ninoao nun nn9 it n I ... ... erilra wrbe) in IU k m ,M " . . . . iil.iL tba III l CM III . - a tfllft. bo i W" - alee ber u .ho bd - - i-K.j II Soul be- ...... .. II what " UI aiming an U aewrtaUy coo ruutalulug wouie different maa liter are tie mil' l.Ul.lre. l lim '' Lilu reoulre lu wbhh Oil). . F" .i. ....i i ami I Mi U'"" rle a number i-r wemeu , , ,t.lrrt made fainer ,.u- iu there wa ' but M"ltil wee ..H- L. II... tfilll t'lJ. f ....i- ..hll.lrrn wber k i I .tie 111' r . I mmrw l.i.l iltanl B Uiu'' . . . . .. . I.M UU L.i .,f tluir lini r' ' i a.. Hi. i came n.uiin U a IUr nl.e L ..r i Uli" r . . . ... i. ii. -., l.i ime MC in """- ull,i.i...... I.IUII aim , ,.! tt " .... . ...... ..f Ll . nrW lmpeill. L ndtug the " I .,u dlwu-lng tb " r .... ...ii.. Li, 1 1 ii uk or. bmipiim . .. - . .Ll Bib Vlr u J"""'' I"" at al. If Il.o u r, ..tir illirri.rm, U-'m' uiu. ii4 " -i ut la. Hut UU iiUW' :Ui.i ui.Hi ' 4l- WUiau .lniulJ I lrt u' .lul- bM , rTk-uLlk.u t. Ala lwn i.rr "U iblMrwi U put t ' ,. l . .i. u( hla rblUlrett W- (.. n t rv.-. y uu'tM tb.t w h liluia til IwiiUUot. t" I r11 llu III Wi" ' nwlbrr t'l Han f"f . . . i ... .. A ..II II.. ..' it.. tip U 11-klU l 111 I liliw w i.w uJ rlir tUll4ll4 tVUIUI ill Ik. I ( U ri)lu mm tha 2 fur IU fun" lbl Lu M Ur a bald III iU La ) II tUnU!-! Vi i ail rr rU." rmaiki4 l bul Wt K Mil a U-f UH ,l Uin-a 111 ImWr' HuiArr uruiunl bla nu4 trM an.) kliiurr kii4 MiMll: V II (r amiii, l Wo I lb arult b lUtt )i-r in l4i lianH VifUi. aMb-ulaly H W Ii"!' i of kMa. I uffif lujMlf I 1 ny ilnl. that I fc'tt S-l an i rllm lit lha rriiiirnl. aiw IHi rriiti, a -!'jr f tl" Wtt tf M-lf khwIHuIihI -"inuillli-o thrMibul Hm tou Mr I . a.. - -I .. I.. art uaiiir, riiivu hi Ll nun of Joint ItaiMtirk'a on Hi.' ..i..ii of Ainrrli-an IniUHwmlr'iii'a. r tvt. ami llloa !) M to aiirvr at tba d.N'amaut. uo ai V aU-tinlurv. ilnUlnL TUa nullM U W,-, H-vlnti lu I Ha tIH n mml- .ti lu ki. tliHr lnilaiiU nnl iU aflpr Ilia "illlij f lnllia Ilia luu nf I irniUliiil w bo rt of July. Nirt a latl f a-k-i'liw nf tba lum rr -n KliU alllimit Ihi-lr iiltni Bt iMr 1n.ll. ntlng ttiat Ibajr wauil mllirr . than U lii-li for Hie Ibmmaiil ' limiijr. Hut by amt tjr tba no nviUli-tiiit I'jr tba rain, did ti"l fnntit1ntt. and thi'ru wr' Hint Miry wvra f.irfoltrn or al lia.t liwt tltrlr tarnir. I uiot iilnic two aliuia In quV-k aur- pit ruiiK nut In a i-aliln wbirr two Knr ,ila)lui t arda. A third lil tnt a frw atnuliiU latr. Ilia i uf thi. r.tlit nllMml at Hi i.f luiiiAvanijr and found Dan t .in ibn flour atwkt dtNid wun .uiiH butaa In tilm. Jltu Murpliy intmrt. Ilimki-r atrHM'd u lu Murphy I" miiiuliHl bt artua. Murtiby, who lolil lila rvvtilvpr, biokaxJ lliUlrUl (' fiu a, tlu-n at all man tNit-m-lui, ill imvliiK riMketl wMl-uua In Immla, and aiirrwiidarati i lly Ivlm tainlnml. It waa bi n.ntnln wu buura. Ttia cow- tfti-r dna rounldaraltun, dat'ldad Muriihy mum my ll.UUU Ma- il.vUii.n ataKtwrad tba vtttaana ilihot. fknm daolarMl that Mur lim'lnif nrwt lu avlf defeDM, waa l"li tu tha Una. OUtara daclarad tV) for tvo koiva, eapacUlly uiio wuutd bava killed tba mau vini It, wa riurblunt TIm cunt k hvb out that tba iirtca of bur Men in human fluah wat rtalug thi'y wira ttSlnklng of making It tr cfiit Ubjhvr. Tbay had notbluR with iiny othar oouttilcration than KliiK tha iwymetit & from nolo ft nt an much hula. "l!iy wna a Biniblir, and, tlnoa ha plnred to loae. h had lilonty NikIii with which to ay hit Una. M.W friiNi nt voluntary obacrlp- muktiiit tho neat aw