T-T" BEAVERTOII-REKILLS ACREAGE Is the Finest Suburban Tract within a radius of o miles of Portland, with up-to-date car service A "IIODIC Section Boy a Small Tract here and give yourself elbow room. Yon can bny an acre here as cheap as a lot in a small town and still have all town facilities. Rapid Transit Will get you to town in hott er time than cars from Port-, land's other suburbs. Way not f p:nd your declining years in this Garden Spot? SHAW-FEAR COMHY I02 fourth Street Portland. Oregon i HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT IS The Cclta Coast Vetsrea acdr-a will assemble ia the K. sf hdl ia Forest Grove. Ore,. Thursday. October 7. ISIS, at 13 a. m.. for basincss. memorial semcee for our dead at 11a.m. . Dmaee at 12 o'clock noon. Best speaker encased. Siwr- era save bees indsced to abas doe other MfrafMSMts for this. Children are being drilled for the orrassiim. We are building ud the best Drag-ram ever intro duced by this association. - By order of the President F. F.' Coaover and wife, of Scholia, were city callers Satur day afternooa! Daa B. Roe, the sawmill man of Bast Dairy, was down to the city SatarCry.oo basiaess. Uaniei Baker, of Forest Grove, was down Saturday, before the Board of Equalisation. Fred R Clark, of FanninRtoo. was la the city the last of the week. C. E. Potts, of Gales Creek. was fa tows Friday afternoon. He was granted license towed with Laura L Baker. Mr. Potts is a well known farmer and con tractor of the west end of the eonnty. Wanted et once: Youn for sntomobile business. Bis- nav. I We make yoa expert in ten weeks. or mail, ray us after we ears yoa position. Csntsry Asto-I sjooua institute, Los Aarfales, cat. - C-T f-'frHE HILLSDORO cnxsan- bank CAPITAL 050.000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $2ft.OOO An old, safe and conservative bank, located in the Hillsboro Commercial block, W. corner Main and Second streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. unnge i The Reedville Stord WITH AISPLENDID LINE OP GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERB ' YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TiliB Reedville, ' OrbgbW A boras belongiBir to Fred Reed, of near Orenco. slipped and fell on the pavement near tae a. K. Church. Thursday nfekt and broke a leg. It was found necessary to shoot thai animal to pat it out of its misery. Hr. and Urs. Geonre F. Heiaeck. who reside on the mountain near Laurel, were 1a ths.dty Saturday. Ur. Heiaeck is about to occupy a new home, us MSioiBf or which will b completed. - The Kisses Sarah J. Patter. son and sitter, lira. Ida Patter- son Burton, of Bellvill 111 touring the coast, are guests of nr. ana urs. wm. latzlsr. of South Tualatin, arriving here from Independence, Saturday evening. Jsa. B. Jack, who is now living on ms place at Scholia, was in the city Saturday. H la DAB working on the county school exniDH ano us parade for the eountr fair hmd. tn nnut an4 better the showing of last yesr. uewm pat mall bis time entil the fair meets on the project Judg-eA.G Archboldia mourn ing the loss of the hen that in- UHiaea in a two weeks fait short time sao. Biddy drank too mucn, ana gorged herself, upon release from rmtivit k h result that she passed swsy from scuis inaigestion. , The Judge thinks that had h limits h. v V diet she would have pulled out ano contnoated to the egg crop am year. Now the hsrveat season's over, And your summer's work hi Ana And you're going ia to Hillsboro io speno a little mon' For some token of MrMmkn ha your friends, as you have pianneo: J So call at Johnaon'e Sturfin And have your beauty canned. offman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timber in Washington county. The finest Eoiigh and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOORING and RUSTIC always on hand. Estimates on Buildings, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds of finished lumber for house material. We deliver. Phone: Pac. States, Glencoc Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Bscona. Oregon 4 CHIROPRACTIC Dr. M. H. McMAHON