The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 23, 1915, Image 5

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Vt'orViMg eO
Mssa it is
Evangelical Church, Third and
Jaselin. N. W. Phelps -"The
Urt theltaL" Sunday chool
at 19 o'clock. There will be a
short tudy of lumn. fur which
0t elaaae will each contribute it
number to lb program, followed
ttf an addreae, and th awarding
of honor. The program: SUen.
prayer; duet, Mr and Mr Patis;
reeding. II W SUufTer; apodai
by the choir; prayer; mandolin
oto. Uls Miriam StaufTer; o.
. lon: tola. Mr, tkwde; acripture
l.Ktr - rw -if: tola Mr. Mrra Suuf
fen prayer; offering; sol. Mr
. - . i - it i . .
. MB.iidim: Barman: buiol an iiaur.
,rr. Igaatrie lairu at 7:1b. leader
ln,, ., y .jHKin mufcjc y
kat imtnuniiww , mnam suuiirr aod iiit siu'if r.
lofiv year for an at Preach Inn morning and evening
Lrubtry DteU by (Aopaator Subject.: "Keen
m the "N"1 "fB
A,tori. where n
in a convict earapi
Mrt'.rewwa r
ci...r,ir llecve. at
. -L
rii-r me cv
nmmirn'i nininn thiim ninnc f issi resting
MUNItU rJ Hb I IL .l Stafford. Oaekamae County. The
Member Juat like Me." and
"Saving Other.
L. G. Wledewttsch. of Cornell
ua. haa opened a machine hop
and auto grge at that point.
Acetylene welding of castings.
teet and aluminun hitch Krade
, ..,,.. .tore which ha babbit metal and all klndtofaup-
r .. k..ttWn. olie always In atock. Give htm
jnpaniw. ... - , Wl-l-witach. Corne
had I
Mornlaf IJettrtc Strike
Truck Halt Mile l!at
Much Activity ha BeCwf
h.TM;n;u7.i:k(rvn rn r ccr?n
He leave a wife who haa re-ir,Mj I W.I I -.J WU.J
sided at Wilson viil for 4 month.
Cage waa a Mason and a Wood
man of the World.
Deickntan waa a bachelor, and
wu aired about 43 tOVB. Iiatek
waa a native of Auatrto. and, jjvrju WSTtlCTS NOW KSJNfHJW
. a ves a wife and ix children.
whose ages rang iroca is xo i
Harrinser waa axes years TatteKia rate vi
and ho waa a son ot Goprga Kar
ri nger. or mts-j Rock road work will be qoitaa
a wiaow. ne wh ioir
the Forester. r"tu" 'U,B
Tualatin restdenU who know aosea. ne count lUrwrwwi
Gaire say that ho was angnuy will probably put flown Detween
daf. but waa known a a careful 1 20 tnd 30 mile before the bad
driver. , .I hr (n. The Beaverton-
Coroner Dr. Ira E. Barrett ana w . . ....
oiuiu . 1 , ,, . i n
t. ene of the tragedy an nourienu mues oi repear. ua
I 'u-r the coll'tsion. and started ton City bu put down its rock
t i investigation. The ooateai,n(j repaired old rock road.
re removed W w N- . Kemmer 47, wW .urt
Conaiderinf the speed of the
iCeiar K3 Uetfkl W9 Ml Ahest
liua, i'hone, City 106. 128
Carl Ketaey. the luUtituU
mail carrier on ltoute 1. lMt hi
buckskin bone, the ftmt of the
week, the animal bavin choked
to death in hi atall. from atran-
.taiirtn ThM nlil fallow wii
3viwt. - - -
riven by E. B. Toole, on Koutel
a. vear aio. also by John Uyan
and by Art MiltenberKer. The
MMieensua of ODtnlun by the
inr the posse wao
C him. and thi IndJct-
l.aogintr over him.
r,r.ivfd at the EUU
IWember xz.
k-havior wouia nve
Wthi coming ue-
Vonlv oiuuonoi p
il,U Mclirew inausat
r ...11 anAther
inn. ana n owww atrnm wn iw im wu
from -rnder WDiio n I bs that he smelieo in oaa
Vrtunity. ' weather coming, and concluded
r . ... - . .a 1 . . . i 1.1 .A
u veara 01 1 m enume on nt moruu con mi
criminal. .I.void maklnit mail tripa this
utnee haa receieea, no Winter.
