The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 01, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 15
M.iu-r. Who MasSeee Meey
iVkhraiWes Mere
Miller, the Ulloon lit, wu
,n Saturday, looking over
1 . Li- At tn
hty. iiemuM '
.luUirulnim and mane a
kin ascension. For years a
Lthef July celebration, or a
I air. or a co mty meet, her
lh,. drove, wae not com
unUM Miller and hi balloon
f, atured on the advertising,
n M-n about seven vesrs
. I,- visited the city, and
i h stepped oft the red car
,tur day and started down
. t I tlJ.. 4
street ne was uewnurrru.
t a he crossed WHrona tn
..n Klec trie hot past ana
. L t l 1 U
mi, lie H nv r. iw t.
UaluutTingNorin. Troe
i town," Mid Miner.
hen 1 came here first 1
a half mile South of the
miii wnrn i raiiiv ui iv
'iiina district there wasn't
irk building in signt-yea, i
k there were twothe Grange
ing and Uncle Henry wen.
'n milk house."
ft. r making tripe In his gas
for years he Anally re
am! a young lad named
h,kv" O'Oonnrll came here
ih him. and entertained the
miy people with ascensions.
i ,n MilUr was aaaea as io
Doom ll's whereabouU he said:
Puky U'Donnell drowned in
kike Kiver several years sgo,
Mink many thought It was
. -1 I ..-I- ..,1-
'i nii ntm i am bosoiuuhjt
I u was as clear a case of
i iio ever witnessed. O'Don
I will filling an engagement
Wiincr, Idaho, and he was
I attainted there. He was
love with a girl, and she would
v nothing to do with him be
"hit the bowl" too
( ly. Dicky went up that day
;i tremendous height know-
ihe itirl was, watching him.
i' ll turned him down the
:ht before. He gained an al
Me that he never before had
i tl, ami nil lOOHf wun nn yrw
uto. When he had swung
n to within 75 feet of the
titer he deliberately cut mm-
If loose from the parachute
I struck the water, never to
... . . m i h
is.-, nit Ixxiy was lounu tu
. ilnwn the river, the next
t t . . I.H.
v. cm Hir. u was suiriue,
ii. I nil that talk of accident is
niist-nst. and I know 11"
I. AND P. !. C
All. except the I'. K. at N.. trains
I " . . . . n J. . I A imA.
iiir rufiric nil iwu w v -
I "it on Main street.
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7:3a a. m.
Sheridan Train 10.02 a. m.
I'oroHt ('.rove Train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
l ortft Grove Train. ...4:10 p. m.
huirone Train 4:53 p. m.
McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m.
From Portland
Kiwne Train arrives . 8:15 a. m.
Forest Grove
FortBt Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
A 1 1 trains,
9:45 a. m.
.11:69 a. m.
.;3:15p. m.
" .4:30 p. m.
" ..6:40 p.m.
!" 7:15 p.m.
" ...9:00 p. m.
" ,12:16 a.m.
atoo on flair at
Sixth and Main; at North Range
and Fir at recta; at Sixth and Fir
streets and at Tenth street
Steam Service... Old Depot
To Portland
K. & N. Traln.........4:30 p. m.
From Portland
It. & N. Train...... 9:12 a. m.
Special, due at Hillstwro
2:00 d. m. from Portland
Saturday and Sunday only.
Forest Grove Special (Satnr
days bnly)
From Portland. ,..10:33 p. m.
To Portland . . . 11:15 p.m.
lieach Special (on P. R. & N.)
Lv. Hillsboro Sat. at 3:02 P. 11.
lie turn " ' Sun. at 9:22 P. l
Adam Henrert of Blooming.
was creetinir friends in the
county seat the last of the week
L Rinirflnthaler. of Cedar Mill.
wnn in thn eitv Saturday. He
has bought a new separator for
hla outfit and will
cover the tame territory that ha
threshed lost year.
