The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 26, 1915, Image 4

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    tUJSOItO afJOC rar4f Alf'J! !
Rtow Orn
r ftey Softool for Girls
TbU popular institution, cou.luc e I by the Siste r of St. Mary, iMt
tuprtiot educational atlvanUgra. combined with the influence of a irQarvl
ha. It U Jf'iKbtfull situated in the healthful Tualstia Valley, only 11
mile from Portland on the Southern 1 ac'fic car line. Full Primary. Inter
mediate, Urammar and High School Course. Separate department for
tttlc girls. Tfcoae who wish to prepare for the teaching profession can find
'he Teacher' Training Course amply equipped and prepared to do strong
work. A f ra date from this course secures a Tea- hers One Year C-itirioale
without ivib uatioa. Exceptional or.xvtuaitie for thorough instruction
id Music, Art ud Expression. A sx- organised Commercial Course
covert period of tsra yews and 6's fit anr (xwitioa of responsibility. For
further into' mat ion, or procpertu., A.I.I res 5ati taaa)rOf
Our Lumber, Shingles.
Cement, etc. are all new and
bright. Everything i kept
dry in our shed under one
bir roof. Come in and have
a talk. We give a dollar in
value for a dollar in coir..
Copeland SiMcCready
The New Yard at 2nd & Washington Sts.
Phone Main 932
Daily Journal
and The "Weehly Argus
One Year, Both Papers
$5.25 Daily and Sun
Journal and Argus, One
Year. $7.50. Do It Now
Weekly Argus
Oreqon State
Salem, Oregon
September 27 to October 2, 1915
$20,000 oiVcred in premiums for Agriculture, Live
: -Stock, Poultry, Textile, Oregon Made Goods and
other exhibits. Come and stay Six Full Days.
I'ree camp grounds in a shady oak grove. Re
duced rates on all railroads. For premium lists,
entry blanks or any information desired, write to
W. AL. JONES, Secretary, Salem, Ore.
Trials of Speed, Shooting Trurnament, Band Con
cert, Boys' Camp, Everybody's Camp, Free
Sheds for Campers' Teams, Moving Pic
tures, Social Center tent for Campers,
Dancing Pavilion, Children's
Playground, Bee Demonstra
tions, Aninialtcircus, Ama
teur Dahlia show. Pa
ved Streets
MONDAY-Chlldren's Day.
TUESDAY Woman's Day, Good Roads Dav
WEDNESAY Salem Day Woodmen Dayf' State So-
cieties Day, Campers' Day.
TTURMAY-Portland Day, Transportation Day. Elks
FRIDAY Press Day, Oregon Manufacturers Dav
Scandinavian Day.
Two Aviation Rights Daily
Innrnirr nrnirn nrm
Swisf. Weighing Over 22$. Could
I'asily Carry Calf I'ndcr Arm
Va Caar.t Saadav, Aaoie Mnaataia
dale, at Oca. Viasua's Csbia
bherilt Reeves Sunday arrested
Fritz Thomas, a Swiss cattle
thief, who last week stjle a cow
from Alex Bonsor, of Multnomah
County, near Hoi brook. Thomns
wai tracked becajse of I is big
feet the largest ever seen on a
human being in the Northwet-t.
He took the cow over the Corne-
;liiu Pass road, evidently travel.
ing by night At Shady Pro ik
his tracks were not visible, m he
walked along the side of the
road. Bonsor notified SheritT
Reeves, and as he had been
watching the Vinson cabin for
some tune, concluded that there
was where 1 nomas was headed.
Mir.iiay morning he arrived in a
machine driven by Wes Red
mund. and sure enough he found
I nomas at the inson place, and
the cow was with him. The
sheriff told 1 nomas to net into
tne rig. una 1 nomas, who is a I
mant, told him he wasn't going
Keeves told him to get his coat
and hat and ft me nlnncr Thfim
as went in one door of the cabin
and bolted out of a rear door
Keeves caueht and trimied him
after he had nearly torn the
fewisa coat off. V ristener and
hedmond helped handcutf the
big fellow, and even then they
had a big struggle to lead him
into the auto. On the way home.
although handcuffed, he tried
several times to get away, and
the shentf was obliged to throt
tie him. Thnmn hn Knn - no
roled for cattle stealing, and now
mat ne nas violated it. he will
have to serve time. On thin n.u
charge, and several others traced
to mm. he will have time enough
to make up twenty yea's at the
penitentiary, i nomas w not ov
erly bn ?ht. but only tells of his
thefts after he is absolutely
caugnt. otherwise he always
says: "I bought the cow." He
never Knows trom whom or
where-only, I bought it"
It was 80 Udicrous one iuki
tively had to laugh when the two
i' f Si m . .
orncers irom Multnomah, want
ing him for violation of parole,
lopemer with Sheriff Keeves,
questioned the big outlaw.
