Tmb Si lniALLseee 0; t: VOL. XXII HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY 8, 1915 NO. 16 5 Ml it SCHOLLS r.E5!DQlT IS B.'CK FRO THE FAIR Says Vrtf Has Made IWal Sho lot. I'wn CmiMmi in I'wlon U SD QRONEI K4SrO WITH I All MU Trip SmII la Asia, AtfaajaaaUa1 hy M. (kaaff sad M1m I mar The rn;inty jail added three new rit;oti-n to it liHt Sunday an.I MiHutity. Sunday morning SherilT Uwvrt arrived from Asotin. Wah. with Marry Card nrr anil Milo Illuchrr. charged with larceny. These were the two UW who were placed in ruittody two wwki sgo at Asotin and later broke jail, Mng caught at Iwiston. I'laho. SheriiT Iteeve went to Asotin, via Olympia, for requisition honors. CIVIC RUE BEST HISTORY OF CITY for Drink Celro Kola. "First Thirst." 5c at fountains. Cord wood for sate, delivered in Hillsboro. at 12.75 per cord. - Telephone the Sipprell Mill 1C Joseph and Gabriel Kssner. of above Mountaindalc. were in the city Friday. Impoalng I'afeaat Pleases Thou sand! of County leopte Mail your Kodak films to the REPtCSENTCDl Hillaboro Pharmacy. They de- velop and print, and are the business noises conrnmu d several Om Talrl Fl.aU. Maay tcaallfat aa. Kenta for Etman supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Groner, ot Scholia, have returned from an overland trip to the Panama- IViflc Exposition and California! point, the travel being made in ! Mr. Groner'a big National. He was as far South as Paso Kobles, ' and visited in the Yoaemite, the j.mrney requiring nearly seven weeks, Mr. (Jroner spent eight days at the Fair, and he says that Oregon, considering funds ex n nded, has made the beat show in if. beyond doubt, of any state in the union. Fruit and vegetables are yet to route to swell the exhibit of Oregon's productions, and he Kays that any Oregon I an who wilt ronscientously investigate will have every reason to be proud of his adopted state. 'To miss the Fair is to miss an educational trip worth a life time, and Orcgomans who can Mibly make the trip should do so. He will return better satis fied with Oregon and her pos sibilities. We were there eight days, and there .were many things we did not see -but it is a revelation to even the traveler over many lands. Yes, I think I shall make another trip a little latee on, when Oregon gets her showing of horticulture and wal nuts. 1 consider it the best trip of my life, Uken all in all." RIIPOKT and the trip days time. Monday morning Wtn. Mcquillan arrived in from California with Andrew Schild. wanted on a t hurge of having robbed one of the M' "bro thers. Sehild was working for the U-hmana' laxt August and a day or so after the theft of $1150 he left without drawing his pay for lalxir. McQuillan was mak ing a legal trip South, so brought the primmer bark for the sheriff. saving him a long trip. I saw rordwood, ole up to 12 inches in diameter, fence rails. and boards of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or cull on me.- Carl Skow, Hillsbo ro. Phone. City 42. or call at Tualatin Hotel. 1). K. Blackburn. Wells-Fargo agent, received the aeroplane owned by Munter. here for the Fourth of July engagement, Fri day, by exprest. ine express charges were only $25, from Seattle, and the machine was crated, or it would have been doubly expensive. The machine came in on the Tillamook train in the morning. Here you are Mr. Farmef-7 and 8 per cent money see roe, K. L Perk inn. I loom 1 Commer cial l!ldg.,Hillsbora, Ore. Jaob Nyberg. of Tualatin. transacted business with the county court rnday. John has te. n in charge having lett the job. Nyberg says Tualatin had some trouble in getting an orator for the celebration, but Judge Moreland finally was prevailed on to make the bird of freedom scream. lalaM, to Ctrataa Of lh eolltlMi at tha Simla Having H.nk.M lllttaboru. In Ibr ul (lit- r n. ul IB cla of ImMd Jaor ijftl. !. aixl dUcmtata ......IJ7.'J7 BB'1 (!. ., I7.UUO 00 Hiikii ami uthvt rmrtllM. .. 3.700 00 I'mattur and nilurra, i,jk 00 Uihrr teal twmtl I.uuu 00 line (rum bank! (sol inrrvt iMiika) ........ liuv from approved mrtvo UnU .... IJ.4S4 04 Chtt k an.t other caah Utmt.. )i s Ca.h im bawl l.9". 