The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 09, 1915, Image 1

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E am cuihe
" ... ftM
arts Acres M lease)
t, periatrsats Cohere
.rd Groner. wnow ..
tholl. Murdty. to firm In the
rtl.f thit eventually wnmw
Count! will beinuregona
t jkat.tateM '
rank m wsunua tuiw.
Chewy' that time Is St least
yar henra. Mr. uroner
100 acres o Ma own ranch.
W i: acres ia wiwcn
tarr Jones and others ar
stl. He will harvest Quit
kia al
crop inw 7r
r treea, and iw
rU irood yield.
thai ft well
Washington county xople who
were over toTtllamook last week
ware: Wm. Smith ami wife. Geo.
Vandehry and wife and J. A.
Moure, of thi Roy-Hank section;
Mrs. K. Hornby and daughter.
Kathleen and ltoe, Hillnboro;
Minn Geneive Puyck. r orest
Grove: A. M. llaine and wife.
II. J. Lund ami wife. W. J.
Ileum y and family and Ma
Ftnegun. Hillstoro.
I daw rordwood. kI up to 12
inihfp in diameter, fence rails.
ml Umr.1 of all kind, into
suvewd lengths. Will go into
iK rtmntrv. Writ, tthone or
call on mi.-Carl Skow, Ilillsbo-
m. I'hone. City 40' or call at
Tualatin Hotel.
io saleu gq::ferei:ge
Will Meet With Men I rom Ov.r
Slate lo IMscuss O. & C. Land
Thi is the season of the year
when County Jutlire Keasoner is
Iiunv irrantinir fir ihtiiiiU to
thiMit who have alaHhintf s to burn
Thin ha Im--h quite a year for
larimr. ami in rhuim more new
land has been slashed for
Hearing irite than for tome
lutn lhm is Darucuieriy ao in
ihu mountain district, where
n-arlv every settler has some
burning to get out of the way.
air. Croner aayi thai ft weii t-ek vkkL formerly of near
...pwi owhard will yd pro-! Ifoy. is now located over at Mon
Mm worth at least taw Pr wt. ana n, . ju
a ili uiii . iMim at inula, tin iiit? in tat. vr.
mna imsi win - - - -
Mavw W. H. Barrdl WW Itarrtcal
lat CaatHy Caad la Ikt SttalM
Max Ilehline. of Bloomin.
wai in the city Monday morning.
Walter Zetzman and wife, of
n ar SchielTelin. were city visit
ors, baluroay.
C 11. Ituchanan was a I'ort-
laiul viitilne Friday, transact r -
buHineaa for the warehouse fin:
Dance. Sect 11. at Bethav
Grange Hall. Good muak. 0. !
time. Adnjiwion, Wc,
Ray Reasonar wai down from
above Mountaindala the laU t
the week.
phnntiinif in the wihhIb when
a licc of Itmb fvlt and utruck
him on the cranium. Wood's
Hon inlaw. Sohler. I Imrninii
over near Mohler. and Wwd waa
working in the camp.
Ordfr your bopyarl lupplies
early. Hop tove, ifnlvaniztd
hop baaketa. hoy pie, etc.. at U
Itrown'a. Main an4 rourlh Stt.
Get hi price. KM
.in eMn or dairying.
Waaiiington County, he atatea.
oa of taa oeau gewftravoiw-
for ralilnf waiouia. ana iw
. t i ii i mm m M llm
unit inai in wm vmwm
re will be many aeraaot
in ihia aecUoo. All of
ia bench landa. Hkt thoaabadt
Norta Ptalna. Banna, roreai
ye. lha rornana nwunmn.
it cnenaieia aiouown,
aer eieyawi -.. ...
Oka fint locatkmi for walnut1 jhn A. Johnson, of below
. . i .k rMllMi ii ... w4 in i,in rnJav.
Cl i m.111 mMn AnAneially. b..Mnmnnri i.l liv aeveral of hi
.. . !.- . i. . 1 it 'II..... . uum lit'Tltr
u. m. ill E inui ftiia Euiiui. - n.Hirniuira. iiicy vi . . -
n-. u iirvln hla harvcat k r,mri nn the matter of di
wm ---- ft. iv vww. - '
in imnro lag arr n ntaii iiiini'i i i e cue
.... ft ftlll tint ril ... I ..I l.u Iv.lh milxH Of
iMmV, mil I1 YVftW Will U.MI1 IM I U VT w. -
in nr thrM thtMiaand dollar the nuelion. later.
to a building for tfcat fwrpoaec I u unt..,l-at once
for automobile busi-
nea. Uitf ly. w milke W
lu.ri in tin virrk by mail.
