t mfjfmmmmmmmammmmmmmMmmmmmmmmMl " " 1 . aiMd reat-kO la. 4. Gouty 03clal Paper fcaeaertetio: tU f Inu. if u)aa Tko-redej -Bt- MOKIIRBT i lb) Argus deaires to eongrat 1 H t the state coamisskm tor I i fine showinc at the SanFran I mo Fair. Oregon's exhibit and I iS'dinr are the cynosure of all i ea, and travelers have treat -sise for the uniqueness and mnletenets of the Beaver S tie's attempt to show the jrid what Oregon can do. and iat Oregon has. The eoramis- to is also to be commended, for ! e wisdom of selection in plac- x John Dennis, of Hillsboro, in xisition that means much to ashingtoB County, as well as a State of Oregon. He is doing I work, and doing it well Born, to llr. and lira. Ben hoow. Hillsboro. July 27. 1915, laughter. 3orn. to llr. and Mrs. Arno tkens. Hillsboro. July 24. 1915, on. ! lenry Peterson, of Newton. I a a county seat visitor yester- 1 1 morning. v 1 E. Dekhman left this morn I for a three weeks visit to his I I home in Illinois. urn. to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. una, of rarmiogton, July 21. i 5. a daughter. I oe Pitts moved to Nehalem, urday. where he will work in 'Vgtng camp for his father. llfred Yungen. who has been ying for 15 years in the Hel ta section, was down to the nty seat today. Ira. Cattie Clark, of Denver. x, arrived Sunday to visit vi her cousin. Hiss Uattie jon. for several weeks. Jra, John Boeker returned the of the week from a trip to m and other valley points. 3 will go to Seattle in the ninj, on business. le infant child of Mr. and . Franklin Everitt passed last evening. The parents the sympathy of a large j s of friends. I rs. uea. K. Bagley and fam - Jit uus morning for an ex ad stay at Saltair, on the nook beach, where they will I iy the Fields Cottage. tfkT. iottsoa. Cf til Dr. A R Eailey place, bear towa. threshed 43 bushcU of wheat to the acre, the past weak. Tboa. Bailey, of Groveland, turned oat 40 acres whkh averaged about 371 bushels per. Kan fields nromiae to eo frofB S3 to d. while others expect to thresh as high as 45 bushels an indica tion that wheat raising in Wash ington County is not without justification. Some Dartv killed a hog be- lonsinff to Melchoir Meyer, of near Olson station, Hillsdale, a few days ago, and probably sold the porker. A search warrant was sworn out and Sheriff Reeves made investigation, but to no avail. One party was suspicion ed. but nothing to fasten the of fense was found. Mrs. Joe. Woifersperger and son, Walter, departs in the morn ing for an extended visit with Mrs. Woifersperger's pareata. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Commons, at Oua. Ore. Earl Hobbs. of near Oak Park, while grubbing. Monday, cut his right foot severely, it being nec essary to summons a physician. Dr. Erwin attending. George. Matt and Vincent En geldinger. Cha. Deichman and L J. Rushlow departed for a fishing trip on the Wilson River. Tuesday night W. F. Haase. of Chehalem Mountain, was in today. He says that the bulk of the winter wheat is cut over in nts section, and the yield generally is excel lent Mr. and Mrs. Bray, of