1 CARD OF TMANkS V iWin t.i tvniv our heart felt thanks to all who so kindly THE HILLSBORO C0mCIAL BANK BEAVERTON-REEDYIILE ACREAGE Is the Finest Suburban Tract within a radius of jo miles of Portland, with up-to-date car service , A "Home" Section Buy a Small Tract here and give yourself elbow room. Yon can buy an acre here as cheap as a lot in a small town and still have all town facilities. Rapid Transit Will get you to town in short er time than cars from Port land's other suburbs. Why not spend your declining years in this Garden Spot? SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Ui fourth Street Portland. Oregon M argains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros, The Reedville Store WITH AfSPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN Vfin rttv tii?tt? YOU SAVE .MONEY ALL THE TIME Reedville, Oregon Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Millji miles fromB. p. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. E. McCUMSEY wiirciius, ure., Route I obsequies of the late Un Pan if I t Paniel Roe. Husband, lilen ih, Son. M. M. Kacon, (rant Bacon, Arthur lacon, Sherman Iaoon. Mrs. Mary Ihivis. COFFEE CLl'U COOK HOOKS i mo jlook hook is now on sale. nil 12 m M.nniif nf fh. r..t L- nnhlwhoit in 1)11 n ifh llkl .l.li tional recipes, and the sale pnee is GO cents. The books are on sal at the lotiowinir places: aught s lirocerv. Hillshnivi MinantiiA (V - - . " ... . v .a. V Uratnr & Powell Grocery. www v V J , Rest Room Snn,l St mir morion iireennouse PROGRESSIVE CLl'B The iYoirressiv "SOO" C at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dahl. Saturday evening, IJuneJb. rive LiMea wer on. joyed, honors falling U Mrs. Archie Injrram and Arthur Soren- son. The rooms were decorate.1 i . i .... . . - - in i no rv.irmnni ininpj i . v uivi g .! V411 terburv bells." in honnr nf U'il son day. After cards a refresh- ingiuncneon was served. Mr. and Mrs. (J. J. l'rahl. of Wilson vine. ure. were the honored I guests of the host ami host tor ire evening. The next meeting will h koM aiine nomeot Mr. and Mrs. Arcnie Ingram. Saturday even- S. P. AND P. E. & E. All. except the P. R. & N.. trains uc r nine inn RTnn r ih. ... jaji on main street. Tn Portion. I Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m. McAIinnvill Train 7 'uj onenuan iram 10.02 a. m Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m, Forest Grove Train . ...4:10 p. ra Eugene Train 4:53 p. m, McMinnvtllA Train R ai n " .-.v . ill, Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. tn, From Portland Eugene Train arrives ..8:15 a. m 9:45 a. m. 11:59 a. m - 3:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m -6:40 p. m, .7:15 p. m. ...9:00 p. m. .12:15 a. in. on Hag at fKoiiisev Saraill I McMinnville Forest Grove " Forest (5m " Sheridan McMinnville " Forest C. Forest Grove McMinnville . " A I I trains ctnn Sixth and Main; at North Range no r ir streets; at Sixth and t streets and at Tenth . . vl DWCGl. Steam Service Old Ueoot lo Port and P. R. & N. Train 4:30 d. m. From Portland P. R. & N. Train 9:12 a m Loop Special, due at Hilla fwiin at :00 D. m. fmm Pnr-lonl oaiuraay ana Sunday only. Forest flrnvo Snonioi io.. Kv.i.iai davs nn v Prom Pnrtlnnrl in.OT To Portland n-is n' .. . f Keach Special (on P. R & M ..... . Lv. Hiiisboro Sat. at .1 rc p Return " Sun. at 9:22 P. M. m. m. M. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $25,000 An old, safe and conservative Kiuk, lixratcil in the Hilblwro Com mere iul bKxk, S. W. corner Main aud Sccotul streets, Hiiisboro Commercial Bank. ! II 4r Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timlr in Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOORING and RUSTIC always on hand. Estimates on Huildiugs, Flooring. Rustic, Ceil-Jngs-all kinds of finished lumber for house material. Wc deliver. Phone: Pac. States, Glencoe Ceutral, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Bacona. Oregon Pure bred JacK IUC UUHJWk, WIHl, I IIC IUU i t be cl t I IWvhcr, sire of wine of the lct mulcg j ,t. will 1 fur Mrrvivc at the W. II. French MUe 2 f (Irovc, season 1015. Tcrutt if hrcrdiiii-; Mrvue; f:o to luMirc coll to aund. Stj. . . ,:sf if n 11. karri a mBm t j j a 3 CHIROPRACTIC Dr. M. H. McMAHON Chiropractor t rortlMrf, Ore. HIGHLY SUCCESSrUL-SIXTI! YEAR Now with Dr. F. R. Siwr, I). C. offices in U.neU-i Bid-., Hiiisboro. Portland oflice tai .th Si. Late Testimonial: To whom it may concern: 1 treatn t0 lhal 1 have ,ak Chiropractic o- , r 1 1 havc 'ct 10 n,ctt a Chiropractor wlu gts as satisfactory adjastmenU as Dr. McMahn although one and all did not fail to charge hiX r nS for much ess proficient and specific work! " 01 a surgical operation in my case JOHN HALSOR, Supt. Bridge Construction, S. P. t S Rv Portland, Ore. ' Copy Stallion Registration Board $J wn.Sui, L.i.u-udc vcruiicaie (J Pure Bred Jack No. 1802 t) lift I lit (tli ( The HfeiKrftk jack UNO, No. s VW rrgiMctrd in the HudUvk cf AinerUMu Hircf. .77' Forest drove, Vahingtiu Co., Die. Htrd by' JS UscriUd as fi.llowi: ;UVL; with hitc inhiiu IWcvhrr Sire ! .;f Sire Frctuhe's Dam ! j!'1 in' f 1 i I run linn ..I Ik.... lined Jack I'lulded iu the year Aug, S, ja,, J Ken examined by the Sullioit Rrgitrati..ii Otegou, and it U hereby certified ttut the Mid or jack i-iul PURE HRKI-DINCi, h irKuicrcd iiil litmllxHik th.it 1 rrcogiuictl by the wimh utiU)l ! in section 111110 of an Act of the LcgUUtjve Aixl o( the St4tc of Oicgon providing for the liittiM8. ) KUllioiH, etc., filed iu the olhce of the Secirtary J Sutc, Fcbttury 33, ui 1, and that the Ue JJ) Malliou ir jack !u lcen cuaminctl by the utcrimrJ a)iiitcd by the Sulliu Regit.intioa !U:ir4 j1 hereby rc 11 tctl free frum infectiotis, couiigU, t transmissible disease or unvuuulucn and U 1 il licensed toaud fr public nervier iu 0' CARL N. KENNEDY Secretary Stallion Rcgistratiu iUiard 3 N'OTICli if T r,'1',1 rr,,w Orrwn Ktr i:.irf Aitoclation. of i,. Minnville. u trontfer lul.v than It Ux h. M of mete and now hn niiiw than a Q urter of a U,'.. HoHar to m,et iti ,. We Micil the lmsin.