Tlgard has voted to have no
high school, and at the meeting
last week, the session atked two
directors to resign. There wa
a spirited fltrht over the High
School question, the majority
voting that it would be cheaper
for the district to send their pu
pils for that course to the city.
The two directors have not re
signed as yet. but they probably
wilt, after a short time. The
district merting also voted to
lower teachers' salaries, but as
the corps is already hired for an
other year, with the salary
stipulated, it is not likely that
the vote will have any effect on
the present school year. ). W,
Summers was elected director,
and N. P. Johnson, clerk, the
latter for 3 years. The Argus
has received twocommunicstlons
I rum Tlgard. one in sympathy
with the meeting and one out of
joint with the session, but it
prints neither, as It would do
no good, and would only serve to
keep up friction. From a stand
point of literature, however, the
Argus Is constrained to say that
the one against the decisions of
the meetings is one of the best
little bite or satire and sarcasm
it has seen for msny moons.
Hon. a F. Tigsrd. of Tigard,
one oi the old settlers ot that
place, was In town Friday, on
business, and incidentally greet-
ng friends. C. F. was at Tigard
when it was known as Tigard-
ville, named after his paternal
ancestor. H hen he was a boy
Tigard ville was the local poetof-
nee for a ranch country, and his
folks were later the store keep
ers, lie now sees one or tne
best suburban localities in the
area surrounding l or liana, and
the place, with a fifteen minute
schedule out of Portland, ulti
mately to come, will be one of
the best suburban residence sec
tions of a city of over a half mil-
ion. C F. will probably smile
when he reads thli-but this
will be history inside of 15 or 20
1 saw cord wood, poles up to 12
nchea in diameter, fence rails,
and boards of all kinds, into
ttovewood lengths. Will go Into
the country. Write, phone or
call on me.-Carl Skow, Hillsbo
ro. Phone. City 402. or call at
Tualatin Hotel.
Harry Gardner and Milo Blu-
cher. held at Asotin, last week on
warrant from this county.
broke jail last Wednesday evening
and were apprehended at Lewis-
ton, Idaho. Friday, the wire
telling of their escape reached
Sheriff Reeves late Thursday
evening, and the telegram an
nouncing lher re-capture came
Friday afternoon. 1 he boys had
but a few miles to travel to make
Lew is ton, but the walking is not
very good in that section. Extra-
adition papers were taken out
for their return here, and they
are now in custody of the local
Here you are Mr. Farmer-7
and 8 per cent moneysee me.
H L Perkins. Koom 1 Commer
cial Bldg.,Hillsboro, Ore.
A larffo body of hops sold last
Thursday-Oregon hops -at tat
Miita tier lb. This means.
evidently, that England is snort
this season, and that the inhib
ition on beer and ale in the old
rountrv is not as stringent as
was supposed. U rowers in vvasn
inirton County are naturally feel
mmI over the turn of events.
Contracts were tnaae a wrungm
ago for It cents -and this was
sufficient to show that something
was about due in the nop mar
f ' Chriatenson. who for sever
al years has been logging above
tfUXIOn. WBS in Wwu ruu;.
Good timea or bad times. Christ
has almost always had I
crew to work, and he has always
hMn abls to meet his payroll.
H imM over to Yacolt Wn.,
with hut outfit and will try log-
ainff over on the west aide of toe
Columbia rivet.
Good Real Estate security of
fered for loans at 7 and 8 per
cent Call and iook applications
over. K. L. Perkins, Hillsboro,
Orairon. . . U.
The winter wheat crop In
Waahinotnn County never was
of batter promise at this time of
h vmi From ail indications
h.M ni ha field after field
Hh will aa from 86 to 45
bushels per acre. Some of it
has stooled so heavy that a hard
rain would flatten it to the earth.
The Pharmtcy has the most
complete line of Eastman Kodaks
and supplies. They do develop
ing and printing.
W.E. Bousetn, of Murtaugh
Creek, wu In town Friday. W.