-ft .-u ! I'av u after we ecur you poa
ran Mil h nunar aaauw vn aw . a,.. . u
ry r:: --isw.-7--. . t on. tntury Auiomounc
01 wor .r?,n 2." i; Hut. 1 Aniselea. Cal.
BiTiiDniv irPT i -- -
Ihe county commiMioner' court
tat Friday appointed five dele-
Kates to attend the conference
at Salem, called by Governor
Withycombe. to convene Septem
ber 10. to discuss tentatively
the matter of the Oregon & Cali
f'.rnia lands which under Su
uiH'ma Court decision are under
reversion. The meeting is Dure
ly an advisory one. and U called
for the purpose of outling legis
btion for the guidance of the
conureasional delegation.
Th lands in' Question are
rmrt of the orant iriven by Con
trtvaa to the railway company as
a bonus tor building acroaa to
the l'aciftc cout. Under the
terms of the grant the acreage
u oa to t sold to actual settlers
.i tint ta .xeeel 12 &0 Der acre.
he eourta have found mat me
comuiny did not follow tn
nn in a
Yk-id riceeds .Any far Many
Years in all Kinds of Grain
Mra. Llnklater and family
rme in the last 01 me ween
from their Summer borne above
Arthur Hill, of Chehalcm
Mountain, pulled in both of hi:
machines last week, after an ex
tended threshing rue.
Mnnof to loan on farm sectir
ii I rpnrMCBt three large lire
insurance comDftnies. Give me a
call.-E. I. KuratlL
v w Hainc and John Tern-
nloinn nf FoMat Grove, were in
town Saturdir. enroute to the
Groveland aeeuon.
Here you are Mr. Farmer -i
and 8 per cent money aee me.
K. L. Perkins, Room I Commer
cial Bldg.,HlUaboro. Ore.
rnA na. sn of Mr. and i
ProhaWv Fillcea Thrctbiai. Yet t Ea4
lac Scasoa ai IM
Threshing has been completed in
Washington County with the ex
ception of perhaps twelve or
fifteen settings, and the harvest
ha been the best, all around.
that Washington County has en
iov ed for many years. Of course,
there are a few isolated sections
where the yield of wheat hover
ed around the twenty bushel per
acre mark, but in most cases the
cereal went from 30 to 50 t ushele.
This was notably so in North
Washington County,. where field
after field went as high as 38
and 40 bushels, and in hundreds
of fields the yield was 45 and 50
ft a ft mmm. mmm ft, mm. m ft. ftftftaa iftitw ' (1 "'. 'I 9
eiuafr im my m:
SAFETY: Yourjmoneyjsisafer in the bank than i Cvour cas
PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increase', greatly b
being able to give a bank reference.
ntrniTVTS' Kntoa mav Ik rii-wnunted and loa i often 0
tained. if you have a commercial bank account.
CONVENIENCE: Yoa have the great convenien :.e of payin.
bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount
There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come m
and see us and we will tell you more.
4 Per Cen. later est On Savings
American National Bnh
gtBmt ft so -i ro, urrr
this result. Down in
the Scholls section, however, one
of the most fertile in the basin,
lack of rains at the opportune
time, cut the yield from the
standard of other localities. Not
a bit of rain has so far marred
threshing, and farmers have
U.V,1,1 niaved in hi luck. The farmer
ne anui rr V" " r i.:- :- .- k-
e milk eowa. t freah In Sep
'iber. t freah In November
parting helfera-.tJeraey bulls
I years and 18 montha old: 6
Ud sows, 10 shoeta, about 80
)s each: 12 three montha pigs;
(pita. weeka: Cheater White
Vsaaaa eMain Kftf If VMri! 2
Jnll I Ttw wrt mm m . -
)lta. S years and II months: 2
Vamtia nna a ft HickorV. Wld
V. and one a '.t-lnch Winona, t
Wick, wide tire, hayrack, buggy.
Wy pole. Tiger dhl diae drill,
y harrow with trucks, hay
ke. 3 plows, apringtooth har
w. Deering Wnder. 6-ft cut;
ialding vat. 8 log land rollers,
bl work hameaa. aet single har-
u knru rnlUra ahnVftla. DltCh
brks. mowing scythe, cradle. U.
