The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 17, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 13
I, tonilk J2 I'uuml N.r
lie Plait, KIiiIob. Important
i siHfMn savs it is mis in
I !( I roM Siaa A Jsik
Im.a Social as lUia
linding of a Colt Automatic
alil.n revolver near Kinton.
n' 1 1 hud carefully Utn ditch'
may bad to the discovery of
I p. rix lrntom of the Simian
jjuk saloon robbery a lew
h i, and a revolver ot like
... .i ... oi...;.r
1 1 rit wrrff sioien. ouniii
.k took the gun to lU-avi-r-and
Mr. SimiMtoii nays It U
revolver, and Will Jack iden-
. it a tli Simpson gun, and
I,kk Pete Vandehcy.
! iliin i the Simimon gun it
am dial Meek and Anderson
l another charge against
u t-Hi.)- that of stealing the
M-uliui hlcr milk can and the
ftii- hum?.
Anderson nays that It I hi
. . . I : I . . I. it
b'l. uKTKHiyrn tiuiJ nm iae u
re; that he traded for it live
t-wH aifo. Welling irom a man
;, trudi. II . that
it it hiit evolver that h dtie
' know how it came to be
uhl there utiles Mwk took
k'.in from hi ro)tn in Tort-
I and ditched' it when ho
nui Hcinity Ablegate was on
. trail.
M.-fk swears uti and down that
I, no iron, and that he know
about the weapon,
Siunif Keeve will wive the
itd r hi clonal attention and
ho hast all the facta run
Ail he will know how to act.
,-k also say he knows nothing
i it the bloody ropo on hia rig.
.- agon, on clone investiga
. ahowa that at Home time a
V f lu.le, or rarcaaa, had lain
. ih- Imh . for the hairs -are
ind adher rig to the boarda
n after the wagon bed had
n wuNhed. This mik'ht in
ite that the two know tome
nir about the killing of Wm
I isc a heif-r two weeka ago.
.h.t ier Andcraon a lying or
limit the truth ia a problem -t
one thintr apiears a cinch
wui out with Meek, and t
mil milk can wiu on th
. i ii -. .. i.
anon. AnierHon uneven n
i . . j i .i. ... ....
, .1 unitiK, ami oowi men hi
i :ir to viaut to throw the bur
n of llieir tritnitation on John
; uli-vcorn, who taken a trip
loin Oregon the first of the
That th Jitney service in
ortUnd ha lfii a thorn in the
id of th railway romnanv uu
it hunt saying. S. J. Ca'lowey.
ho put on th lirtt Jitney aer
ie from St Johna to Cortland.
ava that in un day he rarried
ftkl pawnifrra l-tween the two
xinta. At the time there were
ven or eiitht other iitneya
ofratinir from the same imint.
nd thia wMjld mean a shorten-
mtc o; the revenue of the car line
that would make a mighty biu
difference in th auditor's reutrt.
Mr. tialloway thinks that the
reirulatinna con tern ntuted bv the
council, howrver. will make it so I The old aayinif that lurk ia U tter ior in new iranHporiauon inan nchea l hold.ntf k! with Wn , WM the rf her ,,roth;
.i.... vim in uni iiic.ui.i i-niiinjith. i ,,fii l,lll1,im rir oai-h I lU l'm.H. Iu
will find it difficult to otM-rate . u ......
wllhurofit. I"Byer M K,,n ,0',w, w,tn Mian lVwcilla lloblm. of Var-
. . nomeanoea aunaay. wnen mey ny, ,H home for the .Summer, a r
i nwrwm ooirt-iis ronteis f .. . :i.L.i . . c.i. u:..u
1 1 - ..1 I. ,l"iri r aruniiKlon. I llt'liqi uiu iltruMr u rni av iw: .1411111 iiikh
ii"l wil in lirn. 11 III mil mil, , ..... . ... I H..l,,.l
htHittn on r,Muent. and do ihe ,or - ,,"", way
ttituf. and teach how to adiuat h held the viaitor down waa a I Money to loan - on farm aecur
and ear th corset. Our tailor- revtlation. Thelns who ia rated 1 rt-pntM-nt three laa'e lire
inaursnr comuanies. i.ivc inea
ed made to-meaauro coraeta. in-
ludint; the latent front lac, with
n experienced rorsetier a, vice.
ciwt no more than hitch clans cor
aeta purchased in stores. Mra.
