I I VOL. XXH HILLS HORO, OREGON, JUNK 1, 1915 NO. 14 JULY JURY CALLED I M. I. Raw son. a tUirk and bund salesman, aged 41 years. wh Saturday adjudged insane and ordered committed to the State HiMpital. Rawson'a moth er resides Mow Tigard, where he ha a four acre tract. The patient U a bright fellow, and um ttrnxt language. He ha not tt-n employed fur some months. l M V-l lit K CMUSTN All! 111 "'' thia supposed to have mane miii ueniMiiiucni. lie went I, rut Will 0n HereTue(Mlay, July h. I r Summer Term limi'tul Cant Will Calks' Tcr PiaiK Icaiih l l. rk Iviw. C. Luce and Sheriff to several semoons of a ramp meeting of the Seven lay Ad- venliMiM. ana the service ap peared to interest hitn a great deal. A week or ao prior to Sat urday he commenced to Ret vio- ALLEGED HOLDUP III T0V;;j OF SHERuOOD Claua Cllae Says Ifobher WeteWeJ Ooly Can f Smoking Tabacca VINSONHAU1 HUatS DASH R HUME f a Vaea Nra Iraarl Altaaalca Uty m Dark Nlfkl The atory of an attempted high- Uem-e. SatuMay. urew me jury ,., wUlhim. , un wiy way rooDery in uarsness, inu-s- !mt fur the July term of circuit brother restrained him a best day night laat. comet from Sher- ,,mrt wliu-h will convene In he could, until he liecame ao vio- wood. Sheriff Keevea went to IWInU.ro. Tuesday. July C. with tht it was necessary to tie the scene. Friday, to investigate, ld" (... K. laly on the Hh hand an. f-et. and he then b(Jl came awa, without Kt.ttjnir jmue , . brought him before the court . , . , , Hring your eggs to Greer's. L. E. Shute was out from 'ortland the last of the week. Henry Matthe. of near laurel. waa a city caller the last of tho week. Peter Cotleib. of near Meek 'tains, wast a city caller Satur day evening. II. L Flint, of Srholls, was in town Monday. He reports a lig ot of hay down in hit) section. Otto Wohler. of Oak Park. wm in the city tne last oi the week. h. There are a number oi i nininal can. and the newsion l.iuinUea to be of Some length. he inul of John I,nve and Lu r.n. charged with the robbery at lmkt: the cane of Wm. I.yda. wherein the jury disagreed at the laat term, and the cane of C V. hmdon are the criminal cases of interest to le heard 1 vkvnly lour of the junrs call- d ur farmers, two are livery- mi ii. one " electrician, one a luli.Ht. one a butcher, one a t. Binder, and one a merchant. I h panel: " .nhi, U'liicl l'ilo.'K I i' V kehuMB.I. IH !. . .IIUUIU f. fa n abundance of Information. sets forth the din-trine that the According to the story or Uaud nrld will come to an end inlCline, he and Fart Vinsonhaler eleven days." lie has a wife. irf h business Dart of town but no children. ,ku i IB II II IIVIIK rVf PIIWI til j as t dark. When they reached a not sold in stores. Will call t warehouse within a few yard of homes on request, and do theL,. v;n.nv,.u. itua. rriBO flttinif. and teach how to adjust uyg eone from the darknesn and wear the corset. Our U.lor- of .he warhouM cajlwj at them ed made-Uvmeasure corsets, in- Vinsont.aler. Clinesays. cludin the latest front tare, with hrok ..j Pan h nin. Bav(( an experience.1 cursetier service, h iUrla to run. KUt fe duwn. Money to loan -on farm secur ity I rptiriHurit thri'P lari.'