The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 02, 1915, Image 1

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SU3 '
Cir ni n
;e old
Marvin, whu was killed
: near F.ntaeidii. lint Saturday.
I wan well k i. n A n in Ilillnboro,
i having attended High S.iil
i hr a few year tiiro. Young
! I.arrteri wui working for tin-
I Imiwit iimii tny, nthl in detiaTe
Wher II of trt j i liiiriit climbed a pole
(in wiui'ii wai u luitri tension
wire. I he moment of contract
hjA vh'iiil' Liirirn rrumult and
NID TMIOl'OH COtWV S- ' i f alt to the groin d. I he young
nun w:n in luhtriois. and had
many meruit. lln foolhardy
ucti'in .n committed after a
hard diya work.
.1.. Trip to !". School Hallv. Saturday
ike 014 Hae
was In the city a
nub. I-Ht Saturday, passing
irounh going and coming from
Hank School Rally, whore.
i . . . tl:. 1
Slivered an auuretw. una.
lw C ivrrnor'a flrt trip toj
Countv. a a public
I naw cordwood. mIiv up to 12
indie in diameter, fence rails,
and U.ard of all kinds, into
stovewmM U fitlm. Will go into
the country. Write, plume or
call on me. Carl Sknw, Hills!
n. 1'hone. City W. or call at
Tualatin Hotel.
! W. Home an I sister. Mm.
Ackley. and JuL'c Uea-oner and
l . . m a . fl . a f I tA I fit ti n .1 i ! 'i 1 1 tr I) I 1 l ail ne;
chief execute. and he ... ......
led that he pl"d ",i.;ridge and iMknap Springs.
fverj thing progreiMunK nni-iy . i n Uo ..ntlemen report d- er
Ijuii Knntn. of below N
ton, was in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Kh
of Jolly Plains, were in tl
Saturday, enroute to I'ortlar
Carl of out in the i
HilUru.ra l..ln With I nml drove Velia UlStriCl Came III VdVl:
,,... . ori a LusineiS trip.
Ur. A. II I!ailey and f
were out from Portland V,
of the week, tfuesta of n-l ui
Aitiiliid If otiU'Vimann nf I .r
AJJrr.T. Delivered at tl Forty Or-rr-n w. in th citv the ui
Foot Suit I of the week
Here von are Mr. Farmer
war Veterans J. u Crow ana J. and 8 oer cent money -Bee i
W. Vedder, of thia city, went to K. L l'erkins. Iloom 1 Comm
r'orest drove. Friday, where cia I l'.ldjf.,HillHloro, Ore.
thoy took part in the cercinoniea John T. Uice, of near Varl.
:ill..n,luiil niy.n Dim r:iiuint7 lif 1 1 WU j in tOWIl Monday. He lit
- " . 11 i
line 10-foot nV ix)le at the home nw.",on VV. '
of Captain (J.-W. IVters. The
Watihinitton County branch of
L. 0. Koark. Manser of Motel
Take) rnforced Sa Veyae
waiting for it to cure r
puttinK it away for thWn t.
Ianita at Kaiit lfa1tdtili It
the OreKon Drum Corps, con- Saturday evenine. SeDtemb. r 4.
HstinjcofJ. F. Uutler, of Forest Haulenbeck orcheitra. Ktt 'er
drove, and J. W. Vedder, Hilla- k Haulenbeck, managers,
hii former bailiwick.
. t I i II
Gov. Withycombe to looainir
, anJ while he ha given the
e uplendid attention, doea
UHN ar to have ajfexl aince he
boro. tlfers; J. W. Haldwin, For
est drove, snare drum, and J. L
a hard to et down that way Crow, Hillsboro, basj drum, fur-
unlesH oiii pur into the interior.
They rejirt hundredH of people
cu'niMiirf ijown in tho South, ami
there ure no prettier filuee any
where than tlxwe along thu
atreani coming out of the ('oast
t)rder your hopyard ncpplies
early. Hop Htove, galvanized
hop bucket, hop pip, etc, at L
lirown'n. Main and Fourth Sts.
(jet bin prices. lTtf
August l'eun bun trtidi'd in his
old Ford and taken a new one
out of the garage ot Henj. K.
