ILan iJ- is. a - " .ss 7- iwfc-"as''ok'fe'vi"' la, A. llOSO. Kd. County Official I'aper -BT- The European war seems ts far from settlement as ever. The Germans have been successful in rhe East and Russia has been iriven out of Galicia. logins Lem j?rv yesterday. This will mean i Kreat strengthening of the U.'rman positions and Italy will next receive attention. The world loAs on in dismay and wonderment at the clash of arms, which seems to have no end in immediate sight. The timber rate to foreign countries seems to be prohibitive and this spells trouble for Ore gon and Washington lumbermen. A cargo recently cleared for South Africa, with over a $30 charter rate, made some weeks aso, and it is now raised over 25 per cent Crops are looking their best in this courty, and visitors from other parts ot the Valley and Oregon take off their hats to the old first county. DEGROSS -WEINMAN A wedding of interest was that ff Caroline Weinman and David R. DeGross. solemnized at the home of the bride's sister. Mrs. V. Leedy. near Sherwotd. Thurs day evening. June 17. 1915. Ihe i iHible ring ceremony was rer lormed by Rev. Abel, under a vedding areh. The wedding narch was played by Miss .charoberg. and the btide wts pven away by her father. The bride was beautifully l owned in shadow lace ovfr ( repe du chine, and carried a bou quet of carnations. The flower ir:r'E nrr:T; was Miss A. L. Steinhoff. and A. i- Kilian acted as groomsman, i.n elaborate supuer was served Mr. and Mrs. DeGross will s aend their honeymoon visiting various points in Oregon and wi I 1 3 at home after July 1. at Cir t elius. Qodtless ot Liberty Candidates 1 enora Gardner . I ucile Collier i ertha Olsen .... 1 argaret Mann.. 1 dna Gilkey loy Ferguson . . J mma Tupper .... 1 eta Trullinger.. l gnes Delsman-. 1th Crandall 1 orence Garrett . 1 eda Ross I Jth Harbison... ....25.4f0 . . . 22.890 .... 16 425 .... 16.345 .... 4525 3555 3540 3415 ....2760 2000 1835 1590 .... 1570 CHERRY DAY l-OR OREOON J hose having nice cherries are r quested to bring in some nice c ies to ship to San Francisco f r Cherry Day, for Oregon. C. . Hanley, the committeeman f om this county, will see that t .ey are properly packed in ten p und boxes. They must leave ii re Saturday night, by express, l order to get there on time. L -ave them at Kerr Brothers, n ar post office, Hiilsboro. Places to leave cherries in Test Grove-King & Co., J. E Bailey's, Hoffman & Co.. H. T. Giltner. Cherries should be picked Sat u day morning and delivered by n. on, or before, to be in best cc edition. MRS. CHRISTINE WREN M 3. Christine Monroe Wren, Wi low of the late Michael Wren, di d at her home near Center vi .e, Monday, June 21, 1915. SI j was born March 26, 1830, in th s Hudson Bay, Canada, coun tr , and came to Oregon with he parents. She was married to Mr. Wren, in this county, in 18 6. Her' husband died Feb. 21 1897. He was one of the Hi lson Bay employees, and ca. .3 to Oregon in the employ of th. company. . rs. Wren was highly re- sn "tp(t htu a lo.z. . : . qu stance, am many tnCnV! J.7' Wednesday eve June sy pathize witn the tan.llv m '' dt 8 0 cl,.'ck a hildren'g Day thi .c bereavement. The to!U,.v- ini children Rurvirat cm Ye. Wn Mrs. Nellie R-VnoiH, Po-tland; Mrs. Mary Newell, of To ipenish, Wash.; Mrs. Emma Ws son, of Portland; Mrs. Lily Me n, wife of Sam Moon. Mrs. Lo u Shea, of Centervilie, and Mi - Catherine Wren, at home. 