The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 30, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 23
r .1 H nil -ILI hth ytsirerown two acres of
,1, U. II. UIIm j finely nut urW y.-llow dent corn
front ! originally brought
from tin' Fut. Ill h feeding ii
tt hi ti"Urt anil will produce
mit i-i-iiuiue "corn fed" pork
this iv ti. F. I- think that
t?Vf tiluuilv we wi'l rnii all kind
if I'urn ln r. ami that it will lie
kiln dried .t that tin- nit will
Bland tht Vin!r moiHture, and
then Cr'i ramtig will ln a ti ir
featun fur llii ition. Ceo.
Harrow tin. I Alf llevwixul. of'
Oak I'nrk. are raining the white
ilnt t.i I'lTltrtn.n, ami lleywontl
I. an in u'i it fuiir acre llu wa
il 'O. A lc year jik'o rorn u
lliuiijit U tin imorest brt in
Owkivi nHti;ui.lry, b it it to com
ing into i t rt n n.
A girl named Julia Aldrlch
went to Portland Saturday, ami
told the Woman's lrul-flivf lUl-
rciui that he livi-.l out here ami
that nhi aiit to go to I huh
School, nud gain an education,
hut that fur norm reason she
could n rt i'. t h' T i:ir-nt to send
her, 1 In I" iri-au titk charge 01
her nml made an elTort to iret
hi-r into a Portland family no ah
r.uill cfi ln-r ai-hiMtlinir. Mr.
I'.rr..l an.I IV.. f Mikav Were
interview I nUiot th rae. but
say th:t no a;i' iatMn ha l-en
toadt for entry here, and thai
she would rn't have been refused
had wich a reii'ieai iKtn made.
J N. iloiTninn. interested in
thf H"iTman KvaiKirator. at For-
ewt Gru.e. wamn town Monday.
Him i-.iiu-. rn ll is vcar cvaooratei
:Sii tons of I.oi3nlerrics. He
ha U a o.I the plant for the prune
drMg -oson, Wat an Boon as
this to finished Mr. Hodman will
nini aiao neiu ins wm . . . , . ,i ,iimi
.. i v..uii ele. )t H i r boii. At.vw
. , ... . i . i uti-k :-.-f. an ii vi-ar in y x-
Susi, Lucaa. of Monmouth. I-!? ri" l, t -, !
wil.' dUnif 10 IS. Ilitfioi- . , . ..:'...! -
fn Stanly. Panama; Cllf- a ,, v";" . , , .ark
S.ani,v. Portland; Mr. lU.y, ' , J2nt hai
, . v ... v.l. aiu-'sen. and the t xiM-nnHUil has
. irr, . iwi nine oin- , ,,,.,.. .
a,.d Mr. Sidney Cryk-r. of J,,uVt M nat Mccm
an.I. A I. linlwimb and wife. 01
if. Stanley wm for yoara a ;,.thany. wi re in town Saturday'
U r of I'hivnln lvluu No. ; Ttiey hut ni-.-ntly rrturnivl from
j of rihmt. of UiH,- K,.,manf, Cn., hvre thfy re-
wan an allo man in an m,uj n v,.ar Tlwv ni:i.l. tne
WK and wa vrr aiicc- return t Oiviron in thfir torn.
ul room. 1 ti trin immonwly.
ip futu'ral took place Tui'a-iLt:,,., ij;ir t Mr. IMcomb
,.rumlirot ""
juvai'-r I r Many VfM
IklvllUL W HittMm
Vhicci Vf tli HcM rriailaal-
,blp la ParitaaJ
;tanlfy. on of OrrifynV
l....t..M .tiu.l In
in,l, at hi fom at i'l
laud Avcntw, Saturday.
.. I'.i5.'. from an attack uf
k trout-!.', with which h had
n .1 f-r luimtt month.
f Si;nuy wa well known
Ur.. hcrt, in Ihv nin-
lf principal of th pul-
lim.N. holdinir lh iitionj
.m i ul Icrin.
un U)rn in Mimri in
ami cam to Orrsn i
ti inif tlwt In I'olk (4Hin
ii.ri 1 attfndcd tlt'
ti;iii ColU'tt. H a!o at
d ihuStatr- Normal, and in
.m tauuht at Wmton
l.M.utn-r. II wrnt rjtl i"
uiitii-H and attended a
ot?iH chl at Wanhinn ton.
l,atr he cam to IIiIUImw hetauirht withfminnt
f aft ion. From llilmlwro h
i to I'orlland and wan em.
i I .y th ichool hoard thvr'
!ii- h Is yeara.
muh at on time autM-rin
nt of tho Morro (Uiunty
m mm jury
Inveatlcatlnf lloy Huliia lnuet
at Tualatin. Thuraday
5att Hrarlai Wat Q4 Aala. Nav
(vtr- Halsnaaa Tnllliti al Act
Mr. Ira K. Barrett, the coroner,
went to Tualatin. Thuraday last.
and held an inquest over the
Peter Groaaen. of near Helve
tia, waa in town Monday morn
A. W. Walker, of South Tua
latin, was a city caller the hut of
the week.
