The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 05, 1915, Image 4

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Tut UhOtOtO 13 6L0 Vo Wt I tQMt J Ht
KITS ons
I hac you room
COMl )
TJe pafada iaatitatioe, coodartcd by th Stater aft. Mary, afbrda
a parte aatoatiaaal latuUrn. coabinrd nth ttw lift ci af a Kiaed
iaa. It l dr'ightfally aitaatcd ia th healthful Taalatta Yalta? , Mly I a
a0aa treat fott Wad the Soatbcra I td&e cat lia. Pag Prlaaary, later
atHata.liraalaaaa a ad Hh School Coataaa. Srparat. W?artarat for
W girto. Taoaa bo ath to prrpatc for the teaching prefcaaigajcM fad
TtatkW Traiaiac Coara amp! Kjuipped and prrrvrrd ta do atroag
' aaU from tan ctwrtc arcorra a Taacbet Oa Yaa C ttiacat
a'tatioeu Eiccptioaal orxxtaaitxa for tboaoagh iaattactioa
I ataaar. Art ad Kipttmoa. A arm 'T organiied Coanaaavcial Coara
Cowaia a panod of two rear aad fit for aa poaitios of rcapoaaiblUt. Fat
nruct tmio malloa, or ptoaprctaa, AJdrt m SHt ,
Bui tlou
Our Lumber. Shina-lta.
Cement etc. are all naw and
bright. Kvervthinir ia kDt
dry in our shed under one
iig roor. lome in and have
a talk. We Rive a dollar in
value for a dollar in coin.
Copeland & McCready
Ml - fe a a . .
me New Yard at 2nd b W ashington Sta.
Phone Main 932
Daily Journal
and The Weekly Arrfua
One Year, Doth Papers
95.25 Daily and Sun
Journal and Argus. One
Year. $7.50. Do It Now
Weekly Argus
From Famous Tecumseh Stock, Sire of jnhkh
sold for $2100 at public sale, at St. Louis, Mo.
Some fine high grade stock.
J W. Vandervelden.
Roy, Oregon
ant Everybody to Khoh
That wc will, beginning at once, give Cash
Register receipts with every cash sale,
showing amount of sale, date and who
made the sale. We will asic you to keep
these receipts as we are going to give
back to our cash customers one day's cash -sales
each month. We will select one day
each month and will announce in our win
dow on the 5th day of each month the
date we have selected, and then all you
will have to do is look over j our Cash
Register receipts from us aud see if you
have any bearing that date, if you have
just bring them to us and we will refund
your money. There is no trick to this
Vaught Grocery Co.
Second Street Main 125 Hillsboro. Oregon
Names Number ef Suptrviaors as
Fir Ofikial tor Slate
rattiTS rot sustmos issieo
CMt Fire tardea Alka Bkt Uitrt
Oat Ibt af Aaaoialm
People who have slashings to
burn or are unfortunate enough
to have forest tires break out w ill
be interested in the list of tire
wardens for this county. Here
tofore it has been the custom for
the County Judjre to issue per
mits for the burning of slashing.
etc., but oftentimes the judge is
not familiar with the conditions.
and Cou.ity Judge Keasontr has
deemed it expedient and better
for alt concerned to refer these
matters to the local fire warden.
and with a view to making the
service as efficient as noewihl.
the State Forester has appointed
tne roaa supervisors ia the va
rious road districts of the count v
as tire wardens where they were
inclined to act in that capacity
without nav. and thrutiirh th
courtesy A County Fire Warden
Allan Kice. we are favored with
the complete list for Washington
County. Should any of our read
ers for any reason wish to con
sult a tire warden or aet a nr.
tnit for burning slashings they
should consult Mr. Kice or their
warden for their road district
The list is as follows:
Alias Kir, munii rir Manlm !'
eat Croe; r ay Mead, federal patrolman,
Baal: D. O. Zraor. atai fir. m .!,.
Gait Cieea; Waller Ilardea, Mate fire
araraea, Hank; wm J. Wtia, Mate fare
vardea. Btnkt: F.I Lill. num. h..
Road aupriiaui that art fire rdua:
Eraeat IV thief. Gajton k a n,.t v.. .
J on at Molio, bVartrtoa It I 7
Heme Heaar, Hillaboro R t.
CbaaU'Neil. thllry (fir antra) 15
XlchoUi Bolbmaa. Bank B 1 .
Joan rmiav. Bank K - .
