The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 16, 1915, Image 1

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    - , T-.-vl; 4 - - , a
r I I x
L.I U.yi Tat
Iharg 7 i-wcn -
ftll. StfWtH Ml Cttavta
Art w.wh
U .S. wnw. of Dillty. or
c.,li.nDL of near Astoria,
Uk over two lada. Albert
UoyJ SchUppt KMMW
. ho have boo"
of Portland Seers for
. th data. The two
tre sons of I3n tad tin.
iur sciusppt, ww
,nnt down i Clatsop
ta. lat Summer. The bus-
kept the two boys, too we
the two girls. Tbt father
the boyt to Portland and
ihem with a family by the
nt Km th. at li uwcn
, .n,t then truck out to
ork. Ho wrote Emun,
t,r. hlta4worianaai-
work lor smitn: nmiin
r Milaov far, and
maiom! an nmwor. Smith
I that Schlappl must have
misfortune, HMnumi
Qmiik Immim ill. and
. nmntrit CAT for the
te rs. let alone taklne; care
town. BOIW MR empwj
., ik im etinaren wan-
aimlessly about the neigh-
GonolaiBt was maae
omctaia, ana wmj wu
In chaw, but for torn
could And no cluo to the
n of tho sds. rinany
. laill. aaaa Ia.
V Seaman, oi im7i w"
d u one of the grandfathers,
&Ktmi Kr or near Astoria.
lather erandiatner. oemmp-
I woru miy or w
nd dollar, but as hi ranch
out some distance be was
kiUh! to a certainty.
went to Portland from Dil
m h-Am-'
Mil ljnv!M Itm Mtytr dink
dealer, wai Friday taken to the
stylum. U'avitt U a Kuasian
Jew. kfI 3? . year, and the
evidence wan that he was un
remionahly Jeatoua of hie wife.
In hi tantrums he froths at the
mouth aii'l attacks his wife.
ehocKintf her until she Is black
In the face. At that he appears
to b violently in love wit, her.
although he exhibit rather a
poor way of ahuwlnit it In his
"spfllit." he butts his head
sitainvt the wall. He ha been
afflicted with the paranoia for
about two year, and a course of
treatment at the asylum may
brlnir him out all riaht. Hi
wlf and brother were uo Frl
day to witness his departure to
the State Hospital.
ran wis
Have Not Serlensly lateHrrd
With the Hep Harvest
Another Wot el Dry Weather eat Hill
Spaas WeeM Nate Passi '
I naw cord wood. to!es up to 12
nrhMi In iliarrn'Ur. rence rails.
and Uwnln of all kinds, into
stowwiKxl lohgth. Will go Into
th country. Write. Dhone or
call on me.-Carl Skow. Hillsbo-
m. I'hone. City 4C2. or call at
Tualatin Hotel.
Ar)'"or MaxCrandall Is home
from hi work In hasten) Ore
iron, a a cnmmmioner to look
after the financial status of l
new couniy- JetTerson. It re
aulre.1 a ircat (feat of work to
T - .
uicertB n . trtion or deot tne
niw iHHinlv muni BHtume as its
mi rt in liimiilation of debt in-
nirr..l when It wa a Dart of
annthor roinnirtn wealth. I. ran
dull had the greater part or his aniined to l.un by the
Th llunirer tlrot. Lumber Co..
of near Mannmir. are about to
move their mill, and have a nne
Int nt ilrv i-li-ar lumber, and NO.
t mmninn on hand, anil it must
Sto-Iiunirer Hro vo., Mannins;.
phone Huxwn. 4 &. i
Dr. Im. W. Chilton, of Can
An I'll, tirant County, wu
. .1 ......
hm thin week, tne ri'e oi ur.
ltwd Dr. Chilton ism acountry
of niaanillcent distances ana
frequent! answers to cans on
tr ihi thit moan over a nunurvi
mile. The Dr. iays that Grant
rtiinttf l r.rnllv in need of a rail
..t mn,i thitn it will blOOBOm
- ....
he rains which broke tho end
of the week have been of thou
sands of dollars of valuo tJ those
who have potatoes planted and
growing In the hills of Washing
ton County, and by tho same
token, on the plains and low
lands. The vines were getting
mighty, weakly, and the moisture
will mean a bisr increase In the
prospective crop.