Cor. nelius, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Frentzel. Monday even ing. N. A. Davies. of near Kiaten. was in town today. He is suf fering from inflammatory rheu matism, and has ' bean aaiag crutches for fourteen weeks. Fred Mast one of the old timers of above Uountaiodale, came down to the county seat this morning. Miss Uarriotte. of Maryland, who has been visiting with Mrs. Alfred Hey wood, has returned to her home, by way of . California. L. E. Gotham and family re turned Tuesday from the Tilla mook beaches, where they have been spending a vacation. Arthur Spiesschaert who is living on the Tongue ranch, was in town Wednesday. George Fischer, of Portland. was a Hillsboro visiter Wednes day. Frank Hillike. of Laurel, was in the city this morning. J. R. Status, of Pnlllios. t buiineM visitor is the city this Bormng. Mr. and Mrs. John UebeU of above Mountaindale, were city callers today. Jacob Michel, of south of town. came in tooay. ana was ouj greeting friends. TRUMAN L. BONNEY I- who died at North Plains. July 20.1915 4 I lie - la the mo rHjr UvJ t teti, IH on fflVted vtik dWrvM " I'm ( f furcU'U V m t r l IVrttti. lo " " I t tt'U , t . ml)!. U thrmll JU,3r" 12 pREUON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 7:18 858 9:58 12:43. ScSS 5:43 .... 8:10 9:68 (Sat only) rtz I ,r; Scrap Booh " ... 11 n Oiar . . . .ik. IMS IM W l w . tklWI tikB Kl Ik If. am am m pm p m pm pm pm 1 Ju.1 tin l . . (h.ur -l h"1' fc.MTO hl. 14 (I,,. . hU-r JINHUIIB ,il lb hU'' ,1,-1 H' t,t iviHil. "In , fcr.-l' l'U ' lll Ib- Mf ! ". l ' Tho MlAt ilitik k r(t. . IMa mm k IM MM MUM r i"" h t..u.Ilv it I"- K -,n. fu:uiv "i I -.J i ! f. H l- t. t i u t' i .1 i:. t i l.i.t t II..,' 'I .,'U i,l lh tl'l . lU)f fll tl.U I UU h.l olltlu From Portland 65 minutes. 7:54 a m 950 am 1155 m 2K pm 457 pm 655 pm 7:13 pm 9:12 (Sat only) pm 1255 a m tbmowm ihwu.v lato Tai wruxrr. outraa hla kcquaUitaik- imI ivarl biatkWa Mart tb toulW IVr -ht jvmi i r r t-t t kr at paulrd. "Tm, tlr." uiwmd th hckivtirr. WWW k thortWiV, 'tb -U on 'tmr Hknllf had h Wrnl miI of lh door and r Mfvi; away bu th ml purvhaatr tulrml awl vunfroutnl th roOvil DMNVlMiBt. Inqulrta: Uav you rrt v? t t-t t tmkr kwlU.iiit ail U-ilk'T t l"'' t vri, IV. ..,..(,1 I.. d mt.ir. imrrtluit bU lu.lutu. ta f lurll. I'Ul lU rlMv II..U llb tU.t wan t!ui. rt..u tl-ritln lh f111 t"iM'kit"k r1 lulu l-uUmel U t UWw U Um anwtuil of W ml ttoailjr lliUMl In k' Whrtt llu I'll ' ,u rrtlu atiJ lliv ,l,t a iH'ltk'nwul. I l!ic ruiIiB'til JiiiU i'f llw l'ii l. Iw " Iwwl. Uh a aiMM ..... Ltt.... . .i,h..l. Ih.l b auuld m'II l;lauk rtn iwt fr W ltl (lie l"tUr, Tti. ui,iriil ! kmc r-. Inn.' liif rr of lb 4kf IS TIIC CVUNTt COURT Of TH state or oircoM roi .. . rj -i ika BMW a hum. aikllM itiww. ,lM,.LZi rLrkJoSil u p,ku rrr.T. Z.V M4UMIM i kkiut re w . . M4IV.I Ol I"' . T'.-mImmmI a4 kM mui IM KUM Mart B llMMMd a Mlk 0, p. iHataUMB. AMaMTMy aM,iu inu i jr..?. m4wmi lk IM 13? irtkaiUkfrMk, AUutM a..'" b.T ue Oimi, im i fciiMita, Itaktaf laat itMWaUaa. H..wvi la. Ne4kee41a4aal NUIabor Slraa) IliUakira. "wiw. mm n a. Ika aawfca aw ui m, r" MMl kMI nl MHt Wl f m W SkjHiei. kwtaf Ml MH.,h7, ahl kf I ii kwa of IM I'WM a Miimmu, ,,r la aa milant"i Mn h mJ aM k l $! h4 uZ tokaM IMW tot Mtabla Ml u,Mil( MlMrkWlMMlMtai..MU, III ka laMliail M IM Kaau.M ,4 lllfMUl SM l.mal I BJ.'