Boone & Co. Aiigutn old car
probably bus made a record run
if the truth was known. There
are few car that have made the
mileage of the machine, for it
hut beun in use three seasons,
and there hai hardly been a day
that it ha not been registering
I distance. It recently completed
! a trip as far ! Kith a Santa Bar-
i l.iirn mi, I r. t urn
For Sale Two months old iigs.
CukM utock Fred Muhly. 4j
miles Houlh of Cornelius. I'hone
wife, of;oi. Oak line, u.rtui.u. au
the city An IMule 2. -
The Ui.ley warehouae, belong
ing to t'. N. Johnson, caught on
tire early Saturday morning and
by nine o clek was totally con-
aumeil. 1 ne siniciur.- r"i
alKnit S tons of hay. some grain
and about 1 schmd desk and
aeats. No one knows how the
tire originated, as the blaze was
well under way when discovered
by the little on of Mr. and Mrs.
Mail your Kodak films to the
Hillsboro I'harmacy. I hey de
velop and print, and are the
agenw for Fastman supplies.
Alfred Cuerber. of Helvetia,
was down the last of the week.
Threshing is about completed out
his way. and fanners would like
just one night's ram for vegeta
tion -but no more.
Money to loan on first-class
farm security. -Washington
County Abstract A: line vom-
pany; by K. J. McAlcar, Mana
ger. 4tf
A. W. Walker, of South Tuala
tin wnrt a citv caller Friday
nishd music for the occasion.
IJuite a large crowd of veter-
and friends were present
Mrs. Vi Ackley departed M n-
day for her home In Kansas Cy
after an extended visit with t
brother, L W. House.
ft his ork to become the gov-
nor of the tUte.
He was greeted by hia out
lighlwrs as he pased mrougn
Jlliboro-and while not a few
illed him (jovernor. there
ire many who called mm plain
ilim." and it didn't appear to
fnd his dignity In the least.
Slnm his induction into office
!iv. Withycombe haa visited
try section of the itate. and
ii. with hia former vUiUtiona
ken connected with 0. A. C,
ike him converaant with the
Wdn of Oregon. To the Argus
resentative Gov. WithycomU
lid that he had one desire and
)at was to how the people of
leitate that he had their in
Wt at heart
(He expects to visit Hillsboro
V a day in the rot distant
lOr.G. W. Via and
Milan, wwre dowa .to
Eiy and Saturday. j
y your Kodaki and supplies
the Delta Drug Store.
KeaU tastman Kodak Ca
J. II. Ikirlandand Fred Brown
beyond North Plain a. were in
the city Saturday afternoon.
Miss Alice Sewell leavea this
k for a trip to San Francisco
d other California point.
Money to Ipan on farm aecur-
I represent three large tire
urance companies, dive me a
I.- F. 1. Kuratli.
1 a a a
Auam uergert sr., or near
ooming, was transacting busi-
ss at the court house Saturday
Clark Wood, of the Weston.
I'll it . k
mauua uuniy. trader, says
at 1 acorn a pays 11 cents more
r club wheat than Portland
r this reaton Clark says Ta
ma is to be considered a
Sound market,"
Mr. and Mra. Frank Imbrle
lent over to Uockaway Friday
ifternoon. and returned the lri,..m,v,n A. W. comes from
Jrst of the week. Hundreds. one ,,f the really fertile sections
re now coming away from the' 0f the county.
M r.Mrts, and every train is ,. . .. ln lhe hilI(J l)ack
f , .. ' , of smoked up the
IJulius Asbahr and wife, of intosphero around Washinj
)outh Tualatin, wenttoCorvallis. 'county considerably.
fceirani fc7. Zt John A. Vandeliey, oi v,ei wii
i,u ii L.""w ,-"V,,"fl 1 .VT win n the city tne iusi n
the week
John Ironside, of
The Pharmacy has the met
complete line of Fastman Koda .s
;fter the pole wa raised by the and supplies. They do develo
old veterans, Captain Peters ran ing and printing,
a large new Hag to the top of n v r,rahl. who has be, n
the Half while the crowd sang Lt.n(linl. th9 oummeP at Ithr'-
Star Spangled Banner. ..iuw. .me over logt week to re-
Kev. J. Francis Ashley, of tor- main htre for fortniirht or so.