Kale. too. has beenaaUy ben
efitted, and many flelda of this
orase would bar e amouatea w
nothing but for the timely ap
pearance of Jupiter Pluviua.
The rain did r ot materially in
terfere with the hop harvest as
the majority of the yard were
through. A few belated yards.
hrC and there keot Dtcking
through the bad weather in order
to finish Saturday or uonaay.
Vegetables of all kinds that
have not yet matured were ben
efitted by the precipitation, and
a nn rirmir. irara cna una.
Mid-"I feet mighty good, for
the rainfall came Just la time.
ah nt our notaioM in ue nui
districU are planted lata, and
the vines are yet green. Tney
were beaviDft for rain for two
Mki tteforett came DU( BOW
that it la hM it will mean thou
sand of dollar for us in the ag
Prank I m brie, of OrencO. WU
a city caller Saturday afternoon.
Wm Ifclriersren. of near West
Union, was a city caller Satur
day morning.
Henry Miller, of below Dunier,
was in the city Saturday morn-
A. F. Deth'efs, of near Gaston
was down to the city Friday, on
bueiness at the court house.
Dr. C. W. Lowe, of Portland,
was in the city the last of the
week at the Hotel Washington.
N. Bangs, of Timber, came
(tnwn to th county seat Satur
day, enroute to Portland.
J. J. Krebe. of Rockawsy.
whs over the last ot the week on
a business trip. -
W. J. Butner. of near Beaver
tn, wu in the city Saturdsy
morning, a visitor at the court
John A. Johnson, of near
fUiverton. was ia town Satur
day, on business before the
county court
Born. September 9. 1915. to
11 r. and lira. J. J. Ingram, of
near Farmingtsa, daughter,
weight 9 pounca.
Want! 100 head of goats.
mixed, if the price i right Will
t&ke them in email ouncnea.
Write P. A, Bacbelar. Uillsboro,
RotiteB. 55
R. J. (Uwalt ha sued the Don?
liT I jimhaw (V. an a cromissory
note for UCC3. cad started fore
closure on acres oi tana,
which was given a security.
shire boefca. gssi titl and fine
aaUBU.rera uacr, penous,
iiuiuhflMt rw. R. TaJfechone
Jtaii ChttKL cf Gales
Crook, wsscara ts t2ae county
wtt t lie re-
com assa Btavr rzza vp
Swiss, Aged 7 Years,
Befer Jwdge I
TctUMev WesTitlOMI
A wedding of interest to Biltsbo-
m mmnU took DlSM at UCbiBO-
;iia &ntmher 11. 1815. when
tj, f-JClCr. and
T-ith Tuala-
Ud. has rees3t!y U-tr"X
Indies for Cbstqua. I
will attsadtched U Wiaconj
Univertfty, rn. Cia Whiter.
, . ' II W I
v r I. I
Gibriel llarty. aged 87 years.
was brought to Hillsboro Friday.
and examined Saturday on mat
ters relating to his sanity. Dr.
Bailey examined the patient but
found nothing to warrant send
ing him to the state hospital.
Marty was in the asylum several
ears ago, but wu released u
cured. The old gentleman's
wife died a year or so ago, and
since that time he has been a
ittle querlous, and also, has fits
of violent tamper.
Aside from this he appears t
be a very bright old man. and ho
wu candid in saying that his son
Emil. with whom he lives, al
ways treats him right "but will
not do what I want him to do
some times, and I think 1 have
the right to scold him." -
Marty was at one time -an
officer in the Swiss Landwehr.
and he is well read on the scrip
ture, history: etc
A few year a while rpray
ns trees, ho tost the tA of an
eye and this makes bio trrar
awkward. Ilia mentsl iisrX
outside of kla disagreements at
home, acsear to be txCZa
well balanced moch betUr ia
fact than many of ten years lea
The court advised tat tne oia
nntleman remain at the hotel
for a few days untu somo nnai
disposition is made of tho etse. .
