4 ,ii i -wGU MIS n ISOR FOR COUNTY SCHOOLSt:1 t.Uini lhlSbl Meve lie) IkiulillrJ htinieiteely he Ollklal II iUIUN hOUD AMUI tlULSI 4CT io. U kel Sl leele M al aailua l aid II. MS Ah there i irrat d-al of inter ,st t;ik ti on Urth aiilra dt the SnH-rir (if ivhuol mutation, mi. I a many U-liove that it haa a moan of ttrrat brnffit to ih iMunty achKl ir- grm-ral. thi'Arttut uti!ihr the follow ink' front a rrader of the a r. 1 1 NU'K.rt of appointment of nji'h an ollicial Why wliould a M-titioii cir hiLiIim! Htiuiiik' thciu-hool diirrt ,.r of Washington County to nUiliKh lh oIlW of Kural Suiht v i.i,.r? The work of the buimt visor l ruU to build up the rural ,-..itimunitii'of thin county. The m li"oU hnvo Un benetittrd in inuny way liy viail from thr , rinti'nilfiil't ollice. Teach' nit hau U"n anintctl in their ..rk of conducting recitation. m-Ihni inanairement, diiwiplinc, in.ikiiikf of program and reMrt, iui'l in many inntancc. the "rik'lit teacher" ha tieon HecureJ f..r Che "right school." 1 he recommendation of four priuuiiient men of the county who art wich th uHrintrnJent m inemlier of the etiucational Lo ir I i worthy of connideralion. a i.i Che fact that the cot of rn.unlainintf uijMTlnion I It r. n nti on f I.ikni valuation. MPS. CUNtlN SAUI.Wr Mr-t Carolina Sagert of Tuala t.n. ilieti at Che home oi ner son. l.'nii( Sagert. Tualatin, Thurs- .l iv. June 10. 1915. Her maiden n.iine w;n Jurgenrt. ami she M u.ni in Waiileck, i.ermany, in I V.?. She w an to married Krcde- I i u k k'ert, ana in izti iney i. -t:in io ureiron. ine nusuana h .1 in lSlnl. The following chil .'.tin nurvive; liuis, of Tuala tin; Mr. Jacoci nirmore. oi HhlhlKiro; K. W.. of Tualatin; Mr. John OrndutT. laurel, and I mi,, of Si f Con. ah. Mm. Sattert wa.1 highly re l .vtnl. and her death i caune f ir yenusne regret to a larjre cir- i i t - . 14 i ill II leliiH. 1a funtral twak place Friday. N01ICI! fl i KverfreKh riant will start fc't-i ration in IliUnwm. on lk'an- iri.H. uUmt June ZL will pay t ifiitH H-r Mund. delivered at 'iii.C, with a Jamil or one-ijuar- . r cent for larne iH-rrie in lime liiimi - I'vi-rfn-Mli rinnl ! rank J. Morton, Maunder. U.mM.-h i.f Ihcrly Candidate l-irn;irel Mann I5.H15 ir..n7o .ucile Ciiliier. .nura (Inrdner ... iirthu Olseii '.o:i Walch Mint (Iilkey ' l"V h rwuHon . . . t;t Trnllinirer . . Oimhi 1'uiiper i:t.l55 1J.UV, ...MuTi ..:t:t70 . . t!7K5 A it'll" Ki'lsmnn ... . . .Jt70 .my Ue.it herred ..HkSTi icla IJosH t tli llurliHon Hi ('riuidull , . . 1MK) ,. 1570 ...15(H) JVMI.S MONKOli KWIlNiCS ;ninM MonriM' Uiiilnert. or aK ark, died ul m hume Juno 12, '.'l.'i, after tin illiicH of sevpial h I ks. lie wan bom in Viritinia, In Is".:!. When a Uv his ttarents loved to MiHsmiri, and later em (! mi imi to jcxtw, wher nt was uirried to Mix Alice I'okup, in 1. Two sons wero born to In union. (Minutef nmt HellierL" H' youmrer huvimr nassed nway V uvh 22. of this vear. He i ui'vivcd by hid widow and the pni! :ion, Chimtor. who resides on n" homo place. Iwo brothers nd three sisters survive. Mr. Alices came to Oregon in 1888, nj li:iH lived here continuouHlv ince that date. He wiih a member of the M. E, 'Inirch, was a trustworthy citi (,ii, highly cHtiymed. and had ii iu il tho respect, and conlldence v a lurire circle of friends. Jin! funeral service wai con k IimI by Itev. Myers, of the M. Uiurch, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilklns, of "i lluiid. came out yesterday to IHi'iiil the Donelson-Kamna wed- nur. They Wr re at the wedding II irr, and Mrn. Kamna. and k'-re iiImo at the silver anni- f I'Hiiry, lust year. Mrs. J. W. ltoiloy an'd son, ml. and Miss Eva Bailey left itii'Hiliiy for a month's sojourn in -uiioiniii, where they will visit li expositions at San Francisco nil Sun Dii.tm. and other ooints i InlcrcHt. U 'lin Carat ens, of Banks, was ypy caller today, A Mini firilwrAul m. .... m . 