The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 23, 1915, Image 1

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itiWiK Asnlaj
,o tu oo to lit! at cace
one end two hundred
SnrVrtnce dc !ert!3 Oft it
ThursJay, 17-7 WHJ
9v,ning tt K?
01 me v. v
SiJ toirovijt,poctdurt
idinxlnffsf Cjlaaiias
M by the Stress Court
Wton CountlM 1000
fnr this Uri .within Its
V torn of tt Catered.
Very rough, cuf each of It
UtI to lna. The
fit Salem prl ortcalu-
-.kin Conies t9taforco
Wof the codrt enforcing,
( the UnM of the mat,
Uc( land Jo actual Oft.
ri the- 103 rcf O U per
Tltre are y;irid, In
illry. over r- o
jf thii It, xtf It
ild to m: ' crfMt
the congrr ;ani.
se of wcis.
UUV ir!3tt
la v ?
1 the
ytvits kzcr
while the resolution did not e.
Sctly conUin all he wmUd he
realited that it wu about all
that could be don. The Cecrtw
of th court in there, and until
that in '((Met. it is mandatory.
The grant legislation contained
a provision that congress could
at any lime pasa new kjtmlstion
relative to the grant, and at the
deed were accepted under these
covenants the law making tody
will have the power to prescribe
new condition-although the
company will probably take it into
the rourts.
It U quite certain that Con
gmt will pane legislation that
will protect the actual settler
clause on the lands and prevent
dummy squatting and acquiring
In consonance with the old and
fraudulent methods of years ago,
thus putting the timber in que
Hon in the hinds of holding
companies. The entire question
bristles with problems that the
conference did not tackle, and
Congress will have to take the
boll by the horn. In other
words, when the Supreme Court
passed its decision it also paaaed
something else -"paaaed the
buck" up to Congress. That the
Oregon delegation will handle it,
and handle it right, is expected,
but that the railway company
will also litigate, no matter what
the legislation, is also confidently
eapocted. In other words the
railway company will expect to
dispose of the timber and stone
and then get It 12 60 per acre.
And there you are. Congress.
on the otl er hand, will no doubt
puts a law hohting the company
to the strict letter of the cove
nant allowing the railway com
pany only its $2.00 per acre.
K. Hivnie and son ln-law.
Smith, were down from
t V . i -v-lKorest Grove. Friday. Mr. Hay
ISE'fe SHJ TCI nle presented the Argus with
oW t r J&H? m fl" "Poclmen of late Craw,
luswnt. ww w euers, , v ri Alonnder beach-
M Undered, the company " f lhrw etr old
?" !ff!f JaStA fcSrWfh he procured Irom the Ore
I makksua eaonnt to be r Kll , ,n,i n.nid. n
. 1 - e w
ie gfn iniervenw mu
I that the company bei
The Alexander tree-one
of the setting produced 16S
! ....... I. .... tklm j'.ii,n Th 1st
r .. . a . inraLiiri ,iiib w
I to sell the laou in eon- J!rtwforJ l)0re but a few, but
fci proiluct was revelation
decided that tha title could h t accii,nated nursery
Uknfthcpany,Lln(.w .in n Oregon. Mr.
Wfetd J St tha land. In
ymityr .Jn eoeanant of
nKfL.l be sold at C W
jrejand cavtoongros aix
s lo pasa. ItdsUon. pro
r aaana or tx ctt.
tne ratirm company,
and Ur.
:he contr""r h e to ,eH
a the railrci eot
))dB, is usarTa, ai
t. their Kiiz7Zt7, at
Smith and wife, who live at
Vadfr. Wah.. returned to their
home thii week, after an extend
ed visit
P.M. Kelsev has traded hi
Hillsboro fine home and tract,
near the city park to Uwis tn
nes for his six acre tract between
Newton and Hillsboro. Mr. Kel-
aey has moveu io an newij .
quired tract, and will hereafter
try living oui in me suuun.
After spending a lifetime on the
farm this should Iweasy for i.
M. Mr. Hones will take up his
residence on the Hillsboro prop
erty. ,
Here vou are Mr. Farmer-7
mnA u twr cent money see ma.