Chiropractor I NrtiMd, Ore. HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL SIXTH YEAR Now with Dr. P. R. Sizer, D. C. offices in Donclson Bldg., Hillsboro. Portland offics ni 4th St. kate Testimonial: To whom it may concern: I beg to advise that I have taken Chiropractic treatments from the best operators in Portland, Tacoina, and Seattle, but I have yet to meet a Chiropractor who gives as satisfactory adjustments as Dr. McMahon, although one and all did-not fail to charge higher rates lor much less proficicut and specific work. Dr. McMahon's skill has prevented the necessity ox a surgical operation in my case. JOHN HALSOR, Supt. Bridge Construction, S. P. & S. Ry. Portland, Ore. Puro bred Joch The Black Jack, Uoo, the son o the Wcn Ikethcr, aire of soce of the best moles i lhr "j will be for servica at the VV. H. French uMe Z Grove, seaaoa 1915. Terms of breeding: j,aS service; $10 to insure colt lo stand. Srs,a or.? 15 snd closes July 1. Copy SlcDica Rcbtrction Board 01 urcj;cn, i-iccn icniticate d Pure Bred Jcck No. 1802 Dated at Coivallu, Oirguu, (Kt. 16, The nediirree of the tack UNOkv .m. V'1 mUtcred in the slttdbook of American t:,.i'r?i sociation of Jacks and Jennets, Owned by W. uJj Forest Grove, Washington Co., Ore. Bred u' Ikscribed as follow: Black; with white tmL t rCDICREE Wher tcjo'sire Theodor, Sire of Sire Beechcr 3SJ9, . j , Vr.,.'. Bell Dam J M,Ick Kio Si,e f Hasi Frenches Bell, Dam J Crop, Dam of I Jm Breed Jack Foalded in the year Aug. is. 1 been eismined bj the Stallion Registration iVmil Oregon, snd.it U hereby certified that the uid : or jAk is ol PURK BRKKDING, Is regUtcreJ stndbook that Is recoginbed by the asoci4ii.D in section ninof sn Act of the LegUUtivc Ataro of the State ofT)regon provUiej for the lictwiiw stallions, etc., filed ia the ofSce of the Sccrttaiy State, February tj, 1911, and that the aU( sUllion or jsek has been examined by the vctcritr appointtd by the Stallion Regittaatrou Ikurd td"i hereby reported free from infectious, cuutJKiotjc trsnsmissikle diseases or unsoundness sad U her1-' licensed to stand for public service "in the State t.f Qr2 CARL N. KENNEDY Secretary Stallion Registration Board ' ! ttGoiiisGu te: Dimension Lumber aad Ttafcjfl Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill 1 miles fromB. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. E. fticCUMSEY mi With every cash pur chase of .oo, I will give a ticket on prem ium of 2opicce alum inum set. E.I. DONELSON Furniture Store SCCO SfCttT Barber Parlors Courfeous Treatment Capable workmen Baths in connection, and a . Fine Shower Bath Newly Furnished Shop A trial will ulease vou. JAMES ANDERSON, ryiuuu owg, MiHsbaro. Pacific States tin IoMraaiM Coapioy of porltond, Oko. , Tht cmtjr Us OrcKoB Old UMCompaoy. Lomn Proupt!, Ptbl John Vanderwal 11 AsteJforw-BCut . win V Da5?0, 11 w the 'SMSJwSW EASILY APPliFn 1 0 1TCTWZf . I The Hillobbro Phormciy roa SALCl P0LAI1D CDIIIA HOGS From Famous Tecnmseh Stock, Sire of vhicfc sold for fatoo at public sale, atet. Lui, Ma, Some fine high grade stock. '""V J. 7. Vondorvolden, Roy. Oregon I. V , f tuaaoMa ' IN Hwill CkMrt f IM SUM J. ItofMll. Vuliiuu. - ""T liu.u ,V7 pub- ttif, - r-F- nrit irr. iiwhi ..ia l. - . " fxitti iim r if -TL . " . " wLhil 5f- !""'. ii i . v"4 " I (,"l b U w ham ih .. .1.1. 1?-"". ""I mi.TJLr:T7,-Tr "pit mM (iiiuiii "7 J HonuniiU lluil.... ...T II. i. Ari. .... .i , v.nii riMiii ,(', LTV rx r Insure Full Milk Pc! t mim ' CcciV Fly Kctdr ft i mil. ill 1 1 1 1 m ilpii i : b. ri:.. 1-..' 'i From Cattle and Hks 0t mm im tMI I Try till Dm. atMr lk II n.i SlUfaUry Try M ImM. f Mfc A. I. HARTRAUn Hillsboro . am fug E3.fi M 4 inch Tile, $i;' Per thoussd Brick, $9 and C'' PcrrThousarJ i . Ffkiva Hain St "NOntll PLAINS C- ft . j - -j r:Tr. rr IDf" sVsm aa si msa A - - at ef" Ska! feyel1-ff' av dTas'awiflSk .aaMMiiAlmV' Ntfc of n. Settlemeift dMWM.1, Mails Lh SLaLt "tMtit toGrstVKi2?. Irface - s i NfuM ar via hhmii . I ll r.nrH THIS k Pscncn Undorur ' Coopony ' O. A. Prttorwn. H Om Kotma rswlwr.' 1 Kkiaalt-f-ytMMlti.