'i a funeral tojk place yester di; and interra'dut was at tne Co , elius cemetery, Rev. Irvine coi .ucting the service. u"J r. and Mrs. J. M. Wall and Ji . J. A. Smith were Salem Vl ".yesterday, making the UU in Mr. Wall's auto. rVurtt. the, field secretary for Oregon. ii in chrg of the work of the local Baptist l churl. And conducting services regu'arly. Mr. Koskett has just finished an "every member" ran v ass that has put the church in goki firanrial condition and made it jxsible to secure a pas tor very swn. 1 he church re cently calkd Kev. K. A. Smith. of Oregon City. Mr.t Smith is well known to the people of the church, and t man? others in Uillshoro as well, lie is a man of fine abilitv. and is specially well fitted for the work in this ttwnand the country districts adjoining, that will form his par ish. The church has two mis. sit n fields now. and is planning a large effort in real service to the surrounding community. Mr. rosk. tt will continue in charge of the work of the church until Mr. Smith arrives. Th Sunday School Parade, on July 4. will form at Third ard ila-elme streets, at y: a. m. "d wiil start at 10 o'clock sharp. The parade will extend on 3rd to Main, to econd, to Washington, to 3rd to Fir. to ith. thence to the plat form in the city park. Automobiles will convey the Primary departments, and will return th. tots to 3rd and Base line at 11 o'clock. I he Sunday schools of Hiilsboro. Oreneo, Alo ha. Farmington, Cornelius and North lains will take part Ex ercises wi 1 be held at the Park fam 10:40 to 11. Rev. B. Clay, recently fr.m Kentucky, will give a brief address. The Pri mary, Junior, Senior and Adult departments will be in charge of Jas. II. Jack. R. H. C.reer. Ken neth Robb and A. Y. Staulfer, respectively. Geo. Schu Imerich, of Creswetl, was up yesterday and today on legal business. He says he has a suit against him wherein a woman wants J7.500 because Geo's pet deer hooked her. Geo. sks he warned Ihe hired man, whose family was on the ranch, to keep the women a id dogs away from the deer park, but when they hi d a lady visiting ivith a camera, they went down to tet a picture. The dog teased the deer, and in trying to get a picture, they permitted the deer to get out. In trying to put him back he Hooked the visitor. and the suit has followed. Bry ..son, of Euzene. and our district attorney. E. B. Tongue, are at torneys for Sehulmei ich. Mr. and Mrs. M. CarzeJ and two children, of Seattle, are the guests of Mrs. Carzes parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehse. Mr Carzes is the first man who es tablished a Jitney in Seattle, a 16-passenger. pay-as-you-enter machine He is now having a 20-passenger car built in Port Und Ik- says that Seattle takes kindly to the new method of transportation, and that they 'ive it a good support A bunch of Moose, consisting of Jos Wolfe rsperger, W E Mc Court. Kay Kmmott, Web Phil lips. Bentley. Thos Williams. L P Adams, Herman Collier, Guy Powers, O Phelps. Ben Simpsor, Purdy, Jas Miltenberger, Marion Black, and Claud McCurdy, the latter of Cornelius, went to Mc Minnville, last night, to attend a high jinks given by the Yam hill brothers. The Hunger Bros. Lumber Co.. of near Manning, are about to move their mill, and have a fine lot of dry, clear lumber, and No. 1 comnvm on hand, and it must go. Hunger Bros Co, Manning, phone Buxton, 4 5. 