The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 22, 1915, Image 1

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K Me
NO. 18
l, Takta Camp
... .. nJ " aai
i n ...
i. of P.. Mtn Hurt and the
Grays retired irutn in
.ruund Sunday to tell the
,,rv of deficit
k. of I. team played lh
i4 ttrftfrriratlon on the lural
..i ..( Inat by a wore of
i ... I
jO it seemeu v u "H o
lJf the home boys a they
..n.hU to hold on to the
Jrives and the fast ground-
irt.nted to them by the vis-
Freeman. Phelps and u4t-
the battries for the local
L A!U-n andltoblnson did the
work for the visitor.
the pitcher tor cnoiis
What threatened to tie a verv
rioim accident occurred recently
when th far in which II. V.
Cute and hi son-in-law, Chss.
Ilt-im, both !! known here,
were tidimr, overturned on a
ateep K'rn.l' in the Tyich Valley.
They were driving from the
Gates' ranch It The Dalle, and
brakes on the car failed to hold,
with tin result that the car ran
away, throwing Iwth the men
oit just before it overturned.
However, when the car waa up
net it fell on them. Mr. Gale
sustained by the accident some
verv nainful bruised, but no
broken bones, while Mr. Ileim
luckily rsraped with only a few
minor bruinrt.
I anw eordwood. iole up to 12
inches in diameter, fence rail,
and Utardtt of all kinds, into
utovewood lengths. Will ifo into
thf eiiiiiitrv. Writ, ohone or
rail on me.- Carl Skow, llillsho
ra I'hone. City 4CL or rail at
Tualatin Hotel,
The fjolie Aid Society of the
Methodist Church, their hus
bands, and friend, were enter
tained Friday evening, at the
home of Mm. W. N. Uarrett A
very interesting program of
music and reeitation waa rend
ered. Ught refreshment were
i iv,. tiiirtt)P lor nenoi
lien, r' . . , ... . ... ii ;. j
i . ....iik.iw ana uucnea Mr. ami un J. w . uai ev anu
.I dean game ana nas me son, raui. ami mi oaney
returned rriuav irom aan rran
ciaeo, where Ihey haye been at
tending the eiiNjaition. Mr. Bal-
lev returned by rail, while the
n.t of the ua tv returned by
steamer Great Northern. They
retort a pleasant trip.
l)r Klmer Smith and Ward
Down, who have been visiting
Dr. Smith father at Golden-
dale, Wah returned home Sat
iintav nvKninir. Fhev made the
trip overland from Goldendale to
The Dalle, In Dr. SmiW s car,
and then shinned the car from
there to Portland.
Sherilt Reeve I JKatea Daly. Hoot-
let gcr, Wanted Here
Tni Tawaw' Sal te Pay tl.We,
Later Psrtfed
I v t" " " w ; -
iinif oi a wia
HiUshoro Grays were ue-
d by the. fat Yertioori
t Verboort. last bunuay,
nf HtoO. As will be
by the score the local boy
r had a chance with the fsut
h team, luipn wtiuam
IllHl lOr ine vii j
e'lien llurs lost to the Ga
team, at Gaaton. by the
k. of 7 to 6. The Held was
rounh for the local uoy. anu
gime was won ehieny on er-
Order of Mxme. the
ml lodge In Ihe county, will
n tneir new quarivrv w n
ht with a dance. I nday eve-
, July 23.
he new lodge room oi tne
e are aeredlt to the Order
to the city, ihe Moose,
ule one of tha younger lodges
thin city. Is a very strong in-
ution here now. and has a
fKe membership from all over
k Mintv. The members are
at entt'rtairers. and those
attend iwsxt Friday are sure
hnve a aulendid time. They
lend a cordial invitation to the.
lif to come and visit them in
ir new hall, over IheCoramer-
O I'hetns ha Durchased the
txrn p,nini and Dressing ma
rKln.. form Mi-lu nu ntnl bv Black-
burn & Freeman, and has estab-
Imned a cleaning and pressing
t.ttrh. in (hi Waihimrton hotel
luiiMimr in the room which was
formerly wcupied by the buffet
Cnuntv Clerk Luce issued two
tut Saturday.
