Tffe lnlflLLSBTO ARfiiUS. U.XX1I HILLSBORO, OREGON, AUGUST 10, 101. NO. 22 WOID F K a m at a a nut m ua i,rll Saturday Womlnf at KotMit. lor Ururny Au tu pouuno rot TtML lMtn ImOmI Is Fs.I Pwt Iaa4 Vcar A t.Url Smith ana a sirs, weain frre arrmtrd by Sheriff Keevea CtSct.tlflJ. above Buxton. Sat irJay morning and turned over u Multnomah officials. Smith . . L'i..,Lm IfiititltfMit m trir now m ri" '. - - taWintr it from Portland uKt aid. drove W lllm- with the car. taking Mr. akin with him. When he achtd lillamook, Smith stored the machine in t barn, telling party he would return later. . . .. . it i milh men went mw iviumu, ind iu arrested on another Vhartre and eentenced to eerve me. a Tillamook deputy aherilT rated the machine in a curious uantuT. The warty owning the urn told the officer that a ma hint waa in hi barn and had n thera for month. The jkputy examined the auto and ound the engine number to be :h um a the etolen machine. thnuifh the machine itlate urobrr had been changed. Mrin while Hmith. who had hamrfd hi name several time. I rnt to ScoHeld where he worked r the Kairla Lumber Company. II . ttUi at Scofleld. in a tent J.ou and another woman Joined itlicm. The second woman wm 'a ilauirhtei-of Mr. Makln. and W conducted a barber ehop. Shcritr Keeve round aeveral nkinning knive in the Scofleld outfit and he believe that .Smith ha at one time been one l the hustler killing veal in Kut Washington County. While It. . I....L!. . . Ik. L . t lKa umiiiiii athn in Ihn lont lu)u. raised objection, but the t ince r kept on Inspecting, &ne said: "This house is full of cracks and you needn't think I can't i- you." Keeves told her ho would examine all their effect. TheSmith-Makin party were not told the nature of the charge agaiit them, and they panned through llillsboro. The machine is still over at Tillamook. Huy your Kodaks and supplies from the Delta Drug Store. A Kent Kaatman Kodak Co. Jack Ilobinaon and N. ('.J. ('hristenson. of near laurel, were city visitor Friday mom ing. S. A. 1). Meek, of North Plains came in Saturday on a trading trip. Threshing U in full blast up his way. Money to loanon farm secur ity. 1 represent three large tire insurance companies. Give me a call.-K. I. KuraUi. John Abbott, of the Portland detective bureau, waa out over Sunday, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Abbott Here you are Mr. Fsrmer-7 and 8 per cent money aee me. 11. L Perkins. Room 1 Commer cial Bldg.,Hillsboro. Ore, H. A, Hinshaw. traveling freiirht mnt and Jnhn M ScotL general passenger agent for the a. r. line In Oregon, were in the city Saturday, calling on business men. . John M. Wall ami family rolled In from thHr California trip. Saturday afternoon. about five o'clock, having U-i-n traveling for a month t a day. Th-y left here in company with Aug ust T ws and family. Ilillnlxiro. and Thou, Talbot and family, of (Wneliun. Ihi-y went South to FriHcu. tiNik in the Fair, and Own motored down to Santa Harbara wIhtm they v initt W.J. Wall and family. They then returned to San Pedro, where they took tin- Itoanoke for Port land. Arriving in San Francisco the inHiiertoro put the vesitfl in the dry dock, than canci-lling their trnmjHirla'.iort to Portland. They thereujion canhed in the KkN-tage and procenlcd to motor orth. Tew and family went on over to NetarlM, and Talbot and family HttM'd at ("orvallu to vimt Tom Whitehorn and family. The Wall returned in the pink of heulth and the, trip ha done them a world ot good. Wall in now ready to Kettle down to hiit law practice and will pa tiently wait fr another world's fair. Nob I.uca. the alleged safe cracker-and who ha served time for that crime in again in the toils of the law. This time it is a baby put the hooks into Lucas, lie turned up at the police station, Sunday, with an infant, alleging that he found it on a Portland ttidewalk. He said that two men were with him when lie made the find, but on Uking the ollicers to where the men were alleged to have been stopping, he escorted the officers to an empty house. This aroused their suspicions and they put Itoh in It Mill Im remembered that Lucas was held here several months on a suspicion of having rubbed the Hanks store. It. J. Sloop ha sued Hertha Sloop divorce, lie fays his wife has been charging infidelity for years, and has at various times caused him to sell out He savs that when he was in Asto ria he employed 25 women in his retail milk business, and his wife charged him with tlirting with the "wholo darned bunch." Sloop states that he gave his wife $:.0H) of property, and he is willing to pay ten dollar per month each for