The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 15, 1915, Image 1

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; Jhe
t lqrsu::s GETS
Liurt Means Construction ol
Lr v.U leet sJ Knr P"
rminty commissioners' court
Friday awarded, contract
tht ImiMintt of the Center-
bridge and repair of span.
two little bridge near the
Wr place, above lUnk. John
rnung gets the tnlemll
ructure, and tie wtit pui in imj
I t and repair the span. The
ulniiln. ihmU and car must be
Ll-tarred. and several pilmtr
t I driven. Construction
11 begin on the aouth end first.
VJ then the span will lw repair-
. that threshing oulliw can
ki.t wlille me uaiancr si un
it m under way. l he county.
The Stat lloml Commission
him derided to ay the extra
IH.iXlO for the rirnpltin of the
i Kes-Tiirard road, that l-ing the
. nurri ttio contractors nay wan their
understanding alxtvit the cm-
trart priet. The cornmiNHiou will
not pay. however. unlinH Mr.
P-iwlhy, who wan dpMid, says
that thi U in consonance with
the agreement and representa
tions at th time the contract
was let. lid id the atrvtch of
road that Portland auto men
male so much truubl over, and
it wait finally settled by the
county making a small donation
toward the work. It will In
liniuhed within a few wr-krt.
JuhI a little work being required.
I naw cord wood, pole up U 12
inches in diameter, fence raiU,
and board of all kimta, into
atovevvood lengths. Will g into
thi country. Write, phone or
call on me.- Carl Skow, Hiilnho
rn, I'hone, City itil, or call at
Tualatin Hotel.
"We shall lake our titn goini.
overland to the Fair," said John
M. Wall, speaking of trip by
hinuelr, .Sir. Talbot, August
Trw and thuir families. "We
Khali not burn the roadx up. and
hal make it by may stage
:;;ra eesl; . ra .,. to
mlU?'L .tni"!, am load, and atari out. We should
make it down h twelve or fifteen
jdajs, but do not care if it ahall
take more."
,le nearly 110.000 feet AH
nil, iron, coal. tar, etc. it sup
ied by lrung.
The bid were as follows -
Onterville Here you are Mr. Farmer -7
ihn Irsung $14S5 and 8 per cent money-aee me.
han. H l"otU r.. u rerninn. KKm i lommer-
. vV. (knxlin lS.d cial JI!dir.,, Ore.
,tJ,-"IyrtdN?6il L C Carrie, the Fortland
. ' ,t it Kllm Insanity examinations, wa
r. Kramer . . . btf i huri(lav.
,te umonn in VmU? l ,Bj rend unco.
i tiv in acioun. iiv was nut. tvrwwj hi-
ixirauna - , . i,i,,u,,ri, .
ja juii w, iiuniui, niMivohn a e "
Kl 0 1.1'COY
former Wit in for I to 10 Yean
I or Robbing AkCermkk Store
Bari ol PareMt Mat tKimmrat
OevrrMT FrMty Latl
(iovernor Withycombe haa grant
ed pardons to C. II. Martin, who
was sentenced to an indetermi
nate imprisonment of from one
to U-n years for robbinif the Mc-
Cormick store in this city, in thelvelou
Spnn of 1913. the parole not to agents for Eastman aupplie
Jake Uuchele. of lieaverton. ii
in Idaho, this week, on business.
Drink Celro Kola. "First fur
Thirat. &e at fountains.
Mrs. P. I. Lillipard. of nr
Laurel, was in the city Friday.
Cord wood for sale, delivered
n Hillaboro. at IZ75 per turd.
Telephone the Sipprell Mill. 16
J. R. McNew. of above Bux
ton, waa In town the last of the
week, attending circuit court
.Dr. F. D. Anderson, of On n-
co. was in the county fiat Sat nr.
day afternoon.
J. H. Jack, now of Portland.
was out over sunaay, meeting
with friends.
Mail your Kodak films to the
UilUboro Pharmacy. They de-
and print, and are the
1.1. din R3Q
had Been a County Ckarge Afceart
a Year, After Being la Aiyl
le effective until the prisoner
has nccurcd a place to work.