for tha or HNylum 12.500. A hundred dol wn axiieiidad fur a lot and ma- I H AH Imuubr fna tha hiilldlllff. jftr thU mora men left their guna "'inc. and tVndxhot waa ahowtna nf much uencefulneaa whan a ' uli'ineiit of trmihio cama Into tba pn tu tho iH'miiti of a mnu from tho Mb wIioho nul inline wna not known, wlm iiiiMNud nt Arkauaaw Dill, ua f i'vIObiico of U'lug a dNperada hiunv imthluif of tha ttrtuneia of the Wun tin lu carrying out the edict pluNt Imln liorlttg,nnil ha held a law liiHt uiiii i.iiiv iii niiiii.iiiiit. lie eu- Vi'l Hint auy mnn w!w wat dla- m to lulvrfura with bin would get M und Hum iiniu boi'iuit waa a I W be did Uwt totem) tu wy far It ta ry HtH It aiak a law that III li'H ua oi'ailiHi tmt dlaaittaa HkiM''ily Any tiian ailiitiUua lu ut Jkrk4uaw Hill ihiI tba way tuuat l l'l f..r llui l.rltllrk'a. a if I f..r wary B'l.lttiuil In4 tliat waa thw vaary ! tha )li ba aiuat ay aa aiMllbrtial tliouati-l Awl Waa b wuiat or II. Arkauaaw Kill waa kmiwej In Im a man lmly iiil a abut. aiil an man l i-ktlnif lilin waa llkaly lu (H b'.l. litali-a.l of boUti bluv. A uwi'lliif of Ilia o.uiUiIIIm waa ralU-4 ta iIm LI uhm aoiua way uf gat lliitf lbl ut Arkauaaw Mill. It waa uu l that lu nw any una jmt a bula In blm tlui Ilia ali.uUI t rouittlad. Tba In"! I' waa rarrll. but aim any .nm U'l.t mt imliliid a bula lu Ilia lira wrabi waa II.iIiIk In gri a bula In bliu Mlf IIm ifiululiiu f i In- tliia OU I u.t il lu.i r'.ia tiiulli-ra u una mvumI Iii. Ilnr.t 1 1 la'tla blm An ilirw lluiikir .i.i- l a aliiiultanauua tnk Mmhi lliv i-i.iiiK, aem-luf tu lit 1 1 IH.I alH't Hut hi r..MltlHi itlil li"l Uit- ltli f.nof, ot.a i nnira lltra of c-il i lll l. aria Hal. la .i ba iakl f"T I l"l "f a U! ill! It waa rou aWtrrvil a"ll""I U' Hi" I uoiiia alrataarui alii.itl.l I ili .li- l l. atiU U ba nml.l l rlluiliial.-.l ltti..iil Una. lu Hm Hi t (li-r ii" (.ii. wa auffl Uutl Intriillia I" pr.-lilir amb a airnliii.- iu. ainl tu tha an uud tba run atuma uf oll'l.'U wat tu fanur uf a fair liaiil ri.ii If II lu alliuliiala "i. "f IIm loinlnlaiita It waa Dually lioi- l ty Mr llunkrf Hint au. U lua ii laiM Arkanaaw IIUI Uliltt aiiliHi una nf Hi'lU il.iW'uni bllu. nil .r..ilil..ii uirrtli.f wltb favor. Mr. Ilui.krr uffi-ml lf a tba Brat l. llm II U ! itir i riillt uf lha utb (a Ibat tln-y iU- lliinl tu aii-rfit bla uffrr. arrrli.g thai l"t ab.iulil tm drawn lu il.i.Tiiili.a lm li'ul. ba nral, am-uiMl. IIiImI ami un nil Ilia all lurlulirra of Ilia rululliittra ratb bad B I'U' III Ilia rui'rrtlli,a. hit nuniU-r wrrw wrlltru at many I'll uf (xil-rr. fr-iu una tu all Lu . lualia. tu t i-la.-H In a hi- Thro tba turn atM-t-rkilirty put a band In tba Lai a lot itirw a tiuililirr Ita Who ilirw N I m Alw l-llittiafW. a man a lib a wila an.l fuiir . Iill.ln ii lluu kvr li,.H l.i l -fiiilM.I tu I'baiiaa nuuilwia with I. Int. bill lUlttntit Woubl Uol ruuarlil. alol I I'M lul ling, atl b wan bjiljiB r..uili-l iHirii-y, bruke Ui lU'lluit ' .' rlimiaa bit uWB llitir f..r alotliaT I ' a'4 waa l4 tr lr.-J lu ta an H"tl' t any una In ) klH'M IU the atliuil'l ba wa 1 1 luaka ll.rf lunu b" bad .linnu i niitka aimlbrr. and an no IU ri .iiri I I I ir lha all nwn Ii-iuM ti i 'Iu'Ui il"l Trnl fulll I...MI 'tal. awl laitb Alia mi l Hill H"l II" id I'tiitng the will nlijlit f r t Lit bad t"o ilianil Kim I aliH In nt kk Ui'ra .1.... rrv li.-ard ..iiiIi.l' fi.-ui lha dl ramlloll 'f lli-iuirtrr wvupUil ty ilu, l.irry man uf lb i-uiu mlltin t-ll'Kd that Hill "t Al t lia!