H L Oh ff, Cnraeliu R 1. is
narry Kooirjaon, Kraverton R 1 it
H W Scott, Ga.atoa R 1 a J
f II Hi fftnan. Oaaton B a . .
A Keeaoo, Bank K J (fire wardea)". 17
R K Baleman. KoimlCidm k 1
Carl Briggrea. Milltboio R t it
GraM Maaa, Corneliu 37
Jons scnmeltter, .Sherwood R J 4S
Prank William. Hiilatmrn
County Judge, Hilliboro .."
I re. Ts f lc
iHt W
YOU know, all tobacco users
know that men want a real
tobacco chew.
Everywhere men are saying
to their friends that the hul Tobacco
Chew is the goods.
A little chew of, mellow tuTuim - m-ummk-J
and sweetened just enough cult out 1mn.l1 t( the
frindinl and spitting.
ina rim rvou.u man anw t ,jt i ny wr
ff-D LUI niONCano ktwiivui ntwaiT wainj
Tak lr tbaa ooe-ijuarirr the ol.l mi stttm. U
mill ha era utilinl llua a a vmihttil i. .nj.mrj
tubarco. Jutt Uk a aihtile l it mini tiu tiaj tha
atreafth ctww llil uiO ou, then m h. nul aaj
avealy the real libava lade rui wi, n it mntn,
bow aiuih Iru you hae In pit, hnw lew ihiat m
lake to be luhavco atiaeJ. l ui'i m,1 it m
kl Taking l'km. fliAl'a h. .1 L... .m iK. .1
Tka taate of pure, ricb tobaceo due acrd li. I rotrrtJ up. Aa
esoaea of ll curie ctd iweeteoiui rnakea ou tpit ,v a h.
One snutl chew takes the l!itc gf tij
chew of the old kind.
(Notlr kow Ike salt trtnB
Ml Ike Hck lubarro taslr.M
irTMAN-KtUTOH COMPANT, 50 Uaka Sgaare, Nrw York Qy
A new shinment nf Pa moras
and Kodaks just in at the Phar
IliSS A en PS Brtlnman viaitoH
with Portland friends the last of
the week.
For Bale: Shoat. A
nd some milk cows. -Jos. Seus!
Farmer 5115, Hillsboro. R. 3.
Miss Jftnpt HnpfTot nf Wirk
Hazel, went to Rockaway, Sat
urday, for a few weeks' visit at
the J. A. Imbrie home.
Do not forffpt tn aalr fnr a
Schiller when you want a good
iu cent smoke no cough dust"
in the Schiller. I2tf
Earl HnilM arm nf I W
House, started to work tor th
exposition management at San
Francisco. Monday. H ia in ik
electrical department.
Mrs. Flora Sears and littl ann
departed this week for a month's
visit with Mrs. Sears' parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. MavfioM
Sheridan, Ore.
Gasoline enrine for snU -Kaa,
6 H. P. International gas engine,
for sale cheap, or will trade for
young cows.-(eo. kl. Allen.
Bearerton. Ore., Route 2. El
monlca Sta., Canyon road. 23
Mrs. S. Johnunn
Kentucky, is the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. J. E. Zimmer
man. of bevonrl Nnrth Plains
and of another dauRhter, Mrs!
u Hargrove, of Portland. This
IS her first trio hppp nnrl aha in
much pleased with Oregon.
Young America wm pntoetoin.
ed last Friday, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L, P. Adams, their
son, Leonard, and Gentry Short
being the hosts of the evening.
The youngsters en
- " - - - - j -j - nio
irom seven until eiht anH than
attended the motion nicturo
show. Refreshmpn
dulged at the Palm, and thfl
panv then retumpri t thu
ams home, where games were
Dlaved until twplvp Thr na.
t cipating were Leonard Adams,
Gentry Short, Clifford Otness,
Albert Ramey, Wayne Patter-
son, Helen Gunton. Francis
Cockerel, Mabel Dunsmoor. Thel
ma Johnson, Affie Reagan.
Cot Toa rimiliar. N
A alonr told of JuMI-v Hrvwrr ivii
corn a trip lu tuadu to bU old litiu lu
Kannaa, aivonituiua-d by Mr Urearr
In Wasbliton a Juatb a f the atipn iiw
court U Kcn of a "Mr. Jmtke." and
that I tb tftl Mm. llrvaer alw ij
baa bwrd W'luo Ihcy rea. liol t'lilca
fu, bowerer. the "Mr." a drnad
and tbe Jurist waa nferrnl to n "Jut
Ui Ilrcacr." At tttuaba wme old
frtchdit cullfj hlui "larkl J." and
wbcu tbey ikohsI the Knurls line
aouie furtiMir ticlk'tilx'nt reforrp.1 to blm
aa 'Havld."