est drove, gave an Inspirational, hi f :, til remainine at tiiu
patriotic addreaa. touching on
the significance of the flag and '
the duty of all American citizens Wanted -100 head or goats,
in upholding its traditions. mixed, 'f the price is right. W id
Comrade J. L. Crow gave a Jfe them in arnall bunches,
stirring talk in honor of the flag. Write P, A- Uachelar, Hillsbor .
and intimated that if any one Uoute 0.
ever dared to Insult Old Glory in People setting out fires are r -
his presence. 67 vant es of trou- noired to be more than watchf' 1
ble would gather like a big black these dry days, as the calor
-I I . 1... I nmlnnm All h I J I I II It ft ,
will run badl if once it get
started. Damage from fires bav
been reported in several localities
cloud on the I orizon. All this
was received with cheers from
those present. A number of
,iil.ii vatmn, alttit anxit nhort
ULl Ul II IVI HKU w.du - ' - " I ... . ...
.".iuH rt ha ! on htusts. uarminK ai piaaeaiec, munmuii
servinir del clous refreshments wr wi anenu eeve vnai
' . , I i . V, ... ...a-. H A .in.-
i . nunf tha roromnnloa III 1119 BCV.I lull wciib Oil wis a
I IIIC IH III n,v VV v.. I L...l
Cautain Peters organized and rom w w w ousneia per acre
Cnmnanv Mr. Ward Still Owns HIS Uaslo:
a T.fih Tnnsio Cavalrv. ranch, but is trying Montana
this company being composed or iarminK or a icrm.
oyal men irom a reoei aiaie. r c. Wiedewitsch. of Corne:i-
laptain reiers aer eu oe r iuur . eJ machine sh,)p
years in me ueoeiuo... uou ... ind BUto garage at that poii.t.
record lor courage anu oaring gteam vulcanizing, auto tub,-,
was Becond to none.
To Portland 55 minutes.
7:18 8:28.
5 43
. a m
a m
.a m
a m
. pm
. p m
and casings, high grade babbit
metal and all kinds of supplies
always in stock. Give him :i
call. L. G. Wiedewitsch, Corne
lius, i'hone, City 105. 1D-2S
Forest Grove, will open bids
for the sanitary sewer, Sept. 21.
this improvement, and it is a
feather in the cap of the town.
11 nui'nHE
vijuui umv nil
pm It will require considerable mot e
a'iqaV'nni. did ork in the paved districts, but
9:i8 (buK only) pm ... .uatpm m..9t k-huiit at til
From Portland-65 minutes. h-7nrd Tne -ouneji voted to
proceed at a meeting, held tie
11:25 ..
rHiiiriiiiiir iil'bi i . . .i -a..
' Benton County caoital. ;v."w wus u'u v,lJ
uuus nas just concluded his
jaryest, which waa a good one,
)nd he wanted a little recreation
tor himself and wife.
was n city caller
"near Laurel'
Friday ufte
The Shute Savings Bank
It an Old Reliable Institution with
Resources of over
If you are not familiar with banking methods call
and talk it over with us nud we will gladly
give you any information desired. All
business strictly confidential. Ac
counts of Wotneti and Child
r.rcn solicited
4 Pef Cent. P-ld on.Savintfs Deposits.
:12 (Sat only)
Placed Aboard Ship Lait April aed
Weal Around lhe Mora
L 0. Koark, formerly manager
of the Hotel Laughiin. Forest
Grove, who disappeared last
April turned up at New York, the
other day, and told a story of
lieing shanghaied at San Fran
cisco. Ii says that he was
strong armed in the Golden Gate
city, April 7, in the evening,
while passing through an alliey.
A quilt was thrown over his
brad and a heavy blow was
struck him on the back of the
head. When he awakened the
next morning he found himself
in the hold of the vessel "Callus.
Calling for help a sailor took him
on deck. He had been relieved
of his money and watch, and
when he located the time he
found he was five days out of
San Francisco.
