottby loK i Wii' a a ill i a t m Clip ll.ll ioJ C B.Ti. Ill i Kith trail, t j CkileieneeB, I SBd I h k it Sutlh I'lanta. earn in rlla I iphrr, Iu4 j blk 44 "i'p i lama ' JrwUirl, hi blk Wilkt lon M to Aaaa mmi Aitbar ftovoal. It k llrniU!ii lo Alb lUxW.lo. 4' ) II II ll-Bdiit dlr Coallaa W U Atbralinrf to M J KWt- i.ii. u 1.M.H41 n lot 1 blk j rc. J K Kuiilb K.i.rh Hrollk. Iu( ir . U M. I. k ft. W PonlMd H(k 4 J in I. f Coin. !oi t tad 4 bit & W Km,! Notit. t,i u, yeotk,"iw "MMUHt. I Mjr I rlhorl to C A IUu4 itu 11 .u.l 11 cii Vww. ..... ia M.'U Mlrjr to $Bt u c M ho 1 u ...... . . . 1 " "hi 10 ji Uiua ia jj inc'anvr, blk A W I'orlUad Hbt liaUUa t.uM.-li ioGo W Blown. I 111 1 w -"5 U I'.ltriMMi in Ki Palltttoa, 40 fc 11 1 it r 1 ,. w ...iDiwcrp i v.rr Gitbaal. J'.I7" ft M I btk 40 K fiiM 1 J C l..nt. 10 W II Itillt, tot 1 Vlr- iinit riw t 71 a r C lit flui.o lo Geo Roland, iat IS 1 I Hmba-a iac.... .Sanit to fcatur. y a la Cm RkkattV lic A s PDOirt to irit AdaBM, X t Ofuvvlaml Arct . . 40a t G lltuaa to Jaatrf tktb l, 14 A .! Brook rtwl. .......... Alb h. bni lu C 8 Cjrdttod, Ivt 4 llaiitill, li.iilro HoOM .... 0 K K.'li..ii to N K Unt. lot J blk 10 ruMaur lirfBit....-.........., Jaob hbtrl to Juba Curat, lot I blk 51 Sunk I'laltit Tka Moaaa Caraiat C firta ia Jm kawB M tbt KalkiMl auataiB. hir II (oataiaa objects (wfiaiolDg to tba kJatorr af mm oJ ireUUj aT tba Frvark rolotlom. Tka aatradacaa af Mtlqmltjr cUliga to Iba bolHiujf It aalf. birk waa btffua la Ut and aaJaraad to 1000 b; ' Maa.rt. tba faaMM arcakaxt of Ixmla XIV. Ia ltTT It bacaaaa tba boma of Dm do IttlgM, wbo Brad tbtrro for elfibtrm jaara aad aftar whom tba trt ta Mod tkat faraa tba prinrtiial ro- tiaara. A awe tba rootonta of Ibbi aiaaraai era fragaaata and atatam from aotad aid bulklluca blrb no laagar a I bat Tkoro are abto a wrinl IMlralt duoo la wai of llmrj IV., aiada Ika day after bla awwluat)ia. and in aotuKTapk ordrr turn ImiU XTI. fur tbo dofrfldrra of tba TulU-hra lo reoae Brtng. Tbtiifa of blUclc b loriol aro auinoroa, but aouo aaagalatry tbaa tba eofijr of lb ron- etttatlM af 17W boa ad ia buoiaa tkln. DR. W. H. PASUY Dentist OfBrvatnlba HM Busline, npatain, Main BtrwH. a1).iBiir P m Offioa Unit. tCuxn. 3 ao-1 4. hbo City 9U Hnisljoro - Oregon KOR TIIK Best Fire Insurance AM) PhtlHIT RKTTLK 4IKNT U!' SKR JOHN VANDKIVWAL Atrent Loudon cc Lanca shire Tire Insurance Co. i'cil Pl.-i:eJJI IIILIBIKU PARTISAN Imported Registered Pcrcberon Stallion Black, finely built, one of the bett iresm the county, wm mane mc 1915 season: Laurel, Honday, 8 A. M. to 6 P. M., Seholls, Tues day. 8 A. If. to 6 P. Mn Beaverton, V ednesday evening to Thursday, c f. U. at livery ram, ircuTinc, i-mu), 6 A.M. to 6 P. II., Hillsboro, Saturday, 6 A. M. to 6. 1. M.. at Redmond bam. TERMS: Single Service, $5; Season, io; to Insure with foal, $15; For live colt, $20; S2.30 deposit Tcnurfd on insnrance. Care to prevent but not rtspousibk for accidents. GEO. H. CHAM BURS, Owner. lOO IO 10 10 10 10 10 Do laVi TraaaOy.' AO affair of I bo oalk of Hong da I Jala, ealbor of tbo -Mann-Ultiaa." bi lold br a rroarb JouniAt lo 1X70. bra bo wao about twenty yaara old. Ronget da LfaOo. a popU of tbo mili tary arbooL wm darsly amlttro with tbo rbama of a yooag girl of Courbr oia, MUa. CamUlc. wbuaa fatbrr waa a copula oa half pay. Tba twtroibal waa audo tbo oreaatoa of a fauuy fata, la tbo coono or whlrk aoma flra workt wero to be art off. Tba