1 1 ...I . . L lie I a native i ijni ldT. ami came to the United Statra :ti; years auo. He ha leen in Ore- iron Z year, and ha a faniilv of 8 children. White had a ner- voo breakdown alxmt live year av". ami nime that time ha been very aiiMpirioiiNof hisneiKh tMr. He had aomo trouble a yenr or m auo throutfh a threat to kill a neighbor, and was exam ined a to hi sanity. He wa (ermitted to iro home, however, and a few week ago threatened to shoot Krncst Cre-kpaum. an other neighbor. iVeektiaum had him arrested and White wa placed under Umr The charife of insanity wa ftbd. however. and thi settled the justice court cane. V hite wa taken tu Salem yesterday evening. I'rjbute: Km ate of Elisha Howell cliMe of record. John (late apuiinted adminiatrator estate of llarbara Ann (late de ceased, with Umds fixed at $5.(KK. Ja. Sewell. surety, and ('. K. Hornecker. J. It. Hanley and liui Tower appraisers; estate's value heinir $.26. Estate J. Fixpia. deceased; total value after debt were paid amount to $ R.5ii)75. subject to Inheritance tax of f 101 55- ordered that same be paid and hnal settlement set for July 12. Sale of real projierty of Kdward and los I!. I.ivintfttn. minors, ordered, and citation directed, land Involved, one acre. Estate Alex It. MclKmnell closed of record. The Chautaijua at Fort-st drove i proving of mu.-h Interest. The program for the next three days will be esecially instructive and entertaininir. Tomorrow after noon the I loyal Hungarian or chestra will irive a concert, which will be followed by a lecture by Arthur Franike. In the evening the orchestra will attain be on the program, and Marietta IMI, the child impersonator, will give several selections. Satur day, liuckner's Jubilee Sinners will entertain, afternoon and evening, his subject beintr "(lov ernment Ownership of Itail road." The J ubilee Singers and the Senabjrs will be features in the Sunday program. Mm. C E. Diechman. Mrs. C. I Wells and Dr. F. A. Bailey represented the local Eastern Star lodtre at the Grand Chapter n Portland, this week. Mr. and Mrs.Shinaberirerand daugh ter, Myrtle; Miss Grace Diech man, .the Misses Furves, Mrs. J. I. Fot)te and Kenneth ICobb at tended the social reception and a a i - excursion atsiara me oieamer lU-ar, which made the trip to St Helens from Portland and return, Monday niutit. Members of the Masonic and hastern Mar orders. numbering 875. made this trip. Fred Opitz, who was sent to the asylum the other day. had a reputation for honesty, to say the least A few years ago Opitz was ulaccd in the city calaboose for being inebriated. In the mattress during his incarcer ation. he found $150 belonging to a man who had been jailed veek or so before. UpitZ. 88 xn a released, went to Cashier jack and surrendered it without word, voluntarily Iturbank seed itotatoea for sale. Phone Kx57, or write frank ( r....ner. i sboro. Kouie o. iwx xi. Place s Dcatod l miles southeast of Hillsboro, on farm i igton road. lv L Moore, while handling some machinery the first of the week, was seriously injured at the laundry in South Hillsboro. A lurire machine toppled ana hrnised his chest and fractured one of his ankles. Mrs. Moore summoned aid and soon had him released. Dr. Krwm is attend inir iht iniuries and he is able to navigate with the aid of crutches Herbert Mattesen. of Gaston, limn down to Hillsboro the first of the week. Herb haa a Dig petition asking that he w ap nninted deoutv game warden. ' : ' ' . . i . ...in I.. As the name waraensnip win we declined by Mr. Lea. the recent appointee, no appointments wu be made for some lime. Pasturage, close ih, for cattle ami homes. Abundance or reeo shade and running water. Stock salted every day. Phone uiuo, KAu. I.. Nav or. roresi iiiove, Ore. 13B Mail y6ur Kodak Alms to the iiiiuhnra Pharmacy. They de- uinn and orint. and are the agents for Eastman supplies. Dance, at North Plains, Satur day night June 19. Five cents a iiAnoa. Sneed's orchestra, o Portland, will