"tt go home." miKk-rHwl Mra.
"Whyr aikcd tlm JuMhe
Ilaut, dear," Mr. Itreacr re
piled, "I am afrntd If e K any far
tber they will tie tallliiK you Iiarle,'"
at aoa.
A Grand Climaa.
The follow Im; rviiilnl eiM-p U rrltiHl
by the well knowu t'otuiMwr,
do wrttltiK of hli H-r "Min
aalltie:" Otic nllil the prim Ipal luirl
tohe fell III, and tin- nmniu'i-r tinlrii
Mr. dt In take hli plan-, an tin
tbealer wan MM m It h pt", niul I"
dutapHiiit thiMii wa out of tin- iiii-
tlon. Mr. ili rmisi-iiii'd 1 1 i.i
but fttlputiitfd that In- sl,ii:, i, ,in,
for the part, m, uv;y . i,, ,,),.
apiH-aran. e on the stan- In n fr I.
coat, ilthotiili till thi other' U-v
wore the cof iiiih of mi Iri t liiuui
In the piirt he wut phijhii Mr il
Lara bml to In- Ihrmvti Jo Ihi' cronud
by Mpallrie' uluven Tlie nlaea"
flutilf him dnwti no tlolintly, Imwever,
that a quantity of tuom-y whlrh he
had lu Ma h kot MlUil all .,lt.r the
atatfe. !t U Mwlhle that the Hiiilli me
nilttht hot have n.ii. ,H tliU littlo plife
of unri'hfHtv,., hypliiy hud not the
"alavea" Untune an edited at the kIkIiI
of the colna that they left thi-lr cai
ttve and ruxhed Ui ph k them up with
the earn-riii-HM of K"M iiilm-nt wbivbad
atnivk a pile nf tmitueta.
"TbU," aayit Mr. le Ura, "wta the
(treat bit of the eranltiK.'
Tha OU.aat Jeka.
It will be dim. tilt to diar-over an old
r pntefW al Jko than that of the cop
peramlth and, the maker of brazen Im
aKea for the temple of Oalrla. whic h l
emlKMlhil In Kiryptian Inw rlptlomi ttiit
IniC from the relKn of Menea, foiinihr
or Meiuphla, who ruled over 1,tt)
yeara ao. Ai-cordltiK to nniient rec
orda, there dwelt Utween lhee two
craftHtnen a quiet man whom dealre
waa for peace and who Wan Hfiiilt Al.
turbed by the noiay oTii)atloim rar
ried on by bis busy tielnhlHni, He
therefore aski-l ea, h of them to my
tot what mim they would r hatue their
dwellliiKM. Thla the) did. Ka. h .!,..
laled the amount required, and he, v
Ihi? Hatlslled. paid it over to them.'
".Vow," he iinkiMl .,f the fopperHinith,
"where Is your new ilwellltiKr "I
have tak. ii thai of the maker of Im.
nne," was (,e reply. "And yon,"
queriwl tlio i " i.t man of the hitter
'whither k. ,wi thou? r. (he hotiNe
of the copper tnlth."
Thla hi Luc of many t;ilc told In all
aices which arc woven Into myth flni
legend nml .liiTer only in I.k iiI color
IN T1IK t'HU'l IT t'Ol'KT or Till
W II liu. I ..mi, IT
i h P M,ll,.,. M,;, M,:;.f I I,
I'hllilpp, r'r.l J t.plef. It U ,,!. , i
lililutlti, i .i, n , ), , I
llrtri .Ul.ta
To I it I I..! ,.,. i, it u,,,,,,,,
IrlrlHlAiiti ll.ilr oiiip1 s
In l!le ii4n,f ,it llin . a f (Ii..iii y'l '
r l,..i I y ,( i i.h t,,,,,r .! ,..i ;
.lie .'.ill, .i .ml li. jK ,! )ti i, ,
l' eiilllirl U! on ,,t I . l,.i n (I,
ki lioin llio . air i iii, nr.! i, , i
il.ui hri, it,it, on r i,i,,ie . t j
b " tl h.l "I July, I'M iaii.l II !
joll tail harr, lr wain tlirmil III,
piainutl iu a..;r l.. ih nun tu in.
lellel iIimih,., ui tin- , p:mt. toall !
fur .lMriiiut ! niiii! ,., i,,,,,,,!'