. lire insurance companies. Give me a tat Saturday nljrht when , the KniKhtsof rythias of Yamhill and W'ashintrton County held the annual district convention in the call. K. I. Kuratli. Kditor &'ott. of the News- imes. was in tow n Friday, look- mir after advertising for the cat- loirue for the county fair. Brood sow and some young ance w as around the fwo hundred pigs, llerkshire. for gale. -nte mar(. Grind Chancellor W. L. loya Alien, roren .i.rove. 9H Marks, of Alhanv. and Grand Keeper of Records & Seal. Lou Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vrooman, Stinon. of Salem, were Dresent oiroruana.visiie.iai n. me gnd Uo j,Mt Grandg of thf) I l I. tnKMuan mm ura jum- . . , , I llAmti uittM a sa at tka CAoaiAn At ll TJiiiai il weir ! tt v ocaoiuii coxt no more than high class cor sets purchasetl in store. Mrs. M. K. Caudle. Ilillsboro. Fifth and Jackson Streets, Phone No. Main 'Ml KM4 M.iiiip'iinijr Tui. Itar !! I II l. I .h V, liMin MouiUlmt I and the would-be robber cauitht him. demanding that he give him all he had. (Jline says that he told him I e had only a can of tobacco, and the robber said, Well, give me that" He sur rendered the smoking and the robber went away. Whether or not there was a Hon. W. K. )illey. passed Saturday morning. 'ortland. to loan on .1 his to- the highway i hu I robbery. " I ... - ! Vinsonnaier naa a waicn on nis person and feels gratified to think that he made his getaway. UNION STOCK YARDS Receipts for the week have been Mrs. M. It Sealer and mother, Mrs.Sirah Martin, were hostess i'r.in. Um,ii hr, ir....Mtio4i. K4 es to a party ot ten roruana .. ii I Il.ll.luu- Bill- I:... n.it tt lk. J ul t Himi -. I luir K III! IIIIIIUI 111 't men I I ... I ........ 4 . all. n r. 9 . ' . II n Iiua J.,i)cs...ii.,iir.ym.i....ru.fMOi" country home just on the iciver ...r . v . . . I-. i. I (..... V..llll. I ItmA L..mmiTl w t HUII a UUVIUUII VI UUU"l III I . . ill m i .1 .1 nf m -iiimttd. I VhdrurnM vuioi J i!". riiriciii.r0ti it i afternoon. Uiwn their arrival ... ... ' i I...-., .k, -iits . .nun,4i,i and some are ao uncharitable as v in r i mv f . i v i j -- i , . ,i.i . . . ...... U.....I i.... Hi I., .w. I. ...... .rim. "rjil" wm U say m inev mini 11 wui t I, AVKI'ni, laiwil . '-'"-- ' ' lljl -fll. ..III.., " " 1 -fi .. . ... , . .1- . . i I rpamn.nn In rrnrhten vounir in u-.i. ii. .. i.imn . iirnoo ti nveii. nonors is umif 10 mra. i " I... . .. ... it . I....:.. lannhUr I.lini. however. Dro- . . i 1 1 . . ; iiiiiins i i imuu i i iii am i m I'isnii i i ii in m itwiimii v w - as. w.i r..na .M.4 . f- tU lni.Hit HsnniHi IWlfU wun vcncmcuvr uiai mere ...... u,M. cu.i.ui. It i Ler.. futures of the afternoon. m Poetical joke about it ' - . . . . lan.l .wvinta tn lha mil nf ........ it i.....i..ri i.uttiirf ..-iwTioi mm ii s. I'.iniiis was an nonor. j .h. a in.im.n. r..f.ihr..Mi. mj ed guest of the afternoon. The M vrooi oi Tii ..nbu fcti. imc Haiiki. ki fo low ng are memuers oi v j iimi.ri. f4iu.rf., lwiioi I cluliv. Mendsme Opal liooeita. i iVrii.i h. Urutn kUiii rearrl'Ltnam. I). Livingston, 1. f.intrf .i'.inr!iu. Hi HirwUv. F. A. Anderson. It. A i..vtk i imwr iiuiaiioia.Hi iM-sier. iiranienourK. nryar iir.i i;miiii,riiuiii.l'oiniv (iilhland. Smith, Knack, Daisy Wr i tiKioo k I'lich. uui.iff...i'iineiitt I liliU'lt. Ilorton, Sarah Martin. J. M.wir, nirHhiil. .... Kof I'.r.i W lli.rtiii. Umirr lfHoii, m tt. ...i. ii.....a..l. ...m.. .l'ur.l t.rov. ...... I inn viri luniuti. Kinirf nn.u - ,,, ... , , i r ran a diibiji ,. mu..u.. i..,r, Hh.w tovrw.