14 26 Geo. Ti rner, former suDerin- tender t -f the V-0 Corporation, came ilow i frum Aibanv. ast night, aid greeud friends in Hillsbo.v, this morning. He is tnroutf to Vancouver, vVan. W. II. French, of Forest Grove, r;ti r led .esteid iy from a trip to his r.n h ab we Heppner He says the not winds have played havoc with the wheat crop in pirts of Moidw County. Hiy. however, is doing nicely up that wa and the stock look fine. Harry D. Bowman and familv. ol Springfield, where Mr. Bow- w an is engineer for a big power p. ant. arrived here last niirht for a visit with Benton Bowman and family, alter fourteen mnntha absence. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. lieiter, of riusDiirgn, i'a., were hre this week, guests of C. G. Reiter and wife. The elder Reiter is an uncle of the deputy county sur veyor. They are enroute to Cal ifornia. At the Farmington Christian Program wiil be held, followed oy an ice tream Social. Every body invited. Opening d a n c e-Lowery at roirin or July (irourd ., Friday evening, July 2, by Chai. Van aerwal, Manager. Everybody welcome. Lester G ascoe returned Tues day from a v.sit ai i. , sister Mr?. A. Connelly, of Seattle. ' W. N. Barrett and wife at tended the pioneer meeting at Portland today. Will sell for cash, or trade Hiilsboro property fur a small farm. -Hiilsboro, Box 224. .16 KiJ. 11 R. t U Th'itU: nf up Farming- torn was a citjf visitor today Mm. Zide Fatatieus. of Port land, was a Hiilsboro visitor yes terday. J. M. Keslerisnow the Record Keeter for Banner Tent, K O T M. of ltanks. and Sir Knights may now send their checks to him. He succeed H. K Pauchy who has spent the Spring over in Hark County. Mr. and Mrs, John Grossen and little daughter. Lillian, of Baker City, "are guests at the Peti'r Grossen home, near Hel vetia. It has been 20 years since Mr. Grossen has visited this sec tion, and he sees many changes here. Peter Grossen. of Helvetia, and Leo Schwander, ot aUne Mountaindale. were in tw n yes terday. Leo says the North Plains K. of P. convention was the biggest thing ever under taken at North Plains. Services at the Baptist church -Rev. H. B. Foskett. field sei retary for Ortgon, will spak next Sunday. nnrning and eve ning. Morning subject. "The Mission of The Church." Kve ning. "Not Yours, but You." Bible school at 10 a. m. Young People's meeting at 7 p. m. All are most cordially invited. Judge Smith yesterday held J F Stroud. Beavcrton. to. appear before circuit court to answer a chaige preferred by Mrs CII Fry. of the same citv. The of fense is charged as having taken place in October. 1912. and Mrs Fry testified that she had many times afterward met Stroud by appointment. The grand, jury will probibly take up the case for a hearing. The North Hiilsboro Club de feated the Harringtem Club, last Sunday, in a horse-shoe tourna ment, winning six eut of nine games played The line-up fol lows: N Hiilsboro C McCrery. C Strohmayer. u Engledinger. F S Olsen. A Miltenberger. J Miltenberger. Harrington Club Doughty. Bingum. Walker. Barber, Morton, Harrington. Lisby CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank all who so kindly assisted us during our be reavement, the death and ohse- quies of our mother, the late Mrs. Christine Wren. Her Children. Centervilie. June 24. 1915. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Nolle In h-rehy (iron by lh Count Court ol Wuhiimton ' uiiiik. Omron thai on Julj Hth. IWIJ 12 P. M f mi.i dy, mwIoI biil ill Ik ml tlix l4,uni (oiirt Kivmii. at llilUIr. Or von. lor Ih ntimlriii-tluu of the Hurr liriilg 1 iiulr N. K. ol Mtuiliir. m il lor tlw ivir o( tli e'stimrvillii lin.i( All bid l b.siini)iit. lir e, rlili-.l rbwk riirSpTcenl. nflli I. n.l tutnl eutitwu will It lot lo tli luWMt rnni bl b.ililer, anil tbe court rcutrvo (li right to rr et an ami all hul I'Ihm and prnii'atliim m I awn at Ihr otticeoi the t'ourif ('lurk on ami afior Hi 3rd da of lul. IMIS Itatwl t Hlllxhoro. Ormon. tl.l- 'Ztril Jay of Jim. Wis II H. Kraa.ilior, County Jii.Iki. I! A llmlnT. e'ounly U'nniniii'.nn K Mi liwiii, ('iint)rOoiiiiiiiiioiirr EXECUTRIX'S orlcc Notice in hmh irlvn that I. thu iirn'or. sigrnxl.have Imn l ill e'oiiiit C'uort oi th eui ol tlron lor WaxliioKion uouni. (iiiiy apiint. riHiilrii o tin cUi of J. M. Hnilum, ilrc.l. anl ha out qnalirtoit an aiich ricoitrlx. All nrniia hHVilK rlalnm aainnt .mil etat are lirt liollllol to irMMnt III. am to inn wiin tin- proper voochPtHai tb law ortlor of W. N. Harrmt, In llili fMiro. riin, within nil nllia Iroin Ci rtain of thi intii-o. iMlwl JuimlM I 'Mii Alii Kriittrti, KlDCIItrtx nf Hi nalala ul J M Kn.l. W. N. Uarrrtt. AttiriiFT for ftai I rxi-i o tnx. China th Subiart. When th trouble of Ufa ajiaull you Ana tn morrow looka blllr rii1 tlrnr: When no prayer anrl no ho( avail you, A path that I better and clear Chang the mbject and tako up another, You'll find thi waa the beat. Count your fellow man ax a brother And lay tti old trouble to rral. No triala of life wer r mended By worry und fret and care. New thouht and new lit.n have be friended A man In the depth of despair. ChariKe the aubjert ami barter your Bor row For a tak that I newer and brlsht. And the dawn of the Run on Ibe morrow Will clear the dark ahailowa of iilKi,t No life wna e'er free from deapalrinir; There are worrlea iiHMallniK un all. But the pairm that are amartlni; and tear llilf The heart will rrow nK,.r nll, fmt, When the ubert In chnntted for anollier You'll find thla way la the bent: Count yoar fellow mnn n a hrotber And lay the old trouble to net -Horace Seymour Keller. A Real Difficulty. TIny met mi Hit- hlnlirond mul kIi.mI ImndH. rilinri'. I'M," Sili.l Mtirii'iy. "U'UIii h ;l fitoc-Uin b,ii huliit." "fvim-c. .Miirpliy." i I put. "it,,, why?" "Yi kiHiw Cihillnii?" "Tl'-itli I do!" "''ll." .Mnrpiiy. -in. ,(.f ),. a si.vpt i,. . nIinilitK : (lilt I eoill.ln't '.V.ll!(iv mi VSK it,,iil liieiikln' tl. "Il.'ll "V It." "Ami ijM jp low the hot?" iiMi(.( I':,t. "No. I'.'it. 1 won It.- rei:i,.( Murphv." "Tlifii pliwnfK nillu' ye?" "t-lmi-c, it h t lie .o(r tlmfH rilllit tn,.." KI'-.iikm1 Mnniliy. -f linni, t ' liii'iiU It mul int mo Ktoiiineii , mi' If I iinM. ,,,.t 1,'n ,,.,(,.,, . I'll liiivi- ii KliMiiKlm rooster Hcriitt-blu' me liialder'-I'ijuinun a. APliibilhropist Spoiled Ml Ur,:ii'l l vi. a l rl U.rly iii.nU.ii lul ' ' h.nii'i f.f a uiiv.t,.u. fin' .1.. I-'! Hl" Ujvll IwfM'lf !'' ''' 'l I'1'-aim-llorale ii I i. .umi.-I il.iw Shi itMltil tli. m i.i i f lb. ui t.iIU.U .I.i I. b aN'iil lh' in." 'I" t'uil h.i.t I. -1 tioiii t" tUH lu i.Hlii' l I-' .' a tlui ( llw lr siiu. i bi-r I.i ,uln .He in. " ' t.ii. .tlul lu.uil i ... 1 1 1 -uj.hc . 1. , l.l,. IUiV . . i il llltlli.tU , t .i Ml'ltt Mil d.i,.. I tits Usl l 1 .1 .11.1 I'.l. lll ilivi l..i ivii. . VXSlllill, r.'Uii.U.t a !k l. e I i I.. I'U.i 111111111.111 I.i UaJ a Uli. r ui. U. i -i t n-ally a nrp i f ) w. ui. u le' wm proiul t l'- Ii. i .i-.4 ul 1"h vMrkiil wllti l..r In l'..' .iu-e aid llioiuli d.unu ii l.'. i "f " l'") SU.vl-lsll In I. run. .1.1 J ! I' t-rluiluila ui In!.' a t . ii. r i'Ii i -r Ut:l ti.-lil : . llii-y !. i . ...l t'IK of Mt I a . 1 1 i . v oi'J. I' t to I'.ii'ii.v vron a. iiu t bom i.uu li.i.l Uvii v.iiitiuu. .1 i- fri-iii pruMMIIloU mi l to 1 m' Ihr i'lTrli.Ul ttiuli-r llii-lr lu i.iti. i. wiih ! I" a.