fuloro obVer coold not to otben tbo car of tourbloc off tba powder. Wboa tba atoataBt rauo lo Ira tbt prlarlpal ploro. which ibowtd tbo flgaro of bbt writ bdovrd. be tp proocbtd with a Mgbt la bla baud, tba gweets aaaaawblla Uklag tbrlr place wa a terrace opposite blra. Tbe plvce waa Ugblod. bat a rocket badly dlrect od otrork tbo jouag girl oa tbe rro beai, tad aba died aoma days after In coaaeqaiace of bar buna. BUILDING 1 am rjreoared lo do all kinds of t'.uildin and Impair worlt Cabinet work, etc.. Saw-filing. Screens and Sereen!doora. Shop at Main and Front. All kinds of furniture, plate and nrim class doors and w.n- jowa. Also Kawneer Dare. JOHN BKATTY. W. 0. Uonelson UNDERTAKER 1 Calls attended night orday. ChaptI and Parlors. eoaooaooaoa Salon, Oregon September 27 to October 2, 1915 20,000 1 ffered in premiums lor Agriculture, Live Moik, Poultry, Textile, Oregon Made Goods and " her exhibits. Cora and tUy Six Full Days. 1' rec camp grounds ,ia a shady oak grove. Re duced ratea on all railroads. For premium lists, entry blanka or any idonnation desired, write to If A OWaWaVavOJaaatam aW ft.laaa aOtWaaa W. AL. JU1NKS, CttXtUiy, oaicm, Trials of Stesi iootti Tf urttftoent, Band Con- - a a M B.a. cert, soya Camp, Every Doay s vamp, ri Sheds for Canpers'iTearas, Moving Pic tures.SotialCeater tent for Campers, Dancing Pavilion, Children's Playgronnd, Et Demonstra. tions, Anlsal drcna, Ama teur Dahlia ahow. Pa ved Streets . OPECIAL DAY5 MONDAY-Ckllirai'i D. Am . -J TU ESD A Y Woatn's Dyr. GccdRdJ Day. WEDNESAY Cilsa Dsy, Wci!i Day, StaU So- cietita Day, Ccami' Day n. TTURSUAY-Portlaad Dsjr, Tsi7Ution Day, Elks FRIDAY Press Day, Ortraa Uaaufactursrs Day, SATURDAY Liriatrs Day. Crisis Day, Pioatar, Day, Carnlvtl KtJit SChULLS (iWANOE PAIR, The date set for the Scholis Grange Fair is October 15th and 16th. The committee in charge are planning for a big fair, with several unique attractions added to those of previous fairs. There will be a stock show and all lovers of good stock are kindly requested to begin thinking about which animals snd how mny they wish to exhibit There will be the usurl fine display of fruits, vegetables, grains, grass es, canned goods snd fancy nee dlework. Entries for exhibit sre open to each and every one in the com munity. For further particulars address to Lester II Campbell, IlillBboro. Or., Koute 2. or E. U. ileaton, Laurel, Ore. Attention Comrades The Washington County Veteran association will assemble in the K. of P. hall in Forest Grove, Ore . Thursday, October 7, 1916, at 10 s. m.. for business. Memorial services for our dead at 11 a. m. Dinner at 12 o'clock noon. Best speaker engaged. Sing ers have been induced to aban don other engagements for this. Children are being drilled for the occastion. We are building up the best program ever intro duced by this association. By order of the President. W. W. Williams was down from his Mountaindsle ranch the last of the week. Fred, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zilly, wss severely bitten bv a dog at the W. W. Williams ranch, near Mountain- dale, last Sunday. The child was bitten about the face. Dr. E. H. Smith csuterized the wounds. Shadow Social at the Witch Hazel school house, Saturday evening. October 2. Boxes. to be filled with delicacies and con fections and sold to the highest bidders. All come and have a good time. 23 A Qatar PiaK, Oaa of tbo qaetreat of odd crraturra al tba