I Ttr llsibr HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY I'D, 1915 NO. W VOL. XXII opei::::slmd.'.::ce New Halt Rtcenlly I'urtsawe tlaa lint Dance I" . mm uwes sfiVK tti ieshims Th Unit! Suti Govern- mint lurrliv not i rut farmer. ranchman. tickmt;n. fruit grow, rr. hrmraittiT iinJ all other em ployrrs that through the Employ. m-nt Hranch of the Department of Ijilmr it in prepared to furnish frt of charge worker In any number. maU or female, skilled native-born HILLSBORO IMS in sow eb fur m al Oat etef la 4lts4- Ben Hurt Although the thermometer swung around summer temperature on lust Friday evenlna it didn't have m.irh Influence over the swarm ing crowd of dance lovera head ed for the new Moose hall to at tend th first bait held In that place. The ftnlnhln t f the floor was Drink Olro Kola. "First 1 hirst," Sm: at fountains. S. B. Huston, of Portland, waa attending court here Friday. Jack Forbis, of Dilley. waa the guest of friends here f hnrs- Mayed Yamhlller. at "X vemnK- Yamhill Wanted, to rent: A farm of 60 or 100 acres. Address Kox 13-21 Ceo. TomDkina and wife, of Cm...!! ... tMM.Illinit Klial- OaaM IJ t. II Uf Ulina itiVJ, Maawi f V i-t ia a aaaam-aaaaaa-aa i foreigner. Knglwh-siwaking or mn mm poiEST QIOVE TEAM I L,ure, Ure thone of ahen tongue.-U. S- fi TAmntir Deimrlment of Labor, rortland, Oregon. . Scar, ta Yaartin uat, . ia i. era. - . - zulard.v iaI a a a 1 I saw cord wood, pou up to i ft. W. liarnca Files Report With I the State Department 117 DIST2ICTS EMPLOY 148 TEACHERS i.j.t.. .-J i : -.. . i .I.e.,.... fn raila I I ' ' . "T ,m " from tne uclta urug Store. Kml Umrila of all MndH. inioi ii.ii.l lu ,. . AUtl r.... tuvewood length. Will go Intel ... . .. . . the country. Write, phone or call on me.-Carl Skow. Hillsbo- m Phont. Citv 4r or call at Tualatin Hotel. The grain crop this year sur Hamuli anvthins of recent years. and farmer in ever vicinity have lufn mimtM-i ed to replace their .hi l.iml.'M with new ones. The Fooley and wife, of Union, weretn town a very succesaiui aay sunnay. Row field winning their games. near West The Ben Ilurs showed a mark- Saturday. ed reversal of form and defeated Dr. A. It. Bailev and wife. f the Yamhill team, by a score of Portland, were guests at the Dr 2 to 1. Donovan, for the Ben F. A. Bailey home. Sunday. Ultra In ail norh form, utrik-l A Woman with a New Set of ii ui " r I . i 4 o - 4k. v..v.111 kAa rura never comwainsoi coiu un. ,,.rt, th, but of '""Uo ,,Jlh I,,.,,, wminit h.rvnl. lm. ply.d .hurt for th. "VT was louna 10 uv u i wtoiui, having been finished with a hard- woik) surface. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey and son. Paul, and Wayne Vauyht motored to Scappoose and bL and Albert Foord. of the J l? 1 1 uii j v I ai v& a vwt of m-ar Manning, are about to Umatilla team of the Blue Moun- mm ikuir milL and have a fine I tain Iairue. Diaved at third lnu.iana clllwi.v .. . . ! i -t . .(: . . . . t ..i ki. I.. t. o:i. V..I " ' Not onif aia me pw. ot of dry. clear lumoer, anu nv. una piace oi uaj n, . l. ll.llaboro attend the opening 1 1 commof) on hand, and It must I was receoUy injured. . A'JJErZlZZZ: dance, but young people rrom; -Hunr Bros Co. Manning. The Hillsboro tiraya mZ. ... .r ik. Mumiif Km'..i... ii j.r 11.2S J PnnHitrVnvii and defeated the " supplies, iney uoaeveiop- II IWIIIVI " ' UllllllW UUtwui w. - - f.v - - . . inn anil nnnlillir " iT-.i . .L,1i. timm and ea. Hnw i..am hw tha score of 13 to ,n na PnnUlnJ. orjed theraelvea as wishing- toy SWer laauffenng from a la BatteHea. for the Grays. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens, of iht thM dances would beheld broken bone in the shoulder, u la Wiliilinl ind Dooher; and for Parmington. accompanied Mr, i...,MRti. At eleven-thlrtv .renult of playing one una artM Grove. Giltner and Joy. and Mrs. Geo. Schulmerich to A I V- t a - " " - m a ' . a . BT Mia -- B - the lf...UWWW ir "ere'having.K many aancera ana vwiwr. w,i r -A-v -- - - Tk- nivniTi-niiiiT refreahmenta. i " "J il " aw , I v'" Mail vour Kodak films to the The hall whkhhaa been under even.ng. Hillsborb Pharmacy. They de- xmtructlon for the past two Wh0 aet thinketh like nireuit Court adjourned. Satur- veloD and DrinL and are the iiiuiim- ----- un iiKtouner, OUl IIV wou ine V John ConnelLT. H. Ton true. me loago u wiu hwnini unto himseil me BTeanea .. inirt were naa rnaay. j - j t joy, of life. Sold everywhere Upainage Pi.lrict No tBj g vlTK W. G. Hare and K. J. McAlear r riv:;r7 day. on a fishing expedition and faUi Wl for MeachnVj. ir fiTi: firra Thursday, to spend, their y- 'w A''mr over . it- i reoresent three large fire tion. Mr. Hareand ijr. "fAiear H-fendanta sriven un-1 insurance companies. Give mea will go back and rorth eai) aay to ftle tn ,n8wer. and call.-R L KuraUu U their camp and town. 1 j py fcereby that Order i our hopyara "uppiies Lae sei iot ir;aj k " w not be responsible for meeting there, the finishing touches being added "Ince. C m tiell & Company awe the one) a f the property and arranged the work to suit the order. COF1 III! CUUB COOK UOOKi The aeeeod edition of the Coffee Club Cook Book ia on sale, at CJ cents. The hooka are on aale at the following places: Vsught's Groeerv. Hillsboro MereaasU Co. Donelwn'a Furniture Store. Ortgg k Powell Grocery. ttoes Grocery. Uest ttootn. Second SU near Mortoa Greenhouse HiNDtitt i:Hi.wr Ffc R Mamhall will be at Tuala tin Hotel. Hillsboro, during har vest. Every binder worked on hu him will oiiii-klv be mado to tie the knota as aurcessfully a a new binder. Thia applie to any style or make of machine. n v v .-rr . I - " - -n-w - r iwiil IJUV U iwwuoiui ivi w'j .a .i ni i i i. a . . . .a m w r early, nop stoves, gwv.iu ,Qem coptraeiea oy atra. u. . hop baskets hop pipe. etc.. at L Douglas v .PA": F- , Conger after thia date. Hill--Jirown's. Main and Fourth Sta. erford forplainUlT, L B Tongue Oregon, July 28, 1915-L . .u.;.-d lStf fnratatn. Findings and decree. I 10.1 Vjev iiib ,v I ' . ,- "i ... i, i v. wvuacu William Hannef. who formerly aia tha nitimhinir work for D. ,r,n ha returned from San V", !... ..nt- Countv A ha tract t llUe Com ,V.ci,co and N.P California , J rffiaiwslw & J. McAlear. .Mana. k. iiim fw'-n for tne Daatr' . , "... j t. imr t!rwin. has returned from San IVarii-i and Naua. where he has been for the past few month. Mrs. Uwood C-ox. of near Oak t'.mv rfturniM home Monday, for sUte. Findings and decree, r tv,nire. 19. C....-J... I..I.. Q4 ---- ir..i.!u:' ooink Unrrial Monev to loan on first-class MBlllliuai uwiiii;im i - -- - . Cl stnnphrink: W T Hume for I arm aecuniy.-vvasninKUJn mm talrun under advisement. ' . .