-I'ttii'iWilin I.;- i.i i tn iilou. li Iviuiit) i!il ,i .1 1 n . Ut i. Wlii ii mii? Ii.ol K'.ii m.ii: ..I ly a v.'i.u 0,'iin' iii.tu ho M.M...I.I I' l l rmli. i I'll .Ulllill4li'llt I'.i. II Unl .ll! j 111 II a moiiwiu Ii. i J. . ...ii it llu' h in.i nf a ilili..ii . vii. .1 .In- i. iikli-rtil It liiT ilnl I" II"' -I !' l ute tlu II I, f Ml-u. I iv, i. ii e -k ul iiiu. Ii i.f lur iliiu' In i n. I. i in, l In. In. v mu d pftHou r.'i.i. n i 1 1 au.l lii'lp I. rlii): til'iit a i.. lii t la in tli.".. u ti.i Ii ul llijiili'.l th. ti. Wluiii'wr MK. 1 .luiiK.r i mi . ii-iinl In n iir . -i' i'. r .( a lb, il or a ah,. ivihiI.I .-r n u I mu ol hiT aitxtanlM .' tin- luiiiml pt r-wiii In Imn or li r i.i I'.- n. i. i i til. Hue day, lulling that on . I. ilv I iil'. r h ul Ihi-ii iiilitlil . ml. 'In, i.; I.H riii.. i-r'a alualili' i.Ih uvut .i i i.. jail. th,. Illli-f. ll.. Il.l.l Imn ;ni.M."l, Kli.l follli.l liilll t.i I, ,1 ii. in f hfly, i.f Kiaxl iiivaniu. i' mi. I a or.llut; l hN a. i , .nut. Hi,, tlttlui ..r i::.(,.i!.iii.ile tir riiinl Hoi', Hi- n mi,. n.i llotm r I.i n kin. li.'ii n-,, ti.nv In' l ain,' l.v Ihe name of II ,111. r h.- I toil h fn'hiT had Uh-ii .1 p. la.-.iu' nn.l tin iiiluiln-r of llu' sri-it . ..(. tl.uiM-r llaukltia wept M:t.-r h;im ovir the on. lit I. ui In ulil. li I,,, found lilinn-lf 11111I mi mi MN . riiuf' fll'lllIC'' Itlllt Hill' , lll to Id. lilt,. 111.14 I IT. IHt'tired tt pl.!llU. lt.ll hi' Would not prow lite thi' rnw nn.l Mr. II mUm un.l.-r lu r 11 .- lare for Ho' purposi. .f til. in j him an op p.. rt unity o h.. h.. unel fate had lui'll lo Ii I tit 1 1:1 w kins n inn, .. mnlor it. .111.. of .Mini reii, I,. .u-. Ii,,i, He -in III too n-Hpei'lalih. t 1 I.,, rait, , ,tl.-i or to Tfi.rm !n- innii;i , r lri-s of 11 hlltUT. Till', H lie lery Utile of nuytliiui:. le. iu.M Vt s Imnoi e hud iiothlni; for ri e. 11 r-..,i, to il.l Mi nll.' to !,. .iir. li.i,. of anppll,-,. nil, I aite-i' Ills nilsfrts paid msh for eviri thlnn ihi' lioiiyht her tuajur ilomn wns In tnisfid hIUi th,. fun.U usisl f.,r Ihe piirposi-. Ni-iiT n man iimn- init. nlar In ri'iulorlns lila nviiint. If fn.m fh,. inullitilili. of ini infills nt any onelime In- win nt 11 . to a,.. unit for n dim.' or n nl. kel h,. mi, nmrli iron lihil Ms mistress .. in. tin,,., i iis f, Hint . immiIiI 1. 111. 1 I, 1,, tnrs il mu ll o,i:ioiis lie iinire, him flint ho trirtlln; 11 11 iiinoiuit nils of 110 ISllS,..p,.,.,., M yn ,. w, nioiirn over the fart Unit nfier Ih,. tin forfiiiiati" i'oh,l,,ti In ia,,1i h,. 1, ,, found him !ie would urey think lilm dlxlioin-nt. Me r. f iv,H i.i . ntm fort od. Oni' day ll.inkih unit out to do the niornliii; a marki-liim lie illd n.,t n lilm at Hie 1101.1l Iiiu.. a, I,, . niiMiintille a .,,y ,,i:i,., ,,,, n 1 1IW rein c an, !. i:-, .,. ti,, ;).,. , the iiinti. r of ir i i-liiiiiiiil who 1,.,, rol, la-d In r. The l.oly mm willing m fr iflvB Hi.. -i 1 1 .1-; . ,i,t nu,., M 1 (vii.i- to undertake his reform. h1. titl Ut' .i,r nt tin' door. ni Hlio liepj:..,! ,MM ,.,.,.,, (ll K,( )l(,r lO II ,.l. ,. Mtall. ll III HCe H. ,m ,r MIsh l imine ,. , ,, i,t,., n, ,H, way tl. ladv told Hint the , rim Inn I had .tilled . 