-M U'ngina. n wwk for cattle. Nearly all con f.....r. Tu.1.11. ""' cuuniry. i. .. ii.i.. ui call on mi'. ro. I none I ualatm Hotel. Mwm M nir,h M n Tlu Proirreaxive 'W Cub lloffs remain steady at a Not ui the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 man v loads of well finished stulT . 1. ....... II. II It V, I .. Il.-I I . . .... . . .. .ft... Ii:. ... I .. -.J - M .1 i.I.im n ui. rMepi in: i iw " ii l Aim on. on nv ivier iwwi. rime lurwaru anu iihiuviiu ft .ft. ..I.I . . . ... I I ... -Ll. tl nr.-1' i-cmc ami siop ai me m-- viuimMuv nveninir. June iz. non aua iiv Dnces neia weiu nut ort Main street. nM f.iimir to Mrs. Sarah Martin r A fair run of sheep for the To romanu mnA unwrt Seater. A dainty week with Drtces lower ana mar 1'orent Grove Train fi:.M a. m. uncheon was served. Piano ket Inactive. Spring lambs are ftMcMmnvtlw train n :. a. m. ,ions were rendered by Mrs. coming in small consignments i.'i.i.i K..atr. Miss Letitia len-ion v. Choice lam ds are selling bom. sister of the hostess, was a at 7 W, ewes 5, and wethers at ffuest from Portland. inenexi 5 6U. meeting will be he.il at tn nome of Mr. and Mrs. Victor uani, Saturday evening, Here vou are Mr. Farmer -7 and 8 per cent, money-see me. V,. 1.. i ersins, iwum i vwn. . ..I a ii 1UI...IU. 1m ciai iiuig.,iiiiuuTi v"w. Six insane for as many dayi wasaurettv strong record for . .0:40 p. m. county court, last week. Two or .7:15 i). m. Iihr.. of them, nowever. were ii... k I w r.lwood. P catlle; 1564: calvea. 36; hogs, ulies in diameter, fence rails, L... u .i.. ImariU of ail sinus, inio p. Inwor than taut I .I.- U.. ill .M nlA ' " ieoKu;. " hi a wwk for cjmie, Neary a con. ry,i- lu J um.i iirnmenU are grass cattle, qual- '?S?irt ty not above the average. Hulk .. t ty 41.2. or call at f n iroun(, 7 to 7 25. . I. AND I. I!. A I'.. Sheridan Train WW Forest Grove Train P2:50 p. m. MoMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. l oreft Grove Train... 4:10 p. m. Kugene Train 4;ii:i p. m. Mi Minnville Train 6:40 p. in. Fonut Grove Train U:60 p. m. Fmm Portland Kureno Train arrives ..H:l.r a. m. OREUON ELOCTRIC TRAINS 55 minutes. Mc.Minnvilli' I'or.'xt Grove Forist Grove Slitn.lan McMinnville I'lirest Grove Forest Grove McMinnvilto A 1 1 trains U:45a, m. .11:511 a. m. ,.:l.r p. m. , .4::i p. m. To Portland 6:32 7:18 8:28 9:58 . 12:43 3:58 , 5:43 , a m a m a m a m pm p m .pm pm m 0.10 . 9:00 p. m. rases of long standing, while one - loir onlvl D . .. . p 1 ... . . I " 1 ' .l:io a. m. of them was a case 01 vui.kc. m-. j. Prlrt.njry: m nute. .. ll.... a ..I I. -..a a Tha llVllim I . .w... . BUILI Ull iimk avimfniHi wriiiicira, u . m 1" .1 ..!... -. ki..u .1 ... tl.nl tka uiirm 1.""""" " " .mmii ami main, av urm ivim auinoruiea j " ":'"o.ort am ami Fir streets; at Sixth and rir weather generally means an in- a m Htr.-etH and at Tenth street. crease in the number of inmate", D m rieam service v.a i-i'm rM w ifrtata security Of 197 -..Dm To Portland fered for loans at 7 and 8 per 6:25 n pm P. U. & N. Train 4:30 p. m. cent. Call and look applications 7:i3 p m fc'mm iwii.n.l over. K. U Pericina, iiiiisDoro. o:i2 Sat only pm 1. 