SAFETY: Yoartooneyafer i. the bank than in your cash
drawer, "
PCS3T1GE: Your prestirs in bo less is increased greatly by
being abiejo give a tank reieren e.
DISCOUNTS: Notes may be dise inted and loans often ob
tained, if you have a commercial bank account (
CONVENIENCE: You have the mat convenience of paying
bills by check, which is a receipt f jr the amount paid.
There are only a few advantages cf a bank account; moe in
'and at us and we will tell you more.
4 Per Cent, latere it On ivins
American National DanK
3. P. AND H. & E.
" -
AIL except the P. K. ft Retrains
1 Sc and stop at tho de-
One Llfflion Board feet of Good Lusrisr
A stock of lumber so large and varied that yoa era
have prompt delivery oi any order. Ve carry cssy
hrt diaension timbers, asd can save yea th expra
of specul sawing. Vbta you wast lucbsr, trrr
dsat 11 your bill. Our specialties are ' qtslity, cr
yice, aci coortcoos trestsect You eta 4Jfcttt fcr
less with this conpaay.
; Kgf terisr Co;
Main St asd P. JL & N. Ry. Co. Trttia.
;adjolu ieiy
Kverytbisg ia Baildiaj Ustarkl mtnlatar la J J and
intimate friend of tho Kern and
for this reason wu asxea w per
form the ceremony.
Mr. and tin. Frorssa are
.n i.nri kMiiJ ttftva teanv
friends who tender eottsntala-
. Ia.. I
" ... . . , l 1
Thev will make tneir noaein
earlyT"ip stove, galvaniied
hop baskets, hop pipe. eic.,ai u.
Brown's, Main and Fourth 8ts.
Get his prices, W"
Saturday morninit's trains were
well crowded with hop pickers
K,,1 siihop rnncluded their
we sv
work st the yards or were
frightened out bv tie rains.
Miss Minnie Morrill departed
the last of the week for Halsey,
i .: .. . .m i ' where ine sHHumeu nwuuwi
VomPorUand-JS minute. Ji" Uih School for the
:.:.:v.:r.:"::zv.....,.m trm-
v. .! Mnnnv to loan on farm secur
ity. 1 represent three large fire
Insursnce compani'' Givemea
call.-E. I. Kuratli.
ri... Cruller nf Newton.
was In town Friday. He hu his
hop crop harvested, ana ropw
a fair vu'ld.
Joa.Carwse. of North Tualatin
Plains, was in Friday. He flolsn
' . li. l.h knpumit Krirfav even-
V, .... . .t m ea in ""v
second edition of the Coffee inir
u uxjk hook , is on me, an .,, p.rm.r7
rents. i Here you aro Mr. Farmer t
fhe books are on tale at Wand 8 renS.Tm7mmer
owing place: E. I Perkins, liitom 1 Lommer-
Ught "Sritirf. ' " cial Wdir., pre.
iillRhnm MinntlU tW In- .J lira Frank Jackson,
)onelson'e Furniture Etore. '0f North Tlains. were in town
ragg A Powell Grocery. , the g3t of tho week.
loss Grocery, ... from
n . ah a a mm . iBaraa him i in in
(w oom. tseeona Bt near - Mm over hit
wnurtenqouse . I r . . v.... .ai.i ha
i HUM HH - I 0Ore nij ....... ,,: i '
a. rersinger, or Helystia, wu jr.. Zadie Faiangaa. oi rr- "jmVsTjSS, 1911. Bni.
ity caller fiaturdsy. . !und, wssln the city Friday BtoOT,,;,3s, WAeUa.
I " .i.u.nai umI naaaltv Of IS Mf
ana luirrepi m iu, r--perannam
will be tdXta, Mill
Fortlsnd U minute.