01 f .r nni,, the I'li-nlne, .lM I,,,,! ,, 11Uly wltli Mom,, vahmlil,. Hllv.r. lie ,a,' las'ti iirr, ie. hi the iiioini. Winn Mi's,n.,. remhed h,,. Jnll. 11ml Hi,. , i,i ,v:M, 1H of l,s c,. M. (.,,,,,1 v ,V.H nMim ll"d. Ilo wiih llom.r M iHkli.s. Ills ("ncfaelieNs v ;is nt a I, , ml lo In Iho mailer, ,f, unU,u to the l'",-v "' h. ifToivd. mm Ih,i, ( I'lond for H. ,ii-,,i.r, U. (1 "I""'1'"' "li"i.. i,.r nnmher of ar l'loi,.,,. (., .r t1: I,.,,, ,.,. found In linn Kins' ,;.,.w,,,, Tlo iv ivas a diiTero,,, .. ., t1HV r',"','', ""I-'1 't I'flim valnalilos und lo-ln- ll,,., l,,.,..,. s, h,.1(,() m n Hawkins. ,,,,, I, In, ,, !,,,,.,, mini, mi I lin n, nflcr protnldliK fh.' lii "IH-'I'.I- lllMl N. ,,, .I,,,,,.,,, 1(.,ll)M Iho prisoner, walked out of Hie olll,-,. Iho pMnr.. ,,r ImllKimtloii. 'I'l'l- "iMli',1 MIhs r.,ireii.V, ,, work ti. th,- rcf,,n,ii t nUll IhtilH. She did,aiids her eeV lU, 1,1 J "I In which the' work '""led ,, w,is rather cce,,,! t,.,n ('"I'tlfiilur. live,, oi'-m,zl,l cfT.irt ini't will, v,.v ,,, Kr(.(K() Ni'vcrih,.,.,s Miss Law,,.,,,,. fo,, wlillo partleiilar n f,i,,t,,rt ,,.,. ,,,,, "' l'l"V.-l, the c,l,,, t , ,.,.,,,, '' tlsscM wns hee:cl ,y the ,.nrU , the Kin lcty. tosily Explained, A (il.'i'-e.m ,,,1,1,,. ,.,. ,H ( f j.v 1111 llivcin,,., niinlst,.,. ,in, hu ttic,. "" I1"1 ""I'lvc IM llit'oiiKh l(.pr ''r 'I'rlcls of 1 .ly, ,, W their iloMlnaiioM tin. mli,i,.P t tl' Hill,,,, llim. l,aiHKt,,,,v hk , , lure, iiski-d: "Why me th,.,,. In tills clly, eiiluuanV ho many pr 1(.,,P Jehu looked hiinl nt ti,(, pm'Hoii. "Well, ulr, I'm ,, Vu,.ril mfe. ,)(t y) hw mnlst th,. poor rolk ilrlve culm, nii'l Him ur warce hero," l,u rei.lle.L UurMli'e Ad vert bwr. a -! tt 1 1 A Hunter sLSluit i:,,M Jl'.D .. lli al' u th .IMh.i! or )' ""' ""' .. . uuiiitw-rlntf Ihlr IV l'l ts.lH'l ""- t ,,., -I 11. Of . .w M, vl. V 4 ti"' '' "'""J- Wtiil the Coln4. lu lilt ... ...... ....... :.. b.t.l Idlteili le!!"' "" " " ' I-,,. I' .ci.iii- " J, 11.11 tv. Hie h. "11" Ituir N 'lef ' I-"' in .. iil.l liol ' "'' I h id lu Imllisl ! ' llu. ,s,.tv. l ul . il.UI.-ed f" - of d i I tl" Uil hois. u.l pek.d l' Ih If" after. Iiailnit m '" 1 ,"ul,, "" any .Uiiii.r lu Hui rUum It h id "ue ii.s'li of H' ! . ,..l I hid nu t wtlh . adiriilurr. I h id and w my borw eul sua ready lo m'e '". ,Mn ' ,wr,l i jt. ui" on mi tlfcht. and I luru e.1 a round l t'omam ll.s. is.m ..ul of the IliuUr u llwlr iiih.- Ihev win" JtiM half )' had .tbleully ilts.irisl me. When a man r - f-r lil Hf h sn-nli-"! lear U lu rriloliut llw ua' t.r. I 1"' I'"."'1 )'' " "w laln nod h id a prt lty fair ! a iierie. n ml I role 1'"' "'- s the aim ls-an ! alna I" l et the aoiifihl ahoileii Hie dl lii.- Ut wish 11 a and lolin! lu I'i"' nlli' shot, hut a wool I.i Hie liiuMaoii . his Wiioited 11,1. H id I Iss u nhle I.i kis p Hie trull aft er 3 ii'i U k I alcnld liat ismntisl on fliellui: Ihe prt l-y aun.lou, aa il gi Itllii! oier Ihe ground l fl1 Id s. e, hul ul uls'UI Unit hour I i'in lo a nui;h. tny iUlibt. where Iho ..issn;i' of Ihe li.-rs. hn.l left no trill, and I m ul ,1 ti "1 ruii.loui. plaiuilni I.i keep my ill-l nee fn.m the ilier. tt waa t.i Is- a tartli:ht nl.lil. and aa s.ll IIS dusk lHlne I titled tut .l 1 faster pn,-e niol more to the U Tt. Uh.11 t U'lli'iisl I I. id till. ..I a ipi.tlter of a mile I anenrd h,ut!y to the tiihi. r. .le for forty nsl oud I'h-b .IlKlu.Mlute.t and i..i.' I lister the wort to lie d.'HU We ele l-'lli Kit on the earth when Hie paiti of pursuers w,'pl hy. ami Ihe ili'td, Ihud. Hold of Ihelr Mih'' f.-el 1 nine ny Idalltty lo Ui wtrs, I had a odd Id' I" my beesnik. and aft. r tllslutt of II atrvt. hoi out and Went to aim,., li.'plni; I had fc'Weii ttie red mi l, Ihe slip. I os my rye the u,t in.'i lu astontah meiil lu a i' I hie ala.ut no. wete ttie lle 1 .tnan. lu-s, hll. tlu lr .ilisi weri f.sslliiK with my li.M-an lay on my l.i.V with mj elaap ed under my lieml. ami 11.11 waa m alolisliuieiit that I roo d led mote, l-'ortniial. ly for Inc thi j .)k It. la for nerve. I looked fnuu man lo loan, and finally aakd III 'nmau. hc: ' Had I klH'.v 11 )tl were I los. I ahotild hot hate run awn) I Hiouwht you Wei t 'U.. kasawa atoU u li. rs.