The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 12, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 21
On ol IM Itoat Trained Animal
Stuma an Circuit
(lat SfUa4U SaiUlactUa I al VUll
Mack BclUr N
Two nitin. driven ly C. E.
an. I Raleigh Kunyitn. lfijurtt
out of Ili U.rn, !! lay. carry-
Ditn-t Attorney K
IS. "I ti "! 1 1 1! iinil Wult.T
Ihnii. k. of Oregon !ity. They
made L'ug iIih !irt night, and
the Mi ki'iii I , v Saturday eve
ning, U.-in liint' the McKenzie
l!rilge tin y w. nt 'll miles irit
the int. riur by pack train. They
will he on the grounds where the
l r r. ain an I the (ith li t by
the Kith, and tin camp will be
Dui'iilinl Mitli all kind of game.
The J nit'.-will watch the Dis
The Al. (J. Harnra Pig 3 Ring Out Attorney ami that ullinal
WiM Animal Circuawill exhibit w I watch the Judge, to see
in Hillaloro. Friday. Augunt in. i ' " "" violation f the game
g.ving rf,rmanre at 2 atul H J .' K;''' '
. i l i ii make ii. tli.. jurv. while Dimuk
o'clock I . M. j n t . ti,,. (.m-slIuik ci.urt.
Much ran U claimed fur tin ,
r.ginalitv and genuire merit ,.f , .!"?
' .. ,, ., J" get l.'ini anl (..t.. Trick,
thu tug circu. There mall II.- S4t.1r.l4y. II.- rolled in FriJay
lmp and aplendor of the rir- i-venine, after an absence of
uea we hav known in the art. nearly a month, vimting l.wAn-
All the Klittrinir tinsel. Mw.luit VvW' Mt l.we.
.. t . ,t.. . , 1 r,.., i "',i I ark. thet atalma Hands.
r.ngOnspiring mua.c and grand San raMl.lM,, ,, (,.4klan,l. ,.
intrance of stately horses. ,,Klk , ,,,,, if ,h(. ,-a!lflirtlja
Hniii. elephant, performer ( Fairs, and wax at tin Klksi' ("on
ami clown. IVanut and ink ' vent inn a k. at I -)i An if .!.
litnonal vendoni cry thr , !! tln-n tlrofi! iliwn to h
wart anil add to th tfcr.eral tin-ulht rrorikfi.tion (.f antU-rs
triaitl Hptrit; yU when th '-r- tin' M. at San tu;o, and
fornmncw atarla, on Inatantly innd,.n(aiy paid Inn riMHt.H to
nwnnljuma wid dcparturi fmmViMa. arriH tin- M.'ican llni.
the conventional. trt-ity f'd C. t na !. did rmt aoct pt any
ruutin which haa prevailed atnr ) invitation to dine with I lie Mcxi
the earlieat dayaof tenteil enter-, can revoiutinnistH. lioweer, be
tainment. jlievnik' in "nnf-ty irt."'
Instead af th (J. ) kl. mm, and .taa.hter.
me very inawai ... : v o ,)f ,Wl(.vj,t. , d).,mru.d
Saturday tor their Kasti-rn home,
uroirram. 1 n pnncipai ai m arc
dun by educated wild and do
meiiUe animala in two r'mx and
a l.irf aU-rl barred arena. Thcuo
animal actora numbT Gnu. and
are trained loan amazing decree
of prolkiency. tich vim and
dash do they put into their work
that not a dull moment ia enper
1. -need from the grand cavalcade
entry until th Anal (Troup of
man-tatinf lioni are driven to
after a few day' vwit in this
city with Wa l.r I'hi.l.ppi and
wife, and the Vrcy hmn. Mr.
Kleinine emplovn over 11 men
in a ato'.'e foundry, anj or.leni
have been rommu' in ho rapidly
lately that hi presence waa de
manded at biti factory, lie
leaves Orew'on with the convic
tion that it i one of the moat
delightful place li visited on
the 1'acilic Coast.
their cagea.