M. K ( audi, llillalioro. Fifth
and Jackson Streeta. I'hone Na
Mam :inl 62 14
the one Unt catcher in the county
It MM ihiiiuIIv Bit ftftft'lVf an ll.K
...i ii S. J. (Sallows, a former resi-
mwui.u. lie rru .ui ..... . . . . .. ., . ana uui mree mti with hi hiir auto-liv.
were taken oil his delivery. I?ut rry 'bus." He has a regular
for a mulf of a fly by Anderson run-at St. Johns.
a a a ii ia ' I
mnn a uroppvi oati ny narria. Th(, fharmarv l.aa the mml
Wi'ach, of Tualatin, lost Karmington would not have complete line of Kastman Kodaks
scored. The I'ythians ran in and supplies. I hey dodeveloti
nine runs in the first inning. lnK pnntinjr.
and that after two were out. urooi sow ana bo me young
Cattr rsuuht for the K. .. piif. IWkshires. for sale.-Write
.ml whil n..t ifo.kt a when Floyd Allen. Forest drove, or
he worked as backst p for the telephone UI8. forst t.rove
a i .Jrii . I w
roresi urove v-oua. neoiu nnn- n u Whimiii n.i n.,o
, i.i rai I ' a tf iiivvaviit ij iuav
laiust uvnvb tatilk PKaaltial 1 hI . 1
"""" " Krause, or South Tualatin, were
line-up: ovit tn the rountv sent th first
K. I . r arminirion 0f the week.
i 1. 1:... ot. 'ii, I
cr,au u::r'm':r Hubert Bernards and son. Wm
..ji.r, - .,,..:. ,:iu --j ii
I ' ,.. Uilla aK I"1 Hil. ...... a'.u l.n ...mi
The imperative nee. of truit i r.f.'r u " IU'rrarda. of Verboort. were in
i i in i un. Lf m aMafiiiirf ii. v i . . .
canneries ia more and more man- .... ' ,i t i,. iffti.;. ,, town aionday on lepai business,
. "I .... ! ii". .... Hrown, 2b Itozarth. as c. H. Freer, of near West
IK larms artr rauiun v i .f lnup.m AilMirl lhlll:.. i kj ll-iu ,
l..i..u.ull r.nt. r.nn..ri.4 at V. ui"u", u. i. mv. I lie. ay..,
Ehriif, If
about flotl. and his relative,
leaa. loat $Sl). in the holdup at
he Wearh aaloon, last Wednea-
ay niifht a week aito. Hut one
man snowei up in in saloon.
nd he ordered the two to hold
up l heir Manila, lie men re-
levrd them of their money and
hacked out of the saloon. More
than likely the robber had a con
federate outaide, but he waa not
seen uy the men wno were
I. AND I;. I!.
All. except the V. II & N., trains
are electric, and Stop at the de
put on Main street.
lo Portland
Forest (!rove Train (.M n. m
Mi Minnville Train l:'Ma. m
Sheridan Train 10.02 a. m
Forest tjrove Train 12:f0 p. m
MfMinnvillo Train 2:15 p. m
Forest drove Train. ...4:10 p. m
FuKeno Train.. 4:.rU p. m
McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m
l oreht drovo Irani y:o0 P. m
From I'orlland
Fut'.MH! Train arrivca-.8:15 a. ni
McMinnville " . 9:4511. m
I 'orest drove " .11:51) a. m
Fun st drove " . 3:15 p. m,
Sheridan " . .4:ltt) p. m
Mc.Miiinvillo " . .15:40 p. m
I 'rfi-est drove " .7:15 p. m
I'mest drove " .. 9:IKI p. m
McMinnvillo " .12:15 a. m
A I I trains, atop on tlatr
Six ili and Main: at North liane
ami Fir streeta; at Sixth and Fir
streets nnd at Tenth street.
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. K. & N. Train 4:30 p. m,
From Portland
P. Ii. & N. Train 9:12 a, m
I .nun Sneeial. due at ilillsooro
nt 2:tM) p. m. from Portland
Saturday and Sunday only.
Forest drove Special -(Saturdays
From Portland 10:311 p. m.
To Portland 11:15 p. m.
Ih-aeli Special (on P. II & N.)
I. v. IlillslmroSat. at 3:02 P. M.
Uetnrn " Sun. at 9:?2 P. M.
ncal I rminrlon Sunday hy a
jtore of IS lo 2, 1'hrlpa PiUhinj
aailbta tla Nut Vtl Salftrca a Drlral
Siatt Scataa Slarlra
Prinif your ejfK to Oe.-r'a.
Henry ISoife, of S.uth Tuala
tin, was in town Friday.
Otto H. K rans, prir.ripril .f the
Tualatin schoola, was in town
Tennis Pyl, of South Tualatin.
waa over to the huo trie last ot
the week.
Mrs. Linklatcr and children
have moved to their Summer
home above Mountaindale.
F. L Kraua, of South Tuala
tin, was in town the last of the
Mrsvll. J. Wehnos, of Tacoma,
of Meek Plains, were in
Monday, on legal business.
ii. ..u i.
every depot should tw built. nj Andenioni ,f
a'm Mil r.ii.Mn . urw ii iiiiimiiiHi I
"""" 7 I . .1 . .
movement. Kvery year thou- me ien nurs. n me nmi jf you wish to have bed com
aanda of dollars worth of Rood irame. were defeated by a score f .pr8 d op ,ace curtain8
fruit tro to waate in Washington of 6 to A by schotts. una waa aunjrj,Hi Kive me a call. Prices
'ounty. (!..l canneries, with a a very even jrame, auer a i, ana ri.MOnable.-Mra. II Cave, cor
Kood suppiirt. would mean a aa oi more vnan uauai uurrrou
Arw I A hiir crowd came up from
i?wniiii in wiirn ineir new uiu.ii
1 saw run! wood, poles up to 12 Lr Seiffert, and he was there all
nchea In diameter. lence rans, ., i mie. Only for H. Schul-
. i . i ; a i ... . . . .