.Ufc r M, m4 IM ai I. km k. k., amaiilal kt kaBAl tlrk iwuu Ul ka aaotal IMkMk4 Imi . . ,,.. .... W.N lUltall, kl.r B. U MiUniM, ItonufdM . ADttlNWTRATOH NOIku " IU aailwla Mk BHtM Ikal u aigk Ma ana ' iMNim 4 ii. toUkkn at IM MM l I Mim Id Tkital ra. au ajarimui llg . I ttaal aaki Blla aa katMy te.rf.Ki k. Ml M mmm, tmalkal auk 11- t i liaakan IkilMt.m m at ur al iw aaak. Otayaa. W mm ai u.. oMa4 a. a TuaM. MlllakMu. imw. likM ati atoailM (Mat Ika Uta k- I 1. ik CImmII Owl IM ijM N WaMIMk OkMte. wa.matM, ruuu. at v I H.mmmm4 a Iaaoj. at , ' . . . a Mattcaaa ta 1 Ila To V J laMi aad a Da a ila. HafatutoBlM la ii hum IM wa " "ri v.... katafca Mlia4 k kM n.a.r.r olWla. taa4. to kM .1.1.1 hmhI kafia Mai Ml la ...iui.1 .u alikla Ml M Ika aaia al IM BMa knauaajw m uyi ii mi kui m m aaaaai t .Mat a ta4 alikla amfc Uata.1 . ... , .iu.a a IM NM iliia) Ct U kla MHaA kMiW TUK CtKCUlT COURT VlIK i-MMkVrrir'.a?."L Vt wahhisgtun c-ou.vtv. AImmk tmimut. K. 4 Imb. nawlaal fAkwlsIM Mk MliUMra. UMua, it. l:CmmU Ol kM SMtM mt twaj But kJm SUMMON. COFFEE CLUB COOK BOOKS The second edition of the Coffee Club Cook Book is on sale, at 60 cents. The books are on sale at the following places: Vaught's Grocery. Hillsboro Mercantile Co. Donelson's Furniture Store. Gragg & Powell Grocery. Roes Grocery. Kest Koom. second st near Morton Greenhouse Drink Celro Kola. "First Thirst" 5i- at fountains. for And th txixctal baiiMttL ll of coum throw budily Into th atrrvt 1 uf ,,,,, r lu.( ih vok-iH-l lu llta Ulast Mni't u Ujr aiul a"tll Trwa tiMMfK. It u W. a UUbvrt bo oura r kwrkad. "It la M ruuugb for hlb" to ba food on a aalary of tt.tvo a jr. tot wa hava to ba good for unihUn"- pauaa "and bm of na ara." Oattlng It Cuaet. A Ntw Torker who rarauUr murenl from a vlalt la Boato voucbc for Iba truth of the fo".iwbi.': Una arternoun ha found tbo vtxjria-oM am of Itla boat aettM lu tun dm wins room with a beet of paper bafor Dim and a p-n-cO clasped la hla chubby ftrrt. ten- tnt look OTtr th boy's abouMer. he 1 aaw that the Uttla fallow wu waking picturea. "WeU. Bobby." ft aaked feoUUy. -ara you drawlnc kn eoKlnef Slowly tha child looked up, and alow ly he apoke: "U wouid tab a very akroikj boy to draw no etuitne, but 1 km main ox a ptctura of k locotiioUTe.Toutb'a Companion. blut: "lull. lfl )"i'l Br- In .ll uy kuie (r ."rfuwiu 1-11 (Uf rt-lUr " Vt: I " "Will ju M il it i" tuo at Unit imr "Yea, air; I II tl It l )"U al tUal "All rWl't. I'l'U ''" mii." VVInUfl lU' a )lutil i-f t.t,,"Jr U-' ttlllt' IK'U' VuM.' fuuii llw( UlMKUl. MMIM laMMd MlMIW BlMt 1 f Mi4 ilelkaala k eM VwM L u NmmIm ta. latLaad be MjnlBlakW in mmm W M Ban. mm kf kkM To W W M Ban.4 I aawaaail la Meiatik). tll mt U4 . Sleek 14. leval, tf IkkakaiMtajeta' la t auatl k il Ka 1 inHMi tmn llatahia. aaMatoa ktke eltk IM Ma ai la and aia amd dlMlai .uiU tkl uiummmw la avkllaMd Me m k ata HMwUn lllll unler ul Ike Ho Uauta ft Mfkaf. u lha aana MUUe4 ean waea aad