E. says that vloitora will soon be
arriving in the mountains for
theissstr kzz.
raon co.
Orcgoa Wlas First VrUm at lh
Saw FraeclK Cipoaltiea
Silver u4 Itmh sksah mi lt
SWaiUe Far Hw Hmfk
Oregon has fared well at the
San Francisco Exposition, this
state having won first prize over
all the states for her agricultur
al exhibit The Oregon City ex
hibit of course, had a -great deal
to do with wincing the prize,
but their display had a good
backing from all over the state.
Washington County won silver
and bronze medals on individual
exhibits, and all went to help out
the total scoring.
Silver medals were awarded
Washington County farmers as
J. II Henley, Leisyville. oats;
'. F. Knight DilUy. oats.
Bronze medals Daniel Baker,
Peter Gotleib. Hillsboro, oaU and
corn; F. F. and A E. Hanley,
Leisyville, oats; Wm. Schutz.
Sherwood, oats.
Honorable mention F.
Eichler. Hillsboro. Route 3.
North Piaina. wheat
The swards on walnuts
horticulture will come later.
The new edition of the Coffee
Club Cook Book is now on sale.
This is a re-print of the book
published in 1911, with 100 addi
tional recipes, and the sale pnee
Is 60 cent.
The books are on aale at
following places:
Ysught a Grocery.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co,
Combs' Furniture Store.
.Gregg & Powell Grocery.
Ross Grocery.
Rest Room, Second St
Morton Greenhouse
To Portland-65 minutes.
9:58 ...
358 e
a m
a m
a m
. ..p m
... p m
9M (Sat only) pm
From Portland 65 minutes.
7:64 m
9:20 am
11:25 -am
2:05 t pm
4:27 ,
6:25 pm
13 - pm
9:12 (Sat only) pm
12:25 am
L. L. Crawford, of Manning.
was down the laat of the week,
on county fair matters.
Chester Roberta and Ethel
Benefiel. of the Banks section.
were granted a marriage license
the last of the week.
E. L. Moore, who has been
mA un with a broken ankle.
able to attend to the direction of
his business, although he ami is
compelled to wear bis crutcnea.
Honrv Arnold and wife, o
Denver, Cola, arrived here this
wmW for a visit with Mrs. Ar
nold's narents. Mr, and Mrs.
Wunderllch, of Centerville.
John V. Hale, who is engineer
on the Tillamook freight run,
will tako one of the beach pasaen
mra aa anon SS It is put on the
vhndiile. His family la now
oyer at Tillamook;
FA Wann has sold out the
inon huainesa over at Wheeler,
and may later return to Hillabpro
for reaidence. He Is now doing
some fancy flahing stunts over
in the Nehalem and adjacent
Consider your eyes in relation
to your efficiency. If glasses that
will relieve eyestrain enable yon
to do more work and better woi i
with leas effort, don't you hon
estly feel that it would be
miohtv 0mm1 investment?
fact, donrt you think it would be
wiaa to determine if your eyes
are in the beat condition now to
the best servicer
you want to be sore about the
condition of your eyes, consult
Dr. Lowe at Hotel Washington
Thnradav. July & Laat trip til
Bring your eggs to Greer's.
F. O. Sipprell. of South Tual
atin, was a city caller Saturday.
Mr. C. D. Famum. of Met
tains, was a Salem visitor Sat
Cord wood for sale, delivered
in Hillsboro, at 12.75 per cord.
elephone the Sipprell MilL 1C
Dr. Munson was out the lant
of the week, the guest of Jus.
Money to loan -on farm secur
ity. 1 represent three larjje fire
insurance companies. Give me a
call.-E. L Kuratli.
Chas. Wren, of Roy, ha re
turned to his home st Roy. Wann.
after attendance at the funeral
of his mother, at Centerville.
My chopper will make the last
run of the season on Saturday.
uly3. L. Siefrenthaler. Cedar
Clem Shaner. one of the old-
time horsemen of this section.
was a city visitor the last of the
Mail your Kodak films to the
lillaboro Pharmacy. They de
velop and print and are the
agents for Eastman supplies.