- r m Mtata v Franc s Kearney: i n TnnffiiA far atata. defendant In ger. 4tl While playing with other little boys, John Miller, the little sen K. li. IVrkinn. Room 1 Coramer cial l?ldir.,llIIporo, ure. Mm. U. Mcleod, wbo b Age ot machines, or bard wr- here for several months viilUng vice in the paat, will roak no, with Mrs. m. m e. f i .n..,u in ir m tv ,i.m for her home in tne fiasu 20 years old-all will be mad to ( d , Taylor, who recently Monday, Aug 2, to enter plea. tie perfectly, everyone i wno . M h p.rberahop at wo. EF.!LE PROGRESS !l eJUai' H lummn In miatAdv of ahsriff : ar-1 i u u;iu k TkiHl ai, ft..r an extended visit with ner raiirned. let go in care or ratner, retail rant man auatafnad a di. daughter. Mm. Norman liawa, M(i given until Sept i to pieaa. located hip. The injury waa at. at Walla Walla, Wasn. Bailey v Kinat; i n ome tended by Drs. Hydeand Barrett, vmi aru Mr. Farmer -7 for plainUff: default and judg- tnd the little fellow ia now re-t' and S wr cent, money-see tne, meni ior P.n. tng mceiy. ' - m wum aa rv i . ar h w i v a icu u i aav a x . W G Hare for defendant: default For "J: Mumber or n ne State vGeo J Harding; T HjJbn Keilly. HiUaboro, urn, k. Tongue for atate, defendant inl. Phone F. 465. 17-lD person, and oy W Gt Hare aa Mr8 Sugie m of Moun. counsel; arraigne,;, mven unui tindaie who nM hen viaitinar with her daughter. Mrs. John W. Connell. departe the last of this Tie Reeert Stows staay laprtv Atoeg tat Use he County School Superinten dent has filed his annual report with the State Department at Salem, and the following is the financial condition of the school districts of the county: Cash on hand 1314 .....$31,641.52 iiee'd District Tax.... 54 516 40 tec. Co. School fund - 70 568 35 estate School fund. 1521070 tec. from Tuition 2 246 3D Sale Bonds & Warrants 15 414 35 tec for Library 23 43 Rec for Insurance.. 10100 tec from other sources 11 848 61 Total $201570 75 'aid Teachers' wages-J106 991 00 tent of rooms & site -. 100 00 uel & School supplies 15 032 72 rtpnairs. imo. & Janitor 14 539 93 School houses & sites- 7 418 23 rin. & lnt B & W. ... 26 286 01 'aid for Insurance 1 025 50 Paid. Clerks' Salary .... 1 871 43 Library BksnotCo. tax 35 98 aid. ail other Durooses 5 TOO 4b Total 1179 096 26 Cash on hand-l 22 474 49 There are 8498 persons in the county over four and under twenty years. Uf this number K31) wore in school last vear. which is an increase of over 400 over the previous year, ine auDervisor and superintendent , i i.; j. : a I- novo nppn wurtintr aunnic luc past year for better attendance with the result mat tne aays absence during the year 1913-14 haa Wn reduced from 50.113 to 33.000 for the last year. The ner cent of attendance has in creased from 91 tor 1913-14 to Q&l for the last Tear. More than one thousand boys and girls have been granted certificates tor retmlar attendance. There are 107 districts in the county employing 198 teachers. Kortv-five schools have become standard during the year. 312 nMinl hava haen graduated from the eighth grade and are ready for high school, ine report ahowa irood imDrovement ail alonir the line and sneaks well for the school interests of the county. we i SAFETY: YourlmoneyIsafeiin the bank than in vourjeaah drawer. PRHST1GB: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by being able to give a bank. reference. DtV)f TMTS- NnlM mav be discounted and loans often ob tained, if you have a commercial bank account. CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying bills by check, which ia a receipt for the amount.paid. There are only a few advantages oi a bank account; comeSin and see us and we will tell you more. st 4 Per Cen. Intereat Un divings k American National uanli YES! VJEILIVEITni Sra One Million Board feet of Good Luxher A stock of lumber so large and varied that yon caa have prompt delivery o any 'order. We carry icaay large dimension Umbers, and can save yon the ezptcss ol special sawing. When yon want lumber, promtssa donH fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment You can ao oeittx ror lcss with this company, IktSger teto ft. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks, ABSOLUTELY K very thing in Building Material Sale: Auto in first-class condition. Will sell very reason having trouble bring on their i ,,. . ig working. temporarily, TRUMAN L. honwct I week to visit her son, Eugene old machines. , at the Washington barber shop. lEssner, and other relatives in Every machine W b fMiHl in w , . IM1I. turned Tnimm L. Ronnev. an old Ore-I California. U U u. u.d4t aa ft new Mrs. iinini - , I 7n aia - kia In I . machine before wy forwri home the lt of due. ' " 1 . V w.ok III dmi nf about a week. l.vi- a t a Fnrvst Crave Train.. ..4:10 d. m Each binder to 1 "field ty " g ; Boaney was Bora in tt K KWgon. Ewm Train-- -..-4:53 p. m. and tie regularly hour after, Call on I fboro Mjna-hk Pefcl team. J- McMlnnv,lle Train -.-,.fl:4C I p. m. nour ano aay aiwr umj.- company ." rj" Tj -i 14. 1835. and newaa ine son m ... 1fi vnroaf r.ii, Knrth Forest Urove irain.....5:au p. m. "u I i.j... nnnao athn In lJUfi. I . : nj S. P. AND P. E. ft E. All. extent the F. It. & N.. trains are electric, and stop at the de pot en Main street. 10 row ana Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m. McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m. Shpri.lnn Train 10.02 a. m. Forest Grove Train...12:5Q p. m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. NOTICE! I have reopened the old Blacksmith establish ment formerly operated by Peter Ridwig, at Orea co and am equipped to do all kinds of BlackscSh ing, Horse-shoemg and Automobile Repairing. Frank Rulili Orenco, Oregon Phone, Fanner jox6 change made in them will ho fin.lineof buges bejng sold 17 II t .1 nmrtAfl permanent. J. Freudenthal was a Portland business visitor Friday. Mrs. Booker lelt the last of the week for a visit with her niece, in San Francisco. W. J. Schmidt and family left the first of the week for Belknap Springs, for a month's outing. Mr. Kelly, of the U. S. Geo- frmnkUal VnruAV who WSS in iured recently in an automobile r..atlv reduced prices tit t L'nvw waa in Portland ' th last ot the week on business i . ... mi ....... ;a On tor mo oiercoiiuto vw. And son William larlua Ronnev. who. in 1840, crossed the plains by an ox team Seventh Street 5tf M raiirnrniai. where ne staveai bit ashpft time before movingl city. accident, has fully recovered. 1 1' "day. From Portland miss ljavcmc AipiAiu, i ."'""McMinnville left Monday for.. names, Fnrp-f r.rove to Oregon. , Alaska, where she will - have poresj Grove Fiye years ago nr. ann a. charge oi ine cooaing uepau- qhdan i, " - . i.a. i iiAitnaf mnvNi Tram MaViuuimnnr in nrtNiiiUai . nne wui i' were Portland Visitors we iM"" 'r' ,r;,tl, in- whre . H.lnlaaal " " . IVBJUIIIiJ VV ill wii- " a , 1 iHwui m j v - ot mo ween, , I mad the r home with their diatanefl from Skagwav. I v, . - .. t .u. k.i" . ;i v. i - - , . j,rakU,,t .... I rt ,1 1 finnnr Llie W CUB" I a IhAtt. M KMIMV I . - . . 1 . . , 'II . nun -c - aun, --"- . .1 r.hmt ijinc who has nocn i Mcaiinnviue end with his family over as iwea- The body was taken by auw rr " La wlffi the meat depart- All trains. . , i thas Aniinrrv wnpra un " 1 . . ...... . - away- . 