-s t ahull 1st ladj W li aai aiau a I hale eat. 11. I nunl to cv ,h lo tun luhe eoiiniry th n.t plains th e 'una. Ha ti river Iiiu luounlalu full of rave nm waterfall jour ihlef, Tlitiiider 'i..inl'' line of them nAid Ine If I NIotiKisI In the partv iilna l, no. I I t.., lilm tm. lie akist me bun I ilared start out alone for the ( on, in. tie .ounlrr, and I told him thai I h.ol lrapss the nioiiu lain ll.'li and itil out and enteu hi liter ulille llll nine, and Ih.r.f .i., feared ie.!,lii' ll,nu- . .11 1,1 ms. that th.y wre Ui.lly piimisl, und I lu Teiixsl their wonder l.y -i)h,u. a I finished uiy hreiikfaat "I'oin It I, time to IS". W'k have a louu ride, and I am nnvlnin to a,- your nmiitry," When w-e set out, two In front nm! Hire hclillid. nnd 11,1 llellam Were ever more pllfli-d lu later eitra I met one of thein nnd lie told ine that tlu lr plan was to torture tne as ,m n I awoke. Thrywerc U-nt out of Hits l.y my ipieer remiirkt. J,t f,,r thai ,tir4o. Heiernl times ilnrlni: tho day I ptprcssist my liiipath iu'e ul our slow pit,,, und t. 111 t ,( ftisler, mid when m- went lutoiamp I niiw that I had thciu off Ihelr fiinrd. After cntliiK I aat npurt fn.m them lo smoke nnd meditate nn.l to kIvp thrill an opiantiiiiy t coiupnre mdc, Jut when the five K'd llu Ir heads together to discus Noiuctlilnk' they did not wbdi tne to hear I nrose ami tcpN'i Ion k wan! out f l. Kt,t f ,ie fire, ami I Ullete I was n hiiiidritl fis-t nwny Alien I hey missed llle, I heard them smltrr nnd H'nt nlaiiit, mid while they were hinitltiK for tne I crawled nloiiK 11 ml yot lny ,, j crept nway from ,,, ,rc,. f ,e'fro and then t;iit Hi,, shelter of n tree. The Indliuis licnt ul... ni fr n ip.nI half hour, nnd then n 11 ,.,,, ( , 1((riiist mid illsKiist.!, I ftlM ,, KH look fair lilm nt (!. lender. II,. went down na my rlile era. kisl m wna f lowed liy n Hond and u third Uforo Iho anrvlvliiu tw ,.u, i-oinpreheiid wlinf wim K,K 011. Neither atopped for his dm I Htood K.ird nil ttitit. nnd when MinrnlnK cm,,,, wna Hint tho two who hud .,h.,l had Id,. f tunilnir. After 11 acmity Ln-nkfitst I miikIiI up the nIi niilmiila, piuktsl up Terythlnij or vnliie. m,. ,(.n .,,,,., ' the KoiilhciiHt for the river, mid lit a o'cto- k rial,, rlylit Into II,,. rnm of the lmly. which hiul acitled down for "port mid hud Ktveu , ,, Hm,iKhl N' tt lay 11 pnrty of iin rod,, over in k'lvi. (lie ,o,o n ,,. ,.nr,.f HM.(.. Hon. nnd w,. foiiml on ,.c ,. n nil vcr Kovcrtitni'tit incilal. iflven tliemdur Itm Lincoln' firm term, n ''.,i . illaim." Waahinnton't La.t Ilnt. f.'i'oiKr. V iiMhlntiitl prolmhly (l,s 0r 'Mphlhei la luHteud f c,., ry,,KH, h N commonly hellcved. nccor.llnK id '" ''.v IT. II. It, llcmenwny , '"' l'.mis.m M,.(i, New. r lieu.. !'"" 11 '"'" tlm in mM l'l I" Washliim,,,,' time "Il Ih piol,l,li. Hun WiiHliliiKtmr life ,V"H '" N "'"''.' by 1'Xc.a of treat. '""'lit Him, ,y ,h ,e , mMl, rcaiiN, ", H Hi,ii,eii,Ml.a Mil, that be Id of , . ry,,Kina, i.m WH im. ''' Unit It Is now itenerHlly .grd blU UlNeiiHK wuk UlpbtburlH.' NOTICE! ! ! have ICOJhdcJ tli'r4 HUilntniih tA . tttcitt fi.uncily nciar ?Irlrr at to au.l am ciijHl to tin atrkitnU t. Iti ., in:, II.iim-.niWhik nl A)Uomu!.i!f krj utiog Fronh Rulih Oiciuo, 4icjiu Sawmill GrovrlantJ, Oregon KottU ami PtcHsctl I.uiuWr of alt kiu.l .. fittic wiUt )ou yur j.uiiiiarr ucnl. t 1 ill tusti'HU l hCfvit'C aul lcae.tul,:r Mill liH-ttcv'. Si amtouc lulf milc Ninth f Hill. !win uii I'niUvl KitiUuy. 