Then are acrobats, juvglcr,!
a-rtal tmrformera. high-divera, Prof. Miller, who has taught
tare-tack ridrri and all other for many miiith in IlillsUiro
f rmi of circiia entertainment. 11 gh. I..n r.'lurned from atrip
I u. Instead of poople appearing t l Ange t a and San Francis-
ia the a?U, wild and do neat:c cj. IU- expect to upend the
animal take their place. Lion, next year iii the Cascade Moun-
leopard, uuma and Ik-am ride tains, between here and the Cal-
galloprfng Dore;aea lion juggle ifonu- nne. engaged in proHpect-
ball and other articles; dogs ing. lie will go in equipped to
and monkey jump from the top remain all Winter.
of the tent into net; flcphanta! ..... . , , c
.. .. .1 i j : i Hiilhboro piMiiie whostM-nt oun-
iii v W rowna anu uu man, , , , u..,.,-, ,.f
ak uhUHI VI. I i ti trvrva, ii v ' i nvv an wa
horse and beautiful ponica ap-, ' r-""Y
h..r in br.lli.nt dance, and mili-! r f H l'tr'
lary drills, in fact almost every V; 1,1 K,,Ur' nnJ;.?L. l I
of animal i ahown as ! "r",MI
. VI Will. ..(.P. inn
Mrs, 1'hos. Uooth, of
r ... i..... ir.:
i wrnil-iuur. man ciiii.K na .- ,, .., . , .... ,.. i...,i.c
can Hon. are introduced in one oriiauu, " ., . '. , y 'T
act. the moat aen.ational wild daughter, ot imilalo, New ork.
animal act ever fhown. Sixty I Fred Schomburg, who knows a
ligera. leopards, pumas, jaguars 'gmnl tiung wln'ii he gvto uc
nnd bear are preented by a co-'tuainul with it. is spending the
t. r e ot young women trainers, j week al Slupherd Springs, on the
A r 'at array of clean, clever U!olunit)ia. l-'red will practice
comedy permeate the entire ; lit ting heavy s eights w hen he
pn gram, providad by fifty com-j returns.
edy elephant, (tog, tiig. goats,
monk?) .. poniea, zebu and
Danger, lnamit mules.
And still the good retwrts come
in Lbrcshing outtiU. Fred Her
... i!..ih:inu ihr.'sheil last
r mm.- o..k 1 week und the machine gave Dim
pursue, in wnicn six uanus laae.r, .liwh..u acre. 1 his IS
part is presented to the public at
I0:ai) a. tn.
Ul uus eis per
some year for the bread-gram.
Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Cooley and.
Sam Moon, of CoiHcrville, was
. i.
lev and m i"e 'a1 "l "v
familv earn In from I .mire, the has seen lew belter crop-ears
lust of the week . than I'JIj i ull his L'as ol
Washington County tanning.
I II-!- .... . ....!
img iiair niay make a man ,.,:,.,.,. fo, SL.V.
..... AL
l.iswif n.tnn nn hi- eol ''al years Willi ie
I'ut In Claim lor Wmk ol Auto-
nubile. Near Cenlerville, July 2V
sos i hi: at wit r was oiiective
Court Takea Claim l'a4cr Alvtacaical,
aad Will Dtilde later
lr. Klmer II. Smith last week
file. a claim for $15110 for dam
ages to his big National automo
bile, Hustained July '. while
driving on a professional call be
tween Cornelius and Centerville,
llr. Snith alleges in his presen-
iilion that the stringers were
't of Hullii ieiit strength to hold
th 1 planking, and that the weak
ness ot the culvert was not man
ifest to the travel r, owing to
the dust on the planking. He
alleges lie was traveling at the
rate of fifteen miles per hour,
and that when his machine
strurk the structure the plank
ing slid Irom oil the btringers.
which broke, ditching his ma
chine, causing a damage which
practically ruinud the big car.
the court t.tok the matter of the
claim under advisement
Clerk Luce reported the larg
est collection ol fines, fees, etc.,
or his ollic for many months.
the turn total being fll.55.
lecorder Davis turned over the
sum of J'jyi.4.") for the month.
Iwoad No. Oil. petition of John
Sullivan et als. was established
according to the report of the
The petition of J. Y. Westing-
house, for Koad No. G44 was
granted, and the highway eatab-
ished a per report of viewer.