Martin robbed the store on I
Saturday night, and was caught
in a Portland second-hand jewel
ry store the next day. and held
Chaa. Follett, enwnwir, wm
down from McMinnville. Sunday.
He has been running out of that
terminal for some time.
Money to loan on farm secur
ity. 1 represent three large fire
insurance companies. Give me a
on suspicion. lie pleaded gumy. call. E. I. Kuratlu
Another parole was that issued H i Fint ln.i the negse
to Earl Md y. who was aen- bri)lhers of Scholl. were up to
fenced July 21. for hooting Fred the d jury Monday, wit
Vdcock. on Galea Creek. June ,hs M-ek-Anderson
21. 1914. for the purpose of rob-
tery. The same condition of
work is reserved in the McCoy I Money to loan on first-class
parole. If arm security. Washington
McCoy has been a model pns- county Abstract & ime Mm-
oner, and will leave the institu- pany; by E. J. McAlear, M ana-
lion when his year is up, if not ger. 4ti
before. . M.mi. RiHIr nf MrNfinn.
Ten other pardons from van-
arillA weaai Afim tf ia)uTt last
ous paru of the atate were also wee meeting his former
authorized. . ItrianA tlrman waa for manv
McCov Dleaded guilty to the ,uu d .
charge against him. after main-m.tof c!orneliua. and he knows
a close call, lie is age 70 years.
and at lint it was thought that
ay Ueasoner....
Has K. Potts K0 W
I i . .. M . . f I U,
i ntertille bridge is of . interest. jtne wou!d fuUl-
i ' . . L . ....!. ft I. : . i,, i i . . . ... r
m'.owipk ini rumiiriuiwii i(ooti ueai r.8iaie securuy oi
tlaM of work is mor than keen. Iforrd for loans at 7 and 8 per
Ju twwn the lowest and highest cent Call and look applications
l.i.ln there is a differential of ;,,Vcr. E, L IVrkins, llillsboro,
?77J. Mr. Lorsung teat his next ; Oiew. n. tf.
hi'uraoMr ntmtuif rnr itv nniv nzi.
I)avi(J DtfGr0M Ah0 18 runninjr
one of the county road rollers,
KfcPOKT i arrived in lat week and went to
Iwork on the HilUljoro streets.
or o roti.iiiionof the Hhui 8n Stoktsbury. who has wen here
work started, pulled his
. . i t
enpna oui lo vxirneuus, w neie
he will tie joined by I'ev.roha as
. I t - . - . 1 A I . 1 i - -
I tin a ml illtatunU... .....l)7.l7 "'
l.m.l an. I artauu. I7."ik ov
Sim ami Whti MKUdttra. i.7'J ou
I'urminrr ami Aituit I.V"
( twnr.l oo
n hum btnka (not iracrv
b,nli , 7.4l J
duiu apicivrl -arv
i'litt ka anil oibr fl ltui.. i i
i mIi uu hatiil,,.,.., I.'J 11
soon as all is completed here.
The J'harmacy has the most
complete line of Eastman Kodaks
and siiplie. lhey ilo develop
intr and printing.
Allen Parent Buffeted a stroke
of imralvsi last Thursday eve
1 . r . S i l i : . I -
tunii. lie whs uione ui ma wmic
uhin stricken, but managed to
t,.i.i "iiaH us ift rnre for himself until his daugh
tt-r. Evflvn. who works at the
( aiut iatk iit ,. iyi,w o. Mercantile, arrived.
M:,,,V:r"V:--""-" 6',Moou Anto-Uverv service at the W.
i iiuivirrij prunia, mm mm- . - , , i 1 i;l,
ao.t tart pai.i... ..... 6.ii s J. Un bam, Second and Wash
lfiimnl mlilicalpi4itrfil. US inglOtl. -
1 1 Mr. and Mrs Jon. Connell and
Total .j 9.i.ih y x.jnu Wootl Jr. left the last of the
8ia of o.rutw, ) Wck for Kockaway, where they
Cuuniy u Waalilnaton, n,main during the warm
1. W. V, ilerarn. Amt Cahlrr or llir
taining for several days that he
was innocent lie gave as his
reason the fact that he wanted
Fourth of July money. -
every inch of thia section.
