The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 22, 1915, Image 3

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    " r aii'i i am J'i f i ri li m mm
- - . - " , a jaaafejw-AJ-
if coMroart
PfAL j
f CMfW
f vauvt t M A Ci
. m . r r t
Tsls ("f1' '. cae4ai4 hf taa Sim.,, m Hty, ata
. ' 1 ijMllim. (LKblluii Bilk Ik. Ia .
I llhtot Ht4 in taa aalttirt Tttalatla V.)!.,, ,i
lr. (.,. Ivttiaait ee taa ttoalkrfta I art rat llM. Pall fnmnf. Into.
l H," Hb' '. (Wf,,) 47MtMBi fur
gl,l. Teas ft taacaiag ptufcMioacaa 1.4
Ck. A f ' ' ear'" iTwlHti Oat YaaiCttiSraia
I ail Ktpftawo. i f (sit.l (Vaw,rWI Cca.a
llM, pattaa.MiaM . ftlrr faSJJSJ la.
Qui Ilea
Our Lumbar, Shingles.
Cement, etc art til new and
brivht. Everything is kept
dry in our ahed under ont
big roof. Come in and have
a talk. We give a dollar in
value for a dollar in coir..
Copelond & McCready
The New Yard at 2ml It Washington St.
Phon Main 932
Daily Journal
nd The Weehly Argui
On Yeer, Doth Paper
05.25 Dally and Sun
Journal and Argus, On
Year. $7.50. Do It Now
Weeklv Argus
Farmer Timber Saloaa Mm Ptaesl
S2S0, Uler ParairaJ
Vses Net Oaill, Bat Uler Tarat hi
BtaaJI af las Slate
K. J. Dalr. ho waa returned
thia county by Sheriff Reeves,
from ButU. Montana, waa given
heanng before Judga Bagley
i the Circuit Court tha flrnt of
the week. Daly olead not railtv
at hii Arat appearance, but latar
changed his plea of not guilty to
guilty to all the iodictmenta
againat him. There were eight
indictment brought forth, tut
there were many mitigating cir
cumttancea in hit cae. Ha waa
sentenced to pay a fine of I2S0
on each indictment or. in de
fault, to serve 125 daya in coun-
7 jbii on eacn one. Vu condi
tion, however that kaftan tlRA
and tha costs of his extradition
from Montana, he waa paroled
on tha balance ot tha indict
ments. Daly must report to tha
sheriff once each month, and
must not break anv of the laata
of the land, or else the uaraia
ill be revokes and sentence
served. Ha was ieiven tan dava
in which to pay tne fine. He
waa ret) resented hv Wm r.
Hare, and tha state by E. B.
From Famous Tccumwh Stock, Sire of which
sold for atoo at public sale, at St. Louis, Mo.
Some fine high grade stock.
J. W. Vonderveldon,
Soy, Oregon
We Want Everybody to Know
That we will, beginning at once, give Cash
Register receipts (with every cash sale,
showing amount o( sale, date and who
made the sale. We will ask you to keep
these receipts as we are going to give
hack to our cash customers one day's cash
sales each month. We will select one day
each month and will announce in our win
dow on the 5th day of each month the
date we have selected, and then all you
will have to do is )ook over your Cash
Register receipts from us and see if you
have any bearing that date, if you have
just bring them to us and we will refund
your money. There is no trick to this
Vaught Grocery Co.
Second Street Main 125 Hillsboro, Oregon
Mr. and lira. Jahn Baldwin, pea
ideotiof Forest Grove for the
past 25 years celebrated thair
50th wedding anniversary a few
davs airo. Mr. Baldwin ia h.U
and active, and was in the Union
army during the Civil war for
over four years. He was In tha
battles or Shiloh and Vicksburg.
and waa with General Shaman
in his march - through Georgia
ana many other important bat
Mr. Baldwin was born in llll
nois. February 19. 1829. and
both ha and his wife are more
than three score and ten years
old. Mrs. Haid win's maiden
was Sarah A. Lafferty, and was
twin in Uhlo, in 1845. She en
jovs fairly good health.
Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin wart
married at Delphin. Ind.
llobt Snider, of Orenco, waa
in the city 1 ueaday.
