The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 26, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 21
. .....
Vhtiilon Caonty Crop
lioa. Hter, laert it
' a . a
Vh .-re ihu.i me ii rm ui
L w,-rk. have the following re-
u from Washington County
i; ll.'meSom potatoes
l K'aM for shipment iJirif
L fruit amt vegetable other
n Bloe consumed locally.
Uvirtn -Wheat end oats
Vat 1" t" r cent above average
tfht and yield. Harvesting
L tdnhltmif now on with mini-
Vn !. r-ariy ltli-. (jiiui-
Bn. .pmntity very good. IMv
at.xK nutTering from lark of
iluri Need rain r wiil I
hounly damaged. Union fjiir
f If ..a
raifp. ii"y iv, !".
bettinning W move wiw ntov avers te.
irvnco All crop except hop
Eing Utter than Mected.
n lii h prelty ell de
ed hp crop.
iUbro-Tri threshing pro-
rapidly. Wheat yielding
ut 4') mianrii per acrr; uaia
ut GO. llop troubled with
but U-ng well sprayed.
.. T. Mcl'h-'tT, Wm. Nrl-
n, l rim. r lltl and timvrr
I ... II.M..I . 1 I.. I tar .
l4iiiui, iriiiirn, mr,'i i,ii nil-
n and lr. 1'iilltH k, of hiriwt
'drove, n-turried fnm Saddle
! Mountain, Saturday night, wher
they hunted a w-ek with hut
jMMtr nurtMin. (!rvT. howt-vrr.
returned with a nrord. having
killed a nxmittiT Ix-ar. Ileahot
it on tin- top of a ditT 'A) fret
liitrh. junt an hour U-forf they
Marled, l'.ruln ml'ed clear to
the bottom, and wti-n Comb
reached the hlream he found
nothing hut a few hiir remain
ing. , Hi carries th hair in hi
HH-ki'tlxMik iki proof of hi kill.
I saw cordAtxtd, nft up to 12
inchn In diano-ti-r. frnre rail,
and Ixmrd't uf all kind, into
tovewmiil ln j-thn. Will jro into
tin country. Wnt', phone or
cull on me.- "arl Skow, iIIhU
r. rhoni. City 4'VJ. or call at
Tualutin 1 1 t -1 .
Little JiiMt-ph r'ranci. win of
Mr. and Mr. K. Krant-i. who
are in the Siulh v i h i t i n if the
Kair, hud a narrow e-rp from
drowning in the Tuhlatin, lat
Saturday, near Oak l'ark. Thf
little chap wa wadtnk'. and
h-n warned to not over hi
dfptli. In-rame ronfuned and
3t.-iH'd into a ilti-u hole, dis
appearing frooi night, ili half
brother. Henry tHanie. who a
n the oi'tMitite hank hwhmi to
lii re.teue and aoin had the lad
at the Hurfttee. lie wa reHCUed
in npiNirtune tune n the current
would have carried him into a
diilicult place.
Ordr your honr l uplie
early. H-'p Move, galvanized
hmi haskel. boll lil. t' L
Ucilville Man Ha Turned Out
drain 4.1 Courtutive Year
K(im4, Hi rrnl la
Kugene Iant. the Kredville
threHherman, has a record which
prohahly ha no equal in the
world, having hn-ist.ej grain fr
i'l consecutive year. Hi thresh
ing ha Im en confined to Wash
ington County, and in the Kced
Ville. HillnUiro, Nurth llillshoro
and Wet I'nion district he has
r.orn. to Mr. and Mr. Dulie.l, rtTnPilln a.,n .... , A
Mr. and Mra. II. J. Lund wei.t ,
over to Itarview laat week for tm 'dale Creek and Dairy the Mecca
John A. Peterson, of Cardi n
Home, was in town Saturday, t i
buitipeii w ith County Clerk Luc .
. The Pharmacy ha the mo. t
complete line of Kastman Kodak s
and gtipplie. They do develop-
in and pnntinjr.
J. W. Vandervelden. of Ko;.. , Hundreds of people from HiiU
wa in the city the last of th" 1 jro, (V)rncliu3 and Forest Grove
week. Heistfoinir torunonetrmjtej upMT Ga,e9 Creek and
ine coumy roan rimers.