Wanted -To rent an improved
farm, where rent i reasonable.
Can give best of reference, if
you have a farm to rent; addrets
fc. U MiiUiboro, -O'.. Route B.
Boi 44. -7
Some young chaps entered
John VsnUyke' melon patch. In
th Nwh Forest Grove section,
.... , .
1 ha Mher nliihL ana iMMiiaes
taking a lot of melons destroyed
many vine. Sreril! Reeves
finally located h' culprit, or
. 1 1 - 1 a 1 ,m em! f new
v or some oinr veui-igoi very ciw i -
Ji,if not in some foreign settled themaiurr out of court
by proiuse apoiogieB.
Good Real btate securtly of
fered for loan at 7 and 8 per
cent. Call and look applications
..a fc II !lla lwavt
A-e. k. rerin. iiiw"
n at W in iww-pji
n.r while at the Den.
,t have beaa rainy
would not have beei
k on a oubiie qaarry.
u , a necuare
.henifa ofSce. tad I
. kl
Treves pt
n 1 notion to cornel
break in to recover 1
a nuMt likely tneory,
uthnt he haa Often
Vi a vtM'l OUt Of AVI
liii lie nicked no at
Aale DrUcf as Cliki Farawr aa
Tee WetaieftM Caaaly Mca KWc
Southern I'atitlc west bound train
No. 351 struck an auto truck
arnidshipa yesterday morninit at
8:23 o'clock at tlalbraith flair
station, a half mile east of Tut
latin, and the four occuuants of
the auto were instantly kill'.
The dead are: Chajt. M. Cut.
driver of the truck. Wilnooville;
11 C l))ickman. a farmer of
WilHonville: Jithn Micek. farmer.
of l-tween Tualatin and Wa-or, iifflffi" "T. Afthel w work this week. MdHyatt.
and Cecil F. liarrinuer. inin -n,t the wreckaM of the in the DUley district, ha pat In
who resided iut acronii the road auto truck the only wonder is Lew road and repaired quite
from the Micek ranch on the that the train wm not railed,
i .uitw tlateaietiu e.lua I r:tllltinT M fearful toll Of life.
VIIV taillliftl I " r. , . .
i h u,a imri. r tirir(. nf I Countv Commissioner Jonn
Conductor John II. Dobbins, of iNyberg saw the loaded truck a
Portland, formerly of llillsboro. tew moments Deiore w waa
and Motorman Fred Feebler and struck.
waa said to be traveling at S Homes crowd in ugnw
.i t m aH in miloa elntia to the aeene of the BCCt-
Tk, .ni m,, utiMiok immr ami aniaiai iiiiiiia maiiiii 1111 iiiiiiiiiii in
and from all indication all the the gong of the motorman before Alf red Pieren. of Helvetia, baa i ii..ii. t raihAH the hhrhw. The I concluded a hie lot of new. and
coroine: 10 reeeter mw""-1 ruuna. new atau uhwu i
rirda A tehiaon. of UO Stale l atreteh.
c usner. si. ana uih. u.
near Forest Grove, have also
completed stretches.
Otto Vocel. Booming, and
Grant liann. thi side of Corn
bit -of old. Bateman. in ZD.
Thatcher, will start new rock at
Wismer. this aide of Cedar
Mill, will complete about 3 miles
of new macadam, all or toe nam
ing being practically volunteer.
the wor beinsr distnuitea on
SsA: tit '( . ;
Pohiie Serviee Commission, and
kurierintendent Burckhalter. of I
I the Southern Pacific Company.
were on the ground an hour ni
ter the accident, and were mak
ing a thorough examination.
John Micek
I will sell at Dublic sale at my
farm at Witch Hazel S miles
east of Hillsboro, on & r. Kail-
way, at 10 a. ro.. on .