Chas. Boyce. of Port! and. waa
in the city Monday.
For sale: Shoat, Angora goat.
and some milk cows. Joa. Sera,
farmer 6115. Hillsboro. K, 3.
Mrs. M. M. Pittenger and son.
Dr. Wra., spent Sunday in Port
17. G. Gardner and wife and
0. K. McCarthy and wife apent
Sunday at Denny a.
Rev. Vereide, the Scandinavian
minister, will preach at Aloha
Hall, Sunday, July 25, at 8 p. m.
Perey Caratcaa. of Banks, was
in town Tuesday, enrouta to
Eastern Oregon and Washing
Sarah G. Taylor has filed suit
for divorce from Clyde Taylor,
alleging cruel and inhuman treat
ment They wars married la
Mrs. J. J. Densem, of Port
land, has returned home after 1
two weeks visit at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. 0. S. Combe,
on tna Kiver Koad.
A new ahipment of Cameras
and Kodaks just in at tha Phar
scsmoas. '
la taa Circuit Court at tha Stat af
Oroa far tha Coaaty at Waaalaataa.
Wlnlhrop W. Davis, Plaintiff,
Julia f. Davti, Parandanl,
To Julia P. Davit, above namtd a
lo tha Nanta of thaltof Oraaoo. you
ar barabf raqulrail tn appaar and aaawar
too piainiin'i ottnipiatut mail agalaat you
haram, within all waakt Iruia tha data of
tha Drat publlcattoa baraof, and on or
naiura taa wnn aay or July, iwio.
ir yon mil to maka lunh appaamnea
within tht lima haraln tpMlllad. plaintiff
will apply to iha aonrt fot tne raluf pray
nl f r In nlaooinplaint, to wit, a daerw
of tha abova anttUad court dlaaolvlnt tha
marrlasa contract brrelnfora and now
nxlitlua batwean plaintiff and vourwtf
ana lor anon otnor rcuai ai ma court aiay
uvani juai ana vquiiaoie.
Thia tummona li mada bv DDblloatloa
purauant to an onlar ot tha, Hon. (too H.
RMlay. Judaw of tha abova antltlad
court, mada and antarad haratn oa tha
14th day of June. IwlS.
IHtu of Hrat publloation, Juno 17, 1910.
Data ol iaat publloattou, July IB, ISM
Japband Hanay, Attornvya for plain
tiff. All Cornatl Buildlna, Portland, Ora
Administrator's Notice
that I, tha undartianad. have bam by
tna County Court of iht Hlata of Oraaoo
for WaahliiRton County, duly appolntad
attiniuiatrator oi tna astau or narnara ana
0tM, daotaaad, and hava duly quallSed
aiiuon aominiatraior,
All paranna having olalrai aaalnat laid
aalataare haraby notlflad to prannt taa
to ma with tha nronar vouohan at
tha Uw oinra ol W N Barratt, at Millaboro,
OraRun, within ns montna nrom uaaaie
of tbli noUoa.
rtatad Jnna IT. IMS.
John Uataa, Adnunlatrator of tha estate
of Barbara Ann uataa.aaoaaaen.
,W M Barrett, attorney for aditlals
TOBACCX) satisficd-a clean, small
chew. It's the Real Tobacco Chew.
So tttisfying and comforting that men
ttre glad to hear about it. And then
when they've found it their next impulse
irto eee that their friends get the good
news, too.
A littkehewoi pure, rich, mellow tobaccoseasoned
and sweetened just enough cuts out su much of the
(nodiBjaod tpittini.
W MsAt, tosacco otw a now cut two wayjs
W-D CUT a tone wmu WCHTCUT n 0T mno
Take laaa thaa aaauarur tba olj ,e chew. It
wtft aa atora Mithrimt Aam a lit alii !ai . l
';'" Jt aihbla of ii uitil you and ih
attaaVhaaaw that auiu yon, thco how tauly anj
f f tobaeea taata ouwe. how it Mtitfic.
kaw aaaeb laaa yoa hava to apit, how lew cbe yma
saa la aa tabacaa aaiUacd. Thai , hr u u li,
m- ' f TV..'. .. i. . ,
1 af eata, rlca aabaaaa doe not aoed lo It covered ap. Aa
eaaaai as aanaa aae awaaaaaiag atakaayoti aptt too a uh.