VL I. Perkins. Room 1 Comme
ffValle OTi Xad
Vithdrr-ra. Vtta Umber
ked it tmt lUt, lacttad
eight aslUi dolUrt of
alues Um covcreatnt wish
conftT, -t ,rruiy In
to tike L i LL-absr now
from sixty U hundred
fi or Collan.
retbit ttCi!ra mtrely
jCongreaa to p kslation
I that tha tzzrt (Utree Is
-ed. and r fJZM tfcat no
I land be KJIa Ut forest
Wiycorot. the 8Ute
jurer. Secretary or State
v - w . - em we . .
two thera are to confer t thnt vocation he tarm-
the rail wet eosssav to see li wKn he wu a boy. back in
rnngere.aa cia ce maaeibraska, and Knows now
man qp f5 TtSdaV A t. Rooka. of Vmelanda. was
thst&VS illl bl li Awn Friday eftenioon J.
iv tk T k.a nnd nr the Desi diwcv mi
r tnv next wn ysarv, i -", Ti kinnm
emolre-tkla oftkld land the ridge, and ia making ittbjoom
tanl would rA 'our like a rose,
;ies the alxe of V. J. n ian-on farm eecur-
IK Newell, B. V net, ',t Trepent three Jarge Are
I .?rrtt:fcr- J Wood ; , P,omDanies. Give mea
,n? A-'.?-lc.ll.-El. Kuratli.
iram mis county, nr..- ... pimnnlee.
tt was placed on the reaolu. Cue Steves, of near Elmonica.
committee, He stataa that waa in town m v. .
cial Bldg.,Hillbir, Ore.
k V. Itanclson. of Shedds,
Ore.. Linn County, was down to
k. ji Hillsboro home the laat
greeting friends
vi " .
A (' a firming, ana is rosiing
r: crop hi
i:i ran years
Acrtege Is llf f er end Yield iWM
liver IWuced In HUturr
alp muioN usniis wakhdusi o
Whcst freSwIlM Omi (Ker Hi.ll M.l
Rm Utklit; Oali, MiUlM
Wuhlngtoa County has had a
banner year for grain production
and it ia not improbable that the
harvest excels anything hereto
fore produced. The office of C.
II Buchanan &Co. was vinitcl
the first of the week, and Mr.
Buchanan slates that the ware
bousea all over the district hive
received more grain this season
than for any lime in fifteen
years. He says his company hax
reached the high water mark in
warehouseing. and over 80.000
bushels of wheat have been haul
ed to market points to his com
pany alone. Data, in like man
ner, have been deposited and
handled, and the figures reach
double or three times that of
Mr. Bachacan states that the
geaeral average of production
for wheat in 1915 has been over
30 bushels to the acre, and he
estimated that the entire ield
will ranch figure that will equal
if not exceed any former hir-
vesta, even when grain waa the
great factor of county production.
The grain statistics for the
1915 harvest at a conservative
estimate, he thinks, are about as
Wheat, bushels 625.000
Oats, bushel
Barley and Rye. bushels.. 150.000
The warehouse man estimates
that 17.000 acres will not cover
the wheat acreage, and 25.00Q
acres in a conservative estimate j
for oata. Hay. he thinks, will
be covered by about thirty to
thirty-Ave thousand acres.
This would leave about 45.00.)
acres lor ail otner crops, ana
this is a generous estimate for
II other avenues of agriculture.
his being the case it readily
. t A . t At
can be seen mat me ngures oi
grain acreage are more than
Married,- at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Nancy
King. Wednesday evening. Sept
5, 1815. Karl Kingie ana
Nancy Dillon, Judge W. U.
Smith officiating. Ihe happy
young couple will reside in iriiu-
The Arms o ins their many
riends in extending congratula
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the home of Mrs. Alice Foord.
K. l'libl.. of West Union.
1'iinsnrttf'i business in town Sat-
I".irn. tt Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
V. Iml., Or, Sept 16.
lul ',. a wn.
Mar lei! I Baker, of near Laurel
w:i n iy v isi tor Saturday after-
n. n.
.!m. J. Inurain. of near Farm
in;' ton, was a city caller 'the
ii-rt of th week.
IW. and Mrs, Ceo. Leob. of
Portland, were guests at the A.
