Therasaj rtw' 11 auperior edantieaal idnitafM, MbM with Iba 'it liln afi wm4 " boa. at akUt ajtaabtd la tba awlckU tvataa Ya,'acTy ia tie ftaaa fortted aa tba Seatfctn rMc mBm,' InWtL ' aaediate, U ntanr d Barb Bch I Coataaa. Wk 1r-iuM ftl ittlcgirU. rTii fit ' mrfcln anf' mit aTaf the Teachera' Trarataf Caarat amply njatpoed end y work. A gra .aaai fraaa thtacoarat wwi aTaaaJaM without auwaalioav KmptJoaal aftparwaaiUaa to la Mask, Art ad Iifmiw. A eaa'y aatiod af Iwa rears sad fits tat an f farther Ufotaaatioa. at preaptctas, Addreaa V ar V as. - f Our Lumbar. SSadei. Cement, etc art til new and SJjJ il'MliWJ.,, - Copelond & McCroody The New Yard at 2nd & Waahlnr Cs Phone Main 932 Daily Journal nd.The Weekly Artfua One -Year, Doth Paper 95.25 Daily end Sun Journal and Argus, One Year. 07.50. Do It Now REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Bath tealty to Rlinheih Kirole hat ablk 14 North llama. .,$ ojua Mi t IWavrrtoe tel W at Tees. t A 11 Biekee, a h t i i r i .... 500 iia-iin tiny u KOPl B Lilly, M aaiiM iiiiiti.iJi . Jowe Walker Walker. J I J a S T Walter la J U.k iaa ItUBminc ta Row Potest, tract arc eat ) a r 4 .. ijo J At Stretobct o K ilia 31 llaaaia. Ao.j D Leaao die aooo aaauitoa B Jotinaua. ta Lota Joha nna. 10 iat A II JiAaaoa eat land Edward Sear to I ark! WbtteeftW. J JM i r w Will Bertha War-ilet t Albeit Wanwetiar, 14 a arc t? aaj M t tat aw M Fl Cast hKF Miller, 41 tec 11 1 StS" - li arc 111 in 1 , . . - " - " - ' - . osj t vanuioe n. n:u. n to Auj Ki Klk IBIICHIIIII SaMM to tro FlMTtoluh "lo.ia a m Htlitlt mm tC rib!-ch 7I7 a aaeM a -x narui( wtu U.i. beler, tract KM it ait I tiVtiM Th e Force of Habit Br mHJAM aUMHIJt 10 10 to 10 to 10 100 Con Veaioa ta Ulli MaVWeVal W7 ami 10 Ulk 1 ShttMoil... iw a.ra.i.,1 to jjh- m. i wm- rr . J V J w. ......... CBtteo Statra to Jvha II Kraaadv iMtatcijt jarr . a,,0t Tfuunnm au a arr inlutlKHtl'lat-e aiaa. mud U aa dllBouU for hia ira trhNrda la tUHlorataud hjr ahe kel aim aa daari. But aa atull)l f lb heart la ftut Uka aa analgia vt the atvMiMKa that hi to ar. kite ta ery Ulualra. Wa ruuatautlv are ivraoaa Uerotad ta other ierota who are in ua tuattractlra. Uoaratrtr thla mar Iw, Molijr Tymp ana araa aWvotaJ 10 I till Ttiniiu - tbera aa not are a (rata of rmuauca la hia aaa aa4 he waa the ui'i'le t her era. Ha waa aot a aufcvwrui uiau. ao4 hla ta bs art.u ovik u poll ad the faaUIV. h'rerr uuiu haa auOM ItrVIa at tha Urttuui of lib Ba lur. a ad Bill ThotutMoa UU fu. r hla pualtloa t belux taken tint of In (trad af takbut car of tboaa unturalljr deiiaadaat aaaa hltm. Nut that hla artfa wtihiahtrJ htm. ar frum It: aha m aaij hint aot auly to otbera, hut to hlMhWiC. : t Una da MM Ttwmuiaua a nil otit ta look for a MbIUobl ha aakL auJ attra tha dlaaar hoar arrived ha did nH ar- rra wtta it