For Sale: Auto in first-class
S. I AND P. H. ft E. '
condition. Will sell very reason
able, or trade for a good, young
team, harness and light wagon.
Team must be 1000 to 1200 each.
Call lfii. Forest Grove North
All. excebt the P. It & N.. train! Seventh Street Stf
. . 1 -4 -t ,L. J I
are eiecinc, ana wp mo u- p Pm .nf nilf tn .
poi on wain siretu Tonime rmneh. near Mountain
aV ft ui woi
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m.
Sheridan Train 10.02 a. m.
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
Forest Grove Train . .- 4:10 p. m.
Eugene Train .....4u3 p. m.
McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove Train 9:60 p. m.
From Portland
Eugene Train arrives-. -8:15 a. m.
Forest Grove
Fortst Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
A 1 1 trains.
9:45 a. m.
.11:59 a. m.
..3:15 p. m.
. . 4:30 p. m.
..6:40 p. m.
.7:15 p. m.
...9:00 p. m.
.12:15 a. m.
dale. Monday, to put in a private
bridge. He waa accompanied by
Andrew Miller, Geo. Koy and C.
Blaser. the latter going along to
do the heavy work in engineer
ing, the fishing aneVcooking. and
to keep the remainder of the
party in good spirits.
Found: Lady's purse contain
ing sum of money, on celebration
grounds. July 5. owner can
have same by describing purse
and contents, and paying costs of
advertising. John Walters, 21
miles northeast of Hillsboro, on
E. E. Lyon place. Phone Farm
That Hillsboro haa people w ho
are honest is attested by the fact
stop on flag at I that in years past the Argus has
aiMivt-nainvri bank, du at4ruiuly (wear
llml the hIhjvo atalrmrnt It tru to the
tirnt ol my knuwlrilyr and Iwllrf.
W. V. IleiKrn, AMI. CaMilrr.
CohrkcT Allcat:
A 0. Shult, ,
W. Muboii.
8nbiriilirt ami tworn to lfoi mc
UiU ,vrfh day of jane, 1911.
Win, O. Mai, Notary fublle,
For Sale-Gasoline drag saw,
on skids. Four H. P. engine,
good running condition. Can
Krind feed or run small machine
with engine.-G. U. Haya, Laurel
Wm. Otto, who haa tho dis
tinction of owning the farm on
tho highest elevation on Bald
Peak, whs in town Monday.
For sale: , Number of line
rmall pigs, seven weeks old.
John Iteilly. Hillsboro, Ore., It
1. Phone F. 4C5. 17-19
Mrs. Leonard Brown departed
Friday for an extended visit with
relatives at Tucoma, Wash.
Mn. A. C. Shuto and family
arc located at the beach, liock
away, for the Summer.
Sixt h and Main; at North Kange contained many notices of money
and Fir streets; at Sixth and Fir found. In this issue is anothi r
streets and at Tenth street notice, and the owner can no
Steam Service Old Depot doubt Drove property, for it
To Portland lis a purse, containing a stipu-
P. It & N. Train 4:30 p. m. ted sum or money.
Kmm Portland I While Dr. Guy Via and wife
11 i n Tiin 912 a. m . were driving near Buxton. Satur
V e '-i-i a.. . uiii.hAM day, their horse ran away and
Sr m torn $SSE overturned the buggy, throwing
at 2:00 p. m. from roruuaM,. hn-hnna nd wife out with
Saturday and Sunday only
Forest Grove Special-(Satur.
davs only)
. . . oa aA
From Portland... ....iu:m p. m.
To Portland 11:15 p. m.
leach Special (on P. R. & N.)
Lv. tlilisooro oai. an o:u- r. u.
teturn " Sun. at 9:22 P. M.