I load H'tition No. 641. J. K.
'armley et als, of Hanks, was
continued until the next term of
J. B. lralay. the Keedville
warehouse man, was granted li
cense to receive and store grain
or the period of another year.
bond having been filed.
George Kdwin Mooberry died at
his home at I ornelius, August 2,
atter a lingering illness. He was
horn in Tazewell County, Illinois,
November LU 1817. and enlisted
n Company A of the 150th U
inois Infantry at the age of 17.
and received an honorable dis
charge at the close of the war.
lie was married to Mary Mal-
on at Karmdale, 111., in 1874, and
with his family moved to Oregon
in INHli, coming to l-ornelius,
where he resided up to the time
i f his death.
He is survived by a widow and
four children Mrs. D. U. Coch
rane, of Clackamas; Gilbert E.
and I'yron, of Kings Valley, and
Lester, at Cornelius. The funeral
was held at the Methodist Church
Wednesday morning. Services
were conducted by uev. Mr.
Irving. Interment took place in
the Cornelius Cemetery under
the auspices ofj. 11. Mathews
Post, Grand Army of the Kepub
lie, of Forest Grove.
Iitllt lntt,tlkjt,,lftt Kilt m.t It'll. tn '
m. .....;.
Smoke APEX, the extra mild 5c , . . ,T "
)a several weeks illness
' Mr n n. I Mrs. J. U. Turpin. of
The -Lsdiei' Aid S)cietv of,Mt.t.k- A.lainH in the city
mi ion win give an ice cream .,,..... a trading trip.
Hot'ial at the Kmton school house,
Saturday evening. August 14.
Special music by the Kin ton
15uy your Kodaks and supplies
from the lie til I 'nig JHore,
orcluwtra. Everybody invited. 'Agents Eastman Kodak Co.
The Shute Savings Bank
Ia em Old Reliable Institution with
Resources of over
If you arc not familiar with bauking inethoils call
and talk' 'it "over with us and we will gladly
Kv you any information desired. All
business strietly confidential. "Ac
counts of Women and Child- (
V ,cu solicited
'''..' '
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savirtrfs Deposits.
A. McCill, Pres. ;
A. C. Shute, Vicc-I'rcs.
W. Mahon, Cash.
VV. V. Bergen, Asst.
F. Unger. of Chehalem Moun
tain, transacted business in town
the last of the week.
For Sale First class Cement
Brick machine, good as new,
cost $150. Will take $30 cash -
L. Reynolds, Aloha, Ore., 20.
Mrs, Asenath Hrown, who re
cently had the misfortune to bus
tain a dislocated thigh, is im
proving nicely at her First Street
Money to loan on first-class
farm security. Washington
County Abstract k Title Com
pany; by H. J. McAlear, Mana
ger. 4tf
Mrs. J. G. Mines and two little
daughters, of Wayne, Neb., are
guests of Mr. Mines brother.
Hugh Rogers. They are enroute
home from a visit to the San
Francisco Fair.
John Wenger, of Helvetia, was
in town Friday, having made the
trip for medical attention to a
finger which was almost severed
from the hand, the result of
contact with a belt on a thresh
ing machine.
W. J. Gregg, the Leisyvill
hopgrower, was in the city Mon
day morning This is the first
season that he has been forced to
spray his yards for hop lice, and
he has given the vines a three
times-over" He says that the
continuous damp and cloudy
weather of early July increased
this pest to an enormous degree.
Geo. Harrow and wife, of Oak
Park, were in the city Saturday.
Cm. A. Frost went to Par.k.
Monday, to take a look at ti t
ranch in the hills.
Wm. Mohr.of Oak Park, trans
acted business in the city the
last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lard visit
ed Sunday with the Wengt rs.
at Helvetia.
E. L Mapes and wife, of Che
halem Mountain, were llillsbtro
visitors Saturday afternoon.
The Pharmaey has the mst
complete line of Eastman Kodaks
and supplies. Ihey do develop.
ing and printing.