C, Archlld home over Sunday;
S. A. lard. formerly a grocer The old story of tiuft of grsia
lien-, who has been in buttiness aacee ia repeacag Itacsf thii
at l lilaroook. this bummer, was I goo. Laat VMk rtLUn
in town batuMay.
Walter u lioshaw and
Tklevea Take
Frem laalay Wi
II. 1 'n were united in marriage
at tl.f home of John Lenz.
'tWhini-nn County, Sept 1,
1 :!.'. V. L Upshaw ofAriating.
Joint 1L ltailey, of Buxton,
was xeimt'd from jury service,
M.jrtd:iy, and J. It- has gone
buck t ) take care or his prune
cr!i. which is now in the process
of drying.
U. 1!. Greer has sold hla North
IliilslKiro tract and residence to
a new phew.. Arthur J. Blair, who
h .s I .".ken psession. Mr. and
r. (ircer and lamily will move
l Hillsboro for residence.
Prof. F. Ia. Kent of the U. a
captured, about 4 o'dx ia Cm
morning, while gains lata Port
land, and the cttore represent
ed two thousand grtia
some nearly new. and ail
ketabie. Where they rot titeai
the officiate do net know, kst
they were prebsLSy i c?
here and there, to tssS ktx la
the Hiltedste acirifcerii.
where aeoreeof
Saturday abit
tered the lasy wtralcr:t at
Reedvtile. asd rta LOcxr-
ketabie aacka. lie lcarrsKCl
discovered natil Unrfar con-
It ia very hard to cTtet et
Dfrmrtment of Aericulture. WAS
in the city Sunday. He is now tureaof thieve cf tadx Ur
iM mevnL on the Bureau of a grain aacx a a Kara X3 ta
crot estimate, and waa here idenffy, tlsa tlUva Urtrj
k'ottinir statistics of county pro- careful not tot3C3r era
d u-tion. - marked In any
... rartiand raaea wia tsy
1 ). r. uornerrt naa a notice ioi hM aseke ra kaw ird it
hunters in another column. Thiali- a identifv eee -ef tiii
nature, and, as Gxj d sa
for about half tisir ta, it ka-
I cornea a lucrative fczctarro-
The Siiotc Savings Bank
la an Old Callable Inatltutlon with
-Raaourcaa of over
If you are not laiaiHar with banking methods call
and talk it over with us and wc will gladly
;5 give yon any' Inlbrmation desired. Alt
H tmalneaa strictly confidential. Ac
1 ; couutai( Women and ChiW
;ii ; rea solicited
4 Tr Ctu l-ald on
A, C. Shute, Vice Prea.
1 - (.
is rot done because D. r.
any scruples against hunters or
huntincr, but because he lost a
horse last yar. the animal beinglMitioo for bcytrs a wh
shot thniugh the ahooider. no- Milera, who rt tics to
ct'iiaiiujt bnuuung u wcu Minotbing and stand ss
misery. of detection.
m Madetaine Reynolds, and Sheriff lUeves (2 tH
,'-,th,'r llarrv. of the Big Bend Die to lock C3 Utr
t x'tum w asninirion suv. iMirwwtMHii kim bum iwi
rived here Saturday, to attend I them that a ustei wu net O
th l-'nll And Winter terms oflOOVer.
Thet will make their I Sack Btealina iroa laraera
Ko,,,,. with Mm. M. a. PowkIL usiong Dcen a aouree oi
Mrs. ' Kevnolda. who hue to Portland rearers, sad
was formorly well known here the offldale fron Uiritaoaua. ta
ui Miu K:Xh Powell, a profea I well as the poiiea, wu np ua
sional oursc. iff .Reeves atasy ost the nrae-
i ivMtiwk Rh. I tiee.
at the Stock Yards, Uec o-U.
will L'ive f 15.000 in premiums.
distributed as follows: Beef
.!.. C'MfVI. rl..;... nmtta f-
fat cattle. ? !500; breeding hOCS. 1'- I ?V "
f 15(H); fat hogs. 1800; breeding wu"
ahtvn. Jt-500. and fat sheen. CCa ipoion u in ivvei.
The su n of $300 will also be
given in tbe student judging
coftest. the judges to beaelect-
9. p. AND l. CaE.
ed from the tudentsofthe vari'
oih Northwestern Agricultural
colleges.' That a number of en
tries will be sent from this coon
ty to tho show goes without say-
Dan Burkhalter. who ia some
Forest Grove Trtia
McinnTiile Trcia a
Sheridan Train 13-Cla.