He was haled before the cap
tain and there Koark learned
that he was considered a stow
away. The second mate mani
fested a dislike to the young
man which continued to the end
of the voyage. After several
davs the captain began to be
lieve Roark's storv. and treated I
him in a more kindly manner.
Thirty-four days out from San
Francisco, the Callus arrived at
Balboa and began taking on a
cargo of nitrate for Norway
Koark was abandoned to his own
resources. For two days the
young man wandered about the
dock penniless, hungry and un
able to speak the language of
the country.
Roark was in dispair of ever
returning to his own country
hen by chance he fell in with
the captain of the Wiimerson.
lhe omcer doubted the young
fellow's story, but at last con
sented to ship him as cabin boy
on the voyage to New York.
The immigration officers held
Roark up tor two days after his
arrival in New York. Word of
his arrival was sent to his pa
onts at Summerville. Mo., and to
his employer in San Francisco.
Puntioa confirmed the Missouri-
fhc city expects to expend m : ana atnrv nnrl hp was released.
the neighborhood of $80,000 in His storv is entirely credited by
h;s friends in Portland and is
Djblished as authenic by New
York newspapers.
Roark was for a time manager
of the Laughiin Hotel at Forest
Grove, and went to Portland
after that hotel burned, ln ban
Francisco he represented the
Perkins Hotel of Portland, in
addition to his other duties. His
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Simeon
Roark. of Suirmerville. Mo.
Roark was well and favorably
known at Forest Grove.
SAFETY: Yourjmoneyjsjsaftr in the ban than in vour cas
PRESTIGE: Your prestige In business i3 increased greatly b.
bejng able to give a bank reference.
DISCOUNTS: Notes discounted and loans often ob
tained, if you have a commercial bank account
CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of payinr
bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank account; mme ir
and see U3 and we will tell you more.
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
American National ftanh
Mat mmd Third SH.. mtHkomo, Orm
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You cau do better for
less with this company.
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
A530LU r E L Y
Everything in Building Material ' '
8m, last of the week,
a m l
Rev. A. D. Dahlstrom
I have reopened the old Blacksmith establish
ment formerly operated by Peter Ridwig, at Oren
co and am equipped to do all kinds of Blacksmith
ing, Horse-shoeing and Automobile Repairing.
Orenco, Oregon Phone, Farmer 30x6
A. McGill, Pres.
A. C. Shute, Vice-Pres.
W. Mahoti, Cash.
W. V. Bergen, Asst.
' Cashier
pm wife, of St Cloud, Minn., were
n m nere me last 01 me ween, guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson.
pm Mrs. uanisirom is a aisier 01
im nr. jonnson. me vis-iura ui-
parted Monday for San t rancis-
Nntk to Taxbaver co and San Diego. While here
Mr. Johnson motored witn tnem
... ... 1 .uo. tko fViliimhio Rivpi hiiTh.
You r hereby notlbedliui me seconu wt, ... yv.....
if Mivtue nt of roar ti will be due op way and also toOK mem on a inp
)r before Srptembcr jotti, 191$. ileum- over o the Yamhill country .
. . . .1 ... .a. --i.l taw will It. I
.i.iLi.Himt .mi tuit-of 10 tr I Ross Reedor. a druggist ot
cent. nd Interval at the rte ol 11 per Forest Grove, captured tw )
oe nt. per annum wltl be Med, until vmln(. cub bears, in the Nehli-
P"1:!. m 1... 1 lm. recently, and they are on
where no pn 01 w . : r r ui"
twi.l, penally of I per cent, per mouth exhibition at the pUDUC Square.
L,r.rhrlfn(Ur month ot fraction neie-1 Tho vminiratera SDDear 10 D
of cumuUtea during the period begin- rM!rfectiy home and are rapid
An.ii ioir inn tnuini nuiunir . -. . . i m.
" L i...".K-. ..." ,o,; . v beaming aomesucaiea. iney
31 . 1 . iuit, v ii ii.mi'i "t'i 1 . . . ...
.im t. n ia nr ctdi. reumiTi iuc vum- bi c aa inn ui phw. w. .........,
illative penally heretofore charged, and an(J always have a Crowd Watch
further Inlereat at me r 01 i u. ne . DrankS.