Keeves wa3 so exasperated he
wa3 almost ready to abuse the
thief for Keeves was not only
sore mentally, but physically.
ine mg ieiiow s wrestling was
too many for any three ordinary
men. and it is no wonder the
crimson-haired sheriff felt the
worse for wpar l.'mlmnn,! i
denies that the mark on his face
came irom the tussle
lhomas probably has stolen
"11 l M iiaik ei t
Cadrnj Hit Hn' Cut
Mi U'KTirU"
iitt-rvt hl Uil a
low uiniiti
IUh rtilu aul
I'li.iiil)- l
was f r it 1 y'Ul fi-nii
tli baiitU if t!'
"Hivn h-iilui f
ti.i'. kM tinuT"
alnl luWltiH
"i.-H, Mini li.i'l
ni li iir i iii, ii."
tin1 r'tl
.Vl.i Ii4i mv
tnlr cut !'ti I
a olui ."
"Ainl ln uftfii
!. J'imi p't tiav
am t'i
l.'iuj.nii.I liiiiiir fri'iu liU M.'ii't
Kviry umruliii;." oiainil t h'HT
Aiiil tin v your h.ilr ul. t', rr
Ua.vT' KdUl ttw vlber.
lKu't vu thiil It mthr in'ii.'lre
Nn; It oiilv ciwt l."V ivnti"
'What! OiiU l cruta fur hir
ami lialr nililiisr
"Tli.ifs all. Ilarln-r txililn't linc
iim wltluiut rulllni liijr hair, you
Aiul It tivik IiitMii wimi an. I
a half in In lit c liv tl tluli i Kit ti
If vry lh rr nnlMl.
If rrv ri iiw r tnt lru.
If etvrr J i .l int.J
If vrv il.iy ,r aumir
Thr'J t'i iiii pv.i In hiitirr.
Tnrr 0 b nu ) lo iti.
If li'iw lh;il .i:Tti-rritw
WouM Ik lllt I'ki- l.liv.
Willi m. (h imn-li i f .urn.
No nr lo fih.II our ii.iv.
Net ll.tul'l HIhI hl lll.stf.llftf
N. I'rarl.l. hrs nM.I tin I. nr
TWri i.i n m.T all nur lit mo.
Wa'J iruv lh joy .'f
Wil lh fur aj.-ml s.rT.i
WrM Imie t.i f...-l ihtf :iin
AnJ we hnuWI )frn la Uirmw
in bUMMiln.s, tf pnin.
Fur mnr thin all t. iilrainir
Trial ome nl uut. Klv DM
Aitimn thi vriira lrraur
Tha tsars that w hv hIikI.
-i:.iiijr a. Hum.
Il. l lri.t !' t '-t
, 1 lIU H.i.i III lliw I .Till
a, '.. .mi t.
..I M I. ll H"
,, i i -.nin ii a'
,,r in .. . tv '.-.
, t -1 i . ii . "in
, hi k". "i r '
i. , i ... .. i .... t
! .1
I . i
' .V , '
; in ii :
. tii ii K
III h ii
.1 i . I
-rl iil I'
.-.1lllll l.l II I"
Mi. mil-,
Sttr. U . Vll-Ml.t I'M '.
ir. I. Kui. n.
ii r ui .i, v i..i..rif.
n .i i.
, tii"i
St MMt.l.
i- Tit r i;:i i ir i m i;r ok rut:
M vn; 'r ii;fi.i I "U
V. U!..i" on rv.
Kliii.1 .V Wi. !' I.!,
Ill t
r V. . I'
I'-- r-i'ii'-r A . ii'
lit th nam of t'n1 Sut of trvi:un
l II KlU
l!lt- 'li
tli s'i ri i'i
? -l!lf l.l , , l I t-Mitf !'