Monday. OCTOBER 18
Mara. 7 yia. y awM. it y, tooo.
iron giajr icldieg. Iiooj tfoa fy M
log. iooo;bay karat, a let, lo;w.
....ii ia htir la Nov: Dtttlae biad-l rmu4 while Ham
I ir, U.bota etuwar, a oaot ojbi, ib bwh
IJimt. a tripMMMg es.S eanivaion,
1 .4Hil mm alaatar. potato Mow. uon
rciioo barrow, ttogio too oaci7 "B" I
liu; Henry Heaa. nsr Scholls;
Geo Taylor. Scholls; Jonas tto-
lin 7. near Reedtllle, have laid
new rock roads and repaired old
ones. In connection with llo
line' work it might be of inter-
eat to know that there are now
but 2i mile of a cap to connect
the city of Portland with llitta
boro. . .
C. Geiberger. Tualatin, ana u
T. Cole. Sherwood, have com
pleted a nice stretch or new
luoinaoa. oi
a big
twioefa, arta bl work
I Jr o-fcoraa rattlvotor ood
i nubile sale, at the
i .. M ' H I - . .
ley place, II KnlJOreifon.
of Laurel and Z mill r u--ni-r and Mr.
nun, ai wn m . W.M hmiteases at a
DAY, OCTOBER I '-".hower honorl.g Mr.
I I -I , t l. . A nn
m ii np animal, auuuvi v rivna ml ner iiuiiic.
' ' . if llllll v. a J .
month old:S r odlo.-ih and Baseline. 8turdy
km uiunir nna now n . arvuii iniriT iiTc a""
.,i,i heifer, fresh: 5 vrl.M invittxl to io n in the
... .-.,1 "wi . l
n. n m a: iUMreuuniniMaant turn rise civen '
vk, ; cnicaen. wnw'lPayne,
v. single harnea. an . . bv the llum
7r .iit aaw. wan.i iww.. ....
. 4W-vow w-oe
74 feet from the highway, cross
ing. Deickman was carrtea i
feet, Micek. XW led. nue uer
rinirer was carneti mm iniw
uv feet down the track, tor
ir?? fet was atrewn the bodies
: ... L. ! L.
.r hnirn wun wnicn
auto wm freiKhted. ana a nun
inn of cucumbers was scauereu
along the railway track.
The machine waa vnauy wwv
edand pieces were found along
the track for more than uw leei,
tee) frame naving oen
on the front or me car.
Reavertm. haa repaired
atMrteh of old rock road.
A. Kroger. 43. has completed
new work, while A. Dethlefa and
H W. Scott of near Gaaton.
have rebuilt and Scott naa pui
ilnvi new.
F. L. Brown, of Laurel has
MmSmI bimI aloA nut down new
o.a a ..k . i :
lerma tu mnu unwr. t"u ' i road,
over. 12 month' time, bankable fa Srhnlmerich. south
the Upproved note, at 8 per cent HHbboro, baa repaired a big
l wo perceni. on wwn v i .tretch of rooK roao Between
110. . . .. town and the Laurel district.
bura woftw. Koea, iom cotter, im
(Ivaolacd hop baokota, jao kop aocka.
rral iiaia ha 10 oaf0.looH opooaania
acNxla. Carol taoltof aU Moot, aad now
out other artlclca fooa oo a atrnt.
J. L Eartlett Uanaxer.
J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer.
A 7arianor. of Titard. and
If. Vandenanden have each
put in
Mrs. Winnie - Uncoln Berry.
wife of C P. Berr. sad danch-
ter of M. C. Lincoln, of this city.
write from In fern ess. Montana,
to her father, sending him the
crop reports or mat eeeuon oi
Montana. Wheat went from o
to 55 bushel per acre, and oaU
75 to 8S in Jefferson County:
many fields wnt U taicheUat
toss Fork, at Shelby wheat went
53 bushel. Deerfield report 89
bushels ner; and Geraldin re
port one field that went 80
bushels. I the Highwood coun
try the crop went slightly over
72 boshets peracre. Albert Lin
coln and Clyde Lincoln and Mr.