- of u w ho have gtHMl riika. iho who are Inmirrd in th Or fi Sl!,'.Af4oc,t!?n HwiM that are worth (at W. P. 0kef forest Crwe, Agt. for W4li. Coaiy HaisboruHcodquortm at M, 0. Bump'tt offiie. Will Sell fnr oaak n. Hiiisboro prooertv for farm. Hiiisboro, Box 221. trade fimall 16 C. E. Kindt nt k'lninn ... i v 7. " w litre iic new as aispenser of justice wa3 up to the county seat Mon day morning. Wanted? FVnm on i inn t j of stock sheep, ewes or lambs. olura navinjr sucn for sain, Dlease writpnnH aa .. . n nai urecu, luuuiiiun ana price. VV. B ereon, neeaville. Wm. Hanson, nt ZohnUa week received h a inanon ' I HlltC tUVa ennir the loss of his pool hall and furniture and fiYtnroa n run. iL" " "ciman punier, me jocai agent of t company, presented him with tuectt, rnaay. Pet- 14tf last the a Pacific States Fire Insurance Company ofPortlanrl, Oregod. The only biK ()reKon Old bin. Company. Lcaes Pron,W- Ph1,i John Vandcrwal mn.i,.m, " 'icjjun SECOND STREET Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Capable workmen Baths in connection, and a Newly Furnished Shop. A trial will n pac JAMES ANDERSON, HvHkik t)1J ..... . r fJOopoiioIt Lkiery It would please us to have you call and look over our stock of McCormick Math 'nery. We have anything in this lic that you may be in demand for, such as Rakes Mowers Seeders, Cultivators, Hows, Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools and many other useful articles that cau 1 appreciated by the Gardner or Farmer. THE MAJESTIC RANGE Onr third shipment of the Great Majestic Ranges are now on display in our store. "The Store That StUf4.. Percy Long HILLSBORO Second S,.t OBOW sum TO CUVntALTOtU vJU'J "V ,K Hmntf u7.t 1 '?. Oi.in '.(H,1,. .Ill I iml,m M ( .... ,w h ii,. hlj . . I " I'fl l't. n l III. nH,rt rwfm u "t.ii mi ri.rt si. il ... M. lira iiiiir 11 ?i . V"''"r i.'i..i1, , , hi 11 1 jr 1 1.111111 iMI.tiirr 1 :. i-y i:i:cirri s noiicij NiiIIii 1 h.ml.n .1... .. , " iim 1. ma Ullilnr 01 ViV. V . ." """r 'lt iiv. ; , :;,.z;A" .mi I..... j " " M11 ' 7 '"iiiii to .rM-iit nm Iln Jim. u, & A lli lrl.tfM W fej it . . Notice of f inal Selllement IN Tliaj CViiint fl.lllIT or Tin KTATM OK OIIKUONroH WAIIINTN COUNTr. ,nl,'"M'ln.flliiiK,UU 1 WHIUm f). lL',,,1, dn,lwl, I Nlltll ! ..I tin ami e. , r""T" w"l Mi Mli (irl Ml 1 "l""' llt l..r h,i ,T.V.''. .?" ")" "' Mii -"'.".it mutt,;:' , r" r ", ""' 'mn IhtN H ,v f Jul- 1,1. r Insures Full Milk PaU 1: r:: aff aJ ra t 4 it-lJ ak kli. La tlx. bV.m I Conkey't Ry Knocktf I lnMmii.iiniMii J Hfa. lhal Un.,. iMMifJ Kerpi Hiei Awiy F rom C Altto and I lor mi mi ni i A Tr Il IS t). Money Back II N, aclof ! 1-., Ik SXif A.J. HARTKAMPT lillaboro One C1TYBAKERY " " ""Asperger, Frop, v. our j?::t e u Buy ur BrMd c -r. .rvic.. 'otu..nduh.b..t CooK- r 1 --wiuj 1 j liXI'CUTOR'S NUTICU Nollen la hnmKi. ... .. f..i.i...... ",,'innt oi il.,.,! hrli ..... 11: "r '' tat. am I'm Coiiiitr, ori'ifim I111. 1. ' Wu,,'l" "MONF.Y" m- crc NORTH PLAINS ORIGK & TILE COMPANY 4 inch Tile, $18X, Per thousand Brick, $9 and $111, Per Thousand Phono Main 281 f NORTH PLAINS Otf Patterson UndertaKi Company ty . n... .1. I PlNRa,liCTIIM AND KMM rr VUnprla Milr amiw rt' Ov.r llilUlu.. it........... a. MkII ami Munilay I'huna City 1)7 i niina aiain 773. iviLLfiivEsic:: WlfldU. 'An I.I...I WMI iiiakithnrura 4r on inn iii, iana.. ha lata i.mi f Ia N I f ft ITfl anil alwanpnl""": "Vf.nWKUl.lt lUnifaAiiil Uif' Oniiwiiiiian IneverfJillmii.lKiiiiwf-i'r W mliiM itiari who wall Inn Puof curod al ball nrl II eawrfWy yV-vr fr-f l V v - i l ,