MtateJ ea IM SNk at af laip. lau. waatiaia m waaaM. AtkuMya lue alalauO, 4eIMl r)llB. rfUa4. Iteak. ef km Mikllaalloa Inly SX IMI liaia ol teat pkUeatb Seat ft. Ull BUMMOMa ADMIMS1 k'ATUIX'S NOIICII Niilire l hrrh vtn ll.at lh an.lrf ivntd Iw brea pululnl wlmlnnimm of Ibe eaiate uf Ktiieal Aiinl llnrlja, ilr ceaari, ty an onlrr 01 llt omnlT etmil of Washington t'oumr. Oiagon, nwl tnilentrtnl nnlhr hith.lTi( Jul. ion All rti htving rlaim glii4 wl1 tttale ae palMr nrkjrird k kiweaji te MTx Mkw) an etunaraajnai Ihtrrfot, lu tiir ai mr rrtulrnr. Cotne Dm. lire., K. V. Ii. N.. 1 m m ihr ntkra of K It. T"igur, in llill.ln.j, OrrynnJ la IM CIpmII CmH mt IM Stole af Ora far Waekiaglak ftrakty. Mario M. Woa4, ruialUl. 4 w a .-- - To rilPard A. Wood, IM abae deleodeats lathe uax of IM Mala are betakf raunlreil U aaaear me nMapiaiat sw ajaiaw in wa aliove Mllliad Mil ea or mrh IM da of Nei4eataf , talk, IkM MlM than HI vaata after U eate ef IM IrM vaalieatiaa e aM Mamna, 1 laSka bmm ke4 aaaea le mnmUlnl Ika BlalauS elll ftourt for Ike rUa4 U IM Mate al IM Bute of Ot.g " tee) karer-f reualrad lu af f aad IMM IM awtkllil klad Ma.iM i IM tM MlMMB IMtrt ei rtm mm af kakare IM fin ef Aagaal. IIV a4 dak kattaj mtmw uw eiiathw of ail eaak rruaulM ilekaal ftr ul.lk. .Wa ! a aone) tuHj aed It ln u a ae kf' k4 eea aaul mm.. , ka? ( iMreuf. U deiali em i-r-ir k IM lewlt m IM renal ail I 1 bar eneHeiel kwUi M J- altUk IM ajaftrrkkM 4 Nmi au ItMt now aM bMlatin MlallM MtM alelawf mm4 liku laal. aearjiua mw IM kklallS IM akr. ewehaly mm4 rutrtnd el Pnaald AlaaiK IM kl-iatai I Maor aklrd mt pialauJl a4 daiaa laai, awardiae neka Mt eea elMf and ruiixr relier aa la IM Cewrt mi aaetn euetukw Taw waiai le mmiwm mfnmjrm t tmm Ikiia at i M Mutokueu tet tf 1 a eevar aaaaje kf IM II- Ik Bastey. leeM IM akoa Uean, ajkaaaaad ailen4 au day U ialy, IMh. mm kk4 a buva aaUilMd Ibe t Hk M M kUlaUI't Mdy le ika I Meal, l A darrae foiaeer dkaulftim IM bo 4a lie, 11 A. a4 Vkltk mmi-l or4at amra IMI aaht mbjumom m MiMhrhad I eatd aeiaar M ail lo aka,lMak of IM tret Mthuot Mteg Jalf Ik. IMA. 4 IM imut l ifc leal MjbtMWk Mt AmI ak. tU, k4 inak kltf aii rftja mt ) li I 4 MltN IM k laa 1 tUla a er kakie IM Rib day mi Auf at. rata. Wa. U, Hare, Alkxvy ft mmi, r n v t I: We have just completed, at Hilkboro, the most modern and best equipped Warehouse and Feed Mill on the West Side and are now ready (or business at the new plant, where we will carry a full line of grain and feeds of all kinds and be prepared to roll or grind grain at all times. We will continue to handle BEAVER STATE FLOUR and maintain its excellent quality! We will use our former building, the Climax Mills, for a hay warehouse and will be prepar ed to supply the trade with Hay and Straw. We deliver in town. Remember that we are ALWAYS IN THE MARKET to buy GRAIN or HAY in ANY QUdWTITY. Storage at regular rates. We sell Grain, Hay or Feed in any quantity, from ten pounds to a carload or more. MI 111 Mm k SO EASY 1 A .a ffi a An ss v ,. , ... Telephone, Main 14-Second Streeet, near S. P. Freight Depot. gand-Gravel-Cement BRANCHES AT CORNELIUS AND NORTH PLAINS