. cream seuarator. z a-gmi mu
ins. barrel churn. COOK Stove,
Oats in these same
va . . . m
Mrs. Percy Long, returned the also produced well, running irom
last of the week from an eatend- 53 to 70 bushels. In some places
ed stay ner Milton, Oregon. j oat even went better than this.
. . ..- ! snH tnmpH nut 00 bushels tier.
terms of the grant, and rever- Kr"f at PS 5,erPo, r"',; but this was in extreme cases,
sion is ordered, under legislation Lva Meyer, of J Vj W : Barley has yielded as high as 70
to be enacted by Congress. lection, were granted J"JJ bushela-the Groner ranch hav-
Washington U)uniy nw neanji - ; - - ,ing had
eiifhteen thouaand acres 01 iana v,ier
of this phiracter, some 01 u Wanted-100 bead 01 goais.
being heavily timbered, while mixejt jf the price is right Will
some of it is not worth the 13.60 uk0 them in small bunches.
. f.L .11 in all knur. 11 n-L.l tlifluknn.
ever, it is a valuable piece of Koute 5, 23-5
.... f ..k rt Ikift I
property. wia ...... nt Quatama
the railway company naa paia ."rc-.,. Hn.
considerable Ux. To arrive at a was in . - - "r j who has not put his grain in me
procedure ot disposa' win do me ms .ami., n " sack this year is certainly out 01
rw of the deleirations from the from an overland trip to Ne- .
counties wherein this iana lays, ins. xhehay baling has about con-
and whether or not the acreage porsale; Thoroughbred Shrop- eluded, and straw balinuisnow
shall be vested in the state, Ore- ghjre bucks, good sized and fine : Lhe order of the day. Owing to
a mv th i2.60 Der acre, or .im.ii iiVrd Groner. ScholU. th hnror the clover croD has
that amount plus taxes paid, or n,n3boro. Ore.. R. t Telephone been a trifle light this year, and
vested in the government, are spoils 555 Line 16. 25-8 ; the price of this fodder, as
problems to be worked out. It d M ciaudo' well as timothy, is soaring con-
Vincent Engeldinger returned Uon will stand wim urwn im - Hu-h SmitD an;i
tHslastof the week f rom a va- having the lands, or wrfftlttea, 0 Grove, are grand
cation at the Tillamook beaches, turned over to the state, for
tmm Ihia roun I Mnnaif in loan on first-class
IffiLlSMW security.-WMhington
ment playing in im vj.o it. in Wm Schutmer- r,mttf Abstract & l'ltle Com-
lrp' ich. Li A. Long, Hlllaboro, nd pany; by B. J. McAlear. Manu
nuu a i nmmn iiu uuuv.1-11,1 vu Matnoa ana J uii 11 a. 1 trer. -f"
S. P. AND l. E. E.
Lamkin has been en-
i gagad the past few days m get- lhornburgh. of Forest Grove.
ting tabuiaieu iniurm-u . i
the committer mai gwa w
om on the 10th in c 'nnection
with the O. & u Krani m
vert to the government
Miss Marjorio Martin, of Port-
" w.a8lSeBl SiaTiur n 8:28.
recently returned from a visit
with friends in Alaska. . s-58 .
Ted Shallberger. of near Heav- 5.43
J. T. Fletcher, of Foreat Urove,
Uat Hnwn 1A Hi SDOrO. C rlUBy.
l(Tiwint7 ponntv seat friends. J.
, m. - - , ,
All. except the P. R. & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Min street
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m.
Sheridan Train 10.02 a. m.
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m;
McMinnville train s:io p. m.
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
ol special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
dou't fill your bill. Our specialties arc quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You cau du better for
less with this company.
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tr.ks.
a -
Everything in Building Material
To Portland-65 minutes.
ns. barrel churn, cook vfiLrt0n Tost a valuable horse one g.
drotur. set and other household "ton . lost v anjmal drop. (
ping in the harness
route to roruunu.
irniliiM l.iinrn at nOOn.
lerms of Sale-f 10 and under.
L . -1- .ft.. 4lA I
n: over, bix annul wmv.
per cent, bankable note. Two f. K. Caplinger. or
tr cent, off cash over 910.