the care of the four children, minors, or those of them who w ish to remain with the mother. Krnest Hellairo and wife, of Holland. Oregon, in the Jose phine mining district, came up last week and Bre visiting at (Ilenco with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Helluirc. Krnest is mining down in the Kirby section ana he brought up some mighty tine placer prospects. While here he was Imiking into the Food Pro ducts product to see if it would not be a good thing to ship into the mines. I saw cord wood, poles up to 12 i.,4,..u in tinmeter. fence rails, lll n - mnt itfinrd of all kinds, into stovewond lengths. Will go into it... niimtrv. Write, nhone or call on me. -Cnrl Skow. llillsbo ro. Phone. City 452, or call at Tualatin Hotel. Ami lti'n ,ller and Gerhard n.u.ii.i uitrn nmonir those from thid ronntv who attended the ', a mxrii'un meeting at Portland, i Monday. Dr. Hexam er was the speaker. Order your hopyard supplies early. Hop stoves, k',"u hop basket, hop pipe, etc.. at , L Muin nn.l Fourth St8. Hivnii a, ....... - ir Get his prices. Kli Pw. of Dilley. was a city rnller. Friday morning, bli says k.i i,u nintemolates moving back to the old county seat some of these days. FELL FROM FREIGHT llraa S. Itouih Killed la Accident While Traveling BKCOMINU SICK. CNT 10 PLATFMN Wat MatM i Mtaikcr at Maetra Wanwa - Uttldti al UeUlas Claienoe Young returned Fri day evening from Iewiston. Ida ho, where he went to attend the funeral ol his brother-in-law. Dr. Kzra S. Hooth. who died at Walla Walla. last Friday. Mr. Itooth was traveling East out of Umatilla, and had received a P-rmit to go by Freight so he culd make Walla Walla in time for a passenger train. He be came sick and went to the front platform to get fresh air. He became dizzy and fell between the car,',hi right leg being' com. pletely crushed. The train crew took him to Walla Walla in a special train, and he was taken to St Joseph's Hospital, where he died several hours after the accident Mr. Hooth was born st Bran don. Wisconsin, Sept 13, 1864. He was married to Miss Mae Young, at Hillsboro. October 12, m. The widow and the two children, Joyce Mae and Melvin ltoy, survive. .The funeral waa held at Lewiston last Sun day. Booth lived in llillsboro late in the nineties, and moved to Forest Grove after a short residence here. He was a jeweler by pro fession, and conducted a jewelry store i-t the Grove. From Forest Grove he went to Seattle, and ater moved to the Idaho country. Or. Hooth was a man of re tiring disposition, but made many friend. He was s mem ber of the M. h: Church, which he joined early in life. Tbe Shute Savings Bank It sin Old Reliable Institution with Resources of over $300,000.00 If yoa are not familiar with banking methods call and talk it over with us aud we will gladly give you any information desired. All business strictly confidential. Ac counts of Women ami Child r.en solicited 4 Pr Cmtx Paid on Savings Deposits. A. McG'll, Pres. W. Malnn, Cash. A. C. Shute, Vice-rrcs. W. V. Hergen, Asst. Cashier . P. AND P. E. ft B. All. except the P. It & N., trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main street To Portland Vest Grove Train 6:50 a. m. McMinnyille Train 7:36 a. m. Sheridan Train 10.02 a. m. 'orest Grove Train 12:50 p. in. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. 'Vest Grove Train. ...4:10 p. m. rJugene train 4:wp. m. McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m. orest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Eugene Train arrives-. -8:15 a. m. McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville A 1 1 trains. 9:45 a. m. M ..11:59 a.m. " . .3:15 p. m. " ..4:30 p.m. " ..6:40 p.m. " .7:15 p. m. " . .9:00 p. m. " .12:15 a.m. stop on flag at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets: at Sixth and Fir streets and at Tenth street Steam Service. Old Depot To Portland P. It & N. Train 4:30 p. m. From Portland P. It & N. Train 9:12 a. m. Lood Soecial. due at Hillsboro at 2:00 p. m. from Portland Saturday and Sunday only. Forest Grove special (satur days only) From Portland 10:33 p. m. To Portland 11:15 p. m. Beach Special (on P. R. ft N.) Lester H Campbell, of Sertoli, was a city visitor the last of the week. John Oppenlander, of r.