II M w " ' '
in JiMtfhh 11. Wescolt. Jr.
and Anna liiuck. and one to Roy
a' &-hu miru'h and Luna u.
Humfe. H of Washington
th.. ItillKluim Merranlile re
imrt th sale of miny binders,
'ollowing are the proceedings of
last Thursday. Friday and Sat
urday in the Circuit Court before
Judge Bagley:
Thursday, July 15
Harrington va Uarrington, do
cree of divorce.
Fde v Wohlschlegel, dismissed.
Davis v Klwert, dismissed.
Grand jury reports eight true
bills and one not true bill
State v J Frank Stroud, not
true bill returned, and defendant
ordered discharged, and bonis
men released.
State v Andrew Schild. ar
raigned Thos II Tongue appeared
for state, and defendant In per
son in custody of the sheritT.
State v Louis Kastis, arraign
ed. Thos II Tongue appeared for
state, and defendant appeared
in person in the custody of the
State v Thos M Kennedy.
waived arraignment, and plead
not guilty to all indictments.
KYiiiav. Ju lfi-
Stite v Fred Townsend. ar
raiimcdand plead guilty. II T
Bagley appeared for defendant,
and K H Tontrue for the state.
State v Andrew Schild. ISenton
Bowman appointed attorney for
the defendant
Anna Delude v Nelson Delude.
liUmiHiuHl on motion of o aintilT.
SUte v Fred Townsend. sen
tenced to tav a fine of $1,000,
and costs. In default of this
sentence, defendant to serve one
day in the county jail for each
$2 of the fine. Paroled on con
dition that he iivtf a life of
rectitude, and observe all the
laws of the land, and become a
law ahidinor ritizpn. Defendant
nnt untor into anv character of a
quarrel or parole will be revoked.
sher Hi Heeves aepanea r nuay
morninar for Hutte. Montana, to
st William Dalv. who is wanted
horfl rnr mverai onenses. l'aiv
e " - ---- -
tnr rin cond tu commence on
th termination of the first. He
paid Uith fines.
Grand jury returnee one mie
II. and dismissed until further
State v John I-ove and Itol.t
.ucas. releaswl on their own
reeoirnizanee and w appear ai
the sheriff's call.
State v Thos M Kennedy, trial
Gractf Fowler case, set for Tues
day. July 2.
State v t hos at ivenneuy. ar-
raiurned on statutory charge;
pleaded not guilty.
State v K J Daly ana inoe s
Kennedy. I'.3dy house charge.
arraicned and pled not guilty.
State v T M Kennedy, indict
ment No 2. set for trial July a.
Stat v T M Kennedy. Albert
Litchie Bawdy house case set for
Saturday. July 21.
Lehman' Haceminsad Parala oa
Condltlans ! Repay
Btaacy a4 Etstas
lirSntr.fVIro Kola. "First for
Thirst," 5c at fountains
Jack Robinson, a prominint
farmer of South Tualatin, was a
city visitor Saturday.
Wanted, to rent: A farm of
50 or 100 acres. Address tlox
200. laurel. Ore. 18-21
Mr and Mr. Cha. H RiggS.
of Orenco, departed Sunday for
three weeks' stay ai weians.
Wells-Farito Agent Blackburn
received, the last of the week, a
new wagon from headquarters.
Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Carstens.
Mm. Hartley and Mrs. Unndell.
of Banks, were Hillsboro visitors
Andrew Schild. who about a year
ago trysteriously disappeared
from the Lehman ranch, two or
three days after the discovery of
a theft of a large sum of money,
and was later located in Calif
nia. and brought here waa given
a hearing , in the Circuit Court
last Saturday.
Benton Bowman appeared for
the defendant who waa sen
tenced to not less than one nor
more than ten years in the state
penitentiary. He was paroled
on recommendation of Mr. Leh
man. on condition that he repay
to the county the eosta of this
action and of hia extradition.
which totals $100. payment to be
made at tne rate or tsi moniniy.
to be payable the first of each
month, with first Davment sent
1. He must also repay the
money stolen from Ur. Lehman,
at the rate of S50 per month.