Berry hve 339 acre each in
these favored diatricta. and if
heat yield keen uo in the fu
ture as it ha this year, they will
have bonanzas. The Lincoln
and Berry went up to Inverness
our or five years ago.
' Estray Notice A yearling
steer wss left at my place at
Bank. Sept. 5. at nine o'clock
in the morning. Party owning
same ii requ.-sted and required
to call - prove prooerty, pay
charge of keep, and advertise
ment and take same away.
John Lippert, Bank. Or. 27-9
J. Kopplin, a prominent farm
er or ucion. naa mouei ex
terminator of moles and gophers.
and his prescription will proba
bly help to swell the manufacture
of automobiles. Kopplin owns a
big machine, and uses it to kill
gophers -a novel use ror a map
chine. He generally use this
method In the Winter time, when
he' is not traveling with the ear.
He attaches a hose to the ex
haust, stack the end of the hose
in the gopher burrow, and then
starts the engine. The fumes of
the gasoline will go a hundred
feet away, some times further.
and aa fast as the fumes scape
hia hoe ame to the exit and atop
op the hole. In this manner the
ittie burrower are ail aspnyxi-
a ted. and neighbors say it is a
howling success. Try It
For Sale: Six good Jersey
cows, 4 coming fresh within four
weeks; also fsrming implements.
Located in Washington County.
Cheap for cash or notes, good
ecurity. Address Hsttie M.
Pots. 414 K-3Sth St IN., rori-
uuuLOre. 2
Merrill Bacon, the 18-year old
son or until tsaeon ana wiie.
aa knocked down by the cran
of the engine which runs the
tractor on the Milne ranch, near
North Plains, Saturday, tie
was starting the engine, ana
the wheel back-fired. A bad
hmiM waa inflicted over one oi
hi eyes, and he was knoeiteu
down by the impact - Dr. r. a.
Bailey attended the injury. He
found no fracture, aad the young
man is getting along nicely.
Fhyalelaaaad Earr
O&er: Cpataira la Sckalavarlch
K .d.hoa Bwittwl oaraar Baaaila
aad Mwwt4 Htrwta.
Wiiaia. oAroCUr iC; rMtJaat,C1ty m
farpoa & f.f,Lt!,r.LIRi
Ofioe la tka TwitM Block, Third oa
kfaia Stiacta, MiUabora, Orafow.
OSka IIoar-9 to it a. o; t to $ p. Ob
Tacada. ThurmUy, NatarHaT f It
Catla an.wemi day or atiiht. Bulh
ohoaca. Otfi?r om UtllatMto Statt.
J. O. ROBB, H. .
OPFICE-Cpa:ainla Schalowrlch Bldg.
Paooaa Oflict, City fin Kaa. Dty S4
Ira E. Dnrrett, M. D.
- Offloa TalaittMMia. Main 108
Raafalaoea Tawpiiona, Maia IM
The German Speaking Society
Btweu 1 aad I Rhate MUlag
0 S.-i ataira ia chnliacrtckaBlaeh
Upatairs, A. C Skat BUlf. Maia A ao '
tfiuesoaa - oaxaoa.
Ormti Main Buaat, opp. Ooart Baaaa
auxeaoRO - onioosi
woiW 'VwrWWrW
Office, apaulra la SchaJawrich Black
Hillsboro, - - rr
' .W. Brother: who were ti.e. tie
lis mh vntmvmm f -i- . o.i.M vaaf Or OO BKO I WeOfceu un mo uvu ---" .. !. .
g. WW)dl"tZrZ Phil. It could not be.removed unti the in tece p- a-r
? ?2.rine. UBL ,U,M r" ii.j.j wl n i nA.ti..i Kniinii tmin aame ionKi-Mc,
-: i..ik rvuin npfoni imh. i ruiuww""""- . . iiw.
j r Urrieu: who bought it and pulled it away with a came,
J. t,B.rrl? .iT-Tw-i-. r-.!L iirk man were ter- Cattle roa
set, commode, center
ter. cmp tov. W0. r...T:j.: --u tharw being
trta t.Ma rflntr. ta. OBC ai onerm - -
w., I.. ... n nav on tne murvKaav
Doinger superrfaed the Beaver
ton town work. .