Wanted-1) head of
for Meat Stricken People
i -
May Splendid Place Aloaf Boih
Slreanf. Where People Bathe
' vast fork of Dairy Creek, Sun-KOat1-',
dav. tn uft awav from the An.
mixed, if the price is right Wi i t h t WMhington County
take them in small bunches.--!, . '
Wr.t- I. A. Itarhelar. llillalion. .! has hundred of delightful places
Route fi.
(jeo. Hathorn. of Laurel, wa
in town Monday. Hi son, Guy.
got a buck over in the Trak
country. W. N. alao got a shot
ioto a buck.
For Bale: Loose oat straw, $1
far load on place. Roy Hays,
Hillnboro, one mile south of con
denser, near pumping plant Z'
IWn, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Hergert. of Blooming; August 111.
l'Jl'). a son. This mean that
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schomburg
are pleased over beintf grandparent.
- ing wel sprayed. !j5r,)Wn.H Mai ,n. J-uurth St
l .rove - All f ro kat . hi i;)tf
lor year. Wheat, cat, , '
turned out grain for father and
Unon lor year. Wheat, cat., I in,n i,rtm ,,1,.,...
coming in rapidly. J. T. Young una i.i,my re. -
ii?M r.iceouonai acrfaue lurneo inumiy mro""" i . -f -
I produced M huihel Jer acre frm their annual outintf at Lar- to watch the separator, and he
Vat anil W) tm. per acre oaia. view. J. I. w " lMr' can diagnose the disease of a
wevfr. thi i conaideraole very cool over n the 8 u machine about a quick as any
J" T: !,,1" ,r, :U I H .v ni.nwhonerkrow a thmher.
Vs.rviinir llav ernlii.'ht. ,.,ht unne ot the w armest oi ami ail II inincasies.
fSttekern..! omt time ago bv il.n wenson J. I. more man imciy
Putato croo lokin icood. , ua aatislied. IU'aB mat mere ,nK outfit, w hen lie
i'n crow fire.
for Sunday vacation for those
who are remaining away from
the coast, and every', spot on
Gale Creek and East Dairy that
alTords a considerable shade and
bathing pool, was visited by
throngs, last Sunday. Upper
Gales Cre-dt appears to have
beenplayed a the favorite, and
S)da Springs, the park above
Gales City, and the cottonwood
grove near the "Dug Hill" were
the Bcenes of much gaiety. The
latter place, near the Bob Stev
etiHon home, waa the better pat-
ronized, Sunday, and at one time
George Kuasell. game warden j here were over GO in the big
deputy at Gaston, has been re- wimming pool, which is one of
tained in that capacity for the the cleanest in the county. Some
present season. He was in the of these days Gales Creek people
city Saturday, and says that; ill appreciate the value of their
game violations are. few and ' far ! lamping places, and will fix them
between, thi season. l!P fr extended Summer homes
;ur i amines, ana mane a mini
mum charge for camping. Une
aVtl-- ' I'irg-! "-f - ' '
Dance at New Helvetia Hall,
Saturday evening. September 4. j
I lauletibeck orchestra. Keffer
& Haulenbeck, managers. !
For Sale Two nice, gentle, j
family milk cows, 4 years old. ;
soon to be fresh. Une in a full
hloo.1 Jersev, and one a Jersey
Durham. I loth good milkers.
Dant bought his first thresh- $r;ri each. Wm. Kaynard. Hills-
was twenty horo. Oregon. Route 2. between
ha been a big crowd over on th' I yam old and every harvest he Laurel and Scholls. 21-3
SAFETY: Yourjmoney'islsafer in the bank than in 'your cash
PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by
being able to give a bank reference.
DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often 'ob
tained, if you have a commercial bank account.
CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying
bill by check, hich is a receipt for the amount paid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come in
and see us and we will tell you more.
4 Per Cent. Interest On Saving
Amenc&a National Bank.
MaVff mnd Third St., ffTIKaftaro,
lalatin-Weather condition Tillamook hi uche.
lorable for harvesting and ., , ... .l. i.i ,,;.