-i li'tb ld rn I Hi bt ilu"! Itrrry ui i-f tln'iu g"l nut uf ld ud luirrlad In llm aialia uf Ihn fny. A'ai'a iwbln mi lkUliHl III- rblMri n W.-r run ..I..- ati.Mii Iii ihi-lr nli;bttf'wua, tul iirftl.i-r "lilr faibvr bur iimmIikt wa iltla vii by niif thf rMitimli'i IW'ia.-d uiMrtrr kl tU rhlt ,liwi whit bad Imci-iuI. t'Ui KftHlX n.ifiUivni irKnia iniiir - trk.iniiw Ulll a inhlii. Tbry Wft Mr llllui iMiulnif awty Akl wbtt had wcaaiuiHil tt' ntlng. fur nnly hf lurmM and nil Ihi-m to Hlll't Tlifrw In thf iV-rwty lay a lMy. H..tu oi.r alriu t liwt'X hcM If to tha diad t Harmony House! Tbe "Cloud Artiel" ol MUOM the By CLAHIMA MACKIB wwwwawa aa a a llaruxmy ll.iuaa dwalt la lba inUlat of ilraaut grwu lawn, nobUa trva and many a attrml Buwrr lla. Tba runuui ana arrangMl In autta uf tbir auiall laNlruuuia, tialb and alttlng ruuiii. and lu ra. b ault tba iuauaK bH-nt alltlr.l Ibrra "gurala or Iba L..un i.ln.ii-ra uf Dfly and utrr aul bidlvrnl i blldlraa .l.i Tbla "birtna." wtlb tit annual frw uf I'ai ra' b. aaaurrl th tuiualra a twiUir fur Ufa iiruibb-d la.a dwalt II nalla In raw uf dlaaruatnU tbr mah fitr numt I'bl famwell tu liar uiuny lluv forrnr Aud HuriiK.ny llouwi bad l-u tba rift nf Mta Knlab TuJ't, a la.a hit but 'lnati-t uf auit'l inwin. Il.-r Ktrall bu vr Ilia blk'b man Irlolr-a lu Im front ball and gan-d brnlgnantly d"n utu the gm-ata uf Harmony IUui'. wboaa llr tba bad IrU-d tu irlhtaii wblla brr un faded aaty bilu auolhrr wrld. It wa Man-h. and ibrra waa a bini uf a,rliig lu tha abarp tlr, avro though tha anuw Uy rltfht III' tu-t drrp at b wna. Arid and highway, rii. oMi.k uf a Mrh afterno'in, aid tamlj f-'iir gu.-l uf llannony lloiiw galbi-rid tu tha gfiwrul ltllug ruuui uu tha Ort flour. Hruuintly al llrl-y lllddlr. Ilia buukrft. would annuum a tupia-r. and If U au t Ilriy Hld.l It w.hjUI 1 una uf the wallrraar. Anyway, toiua una wuuld rliig tba tii.:r Urll. -I h-l-a H i Mry I wtut to ak brr abuut lha nrw lady wboruiua lbl tflrriioi'ii. fu-l ir iiui. - uw haf, Butt canary " Kim una latiglaV "I wundrr If lu ltir like oner Ht tcrrd Klln Hinltb, Iwr fla trathclUk rviiutrkol Ala U I'rar 'oU tod a- rtwoy. Ilka a Hiti iun fm-a "d HKhtiil l " ban fmluri. -Mio did II r tnki-d Hunkeu. -I .ltd It." ri-.ll.-t Mr Ulllttia calm y. "I called blm to tba dour and abut bliu " "WlH'd'a Alu-r Ak'iln for M'ily aha turofd tud Ifl tli.iu thi Hum to Inr own bourn o tug to a il H.r Hint I'la-uud to tba cellar atin uut-H It nud M wuie forth aa miii. h w.'ti.l.-r atrt. ki ii a the oiDfra. "Wliut have yu lw up tor ba takiil hit w ife angrily. Tve you fnmi Iflng niur derfil." Then all w I hut hf bad rid the iiln.i. uf It tn. uliii without ilttnter lo bi-railf or nuy "' ,;'' Kni'n Bl"' ,.v..ry limn BniKd hrr hand and eion rn.lnl lier from Wame. Tim ondwii jlm" "CVBr bu,1, f,.r It wn lift ioihIisI 1 ue ii ami ir mnlcrlnl that hud Nell purchiiei'd werr tiai'd for a church, which helped aiuat InglY In Ho- .hi"'!""" ' tix ,,,w". iMi'dahm lid lce tu.. one of Ilu, iu..t thrUIng and culture.1 clth't In ll. w.-t. It I hunter lHd l.t The name hn ! changed h li.iimr uf the woman who rendered tbe erphau nayluui iinmifaaajry. Caught a TaHar. Victor Kuiiiinuiirl. klnit of Italy. a keen nahemian and ant h'' J"' Lrwlth hi nal. tl'OUilh the l-e-t ; J luck did not alwaya atten. I lU ptoia- torlill i'Xle.llll"l. t"V. an" " " a ngllug IW't htm only hree inr (tab and he w r.n.ln Xc..o. ''-.Mnetl;y..J with a mnsi.lnc.cut catch of trout ?v 1 tu W no uriMit Bahernian. t, tuiliie t'V your rntch." cummenie.1 'he Stint; rvyw ntKiut n lucky aa '' Inmilrcd hi niaJcaty. 