John Trachaeu or near bimou
lica, haa laid coosMrau nw
road. . . '
F. J. Williams. East Kiiaooro,
and W. F. Lf Waghington County will meet ripho iuio wj.
article too nutstrou'
Lunch at Noon.
f saleS10 and andar,
, 4 month tlm. bank
at 8 ner cent
A. Btakeslcy. Owner.
melius, Auctioneer.
- , I f t ...m. A-I IdLUH mvilh WWlim WV I m mmam .SBniBU r UI1UW t M. w.vwi
Uage ana. i eicum . -1 -vr. . nf hewd.llrw dT.u. iu Hafwcker.
LT.Sa.SnadT; the iflSK FortGand Albert
as nu nemo . .
a thav eouid easily ow
... . uu.i mnA Rarrinmr
m . . . . rinm. Butva .
Roy. a city caller aoaaay. ew mMged that they
ha racoentzed only oy
eTothina, ... . W "Aff "2K--. WJCUC SALE
. a . . l tm ww irn iiir run rjr atwu aa
Galbrallh uiion. wwa . - --v - ..
bnnwn aa a tiatt in riiiiw ---",
nJT'LJSZ owned by th Humphrey.
i.w ....t iB.Mt.1 t v Paaponhoom. r of near
VKK .wwiu ""l . , . .ii.. U.
brooder, baby berry,
household goods, taou
at the John Uppeniander piace.
near Varley. Sunday, sepr. zn,
Ladies will be pleased to learn
that a Maurine - Denjonttrator
ill he in the city ror a iew
iav vtvino a free treatment at
th home. Uon I 111 10 Be
Socotawr to Dr. Uaktatar
Office over D1U Drag Store
Baatliat, betweoa stk aad tth Sta.
Hillsboro, OreRoa .
K ty& vSern.714?U, t
i0Z S'tfiW ThilSk K?n J?1 " EienUficcM V sicia & surgzom
?SS ! WtfyknS beslnatonce; Deiu Drug Store tr ap- gar to Dr. Cunning
thair went fut with duik ransing
I . . a a. al 1. aTwl
frona o to o w; ouuooa itur.
a fair run of tjm boss,
.l . f inn the enter
All W ,L.
tima nrom aed for th October 15
SCnuna vi' - r .
.. tc aea onooiuieiT
nu tw w.
m 1 1 tt It.. . irwtalra
tve nave a tun una y
and aupplie. and we do develop-1 Z
t k .in
aa a M jm a B BWBrV II II S3 Wf iu www
a. vnuom, w rnir.r'v,V-..-ptBa the blggt
in the lf .KaW
come to help
iroau m.u.m ... - - i . , i :ii ji . .r" TTTr- KIi r:
i. a amall building. it- not yeryoruw. owing, yrr'l Z m ana pnnwng.-uv.
ms swMe-vf a rti. i nau ar Aiiaiirv i in a igwaui Diiiinn u Dia ajaa-vsa wm i iraaam
uated do, to an orchard. 7- fi-2; 75Vl6cTTr Enrinsille road. 2f miles ecxt of FT
publicroaa crosses 't mdSL Thebulkaold lEethy P.O. and 8mllwet .
,-..--. ------ - i . VvinA Pmrf ah tka ftLl ICOU. WW in wu ww
Successor to Dr. Cujuatafcfcaa. ,
Office and Drug Store. Z2
Ttlapbona oooaaottoaa. '
tha atation and an
chard ts bacx in me ao jotnina
field. While me lonane w vi.-
first of
Me-Fifteen atx& et
huire of F. M. !!&l
Honnell. ftf Portlssl
U city Monday corn-
1 J.
las in
It on
inee, in an ...ill
i .a waiip ni-vannirwi u
k.....u M.AnaroLion oi r
tzT Y- twr mmunity-othe
son hi .-.t1
I F.linwa Hall and on
T gnu UUU a. Vliv . a a- I
llnula. nf Butte, nranerty. New sneaa
later, atra. . ina iiveowwa, m "7 --7" m
"TS""" m demonstration. The cow.
a vinwi n r -7"".,: Ihfl utjch Cow uon-
returned, and la again
leak in Attornay H. T.
rsigned will sell at pub
t the Jake Wilson olace.
orth of Orcnco, and half
t of Dethany. at IV a.
eniereo in tw im r. V
teat will be wwae i-ar.