Married: June 19. 1915. st the
home of Melohoir Wsetler. Kev.
Scheidt officiating. Henry Fuegy
and Mane Waener. t
Wm. Metzler, ot Firdale. above
South Tualatin, was in Saturday.
ie reports crops exceedingly
good out his way.
Money to loan on first-class
arm security. WashinKton
County Abstract & Title Com
pany; by h. J. McAIcar. Mana
ger. 4tf
C. Ilcim, of Kenton, Portland,
was out to Hillsboro. Saturday,
being on a trip through th-
county, looking after some good
prospective stock purchases.
Married: At the Verboort
Catholic church, June Z 1915.
Rev. Father LeMiller, oificiating.
Anthony Sohler and Antoinette
Will start baling hay about
July 8. Those who want work
done should write me at leaver-
ton. Ore.. Route 2. or telephone
Farmer 30x3, Hillsboro-L Sieg-
Ed. Kilfeather. the Portland
contractor, was a Hillsboro visit
or, Saturday, looking over the
plans for the construction of the
Wall building, next to the Red
mond Livery.
For Sale: Auto in first-class
condition. Will sell very reason
able, or trade for a good, young
team, harness and light wagon.
Team must be 1000 to 1200 each.
Call 16x. Forest Grove-North
Seventh Street 5tf
Chas. Wcscott of Gaston, was
down to the county seal Satur
day. Chas. sava that Gaston is
now one of the most peacable
Arcadiaa in all Oreiron-and that
the village of Grand Pre, in its
early history had nothing on the
Wapato Lake country.
Geo. Beil, who has been work
ing in the Sacramento Valley,
has returned from the bouth.
satisfied that old Washington
County is one of the chosen
maces, after all. He says that
the heat down in the bacramento
River valley is something more
than torrid.
While Perry Ellis, who resides
above Gales Creek, was building
a small barn. Sunday, one of the
timbers he was handling fell and
struck his little 10 month old
daughter. Carrie Etta, on the
head, fracturing the skull. Ihe
little one lived about six hours.
Dr. Barrett was called but did not
reach the d ace until after the
child was dead. The beam which
struck the little one was a 6x8,
and 20 feet in length.
Wm. (Bill) Cuddy, editor of
the Weekly Oregonian, passed
throuehthe city Saturday, en
route to Forest urove, to see nis
daughter and grandchildren.
"Kill" hkes the country out nere
in Washington County, and says
when the Weekly pays enougn
on his investment he is intend
ing to retire and make a start
with pigs and chickens, just to
show us how intensified farming
is conducted.
James Ritchey sends word to
the Leader from Forest Grove,
that he is coming back to Weston
to live, which will be good news
to his friends here. Mr. Ritchey
further remarks that hedoesn'
want his Weston land plastered
with a Umatilla county mortgage
for good roads or any other pur-
nose. Jim always did nave
pronounced and positive ideas on
this auoiect, ana is eniuiea io
their expression herewith Wes
ton Leader.
Mil I..LL
opeii m no
Thirty-Eicht Divarce Cases are
Fmdloc- Some Lc Staaelag
Cwu ivy Will lamlifilc Kaawcr af
Attn ti Crfcaiaab
Circuit Judge Geo. R. Bagley
will open circuit court for Wash-
ntrton County in this city next
uesday morning, and the term
will witness the investigation of
several big criminal cases. (Chief
among these are: The Banks
store robbery, Lucas and John
Love under arrest for blowing
the safe; State vs. Oscar Ander
son and C. Meeks. arrested for
having a milk can in their pos
session and also for stealing a
harness, in the Kinton section;
nd the case of J. F. Stroud, of
ieaverton, under bond on a
statutory charge.