He must not leave this county.
msm - &
I A a. . I I L-
... . . . I -I mil UIUHL rVDOrL DT ICUIT HI UW
Ulnch L-erwr we 8heriff by the first and fifteenth
maker, of near Helvetia, brought I f th j.,,,.- wkat he
supply ot nisproaucv h.c . . . - . ,
much he is earning. In case he I
violates any of these conditioos I
parole will be revoked and sen
Vence served.
in a
last of the week.
Alex Gordon, one of the coun
ty's most substantial farmers,
wss in from North nains, me
last of the week.
the most COFFEE
complete line of Eastman Kodaks
and supplies. They do develop
ing and printing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bergen
and Mr. and Mrs. John Bergen
left the last of the week for an
outing at Netarts.
Mail your Kodak films to the
Hillsboro Pharmacy. They de
volnn and nnnL and are the
agents for Kastman supplies.
Arthur O'Connor, nephew of
W. G. Hare and Mrs. Henrietta
Morgan, of this city, is out fropi
Portland for a couple ot weeks.
E. Widberg. of Laurel, was in
town Saturday. His son. wroy,
una nitrated on bv Dr. KoOD
The second edition of the Coffee 1
Club Cook Book is on Bile, at I
GO cents.
The books are on sale at the
following places:
Vaught's Grocery.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co,
Donelson's Furniture Store.
Gragg 4 Powell Q ropery,
Kosa Grocery.
Rest Room. Second St near
Morton Greenhouse
SAFETY: Yourlmoney'blsaferjin the bank than in your cash
PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by
beiogble to give a bank. reference.
DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often ob
tained, if you have a commercial bank account
CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying
bills by check, which is a receipt for the amountpaid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank account; eomeSin
and see us and we will telf you more.
t Per Cnt. Interest On Savinsfa wmm
American National Danll Ql
iMsf ntwrssw. c5)y,:o j
One Million Board feet of GoodlLumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense
of special sawing. When yon want lumber, promises
don't fill vour bill. Onr specialties are quality, ser-
vice, and courteous treatment Yon can do better for
less with this company.
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Track.
Everything in Building iiatesial
S. P. AND P.E.4E,
la Iha man tulin kaa haon
y utnaer, i l.i., Timhor and iMltka ist nf tho u ufk. for tonsili
a the harvest season is drawing .Mn:n i;minP toUi
near, rirmvrs i
supplies for their coming
lUnk. Friday night July 2M crops.
I'ikii aft
. .. k a I I ill ir nit
.uiii'ii wum,.iii, . """.-...i h lit,r ..,, money see mc
aJUn, was in Hillsboro, bal-! , r.,runil Room 1 Commer-
minors, on Sunday, and several
nther offenses of the same nature.
IVar C. Sad er V Mi lard I'
Parmer-7 Sadler, dismissed.
SLatfl v Oscar Anderson & Wil
lis Meeks, indictments Nos 1 and
9 airaicned. Sam Johnson ap
peared for defendants, E B
. . . .,. . ,
TonaruA for state, waivea ume
n nlAn.l nnt o-inltv to each III
i n n.k..n iu at iiiaia-laicimeiii, nu i oci, mm
r.. r.. niiitsiiaii - . .. an
Wred down to this city with n tin Hole , J-'"V'- Sm:the" v Na-nnie E
arty of friers. Saturday. vest iwry uwwr Q-":.- Uutrerford ao
t ' K m ill tltltSIIIV IU9 IIIHUU IV WWIJ tvi
kinuuv LvtUwent to Ru. u,y "1"! C" .vr" f.r.,ii aa a neared for the plaintiff. Default
. ..a .ri., I U in IftlTOI""! ' I . . . -
Uim Marion Lytle visited with
lui Janet noenei, ai nucnj
tazfl, the tirst of the week. 1
GiiHtav Krsuat), of Cornelius,
ci'al I'.ldg., Hillsboro, Ore.
This anilies to any entered and decree granted,
Sof maSe. . I . Mabel A Koyal v Osrnan Uoyal
Mrs. W. E. Stevens, of Port
n&l. Is spending a few days at
the borne of her daughter and
tm4e Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Money to loan on farm secur
ity. 1 represent three large nre
insurance companies, uive me a
call. E. I. Kuratli.