b4 aklpper, or junpU( Dii. wktrk lakaMts tba largo rlrera of In dia aad the aeigkborutg oeacoatta. At abb tide tbeao little aabeo leare tbe water to boat for tlay rraba. Oles. rU. Bad tbrtr atroag pectoral aad mitral Sal, aided by tbrlr tall, enable tbru ta Baere a boat easily aad to climb upoo trees, grass aad wares. Wkk tbr bore eree. aw-mUit to to Ject tar oet of tbrlr sockets, Utry can see as wall oa kind aa la tbe water. Tbsy progress la abort, quick h-apa. ef fected by abarply boodlog tbe rear third of tbo body to tbo left and sud deaiy etralgk toeing tt la color tby aro aaaaUy tight brown, with dark bands, taoogb tbey sooaetlmea aper HgatfToea. Tbry aro easily caught and aro Bach ased la Barms. KVTK K r rifAb KTTtSisI BUT. v.....l- I.-,. . ...v... thai I. tba UBtlar l... ... l tn. HUH of ImHIIM I Killirwn. acraMt. bava liM " h C.rtiiuy Cmtrior tl.aHuto oi Ore oo tor vi . .i.t ii m.. . i.tintT hi A-al aemioolaa I ud iJ t'ourtl i... i u. ..i.. si,iuilfr S7. at I th..ourul lUo'niuck A. M. aa tba liMie.l ....l ih.iwi i.l'.turt Kik.iu III Hlllalinro. ornrnn. aa ll a ulai lr Mrm objro- tlona 1 1 aaut aofiunl ami ta nul teilW turrit irf mm U1. i ia.i hu a tivni n. i'ii. 11. Is-ian.aii. Kaaruuir ol lha etata of I U'Utiia rUlitaii, dtvrawHl - W. Pi. Hi-iC, Au.irtiry ..r r. wr. (Copy) Stallion Easistration Board. State of Oregon. License Cert&cate of Pure Bred Stallion No. ITM. Dated at Corvallis. Oregon. March 10, 1913 The pedigree 0 the Bullion Partisan. No. 42;i8 17)008) registered in tba Stwtbook of the Amencan re rcneron Breeders snd laponsrs asid. V "m"w'"; WsshinsTton County. Oregon. Bed by M. Barbe. Department of SsrtnVFnan bewSbed as follows: Black ; Star. Pedigree; Brutus sire: Eoson ZMit mm; i.rmanniii. tioi Sire of Sire; L-itte (208) Dam of Sire; Sultan (1 Sire of Dam; Suson (M74) Dam of Dam. Breed Perehemn; rralHin the vear lSu. oo cas o, ana nas oeen rxamuicu uj mc ovamwu Registration Board of uregon. ana w nereuy ceru.ii u.i u.c said stallion is of Pure Breeding. U registered in the studhooit that is recognised by the sssociations namea in section nine m At ka laateHiaAlatmD T 01 inesi'' Ui vjrroii inv- mn nvrni a. ' "' ... . ,i- viding for the Dcenains of stallions, etc.. nieu .n me wince u. the Secretary ef State. February 23. 1911. and that the above ... a Oj I L tL a u aS abh n aa aaa A am Mnnlfli. named stallion nas oeen exsminea oy me einm.u..i r"" ed by tbe Stallion Rezistrstion Board and is hereby reported free from inleetwos, eoniagiousor imnsmissiuic uit- m.. mndness aiid is hereby licensed to stand for public service in the State of Oregon. Ermine L. Potter. Secretary Stallion Registration Board MnThai llMMiaA muat be recorded in the office of the Re corder of Conveyance, of the County in which such stallion U to be used for polite service, and must oe renewea wan-ii iw. i. (Horse sold by Joe Otto to Geo. it, UhamDers; Num to t HKOiToai. Lent Werwa. Walk) our language dors not contain sock loaf words as era found lu aae other too gues nor so nsny wotxls of UBsaaAl length, still wo karo sevrrsl that aro awkwardly long for cooveraa Uonsl purposes. Wo bare "pullopro genlUreneos," with twenty wttera; "In tarcoarortlbUlllea," with twenty-ono; natsfrootaianlcibllltlea,'' wUh twenty- two; "disproportions Weoaaa," wMb twenty three, and tranaaabstaatlation alhrta" snd -contrsdlaUnriUUsblllty" sack containing twenty-four letters. An effertlre Utile word bt "synsratcKore aiatlc" aa It mansgea to comprcaa eight lyllablea Into seventeen letters. Tbt longest monnsyllsbles contain iat letters, and inert art four ci tuples, "aplotrbtd." -squeltUod." treagtbs' and Mstretchod.