1 7.4n S Total... .. ..f JvMs J LusiuriM Capital atork wll In .Ijii.oho 00 Good Kcal instate security of ferett for loans at 7 and o per cent Call and look applications over. K. I Perkins, Hillsboro, Oregon. tf. Mrt fiua Lewis and daughter, Mrs. Carl Olsen. departed Satur dav morning for a visit with rel atives st Lhchaim, wash., ana will be absent two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. A. R ttailey and son. llrucc. of Portland, were out Monday, taking in the ecl cbration. The Pharmscy has the most There have been parades and pa rades, but the effort Monday morning was the best the city has ever witnessed. There were over thirty floats in line of for mation, and the drum corps of old veterans led the procession. The line of parade was t lag bearer. J. C Lamkin, in auto. Mr. Lamkin is a veteran ot the Civil War. on the Con federate side. Fife and drum corps old vet erans who know now to play martial music, conducted by John Paldwin, of the Grove. Veterans of Civil War In auto bus. Hoy Scouts, commanded by Rev. Harris, marching. Camp rire dirls, marching. Hillsboro Fire Department with team and apparatus. W. C. T. U- calling for nation al prohibition. Kvangelists demonstration. W. C. T. U.. with banner, call ing for 1920 National Prohibition. rourteen young ladies in white, demanding peace. Prohibition demand. Dr. liobb, in prohibition car, 1920. Mrs. David KuratU, in auto. with ten little girls, representing the NeedlecrafL lien Hur Float, representative of galley with oarsmen in cos tume. A very nice showing. Moose auto-float, driven by Dictator Collier -Moose head at tront of car. I. 0. 0. F. float, with three links. Nine Sacajawea girls, in cos tume. Hoy Scout float, showing action in field. Orenco band, followed by Speaker W. N. Barrett Goddess or Liberty, Miss lo . . a . a nora Gardner, wttn maias oi Honor, Miss Margaret Mann and Miss Lucile Collier, Henry, Jhos. G. and George Meacham, of Meacham's Cross ing, were Hillsboro visitors. Fri day, attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Dan Hoe. Money to loan on farm secur ity. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call.-E. L Kuratli. Alex Gordon, of North riains, was in town Saturday. He says that the hay harvest was under full swing out in his section. Money to loan on Srst-class farm security. Washington County Abstract & Title Com pany; by H J. McAlear, Mana ger. 4tf Thomas Tucker, of Woodstock, came out to spend the Fourth with his daughter. Mrs. U. G. Gardner, and incidentally to meet the oldtime pioneers of his acquaintance. Will start baling hay about July 8. Those who want work done should write me at Beaver ton. Ore.. Route 2, or telephone Farmer 36x1 Hilisboro-L Sieg- enthaler. TheLadd & Reed Farm has one of the finest hay crops along the highway between here and Portland. While not as heavy as in some former years it is cer tainly a bumper crop, to say the least, considering the general yield. ELLIS CASE IBS ATTEIITIOII CI COURT Brother and Sister Itrought From Wales Creek for IUamination CHAPTER OF TROIBLES IS BELATED diast Om-Wroaffcl Froa liafortoae. Ei ami acd for luaoJly Perry Ellis and sister. Kittie M. Ellis, of above Gates Creek, were brought before Judge Reasoner the last of the week for exam, ination as to their sanity. Dr. F. A, Bailey was the examining physician, and M. B. Bump and Attorney Garrigus, the latter of Portland, appeared in behalf of the Ellis brother and sister. One witness swore that he lived in their neighborhood, and that the two were irresponsible. That both are imbued with the idea that someone is trying to poison their spring and do them other injuries is patent Ellis' atttorney exhibited a letter from Dr. Tamiesie, written some years ago. showing that their well below Beaverton con tained poison. Ellis contends that th water was taken from the well, and that it ws placed there for the purpose of killing otf the family. Perry Ellis was well known in this city several years ago. when he conducted a photograph stu dio. He was a fine workman, and had a considerable business. From here he and his father and sister moved down on the Port land mountain, where the sister still owns a piece of land, as well as the brother, iney moved ud rBBBBXBaVHaBVBBnHBVBSJaVBaBJBBBaVBMBOjB S0 I yTzX n i i Hli '3 Ci vour cash i V- S i greatly by " often ob- i 1 SAFETY: Yourjmoneylissaferjin the bank than in drawer. PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased beingjable to give a bank reference. DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loan3 tained. if you have a commercial bankiaccount CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid. There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come in and see us and we will tell you more. 