ShoriiT Rtfeved returned Mon
day morning from Butte, Mont,
bringing with him William uaiy,
who is charged with bootlegging
at Timber.
Money to loan on flrst-class
farm security. Washington
County Abstract & Title Com-
pany; by E. J. McAiear, mana
ger. 4U
Miss Eva Emmott went over
to Kockaway. the lasl ot ine
week, for a few days' visit witn
Miss Bena Shute, and wm later
visit at Netarts.
A. Rutchman, of east of town.
All, except the P. K. & N., trains
are electric, and stop at the de
not on Alain street
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a, m,
McMinnviile Train 7:23 a. m.
Sheridan Train 10.02 a. m.
Forest Grove Train 12:60 p. m.
McMinnviile Train 2:15 p. m.
Forest Grove Train . .-4:10 p, m.
Eusrene Train. -4:63 P. ro.
McMinnviile Train 6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m.
From Portland
Eugene Train arrives . 8:15 a. m.
Lv tie went to Bux
i r - . . . .
m. Monday rooming, 10 iook at-,i.,r
r inma a rt ifm n .t AJi n w wnrk ... .1 .
. . -w.-. 'aiv e or IBBKr ui iuavMi- . I . , ' . - .
..... . . - . , u.. ....I ir iMian it linn reierciictr.
l obt Cook, who has been In- Aire oi njacnines, or - :v nine true
;iu...bU ui. uu.i .win the uaat wtU make no I Grand jury returned nine true
ii n nun vt bub m. ttihii iii.i' r - -. m a. 7 1 1
Months has returned to llillsbo.1 difference, in rjItsrW. P or ta AB,rpu, uiM B.t
). 120 years old -all wiu we j . .ir;, '
tie perfectly. Every "toJ.P" f,, u if Mtis; sentenced made an early call to the city
Wuiin.r tmuiie. or na on 1 w t- ""..:. ..
-11 .7.,.KInfl irom 1 wiu jream in
old machines. , . . 1. .-.ij
. Kvery macn ne vo oc nnn f his Dromlse not to do any
waPfMnVB".wrr-A . Urona. and to reoort to the
n. i j 1 fft t Ta r im 11:1 v 1 ui nwi 1 " w
dUpy , iu.ij C.tnrrlav Jiilv 17
K!. Eafr SStoT Fred" W Moore. Sher-
t rrw: 'e The manThackerand Fred Davidson.
1.. in IhlM Will UU I ! I niKIIW, u ""
niUIIM 111 llllllll www
For Sal -Gasoline drag saw.
tn ttkids. Four H. P. engine.
good running condiUon. Can
rind feed or run smalt machine
vith engine. G. B. Hays. Laurel
The Shute Savings Bank
It an Old Reliable Institution with
. Resources of over
$300,000 00
If you are not familiar with banking methods call
and talk it over with us and we will gladly
give you any information desired. All
business strictly confidential. Ac-'
counts of Wotueti and thud-
:rcn solicited
4 Per Cent. Feld on Sevinrfs Deposits.
W. Mahon, Cash.
W. V. Bcrgeu, Asst.
A. McGill, Pres.
&. C. Shute, Vice-Prcs.
atate. defendants in person. All
dead guilty to giving liquor to
a minor. Each was sentenced
the pen - Saturday morning, taking one a
oonsidera- Deering binder from the Hillsbo
ro Mercantile.
W. H. Forney, who lost his
home recently by fire, was in
from near Oak Park, Uriday.
His new home, which is a much
larger and finer structure, is rap-
Ml.. paid inn.
IUIY """"P vwL.f.. i , . .
... ... ... . 1 1 uiivh onivi
Dr. and Mrs. w. u. wow ana - p- i.nd.
To Portland ....
McMinnviile " . .A:4S a. m.
Forest Grove " .11:63 a, m.
Forest Grove " . 8:15 n. m.
Shendan " ..4:S0d. m.
McMinnviile " .6:40 p.m. I
Forest Grove " .7:15 p. m.
Forest Grove " .-9:00 n. m.