-:ir Varley. transacted business in the city Friday morning. Maud A. Hanes has sued H. an A. Kanes for divorce, alleging jealousy and cruel treatment. Mr. and Mr. II. W. Scott and daughter, and Miss Martha Allen, of Forest Grove, were city callers Friday. The Pharmacy has the m ?t complete line of Eastman Kodaks and supplies. They do develop ing and printing. Henry Challacombe. oi Cor nelus, was down to Hillsboro the last of the week, greeting his oldtime friend. For Sale First class Cement Brick machine, good as new, cost $150. Will take S30 cash -U Reynolds, Aloha. Ore.. L'O. N. H. Jones, of North Plains, waa in the city Friday, having just returned from building a barn for h. E. Lyons, near North Yamhill. Money to loan on first-class farm security. Washington County Abstract ft Title Com pany; by & J. McAlear, Mana ger. 4tf W. H. Forney and wife, of Oak Park, were in the city Sat urday. They are building a nice new home to take the place of that which was destroyed by fire. Miss Marion Lytle spent sev eral days the past week as the guest of Miss Marie Long, at Happy Camp, Gales Valley, and Mias Beth Crandall visited the camp as the guest of Miss Mar garet Hancock. Mrs. M. E. Whitehead depart ed this week for San Francisco, where she will visit the Fair, af ter which she will depart for Galesville, Wisconsin. Her sons go to Wyoming, for the Fall sea son, and will later join her in Wisconsin. F. S. Estep hands the Argus a Kentucky paper which tells of a man carrying niteen counties in the recent primaries, on the dem ocratic ticket although he had advertised that he was not a candidate, and asked people not to vote for him. That must be a mighty good state for residence for a democrat Mr. and Mrs. Allen Newiin and daughter and son. Miss Madge and Carl. Hutsonville. 111. were guets of Benton bowman and family, Friday. They have lust returned from the ban r ran- Cisco and San Diego fairs, and are now at Seattle, from which point they start home this week. Mrs. Newiin is a cousin of Mrs. Bowman. J as. Austin Hooper, who robbed the Wesch saloon in a holdup, taking about $270 from Wesch and his bartender, was arrested some time ago for rob bing a oost office, at Grants 1 ass. Sunday he mixed with the Grants Pass sheritt. tied him, gagged him. and made his escape. It is understood that Hooper admits that he was in the Tualatin hold up. The Progressive "500" Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sorenson. Saturday eve, Aug. 7. Several tables were en joyed by members and visitors, honors being claimed Dy Mrs. Victor Dahl and E. S. Combs. A dainty luncheon was set by the hostess, after which music and singing were enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seater and Mrs. Sarah C. Martin. Saturday evening, August 21. Mrs. Violet Ackley, of Kansas AL. G. BARNES CIRCUS C Friday. August 20. a Big Day for "Dad." "Mam" and the Kids VISITOR HAS BEEN HEBE BEFORE Maar ladivdaal Ada Are Wnb I Aamltiioa Prict A splink, splanking new show, a new program - not so new, how ever, but what the time-honored features which have made the circus America's most popular form of amusement, are retained, are the promises held forth for the circus that is to visit Hills boro on Friday, A igust 20. The circus referred to. of course, is the World s greatest wild animal show the Al. G. Barnes circus. In Baying "new" show, it isn't inferred that the Barnes show is new to the people of Washington County, tor it has visited here before and is strictly in keeping with the truth to aay that it performances always gave genuine and whole some satisfaction. The show's performances here the last time were witnessed by large au diences and it is safe to say that they will again enjoy seeing the Barnes wonder-collection of ed ucated animals. Acts that thrill, acts that amaze, others that instruct and those that create laughter all of them entirely new and of an original character are promised to those who witmess this sea son's performance. The scope of the feats performed by the animals has been profusely broadened for this year's tour. Grown people will find in the thrilling spectacular acts a sat iating array of entertainment whi'e the kiddies will have bu shels of fun watching the antics of the half hundred animal clowns The comicality of these laugh creators is also guaranteed to be juvenescent to all grandpas and grandmas present Special attention is directed this year to the big wild animal features in which the largest groups of lions, tigers, and bears ever shown are performed. Ed ucated Royal Bengal tigers, thirty acrobatic and comedy bears the horse riding lions, bears, leopards, and hyenas will cer tainly gratify anyone's appetite for the sensational. Acts of a quieter character but none the less interesting, in which domestic animals are the star actors, are generously inter spersed throughout the program. Iheresa massive ensemble in which a hundred beautiful and highly educated ponies take part The world's