George Hotabeimer, of Elroon
ica. was in town Friday after
noon. I tt W.l'r nt Iwlow Ilea.
BKOtniK TBTII1F0 OMiE WIS W 4F verton-Willaburif road, was op to
the city Saturday, on buainesi
at the couit house.
Jasper Keffer and C N. Mc
pherson, of near West Union,
were city callers the last of the
m m mm & a
fatality caum-d by the train-auto Hhlsboro the l.t of the week, a HU rennessee gentleman wi.
i.. tf-.i a... .k ..f viifl i.r.inVfcS ar aieizier. cnarsnnz nir
tiiiimiiMi, iitnv urwirwaj
Uses Hunting; Hatchet, an 1 Cuts
FWh af Arm to the ttonc
Ta Link Maatillaa Girls Take Tata (or
Jack a' Laalcraa
nir. He called as jurors John
Nybere. l C Payne. J. It. C.
Thompson, K. V. Stewart, Frank
Auitin and (I. W. Andrews.
Motorman Fred IVebler teati-
fled that he was com i nir at the
uaual rate of nueed. and that
when within 75 or 11W feet of
the road he saw the auto. He
sounded the Kong and put on the
emergency brake, and at the
tame time, aaw that the machine
wan endeavoring to cross the
track. The machine was struck
and the Ips of four lives was the
toll. The express messenger. IL
V. 0. Carpenter, testified that
he felt the emergency go on and
heard Peebl-r say-"My God,
they do not see me."
John Q. Gage, of St. Helens,
testified that his brother was
slightly deaf, and that he had a
habit of watching the lips ot me
person with whom he was in
conversation. He said, however.
that he was a careful driver when
in a car, and appeared to see and
hear things as well as anyone.
Frank Powels, a passenger
from Goodin, and his Mm pan ion.
John Kbln. swore that they
witness in the case of btate ver
sus London.
Mel lliatt, of Dilley. passed
through with a rock crusher.
Saturday, enroute for the Toelle
quarry, near Phillips. He set
thf machine ud Monaay ana
crushing is now in full blast
Here you are Mr. Farmer-7
and 8 per cent money see me.
K. L Perkins. Room 1 Commer
cial Bldg.,Hiiisboro, Ore.
J. II. Rogers, of near Scholia,
left two fine Winter Banana ap
ples at the Argus office; Friday,
and if anrjearances go for any
thing this section need have no
envy of the Hood River apple
Van DeLashmutt of Spokane,
waa down to Hillsboro the last
or the week.
still holds ud her head in com
mercial supremacy, and that a
big crop has been garnered up
his way this year. Van still
owns the bungalow and tract
down near the Witch Hazel
school house.
Ferrl Groner. of Schollls. left
Corvallis last week, accompanied
hv Prof. C I. Lewis, on an in
A warrant was sworn out Mon
day morning in Judge Smith's
court for the arrest of William
lives at Metzler. charging him
with assaulting J. R. Hamilton
with a hunting hatchet atfanger
ous weapon, 'it seems that the
two had been at outs for some
time over some trivial afTair.
The other day two little girte,
daughters of Mr. Hamilton, went
down to the Hall place and took
two pumpkins to use as Jack o'
Lanterns, this being the season
for that sort of child pleasure
Hall took Hamilton to task for it
and later went to Hamilton's
house and called hir.i out Hamil
says he did not fear Hall, and
went out with the intention of
whipping him if he insisted on
trouble. Hamilton says that
Hall made a feint at him and
then struck him with the hatchet
had not thrown his
were talking and did not hear Pction of lhe waimn orcnaras
the gong. Geo. Sanders, how- oi me nmanwiw imA
r. who swore he nan nis neaa rw iravcouK j
... - i i And if ne nan not
It: TKJ!e shoulder up the blade would have
entered his skull. As it was
the hatchet made a very ugly
wound, cutting the flesh clear to
the bone.