- a m
3 p m
...p m
(Sat. only) pm
.a m
jal in
I : pm
I (Sat only) pm
mm CLUB cccx cocxs
theHiilsboro UeVw. t
Hohnr. of Yazhlil Cesnty. turns out a mix w
.7 . I -. v. 1.
ofliciatmg. . ine wa-zj w , . Humtshrevs. who bow Sr-" ...
performed in the presenesM w. r5 voodlind, Wish.. aHK Tlfita"
psrenU of . the brid. : u iviMe thmerh the l?cL,?B3P!, ASW:
hop harvest and wu up to the
old home town, Hillsboro, Sun
day. .
The flax industry is asta
A,n:i Ml Ucbnnville
mote ua iwu" "-r
...K.KI. ka anma of thMB will
iney wmi mav yiwv" . A j.
iiniahflro. in the residence of the locate in Washington Comnty.
groom. . . Alfred Morgan, who is with
the Great Northern, in llontana,
PUBLIC SALE arrived home Friday evening,
i after an absence oi eignieen
Tk. nndoniiirnMi wilt sell at pub- months. tie inienps awnj
The undcrsignea win swi cuk h k e hefore he re-
Ett Heisiheguest of hi.
ftk P U on DiSlown Tl raother. Mrs. Henrietta Uorgan.
2 0 ClOCk l. ., OH ..jiJu.- RubmII:
SATURDAY. SEPT. 18 Tr :. ZZZ- .-aiv.
fresh and two fresh booo, wscr white hd an ex-
3 yoirSt nV JSR P. R. ft N. Train
3a" weight about -tl Loop Snecial. dt
3t inch.
Uctlinnville Train. .....fcU p.
Forest Grove Train. .4uj p. o.
Eugene Train 43 p. m.
Mcllinnnll Train-.-:t3 p. D.
Forest Grove Trein ti3 p. n.
Vretm Portlad ' .
Euzene Train arrive...:l3 a. m.
UcWnnville " ..9:0 a.m.
Forest Grove M .41:0 m.
Vnramt Rmvo " .'.8:15 a BL
fihMidan " . .43 D. tX
Forest Grove " .7aS p. n.
Forest Grove " -S) p. a.
Uiinni!lt " Sv El.
All trains, stop cn C'i tt
Sixth and Uaia; at Mcrth Lrri
mnA Vir atpaMtM- at ilrtS eri lie
streets and at Tenth street
Steam Service... CI Dcct
I To Ported
P. R. ft N. Tnin........-4) p. d.
From Portssa
6:13 a, a.
I have reopeizd tbe old L..
meat lonaerly operate by mrr iu. ,
co cad am equipped to do all kinds cf Llicb:
ittj, Horse-tbctirj tad AatosaobBe Hcirirj. i (
, Frcrill Rulill
Oreaco, Orer:i . Ptcse, Ftrecr rz$
Ar fiala tlo and under.
cuh; over $ia bankable Bote,
six months' time.
i Sam Steinke, Owner.
j. C. KuraUi. AucUonesr.
Notice t Taxeeyers
. tk mMi cal meeUnt in I lP ibpbcwi, wo
the city of PorUand, the -other t IX? p. m. r roa rcot
i.!.c,lL..ktJmrutv chvsi- Satardiy and Eanixy csly.
cia'n. IsS-l
ment but they are w ap i-fw-'w
The Sbntc Savings Bank
Is an Old CelUble Inatitution with
IXeaourcee of over
If you are aot Inmiliar with banking methods call
and talk jt over with us and we will gHly
give you any information desired. All
.business strictly confidential. Ac
couuta o( Wonio,ii and Child-
' ren solicited ,
' '' ' '' '- f ,' ' , "y..; f "
4 Per Cent PeW on Savlnrfa
Wbtr no part of ha ta
From Portland. ..... ..103 n. m.
To Portland....- 11:15 p. n.
The Cove Oaks Co. kti eighty
head ttt ho? for cila. cemDris-
Wawt Union Church, bedn- six brood sows and a .resistered
nin at 10 o'clock a. m., en I mature Poland-Ctiia tzsx : AH
QiTiTRnaY. SEPTKEES a ore fttll blood iput r.t wra.