furnish the music Gooil time. Everybody Invited Twenty per cent discount on nil lacA curtains at ri. I, uonei son'B-successor to G. C. Ombs, Furniture store Second and Mair Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Meade and daughter, Marjorio, visited with friends in town, Sunday. Born, June 15, 1915, in Hills boro, to L C. Melquist and wife, a son. Wes Redmond was a Banks visitor yesterday afternoon. John Whit, of tinr Corntllul, 'W ymtrrtlav av Mini if mi lian. ens pji1 3 f I'rUes (liven for Decorated llab Huciles, IMI-lkiKXlcs. Wacoaa CilARACTI IS - A SW CIAL II All iK AN CbiUrca l WaaiilM Ul U H4 la ParticlMl The children's parade will lx- on Saturday afternoon. July3. at 2 o'clock, and the ladies Auxiliary is working hard to make this one of the best features of the cele bration. The children will assemble on the north side of the court yard, the parade forming on the corner of Second and Main, and the line of march will be down Sec ond to Washington, to Third, to Main, to Second. Cash prizes will be civen as follows: Doll buggies, best decorated; $5 for 1st prize; $3 for 2nd. and I for 3rd prize, bins under 10 ears. Little wagons, best decorated: it. 2nd and 3rd fprizes $5. $3 and $2. Boys under 10. Com mittee in charge of the doll bug- try and wagon sections -Mrs. It. Heater. Mrs. W. G. Hare and Mrs. J. P. Tamiesie Baby buggies, best decorated; S5 for 1st prize: $3 for 2nd. and for 3rd. Committee -Me. arnes J. h. Iteeves, L. W. lied- mond. L A. tang. Characters, best represented. nd most oomioal. Children un der (9 may compete tor these prizes -one to be given for best represented and on for most comical under 10 years, and over 10. Four prizes of $2.50 each. Committee in charge Mesdames Geo. It Bagley, C. W. Collins. C. tl Wells. All children in Washington are cordially invited to participate in this parade, and those not in the doll-buggy or wagon division. are requested to march and ca- ry a rlar. The committee will urmsh flags. A ticket to the ui a moving picture snow win oe givfvi to each child in the parade. The committees earnestly re quest all children to phone or send in their names to the ladies in charge of the division the child wishes to march in. The taby-buggy committee wishes the names of those competing also, as this would expedite final arrangements. TO SCHOOL tiOAKOS he following letters have been sent to school directors by the fchool superintendent and the County Board of Education: To School Directors of Wash ington County, Oregon -Gentlemen: In view of the fact that the school directors of the county are askinir for data on the cost of maintaining the Kural School Supervisor. I am submitting the ollowing facts: Valuation of Wahhington Coun tv. X21.78o.7J8.tii Cost of Supervisor, salary and traveling expenses, $1,298.30. The tax to maintain supervisor on each $1000 of assessed valua tion is less than 6 cents. Yours very truly. B. W. Barnes, Co. School Supt Hillsboro, Ore., May 27. 1915. The County Educational Board met at Hillsboro, Ore., on June 7, 1915, for the purpose ot hiring a Kural School Supervisor for the ensuing year. After a careful consideration of the work done during the past four years, we wish to state that we consider the Kural School Supervisor nec esaary tor tne uesi interests oi . . , . , . . . e the schools o: Washington Loun- tv. We understand that a peti tion is being circulated to do awav with the supervisor. It is our opinion that to do this at this time would be taking a step backward. We ask your careful consideration of the question be fore signing the petition. Respectfully. G. A. Plieth. Sherwood. K. 1 Chas. H. Bam ford, Forest Grove. R. 1. J, W. Goodin. Hillsboro, K, 3 Forest Grove. B. W. Barnes, Pres., Hillsboro. County Educational Board. Marriage licenses have been ir ran ted to the following: Chas, L. Hill and Bertha M. Anderson Seth Miller and Kate Kelsey, Braden Miller and