rH,,, r ,,i ,it,.i i,,,i tim ,i, ,i u,a, ( (,
I' MliUr !.! .Vary Miller, tRt J I
l-ier. I A H ii,. W r. Mi.!.r. an,) II
tt l yi, j'i in,, .uin i( l tltiiiilml; i.ll Willi mleinat lliela.Hl al
lha fair ji i i,fi v , , t ttl !
irmo ilir II ;, .u .1 J. I Ml, .ml il,.:
Iiirilier i,, ,. ii, , i, ,,!,,,! ail.t rmy'
l..ilur i l ., i , .uiirii. ).' na. l,.Krili.f
ailh tin. ,Wa :., .i i , ( i
oit;ilnl ii,.r.i i,r.. . ft, dearnle in
,iiaiilllll , -.HI.) ,iitl, lB ,i
I li .y.iuu. li .11 ,, u,, '.ii.thar.njnr
ter ol fr.ii...! . v 1U, , ,., w .,,,
three .:,s,: it,... ..! -4
mi.teiu linn, li v i ... ...... i..,, i t
IrrKoli; '
I- .U a.e..r,,., ,, ,. MU,
a.'llll .. II.. .1... ,, ,.! ii..., .,.
Ill... tt It .i,,i, ,., Hi..., Uirr.1,
" '""'"'I - iln. Hli,', ii,i,i !
... ol I ..I-.,.,.;,..,, ,., ,( U,-Mi
real p.,,,. i, , llf .,.,, (rt.(ir :
lurlli. r ri.i. l.i. m.i i. i. .,..1 ,.
, , f -'i (...inn
llil. n. i, , ,,, i, ,,,, ,,,,, , 1
piililh allnii , f ( ,y iirltl (l
..filer ol II,., i it, mi I ..nrt of ll.r .il,), ltl I lor Ihf I uly ,,, .,,., I
"!'"!" 'do o il,.., .u
ui Jti.y, I, ,,!,., ,U,t 11Mj
......... ..i. i,.r.n, i , i,,,j , ,;
II..N:-,io Ar,-,, ,,,,,.,, , I
m Wa.1,1,,,,1,, , , ...inlv, !.,, ,( ,,.,, I
rk lor u tl4, ( ,
api-ar a...l - ., r ,(t , i) i
hr.t ...I.H.ati..i, I
IlKlrul b, n ,i,, mi,,,, , J,.j,
IUIe.,11,,1 i.,.,.,..,,. ...... ,. '
hamiik'l ii rariim-ion
t .VI W loir,
Alton. ) , ,ir plaiiititl.
man. nirwl, ,, !J ,,,,, .,t ,mrm i)(
It.Mllll. , ,u), ( l l..,l,e l . (,,.
Hillsboro . . m-
Notice Ii berel.e .. .
uc unoer-
lKnrfl ha. heen arm
of the e.tate of Krneit Auuat Breli-, de
ceaaed. by an orrter f ,.J.
j " Coun,y. OreKiSi, oiarle ,ln me ayin iiayot July laic
All pcraoni having rl.i.n. .........
eatatt are heieby notified to preaent the
ame, together with the proper voucher,
therefor, to meat me re.idence, Corne
Una. Ore.. H. P. n. K . n. .t..
0..?1BTo"KUl'1 Oregon,
Vr. 1 .7.. "um lm aM nereof.
waieu inn 29tn day of July, 1915.
AdmiaiatratH nf th. u..... ,,J ' .
Aaanrt Brelj.: mtw
8. B. Tonvne A tftfitaaaai fna A A 1.1
Had an Eaty Job
Sm, fTu ft"t,,0r 0f th
OratMl Trunk rl)r.,art, but be wn al
way mAmt ft,MMlt h( (u
oyp, ovemiKht at a little hotel !,,
northern Mlehlst,,,, eonduct.Hl by .
man who had ttrevkmaiy ruil n nU,m
tag Kallery n, at(T 8 nl(ht IlJ)(.h
own llf tory nt ,.mb, rhm h.
oarne Interested tbe Moirraphy of
Mr. M arman?" "I work for thn
Grand Trunk anld W.rman. "What
- .. ... . or 111111, 11,. iMnoraa-e?" "Ob
I ve (tot a better job than either of
Thl J, ,o:,"M t raln and tap,
,U rih Wall, I help
Bes Fire Insurance
Mb. NT Ol' I.o.ssk.s .si'.K
Agent Ja)ud,n ft UUH.A.
t sinre 1'irc Insurance Co, '
'"""'c SIhu-h pi,,,,,, ,U(K10.t(.i
W: 0. OoiiSi?