.,.' limn Hi"
1-iin .t mm 'ii i
In ;lj J . . !
. l I .1 II.. I. .
In III.' i .' r i l.l
hr timt v ii t
.ii , tut. il, i ti, i
tr . I n. .1 I:
pm-lltlt ;.(
ttl -4! Ill It I !
lit iH3!.- A
t I .'"
I .lt-ll.'
Urn i iii ' - "i
I'l. Ill H l III'. ! I
. 1 II I I .. Ill I II I
I ' -m-t -,l ,iii
II ,. I ..I
I, ,,...( ... ... I
t I, l , .(. I.
I. ll ,."l til I I 1.'
i i,.'..i r i ; H ! I'
i l.i.ii
ImjH.ttril KciMcrc.l Pctclicrtn Stallimt ;x ,
built, otic of the U st fitc-t in the nuoty( ,U tiul, 7
lyis scaviu:
I..uucl, Motnhv, S A. M. ! 6 I. M , S Iu:i t
iliv. -s A. M. P. M.. Ikavctton, Vt.!nrM4V ,evJv
tnThutMliy.t P. M. at livery Urn, Kvcdvi.U, pjl
u A. M. t P. M., llitMMiu, Suttutlay, c A.
M , at Kcdiu.-tnl btril. Vaf
TilRMS: -Si i, le Smuc, tyt Scamm. f,.: ,
i, ts; IW live .. ?.'; 5i.v l-j.N!t rr
.. :.. iV. ...... ii.i.m Iki ... ...l irt
ll 1 11 -u I .1 1" - - ' 1 t i ... t 'I" lS ,f I
.,ui.Uut. C.l'.O. H. CIIAMIil.US.Oum-,.
fitti.i -
t .ttf
Wtsa Jesaoh.
Moimlrtir aulisl Hie iili-ttirv him .
I In- rU'lit; mail.iuif wantrj It uu tin
left. Uut luomirur luili-i that ttio
awmiit aUtiulil bumr the t'Ulurv at
nirilliis to hU unlrr-s. ('uuHiiiiPiiCy
JiHU-lili slid k nail In tlif null iu tti
rik'tit. but thin il nii- In itlnj anil nu I
hi ink uii..(liir In uu Hi,. Ii-rt. " U iMiiuiil nail fur Iiii ina-iliir In-
lilln-il In ailnnWiuii-iil. "lit ti snv
nil- the uf ft-ti liinii Hut lu.ltler
tunmrrow wlun iimii-liur ni Uut
conn1 nuuiil tu tin- vli'W uf until. mir
Ona of Dr. Hala's Jokss.
Whin In- whu tiiillf a yiiunif urn li tin
late IT. I.ilttanl Kvon-tt Halo tlayii
a T:nt lllll Juki! uu HlllliV tills aim
werp uii'iiilnm uf a nrty aiili nlmiu
lit' will MUtuiwrliiff. uu the Muiwai liu-
wtt.H 'i Hint.
AH IliiHe clrls wiTi- n-BiIliii: tin. sanm
exi'lliiijt uovi'l, ami one jjiy ,m,r
It waa a li-rulliii: luiile. Kiumliiit Hint
none or tlu tu Wi iinishiil It. Ilaii.. mi
known l tln-m, onrrliil It away Mltli
blm I do lint iiiuriiliii; wlu'ii in. ,.(
to tlie i lly. On train h,. wmin an
i-i i tu '
i. ...ii i . i
t lli r. l
t ! hi I
! V .'
, in ..I
..".I ...
It,. in. .1
us ll I
i; i;.,
i .nu i
ll. Ml I u
ri'iin ' iii.s n
III u I n. tt
n r.ii. Ihn i t
intuit I tu i l
it . M
Hie ill'. lf . 1 t 'til l.i,
., Hi.- '. I.-.... LIU"!
i nn.l ' Ifii'l"l. .il
i .i, h . V r I I !
,. "... , in t . i ' ...
Ill' III.! ,
tl l.tlf.l U(- HI LI Ittl
, tin' H i . Vt
; in. ;. 1. 1 In. II
I ii li 'i I ';i-tii I
! I I t Ii ,. ! . 1 I-1
i . II I I..4 1 1 - 1 Jul I I I
I'l l"f ."in "t
I Ilia tif.l . ill li j
i ill. I Ittrfl ili ..I
I VI I ll.l. l.lll I I I".' A '.II
Sil.l Mill. I. , i l.r lr- I
ittr ati, aii, i, ti" i
i .ii on v.r 1. 1.
u.t, Ml ..
tu l. II
it I'm
i it. .