Henrietta -. Cuene: Ralph Miller and Bessie I J. Martin. Washington County's appor tionment for county fair aid and premiums amounts to $1,490.13, and the secretary of state will soon send the funds to the coun ty treasurer. Samuel Paisley, representative, was in the city Tuesday. He is but death took away her bene traveling oyer the county get- factor some 3 months ago, and ting signatures against the ap- ' since that time the unfortunate pointment of a school supervisor, woman has had no one to care and says he is meeting with con-, for her. Dr. Wood made the ex aiderable success. amination for sanity. Miss Hter Hartlsun II vft Ing f riehds at Newport this wirk. Fl Boon, of Forest Grove, wa a city caller yesterday afternoon The Kodak seanun il now on. Go to the Pharmacy for your supplies. Willis Ireland and S. C. Killen were in attendance at the Mason ic grand lodi?e this week. Second-hand Mil waukie binder. !n good shape, for Hale. Percy tang. Married. June 10. l'Jir,. Iter. J. S. Lucas ofhciatintr. Howard S. Lilly and Margaret Ill!er Drink Celro Kola. "First for 1 hirst," 5r at your favorite fountain. Marriage license has been trranted Geo. Gray and Maxine Keany. This is the time to use Fly Spray. U0 rents per gallon, at the Delta Drug SU)re. Mrs. W. II. Montgomery is visiting her daughter in Seattle, and will remain several weeks. Greer want your cherries and vegetables. Bring them in. Will give market price. - 12-3 Mrs. Mary Palmer, state presi dent of tne IMiekahs. met with the local lodge, Monday evening, on an ollicial visit. Buy your Kodaks and supplies from the Delta Drug Store. Agents KaHtman Kodak G. D. li ling is home from Georgetown University. Wash- ngton. D. t bstiend his vaca tion, arriving in Tuesday. Try some of that fancy Eastern corn, just received at C B. Bu chanan & Co. Gaston beat the Hillsboro Grays last Sunday, score 10 to C. mbne s batting was a feature of the game. We have a full line of Kodaks and supplies, and we do develop- ng and printing. Delta Drug Store. Seth Miller and Kate Kelsey, of the Scholia section, were mar ried June 15. 1915. Uev. Myers. of Hillsboro officiating. Fred Schlapskohl and Myrtle Akins were united in marriaee at the home of rreu Ikiwlby, South Tualatin. June 15. Kev. Myers officiating. Wm. McQuillian departs Sat urday for San Maeto and Red wood City, where he will attend lawsuit in which his nephew and niece are interested. Mrs. Wm. Morrow, of Los An geles, visited with her relitives, Mrs. Baldwin and daughters and Mr. ard Mrs. Geo. Kmmott, this week. It Puliols, of West Union, de parted yesterday for San Fran cisco to see the Fair. He ex peels to look up John Dennis and all the Oregon bunch. ('has. L Hill, Nebraska, and Berthine Anderson were united in marriage June 12. 1912, at the home of J. A. Anderson, above Forest Grove. Notice-While absent, in ?ali fornia mv horse, Ben Wessinger, can be found at the Wiley stable in charge of J. N. McKinney.-- W. McQuillian. 13-4 Spanish-American War Veter ans who attended the McMinn- ville encampment, this week. were Dr. L. W. Hyde, Frank Jensen, W. S. Atchison, Dr. Sears. J. C. Smith, L. H. Shir ey, C. W. Purdin and Geo. Hart Willie Days, returned to the Reform School the other day from this county, after being taken up for the robbery of the Hillsboro Mercantile, has escaped from the state institution, and it is thought that he has gone to San Francisc Sheriff Reeves brought in Ber nice mown Mixer ana l. m, Kennedy, of Timber, Monday morning, and a charge of illegal ly selling liquor was lodged against them. Kennedy put up $175 cash bail, and the woman in the case has wen patiently wait ing for a bond, which has been fixed at $150 in Judge Smith's court Most beginning-teachers find schools in the country and after successful teaching experience are able to till positions in the city schools, getting benefit cf supervision in every department It is hardly possible