Hamilton is a poultry raiser.
and recently lost about (100
worth of blooded chickens, some
of which were Drize winners at
the various poultry fairs. The
chickens were tralsoned. and an
alysisshow that they surrepti
tiously had been fed some ar
in I'm Hand, interment Ix-inn! .... . ,..,i, h i ntimved in health.
Kiverview Cemetery. The . . ..
'!,. ere held under the au-! Money to loan on farm secur.
U of the Portland K. of V , Uy. I rrnresent three large fire
I . . ft ...,....,,.ki I .1 I'd ma B
tln honorary iall lM-arcratiriHur;iiirt miiMi.. m..-v..
lo. M. Plummer. VI l. fur-'cMI. Kuratli.
U. M. Killmirs worth. V. 1 . ; i m ii
" . . . I Itll.MIIIIHllll 11. I 1, 1
.i .t. it... aairviiiri
iiriuii till iiii . ii iii i'iw"'i
r ii v ii their destinatuin. They go to
f MrKsy, the present su-; r4jtivf ot th lliltialsoro i ,Hfct r
K nays: I regard Mr. t .,, mi1(UL f (Vnterville, wns
u v b- one ot the really awe j v; itird.iv. Sam says that me
it"M in the state and the ;ri.r ,,,v he drove (50 China
Uof Portland suffer a di"- ..,.wni4 nut of hU corn fieW
of Portland suffer a di- .iw.'wint-i out of hn corn (
... I.. a ,l...llt II.. . .i . .i i I . m.x toLmir a
friend of mine of years ,yi!trrt worth of corn out of his
tin, and I appreciated hicrou every day.
-lull attainments as hinhlv; . . ...
ud histducational abilities." Clem Shaner. of Jolly I lain.
wiw in town Monday. He says
Iter Vanhvk. of Vrlvmrt. he not attending the sta e fair
out y unuyKC, oi vermniri.. n ,. r- i,ni
a eity caller the last of the'this yeir. as Wnshtngton County
k. , . . frips urs goiHi onougn v vausijr
. the in wt critioiil eye.
I iiur Scott r.f below Dunzer.t , ... p.jiil
.ip to the city Saturday at-, tl W. Dant. the Keedvjle
H.n. threslicrmun. wns in iuw.. . ..-
, , , - , dav. and culled on the Argus.
.01 I itmldiiuv nt naif .Wont . ' . I Kid ukiio.
!. waa a city caller Monday, ; Jatop afuP a R,hMj lengthy run.
i i i ii b n Janer Keller and u n.
., l le.Hclil.auer. of (.Baton. JJ of east oUleek Plains,
in town Saturday, on lust- he eity the last of the
N at the court house. , wirt.llJ!f:.rl
h .. . . . WCCK.
jenry lk-ach. of North Plain?, I , ,rJiin nf Farm.
I Wmer May, of the mercan-, ll.irol.l Hnlvorsen. f turn
linn, of that place. ww clr- Ingtnn. was a city culler batur
court uttendunts Saturday, uay '
out the widow, said he heard the
.rrvn a
Mrs. Janey Galbraith testified
that when the men passed the
Galbreath place a short distance
from the bridge the men were
talking and laughing.
The jury found the following
"In the matter of the inquest
into the cause of death of Chas.
Gage, II. C. Deickman. John
Micek and C F. Harnnger-
We, the juqr in the above mat
ter, and that the above named
persona were killed by an electric
train on the S. P. railroad, at
Galbraith station on the Boone
l-Vrrv road crossing one-half
mile Fast of Tualatin. Washing-
'.nnntv. Oreiron.
K-'lAa m . on SeDt. 22. 191a.
The cause waa accidental on a
dangerous crossing, at which
onitipient w am in ir sisrnals had
not been installed by the rail
way company." ,
The railway findings from the
innuirv exonerate the
motorman. It is more than likely
that suit will be instituted
against the railway company for
damages by the members of the
four families.
go as far South as Eugene. They
will not only gather data for the
1915 croD. but will take notes on
th heat results in walnut cul
ture. Ferd's orchards will be!
qilte a factor in walnut pro
duction in t year or so and he
wants to know just what con
ditions are over the valley.
J. E. Zimmermuv
North P aint, was a
dUWKTr p
SAFETY: Yourmoneylistsafer in the bank than in Jvour cash
drawer. -
PKE3T1GE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by
being able to give a bank reference.
DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often 'ob
tained, if you have a commercial bank account
CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying
bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come in
and see us and we will tell you more.