champion dancing horses sixteen in number are shown in one of the very great est circus features of all times. Trapese performing monkeys. tight and slack rope walking dogs, monkeys, goats and pigs. and raging ostriches, combine in giving some of the most delight ful circus entertainments ever witnessed. ADVANTAGES SAFETY: Yourmoneyjsafer in the bank than in your cash drawer, PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by being able to give a bank reference. DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often ob tained, if you have a commercial bank account. CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid. There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come in and see U3 and we will tell you more. 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National Banh Maim mnd Third St:, Mfltfefto. W YES! WE HAVE IT III STOCK! One Million Board feet of Good Lumber A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Oar specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment. You can do better for less with this company. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY 1. very thing in Building Material NOTICE! Lv. Hillsboro Sat. at 3:02 P. M Return " Sun. at 9:22 P, M. Citv. Mo., arrived the last of the week for an extended visit with For Rent -A hotel in Come- her brother, L W. House. The lius. Inquire of the telephone brother and sister departed Tues- central at Cornelius. 22-4 P. I. Lilligard and wife, of Laurel, were in town Saturday morning. Mail your Kodak Alms to the Hillsboro Pharmacy. They de velop and print and are the agents for Eastman supplies. Fred Goetze, of above Bloom day morning for the Belknap Hot Springs, on the McKenzie, and they were accompanies by Judge U. B. Keasoner, wite ana aaugn ter. Miss Inez. They expect to t be absent ten days, and the two gentlemen took their guns along so ss to be prepared for a veni son hunt A visit to the R. 0. Stevenson inff. and Andrew Bendler. of I ranch. Sunday morning, disclosed North Tualatin nains, cams in I one of the scenic spots on lower is on the crest of the mountain a few miles northwest of Forest Friday, on business. For Sale Two months old pigs. Good stock Fred Muhly, 41 miles south of Cornelius. Phone 525. Oak line, Cornelius. Ad dress Route 2. 224 I have reopened the old Blacksmith establish ment formerly operated by Peter Ridwig, at Oren co and am equipped to do all kinds of Blacksmith ing, Horse-shoeing and Automobile Repairing. Franh RuliK Orenco, Oregon Phone, Farmer 30x6 OREUON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 am 18 am 8:28 a m 9:58 am 12:43 pm 3:58 pm 5:43 pm 8:10 pm 9:1)8 (Sat only) pm From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54 9:20 11:25 .... 2:05 4:27 6:25 7:13 9:12 (Sat 12:25 Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAf AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176 . only). Card of Thanks a m a m a m pm pm pm pm ..ami Grove, and from his doorstep one has a splendid view of lower Gales. His deer park has eight deer, two of which are this year's fawns. The majority of his keep are of the spotted vari 1915. a daughter. This is the ety, and the two big bucks give first irrandchild of Mr. and Mrs. la man the "buck ague." Stev Geo. Dooley. of Banks, and enson's prune and apple orchards iwiltv will have to buva new I are as tine as any In that end ot hat if his head doesn't quit en-1 the county, and his home is one ing, bringing in lariring. lthat is good enough for anyone. I of cheese. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness during the sickness and death of our be loved son and brother, and also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Altman and Family. It .Takes a Seneca You can get a real picture of your child just as easily as has Chief Wy-ten-ac (quick eye) of the Seneca Tribe. You can get artistic landscapes as well In fact, take anything you see with .CAMERAS , for RoUFilmTumPacki or Plates , Simple to work, easy to load, light to carry. Seneca Canwras are all plendid picture makers-no matter whether it be a Scout at $2.00. a Folding Scout at $8.00 or a Folding Roll Film Seneca. i Thev accommodate any tianaara maw ui nun u uc- N cause ol their special features allow the widest lati- tude in every branch of artistic photography. Born, to Dr. and Mrs. C H. Pollock, of Hillsboro, Aug, 13. E. A. Wolf, of Keedvuie, was in the city Saturday morning. E. C. Mulloy, one of Laurel's original hopmen, was down to the city the last of the week. Ulrich Kempf, of Helvetia, was in the city Saturday mom- a consignment LAUIEM.110YT H1LLSDORO ORE. A