for the su perintendent to do more in the way of supervision than to call once a year on each school. The teacher receives no particular help in her methods and know ing that another visit will not be iuk a. 1 u v mm llr iiv a w x - w tiibw- ma(ie durinor the year, her inter I--' T est in the work often lags. Miss Mary Koppe, of Orencol was adjudged insane luesday morning. She is aged 58 years and is a native of Germany. Her trouble has been with her since birth. She has been in Orenco four years. A sister has cared for her for a number of years, 0I! hORED THREE PASS EIGHTH 6IL'J)E June Clas Covers Clraduathxi all Parts of Cunty SCHOOtS OITTlSfl DOWN TO M1SI3ESS Sec4 Bf Clasl iteScbMl Get DiplMBM Yeat The county examining board passed 103 Eighth Grade gradu ates last week, the second big class of the schod year. The superintendent feels gratified over the big graduation classes, and the office feels that much of the year's school success is due to the standardization encour aged by the school supervisor. The graduates: Laurel -Cecil A Schmidt and Kay Clarke. Beaverton. R 2 -Otto Bauer. II illslioro-Gladys Eichler. Elsa Tews. Amelia Peterson, Kathryn Dooher. Earl Carter. Marjone Wells, Millard Gates. IiuGrabeL Arthur Keiling, Pearl Gardner, Ruey Fstepp. Adah Ketcham, Ldgar Kamna. Russell StaurTer. Archie Pitman. Dorothy Linkla ter. Joi n Kampe. Mae Davis. Ethel Johnson. Irl Park, Keot Lvtle. Bernice Heinrichs, Astella Goodin. John and Gertrude Liv ingston. Cornelius. R 2-Eva Simpson, Estella Asbahr.Ivan Zimmerman. Forest Grove Kay Mark ham. Edna McCaleb. Clyde Giltner. Harley Barber. Clifford LaFoun- tain. LaVerne Lawson. Wilbur Lamb. Bert Domon, Galen Tuck er. Vivian besseman, uiaays Stocker. ray Tern pie ton. Mary Stockman. Winston Ashley, Louis Stevenson. Iil Lnclas Uickoi. Rotit Htrde brck. OIlv HuDilley. roici urmrf, k i Utile iioar, II Wt:.1er. Churl Kennedy. (ftoion once lite. tUnki, K j Wilfred end Lawrence Grrcne, Gertrude and Grace Parker. Bank Krwto Stewart, Loreoe Yoang GiMm. K l Clarence DenaU. Fells McCul lough. Braverlon, R I George Bolder. North Plaint hthel Trout man. Tiean! Ilirold Caae. Sherwood. R s laabeila tod Beetle lxw. Button Vernice PoIer, Irene Par ka, Michael Wirfa. tkavertou Ida Bucher, Clarence Carl bop. Charlotte VanC leave. Roy Kmmooe, Cid)l Tallman. Vad 8terart, IJoyd Galloway. Carl Mat ike. Will Zimbtick H-avcrtou. R t Lynn C Sherman. Orruco Aana Baker, Olive Head, Mane Scbirdel. Kreil Straight. Paul Newman, Frederick Hallwyler, Alma Peteraon, Frank Turner, Frieda Konta, Frauk Culver. llat.ka, K I Naomi Arthur, Pansy Gibnoa. liillihoro, R t Gladya Taylor. -Laurel. R t Lucille George. Ilillaluro. R i Mwanl ScheidL John J NuMlwmmer, Tbomai IlorilKan. Holliruok, R l-Mna Schulthitaz. Portland, R Leona Schindler. Timber frank Peeper. Ntwberx, R 3 Meilford Courtney. Foirt Grove, R Alfred Vauderxan den, Martin Httnien, Flomte Poilea SPECIAL BUSINESS Annual School Meeting Monday Are your children compelled to sit in a school room in which there is a stove, roasting those near it and leaving those at distance to freeze? Are they subjected to the cold draughts from open windows? The hos pitalsare full of women suffering the consequences of sitting in school, at 12 to 14 years of age, with cold, wet feet and over heated heads. Over 28,000 school rooms in al parts of the United States and Canada are now heated and ven tilated by the Waterbury System It warms a large room equally in all parts. It keeps the warm air circulating so that it comes right down to the floor, warming and drying the children's feet It completely changes the air 4 or 5 times per hour .without opening the windows. It does away with the poisonous carbon dioxide which causes drowsiness and headaches. It looks so much -better than a stove. Those rough made iron jackets are especially unsightly. You would scorn such a thing in your home. They only partly do the work intended. The stove has been outlawed for schools in several states and soon will be in Oregon. Fathers and Mothers it is your duty to attend the annual school meeting next Monday and vote no organize the school board t have a Waterbury system in stalled. The health ot one child, your child, is worth the price of Waterbury system, from $100 to $180. For more information write to Prof, N. A. Frost, Forest Grove. Miss Elizabeth Richter. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and John Landolf, of Chicago, Illinois. wh are on an extended tour through the West, are spending a few weeks at the home of MY. and Mrs. J. C. Radke, of near Sewel C. C Arns, of Cedar Mill, was in town Tuesday. He says that Fall grain is looking fine down his way, with promise of a good crop. John VanAcker. Kvlrrfrm tfc mm V S m. Col. Thoa. Beaverdam farm, be longing to J. C. Buchanan, be- leves it la lucky to have visitors. Last Sunday, while the folks were away Mr. VanAckere and the other men concluded to have little nap. Just before Van dropped into slumber the tooting of an auto horn was heard and the Hellebuycke boys drove up. After shaking hand and a few commonplace exchanges they discovered that the roof of the kitchen was ablaze in three places. Had the boys not made the visit Van would anon have been asleep and the fire would have made such headway that the house and contents could not have been saved. As it was the damage amounted to but a few dollars, and Agent Vanderwal adjusted the loss the next day. Fred Osmin Opitz and Charles Opitz. of near Bethany, where they own a ten acre tract in the Brugger platting, were Monday adjudged insane. Dr. Erwin mak ing the examinations. The elder. red. has been mentally afflicted for some time, and recently nail ed up a watering trough because spirit told him. he says, that the heifers would get into the place and drown. Charles. a?ed 39 years, will probably not re main long at Salem. Fred has been more or less of a hard drinker. He was examined here or 4 years ago. but was allow ed his freedom.. Chas. is said to be suicidal at limes, and both men complain of severe head aches. They have an uncle. Otto UpitZ. highly respected, and an employee of the Lawrence whole sale harness people In Portland. The committee on Goddess of Liberty has tickets in practically all the business houses in the city. Ask for them. The annual Children's Day ser vice will be held next Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock, at the lymouth Church. The pastor will give an elaborate illustrated sermon. All are invited. A special service will be held next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Miss Ida Woodbury will deliver an address on "Our Relations U the World." Miss Woodbury is an exceptionally gifted speaker. TL- .Li' . a iic puouc is inviiea. At the tennis tournament at Forest Grove, this week. Fred Siegrist and J. H. Garrett, Hills- boro, won from Buriingame and Goff. the Grove. 6-4, 10-12. 6-3; Siegrist and Byron Garrett won from Buriingame and Richard son, 7-5, 6-1, doubles, and in the singles Byron Garrett won over Richardson. 6-2, 6-4; Buriingame won over W. V. Bergen, 6-4, 8-6. Lady, with two girls, ages 3-6, wants position as housekeeper in respectable home. Mrs. E. Ames, Hillsboro, Ore. 13tf Dr. and Mrs. Homer Parrish. ot llo, Idaho, were guests this week at the home of Mayor Bar rett Dr. Parrish is a brother of Mrs. Barrett The Doctor is coroner for his county. Years ago he was familiar with Wash ington County, but he notes great changes since his last visit here. Mrs. Anna Shute has sued L. E. Shute for divorce, alleging cruel treatment She asks for the custody of Lestor. a minor. and one-third of the realty, be sides 920 per month alimony. ma . a a a a ine party wno walked away with the two-wheeled cart from in front of the Donelson furniture store is known, and if it is re turned no questions will