4 Per Ceta. Interest On Savings
American National BanH
MaM and 7 Mr St:, fimboo, Oro
Hamilton says that Hall comes
from the Cumberland GaD sec
tion, and that he has feared
that he might use a knife or
some weapon if they ever came
to a mixup.
: Hamilton was up Monday
morning, carrying his arm in a
alino. and swore to the com
of above I Pint against his neighbor.
Hillsboro " .
"Ti 4ui" . v. i p I f. P. AND P. E. E.
and his brother George were in
the Crater Lake country, tn Aug
ust, and they returned more
than delighted with their trip.
J. H savs that for scenic beauty
it beats anything he has teen tn purest Grove Train
the Northwest The trip from McMinnville Train.
. a i i W.. m.4VA In. I r. ! j 1 :
at about departure being made at three Forest Grove Train--
in in moniMin.
the lake at 11 the next day, nd
the Pythians of Southern Ore
gon had camp ready for them on
their arrival.
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so Urge and varied that you can
haveprompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. .Our specialties are quality, sei
' vice, and courteous treatment You cau do better for
less with this company.
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
A B 3 O LU T E L Y
Kverything in Building Material
I will sell at public auction at
tho old Paislev olace. 4 1-2 miles
- .-.. . - . . .
MnrlkMi nf Hi tthf.rO. me 10
lowing described personal proper-'
tiii ks iat. i ii . i finr.iv I
Seven head graded Holsteina,
ome fresh ana some conjoin
All. except the P. R. & N trains
are electric and step at the de
pot on M in street
To Portland
-.6:50 a. m.
-7:36 a. m.
10.02 a. m.
.12:50 d. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
Forest Urove train
Eugene Train
McMinnville Train..
Forest Grove Train -
From Portland
Rutrene Train arrives--8:15 a. m.
McMinnville " - 9:45 a m.
Forest Grove " .11:59 a m
Forest Grove " ..3:15p. m
Shendan " . .30 p. m
McMinnville " . .6:40 p. m
Forest Grove .7:15 p. m.
Forest Grove " 9:00 p. m.
McMinnville " .12:15 a m.
A 1 1 trains, stop on nag at
..4:10 p. m
.-4:53 p. m.
.-6:40 p. m.
...9:50 p. m.
I have reopened the old Blacksmith establish
ment formerly operated by Peter Ridwig, at Oreo
co and am equipped to do all kinds of Blacksmith
iug, Horse-shoeing and Automobile Repairing. ;
Franh Rulih
Orenco, Oregon Phone, Farmer 30x6
The Shute Savings Bank
Is an Old RellabW Institution with
Resources of over
. $300,000.00
If vou are not familiar with banking met hod call
iiud talk it oyer with us we
yjve ypii.wyJnfpTmation.iiistrcd.- All Ac
coiiutsof Women ami Child-
.fcu solicited
4 Pf Cent. Paid on Snvlnrfs Deposits.
BUI IIC licsil - All tElillia, SIU VII liaK ov
... . nllK fresh; four graded Jersey cows, Sixth an(j jjain; at North Range
The undersigned MwlUt pub. a to fresn thia FaU; nine and FiP ,treets; at Sixth and Fir
he sale at the Jake Wilson pisce . , Durham C0W9, coming .trsets and at Tenth street
3 miles north or urenco. ana nan . . th, F and Winter. StA-m ServiM Old Depot
Bethany, at iu a. Tm. ft SnWTwo percent . n.j
u ruruaiiu
P. R. & N. T,rain. :.. ...4:30 p. m.
From Portland
P. R. & N. Train 9:12 a, m.
Ixtnn Snpeial. due at Hillsooro
mt 2-IM (l m. from Portland!
Saturday and Sunday only.
Forest Grove Special (Satur
Hava onlvl
I will sell at public sale, at the From Portland. ...-10:33 0. m
a Riakwilev dace. II miles To Portland 11:15 p. m
southeast of Laurel and 2 miles .... miwlCftA1B
m. -t o.k.ii. ion n mi rvBLfcaatc
jb a 1 iv a j-w a . uu av h
X ? 1 .u.!t will baII t mihlie sale at mv
mmiy, 1 jT.:.jj hm at Witch Hazel. S miles
3, about 20 tonscheat hay hUW.s-t.D monins 0,0 VftLTfeas of Hillsboro. on S. P. Rail-
. - i..i- jenwv cuw kihiiih " 1 . .A
barn; numerous ou.r .rM. -7, - heif er. fresh: 5-yr way. swu-m-. n
Lunch at woon. . -v -lr-. mHk. tubercuun Monday, OCTOBER 18
Terms of saie-iu sna n- '-ft k-.- mill u.n.7m.iKBiN i jevMi
mile west of Bethany, at 10 a. Terms of Sale-Two per cent
m., on off .for cash, or bankable ap-
SATURDAY, OCTOBER Z pr0Ved note, interest at 8 per
Two mare mules, 1000 lbs each; cent rt
uray mare, 900; sorrel mare, M. McPherson, Owner.