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National BanK KXHbmrm, t0 Fnr ka! Auto in first-class to Crystal bpnngs several years condition. Will sell very reason- back. For some years Perry has able, or trade for a good, young been freely saying, that people Emmott Millinery, beflowered the opening. team, harness and light wagon, Team must be 1000 to 1200 each. Call 16x, Forest Grove North Seventh Street 5tf I John Beatty has rearranged the seats in the circuit court room and .the new placements are much better than of old. As the old seating sto xl, one had to walk down toward the center of the railing. The new formation takes the party straight down to float with four little boys, driven bv little girl, in chariot Weils Department Store, dis- Dlav of merchandise. rum fiKcuvj, uiu atuw, iivu camp ouuit prooaoiy mosi uni- Robf Hartrampf came down from Spokane to remain over the Fourth and visit relatives. He says that there will be a fair, average crop of wheat in the tried to poison his well, or spring. attempted to kill his stock, and he also contended that some one was trying to steal his livestock. A year or so ago the Humane of ficers interfered with the way he was feeding his horses, and Ellis imagined that someone was prosecuting him. When the baby was killed a week ago Sunday the brother and sister were be side themselves. Coroner Bar rett went to the home three days after the death and the child was still in the house. The official buried the little one and would not allow the family to at tend, fearing there would be trouble. Both brother and sis- YES! VJEIL1UE IT III STOCK! One Million Board feet of Good Lumber A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense of special sawing. When yon want lumber, promises don't fill yonr bill. Our specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment You cau do better for less with this company. Bsdgsr Lumkr Co. Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. (Vs. Tracks. A D30 LU T E LY Kvery thing in Building Material Inland Empire, but that in many Iter have had the same hallucina- k i... ... anu Biiii Mit-n. im- uuut'i'-r i t(ivitt.i promt, ira. n- ! ing and printing. - a aa.1 1.. 4 t a fit iwn.i..i cniCrir. .rf.i,i.t" .' Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Stevenson Timr ami .Haviait Ki. iu . -t.b6. 6 vinited at Rockaway, Sunday and . ' I Mondav. and M. H. tried the 8i;o: "-f1 Ashing for a day. vMy uTw.ibihiton. ( ' , ii- -nii Mr. i0 Courtney, of I. w. V. nncii. AB.t.CMhlef U thf iort an(j apent the week-end iM.vr nml bank, do nly Bwr , . . V'irtor Hahl ihi the aiKia Mairmcot u im. t iiw jth Mr. and Mrs. V icior uani, iH-.t oi my knnir.iK ami htitrf. .of near rarmington. CoB.AVu-rA",CMbt', i Mr. and Mrs. H. T.IHIair. of A. c. Himit, . Ryan Place, were out the l' ourth, W' "'"""iMwclor. KUlaU f MrS' ,iuth Iai 8ui.icfiiit and awom to bfcft me' i nrw nd wife, of near i.u9hrtBj of June. 191$. . 1i...mi oitv vimfora Satur I asa mi via v vi - !day. nun in narade. Car had camn I nlam it has been damaged con- tinna as to oersecution. and. the I complete line of Eastman Kodaks outfit, showing dilapidated con- siderably by the hot winds. Root case is a sad one. Their proper- states that nowhere in the North- tv. both on the Portland moun- west has he seen crops to com- tain and on the Gales Creek pare with those of Washington heights, is heavily mortgaged County. Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Price Reasonable DAf AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176 dition, asking the way to agency to buy a new machine. Wahner Shoe Hospital, a big shoe on foot C C Store, with mercantile display. Spicker, harness and saddles, two divisions, horse and float Koeber s Confectionery, four on foot, confections represented. Hillsboro Pharmacy, Kodak, ndian in costume. K. J. McAlear, Notary Public. IV. C. S. Crane, of Grand Korku. North Dakota, visited last wwk with Mr. and Mrs. John Maynard. of this city. The Dr. )h a nephew of the late Miss Amelia Everett He found an old classmate here, having at tended Ann Arbor with Dr. W. D. Wood, and the visit was in a nature of a reunion. , Aiito-liverv service at the W. J. Quinn barn, Second and Wash ington. Nathan Noland. pioneer of the fifties, was down from Cornelius, Saturday. I. II. Maxwell, the Mountain- rlalrt hnnirrower. was down to Hillsboro, Friday. For the six months ending July The 1. County Clerk Luce's receipts Badger Lumber Co. reports sales overran the corresponding period ..... . .. a aj mti tiiiiv nnp.imrn miiar man 1 01 ibosl year uv b&iiu.ou. xiicrci dis" 5y fiJSK Frent- was some increase on probate ? ??.??i?Sf' 1 aPen8ea w i thinks, to a hard camDaign. filings in this, and some small in- unirnnni in iiMrMiii. - - am 1 He says that while the protit has crease in suits to money. 