be asked. Try Celro Kola, "First for Thirst" 5c at your favorite fountain. Two carpet rugs were taken from the rear porch of the John Vanderwal home, one Sunday nighty and the other Friday night Young pigs for sale S3 each. M. Cromwell, Beaverton. Ore., Koute Z. 12-3 Harry Wescott the Gaston hardware merchant, was down to Hillsboro. Monday, on busi ness at the court house. Auto-livery service at the W. J. Quinn barn, Second and Wash ington. F. E. and Bert Rowell were up from ac noils, Sunday, witnesses at the ball games. The boys sun nice tne national game. Victor Callier, now in the realty business in Portland, was in town Monday, meeting with friends and transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. A. C Shute were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J Krebs, at Rockaway, over Sun day. ' " . . A new shipment of Cameras and Kodaks just in at the Phar macy. . Peter Hermans, of Minter Bridge, was in town the last the week. aT1-.-. t. tft aa ureera can nanaie ail vour Royal Ann cherries at market price. 12 3 Wm. Haase, of Iowa Hill, was in town uonaay. Mr. and Mrs. W. llahon spent CI I . a. a. rk a r ounuay ac me ttocraway beach, A. Anderson, of Helvetia, wu acivj cauer today. F.A. IttlLKY, M. D. PiyjMrUa ami .Hiirfeon : t'paU're in Srh dim rich BWiea ltMHinc , a !, pnMr rlaaalta antt tvi.ntl .Hireeia, Phoney tvti.-e.riii i rMM.IwKw.Oty ay. R. M. KRWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGhON Surgeuo S. P. p. U. A X , p. K. 4 K. Rva. Office ia the Timmw k n.,.l MauiSireeU, aai!Kra, Orcgua. ' ""' '1 1 1 11 i) 11 AlWW ELMKR II. SMITH M. I). D. 01 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OsTKoPATH Office llnu 9 t u a. m.; to 5 p. m. T"Uy. Thurt!y. ntir,UT 9 to 1 Calla answered ilav or nilil. BiSU Pfcoewa. Oi&ce over Hi.lahiru .-tiona. J. O. ROBB, M. D. PHYSICIAN cc St Pr.KON OFFICE: Upe-ain in SrHala.ericb BMK. PHOSlt-Oflke, City 4. R-,. City 86 1 HIUWBOilO, . ORKGOX lrW4rrVrWWWWVWV Ira E. Barrett. M. D. UPSTla-'lK.r.Ti Itl.K'K. OlBf Tiiliift. Main tl)i; Roaiiioni-e f-itri un. Mm MWmhoro Orogam SW. . - W. 0. Mm D AO LEY A HARk 4TT0aNF.YS-T-LAW Booaa 1 tad i Hhnf Vaildiag HILLS ROK0, . . UKEMOS E. B. TONGUE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW O.Eoea apuira in 3 :lubrt-ri.;U Block Aflrr)rMMV--VvVVMVMaa JOHN M. WALL ATTORNrt Y-AT-LAW Upstairs, A. C. Shute Bl.ig. Maia A M.I HILA8JR0. - OBKQON. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Ornoa: Mala 8treet, opp. Court Uoaat, HUXSBORO OREOO HOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LA. Office, npatairt ia Schalutertia BI.jc Elillsboro, - - Cregon Telephone office Main 103. aidenct Main lo2 DR. L. W. HYDE Succeasor to Dr. Linklater OBke ortt Delta Dm Store. Reaiilence Baaeline, between jth ami 6th Sta. Hillsboro, Oregon rWrrrrWrVWVyyS ' Frederick Andersen. M. D. PHYSICIAN $c SURGEO Successor to Dr. Cunnhuiam. Office and Drugstore. , Orenco. oregi Telephone oonneollona. wwwww S)as. a. Maarvt a. a, aafieat . fa. etekret SCHNABEL & LaROCHE earMaweaVeM Mfim. rileatMlra, iHlitMi aiMM wtal-airtiajiiij,. aoftrattrB'ftntuna, Veil. w "'""ni. urmneea en alir wra ! 5IUt au(teiu. 4'aalu tta ta Satota ati anfma rtgrmn aunefke benlrn. frMee aa aim fra irfliH. ttftHairf mil nnl,,.. (i-l-,.. IW aeatra)taam: M an Ja. aaf Cnatroaa. IMOlea: JSnrftxai 200: a-t027; Va-X(trtan: Wain 9 ml aVIWA, aw aw ave aaaaurr af aeaiaMttf PORTLAND. ORE. DR. W. K. PITTENGER Dentist Office up-eUIra over HilUboro N.iUoual Bank. HILL BORO ...... UKROOH DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Tr-mieeie Bldg. Rooms 5 and HILLSBORO, ORR. Main an.l Third. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Delta Building, Main Street Hillsboro - - - Or Lying-in Hospital lam now predated to take Miteru'.lys e,l!l.WerwMk. ruone city 7JS 1 Mrs. A. M. Hammer E. L. PERKINS ATTORNKV.AT LW Notary Pabllo-ColleoUona, Loana, ata. 1 Oommeruial Beak Blilf, naalaj J