Forest Grove Tnia-,..-lS? p. o
llcllinnville Trtia 2:15 p.
rorest urove nza.-:u p. o
Et? "sue Train 4i3 p.
UtinnviKe Trda C:0 p. n.
Fonst Grove Trtia . .tX3 p, cx
Fnta Forfcai
L... !....,.. ....... k.
to vindicate him as to his recent I 5a "IS'XjJf 5
ntv inn I uCmIiidtuw u.
Savlnrfe Depoalta.
W. Malton, Cash.
W. V. Bergen, fa!,
m.- Cashier
Hillsboro. Saturday evening.
.tUntemher 18. 1915. at 8 o'clock.
when her only oaugnter. mips
One. waa united in marriage to
Henry Uinnick, of Umatilla', ur.,
Iter, mere, of then. fc. unurcn.
nfflcUtlne. Tbe ceremony was
oerformed under a huge oen, oi
nink end white asters.
r"- . . , , ... .
The onae wu roveiy in wime
crepe de enme, wun veu. nu
carried pink rosebuds. Little
Naomi Wann, or urenco, was
the flower bearer. Hiss uayme
Susbaue'r. of Cornelius, played
the wedding march irom Men
The house was decorated witn
pink and white asters and pre
mantmA m ehArminff aDDearance. n
The bride and groom were tne
recipienta of many, handsome
preaenta. ...
After the ceremony dainty re
freshments were served.
After a short wedding trip to
Tillamook end other coast points
Mr. and Mrs. Uinnick win go to
Umatilla to reside, wnere tne
mm la in the emoloy of the 0.
W. R. A N. Co. The bride is
one of Hillsboro s popular young
larflM. end for some time was
tnn?ranher in the Wilkes Ab
lutract ofee. for Mayor Barrett
and also in the uuitnoman court
house. .
Guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Foord and aen. Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Foord and son, Hillsboro;
Ur. and Mrs. Albert Foord and
itaugrhtar. Umatilla: Robt. Min
nick. Lauraodeif tr, ana wrs.
R.lnh Wann and AJXhter. Uren
-fv '-zzr.. . ..
corUrs. Ellen 'VKifera ana miss
. . O...W..... f'nMAliiia. Ml)
and Mrs. WU1 Davis snd son and
if is Ethel Donaldson? Portland;
uv. livers and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred, Beach, Chas. Powell,
flics Uttle-Botler, Mi'sfhHirl
and Uru. E. QcL-rin-
huat ii )vn m Lane(Ounty. uan
?ava that tho buck he killed was
a venison of the wilds of Oregon,
and not a domestic deer, as aooe
of his friends have insiduoudy
circulated, muth to the defama
tion of Dan's prowess as a hunt
pp nf venison. Dan saya uai
tho deer - killed waa not Georgs
Schulmerich's pet, but a genuine
wild nnd wool v deer of the for
rst. and that Geo. still has hia
JnmeKtic venison on exhibition:
rh(s Arirus is constrained to be
lieve Uan. for he is noted for his
?imTY. YMtr!mnMie!rv in th Kank than tn fM
P3T1GE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly ky
ksini able to give a bank reference.
C1XOUNTS: Notes may be discounted snd loans often 'cb-
taed. if you have a cximoercial bank account
CCNVEN1ENCE: You hare the great convenience of paying
ks ky check, which is ajeeeipt for the anoont paid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank account; mea b
and saw aa and we will tell you mare.
: 4 Per Cent. Interest On Servians
American National Danll
Or.2 VSlzn Board feet cf Gccd Lcn!xj
A stock of lamber so large acd varied that yea ca
, leave prompt delivery of any order Ve carry dzy
lart dimension timbers, acd caa save you tfce expssa
of special sawing. When you want lutsttr, prcrca
don't fill your bill. Oar specialties are qexUty, tsr
, vice, and courteous treatment You can datcltsr Lx
' less with this company.
Main St and P.R.& N. Ry. Go's. Tratia. ,
A D 3 O L U r E LT '
- Kverytbiag ia Building llattrial
I have reopened tie old Dlicksnfca estr
nent formerly opcratsd by Pcttr RUwi-", a Orr
co and am equipped to do all kinds ci Llat!:;:!;!a
icj, Horse-shoeing and Automo Rcpairir.