- In the Ctannty Court of Iba Slste of OrvKon far 'A'aahlnaton County. la ik. klatlvr of the Kll of Hrrmaii Iaa neal, Orrtouni. v..ii. l. k i. wn that tha unJer- ..l k. Imn itu abPDinUkl ana ontinud by r.iro( lb tiiKiuty Court I ..f Uia HiatM nl UrwiHl lur naaiiiMKi.Mii CounlT.a ailiiiliihtrmKir ol lia ue 01 1 ll.rman IH .tllwI. " I nii. ini an a ui-n aa iit iaw nnwri... r u .ll ,riMia havinal elaiaia atfaiol t aahl MtaU aj a hurabr DU- llatl ana trnn M-1 U prmx'iil " w I UM anlaralt!iia al IBa mr mnr. 01 n ir liain U. Hara, In th Amerit-an iHnai hank Build In. lUIUiwro, n'ahinBttn County, lre on, within til uionllia Iroin Ut !' nitraui. Llod Sn.fc wi.lxnr 7 , HI. Heir lnnl. AJliilultTaU'r ol rsttte afurr-ail. William U. Hara.AtloritaT' NOTICE OF H ll. ACCOIST. When Coins Wore First Mads. Certain passages In tbt "Iliad'' of Boner would lead to tbt Inference that coins of brass wero struck it ear ly at 11S4 B. C Tradition aOrnis that tbt Chinese bad bronie coins as early as liaO B. C But Uerodotus, "tbt fa tber of history," ascribes tbt "Inven tion" of- coins to the Lydlsns. about Bint ctntnriee B. C snd there Is no satisfactory trklenct that coins were kaowa pdor to thst dtts. Optimletio. t Ball-Blytht fct a pretty optlmWIe cbaraettr I Star. Well-1 should aay so! If be failed In bonlness be d Ibank beavta be bad bla health; If be failed la health bo'd be glad be bad bis busl- aeas, and If be failed In both bed say there waa bo use baring ont without tbt otbtr.-London Telegraph. Vol I. la hiWRbv B'tan that lb under Klana.1 .till Mi the MU ol N. pUlll&r, nn.v : hi tinal 'on nt in I lm mtate ol (.nm 'lni:i. il.oa.rti. niiil that tbe I U'nurt haa art MotiiiBy. Ill lUo iY Ot October. ISlS. tt tlw County Courtroom at the i'nurx. Moue, t, un-ietm. at IO o'clock A.M. of aai.i ilsty. aa lb Unix anU puaca lor bearing objtstiona lo tlia tame. Daljat lh.lHcntllltMr NtB. f.US. Walter Z ,Ttnn, Kur of the last I Will ami l'o.ameul ulUA..rie .xinan, IVceatatl, ... . JuUii m. Wall. AttoriifT lor r.iecuior. "MONEY" The Mint make It and undsr lbs torae Of I the CONTINENTAL MORTQAwB 00. tou can secure it at 6 par real, for aay lost! purpose on approved real estate, TVrnit eay, tail us your waote aad wa will oo optrate with you PCTTYA CCttLTY ISS Denhsm Bldg Dearer. Oom. . Aalatla Turkey. Astatic Turkey bad a civilisation thousands of years ago. Tbt Interior tf that country hi populated today by farmers tt wbont modern knlvee and forks art unknown. Tbe spoons tbey, aw art of wood, and each family evikee Its own. A Nsrrow Eteape. "What! ' Tou a widow, dear cousin r "lea." -Well, tbaft a lucky escape for me Do yoa know, I nearly married you oact," Kicbange. notice: of final settlement IN IlHi COCNTY COt'RT OT THE a-fATK OK ORGOON FOR W A8H1NGTON COUNT!. Ia the mutter of the Estate uf Malvra J. t'rickvlL. DnvaWHl. Nonce it In-iebv kIvsii that tht uuiler ieneit attmtuiatratrix of Ilia estate ol Malvra i . rrickcl',.Dveaael, hua Hleil In tba cotmtv court ol the State of Oregon for V'ashini!Un County, rift final ao oountamt rvuurt as aJiulnUtralrix ol aalil ei.utl. t That taid Court hat aniKilnteil Monilay . the 11 dav of OctolKr. 1H 5 at tbe hour ol 10 o'clock A. M. of said il.