1225: sorrel gelding. 1200; dark R P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
irrav gelding. 1100; 2 disc har-f John Vanderwal, tlerit.
rows, hayrake. copper kettle,
imn kettle, spring wagon, heavy
farm uricrnn. Columbia wagon.
buggy, McSherry drill, sulkey
16-in plow, fan mill, binder, 3
o HniihlA harness, milk wagon,
complete; cultivator, 2 shovels, 4
fnrva irruDDinii hoc. vnui,
doz chickens, sow and 7 pigs, 7voarq fine animal, about I "ill sell at
lm household furnitute and Mare, 7 years, nn m,mro Ti f arm at Wil
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
- Prices Reasonable
2nd &' Washington Sts, Phone, City 176
A. McCiill, Pres. .
A. C. Shute, Vicc Prcs.
W. Mahnn, Cash.
VV. V. Hcrgeii, Asst.
I AMAtf iiAtar crl viniT
siciocj ww r 1 v
milk; 2-yr old seller, iresn; o yr
old Holstein, in milk; tuberculin
. 1. 1 OA kilb-AMfl MMSlI
tPBLea. nOIC. WV VIIItM auiw I -1 1 J - -' - - ' ,j
iraicu. ""Bi . , hu. .... ....milim atmv vpla
none, jreri, 1400; cow.
. . , wtlh 6-wccki il, gooa otooa tow,
IWulaBt-Asafla 91 .. i vt r i V1HI
J. J. Krebs. macnioc - !"'"?-ZSTZXfZtoZL
1 a vir vi. wi inenpiuvr 1 vr. iiiuuin aniwci, o uwuv witi '
C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. Salr!
mccdc niia cook BOOKS bedroom set, commode, center ( htw linle to? buS(ty linKie
COFFEE CLUB Ma DW,vaL..J kA.lA nmn Ktnve. Wue-1 .1. rihl k Ti.m.M. Plnnet
- I 'n ..kV Almtno la. I T. Jur rnltlntnr and wtcAer. Mil-
name 011 wv, vu .jr- ":h;d eii. m iron
The second editlon of theCoffee ? e. , en-..-
r.luh Cook BOOK 18 on saie, r men. I " . r Z'a: ..a
IDKIlinDi w W v?e-"t
Oy cciiio.
der. cash; over that sum, on - Tal- h-awnM
bankablej note, terms to be de- wt'n:fr
termined by undersigned. SSSim 2 iron bedsteads. 2 tt,, ,
ccnw - . .. L.tu ii hwwior nmnv uu" tt.
The.books .re on sale at the -" houTeholi k
fniinwinff places:
Vaughts urocerv.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co.
Donelson's Furniture Store.
Grsgg & Powell Grocery.
Ross Grocery. .
Rest Room, Second St near
Uorton Greenhouse
and other articles too numerous
to mention. Lunch at Noon.
Terms of ssle-110 and under,
cash; over, 6 months time, bank
able note at 8 per cent.
mm a RlakAfilev. Owner.
E P. Cornelius, Aucttonisr.
on ouwr articlat found oa a farm
Tarma 10 and under, cash.
over. 12 months' time, bankable
approved note, at o per cent.
Two oer cent, off - on cash over
. i. L. Bartlett, Manager.
J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer.
Ve WantEvcrybody to Knou
Thatwc will, beginning at once, give Cash
Register receipts with every cash sale,
showing amount of sale, date and who
made the sale. We will asic you to keep
these receipts as we are going to give
back to our cash customers one day's cash
sales each month, we win select one tiay
each month and will announce in our win
dow on the 5th day of each month the
date we have selected, and then all you
will have to do is look over your Cash
Register receipts from us and see if you
have any bearing that date, if you have
just bring them to us and we will refund
your money. There is no trick to this
proposition. '
I Vaught Grocery Co.
Second Eect .Uaia'm;.'--H-!--.-"
J Sec.