. M.. .1
ii I . II
9 U.r
. I
.ii, (in i. j
! lll.l ) ml I
li4 I l-"H
ir nt Aiia1-1
At i.uii' y f 't !..ti!t.
St MSil-IV
r. v.v.,.,., ii... i ,j. ,M, iruin no wroiii a
twenty or thirty head in the past absuni cm. iini.,,, i th... i,v,.i iii
few years. The Hrownirur bov.
of near Kocky Point, was here
yesterday. 1 nomas had stolen
two heifers from the family.
the Multnomah ollicers took
Thomas home Monday afternoon.
mis wrists were so large it wan
all one could do to put the dar
bies on him -and even then they
lacerated hia flesh. Thomas
could easilv carrv a vi'nrllmr ttiimr
unaer eacn arm. 1 wo years aao
ne roae horsehaek mtn q iv.i-t
unu saioon ana was given a
A new Rriinmtinf nf f,m.r
tV "'"fiitiiii "i i amui tia
anu ivoaaks just in at the Phar
frank Mitchell, of thr. rioito
was a week-end visitni- at
- -".V ' . Ub Ul t.
s:de, the guest of his mother.
li t ......
mrs. margaret McKinney.
For sale: Shoat. Anmra it
i .. ' ' IS I'l v ,
anu some milk cows. -Jos. Sens
I.' ..a--
rarmer oiiij, llillsboro, It.
rather .1 H T'lnoi nf c
v : nl . "l
t iamjia rrn rirt and
oui to nui3boro Tuesday after
In a 17 A. i .
l-i'-w viy wri HJl fX
scruiier when you want a g(Kd
10 cent smoke no "'jough dust"
in inu Dcniuer, lotf
Miss Mvrte KtifUr n,
ill 1 LI I I
triond, Ore., and her sister, Mrs
Alice Wheeler, nf Nnrth v:,:
... , ' tl. lamina.
Wash., were guests this week at
u.e nomesor tneir relatives, Mrs.
Polly Butler. A. Sigler and Prank
Notice is lien-'nt i;.. .i . n . . ,
. .. B's.. .,!.. me uinier-
..i.. ...-. ni-t-ii npp .int.l n'lmiiiit.trtrix
of the estate uf Krn-st Aiitnt llu-li.. ,le.
ceased, bv an nnL. r .i. '
All oeraona having . :
estate. re hebynutifTropT X
... , ...B,:,.ucr w,,a lne proper vouchers
therefor, to m . i ..;..' .."cr"
.nciiix. .urn. i ii'i-PHia in i.. .. . .
Ilus. lire.. K. K n JtJ - " "- 1 "lit IlifpHH tlltlMl n
of K. n,TonKUe,in liillslx,,". OrZl' fT" d''al "f tri,v'"f "Vr the cum-
Wltmn SII rnnnllt. I,nn, ,t, a... . "
i.Di.i ,ui. " :V""'. . c."Ble neieot,
any oi July, 1915
Keiitna Julianas Marvaret liielie
tuo lliiiil aii-iif nt (In. NUiniiirr n-ntrt
t lim ine till Itntiim rum luslmi 1,.
puiiiinii r, a rrii ni of I, - hi' h:i,l n
int In tyitc, 11 ml ti,.n, i-ur.-ful!y n in.iv
"'tf l"MI!l lille l"I,t I,.' Ms,
111 in own. On liU n linii In. 1,1,1, . ..I
nu' noiiii mi, tlio il:i..n iiM'l Hiili,.
Tii,. t....i, .. 1 1 1.
.... 'iiii ciriMi nvi-r 11 cin a
fan- 11 Ml... riai ibat hat rbanti r va
IT. Hull- lll-i (.,, Hltl-tb Bitln,, f,,r ,
A Job of Branilinn.
1110 KOVrriiiiH 1,1 ,,ll,-l:, I, 1...,
lellliiif a Mlmpl,. ,,, Mi-uti'li fiiiunr
"H it 111' IniiNt (111 lii Ho. ....t-.i ..r 1-....