C.wJ r,H-k Fred Muhly, 4 1
mile nouth of Cornelius,
U mn.l (Ka ulurt romnininff
i i, f.,.1,1 a l,.nLf 4 the. wa Mrs. A. E. Gibson, ot Orenco,
r :., .un, visitel with her daughter. Mrs,
He ha. tried to retire for sev- ivener. wi avnaK, u wn.
eral years, but apara to be un- ine owmn reiurn
l-.. u...i i,o..a ling with her mother. Mrs, Kel
awe. iic iota o ") vuau.o I. --. . , . i (.t u
to sell, but he was never ready ;er hi noi reiurn i cr tf an-
i. ... mau a. urnfirn. ingion nome unui sne nas yisiteo
Jack llaramg. m fV,m. ..":T:. ":V
- i. .. h h i h I Ik. I i nis vrui nc tuai
L' ll&HL Will - i . .
i'.mi,i-.n of U'vond North of the best crops eve' narvesiea The big smoke seen over the
ftay. hut very ulight Later' iM,r,' winl.- here the two in the county, and win mane a y,,, lo the orthoaat of the
mu' KBved in amxl ahaue. All known euc n record run.
Ashing. RejKirt Indicate un-
ally gooJ yield. Hop grow
advise their crop badly dam-
id by vermin. They are pray-
thoroughly. Early onion
raged 4) to 50 per cent on ac-
nt of rust harly iKuatoe
lsually giMid. home damage j..,,,.!,,.!!
&2T. 0;ik line,
dress Route 2.
I'orneliu. Ad-
22 4
ha? no idea of the delightful
temperature there, even when
the plains are sizzling hot .
Among those who were at the
cottonwood grove from Hillshoro,
Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Emmott Mrs. Baldwin. Misses
Mildred and - Georgia Baldwin.
W. E. McCourt Jno. Boeker and
wife, J. C. Applegate and fami
ly; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. McFhee
ters, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Reiter,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Easter. J:
H. Garrett Byron Garrett, Roy
Heater, Chas. Deichman and
Frank Rollins.
Ut and vegetables abundant jot,..r for year, and w ho have in Washir
uy your Kodak and supplies
In the Delta Drug btore.
l-nis r.asiman Kooan to.
1'. Adam returned last
rsiluy evening from a few
stay at the Tillamook re-
loney to loan on farm secur-
I represent three large fire
kirance companies. Give me a
1'.. I. Kuratli.
)'is. J. C. Applegate and
Idren returned the last of the
fk from an extended visit
Xh her parent at NewoorL
in. Mr. Dant wag Iwrn county ,as)t Thur8(ay evening
ngton, D. (.., in WiS due to the tire at ScaDDose.
1 ' ' . .,...! I .....I pumu tinro m lSi"'. starting ...I.:. L J... 1 I !...,
n.i mill for Home veara, muni "( .,.v ... -- 1 wnica uesiruyeu every uubiiicbb
t.i The D ilU , over the Columbia hi record a a triresner inat houge in town exceptinfir one.
iiver h g way y"r' 1,6 m8rn!'(,L N m ,Belle The loss is estimated at $15,000.
luvtrnign ay Allen, daughter of the late Isaac The bflze gtarted in a re9Uurant
Mail your Kodak mm w w.r Allen.
H I'harmacy. lhey ae
..i.. ....I i.rint. and are the
agent for Eastman supplies.
. P. AND P. E. St E.
To Portland -55 minutes.
Fercy Trull in ger, whose death
was announced in last week's
Argus, was a son of the late J.
C. Trullinger. w ho was an uncle
Mercury stinnl in the ahade. of the two Trullinger brothers,
Saturday, and thewmeo en mr a m who reside here. The Trullinger
was much in evidence. """Y h-'N a m family lived at Centerville in the
humidity wa very low iw nm a m fifties.
iv ii..iiiL worse than r-lK?. '
. . . . .' . '.; ... 12:43 I"" Wnrd una ronW'pA h.-re the
r",",JB,M" " lAM V loL-f nf flirt u-ulr iWHttl ..m
Money to loan on first-class 5:43 1!, kin, of Oakland. Cal.. youngest
. . 11.11 .... t1nn.l f ll .il.l r.r. minntil I . i J
'Dttnv'by rfci'ti. mcifuii rmm iuruunu-uu iiuiui. gust lz. ueceaseu wasawiaow-
'ili i r. .niMia am n4 n fliiNiiiiiAH nt a onn ann
ere vou am Mr vrmr - 7 tfer. "7 :- muimru "J
8 per cent monev-ace me. I ... v, n .' :., U'm Sehulmer- h':-": I aaugnier.