Frcall Dulill -
Orenco, Oregon Phose. Farcsr jsrS
Forest Grove " .412) s n.
Forest Grove " .1:15 p. n.
Cbendsa " ..4Z)w.tx
KcinnviUe - ..r'lD.o.
Forest Grove ""'..tiJiiia
Forect Grove " ...r ) jt .gx
UeinnyCle " O.avo.
All t!ssL ttr ea IT
Extb and Lain; at Kcrta L n
and Fir street; at Kxtti tzllJt
streeta and at Tenth stml "
Steam Service Cii Dst
P. R. A N. Trtia.........4) p. xx
I'romPcrUii '
P. R. A N, Trtia...... fcH a, o.
illstaro Aoto !fcj
I.will soil at public auction at my j!J.p;wJVlH iS"
ilnco. bix miles nonneaa mi xr FZeZZX-i T")
Miildhnnt. fmir mi es east CXI . wtw
VI IN. .a nnH kair.milA attiaSTI VOU I
i... - : . i n .1 -. j m ha
hl.i iu:, r.Knmh hHii. rnm rauw m
l J V V v" V v '"
nmir at lu o cioca a. m.,
I? IicmI mule, nil tuberculin toelM jl
r.L'itftel ltoistdncOWi. OUt Nf. HO
An heifer. 7 monihn; tee. HoliUln bU
it uiontlm: riL' llolstcin ouii 4
..inn I In: 1 Dll'llKtU CUWI. t Wt0 BM
mem cows; 7 exits fiue Jny
freshen this Full, wIM 6 Mil. o
f niv mitlnrn torn hut lvn ICM t
ju H. milk wilh first calf. Thwt tn
no Honril! 111 Hie netu. w n
will l frenh lb Fall.
Iijiuiitui im i ciiuuy uy , 7
Team, aojo; cnuniijr B'y jw""i
l ion, tfBin mules, 9 uil io jrrt, OMr-
ieil 10 be g jutle, n bru una tut won.
hcKij slmlM breil iiiiviuk ',7 jwi
imii, iienve M wiiuien, city bnktSM
MiiuaiiVi himlrr. ttlOWtf. Kit. J.
new disciistrtw, ipikt htrraw, O'-'T"
tooth Imrrow, t I4-1. Wlf
milky plow, new ttuck wkm, t f fOS
..... . ..i;,w.r r.i. iii. backhMte. tcA
ninulu anvinn tutl jetUubl. WHfeKet
oUlini kettl. ffludrtoee, y-R.
cut shw ami nuuie'om other attlcm. .
Iterma of Sale Under
ensh: over. 8 months' time, bexx
. . Ae a
qWp approved noie,ai perceas.
Lunch at noon. r- -
- Thos. C. ,Bailey, Owner.
. B. P. Cornelius, Auctbnssr.
John Vanderwal, Cr,:,
To Ported ...11:13 p. n.
One heavy ttca. ctt!s ef fcerd
work; cr.a cow, tra ta as xrst;
Santa fca. Ore., at ia.
P. 0. aJirtra, Lciverti, Or.,
R. F. D. No. s.
Fricca Caaecxbla
and & Vaabiastoa Sts. fbece, Ciy 15
The seceai edltlca c? ti C-T.t
Clab Cccit Cxk bn cb tt
m) cants. .
The tccis era ea trs ti u
Vf t'S UXTf .
Desk's Ferc'. Lnv
era cr:. .
rjb L
Ttat re will, beiczirs at c tt, ;
Hr-'-txr receiru witi xr.rj t
. abociag amount o( sale, CzXz f
" ctia tke sale. Ve will saa y: -
tktae receipts as v:a are fj:
taci U our ci&i cttotn c:
. sales each moatk. VecH c.
each taoatk and wi3 trxrr::i I
dow ca the 5U tzy f. 1
date we tave cchcttl, til t :
will have to da ia i Jr
Rckttr mtirta frcza cs tri 1
have tzy tcnr-tt di'.j, if -4
just brtrj titrate t a
f yea
your ct
ra t:j ri.- 1
... ." . . - V .