J. K. Sandford. uwncr.
B. p. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Q-itf 1 Sat. only)
while en- ' portind-55 minutes.
a v -
1 a. n T;M 4.1fi n m
i r nriiHi 1 inivt a 1 aiii ixi.iu aja its
T. still carries the same old 0PKuKene Train 4:53 p. m
timism. and appears to n?eriM ... T 6:40 d. m
... a m grow old. ; porest Grove Train 9:50 p. m
ft ml ThA Hnncrer Bros. Lumber Co., Fmm Portland
am. .... Mannine. are about to ; v,.,, Train arrives.. .8:15 a. m.
. .: a. m.
..11:59 a. m.
. .3:15 p. m.
..4:30 p. m.
6:40 p. m.
I have reopened the old Blacksmith c ,'ablish
ment formerly operated by Peter Rid wig, at Oren
co and am equipped to do all kinds of Blac csmith
ing, Horse-shoeing and Automobile Repainug.
Franh RuliK
Orenco, Oregon Phone, Farmer 30x6
101 Ileal """" - . ; DUCHC liar
m move their mill, and have a fine , McMinnville
.... p ml 0t 0f dear lumber, and No. Forest Grove m common on hand, ana 11 mubi
Pm go-Hunger Bros Co., Manning.
ana I a 1 J
"V "1 nhnno KlITton. ID. lw
nm, v
1 . 9 IU
Card ef Thanks
San Jose, 9:20 ..
n. ianrfor several wevn, u:sa
'with E I. lW.son. In demon- 2:05..
.Vration of the White sewing 4:27..
L,nhin. 6:-'
a.ias.ns" 713
.1 Mrs. Richard Key craft has re- LSat only)
frnm a month s visit w an . ,,-
n.n.vM ; - -. ,....., Aiherta
relatives in incvmj
Vl undftMlmftil AamXntm ia m0
ft U uwi..
)rreiy thank those who so aina y couniry.
.HArA ftiii mm.A aumnathv in i . i ... n it Uensoner went to
i- aava v v aiu amsiu ma a)aa""'"" ' .lllllaflT a . a
ruiMftv.iii.nft rKrt HaAth atld tvai-ft.J MuniillV. and tOOK
Notice to Taxpayera
o;wnMl WHav returned the
1VIV.IIOIU , " " ' ,
last of the week from an extend-
a in Prinaville. with Max
Crandall. on the settling of the
. j i:.v.:i;lft nt tkt nu
I assets anu iinuinura -"
counties created by the last leg-
r islature.
pm Wm. Hanson, of Scholls, was
I. . t a 1 .1 lkMAn
Dm h town tne huh 01
ml H no ed in ma two aiircoucio
ift ...aoU ftr a lensnty run
null v.i : . . -. .
k a maeMnoa woraea out,
Vliv vft t .
in tha North Plains section this
arest Grove
'orest Grove
'orest Grove
A 1 1 trains.
. - ..ici .v..! ih tseond I year.
fti. ft........M..ft ftft. m v wt .nn 1 ,i..n,iuu nn 1 Linrit 1 Vimi ... nvnor pwim ". I
in ucrrBvrmciih, vuo u I'ortianu, niuiiunj. . , . ,iii k. dua on I rrk
Sl..u. - kt. .tk. tk.latA f. V ikn nnnnintf of the U.if Mvroeot of your laa a o w -jhe
.icmiBii uaniicci. hm Ijo Uimoia IVI'"
Sspaclftl thanks for the beautiful, m 0....,,.,nt of
loral tributes, . . " laboro. Sat
Henry Dfttnneei. iius. was u. -- -
Hillsboro. Ore., Sept 4,1915.;urd
was u" -
y, on legal business.
The State Savings Bank
1. an Old tteUftble ln.titution with
IVesourcos of over.
If you are not familiar with banking methods
and talk it over with us and we will gladly
give you any Information desired. All
business strictly confidential. Ac
counts of Women and Child-
'.ren solicited
P.ld on Sftvlnrfs Deposit.
hnuaa of R. Mc
C-s.nimberioih. i9$. v-i-k nr Utmk Plains, on the
v" ... .0.c uld taa will be- "'? " k A
mni ul-iuu" "i i n.i ham nam Diace, uumcu
Come- ca.n.aellnque.nn.r-- ... with
wn! .!!?"Jr5ii a.' .dd.d. -iii of hons. The loss.
rm. I1CI SSUMaaaa- I if V aivrva - ar-- .