McMinnviile " .12:15 a.m.1
All trains, ston on flair at I
Sixth and Main; at North Bange
and Fir streets: at Sixth and Fir
streets and at Tenth street
Steam Service ...... ...Old Depot
To Portland x
V. R. & N. Train ..4:30 p. m.
From Portland
P. R. & N. Train 9:12 a. m.
Loop Special, due at Hillsboro
at 2:00 p. m. from Portland
Saturday and Sunday only. .
rorest urove special (Satur-l
I have reopened the old Blacksmith establish
ment formerly operated by Peter Ridwig, at Oren
co and am equipped to do all kinds of Blacksmith
ing, Horse-shoeing and Automobile Repairing.
Fronll Rulill
Orenco, Oregon Phone, Farmer 30x6
Hillsboro Aoto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Deesoneble
and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
10:33 p. m.l
11:15 n. m.l
Beach Special (on P. R 4 N.)
Lv. Hillsboro Sat. at 3:02 P. U.
Heturn " Sun. at 9:22 P. kl.
in ueiauil uiereoi w ki n. .;n ,m lim.L
siaerauon 01 mo pjmi"hi hj i
Moore and Davidson that twy . ,
aorh nav C&O and costs, they will Vnr Sale: Auto in first-class
r . '.. . . 'm l-1 . ...... !
be paroled on the Daiance 01 me condition. VYl" 9eu very rea8n"
An Thankee to nav S75. and the khlo or trade for a good, young
balance he will be paroled. They team, harness and light wagon.
mMi allnufml to DSV SlOlTaam must h( lflOO tO 1200 each.
nciw m - i - - .. .
monthly on their fines, and must call 16x. Forest urove -worm
report to the sheriff every two Seventh Street 5tf
...Ilra nnil k Hnofl Am nald.
ri" -w i w,,. wa tho scene on-..7 - -
State y larl u Linqnoim, pa- 4 ,;9iSat,irda w at canw ana
bench warrant s P. car. on Buxt0-
County Clerk E. C Luce spent
Sunday in Portland.
Buy your Kodaks and supplies!
irom tne ueiia urusr store.
Agents Eastman Kodak Co,
last of the week for a two weeks'
For ule: Number of fine
small pigs, seven weeks old.
John Keilly. Hillsboro. Ore.. R.
1. Phone F. 4S5. 17-19
role revoked, ana oencn warraiii. " mi . .orr Q n
" . - iMAininir imp n:oi i. uar. uii
ordered to issue. , '7" "'ty- vnnt - i, k
11 1 'i',i.i.. . u' HtipirntrnML I cuiti inn " t -
III U AUKBCI f W 'J . . a lining
. . 1 an acrpn niHir. iiiiviiik ui ic itvii ov .
dismissed. .u ua vm ourplpssrv driven
t'ori ana mmuvr vo v. -;t - . . mnfnrmnn
1 1 iitwin i i h 1,1 fit: iv . 111c iiiubui iiiuiii
Portland Mercantile Union V JM ajmt MdTKrTlS Ireland, of Portland, is
John Uietrich, dismissed. , - to Bund 8envr, spending a few day. with his
Wm B Jolly v A r atungei v ""k brothers. Tom and Hal. in this
" V. . Ui AOP DJim trill II U LllltlUKIla MU II IT I. .
ux, dismissed wunoui cosia. , ; - r "tn rt- to tne cuy. . . ,
State V Lyman H. rair, inoici- - '-" """K In knn from 8. A Rnard. fnrmrlv nronrie.
ments 1 and 2 .arrane d, iwa nto a waon; which tor of the Cash Grocery of this
Tongue for the state, defendant .ni. the track. When city, is now conducting- the del-
appearing inrso... iw r-u iy, . h track ,e 8houW lcate8aen in connection with the
WTm. indictmentT en- lb more careful than they are. 'Dr. Wise Earview HateL
foro it's GoTto
To do that lucctnfullj rut
mnst Iutc a
1 Sczcca Camsra
The perfect view fades quickly l the ideal ctprc
sion soon yaoitked; to you must have the lines ,
Cameni-and that's the Seaeca. New Senecas have fasur
lenses, quicker shutter, make better picture. Tae whoa
. tribe ii here in out ttoft come and lee them.
ll -