'Oh, rei ieu ,Kor iKKly. much more tit to be a king than a flahermnn." Http Othtra. ... i.i.ou.iir nuiiie. . gam ..- oivauttme. 1.1.. Iik lll!4 aii .....Mr iiva for nm ;ov.fortbyHeir.-H.'- riiou ., if Hum Wlabeal tug lu wiittun wltb hrr tongue x ahain .4ra bruke lo from tbe 6W way. a ttrtiigf uh-e. tba vol.- of the ueBruiuar -I -an till lou I don't ' llk rtntryr' It nappr'l "And I don't a, kle Hka a ben ur titter Ilka a gulue . . . .. . ..... ii in.i.llr ban! i'u. g"ul rveniug. ' i""'"" lvr the tiny form uf the bate new tuna ll.n. Illddle luuiniid like au liKrl uf la-a.a -Whr. IM Olivia. I dldu't know tou bad trrtved! Ild aome nue abow rou tour r.aiiuf' -The girl dl.t" aakl Olivia I-ndd. "And the aald It wa - u'per time, a.) cam itoatt." "That right. MKa yourwelf at buuie. I U tnlrodine you tu yuur room mala, ami thay ctu tnlrudu. you to the rvt." Ilepay led Olivia up to Albla Vear auu aii.1 Klk-n Hmlth Tber tnKh Iniwed and laid. Tleaae.! to meet you." Aud Olivia Hired bard tt them and UI pertly: ' l'l. to nwet you, I'm eurer !!fy ditftiol awty U'Wird the kii. i,.... amt Olivia wit left In the Bilddla of the eltttii Mom. with forty rlvht eye focuaed on ber aprlgbtly Utile form. Olivia Uitd wore a black caabmere aklrt. mnde narrow Id the lateat moxla Hhe wore black high heeled Hlpi-era, with tllrer buckle, aud a white ahlrt wilat wtth a aallor collar that ehowed t itrtngy little throat tbtt waa quiver- lu more than Ita owner WQuia aomii. Ollvta't pale aamly hatr waa colled lu two imill flat ctrclea lichlnd her aara. Her blue eye bad a attained Ly.k and I here w ere bard little Hue around her now and mouth. v,.i una of tbe women prearnt .irwimi-d that Olivia Udd had reacbd ,.i,.i aniwaml to her a haen of ref Vnf thlHr Teara the had been iiiimkiT. out by the day. nnd. ha l..a .-..i.Mlilered lonit and carefully bow i.i Invent her imivIiik. the Imd Ixh- tent to the mwimirement nf Harmony 11. ...u Tm golnit to do nothing for weeka and week." olhln Imd promised ber w.f So the lived up ber wardrobe ami fell a -cime of triumph In de eiidlmt uim the rural Inmatca of Harmony Houe In the Riory oi ui . date clothe. I Hlmll never innke clutbea for any , except .".vaelf." ' w Pf lac Olivia had mnde. She felt rather . i.. n, mldal of the women. ...d for one aha tanged for her J.... a.k.kltk in tlm crowded city n" ..i.i. In bar. Hut theoiii ngoiuiK nd the t.ed ber head and remarked plraiuiutty: i aiiniHiaa there' a ..... t .1.,.,'! aeeul to ce 11. Mr. Mnttle done InuRhod gwid na- ......llo . I.'. ' U'blnd me. Mlaa IaM ' " ... m n .1,., ... that I tllHl on ail iuit .... . . . . . IL.I u., kf wa A miner, auo ....... .....t for M a mow, i. .i.... .. h me and tell mo all you """ - - - .i... ..u.a from tho CUT- ii. i.. ihunkiHl Mr. Jonea and took 1...1. Mi... told her about tlie mow blockade on the city afreets, i, .....r nivldeiit on tbe rati " .... nimilv how the had dropped nwn .i..m a therlHhed plnnt-a mac "-" ,m the Htntlon plntrorm aim u.u i. ....i..,.l lu ntomt oy a un'i uiiko trm I nme nf the ther wornrn ami llkml It - II rinpt 1.1 Ua ttttillb au-l ArkU I'wi wu-i hai. IUe eaute ault with tlw nrwniuiaf. It a jual auy lk tawgkt OitrU f.irlornly. "t wbb I had abared buuh ti;ti ntth Mania Jutwe) er tbal mlm AuibWr" TIm avaubig paaaad oukrkly With fan ry .irk, rvavaraattua and aauale frmu larga priuraib. At IU u'rba k Mattkt Jotai gut Up awl aald rl night liar drparture wa tba algual fur a a-mvral etodua. and tba