.... y ' 1 111 . Ihll I V til i i - . Ill t'' ..tttt..H III I
I I tTkins. Itoom 1 Cnmrncr . it ur linii fami-liV:. '
- - . - , I , V nm n .1 1 . fftllii I II .1 11. II III LlULU UQ1 tSIIU kJUIIUHI V. I ti
. . 111.. n. tt -K"'l " " .
4 .o7 nm two most humid days or the sea
ii it..- . it t . . . i: li.tii-lu I-. .r iimhnn nnd nenole on the tilain1
n. i'hvih ana i,. 11. leier. imnmm v r.
laive North Plain, were in Ilorn, to Mr. ami Mrs. K. K. 7:13 P witered iinienwiy. 'nMrcia
city Friday, and called at .he: IUS. of Ninth and Oak St,, (Sat only) pm SS-hTh0'
Au. 20, WIS. a son. - ;;;nf Thn whn u-rt, out in
big timber fire above Moun-; i.,i;a Ahnhr ami J. H. Simp- Notice to Taxpayer the mountains or at the beach
unui," . . - , . ; 1 i . . . f. . i i .
Tualatin, weic io were in nign iavor, ana me neai
wpnmi wave stouned many of teem
"S'lllV. the llrtt warflitn for I . ,y n I. ...r.... .Ill h. ilu. nn (mm Kitminir in
eiinni. rV,.,l Kirgiman. of near sowe... . yr. - ; -
.. uo uiiLiiirii mill niniii -rw- . . i i ivt !( i rat iru.riiit .v'tn -i'j' ... .. .
iu iv.iuIht iii. ins. mm win b The Federal jury last Saturday
come tUiimiiHiii ami jieimitv of 10 per I convicted six men indicted in
All, except the P. It & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main street
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7:3G a. m.
Sheridan train 1U.IK: a. m.
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:lo p. m.
Forest Grove train.. -4:10 p. m.
Eugene Train 4:53 p. m.
McMinnville Iram 6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m.
From Portland
Eugene Train arrives 8:15 a. m.
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. Onr specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You cau do better for
less with this company.
Badger Lumber Co.
Maiu St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Vvcrything in Building Material
I have reopened the old Blacksmith establish
ment formerly operated by Peter Ridwig, at Oren
co and am equipped to do all kinds of Blacksmith
ing, Horse-shoeing and Automobile Repairing.
Franh RuliK
Orenco,' Oregon " Phone, Farmer 30x6
nis oillce.
i litf timt
Male, near Denny Crotswir,
ier Co. stock selling, after being
Frank Menefee,
'"'4, near uenny urot-smK. , of Sollth Tualatin, were in
?uH"Bl T?bJe ttnxit,t.y, ."''town the first of the week. . You m hf ,cl), mme.Hi,M .h .econ.
s'i'y. the lire warden for I . . c.,wt.i lm,f MVnient nf your i win t in or
nty was notified and soon Fred KMiman. of near beat 11. 1,, yK ,. a
nitiK Ootolx-r ml, 1915. s"1" wl" uc
route tU iimiiH iii mul 11 txrimltv uf 10 pi
crtu, .nd iuterci .uii rate ot P' eonnection wjth the United Cash
I cent. Ir annum will ne mm, ..- . ... ffo Kainr
The Shute Savings Bank
Is an Old Reliable Institution with
Resources of over
If you arc not familiar with banking methods call
and talk it over with us and we will gladly
give you auy information desired. All
business strictly confidential. Ac
counts of Women and Child
'.feu solicited
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
A. McGill, Pres. -A.
C. Sliiile, Vice-Pres.
W. Malioti, Cash.
W. V. Bcrgcti, Asst.
! n twrt nf the tax tint been out manv hours,
. r . , .... . t Yt I . 1 1 e g . ... L.
niii. a iienanv 01 i per mn. hi ' i a nnrra niwvpr ni ureuun. wiiu
lor each calenilar month or f, action eic. indicted S3 president of the
fcnmulatH during the ; pe bK - Z,Irn w, nrrnU the eonvict-
ninil April i'. Wi. """"K '""" ; ;- " r" "
. on September mi. tots. ed. A the cases will be ap
'".t j. 1 .11... 1 1 1 1 ii 1 i
penalty 01 10 jwr wm. whi" , A peaiea, ana an ave ouuus ev
ulative enally heretofore iliaiRnl, anil 1 eMon the principal
fn.ther.ntere.tat,. McClfaW, of
per annum uvm , i ,
-Vj.u,! Hanks, was one of the jurors on
on or a aoon a pracub e after Oct- he case, which consumed nearly
oliersUi. iS.O'etotcoiitcior.nBiuw . Wecks Of t IHC.