111:111 liiVusIuH dm i!u.
I list I 'f Hint III ,...
1a1.1l. An ha.' I tvn!y t;ie tliln IhLi !'
a ni'i ihtmi nt r 1I1.. ...
. , " .in.iifl roilH' 1 . '
.... ... i,,ir . u
,1. , . ... - " n
mi' law. "ah in,. H()(.k e,.,. iii.ixt la- l.rainliHl i1(i ,rlv
ri. UIIUIIII. "U..l ri I ,,,l. ....
... ... .....,nli,K a
u" ""i J"i wr ma K'm!"
A Crest Fuii.r
.'II. .11 L'. I lIliU'.. I.. ....
u.huiih'ii. II,. ,,as H Kx M f,.ow
anil i-vrryliiMiy llk.'.l hr. it,. .,,.,1 .1
ways hii'i, r,.u,y .,, .1,, ..,
- "' nil'.
rii'iiiiniiK (.,.,., ti.,1 Wili the church
II Willi I'llliili It I, 111. I. Ill l.,.,l ..,.1.1... .
y I ml hN troubl,.,, ,,., ,e
'H im ki'i In his breast
I lin .'ii.. .. i.s . . .
a- hhb U rill, nil 1
, . , , . "' II III
-".ini.i hs-i -aimrortlnn him ns Im-hI
1111 i:otiui
tnnil, "usklnir tint nmtilu ... ..t..-
". nti iiiiin ii ovvr riiitT 1 ini i,... 11....
- ----- . ....... ..,.v ,IU
ufnu iJiitrcii i"
vrtuilMIV. Willi I1U11.1.. ...
, .. ' I - '"":, oir
.union, rem crt t hi. pnpt
1111111K i'f. hit; mum H11.1 .I,..
. ... iiii-ii;
iwoi'illl'ililir Iti'Ct invun. vim ti,, 1....
s Bl,u"l lilll
I JilllfM'l R.
Ttio old mnn lav ulnrlfliv tu i..i.u..
ami then ex'hilm,.,l with f.'iror. "nw
iimikfnl I 11111 ihni I srhuti't Imvc to
'"' ror him wh,.,, be ii!mvh tin.
l"i ' 1 111 nut I'liiir
Crunt AnL'tmm
lilMIIII'V I.OOII11 f" lull., cm ..II.
. , iron
nun Hiory on u lawvur frl..n.l .,f
huh City.
TIllH hlWVpr unu .,..,..1 .1 ..
T,,,.. ' ' .:.'...iv.- ,jr ,.
. uii.iiiiii ri,M iMinv In it,,b ..p.... I... 1.
.i.i. -r un ill
n-ii-nm 111 n man t ,t
in tiik rtiuuir roriiT or tiih
I.Sii iti.N I ul .STY. j
W II Hntia. r..,ut,it. I
I'lia. Miliar. !r, II Mtllnf. I'atl l
l'ltilii'. r-r.l j Hi.,1.1, It V llavi... W
llil.t.iiil. l. Um a.i, . I Vril.i.
I'..l-l,,ll.!'ar: I' I'll II i ininl I. Uiititn
I IrhilaliEv li,,ip It4i,iii
In 1 1 iiamr ul lit Mat of urru... ,.
Itarrl'T l" i.r".l lui ir ami ,. r
Urn i-uii'jn tii.i i. , aaia.i ju ,i, ,
ala.ia -1 1 1 1 1 i .at ,,i, r iM i ud , (.,
It, m th il..l. i. ih 11 (.ii'.ii, , i
ilttn li'i-..l. t..n, ,,11 ..r M.i.,(r . v
. . V t ...... Hir J. I, ,U, J...J, 1 l . ,
)i. I.i an.arr. I. I a :,in, u.'
.laliilill I,. a . v I , II,.. ,-iM ,,f ,,
rlu-t ilr-;,a't l.-t 11, tin- ...ttij Sat'il. ..i;
(' r il ir... u.h . ... u'l i,a,, .,,
'' I' ' .i 'li ....i.U 1 It..
I' M.lirr a I l -y t Si .,' r, rii I '
1. 1 i-r, II V I' . it K ll.i.i ar I si, I i.
II ttfiyiovi 1 1,,., un ,. ju.-:, tli.i.'f..t ;
IM ' -!. tttill BI...I tliat.,., . :
lit lair .1 rl,!,i .. . r ...... 1 ,.. ..