P-w ... ... h bwa both as to kiln udBop. was
Where aoyn --- "..v Miwd With insurance. ar.
" 'rk Mo.Tter. Mif niht is now Mm his hops
nmuutea duiina th. period beg-Lt tho Hawthorne ranch driers. i 1915. "t:P ,o1H H t. P.rav. of Sherwood, was
" .7:15 0. m.
" ...9:00 p. m.
" .12:15 a. m.
aton on flair at I
Sivrh and Main: at North Ranire
and Fir streets; at Sixth and Fir
ofroota and at Tenth street
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m.
From Portland
P. It & N. Train 9:12 a. m.
I nnn GnanSal rlllO at HillatViml
at 2:00 D. m. from fortiana
(Sofnnlav nnd SlindflV onlV.
ft . yvj , " I
Forest Grove special taatur-
Aavw. nnlv.
From Portland iu:o$ n. m.
To Portland 11:15 p. m.
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
Kiity 5 ioirceVviaceathaclai; j town Saturday. Mr. Gray
Itotovrtiyto had with him a lengthy petition
hitther Internal at the rata of is per cent. . . -ODOsntex deo.
Irom September .9.9, Besides the
added. "V "7:" 17- .in Mr
Onoraaaoonai pracima yvasningion vaiuu.j
obersth. 1915, the taa collector ahallpro- , h the endorsement Of
nocoiielvaiii."- FsZ Youinr Camp. Spanish
cceil to coiicci "? keen Scout YOUng amp, opuuiao
MoreW. Sf oart American War Veterans, ot Port
5 Wuh V-"ty J iB,w:.di land, embracing several hundred
hswift- member9- 1
Iheieof aa to aaltaiy sam w, CC-R
S? !.!.- . t .mhllc T auction, or ha may I COFFEE
iurT. ha
Si b. iTiiea3 -kl .hPe The second edition of the Coffee
.,! .hall be enforced In the aame . , on Sale, at
... aa other real aatata taa nana. ijiuu
mZ statement la In accordance U cents. .. .
-i i Vhaour j. Laws of 1915. d The books are on sale at the
Sectlona 368a. J6iand J67 wapiar ina. foj,owm(, place:
4 Per Cent.
A. McGill, Pres.
A. CShute, Vice-Pres.
W. Mahon, Cash.
W. V. Bergeu, Asst.
Uwt of 1913
. Sheriff of Waahlngton
County, Oregon.
John Llppert. ot Bnk. was
down to the city Saturday,
The Flax In Just ry
The Oregon legislature appro
bated S50.000 to enable the
3tate officials to test the flax in
dustry. About 500 tons of flax
in -K. straw have been crown
1 1 1 ft.l.V W V. " . . . i J
k formora and nulled bv hand
VJ ... A
with convict laDor. . lnis nax
straw with the seed on has oeen
assembled in one of the large
buildings at the state prison.
Machinery is being instaiiea to
save the seed and reduce the
hr for manufacture of twine.
By pulling the flax up Dy tne
roots about one-fourth longer
fibre is obtained, but this is ex
pensive work. ... in tne past, nax
could only oe grown auccesaiuiiy
in countries having cheap labor
fnp niilHnor the flax.
The GuroDean war has pros-
trefoil fho indiiatrv in some of
the principal flax-prod ucin g
countries. It is , believed that
kla ia a faunraVllo tilTIA tO In-
Upat Room. Second St, near , troduce and establish the .Indus-
' ft ft A
I Morton Greenhouse s try in uregon.
Vaughfs Grocery.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co.
Donelson's Furniture Store.
Gragg & Powell Grocery.
Ross Grocery.
We Want Everybody to Kno vz
That wc will, beginning at once, give Cash
Register receipts with every cash sale,
showing amount of sale, date and w ho
made the sale. We will asic you to keep
these: receipts as we are going to )Jve ' :i
back to our cash customers one day's cash
a v . 1
sales each month, wewui select one uay
each month and will announce in our win
dow on the 5th day of each month the
date we have selected, and then all you
will have to do is look over your Cash
Register receipts from us and see if you
have any bearing that date, if you have
just bring them to us and we will refund
your money. There is no trick to this
Vaught Grocery Co.
Second Street Main 122
Hillsboro, Cr