. fAM W-lMHiriff 1 lil IfJI I. IB I
prr .... r-r . A.
adlieil. . I mr, I1U luio. rauci v. vrecu,
i in nr aoon aa DractiD e alter vci-l:j j wim nf tho noai
oi;r5th..,,wiiec.or.h.nproir'' l" eues s of Mr. an"
cecd to collect ail uxe. upon penpuai ww. were guests oi air. anu
athirh tiu not nave oren i mra. J. o. vuiuws, iwwtui
Di.i iwfore said October 5. i9s. v a" for a few days. Mrs. UI-
. ik ..J aan I . a- "1 I wun penally v, sen is a sister 01 mra. (OmDS,
i.tLWeJL Mr. Olsen is a prominent
ii.f id t.. and aeii nharmacist of Silverton, Ore.
the eame at pubtic auction, or he may Tuesday evening, the Progressive
chre the ta on peraonai propcuj 500" (j uh chanvariea tne nap
K :V PnI'' r"' 1mJdv couDle. Mr. and Mrs. Olson
sunn ne in i cn uu .. . r- r" t v r-.. -... fLa Ti.
and ahall be enforced in me mm lien r riuajr oioi .."us w
manner a other real eatale tax liena. lamook beaches
1 h .hove atatement la in accordance
S. P. AND P. E. & E.
All. except the P. R. & N., trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main street
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m.
Sheridan Train 10.02 a. m.
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville Train. ..i.. 2:15 p. m.
Forest Grove Train.. .4:10 p. m
Eugene Train 1 ..'....4:53 p. m
McMinnville Train b:40 p. m
Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m,
From Portland
Eugene Train arrives . .8:15 a. m.
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. ' Phone, City 176
The Progressive "500" Club
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hobt Seater and Mrs. Sarah G.
Martin, Saturday evening, Aug.
21. Several tables of cards were
enioved. Piano selections by
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
A 1 1 trains.
with Chanter J. M ol 1915. ami
Sectiona 368. joajaml 3687 Chapter 184
l,nwa or 1913-
Sheriff of Washington
...... tMgwnn
11.. 1 n 1DI VI I ATM
y ' ' DeDuty. Mrs. Seater. and singing by th
1 various members of the club
Philin Kalsch. of Gales City, mndfl 11 n a Dleasant evening.
was in town Saturday. He re. a f ter cards, watermelons wen
norts a good harvest on the enioved by all. Honors at cards
creek, and says that he had were won by Mrs. Victor Dahl
wheat that made oeuer man w nd O. S. Combs. The next
bushels per acre. meeting is to be at the home of
m MnnniH nf Orenco. was Mr. and Mrs. Austin Simms,
uiiiohnrnvlHitnr. Monday fore- near Farmington, Saturday eve
9:45 a. m,
" ..11:59 a. m.
" . .3:15 p. m.
" .4:30 p.m.
M . .6:40 p. m
" .7:15 p. m.
" ...9:00 p.m.
.12:15 a. m
stop on flag at
Sixth and Main; at North Range
and Fir streets: at Sixth and Fir
streets and at Tenth street
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
p. II. & N. Train 4:30 p. m.
From Portland
P. R. & N. Train 9:12 a. m.
Loon Special, due at Hillsooro
at 2:00 p. m. from Portland
Saturday and Sunday only.
Forest Grove Special (Satur
days -only)
From Portland....'....10:33 n. m.
To Portland 11:10 p. m.
Beach Special (on P. R, $ N.)
Lv. Hillsboro Sat. at 3:02 P. M.
Return " Sun. at 9:22 P. M.
We VantEverybody to Knovz
That we will, beginning at once, give Cash
Register receipts with every cash sale,
showing amount of sale, date and' who
made the sale. We will ask you to keep
these receipts as we are going to give
back to our cash customers one day's cash
sales each month. We will select one day
each month and will announce in our win
dow on the 5th day of each month the
date we have selected, and then all you
will have to do is look over your Cash
Register receipts from us and see if you
have any bearing that date, if you have
just bring them to us and we will refund
your money. There is no trick to this
Vaught Grocery Co.
Second Street Main taj Hilbboto. Oteson
Ining, Sept S.