Whalarer trera luira faulra. ha waa aar lata for a nieaL Coaaaqaaallj hhi wlfa louk frlisbt at wm wwan aa aour sua oiuiqim ina aoura that bar haa baud waa iuilu. ad a ntal alarai araa aent out Ta aiaraj dhl at hrtuc BUI Thomp- . A BMMith aaaaad. and ha had fallai ta tara as. Ilia wlfa waa lu a tatrtbta atata at aUad about him. and ar Mtada bajaa ta fhluh that It waaM ha battar If her auapeiiw wera bf haartaa that ha waa dead. Oaa day a rouala of bera, aeelni an wacotalaabM comaa la a morgue abaet tha aba of U111 Thomukm. cm. froita. Vetrebhlwt I tbt Idea of palmlne It off on ea. canntvi o-ma t.V?Zz Twoepaoa bar lata hiHlml dlework. 1 I Tba raaa waa m.r Entries for h,K;, . auk mmA -ivuicm tv pw woouia.aurprtaln thuae In Ilia dach and every one in the com- taorat b, ideottftM . p.l h .he had a? ... Pttlaf tbatrouaera worn by For further nar ;...!.. a j I tt or phone to Lester R. Campbell. I y Mow a rei.. " taai nu. aaiag aeao, would ha SCHOLLS ORANGE FAIR The date set for it. cwiu SlS!.l"r 13 October 15th and ioiil ine committee in charge are planninir for a hi f.;. aeveral unique attractions 'added Vl 01 Prevlous There Will be a Stark aknu .11 1 , - auiw ail wTen 01 Rood stock are kindly reauested in h.r .ki.Lt.i 1 . . 7. . iiiiniini abOUt Which animal anA hn. aaanythey wish to exhibit There Will be the USUrl fin Hlanl till IS bora Or. P nn to 9 r tt . . . , VI SI. i. uaauoa. Ldturei. lira a Ur. and Mrs. Dwirht Pnm.M. went to Portland. FrMav . uiuk oau-raay. 16e, weat WIMKOICI It avitk .-J un. fcd. Henton. who came oown irom anamko. lat aut . a in an auto, makinsrthe run be. tweek points in a daw it. PomeroTs hrl ha r,i...,. eeing both their irrandchildren together, the other grandchild being that of Mr. and Mrs. To- Henton. a Hra. Tbompaun' mind rr Tbty wara aomawhat dlaatv solatad waaa aba laalattd on barlnf bar waar Wtltlaja rrematnl In taat aba adebt baa the renuilnt of waat bad ban tar husband constant. (T aar. Tha cramatloa coat all V tha DOOr Woman noanaae.1 ad aba bad aot tha wharowiihai 1.1 awtrwais aa an for tha tabes. 8bt deterailnad ta tad a lamporary rartp- tacla ml aba aakbt aaa enough f..r a baiVttlaf aaa, ' vie tbera waa aotaiaa r- 0. W.H. PAMll Dentist .rt..aii.lba M-I.M llutidi. Main !ir. a.'J nti' V ' Km..laii.l4. I h ' " a UilltHro ' VW FOR TIIH Best Firo Insurance am raoMrr jiKmK- MKNT Or LllfSK !KH JOHN VANDCKWAl Arciu Ludou & Lanca shire Kirc Iusraui Qk rantW Sutra I'hwne J4 IUI.IlK0 BUILDING 1 am prvparvJ M Jn sll aii'J of Uuitdiiiit and K.'p.iir work Cabinet work, rlc, Saw-fllinf. Scnvns ami Scrtf n doom. Slp at Main ami Front All kin.U 11 f fiirnitiirt tituttf lil niiiiiii w, .... - , , and prisMii j:la! dirs and w.n- Jowi. Aisu ivawtivvr uam. JOHN UKATTY. W. 0. Doiiclson undi; Hi Calls attcmlcil niht oi(!.t'. Chapel ami Parlors. SUMMONS Robt Muralt nf ton. 