One small chew tales the place of two Liz
chews of the old kind.
Ifflealia kaw Ike aalt awiaws
taeli aatoeea) laalcyf
rinU3.CJTwl CCr?AJfT, SI Uaiea Semrc, H wTovt Qy
Scrap Book
Aa tl.a Cuida TaM li.
I tall Too, adatar. It waa a day to
Baaae a Baaa faat tkklad to daatb wltn
Maaialf aad evefrtbiat alas la rrea
ttoa tfcat la. it aurted oat by betag
taat sort of a Say.
J. Baterbraoe. aa fH tt too. Ha was
aa forward, stttlag straddle of tba
bow aad waafttaa aia hand aroand at
the awantalns aad tblaaa. dlawby ha
taata worhlac hat way aft. bangtnx
loao taa guawala, aad est duwa oa tba
etarboard locbar that rua akma tba
"Doat you fatt tba aubtlla wr of
aatanr says bo to am.
1 sea bo wanted to cbla with ate, aad
I fast Use Baobbo tbat wts part of
what i waa pahl for, ao I aay to blip:
"No, I can't aay I fcal no arte- I
fast fast Uka a cat with a saaaer of
craaat la front of o. Tbay slat aotb
kaf I want what I ain't got"
"atransa." ha matters to himself.
"Tha Intellectual proceaare of the pro
letarlat eema to bo the reverae of
taoav af tba blgher aorUI Btrata."
I Mad of suaplctoned his remarks
ws'at aiarUy favorable to me, bat I
ildat ear aotblnf. Rive dollars s day
at IB a aay. Anybody can call me a
proletariat for tbat If they dost aay It
hi a Sanaa tone of voice. William afer
rtaai Bones la Countryalde Mag-aslne.
Aa a fond mother, whan tha day la o'er.
Laada by the band hr little child to bed.
HAM wtlltae. half reluctant to be led
Aad have bla brohvn playthlnga on the
at them through the open
Nor wholly reaarored and comf.trir t
By sreauaea of ether in tiivir ttrml.
Watch, theufh nmrt alenUol, mr not
ales a him mure:
a aatura deala with u and titkr aa-ay
Oar ptaythlnia one by one ami by the
aa te reet eo itenlly that w- ea
Bvarce know) is If we h m o or nay
tea full ot alccp to uttlcr t :i d
tar the unknown trann-ftHts th
what we know.
4lenry Wailawortli Loigftlli.w
As Usual.
As notbtgf s quite ao bard on youth
as another youth Just a few years old
er, Tommy reeented very severely
Jean's foibles st the tubla when there
wss company.
"Mother, please don't let Jean coma
to the table toul-ut." he begged. "She
always acts like we never have tee
cream 'cept when there's company."
"Honest I won't," begged Jean, ao
coavlnctngly tbat aba vu allowed to
Huwever, wbeu tba time for dessert
came and her favorite strawberry les
cream appeared Jean's emotional en
thusiasm had to flud some outlet
"Ohr she crowed, clapplug ber bands
ecstatically; then, true to' ber paombtea,
she continued: "We have Itev'ry eight!
We hava It tv'ry nigutt"-New York
Post . .
Why Ha Cut Hi Hair.
There at a certain surgeon tat Boston
who had, some mouths sgo a very
splendid crop of hair. Although the
surgeon Is not old, his hair Is snow
white, sad he Is very proud of its beau
ty, lie wore It parted In the middle
sad rather long, snd It Buffed luxuri
antly ou either side of tbe part. The
Impulse toward a chauge In balrdress
lug came to tbe Murgeon In tbis man
ner: He bsd operated upou a woman and
wss bsndlug over ber ns sue began to
come out ot the ether. She opened her
eyas for s moment, uud then closed
them sgslu. Theu with s long sigh
aad In a rapt voice she said, "What a
beautiful white chi-yMautbcmumt" Tha
Student pmient exploded, sad now the
rgsoa wests Ids, hair cm as close aa
a assvUssaaa sasy. reuta s
la tba Circuit fuuri or tn t ot
Orraoa f-ir Wnioai10 County.