1. MW..VW"U"',.L I "1 ment V.mmM Ou ck. Ot f orest inursqay auwruuuu Grove, waa stop 9:45 a. m. ..11:59 a, m. . 3:15 p. m ..4:3Qp. m. . 6:40 p. m. .7:15 p. m. ...9:00 p. m. .12 :15 a. m on flag at flillsboFO Anto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable PriceaJBeaaonaible . D A V AND NIGHT SEttVICE and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176 h. Miiiahnm Morgan. Sixth and Main: at North Kance Quick, of Forest Thursday teraoon the funj ral ' f he three and nr itrrtS;ut Sixth and Fir a liillsboro visitor services wew held, conducted by j rf . Jora 8tm.ta and at Tenth street v.JohnU.NiBewonder, pastor oep Steam Service ; . .0ld Depot of Uie rtrst yniwa orauern ---- - - To, The Shute Savings Bank la an Old Reliable Institution with Resources of over . $300,000.00 If you are not familiar with banking methods call and talk it over with us and we will gladly give you any information desired. All business strictly confidential. Ac counts o( Women and Child r.fcn solicited , 4 Per Cent Paid on Savlnrfs Depoalta. A. McC.ni, Pres. A. C Shut, Vice-Pres. VV. Malnn, Cash. W. V. Bw-rgcu, Asst. Cashier a. .a. W A.. I m. II avl J v aw " - - - .... 1 Hantaan nraraai . m w a . n ir iiv.i an Kiirr mnii Lee, of Dev lsake, ore., , wm. . .n ' tI j7ew VoPL njl Thi9 &Kt2ra2 1 Lang's first trip to his old r ihnmn for several vears. OREGON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland W minutes, 6:32 a m 7:18...... a m am am pm .. ,.......,.. .pm rMhtiwe. Ore.: Ira A. Bon- nu' UnKhavH Ore.: Albert E. North plains, Ore,, and Chas, of Bandon, pre. Jnkn Riaaner. of South Tuala tin. wu in town Monday, J. T. Shannon it finishing tha 8:28..., insUlling of the machinery m iy:&8 the new warehouse ana mm m 1:49 Buchanan & Co. 13:58 . f. 1 Um. r r Haniwk-I5:43. aar. awu a-in ..... ..nm and Dr. wrotnarn .anawue. 01 vV . v.r.- ... .M nn.nnl!.,a mntoMd dawntOHl 8 0-w V"-' -ii:" aTndav Thev were the From Portland-W minutes .uia nt Mr. ana Mrs. .rranKi i:o tahiaii i9:20. .,..-.... a m . , n.nt.. :..n I !; ... it noiann at ui uer aira iiwhui- i n.u n m . ".'" rr.s.r.-s. s;uo..... ing tneir omcain 4.27,..., ..pm centiy vacaieu oy tne Wfc""'" lg.25., harness shop, iney expeci. w - new location by the last of the i y,, 4 Prom Portland Pi R & N. Train...... 9:12 a. m. Loop Special, due at Hillsboro at 2:00 p. m. from Portland I Satnrdav and Sundav onlv. Forest Grove special Satur days only) From Portland. ...,.,.,10:33 0. m. To Portland..... U:l6 p. m. Beach Special (on P. R. & N.) Lv. Hillsboro Sat. at 3:02 P. M. I Return " Sun. at 9:22. P. M.l E4 TqIigs a Sohocq You can get a teal picture of your child just as eaaily a has Chief Wy4ea-ac(Qck eye) of the Seneca Tribe. Toucan ' Ket artistic landscapes as well. In fact, take anything you see with CAMBER S IbrRclRbnJlbifs orFUtsa m.v m lou. lisht to carry. Seneca Gamma an all tplendid picture maker no matter wfcetk W it tw a hmt at jKiUic - "v " -" z -jr.. 13.00, a Folding Scout a ? ! '"a"" K JT senfc Thev accommodate any atamiaro maae nim anu w- . . raliae of their aoecial teat urea allow the walnt lau- V tadeia every branch of artiatkjihfltography. J. M. Broirden. of near Sewell. p m was in town Saturday. Chas. S. Parker, of Portland. was in the city the last of the Mr. and Mm. Ren Ward, of Gaston, visited with lira. Henri etta Morgan, tYiday. Mr. and Mrs. Rvan and daugh ter, of Orenco, were HiUaboro visitors Sunday. Mr and Mrs. W. T. Kerranrit ssy at uastie Kotk, Yitzx J2 IHLLSDCnO V f r 1 WWH,