1 ir. i io.ijk n i r. M r-nin a. ni. uiegun. I. IV, OL 11. . - .... . i . itiiiuimivi Me. and Mrs. Walter JBCKSOn, 1 IHII nill'LIUI. UUO !. I.imo." s -t . . n . ' ' .. .. ..i a . i . . j a... w.riiniiv I . . . h nt 2:00 p. m. from t'ortiana oi rcnianu. la.i.jr w. 7-- TO AUTOWluoiLti uwntKs Saturday and Sunday only. . for a viait wiin wra. m. c- Forest (Jrovo Special-(batur- son. , ---rS, r.XT. The tmmittee on the Fourth of sw ------ ...;.. ,a m nJL'JY KIIIGHTS ATTBID i p. co:;(fiiiio:i Held at North Plains Last Sat urday Nirht. In Pythian Hall BIG FR4TrSN4L EVENT I NEW CITY Grist Vke Ckiacclar Maria, aal 0. It. I. S SliaMa, Prescal The fraternal event of the year was in evidence at North Plains. YES! VIE HAVE IT Itl STOCK! One Million Board feet of Good Lumber A stock ol lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save you the expeusc of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Oar specialties arc quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment. less with this company. You cau d j better for new rythian flail city on the United. tn the new The attend- Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry.'CVs. Tracks. A D SO LU r E L Y . 1'verything in Building Material Newell, of above -Frank S. Grant, of through the city r" Jnn M- Will of Money Portland, hillsboro. enroute for Two state senators and one rep resentatives were on the roll call Senator W. D. Wood, of this first-class r ,r.m ak 7'7 villV. and Representative W. U. Uun y Abstract & litle Urn- H of thcount pany; by L. J. McAlear. Mana- Ed Wj h D p G. C. of Ker. in 1 1 . r k- 1 a vn-ii v w a a a w ar m Dr. A. R. and Mrs. Bailey and j. W. Good in. who called the son, itruce. or roruana. were program or welcome ana re- sruests at the home of Dr. F. A. sponses. Hon. B. P. Cornelius iailey and wife. Sunday. delivered the address of welcome i Tt.,. k. r.,..o. nim and it was one of the best of Hen Thurnher. of above Bloom- ff itami(l from the nu. was in iown ine iasi 01 me 1 A. aM fraul kv week. Hay cutting is in order m. r up his way. I !rnli0rln pnrit r.rove. Wanted: -From 20 to 100 head Grant Mann. Cornelius. J. W. of stock sheep, ewes or lambs. Wescott. Gaston. Long, of Hills- Parties havinjr such for sale. boro. and C. Goodrich. Yamhill, please write and say what breed. The new hall was dedicated condition and price. W. B. Pet- by Marks, G. C. assisted by the city. Senator Vinton, of McMinn erson, iceedville. nil Gabe Essner, of above Moun- taindale. was in town Saturday, enroute to Portland. He says he will put in about a half mile of rock road in his district before the season closes. following: John M. Wall. Stinson. Vinton. Broderson. Wescott and Lonsr. The ceremonies were at tended by the ladies, and after the third rank was conferred by the Hillsboro Lodge, the dir- as sembly was seated to a delight ful supper served by tne wives of the Knights and the Pythian SAFETY: Your money is'safer in the bank than in your cash drawer. PKE3T1GE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by bein able to give a bank reference. DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often ob- tained, if you have a commercial bank account. CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid. There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come in and see us and we will tell you more. 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National Sanh TMPafffS., HWtbvo, Oro If vou wish to have bed com' forters made, or lace curtains Sisters, aundried. give me a call. Prices There was an open meetm reasonable. -Mrs. II Cave, cor- after the ritualistic worlt. Ad nr Knurl h ami Washington Sts. dresses were delivered by W. G. hone Main 323. 