Mary L. Payne, l;
fJwirra S I'avn. I fon !nit
Tu Ur( k. P i e. U,e a wive turned
In the name of tha tftnta of Orejrun:
You are brliy i oulit t,.i itiitrt U
appear in lh aUtte t,ttU j.urt ant!
antacr tha miplmt t,id !hki you in
lh above euliilwl im, on or belur trw
rd day ut July, Im'.A ki,l data bring
altar ihiiimu .n l u . fc iroru tlie
Uu of ihf Bin p'thiir!Hui j,f ttila autn
miu Un yu; an-l II ymi tail m to ap
prr lue want li,Hj.i,f iti piiiaiir will
rpply tu tberourt tor ihf rvi-( ,rayml
lor in bar ounipialnt. towiu r'ur a drcrea
furaer dKMiviug tbe murwx am)
marrlaire ontri. now an! lirrrtotur,
eilatin et n tte iUintiir ami ivto
dwit and rtori unut the plainuir ber
uutnlen nail, ii.!,,. I v, Mry I. Meal,
ai.d lur ich tittwr .l luru.i.r rlirf aa to
tbe fourt uiay wen jusrt i.,l rquitabla.
Tbw auiuiuant u, (rvi !,),, yuu by
publication Un-ir.,1 in tt.B lliUooro
Argua uriiaiitiorlt-ruftli lli.uorabu
Uao. KKaaiajr, Jn.) , tt,r ,Rve u.
utlej t'ouri. inaitn. rviKlcrnl ajnl daied
Uioii tba Nth day .if June. tMii, vn. au;h
taid ordr rmauirm ttirt uiJ iiuuiuiooa ta
pubiuhnd lu U MiutNiru Argiia lr iJ
uroriive itu.l n i,m wwit. the
Urn ol Urn Urt ili iri.m Ihtiwt liaiug
tba 0th dy ,f j ui. :I5, antl u data oi
lt Iaat (iiiliii. Uinmt l-ine Um Slid
'Uy of July, I IA. xu, ich rif rp.
quma that you pfr ami an,-r taid
cjinpUiiiluu or bnU't thn .'tra itay ot
July, 1U1
Wui U Hare, Aitotney f.r l'jniui.ff.
W U BriU. I'laiutiff,
('haa P Miller. Mary H Alilir, Carl I)
PbUlipp. ti TM i Kf.tKr. li A riiatnm, Vi K
Uiobanl, U H Lyiu,i, A U W rtitht,
Tn Carl ll ll..l,. ...... 1 . , L, . . .
datemlaut abova imnitHl :
la the name of the Staia of Oregon you
are hereby ru.uirt w.Mr anil auawer
tba (vmplalnt tiiwi anaiiiKt you in the
above KUtulini auit on or bclora sit (ii
weak Irom the datwol the firm publica
tion hereof, low it, on or Iwloir aia t)
wtek Imm the lt da? ol Juiy, IU15 and il
you tall u aiiaair, lor waut theieol the
plaintitl will apply Ui ttin ,t.urt (or the
relief OeuiauUml iu the complaint, towit:
for a drcree thai laiutill do hava and
rewiver of an. troui ttie doteudauu Chaa
P Miller ai.d Mary H Miller. Fred J
bpier, B A B.aym. W K HiHbanl and O
H Layniati llieaum of rifteeu Hundrud
Uoliara iSiaUU. with im akrauar
tbe rate ut eiKbt (si p-r emit ir annnm
iy 01 june, i!n, and the
lurihar auxi .if in,, i.. .,.1 t-t.
UoUaretiao)a attonifva Iff, together
with the coals and iwbdrrmeita or Die
null; that thetval miriy deocHbtnt in
plainiilTaniniplamr, tovvit:
lb houtb Mnlt ot the Mouthwet Quar
ter ot tiection Taelve (Uhu Towuahip
ianietle Meridian, iu asliuwioii Comity.
na aoid aooonling to lnw for the aatia
lactlon ul the dwn-e hh.1 that dn.enuaula
111 aaitl ami !. ... i... . .
, . , . "" hi w rrwu.
and toroiiloawl ol a. I ri;bt, utle. iiiterasi
ami equity of redemption in ami toaah.
real propenv, and u.r mich other and
lurtlter reliel aa may be j iM mn equitanle.