Calls attended niKl,t or dayf
Cliaptl ad Parlors.
Hilliboro. . n
IttijK.ttca RrtstcieJ iVrchfron Stall ton 1;;,,
built, t ne f tlif ll coamy. i!l
Lautcl. Mouilay, H A. M. lo 6 P. M., Sl.iu "tv
xUs; S A. M. I. M., lWavetton, Vr!unubv "rVtBn7
t.ithutittlav.C' 1' liwJ" tn KreUvil!,, .jJ
t A. M. t I. M., HitUUr, Nturtlay, ft A. tatx h
M , at Kciluu'tiil iMm.
TKKMS: Sitile Smkr.f.s; Seaauo, t,,; i n
with fiat, 15; l'"r live roll, f m; fi.u tU-a.Mt rr,,uirtj
,.u insutJiuc. Can t prevent lttt utt irstN.t,Ni,. .
ttvculciit. CKO. !I.CIIAMHi:RS,Owtt M
Stallion KrkMlration brtl. StaU of Orrt n
t JcetiM (Vrtirtcattr f Pur Bred Stallion No,
PatcnJ al Corallk OrBoo. March lo, jj
The tH.lik'i-i-a of tha atalllon iVrtiaaa, No, 4:v,;,
rtnittcrtHl in the tu4Unk of lha Arovrkan rrrthrr m jj
Itrrtslrra inJ lmt-rtrni Amb. 0bh by Joa Otto, ..f iliii,
Wahlnitton County. l)ra-foo. H'l by II. lUrl. tb-iartml,
..c..,.i - kV.n.. llau-ribavlaafaJLiiaa' Hiu-b i. , 1
' ' 1 . . , . ..... . - ' - w - " - w . -a. ,..,ar. i Ctjigff
lnitu Uitr.tM aira; SuttB iZXHl) I 'am. tlfrtiianki ijvj.'
Sir of Sir; i,.. tt crAWKI iam ef Sir, Sultan Ut''i Sirtof
Parn; Siuon i677l lam f Dan. Hrard rrrthrrwn. h:H
lh vrar I'.mX im &la H. aod baa ltn tiainrtl by li e .Sialiie!
Ki-k'tntration Itt-arJ of Urafon. ami la hrraby rwrtifir.) tUt u.,
Mkul atalliun ia of Turo HraaJlOat. rvRtatarmJ in ttir Iu4Uji!
that U r-rti;ni. ly tha ajuoclatluna namaU in arm. n t in of
an Act of th lTgialativ Aaavtnbljr of thaltal of On or, prt,
viJinar for lhr lu-enaiog ttf I tail loo a, rtC. (8aJ in the , 0
th Sirrtary of Stat, Ktbmary 23. 19U.tni that tl u
rwim-.l atalium haa !h-d uslnJ by lha tnnanan ii i,iSL
tt! ty the Stallion KcgialratbaO iord and la hereby rr!wrU4
fn from Infettioua, cuntaajUMaer Irmnatnlfeaibla diav,, f ttt
Houn.tneaa an.! 1 hereby lloaaaad to aland for public icrkicfii
th Stat of Orfon, t
Knnlna 1. I'otter.
SaKrtUry Bullion KtrfiatraUon iLmrd
Not:-Thi licrnaa mutt ba rwordod la th ofltao? the
iMrut-r of Conveyance of tha CtMioty in which lurh atallton
b ushI for utlie irlc. and moat bcrvnfweHl lltrrh lo, jgj
tliora told by Joa Otto to Ux II, CharoUnl '
The Annus free
Th DiiUyCOronUn and Th
Arjjua. On Yar Tor 06.00
ihla glv you C6 ArMt
FREE. No Agtnit
Dally and Sunday
ndCZtf Arrfua
The Orenonian
C B. BUCHANAN fl CO., Inc.
Hillsboro. CrneHu. and North Plain
WhoUa.1. .d R.,.U D.Ura In
G,ain Hay, Flour, Food and
Grain Botfo.
0,1 rcl??r ot 'OTAtOESJand I
ONIONS. Grain ehopp.d or
rolled at any tim
Lumber, Shintfloa ond Loth
At Cornallua
Beaver State flour
The Be,, Flour at th. !il-Frlee
lWo, Main ,4. Cornelia., City 'i 5 5-
"W .n,l .r,li1!.HMta llZ
tratria. ' -"""-
"unu i-iaint, Ualn 263.
1 .