Judge A. C. ArchUld and J. L
Crow were among those who vis
ited the G. A. K. day at the
Oak, Portland, last Saturday.
Mail your Kodak films to the
Hillsboro Pharmacy. They de
velop and print, and are the
agents for Eastman supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. McCrea ly
and family went to U'ickaway
aad liar view, for a Sunday's
A Cigar is Like a Play-if it's
bad it won't draw. If it's good
you want a box. Smoke APEX,
the extra mild 5c cigar.
II. ToUir, of below Roo ts, was
up to Hillsboro, Siturday. Tober
i. talking of buying a thresher
for his own private us.
Here you are Mr. Farmer-"
and 8 per cent money see me.
h. L. Perkins. Koom 1 Commer
cial iildg., Hillsboro, Ore.
The German Speaking Society
met at the Julius Asbahr home,
Sunday afternoon. There was a
good attendance.
Money to loan on farm secur
ity. I represent three large fire
insurance companies. Give me a
call. E. 1. Kuratli.
Mrs. L. A. Long and family.
and Mr. and Mrs. W. II Front
zel are camping on Gales Creek,
near Roderick Falls. They ex
pect to remain a fortnight.
Order your hopyard supplies
early. Hop stoves, galvanised
hop baskets, hop pipe, etc., at u
mwn s, Main and fourth St.-.
Get his prices. 15tf '
Edw. Itenson returned Friday
from a trip to Tulare, where he
visited his brother. He also
isited the Fair at Frisco, and
saw the Hillsboro contigent.
Notice is hereby given, that I
will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by Mrs. L 15.
Conger after this date. Hills
boro, Oregon, July 2D, 1915 L.
B. Conger. 19-1
Russell Frost and wife, of be
tween Ranks and MountaindaK
came down Monday to visit home
folks. Russell says that wheat
is going all the way from 150 to
40 bushels per acre up in his section.
I saw cordwood, poles up to 12
inches in diameter, fence rails,
and boards of all kinds, into
stovewood lengths. Will go into
the country. Write, phone or
call on me. Carl Skow, Hillsbo
ro. Phone, City 462, or call at
Tualatin Hotel.
Judge J. W. Goodin will com
plete the Hillsboro Macadam
work some time this week, the
last rock having arrived Monday
and Tuesday. The streets are
now being oiled, and when com
pleted the roadways will bo a
decided improvement.
A Hillsboro party, consisting
of Mr. and Mrs. rred J. Sewell.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Harris, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Lmmott, and Mr.
and Mrs. J.' W. Bailey and son,
Paul. SDent Sunday in the Ver-
nonia and Rock Creek country.
after the festive trout. They
went over Saturday and returned
Sunday evening.
Rev. A. Lincoln Shute, one of
North Dakota's greatest pulpit
orators, and pastor of the Lis
bon, N. D M. h. church, ar
rived in the city Saturday to
visit with his brother. John W.
Shute. Rev. Shute is returning
from the San Francisco Fair, and
visits Oregon for the second
time, having been here several
years ago, when he preached
from the Methodist pulpit
Miss Binnie McConnahay, of
Punxsutawney, Pa., and Miss
Mabel Hall, of Mahaffey, the
same state, were guests of Mrs.
Jas. Shannon, Saturday and Sun
day, returning on their Eastern
trip homeward, bunday evemn r.
Miss Hall is a newspaper woman
and Miss McConnahay is one of
Pennsylvania s teachers. They'
have been taking in the Fairs in
the South. Miss McConnahay is
a sister of H. II. McConnahay,
who was here when the Warrens
paved Hillsboro a streets.
Alter Three Vear ul Peace Nego
tiations Protocol i Signed
DlirilffSas ARGTED 1001 DAYS
waller Miller aad Lraa Married
at Yaacoater
Walter Miller and Lena Neiger.
of near IWaverton. were married
at Vancouver, Wash., August 7,
1915. after nearly three years of
possession of a marriage license,
issued by the auditor of Port
land's Gretna Green. Young
Miller wai 22 years old when he
procured the paper. December
10, 101 i, and the couple were to
have been married Christmas
day. .Some diiference arose be
tween the two contracting par
ties, and a state of belligerency
continued until last Saturday,
when they signed a protocol and
went to ancouver to see if the
license still held good. They
visited the court house and found
that the initial instrument was
all to the good, and they then
repaired to Judge W. 3. T. Ilerr,
a justice of the peace, and the
two empires became one. Mr.
and Mrs. Miller are Swiss, and
their parents came from the
same canton in the land of Wil
liam Tell.