.r"in Uu-1 1 1, .1,1 i Juiif. I 'I I. ami ll,. .
in 11 liar . tin ,.f ii, . it i,i an 1 1 11, r I
In. ira l aii a'i.,r.,r.' .. u t. t. ,
Willi Urn i- -la at, I .1,,!, 1 w ',t, , , ,,. 1
-lilt; tint i.,..r. a. i, ,,.. ri, .... ,,( ,,, '
;iiaiitiir .-..ii.i iaiiti, , . t!
I lit M'.llll. Mall , I ISr .-,,' h al IJ .ar
r i.t .-1-. li n, in 1 !i l ia,,.,, S mill l.a . I ... J W..i .S ,.
.aiiiim Mctiiltali. tu t) aittni.iii ('., ,,
1 Irrifiiii ; ' I
0 ion I a.-..nli.if .. U .,r n,
'Si tlull o( lli.l,., ami IliU .l.i ftt.U.,!, '
HI Mill II ami . I, "I ll,. ,,, la, ha,,r !
aiiil nr -I a. uf , 1 ,..,!,, 1.1... i..,,. .. '
ami hi ul .,r 1..1,.., i,.,.. ,. i , , 1
real ,r v. a..l it.r am li 'ii:,f ,, 1
IuiIiiit r' ll. l a n,av i. , .,,. , 4. ,
1 till Still, in. in. ,a mr i H, ua,ii , i i,, I
"ilt.i. sil.'ii ,, , I, r an I ;r ,,n , . '
r.l.-ri.r II... i ,,. i ,,,, ,., i,. ,a i
"r'H'iii lor Hi.- l.i, .I. ..i u ......
, -in , ik I. . i,
ma.ia ami -i.t. r.t i, ,, . . ,u,
i.i Jut), l'. ., wl,,. , !,r ,,,.M, Ii.i.i. . i.,.i ,,.i..i ... .....
Illil. (!. A rn. a I,.,. ... i ,,
III a.lllllt'l.iii I t.,,y. it,, ., ,
lor an n. ,
l'l '"r n.r on ,.r I.. I , , .,
. Iiiiiii ill,, ,i..i.. ,.i .
, , in., i". "in i.itin
l-a'fof Ural .til ;, i,,, JV n .
I '.tin ill laat .i, I. tiallnii, ..,,;, tl 'ill , '
f irnn a ii ,V l-a tiiumtn ' '
I M in
Ul .ri i ) a lur i,i niiif.
Stallion UewMstratinii Hoard. State of tin .,
License i'rrtitii'Mta uf Pur Hretl Stallum S',.. j;rvj
Puled at t rvalli. Ortiron. Marrh In, jgjj
The tMili'rr-r of th stallion Partisan. Nm. y.i j-jWj.
reiritt' Ted in the nluilUmk of th Amrrirn Prriru n.n Wa!
Preed. r md itit'rtt r Ann. ! ttnl by Jit ltt,i. ,.f llutv
Washihirton t'ounty. Vie;i.n. HiM by M. IUrt. i.t,artj
of Sarthe. France. lmicnleil a folio--: Htark;ftar. TrJiiMH
Pnitu l III .";& tore; Siuon (!01H llam; tlrrtnann-ua i,'
Sire of Sire; l.iettt l2Ta'A lUtnofSire. Sultan UMtl&'rTj
lUm; Siu.stt (j77I lamuf I lam. Itrernl Prrrln-rtt , KoajpiZ
the vear 'M. on Ma S. and ha Urn cmlned hv th SuilijI
K.-iriitration lUiard of (Iretfon. and i( hffeliy rrrtifi.d thn?Z
aid Htailton i of Pure Prredinif. I rrK'iaterl in the itujj
that m reciiirniritl ly the aitioetation natmsl in isi-i tion
an Act of the 1..' ! ti Aeiittily of tht St uf ( Irrtfoti bf
viditiw.' f"r the liciajsin.; of stallion. He. filen .n tht iifjcI
the Serrtary of Slate, prhruary llUI. and thai hiho
ttanied maliinn ha len rvamtnisl by lh etrnnann apiaH,
ed ly the Stallion Ke.-istratiort Ikwrd aad la hered- rrporw
fn e from infection, contatfioua or tranfliti dm. a.rtof
Hindne!i and ia hereby licrniUHl to alanj for ulw n-rvif..
the State of OiYk'on.