1 ne not been as good, owing to re-1 divorce cases from the outside! Hurtion of values, business other- have fallen off a trifle. The fees wise haa been satisfactory. Other by months for the last six watchers in parade. Ward Grocery, submarine. with device "Under them All." Decorated farm hack. Hillsboro Boys Band. The Shnte Savings Bank la an Old Reliable Institution with Resources of over $300,000.00 If you are not familiar with banking methods call and talk it over with us and wc will gladly give you any information desired. All business strictly confidential. Ac ' counts of Women and Child dren solicited 4 For Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. While the lumber business from a. a. B . a a a wholesale stanapoini nas oeen unusually inactive the local de mand, at lower prices, has not been under that of last season, since the first of the year. (Concluded on following page) CLERK'S GAIN NOTICE! r 19,4 "4 1915 are I and this Fall will doubtless see a still larger increase. A. McGill, rres. A. C. Shute, Vice-Pres. , W. Mahon, Cash. W. V. Bergen, Asst. Cashier given: 1914 Jan...S706.40 Albert Lutringer, aged 32 years Feb . . 540.25 was drownea in me ruaiatin Mar 479.15 River, near the Herman Koehnke I April . 289.25 place, a mile and a half from May.. 825.30 this city, Southwest, last Friday June.. 342.80 evening. The dead man had been working for Mr. Koehnke for several months. Late in the "12683.15 1915 Jan. ..$552. 00 Feb.. 292.95 Mar... 715.00 April.. 399.30 May... 477.25 June... 417.25 12853.75 $170,601 Dr. J. 11 Marshall. Wm. Fuller, John Freudenthal, J. W. Shute. Walters Bros., L. E. Wilkes and August Tews. Pony parade Miss uoodin with Shetland. Hon. W. N. Barrett delivered the address at the grounds, and his speech was a thoughtful pre sentation of American ideals. He received liberal applause, and, 1 5' k. ,Qf A h. Uken all in all. his address was ;: "KVif one of the best ever heard at a T", .7 :f tVV ZZZ like occurrence. Kev. Harris Tk iJLM ma5a kA Baa I . lie WJ icmaiiivu wii waav uaua opened the exercises with a pray- d Lutringer went in bathing, er. and Dr. Erwin read the im- , lltjp wftm .erQM anMd mortal Declaration of Independ- , , the water iwhie on ence. ka nnnnaitn hank, and thn The fireworks in the evening I ;...fvr"a frt (Trt'. Whon were immense, all being unani- midwayofthegkream he Mnk mous that as a pyrotec hnic dis- Ajter waUnjt t Httle whUe the p' H "K? r. ISKi: boy bemefrightenedand wend- made good with the monster at- hft ,,1,1 t-ii . . tendance, making six flights dur- hetent gtory and the aiarm was Capt J. D. Merryman and ing the three days, one mpre riven Search was made for wife, of Portland, have been than his contract called ior.irmirfL hut ue bodv waa not Independence week guests at Thousands saw their flrst flying ..ntn .hnnf fnnr nVM the home of Mrs. M. M. Pitten I . . a . I " uaaua BUUM m aWWB. W I W I I - - machine tn night. . Caturdav morninir. when Jake ger. The prize list win no iouna in iivkiw u another column in this Issue. - nfttiva of Alaaee-Lorralne. and eame to America in 1910. John Boge, of Farmington, landing at New York, where he was in tnecity ine laaioi me has a brother and sister. Dr. week. Barrett, the cononer, did not For rent: House and barn, hold an inquest Lutringer was woodshed and chicken house. I an industrous fellow, and gave John Good water. Will rent for 6 his employer complete satisfac- was in I have reopened the old Blacksmith establish ment formerly operated by Peter Rid wig, at Oren co and am equipped to do all kinds of Blacksmith ing, Horse-shoeing and Automobile Repairing. Frank RuliK Orenco, Oregon 1 Phone, Farmer 30x6 Imp Expiieo J. A. Kirkwood, of Reedville, was in town Friday. Wm. Mohr, of Uak Park, was a county seat visitor the last of the week. W. C Jackson, of North Plains was over the last of the week. on county road affairs. Mrs. Thos. Williams visited with her parents up at Pike the last of the week. Is. a big asset in the Jewelry business. Ours is the first high class store of its kind established in this city. Being a graduate at watchmaking makes it unnecessary to experiment. If you are in the market for a watch call in and let us show you a time piece in whicb you van take pride. For sale Uasoline drag saw. on skids. Four H. P. engine, good running condition. Can grind feed or run small machine with engine. G. B. Hays, Laurel Oregon. Kamna, of Farmington, Friday, feeling gratified D-aaflirea lii months or a year. North Hills- tion. The dead man had taken that his big haycrop is cured and boro. GaribaldiAve. Address J. out his flrst papers when he was baled. His next anxiety is his W. Knochs, Orenco, Ore. 13-5 'in New York. 'wheat crop. Loyc-:. tf: ' r" TV I C '4 n I t ' I I- i i