12-4 Hare. W. L. Marks, and Lou Stinson. These speeches were Samuel draf and hrwin Kit- wen received, and each talker ter, of Kethany. Mr. Hasse. ot waa t his best South lualatin, r. L. isrown. of bhaily lirooK. Aiirea uueroer. COFFEE CLUB COOK BOOKS 01 Helvetia ana jonn Alter, 01 lkitli.vi u, iih in Qafniltttr An in.,.V,a i,,u;n ' The new edition of the Coffee OU.OU..V vu. I-.,.. ...... ! . I. I V'luo kook nooK is nowonaaie. For Sale: Auto in first-class This is a re-print of the book condition. Will sell very reason- miblished in 1911. with 100 addi able, or trade for a good, young tional recipes, and the sale price team, harness and light wagon. 13 f0 cents. Team must be 1000 to 1200 each. The books are on sale at the Call 16x. Forest Grove -North following places: Seventh Street, 6tf TYM. Davis and family, ot Boiso. Idaho, are guests at the home of II. R. Davis, of South Tualatin. They are accompanied by Mrs. W. W. Shafer. of Boise Mr. and Mrs. Uavis arc the par ents of their host, and Mrs. Shafer is a sister. Vaught's Grocery. Hillsboro Mercantile Co. Combs' Furniture Store. Gragg & Powell Grocery. Ross Grocery. Rest Room. Second St, Morton Greenhouse near ays only -alahration are nutt nn rom Portland 10:33 p. m. many years. , forth every effort to make this 0 Portland 11:16 P- m. r.rover Coml will soon ppen thl heat celebration that Hillsbo a motion picture bouse In p1119' I ro hsui ever had. Owing to the boro. He has already purcnasea elbortte preparations being the riant and will first operate mdefoP this, the parade com- at the celebration grounds. m)ttee nave eft nothing undone i,.nu. haa the most to make this the largest, grand complete line of Eastman Kodaks est. and the best parale that W.H ..... mi..... ,i juaiAi.. unlit nm ku vpr mvn. Weask and supplies. u,v.W- "rr' ... ... . . 1 . .. ... mis counvy 1,0 great pagaent. awarded for the llench Special (on P. U. & N.) 'Iiv. Hillsboro Sat. at 3:02 P. M. Koturn " Sun. at 9:22 P. M. SUKPKISB ... 1. n 1 i. -fll.... nn,i .rinliriU' Mr. anil Mrs. K. J. onnwanne.ui ink k - mobile owner in ! SHii-irdin. were given a mm pave Wenger. for years the mou e , thig WiilnoHiliiv evening. June lfi, by ti..ii..iit thresherman. was in K. U- 0 - - m l a. iivivi - I rnZCD Will UU nn ni U.J ivi m- the young people of that com- the city the last of the week. K t decorated aut08t it is not M. Tlwt iitmninif Willi anAftl .! .11,41 I . . a. miinity, Th evening was speni moeting friends in am.s. and at midnigni iignu Wi.. l)h 0f neai" Schief rH rcHhnionts were served. Those ! Will am kooo. 01 n pmunt were Wi ma Zetzman, - ' cl af toon Edna, IWnico Bnd Kstner.iiein- rieliH. Ida and Ella LuekUeor- k. E. Schmeiizer anu lanmj Kin:i Hemllor, Mrs. W. Zetsman, are now resldinjr near u o a Mra. Aug. Kahlo, Paul Wegner, Angeles, having let 1 oan inegw. Gorhurt and Conrad Schwanko, . Hollenbeck. of above Arthur Jonple, Roy and 1 Wiiinar Mtainrtftlo. was in town the . .l Ika uinuk IIU-J lln'mrii'hu. Andrew ai'd IIM .I I It II ...,II..M l!nll I .11, Vrit'lMIK, II. Ituillliui, t"J "I , ... , 1, . w fl wig, Rev. and Mrs. Luecke, Ml Alfred Htyw.wJ.of 0 wiii Sulinow. Gladys Eichleifi In town Saturday. of Oak Park, necessary to decorate your auio to come in the parade, but again we ask that every automobile owner in this county should feel it his dutv to help the committee and partlciptte on the morning of July D. W. J. Gregg, of Leisyville, was in town Monday morning, He