w.Mura went out OUvla'a brtglit eyaa bad InvratorVd each enea ap paararna ami found It wtntlua' In atvlf Tbelr aktt ware uo full, tbetr ahlrt walala wore out uf date and all uf tbriu wura t-lt brr blaek or w till -au'iat try lug of all tlula to oum win la au luog.r )uung. "I dWt wundae they look rranky,' aabl Ollvt aa aba want up to hrr room. "What tbey na4 arw rbaerful rbithr l.i llvrn tbrm up. Take lira. June, with brr white hair. Mb would k.k eweet In pink, like kf ra. Judga Utlui. r Unl tu wear. tiilita paaarj ibmugh Ute tiny kail thai led to brr now. Mia I'mrauu and Elian Built h wrr lu r-Hiia talking lu r b utii rr wblla tbry prrrrd fur bed. "It may be tbe atyle," tUau ai aaylng. "but I dou't think It a proiwr ,i wrar aklrt that tight' "Ob. iwhawT retorted Alkla Hear iu. "hiwut aa If I'd rrlUh a tkUt that didn't How out like a ballouu.' "All. la! Wuuld you wrar tuck a tight aklrt f (b-uiamWd tlteu la a burrUled tone. -I'd wrar anything different. lurta.1 -Alicia recklraaly. "I'm ak'k of In-iLllig au old and mUJla aged. Vou cau l help It You are nibblle age.l,' anapiirU back Ellru. "I euppute y.Mi'd Ilk tu wear your hair lu two little eulla behind Tour aart," the aiirered. I'm trilua tt that way sow." Bald Alii U ruully. IM Uia aral Alb'la I'ramon, If yU di'U't l""k Ilk tbe old Nlvkr gujH-(l At that mutuent Olivia appeared In the ilonr. Bhe wore a low berke.1 U'-e trluiiurd nightgown, and tu-re grhly little blue bow at tbe throat and uu each apult'gy for a alerve. Her gluk't-r i-olored btlr wit nettly hmlJ.-l tod H-l with blue rttibona. "I tbuughl I'd tike to tay g'Mxl nlgiit to aouie one." aba aald ralbrr tlmldiv Tve lived aloue In a boarding bou f,,r ao uuiuy year, aud wbeu I (bought pf mining here I kept tblnkl'ig it Would be Ilk borne o mauy loueaouie wouii ii'ghid tu get tuKetber " " laudr gl.l t ma led tlleu. "i'uuie lu aud all down." Invited AIM. "I'm trying to do my hair like your. Huw do you manage Itf Olivia abuwed her. Then Klleu'i acanty gray tack were bruabed Uilo a -The order w beyrd, and tb; rortugHeiMi liftt kei the tanghtn: atia k uf rirattu tltlrlti aa rl,l I after rahht Wa fuO out That Bight L .. . - .a.M Ah I'MfflUh rnilaar BUpnl nrr ranie ami pin iu and aafrty. Tbe Krenrb. tiermaa and Kalian vraarla anaptifl ttwlr rt blea and wrrw driven on Ibe Leaeb, XLr Port u: ora irwl alone r.xla nut the gale. Tbe admiral w giva-a dn ratluua In rreok'iittloo of bla for atght. waa promoted to aaval eim mlrr In cblrt aud wa fuugrBtulateH by rvrry uiir. What a bead that mm bnar wa ibe unlveraal romnient" The Scrap Book Ho the Kind They Want!. SI u Sl.ii;emi.iiiu-l.lii'leii.Titie, IU i..i ..f -". In- sonny HMeuf lUpbiraatk; I i! i ' n HI. Ll . I'v' -I . I. : jh ... I. . Ir .1 "l KM lu lilrnl tbat Itllp- .'(J lo r liU l-alel. tlu-D t.i Hi.- l lilte.1 Htate. l.i I'm- el. "We were u iii ll- V-i-lnlle Vl r ,t. !y iifu-r lirmkfaat i ii il.H.r and with j i i he had Ui n tent I . t :i nil'iue i ! tl.e iray-r and i.i 'In- ilniw lug: r.K.m uf t: I it I. 