The cases of C. W. Loudon
brought here from Sacramento,
in which an indictment is already
pending, the charge being statu
tory, and ot W. H. Lyda. tried
ast Winter and in which the
jury disagreed, wm also come
before the court
There are 38 cases of divorce
pending, some of them long on
the docket and in process of try-
in trout. There are 28 foreclosure
suits, s few of them of long
standing. 63 suits of money ma
ture, some of which have been
filed months; 13 suits to quiet
title, 2 injunction eases and nine
suits for damages.
The grand jury will have a big
grist to grind, and it will take
them several days to get through
with their work.
Wm. Hiddink, charged with
assault with a dangerous weapon,
wil. also be tried.
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so Urge and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You cau do better for
less with this company.
Bsrig8r Lumber Co.
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks.
Kverything in Building Material
The time of having the children's
parade has been changed to 10:30
m. instead of 2:00 p. m. This
change was made because of the
sviator s night ball game, etc
in the afternoon.
Cash prizes wilt be given as
Doll buggies, best decorated;
$5 for 1st prize: $3 for 2nd, and
$2 for 3rd prize. Girls under 10
Little wauons. best decorated;
st 2nd and 3rd prizes 15. S3
and IZ. Hoys under 10. Com
mittee in charge of the doll -bug-py
and wagon sections Mrs. R.
K. Heater. Mrs. W. G. Hare and
Mrs. J. F. lamiesie
Baby buggies, best decorated;
$5 for 1st prize; $3 for 2nd, and
S2 for 3rd. Committee Mes-
dames J. E. Reeves. C. W. Red-
Characters, best represented,
and most comical. Children un
der 15 may compete for these
prizes -one to be given for best
represented and one for most
comical under 10 years, and
over 10. Four prizes of $2.50
each. Committee in charge-
Mesdames Ceo. R. Bagley. C. W.
Rollins, C & Wells. L. A. Long.
All children in the county are
cordially invited to participate
in this parade, and those not in
the doll-buggy or wagon division.
are requested to march and car
rya flat. The committee will
furnish nags.
Mr. Comrs has kindly offered
to give to each child in the pa
rade a ticket to his moving pic
ture show, at the celebration
grounds tickets good for Satur
day afternoon.
The committees earnestly re
quest ail children to pnone or
send in their names to the ladies
in charge of the division the
child wishes to march in. The
baby-buggy committee wishes
the names of those competing
also, as this would expedite final
N Glasses that give vision
Vbut make no allowance for
nerve and muscle conditions are
worthless. The most superficial
atudent in optics can get visual
results, but he falls to relieve the
nerve strain or adjust the mus
cular unbalance. Thus you pay
dearly when you go to an ama
teur. Preserve your eyes. Don'
offer them up as sacrifice on the
alter of dollar economy. Do not
trust your eyes to strangers. Dr.
Lowe has been coming to Hills
boro for almost a quarter century,
See him at Hotel Washington
Thursday. July 8. to 4 o'clock
This is Dr. Lowe's tut trip til!
SAFETY: Your money isSsafer in the bank than in your cash
PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by
beingable to give a bank reference.
DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loansloften ob
tained, if you have a commercial banklaccount
CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying
bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come in
and see us and we will tell you more.
4 Per Cen. Interest On Savings
American Notional Bank
Tbc Shote Savings Bank
Is sin Old Unliable Institution with
Resources of over
If you are not familiar with hanking methods call
and talk it over with us and we will gladly
give you any information desired. All
business strictly confidential Ac
counts of Women and Child
dren solicited
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
A. McGfll, Pres.
A. C. Shute, Vice-Pres.
W. Mahon, Cash.
W. V. Bergen, Asst.
of Roll Film
Rc3 Film Camsrac
Yes, the New Seneca models are conceded to
be the most advanced types of roll film cameras
that the world has ever seen. Equipped with mar
vellous optical accuracy, and possessing a dozen
different and advanced mechanical ideas, they have
simply swept all other roll film cameras into the
background. Come in to-day and get acquainted
with the new Roll Film Senegas.