'was last r ' I..J o .. iuuire thecal -re J H Weeldv Argus ----- J. J .wnaV0 haan 4 1. r released on bail Monday. I t. J. Vanrl J.. - Banks. . 1. oth.v?fff ""ST elve loads h..fL0ffl Bm11 tract- This Das been a nm 1 Im. w . "r ,or c over, nd P. J.'s record for last year j v a Art taA af the bead-wvra placed aaaaaM in araa Tkomiiu.'. 1 chanredJrL10,?' m Bei MlaraTi. "77 "f Bfbtad dlaili bt a 1 w laAIII' I tl taWam - -a. family. He is I ZSLTS . .T P .,,wort - - " e7 aaa an aAal LMiai mnn ah arfi - , - " wii aaa could tarn e "lctob thlWraa fut.d ror tha Karhla ura aba Intended buy to wara aot forthcoming. Own, qoently th. crtckad aoap tureen re ma toed b) aaa. Tha widow, dealroos of having flow era wara over her husband'. tglrt pot tbt tareta lo law bos containing artn aad Introducad Iba plaata. The flourished.,. od food woman bad aaaarartioa of aatug them riFTY-roURTH ANNUAL 9 State Fat: a. 1.. a I " aatwaaa tfMJUIII, John Roa .1 ... I Bii Ml It waa almaat aa ..n.e . Wall hnffi;" "'5? 01 " ' tba, aH,ed or . n' fflundatior " V" UPW th. loreen f ok aTV-1 " . J IOWer W"8- ' 11 WM ' "'bla and of Terr j" . aeioacg 01 81. . r" It than to h.-r 7 wr ov. nuuat. Mot a .tmrk of dn.. ... ... The Enlumn'.. . to,r11 to '"la oa It and I ha niam. h aued Kennedv STuilf? SL5! !l!J??.?ulof business, havimr Then oua Ona aomlna tht. i- wiiuuciea a saloon at Timk--" conauncr of -J-iZZ. " . la the rtreult Cwarl af tha Mtala al Oesgoa fur Wahln.ia 'ixntf. Matan M. Wood, I'lamtlll. rilM A Wnul. ItaUodaiil. To Cllltunl A. Wtwl. tha abuta namal ileiantlann ila ul NaiiUtiilvr llll Iks. ibaa au awaaaltrr ilia data of iba Oral A. ClM'f. fnr (r ll .1 I . . Ih. I...l. Of nialrtainny between tha plainlilT and wmnuani, ana rnsiurtef la (iiaintitl bei Maiden nam. Marion M. t'hartara, and Inr aurb otiiar and lurtber reitef aa lu tbt loun mar teem low I ami uliahl, Thu. ummiiaa ft iiuIiIibKmI ........i toauonlMofltia Jlou (), K, tuae ol lh alwte enlitlad IVuri. m-U aoaenlartd do the Slat dr of Jul. uu Arthur I,iihiiiK A it..... . ii . 1 tirT. ruriUml, orv.oo. Muhikaiiuo. July ttad. 1.-i. ... ..... - all. m aa, . . wa ar EiaaH3ca f' aaaaawawaawaa ew.i3 i.iiir.i.-,:i?rr. bum i,. u, .T " in Mi l o law lu piibiicle eiamlua lu. -- "Tart all error. In ialJa.L, .Tl !i. . anr land.. I.'V.; 1"'" aaaeiaa.1 i.,l... " '". make , . u. . . Mai t'randall, 'VforWaMilngw.n bounty, Ur. A ton In,. 