Ihih Niinnuonn i I ........ ...... .
publloallon umi,.r and -y virtue of au
order ul the t inuit Court of the State ol
Oregon lor the ll,ui,ty f Wanhmgton,
mad and entered lutreui on the -JUth day
ot June, 115, wbich order dirwta that
unimoiia lir-l.i i. i,ul-linh,l ik.
HlllnlHiru Arm.
m w Mhiiitfioa ouittv, uniftiu, itn eob
wwsk lor su (ti) wei.t md lhnt tou
DLrttaUT aklttl mi t a ia? m s .,..i'..--. ...
a - v.. ui uvuey niav im
week troui the dale ol Brat publioaUou
Date of flrit publics l,,n, July t isms
Data or last iiuhlica ion, Aiik U. lato.
Farrinctcu 4 r'arrinton,
C M White,
Attorney for plaintiir.
fW. 0. Donelson 1
. tit
Calls attended night or day.
T Chapel and Parlors.'-
Imported Registered Percheron Stallion Blade, finely
bailt, one of the best sires in the county, ill make the
1915 season:
Laurel, Monday, 8 A. M. to 6 P. M , SthAU, Tues
day, 8 A. If. to 6 P. M., Beaverton, Wednesday evening
to Thursday, 6 P. M. at livery barn, Keedvillc, I'rid ty,
6 A. M. to 6 P. If., Hillsboro, Saturday, 6 A. M. to 6. p.
M., at Redmond barn.
TERMS: Single Service, Season, fto; to Insure
with foal, $15; For live colt, $20; deposit rettiircd
on insurance. Care to prevent bnt not responsible fur
accidents. GEO. H. CHAMBERS, Owner.
Stallion Registration Board. State of Oregon.
License Certificate of Pore Bred Stallion No. 1379.
Dated at Corvallis. Oregon. March 10, 1913
Tbe pedtfTt of the stallion Partisan. No. 42G!3 (fK)008)
reRiatered in tba atadbook of the American Percheron lUm$
Breeders aad Importen Assn. Owned by Joe Otto, of Hillsboro,
Washington County. Oregon. B'ed by M. Barhe. Department
of Sarthe. France. Described as follows: Black; Star. Pedi(rre;
Brutus (34733) sire; Suzon (23041) Dam; Germanicus (7825)
Sire of Sire; Liaetto (25008) Dam of Sire; Sultan (1400) Sire t.f
Dam; Suzon (6774) Dam of Dam. Breed Percheron; Foaled in
tbe year 1303. on Ha) 8, and has been examined by the Stallion
registration Board of Oregon, and is hereby certified that the
said stallion ia of Pure Breeding, is registered in the stiulhoo
that ia recognized by the associations named in section nine of
an Act of tbe Legiaiative Assembly of tbe State of Oregon pro.
vidtng for tbe licenaing of stallions, etc.. filed in the office of
the Secretary of State, February 23. 1911. and that the above
named stallion baa been examined by the veterinarian appoint
ed by the Stallion Registration Board and is hereby reported
free from infectious, eontagious or transmissible diseases or tin
sound neas and ia hereby licensed to stand for public service in
the State of Oregon.
Ermine L. Potter.
Secretary Stallion Registration Board
Note:Tbia license must be recorded in the office of the Re
corder of Conveyances of the County in which such stallion is to
be used for public aervice, and must be renewed March 10, 1916.
(Horse gold by Joa Otto to Geo. II. Chambers)
Ame FPG3
The DftilyCOreonitn mn The
Artfua, One Year For C6.00
this given you Gto Argus
FBEE. No Agent
Deuly end Sundey
end Cfttj Argus
C.B. BUCHANAN fi CO., Inc.
ti.llsb o. Cetnelius snd North Plains
VholeseU end Retail Dealers in
Of a.nt Hay, Flour, Feed and
Groin Dogs.
Car-lot shippers of POTATOES.end
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled et any time
Lumbor Shinfjles and Loth
At Cornelius
Esaver State FDcrr
TheDsjct Flsuratthe Lovettfrrir?
Ullkbcro, l!tb 14.- Cornells, Ci:y 15 15.
, ,. - -