Will aell for cash, or trade
The Shute Savings Bank
Is an Old Reliable Institution with
Resources of over
If you arc toot familiar with banking methods call
and talk it ovef with us and wc will gladly
give you any iu formation desired. All .
business strictly confidential. Ac
counts o Women and Child
- fen solicited
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savinj(s Deposits.,
A. McGill, Pres.
A, C. Shute, Vice-Pres.
W. Mahou, Cash.
W. V, Bergen, Asst..
- Cashief
both husband and wile out with
much violence. The doctor was
not iniured beyond a few scratch
eg, but Mrs. Via suffered a frac
tured leg. she was brought to
Forest Grove the same evening.
and Dr. Kautfman reduced the
fracture. Mrs. Via is a daughter
of Alfred Hey wood, of near Oak
E. H. Northrup lost his house
Hillsboro property for a small by nre juiv a. ana Dy juiy ine
tt.iuhnrrt Rnx 224. 16 claim had been adjusted by John
IUIIU. , , .L -I-
ii CAkiofTn .J vanaerwai, ana vne cnecK lor
Ilorn. to Oscar schiener ana4. . u. na; n tk.
... I . in ime I MIC III" luoa worn v.oi .u yvi-
wife, of Strassel, July 10, 1915. ..v holder fo, and Mr. Noh.
daughter. Imp were away from home, and
J. B. Walker, of near Green-1 no one was . present except the
burg, and F. F. Conover, the children, when the fire took
Scholia merchant were city vis-1 dace. The fire caught on the
itors Monday. roof, and was probably trom a
r n - a u.. i-fi. defect ve nue. or rrom h sparK
inos. VAinneii nu laiuuj . m. :a-
were lost The insurance amount
Waaaa Dici to Maltaaasaa Caaa4v Mm
aital, BariH Mm
Mrs. Hatite Frazer. aged 42
years, died in the Multnomah
Cojnty Hospital lait Saturday.
She had been a county charge
from this county for about a
year. She was committed to the
asylum at Salem. May 2, 1S14.
and was there about sixty days.
when the authorities notified
Judze Reasoner that she was due
for a discharge, her mind having
cleared. Mrs. Frazer first came
nto prominence here when her
husband. Allen Frazer, a cement
worker, s iddenly disappeared, in
February. 1911 r razer told Bis
wife he was going to Portland.
and he never returned to Hillsbo
ro. He wrote no letters, and
neither did he send word to the
Mrs. Frazer brooded until she
became demented and was sent
to the fttylum. After a couple
of month she was removed from
the state institution and sent to
the county hospital, in Portland,
Washington County being com
pelted to pay for her keen.
rraaer tumea up in roruaoa
year ago Rose Festival time.
went to Salem to see his wife,
made arrangements to take her
away from the asylum, and then
a3 suddenly disappeared without
doing as he agreed.
No one knows his whereabouts
at present. The body of the
wife was shipped to Hillsboro,
Monday, and the remains were
laid to rest in the county poor
At the home of Mr. and lira.
Silas Leighton. northeast of
Meridian. Wednesday evening.
June 30. the wedding of their
daughter. Iva Floy, to Fred D.
Bower, of Prairie. Idaho, took
place in the presence of a large
party of relatives and mends,
Rev. Wm. Luscomhe officiating.
The bride was charmingly at
tired in white crepe de chine
trimmed with Oriental lace.
Miss Mabel Leighton was brides
maid, and Miss Myrtle Beasley
acted as maid of honor. Denver
Head rick was best man. Florence
Walt and Eva Schmelzer were
the little flower girls, and Miss
Lulu Adams played Mendels
sohn's wedding march. The
house was beautifully decorated
with pink and white rambler
During the past year the bnde
was one of the successful teach
ers at the Blue Valley school and
she is held in high esteem by a
large circle of fne.ids. The
2 room is an industrious and
prosperous young rancher of
Prairie. Idaho, and formerly lived
near Hillsboro. and is a son- or
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bower. The
newly weds will make their home
in Prairie.