-ty, and the County tiurt Kmiih of the Uounty CoiL'l of Wtahii'Ktou Countv, Otwaoti. M Uilmrioro. Oretton, h the inn" anil nbMia lor hearing oliicotumt lonaul tinal KKxiunt I ainHtirtha luml alt iiioiit ol aaul ea- tate Mora K. Thurttoii, ihii.'.U'rat ii nil the t stsleof Malvra J. I'nckMt, Dwceaaeii. Win. U. Mare, Aitwrncy. Tlt3 APmUS Fpgb The Dstlly Oreyfonian and The Argue, On Year Tor $6.00 this trivet you C3a Argus rDXC. No Agents Dally and Sunday and Argus 06.00 Ttio Bpopnian lillillill- . a .Li.. AAV a ' Olvat S brilliant row SBijaw-j doat not fub or! or utl.e-Jh! annnala to the Iron-inai laaw i Umtt at loos aa aar WW tnn Umi IttosclattbrltMl'. Mfafatfrmadaandmaila Irom flu awwraj'. TryltaraariB ttwaaataMUirM mr tttaTroai aullKiriaiiOarg laaS rear 'm-A Iat 7aey - f - ' Take Veur Cheiee. rrom Sir John Lubbock we take this aSBobllns thought: "You may set la a hallow pool tltber tbe mud lying at tat bottom or tbt Imago ot tbt blue tky boTe." ; " Art Yea a Bttk Btrrewtrf Bare you borrowed booU Read Sad rerun It If you cannot lead It soon return It and trust to your being able to borrow It again. In keeping It i unreasonable time you may be keeping some one else from tbt pleas ure reading It may afford. Look over your tbtlvta and aee what yoa navt there that should be returned. Tht bub who should borrow so Uttlt as a quarter ot a dollar from a neighbor and fall to return It would not Invite respect. Yet It Is quite st bad not to return a book or magasina. Who haa aot had aiifulsh of heart to have aoma choice, dearly prised volume returned, aoOtd or ton. with pagea lacking? That "Tom foptet bis inkstand" or "tat baby got hold of It" or similar excuse does sot mena tut . miner. Tht borrowed book should be protect td from each accidents. What, waa worth borrowlbg la certainly worth ft- tamuts. Certainly It should be clear Dertwilant. abvve uauted si'-awo. IN THE CIRCT'IT COTJRT OF THt STATE OF OREGON. KOR WASH INQTON CQUNTT. Maria Campbell. . riaiutin", tt. J. E. Canipboll. To J K. Oamplicll, detendant: - In the uame of the State of Orevnn you are hereby requirxl t appear and answer the plain till's (Winplaint H'.i against you liareni, within fix wekt Irom the date of tbe tirat pnblic.Wun hereof, and on or before the iSWb clay oi October, If you fall U tnaka ttioh appearance within thu time hcraiii aptcirii.ii, plaintit) will apply to the court for the rchet prayed lor lu Uio complaint, town, a decree of tba above entitled -court dia- anlvtitg the marriage contraot heretotore and nc.wexltttiiK between nlaiutla and younelfaml for such other relit! as the onurt mav deem iutt and etiuitabln. Tliit luminous it made by publication nnrauant to an order ol tu6 tl Haslevv J nil tie ol the above entitled court, made and entered herein oil the 10th dav ol ssepmnirter, una. Date of flint publication , Sept 16; 1WIS. Date of last publication. Ool. , 1914. Peter A. McDonald, Attorney for plaintiff, 0l Swetland buildiug.Fortlatul. Oregou. -. . i v -j .-- C. B. BDCnfilJAlI fi CO., Inc. Hillsboro. Ctsrnelhts aundlNorth Plains -Vholesale and Retail Dealers in Ofain, Hoy. Flour, Feed and Grain Dafjs. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped.or rolled at any time Lumbor Shinlca and Lath At Cornelius ' - , . , Th ZJl VXcct avt tho Lotrcrt Trir '.Do not forget to asK ror a Schiller when you want a good Telxphcrci Czi, Cit ISIS-, ta your salad that tt to not rata, fctt 10 cent smoke no - cough dusv 11