Jf the allies and the entente
can get together, or get into
communication with the happy
pair they may learn how to ad
just their differences but if it
takes three years it is doubtful
if they will have enough to sign
up the peace papers.
The groom is a larmer near
Beaverton, and is noted for his
industry. The bride is 23 and
the groom 25.
Attorney E. B. Tongue, attorney
for the City of Forest Grove, has
filed in Circuit Court a motion to
strike out paragraph 8, of the
paving company's complaint, suit
to collect over $9,000 for paving
streets and intersections. The
paragraph objected to is declared
irrelevant and frivolous, and
reads as follows:
"That although, on the face of
each of said warrants, the
amount in figures is placed after
the words "Street Fund" in the
upper right hand corner t' ereof.
this plaintiff as contractor has
not agreed with said defendant
city to look to any special assess
ment fund for the payment
thereof, and said warrants do
not direct the City Treasurer to
pay the same out of any particu-
ar fund except as indicated by
said words "Street Fund."
SAFETY: Yourjmoneyjsrsafer in the bank than in your cash
PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly bv
being able to jnve a bank reference.
DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often "ob
tained, if you have a commercia:;hank account.
CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying
bills by check, which u a receipt for the amount paid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank actount: come in
and see us and we will tell you more.
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
American National Bank
" St:, mihibopo. Omm
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that yon can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You cau do better for
less with this cotnpaay. '
Badger Lumber Co.
. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
I'vcrything in Building Material " ;
I have reopened the old Blacksmith establish
ment formerly operated by Peter Ridwig, at Oren
co and am equipped to do all kinds of Blacksmith
ing, Horse-shoeing and Automobile Repairing.
Frank Rulih
Orenco, Oregon Phone, Farmer 30x6
S. P. AND P. E. & E.
All, except the P. R. & N., trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Mam street
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m.
Sheridan Train .: 10.02 a. m.
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
Forest Grove Train.. ..4:10 p. m.
Eugene Train 4:53 p. m.
McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m.
From Portland .
Eugene Train arrives. ..8:15 a. m.
McMinnville " ..9:45 a.m.
Forest Grove " .11:59 a.m.
Forest Grove " ..3:15 p. m.
Sheridan " ..4:30 p.m.
McMinnville " .6:40 p.m.
Forest Grove " .7:15 p. m.
Forest Grove " .. 9:00 p. m.
McMinnville " .12:15 a. m.
A 1 1 trains, stop on flag at
Sixth and Main; at North Range
and r ir streets: at Sixth and Fir
streets and at Tenth street
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m.
From Portland
P. R. & N. Train 9:12 a. m.
Loop Special, due at Hillsboro
at 2:00 p. m. from Portland!
Saturday and Sunday only.
Forest Grove Special (Satur
days only)
from rortiand iu:aa p. m.
To Portland 11:15 p. m.
Beach Special (on P. R & N.)
Lv. Hillsboro Sat. at 3:02 P. M.
Return " Sun. at 9:22 P. M.
Mrs. Sylvia Tucker, of Clarks
ton, Wash., arrived Saturday,
coming down for Buyers' Week,
t .11 H 1 1
l oriianu. . wnue nere she was
the guest of her mother, Mrs.
M. A. rowell.
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
Optical Se
I have had long years of experience in the
proper fitting of eye glasses, aud render intelligent
optical service to my patrons. It is just as cheap
to have good service, proper and correct fitting,
as it is to have something which is unsatisfactory.
Lenses fitted to your frame $1.00 up.
Lenses in Alumnico frames, $1.50 up.
' Lenses in Gold filled frames, 3.50 up.
Kryptok lenses, $8.00 to $15.00.
Laurel M. Hoyt
Hillsboro Ore.