Adams brn. ju . -JrXL
from the f air proper. -nmducu
exhlb t and ladies de
!L5 ot needlework and can-
nad irood wi be nown in
nea -intnine the hall
"J Tr tk-"Hall will
The auuiwnu ... fo.
a ...aawjkw tnin a miL'i win
DO Convert - . ...
Women an V"' . the
De in viw. a , ,
coming In; receipt for today
tiled to about 4 Zobeaa.
a. j i K ' .
at60to6 65. . . of Wltnrooa ywrv ,g. neoveraDroposi
Sheep transaction were maoe urant uoicomo piace, aw n, " 5" ,tli oot acatalogue.
rapidly witn anaavanewvt w. n.. wt riiAoiine that Hillsboro me
on veariing. Urobiate crtb-l WEDNESDAY. OCT. O 5, hl!S a. the
bed up quickly at 7, ewea at .o, l4.ln ptewii o-teth ti xn mail order houses. If
and wethers 6 50. U.--. : 15-tooth trrici k-TtT?, U. wwbb aueh a ouWicatkm
The packers can easily- hanoie ViMMi jr home hoe tad UJs?. 5- "j,, , fcgoed.
many more sheep than hare been ft Osborne No 8 mower. 10- w "LZIw. ulJJ
!TO!Lrc!rJkr; Sunday School at 10 a., m.;
pm uv.. "Z2rzZ v.! tewaelmn at 11: robiact 'The
ana noes, ma""" v.-i-mtv "
x.eut caw. wheelbarrow, careen- " "."r ' rr:. .
tert tooli. Victor icsla. WttmTSEX Vhe
Prayer meet-
eyening. .
court rauie, Uonfisy Kwife
leaT this week for the Pendle
ton Roundup, and Indiantally
will visit her mother. Urn. J. N.
Doane. and her brotSttr, R. B.
Doane,in buiineciin tae uma
tilla County coital. ..
ilaa. g. SoaHl afl
Mai ta. md t aat -A t
, -"--f. tain -
Mrs. Mary UtUffleld. of Port.
i.4 nrana f:nier or rvwiaainora gooua, w
bu waaching at .8:
. nLu.uiA 'I'emnia uiih g rii Aa uu uhtiwjw uia vawaejaw taHn-ir
'irA3Sr All iimtori Ob. (outm talk td
Ijrraa mtiusi w w- - . t- t
w a
IX F. Barringer
.-li.l... mill
Klicneii -.7. "
r. . 'n.m..nn n In t 11 I .HiAB" AUl. WIIU
nuAi, VAiUDon ocnou- tner at A
mules, 1000 Iba etch; erve . tnd brif
900: sorrel mare, mwt;, ",. . ... &
rel geldkig. 1200; dark the rwny. '"ZtartM
Iding, 1100; 2 disc bar. mtf re von will enjoy
ayrak. copper genie, u
lie, spring wawn. neavy -v-. ff m, prorn
agon, wiumo a was-n, h coming mile
Mcsiierry drill. rr-TB d name
siw. inn miii. miinw-. a uvti .