7 - -iwi I lneir dipb hum and both are now county. P in July, out of the Salem, Ore on September 27 to October 2, 1915 fPoSS? T PnmiUomS f6r Aultt,re, Live- o Ser' exhibS' r?n Made Goods and mer exnibits. Come and stay Six Full TV,-. Free camp grounds in a shady LkrW Tet w. ai JONES, Secretary, Salem, Ore," ' Trial, of Speed, Shooting Tmrnament, Band Con cert ' Camp, SKverybody's C,' . Sheds for Camperseams, Moving Pic tores, Social Center tent for Campers , Dancing Pavilion, Childwn. t Playground, Ike Demonstra-, . tions, Animal circus, Ama teur Dahlia show. Pa ved Street's.. SPECIAL DAYS UV& An 0 The Osweira rm ant tkL.i . aooatoat-rtr.r. .n"; PloytwonundmeK wts to runnino- f.,n' " Capital IS DUttincr lb- fcoek. Bill Tbomaaoa walked lntoilw m tat oeaa and with a uro..r oua took en him. Dk artr. . is?.1; ,bf ? "- ihTi. V . ,u"leu " bar face, tlf to think of blm aa la tba urn that .aT """ there U Saab. BUI la tba Wa am. k " " . ..... . 7. . r iw "v. oiu ia taa Baah. nn. .... Ptraoa, Duty Baally tnompbad. i bark o. tba romauc;. tabractd tba raollty. Dlant Inti. T.," vul"P c lanl -.r.i..rj:r"r:" """e roil, tarea rears, annaae! t h.. "al m-T- tTT an a,I0Wed it to re Prad ta atbirV "p: .uie. I rw... m - "' --iwe J. W. WoatKru.1, - i. .. . Baa-U. e.oeior.e dge fnr"""5 a?cree in i "vviwouirj, J Q. Johnson, nf KaIvw rv.- I awA. -'V-lvrwf I 11 ria a c,ty ca,ler M-y TM or riMt ictti.i:mb;.t. Kiiina.,. dii b. nLi'r riaculorur aaid mi'.!. 7 J '? . ""i,m and the OouiiirV..,.i i7...'. " A"" "eg. m, aa the nla.J r... i ,""alr. i.dta, . lhrr;",l u,,,r mem .r .aid f,itii ",M 111 this Aliarnd . II. IUmaii. . .. Luuiaa Kiii.',:T tale of Wai i. " ""T"ri. """""y ir Kaaeuuir. "OTItB TO CHKIIITOMa, In the Count ,... .. Orr . " ,n ta of " ""unifton County, In it,. t 1 AlAVlaar . ai a. ina " "' Dan,.,, thnm. Katdla auVUIOBOB tia . . . . . - IImmii...! .1 ' '"Mute narer ta Mn Z.ZZ,."'' H"."nel u uch i.. uTT"' ""M baa v BBDiasWaWJ BBB aw.i1la..- Mom. 'J IMVT IirMWai. I .. to aw i. ".w,,u"'un "trebtre. ,1 ...r. ".. L..7 . . "m my. na nad accu. 'n win M.u... '" in nii rfuiietia,! u, ,.. '"",""J null. PARTISAN Importol kcKistcrctl Pcrchcron Stallion ItUt, c, built, one of the Ut aires in tht county, will .,.,, ,J IAI( Ktlltl.ll' Lauicl, Mowiby, S A. M. to 6 P. M., Sh,.! T. day, S A. M. to b V. M Ikaverton, Wedneniljy . lu Thm luljy, t r. M. t livety hern, Reedvillr. fS;1 6 A. M. to I. M., Hillaboro, Saturday, 6 A. M. t04 M., at KoiiuiUM iwru. TKRUn SuikIc Service, $5; Season, litr-.n jM with foal, fi s; l.r live cult, $ioi $ 2. jo delimit rrqniS ou iiisuratuc. Care ti prevent but not teiH.ull;Ku t avculcnta. tlKO. II. CIIAMHKKS, Owurr. M Su!!i..n llcuiatration Board. State of Or. k',l0 Ucrtiiie lYrtifVnt of Pure Brw4 Ktallion No. 13 lat.'. at (Wfallla. Otmoa. Uarrh in iaia a Thr ir.likn of th atalliiMi lartiaa. No. 42ns ic-- . rt-il in th tutla.k of th Amarican IVrehrrxM ilZ 1 11 ... a 1 1 . . ' Hona n'tfiitt Hrtvdort nd lrrtHrtcna An, Owned by Jot Otto, of llilkaaM Washington County. Ornron. llrad by tl. Harba. lclrtaW of Sarthf, France. lU-acntxHi as follows: Clack; Star lZS Urutus iMZW -irf ; Sun (2tl) Oam; Grtnani'ctn Sire of Sir ; (OHK) Dam of Sirt; SulUn (I tu Oam; Suxrm (5770 0m