'u lielng hutolay ana Uli. : a bib !ier.' J. m a lit ale Bk-'niw. i..l -:i I y "iKliTBtan'Jllig, while I l ahaklttt; with UiUKhter at the otlier end nf the mum au.1 wuukl Dot have li,t-rferi-l f. World f'r felf Of l""lng n Wun uf lb- lllulogna). "'I read the 'll?' crli-l J- ""Ye, lr. You're a mluUter, ain't ' er. . . . i ii.i Well, yea, I am, oui noi n i you mean.' -The little man aald eondewcendlng ly: We are not rtlctjlr a to f t. It make no itlfferenre a louc a you will preach J. bad dim -ulty In eipUilnUig In hi tet EuglUb that preaching waa not a ape. Ulty of bl." chnlr for me. I'm view. uffy uua on top of ber bead Instead f It u no I tight knot They fell tu elchauglug coulldeuce. ud tlunlly they talked about clothe. Olivia wa lu ber glory. Then abe gave them her couOdeuce and told Ibe atory of ber weary year it dreMtuiktu aud how being able to alter tbelr t'lutue would ba a pleasure Inatead of a drudgery. Loug after tbe tight were out and icb woman waa In ber narrow bed tber eimttuued to talk back and forth mull I lunar Riddle knocked on the door for quU't The belt morning onvia ronnea a .-wing club, livery member ol utr- mour Houae joined at once. Tbey gathered about tbe newcomer wttn workbaakett and out of data garments. and Olivia tbowed them how to alter nd make over gowna aud coata aud hat. You'll wear youraelf out allna Olivia " eitwetulated Uepay Bhklle one day. "I never waa ao happy In my lire, returned Olivia. "We have auch good lime aewlng together. Mlaa Blddle. .ml tfa Ilka one big family here. Seem Ilka they're aU my alttera aud ther need me. Thafa tha Happiest thought of alL" Ilepay nodded. "I auppoae tome folka would aay cloihea making wat a tin, but I aay niivthlng that brtugs Joy and peace to lonelv henrlt t all rtvht. And qua rel mostly liegln through Idleueta. 80 I tblnk If Mlaa Tintd waa ouiy uere she'd almke bnnda witu you aua aay 011 were the good angvl of Harmony Houxe. They've atoptwa tquaounui!. I111 uk goodueas." Olivia blnahed to tbe roota or ncr glnirery hair. I'm to happy I don t now wnai io do." half aobtied Olivia at u u down the atepa of Harmony Houae. I think they're calling you to come over and lny croquet." tnld Uepay. with twinkling eyet. Tor tne lawn 01 Harmony Houae wat aprlnkled wltb all the membera of the lilg family. They wnlkwl freely lu the grasa aud wiiiur their mallet wun vigor. Their remialeled gowua may nave iieen entirely Inappropriate to aoU-r middle nge. nnd ttie freaklan coinuna may have aeemed ridlculoua. dui tney were entirely happy. LUCK OF AN ADMIRAL teats Still Vacant. The aolemn mau at-nuied outakle the ctatluer'e h.p aud gil eametly at the awlllng projirli ti. i;od Idea. lu't Itr ald th latter. "Very e.iud IndeeJ." aaM the man. And he plau.-eil unre nv-re at the tbrw Milr f tr-mm-ni wbb-h were lii'icliig In the bow. ae IiiIm-1.i1: "Ait inl-slmi. to Khlllln-.';" "Admlnalon. 1-' abtliiiie." and "Admliwlou, 15 thtl- llntfs." "S.T" aakl the dealer. "You can't pet l.i without pavlm: the prl.-e. Ila. ba! If Ihi-r.-' nny thing I U-lleve u Il a wit lu au ad." The solemn man "tunned tbe aaver-t!.-nieiit aitalii. "You haven't nny fenerred aenta. have youT' he a-ikeil. The amlle nnlteil on thi dealer'! lW?'LWj'JI I I Z. aV-W- , n I V IB I Si The Steel Lined "SPEED SHELLS" For Velocity and Accuracy Sport -air a are ailllag to take thrir tbaaeaa of Ipurt b-.t I hrr aant certainly ia thrjr iktllt r.rt tbe Rrailmrtua-r M 1 "Arrow" a-l"NiUo Club" the atrr liar. "Sprv.l ShHIa." The rl haim i-y. ik Data aB tbe faer ti til m In.ii a bare al Uw .. Sttrr k-a. Iraa f" ia.rk aboal aa.'W ra-rff la .rt tk "ll nna." l lo ika 4ak-T ta 4m ux KM Bi If ittt tt Jtmieffa VUC fa caa ki rou p ". Sold bjr your home dealer and (4S other leading merchant in Oret on Ivanaetea AraM-Union Metaltw Carb-wJ. Ce. WeaWartbBk. (a33BreeV) NeYab Ore Sawmill CroveUnd, Oregon Rough and Dressed Lumber of all kinds. Let ns figure with you on your Lumber needs. We give our customers good service and reasonable prices. Mill located Six and one-half miles North of Hills 'xro on United Railway. H. S. Thorp, Proprietor moat ... .. . I I. I. .... n ice. ami. wun a inmn i'. .1 nnd look down the ticket. Y or tlu wia-ld W bard Indeed tou ita uumor lata. Uiudi'U eV'iap. Cnlarg Your Spirit. (ifiuntlme It U not no much the greaaavH of thy trouble a the llttle- tiea of thy spirit that make) tbee to complain. -J ere uiy Taylor. tUMMONB. IF "VOOWARICTLY REPELUNT S USED EASILY APPLIED 8AVFS-TIffP.TEr1Pgn'HIU(-r10EY- 1 The Hillsboro Pharmacy o..