11. S. Tharp, Proprietor Hiilsboro :eccl and Boarding Stable Prkri Rratonftble DAIf AND NIGHT SERVICK ?m! v W.isliiuiitvJ" St. Photic, City t r t$ 9fi Hnnrs' flfiftan Sail iv n TO SAN FRANCISCO PntatUl (-DnK, Triplr Scr w '2b lnoi S. S. "NORTHERN PACIFIC S:iN Jutic S, tj, to j, 24, aS TucJay!t, Thorv il.ty au.l SalutiUyn thcicaftcr with MS. S. Greot Northern" trmcr Train 9tliO Sun rrmco IS.O P. M. Nl D.y Fraturrs of Service Incomparalilt' (or comfort Knit - Km Ki'Trtuhmirit I u'clock lea anj ImtTct lUtm-is-1'altn tiartlcn - lUthft CruiHirn ihr trip, incnl aritl U iWifn. St COM) SI Kill Barber Parlors Courteous Treat incut Capable workmen Haths iu emi net tioti, and a l'iue iShuwer liutli Newly I'uriiislieil Shop. A trial will please you. JAMCS ANDERSON, Pythian Uld, llillslmro. NORTH PLAINS BRI6K & TILE COMPANY 4 inch Tile, $18.00 Per thousand Brick, $9 and $10 Per Thousand Phone Main 281 NORTH PLAINS. ORE. rbour. I'jtturr 3 Auto Livery A. M. S. S.'Arrivn Frr iWfk l!hir n.i Strmf anj Mul-forenoon Unilliun, lunchcn Orchmtra li k llaoma Jr lm-Shorr Kinct. M.m roun.I rth iitcloJcxl. Sr n $ IH.HH "An dejjant Ship and a Hcttitiful Tri" the popular vcrdiii n( travel it tu t!;i H-cdy vcsm). G. W. Mason. Atft.. HilUhoro Deware of Your Hon. on thfi Fourth. Thai gonc) day U alrighl a 1 (mtrmlic unstration, hut homcii i1rivrav on thi day, of all other, v) tx controllwl by jrtxxl harma. I f your homo ahould tmpprtl be friahlrnwl, your vrr li(iC depend on lh atrenglh of f harnetm. Our harnfiw i mail. aland all atraina. It the W, you may depend Uxn. F. T. SPICKER Mala Htirt, o.kjIu i'uutl Ho vaaoat. In th rirxHll Court of im mMi Orao .,f Wktiiatu Cv ,if ' Mm, 1.. r,n. Plaltilirr. i lnrn K rn lrniliil iTitOmrg K I'ajiia, Ui ! 1 ! llrfntliUnl! I In ll.s ....... f ika ,,r Orf: Ymi rirli, intlllwl ami t"UlrM I aUIr In Ilia ln,a atitllliat I.MIltl lit miiipl.inl fllwl HH JWJJ O tn iaiv niiiiM nan), on r ' Xtrtl ,.f J..ia lul .,l ilall)l allf thiiirilon ol l fral ili of Hi Ural li'ihllnalluli or Uil " I , nioiia iiiMin oii nn.l II u UH I... . .... . 11.. ..i.i.iltf ffW I i"f w, Mimmi ..s i' . r'il, In th Toil rt (r Hi ri-ln-l tw" t .r ti. l.. i.i... .. a da) I ..siii.aiMi, m.wii. . - - , rnrr illaaiilvlna; III maitiaa n.rrlK nut l rail now ami "rt?? rillln nim lliaulaliitltl ,m,TtJ, iliil ami rMturiiiR iii.lo Id pUI'ili" !J iiiiiiiinii nam, nmrl,, Marjr i a' il lur am b olhrr ml fuMhr iiW'" ll. !.... ..... - I .,iiliahli Ttilaaiiiiiiitiinal ari Ml"'" T! Z. 1' llioiimr in Ilia "'"JJ Aru itiriiantl onltof lit Hiinorl" "' K HaU,, JihIh ol lh lJ5 , i mini I'liurl mail, wulrirrsl ami 7 lllu.i, ll.j, lul. ..f Itilh ami li onli-r rMiuirm thai a'altl uiiiiMf UiilillahMl In Hi MIIUlNiro A'K"" "",7, lll..U.H. -...I . , I U. I.-Mill 11 'lata of lit Ural I1iil.ll.1a.ll0n tlirrmif "" Iho lotli ila, ( J mi, HIA, ami "J13 Hi 11 iil,,..i.,ii llmrtsil 1-lnK t "t miij, nun, miii wiihh j ll.iaillalttllit a.. a ... a,..V. at. U'lril llaU 1 July, mm Win U Mara, AUornaffor I'lalatt "MnNF.Y" Tli Mini m.kaa II and uuilnr Hi' 1-rM' Ilia CtlNTINRNTAb moKTUlt W von nan iuura ii at a por iwnl. for ' . ,,.ww. ,w HS w r' " lr.l tiiiriiMM on iiprovMl rl J1' Twriiia ti ut your waoia w s will mi oiwraU with fan wnri oszM ISA bankain Bklg Dvr,0ri 1 ,j and nent , 1 t