,hle harness, mWk w2n
; cultivator, 2 shovsm.
irubbine ho, chain.
ken, sow and T WJMmm' ntertolnlng,
luaehold furnltCf ndtionl Bl WOll
bout 20 tons chttt k tt irnch of an Induce-
umeroui other ama. wr ..4wl rf-da atarga
at Mm. u MSCnS m w . . IL.I. attnaf.
i .L. mmmi ana oioiia
or e uu ana n i -i-r-i- w. j.ta
h: over that nam. on Uon'i rora
note, termi to ta b" .Ji-.i..i Ernest
i hv unnaealenad. ror Part.-..-jMt.r
i ar a ja bab nai. ur
J. 4. Kreta, XLSXSl Ctsro, Rout 8.
iderable, Investigatton r snow.
that the motorman enjr
tne BDDroaciuii
In freshen la If r TO 1 2
mmsIr frezh la till! d TZZ-Z
r . i : ,a. heifera.' 100 chlAcza. Firy
All peraoh are hfy-'" cdiins. team of hcrsa. tmtai
that proseeuticmiafollohunt J 2 trwtri.
ingorotherwtae trparsln3r f t .oyrMai tcTjHad
mv farm. South of th Hi.-tcro rH.intUkahIr crca: S 2-yr-old
city limit, near the i Condaror. IT jj utte pis,, lcrx Uin-
nA ft O rAeMMffiV a a a. .
m VWawe--w
Offloa up-ataln ovar HUlabora Natiooal
BILL BORO - - - -
dv Lie incubator.
. a. ai aWAJa.
Teres of Esla-UBS .
MOQS FOR SAW taoash' tlsks. bank-
and the driver ot ine macwuia xne tve v w , itttomM ?' f?HS
iTnaleaie Bldg.
Uaia and Tlt.
have seen
must hve ieen the train had t" W of to te- . cent, off for earh 6a all
been looking. . ing saoao. wJiKS3 rraoverwu.
h.i aaw Lne luwi.u MttMtsnraa m
ind that the dn . er wa talking matuw Poland-China boar.
nu wi. ..t U..AM. The I M-v4 itnt not rcristsftjL
w L" "lVTr; mi zllttiZ mxK Co.
moiormoii ..oay- .-r rrr- u r Hi
raie ot pjtctm, "i inquire t .wVt r- I
i.r. 8 bear, w ZSauSTwt.
raron. iapero w... r.-:; - .
. a hlirn
the. auto wa not dmtai t j DajMr
rapid rate, ana ne ouiiiw ji niiwoorv,
truck would atop before attempt . -
of Geo. R. L7
Leach at noon.
t J. Jackcb. Owner.
J. aKuratU. Aueaeer.
Drwln Hitter, Clcrx.
Fee SaU
!'-v; Dentist 'ii
truck would atop oerorawerop"i jv . . , - ? ;
KSWtrk A We hay all kind tndV cf Trttty4wo y&?&P&
GagTth owner and driver of flower pota n ,11. Ttt b f Chestar klt Jbn.nd
ua, ' . . nun .lw I .j i.a V- r- VI .v..,, mvbI nora. All
SiiaioutoFwilaonvUle. and tk . , pi-rand n. ttitr.
drove to the Ulcek ranch. WBr I .--(C. m, trr t7
Kicek and W4?n,BTL,C are ec---dHn eiwmUli"
Sachine. "Coth of these Htc Pt&tySS.. T
thia county. . . p tort a fcfr run ttia yssr.
Tfcty r u. uzr?, tiAia.
m i
J. B. Imlay. of Reedville, was
In town yestercy: 4. b. aay
that the sack tt:va w..i gei a
warm reception ir taey ksi
tin Ait down that way in
the future.
W. F. Eoley. deputy weerder,
mtr mit ftshins Sunday, and h
w w T . . .a a 4SV
and a Portland f nend lanseo j
nerconally, in one oi vne aecpesai upaui, u
hols in the creek. Eaildintr, Hain Street
The Social arcleof the ChrUrillabore - - Oro
tlin Church wm meet ai u
home of lira, rifed Knnea. ca
Fir Stmt, Wednesday iu
noon, l;t S3.
Ka nSIoro High School will
held their wnirl rect-usa at
tha Voczi Uaii, ra:y cvenioz,
Cc-t 21, crriiataUitj the new
ttuienta. - ' ' z '
Ts'-i-Art fcr mzzl
I am now ,ra,.l to
aoMa, 111 pat we. rheCjf.f
. ura.A.M. ' -.
CMoatOooiaMr tr
- - I J
-W ii ' - i.