Krmin U I'ottrr.
Svretary Stallion Krawtratum lL-.nJ
Note:Thi licence muat he rrctirdevl in th ollneof the (U.
c truer of t'onveyanceii of the ('mint in which aueh atalliun u tt
lw u.el for putilic aervue. and muat b renewed March
Horse nM by Joe Otto lotluo, H. ChamUml
The Argus Free
The Dully OrrHonUn and The
ArRua. One Yrair Tor 56. OO
this .ives you Ufa Argut
FRFaFaa No Antl
Dnily md Sunday
rulC"o ArRu
'I l"lfii,l ,l,
" 1, Hit. an,, rn
lt,1',i,i, '
a little
IIO tllOllL'ht hl wnul.1 .ln.
Joke on Iho I'lillmnn rotnpaiiy.
In I In I'lrr.m i- . ... I ul
fl,. , : . ' " "' "i inn mats i.r 1 "75
--.."" ,.ir nm , . . ...... ...
Vlani'ii M. W,,.
I'I'll t. V W.i
To I lill.tnl A
l-l.' ..luiit:
In Hii' li nm. nf ii. . u, .
sr- liin-iiv r...,,,lr...,, ;
lav ot,,.,,u r l i. . ., ' " ' "
Hun. i. L..,, .. .' ".'".'' '-
UlUo H.,.,..r ami ', !,,''
......tlitil, .h- ,.ia, , ' ' ' '
' "urt lor tl... r.,.,,,, , .... ' v "'"
w , , "i itio. ii tii't,,,, tl
A llll'-.'l. frtf. ... ....,.. " M"" "'" '"t l
Jel.....b,t, h.,.1 r,.., ,r.1M ,,
until .n ii..... vt.. 'I''iilin
'.'.".' '"VM'..,1 ,,,,
I III- allium., I, , ,,,, ,
I'.'l.'l'l.l II... al,,vf r . . i f 1 ... I ', , '
l It I',., . ...i .'.. ' ... '"""" lor I'la,
1 'it lllll, July
'Mill nf l.iit li'iljh.. .i,, v . ,
; 1 ""' "I "I, M. ilnin t)((i
n i: III , ,,,;,
in Tni.;(:f,u.NTV(:..t:i:Tf,'TI,,
If Oui i, II, , , . .
i..r. ,i,.;.;;;.,," ""!"'
Nllllfn In linrs.l...
H'1-II...I l,. I. ".. " Iho U.Hliir.
;.i'i,.-Kt,.,, f ri.r ,'" ' "'"
I '.01111.17. li..-.... ....... .' n r VViMliI,,!,!,, ,
"I till 1 Hat. Will hii.I l "!?1 " ' ''
Ml: fr. I . """"' 'f .w,
il'iih,I I,.,. . ' , 'In, in
hy law iir..,;;,!,! "'":h '""'I'tur, a.
Now 'I' ur,i
I'lmuis aiHiunt Kiiiil , " ''"Vinif
l.ri-wiit ji, ' "ln"' '"! riiuirl i..
' IUr.,1, n , a'1.1';1'' 'f.woiM' V
IJutliliiitf i.. ,,' "" mional ul
Niniity,.,,,,,, m';,','. Wa-HiliiKt,,,,
H'e'li'ta linr.. ;; '"lh ,o,
---....lorni.y lor Kxiiii,r
IWIro, r' 'eliu nd.Norlh PUlnf
hole,le and ReUU Dlers In
,4in' Hay, Flour, Feed and
Groin Bogs.
ONIONS. Grain chopped
oiled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The De8t F,ur at the Low.l.Prlce
W,.Mai CoracHii.JC-i.y ,s,5.
August Brelie
j.cru in now III! dlil t.
Ho thihpil tho I'lillnitii. .., .
.Ju T0ngue, AUorey fw Ailtnini
Pfir Ifcinf A L . .
rryl.1",.,' K'A "" fl ,r,'lM Item"
ll It In lil "
--. ... ,,b tx ri ol-I
HUH. I mi nit-.. ..r .l
telephone 224
t... n "-"I""" awviui L Ht.
' Iula Post Dlnpatco.
central at Cornelius
nains, Maia 363.