reports the hops are doing more than nicely tne past ion night " ; Pasturage, close in', for cattle and horses. Abundance of feed. G. L Huston, of Oak Park, shade and running water. Stock sold his tract, as well as his salted every day. Phone 0185, Beaverlon store interests, and Edw. L. Naylor, forest Grove, will soon leave for Harney Ore. 13-5 County, where ho has a body of Miss-Edith Marie Chambers, of land, close 10 a Dig range, tie Hillsboro, was graduated as a will go into, the cattle business hurse from the St. Vincent's up in the plateau region. . Hospital, last Thursday evening. rho house on the John Ireland There were nineteen additional farm, near Greenville, was slight- Rraduates, ly damaged by hre, last Friday Mail your Kodak films to the afternoon, and some of the Hillsboro Pharmacy. They de- furniture damaged. Julius Vuyl- veloD and orint and are the steke has the place under lease, agents for Eastman supplies. The blaze cauztu irom a ae-i fective Hue. John Vanderwal A. C. Kruger and C S. Hay ad ins ted the insurance, which nes. of near Sherwood, were in was verv little. the city Saturday, interested in . t oi.. -.rin 1. the Autenrtetn bridge ana nil ftiercnani umy, 01 vjaico viwj, . ,.,u ..1 u:a his way, the Rrain crop, and the u;r, " hay, are all looking as tine as in Cordwood for sale, delivered the history of the upper valley. jn Hillsboro, at $2.75 per cord. Lou Stinson. of Salem, and Sen- Teleohone the SiDDrell Mill. 16 ator Vinton, of McMinnville, tell M w. ... , .L . 1 ik.i J...- I . IIUIIVS" If Ul.D WW.III III UHI' lA?lLV"Z n' V." fornia my horse. Ben Wessinger, no range A regular cloudburst visited tlillatmrn Kriilnv. shorllv aftpr rier, on me oim uimm. K i o,..i. Co. fi. could not carry off the heavy .i...w... downpour, and the streets, be- - Misses Delia and Nona Purvis tween the curbs, were miniature departed the last or tne week lakes. The strange part of it for their home in Seattle, was that while the djwnpour lasted 20 minutes or more, a half mile south of the condenser th hriiltro deck waa as drv as a bone, and farmers worked in W. T. Kerr went ,td Castle thairhavin the South Tualatin Rock the last of the week on a section. ' ' snon Dusiness inp. Wm. The Shute Savings Bank Is am Old Reliable Institution with Resources of over , $300,000.00 If you are not familiar with banking methods call and talk it over with us and we will gladly give yon any information desired. All business strictly confidential. Ac counts of Women and Child dren solicited 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. A. McGill, Pres. A. C. Shute, Vice-Pres. W. Mahon, Cash. W. V. Bergen, Asst. Cashier , re in Washington County have T h7I wlhU , equal in the state, within the lrlfkt 9 51 J' . tk!P ravpiq in charge or J. N. McKinney.- nge of their travels. w McQuillian 13.4 Afiet -aw-- the Picture be- ?r i- r Mure lid viuiitr To do that successfully ycu must have a Ssneca Camera , The perfect view fades quickly; the ideal expres sion soon vanished; so you must have the Quick Camera and that's the Seneca. New Senecas have faster lenses, quicker shutters, make better pictures. The whole tribe is here in our store come and see them. FILMS FOR ALL MAKES LAUREL n. IIOYT H1LLSDORO. 'ORE. Van Lorn, the mail car- Route 1, Cornelius, was F. U. Sipprell, of South'Tuala- tin, was in the city Friday after noon. ... 8H :-.j'35S.'lvV:. 4 '