SAFETY: Yourjmoneyjsjsaferjin the bank than in your cash
- V
PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by u
beingjable to give a bankreference,
DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often ob-
tained. if you have a commercial bank)account
CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying
bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank account: coma in
and see us and we will tell you more.
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
-American National Danll
main several weeks. Thos. will
gravitate backward and forward
during the beacn season.
Lost or strayed: White mare,
10 vears old: blind in left eye
Please notify Mrs. ueppeson,
Phone 3F 12, North Plains cen
ed to $750.
Gus Steves, of near Elmonica,
ia trving out Summer irrigation
on his ranch, and he expects to
irrigate about ten acres this year,
. wnf. Rwnifnof Raw. I and a great deal more next sea-
WI,V. T....V u l n.,Mnt.M n.lf
nm ore w iwii. f""!""
L n jj tk. of a little stream, and is ngurins
Thos. G. Gerdine, one of the on htvlng his pump worked bj
ch mfs of the sovernment Geo- mnfn. ua Mn kan
graphical Survey, was here this d,e t cheaper than with gasoline
WPfiK. US me nOW rVKSIUIIXbUII. I BnmmM ifrimtinn urill
i rZ l ...S..1. CIIMM1". w....... .r...
ne went out wiui w aoon be an important proposition
party. Monday, to see now wwi the Willamette, Valley. The
Washington County work was lttep Dart 0f July and August
progressing. are generally very dry, amtirri
noivun MeKninht aged 12 iration will mean larger crops o
of Mr. and Mrs. R. vegetables. This county has
McKnight was operated on early
Sunday morning by Dr. Smith,
who removed the appendix. The
boy was taken violently ill Iste
Saturday afternoon.
many streams where Summer ir
riaat on can be made a success,
and there are already dozen
ot plants along the Tualatin and
Dairy. t . -
Sherwood Ore., July 10 Special
Rachel Louisa Galbeath, who
died at the family home near
Sherwood, July 3, was born in
Washington County January 6,
85o, She was the daughter of
urwin cummins, wno crossed
the plains in 1852 and settled in
the Tualatin Valley. On Novem
ber 25. 1877. she was married to
Joseph Galbreath. who together
with four sons. Arthur. Don O .
John and Raymond, and five
daughters. Mrs. F. L West Mrs.
A. Fishbuck. Mrs. a. roulkes
and Anna and Delia Galbreath.
survive her. She is also survived
by a sister. Mrs. A. Fuller, of
Mrs. Galbreath wss born.
reared and married and' died on
theold Cummins homestead. Her
birthplace was a rude log cabin.
but while a small child her father
erected what was at that time
called one of the finest farm
houses in the entire country.
The old house still stands on the
same site and is used as a shoo.
The funeral services were held
at the Methodist Episcopal church
at Tualatin last Sunday. Rev. lit.
Blake officiating. Interment was
in Wynona Cemetery.
D. E. Blackburn and Joseph
1 Wolf ersperger spent Sunday over
i at ute AUiamook beaches.
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that von can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense
of special sawing. When yon want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You ' belter for
less with this company.
dgoz Lotto Cud.
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
l'verything in Building Material
I have reopened the old Blacksmith establish
ment formerly operated by Peter Rid wig, at Oren
co and am equipped to do all kinds of Blacksmith
ing, Horsc-shocmg and' Automobile Repairing.
Fronll Dulili
Orenco, Oregon , Phone,-Farmer 30x6
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Slabb
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts.
Phone, City 176
0 ...
Yes, the New Seaecs models are coccedsd U
be the most advanced types ol roll Cpt ttzzrr
that the world has ever seen. Eqrti rnVri
venous optical accuracy, and z1 i
d'Jerent and advanced mcchxaicd thr; Uva
simply swept all other rc'J c:ra b:a tJ
background. Come b to-diy tri ft acui
with tha new Roll Film Sskzcas.
riLMS roa all MAtiES
ir::i d, cot