- .....i, f the Inteat and nil... B.-M-.1 - ... . . 1 - ... .1... m..r tlm aiiiaiuu al.u.. I il.r ll nit newt Ol me . . Off W.thb. 0.d-0n w-; Wcre of hy w,,m.,,a. new. wntc m a ueurgm : r.-r..ui.ii K'hhI iW,lugl) bail not come . - u. 8..tu.ih.y afternoon Beammg u- - - aVT A ni.ili.llo womnn. .T. .. a' uau. t aueatkm. and exclamn. tlmia of lairror ahe imtaed on to olber time, a i" "".' ,. . ,.., ,K.token- t.r tire aim weni. . ' ,,, by a t,o atreet- A nlM.11R,ni,v front- rtuBu, -- tiewd. hhI out of tng b'rl "8ny. now a ills. aa .iniul a ' ... .l.kMP " raatameiiii ru e.1 m Millkll I UUI miii.!1J2 UOt tWO IWO ncuii."""". . .. ,, , ,. "1 1 ... 1. in. I itlvlded It. mtyta.' aou I Kncsa I wat tnviug 0..,, . - Briive-nir you Haul nknat'iy cm m - Velvtn' do tenaloim o K - -iiuhranHiwte. -... vb11i of her houu mm, "1 alu't craay 'bout no MturdM fvanlng Poat thinking m Minnie t Mtatah one 0f I hem - . ..1 ... for you: .... .,. . int. nl I It. Kill wiiiiiii,. . . . In a went oui iu auri-c. - I ahull tike you UriMlieU UVi " " att doad mam to mile!.. two women ..f L- mil fci'll.iH. a fjurlnu I"1-' liici Olivia talkatl t An Apparently Fool Order That Won Him Freah Laureia. Among the alorlea lu J. B. Thorn bill' "Ail ventures tu Africa la nu amusing oue that wat told by Captain Uhoeur. the Belgian chef de aone of th limit Luauula aoiu of Katanga. it followed a dlacuaalon 011 tha way office boya rlae to preferment while really good outside men uiae uu wtt: a voiine cadet lu tha Portuguese ... ... etven work at tbe admiralty office, where he remained, and, with out ever having been on board ship. ' rote through Influence to be captain aud ultimately admiral. Wbeu the Mug and queeu of Portugal went on a vlalt to Tangier he waa charged with .i. ,i..te of taking them there aud hoisted hla flag accordingly. The cap ... is. boat naturally went to him for ordcra aa to which tha otBce bred -..-.1...1 a atnte of hotieleaa In- UUIUIt ! V waaw wa . nocence. Ha parried quetUona and 1,,-j imeiiiite b telling the cap- .i . ... for himself. On arrival at .h. r.matn atked how mauy 1 cables he ehoutd put out. and tha ad miral In a quandary answer. I !AU' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OKKtiUJi tun wan INGTON COUNTY. , I). Woodworth, I'ltinlifl Warham II. C01 and rul Retmern, De-femlanu. To Warham II. t'oa aim raui twnmeia. ItefeiultnU: . 1 . ik. n.i.ia nf III BUlt of Orreon. you re herel.e re.,uiriiil to tppear and lb complaint filed BgaiiiH you tu the' above entitled null on or before ail 6 . eekt from the date 01 in nra puuii.-a Hon hereof, town: on or before 111 reka Irum tlie wn uy iuiy. , tw. if you fll to aiiHWer, lor want thereof the planum will apply to the court for the rellel demanded in the eofnolaint, lowlf. for a decree detrrmtmng the renpecuve inWreaUol laid UefenOauui in and to the following rteerlted real property altuate in Waihington County , Slate of Oregou, faaeatil Uuaa-ltt.lillge al an Iron Din at the miter of Beet bin Kleven -U-,Tow nnhlp Three t-oiitb. Knge Two -3- (,; ill. u.. . TI,..