GiiiSa Mo Livifj,'
' rrisca C8onabl
acd & Vtabhstoa &s. Phone, City x
t i1l ull at nnhlie auetk at BUT
place, six miies . norwtisfc w
Hilahora, four miltt e-
.. i. .1 .11 tatwrealla
' i. i ul.l m bm Iff. Hal
Mln htlfer, 7 ontb,i.ti. UohiS( bmU
tiMaatba: m. UolaUta WU calf, 4
lilil-Cov Czis Co. LtN Ore.
m, wia, I ttetn cow: 7
lacaa ia saw i fcaahra tilt ru, wna am .v
tbarstd, ! I oi aT BMiart eew bm !Vth
a, pt i m im. anil wiw
at im. tan. tall:. hnuriMa la iha hard. Sleet ef Umm
... .i v.ii. a.n
Will m irmmm mm- - , ....
! , BaaattM taa of ekoaky way smns, T
m.h efcaakv vraT aie t Itara,
A. C. Shitte, VicePres.
W. Mahon, Cash.
W. V., Bergen, Aut,,
paid, a peoy i
lot ttch caltadar mooh at f rt
of cumulate dmles ih pat td Nga-
niaa apnl i, iioi .
iaic. On NapUUlMf
pfBaltyef topretttp
liilaiW pewiUy Iwrtlofote
I furlliei InUrart atle ravt
par annum from Sep
On or a oon praouo "
oter Sta. 19IS. lbatfcor Mjr
eecd to eoiiaci aii TT rT
pcrty. wnKn aw
r. tJ. ..u th. i ait. to-
k.. iik naaat and ItMtMt, SB
.ball levy on and tttt w.F"
k. m at mudim bcti w -r imi a
X.a thl ut ob pafseMl pe lastly y'sas. sewwBtiw
7.. .! mmiI. aad'a&J MB i
Mll in " v" T-j 7 1
and ha no """ "TLLr-"
mBNt B Oinor lam ww irr.
Tba ibovt ntaltawat I ta aijardaiico
with Chapttt it J. wiwa .
Smilon. jM. 3nd 6Sy ChasUl IN
Uw 0(I9 4 . ;
J. E. T7 aVi-
Sheriff oTVaai .
County, 07
' D?y.
MU jrjax 4
iTjo, tCs tof woowe, w btsas aa
UUwBtkw w r-- A
-wdkatifw,sam fcorr t -f7"
I a. L
aaaa, aar j hmi a,-- f
etsh; ovcy.Bccsp'rv
ctla trrrsvta actac w
Lunch at noon. -
B. P. Cornelius. Autf ;
John Vtsisrw, CU;X
! Persia
One heavy ttia, cttlj f bird
work; one cow, scca u ca irp;
one y strung neiur. - ;
P-t IV-. fir,, e.1 r!l-
P. O. tdirtri LciverUa. C?.,
K.F. U. N0.S.
' HermnlUac3W cf ttlb
ins wo In tie ctty U.V Cr.$ tJ
tie wetx.
J fl rVn ti f 1 1"?
Crtin, L-'-ry
d;:rt:a rr t: to
a. tfcik.a m ' f SSkl I
4i Wl WTW e-iir-
Uo Ucnt Everybody to Knou
Tilt vrs will, beginning at once, give Cash
IJ:''::ir receipts with every cash silt,
t!" axaonnt of sale, date atd wto
r- :i t!i sale. We will ask yon to ttt?
Cm rtctipta as we are goir j to fra
t i ottr cash cnstooiers oct day' cuh
ti4.j cici month. We will stlxct era iy.
cizh costh and will ansosxes ia czx ria
ca tbt sta 6y of each tts
-Snbritdrtl tad tlta C Tea
vrlJ Lite to do l tick cx ytor C :V
MIT w '4 vin
i t;L3 thin t ts tzi ca trJ r.. ,
J 4:"
ins :