of lam. Urard ptrehrrtm KoaiaiZ the vrar 'M on Mat K. and haa btw xamlnd by t'h 8fca lii'irtstralion lUwrd of Orviton. sad la beraby eertifli tkaTS aid atalllon i of I'ure ilrrrdlnr. id rwarisUfwd in tha itutfc? that it nvi;ni:iHi by the aaaociatrooa named In an-tion aiaaaf an Act of the Ugmlatlve Aaaembly of the St of Orrgoa vl.limr fnr thrt liinrilnir nf afallliiita m tLlm. - n . m r"W " . .. ... w-mm liny in nf Ouata af the S.-crrtary of ,Statc. February ZX 1911, tad that thiSal named stallion ha been rxamloed by tba veterinarian are& ed by the Stallion KftfUtratton Ooard and b) berrby reuTu free from infectious, contagious or trtiieWfble diaraai soundnnu and U hrrrby licensed to ataad for txiblic nervLak the State of Oregon. Krmlna L Pbtter. Secretary Btallion Kegiatration iUrd Note:-Thi liiTnan mut Nieeordad la tha ofTU a of the coruer of Convr nc-a of the County In which such auilioa k n U used for public arrvler, and must ba renewed Marrh lOLC '.liorae old by Jue Otto to GdO. H, Cbambrra) Li-' I ''--i Tht Dnlly-Orra;onlfin and Tha Artfus, One Year For 06.00 this Ivea you Ga Artfua No Atfsjnt. Doily and Sunday ndCAwArtfua $s.oo Tiie "''aWAWaft '"'aaBawaBBBaBaaa flroconiaii 1 Tlaistk V Should Use T8 1lfT ...J 1 wiw;" tak In tha mS: Blndr .Qilfe ? love Polich 1 mStSrr'V"' ,mtr Ootlab that doaa tarqwara and arori-n. a0"! moral of tha . e- . tha flrst nlaiilS..TT-? a!!". b"1 Tr wera -a uaed I WWB ir that w ivu u imt nai afntiMAd a.. . tna a aoh. " . "' Closer V1 " ... ' wt to a anTLr. Pctd III ft a.i...i.., Haiiry ll.nnp.l ' "Ut. .frl;Hl(li T Public Notice KMI 5aV fevt"K transferred a., n. .... but la thaareain: aTTT0. "' ll"e anJ interest In ha l.' aaaw taaaHrw. nawinninal I flifOM a. T . ' ""V 1 r I .ntl I irn- IWUCdwl tja, fa- mMnm aa a . w Ot-UOl H. I01DI MtAfM . RIM eaa a . br .ffm.7Ub.rr. 'f 5 t.' " . be rrsnbns h l7 ei.i aww acllons aft y airti h. " " Mirar, na da .TUanraaulaaoattaannS new Ha "taahad. TWO trauno nm .... bote. wVrah7eHb:ri"",,, 1 aaaaw BWaJBJ US SBBBBB) fffba. irneonib Inrlibaa - . a "iicii vnti uan . T h-a -madr0' W.c.e"t Bmoke-no Vn .tf, Ut badlaa . rrr: u,fr " we Schiller. .u"t Hill8boro,AugV25;r9r On nnl t . . fchlltar..."." in .117 'uu want a a ror a I Kood lrty. C. B. BDCHAIIAIJ &C0 In WHoles.U .and Refll D..Urs In ,am' H. Floui Fcod and Grain Do(Jo. j ONIONS Grain hWed"or Lumber, Shintfloo and Lotl) AtCorneliun trr. ?? T" aaa ram. i tt7xz:i!. Pom. ... . . Beaver - State floe: - 11 asam fMa: .'V?r.e smm a.a . .'WBrJSSSSSSiS aVatNal U StasaaaVV: v aV a a a m. y U..f. . .rMjSS?ji5l2faa . aCr ,n,M ',r Sf fig' r!5fJ : KalaZ . i. Tphonea, W - ri orer ?CL KLh"bW for ' v au siprinaant Mi. dl. . -mmj iiqvh nn nk u. Hlllsboror Ma , 1 1Q Id. rVi.ffJ... :rai... ...e Ie,i. , , vy 3.y -4 - - -aU UIIMSI a-iains, usia .f Mvi4inRjaa LL 1 j 5 1 a