-Soiilh Uilril 10 min- Raet'tt. aUing the line through the renter of aection to an iron nine ; thence ttoulh 8 d a i III 11 went 1S17 J ll 10 iron ior; .1.!..:.. N.irth 0 .W if mill Weet. SM ft to a alone; thence Kaalerly I81H.H n U the point ol loiinnimn i" It acrea, more i .''' '"- ,, , ofarrtln contrari iiaieu .n. " between Wea'.ern r uel Co , a oorpotailon and daleudant Warbaui H. nd oe termlning the amount due the planum under aaiil eoliiraci; aim nam a ..o. within which defendanta or either or 11...... .a the court mar determine, may pae Into court lor the plalntiB the am uiit io founl due, together with attorney leet anil eoeta. ana wuniu wnun may thereupon convey taid premwea to both or either ol laid defendants, as the court may direct, aud decreeing that upon r.iior. 1.1 make mob pavtiieut within lime, delendanl be harreil and fore- cloaed of all ritsht. title, Inter aim eq uity or reitempllou in aim m iwki i.i.. laei, and that -the plaintiff do hive ami ,.f rr.1111 me cpieiiuaiiia m. ami itiNliursemeiita, and lor auch other and further relief at may be just audequtuoie. . r.i.a aUllimoiia ia rum "i -- ....1.1.. .0... i.n.i.r ami he virtue ol an Srder of tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Waahtnglon. n.u.1. .n.i .niarad herein on the 'Jmn day of June. Itl5. which-onter direeli that ...... hpr.111 na mioiisueu iii ... """"""- ." Kll.l..l Mil ahnru Arvua. a newspaper p"""" In Waabingtou Comity. Oregon, once a week for ti" weeka, twd that yo Butieat and anawor on or nenire m v weelafromthedateof tbe Brat publics- .1 .... IkaMrtf. 1..,. f H..I nohllnallmi . Julr 8. 1915. nateoflaatpublicltlnn, AuRiiat 19. WI5 Farrtnatou s rarruiRion, v. m, .., Attorneys lor p.ainuu. CITY BAKERY J. Wolfersperger, Prop. We are now located in our new quarters three doors West of our old establishment on Main Street, and our change enables us to give our customers a much better service. Buy your Dread. CaKes, Pies and CooK ies of us and get the best ;i THE "GREATER OREGON' u i.i. kaildl.aa. better eoulDaarat. ea- larted creaaila. aiuj Biaar eaMUtaaa to It lacalty.tlie I au.milr af tlrrsua ill bealn Ila fortieth rar. Taewiar. eeen.orr i. Hverlai Iralaiac la t"naarre. Joaraallaa. . uk,t...M l mm . Mrdirlar. Tnu hlaB. Libra- . th..iral Tralaina anil etna Art, large ami rnnaeaarBentat Llbwr- l ihran ( 'atom than 64.000 vnlaatea. tkle leea iuii eii"ieia. . TalttoM rree. Iirmltoria. fur mea Bad far bm. Kaawnaea Loweet. Write fur free ratalu.Bldmaliit Begtetrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ORROON ' Jorirtaof Hall fW. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. I! JOlll Bubbics,, the fountain favorite, in a delicious, cooling, refreshing glass of Wa have a full line of Kodaks and supplies, and we do develop ing and printing. Delta Drug Store. "First for Thirst' ii tt your lavorka louniaia ear 0 o o DR. W It PASLtY Dentht Offloeaintbe Hetdel Building, upttalri, Main Btreet, adjoining Poai Offlc BWg. Rooms 8 and 4. Phone City 9G2 Hillsboro uregon FOR TBK Best Fire Insurant AND PROMPT SBTTLK MBNT OP LOSSES SEB JOHN VANDEIVWAL Agent London & Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. HILL8B0K0 Pacific Statea Phone 324 BUILDING I am prepared to do all kind. of Building and Repair work Cabinet work, etc, Saw-filinp. Screens and Screenldoors. wo at Main and Front ' 1 , , AU kinds of .furwturt, plat" and prism glass doors nu win dows. Also Kawneer bars. JOHN BEATTY. '