. ..I i..i..-.-i al taxe upon fictional S,A "ltlvo ul
protriy, which hn not have been . bounty Clerk E. C. Luce WBS
ritiii iwiMre hiii uviuwi 7ji u i kA Ana u 1 1 la tti MtppMnranva
1"'" , , ... . ,1 rilltllV 11IIIOUVIV v-i viaa v
iirom-ily iuto hi posseasum, or au timcii I in nonor 01 Wm. nowuru tail,
iiieieofatoaatisfy tx, ami aeii ex-Dresident in Portland. Sun-
the aame at public auction, or he may d Luce says the breakfast
cu.m ht u to-, .i-'-TLTCL'wi featured with some of the
aaaini reai " u J- I.- k.J L..J
I., in lifii nil an il real iiiuucnr I uesi nuuicwca uc iwu uwiu ivi
ami ihall tie enforced In the aame 8ome time, there being nothing
....nitHt other rea estate in urna. i ni;,:nl ,nll tka ofTaii Ii'ranb
. - i l tai aiiuu. n.ivi . .wun
.he above. iatf. ne.. ... " Ftrvine. editorial writer for the
uiih l Hauler inwn i.ji - - . -
..iioii t6sa. i6t aid AfS7 Chapter i84. Journal, made one 01 me most
McMinnville " ..9:45 a.m.
Forest Grove " -.11:59 a, m.
Forest Grove " . .3:15 p.m.
Sheridan " ..4:30 p.m.
MoMinnville " . .6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove " .7:15 p. m.
Forest Grove " ...9:00 p. m.
McMinnville " .12:15 a. m.
A 1 1 trains, stop on flair at
Sixth and Main; at North Range
and Fir streets: at Sixth and Fir
streets and at Tenth street
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. ra.
From Portland
ll & N. Train 9:12 a. tn.
Loop Special, due at Hillsooro
nt 2:00 p. m. from Portland
Saturday and Sunday only
Forest Grove Special (Satur-
ays only)
rom Portland 10:33 p. m
o Portland 11:15 p. m.
'.each Special (on P. R. & N.)
,v. Hillsooro Sat. at 3:02 f. M.
Ketum " Sun. St 9:22 P, M. ol igij.
Sheriff of Washington
County, OreRon.
By J. C. Al'l'LEUATE,
felicitous of all the numbers
Gd. aavs that Wm. Howard is
bie man and a good entertainer,
and that he can hold his own
with allcomers.
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
'arview Beach Comber: Huge
Smith and family are camping
for the season at this place.
They reside in Forest Grove.
The reporter for . the Comber
must have seen Hugh when he
was full of clam chowder and
crat.s, hence the name "Huge."
Mrs. B. G. Luck, of North
riaina. and daughters, Mrs.
Chas. Hellen and Mrs. H. Vad-
rish, of Portland, returned from
I'.arview, Friday afternoon.
Leslie Moore, of :Beaverton,
was arrested Sunday, and placed
in the county jail. It ia charged
that he was caught, about mid
night. Saturday, trying to effect
an entrance into the August
Uossi saloon.
We Want Everybody to Knovz
That we will, beginning at once, give Cash
Register receipts with every cash sale,
showing amount of sale, date and who
made the sale. We will ask you to keep
these receipts as we are going to give
back to our cash customers one day's cash
sales each month. We will select one day
each month and will announce in our win
dow on the 5th day- of each month - the
date we have selected, and then all you
will have to do is look over your Cash
Register receipts from us and see if you
have any bearing that date, if you have
just bring them to us and we will refund
your money. There is no trick to this
proposition. . . "
Vaught Grocery Co.
Second Street Main 125 ' Hillsboro, Orca