and noarus oi an mnua. inio mench a bad inmntrin the seven
stovewiKtd lencths. W ill ko into th. the arame would have been Uiver country. They came home
the country. Writ, phone or more than close. The feature so that they mijrht spend a day
call on inc.- ( arl Skow, Hillsbo- 0f he Scholia side was Caetter'a I at tho McMinnville d. A. H. Kn-
ro. Phone, t ity 4ii or call at numerous two-baKirers. The campment,
Tell i Itankera' Convention Money
Should be put Hack in State
Millioaa Takes Tram Wrl aa Not Re-
latolra laa Sboala Gnm
ner hourth and Washington SM.
Phone Main m. 12-4
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morton
returned Saturday from a week's
visit with their son in the Hood
Tualatin Hotel.
Ten have asked for final citi-
11. Robinson, rf
Fields, lb
Miller, cf
Schletrel. 2b
a a i t
zen paiH-rs since reo. i. v ier
Luce retKirta the following as
tilini! M. Waeller. Phillips; Sam
ii., I nn,l Kr.t KehmidL
Laurel; Jaa. Morwick. Jno. Dobra Kurk halter, If
afid Hans Poppen. urenco: auk. '
Tarhella. Kei.verton: r mi ltscn- vemer. c
The Women of Woodcraft will
five a midniitht dance, at W. O.
achella. Kevverton; uscn- "y'' v
er, HillsUm). Itoute 1. and John SeilferL p
.ramer, North Plains. K. J.
Hen Hura
Pauli. rf
liay. as
Otey. 2b
Donovan, lf
Schulmerich, p
Deaville, cf
Nelson, lb
SiKler, 3b
Scheidol, c
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nixon, of
Alma, Michigan, are quests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Hurr, of
Manning. Mr. Nixon is a cousin
of Mr. liurr, and thia is their
fiist meeting in 30 years. The
visitors are on . their way home
from a visit to the Panama Fair.
For Sale: Auto in first-class
condition. Will sell very reason
able, or trade for a nod, younjr
team, harness and lnrht wagon.
Team must be 1000 to 1200 each.
Call lfix. Forest drove North
W. hall. Saturday evenintf,
19, one mile west of Cedar Mill. very pleasant event of recent Seventh Street.
licaeis. iik, unni oiuiiiv., "iniB waa a oirnui.i . vi n i .... . t t..
i.. s..:.j . .... li.i- k2.k:.4 .louis oaKen w;iauu iruiu iuh'
everyiRM.y inmni. - Kiven WN nnia V . 7.. ". latin Mnn.lnv . Ha rennets thnt
Circuit Judge deo. H. llaxley ine nome m ..rr ,,c.. ... -uto drivpr rftl)b(d a nmn
pt in lJt). HP. in tveiniiKBis wiunu t.,i.,;
hear Tualatin the other nijrht.
L . I 1. .1.1 in I Id. I HUH.
nas liven noiunm v ... T - . urk
nartment No. S Portiana, since i J:..: kf Ukinir between four and five
the bcuit.ninK of last week. He menu were rv.u .m-.; lloanJ from nia vkt The yic
will conclude hia sitting on me , "u"; .Ti: "J.,::' tim claims that the man drove a
. . i a a i....a w t w vii ri i aa r i.u ar. . . a ill m ii. . . lit., i. . .
there aooui ine iai ui -- . -''.r? V,7.7"i,.; little red car. it would appear
case the robber
- I.- tl'
c.i Unoo PivarHI muai ue fiinvi luiui-iiiiiiu ui
the department. ""V iw miKhty careless about possible
Dance at New Helvetia Mall, I '..., uAP Apnni,i an,i preii ur.
Saturday night, June 19. Ilau- tfep At ii.eisen. Henry and
enback orchestra. Keller & iiorman Kestik. Gottlieb Schnei
llaulenback, managers, li t der. Chris Jairtri and Jack Zim
Luce has been installing merman
vault furniture this
A. C. Shute. who recently at
tended the Bankers' Convention
in San Francisco, hit the keynote
in his speech, when he insisted
that legislation should take hold
of the insurance question. His
p. it ion U that money taken
from I he coast on insurance
premiums should either be In
vested or loaned within the
states from which money is taken
in payment His address cover
ing this feature follows:
"I would submit to you. how-
ever. lor future conglomeration.
this recommendation: That the
next measure of import advo
cated by the Oregon Association.
and by it caused to be enacted
into law, be a requirement upon
foreien insurance comDaniea do
ing business within the State of
Oregon, to reinvest a certain
percentage of the amount re
ceived by them from premiums
in Oregon securities. During
the uresent year S3. 358.236 were
paid by Oregon policy-holders to
foreign life insurance companies.
all of which was immediately
taken directly from the state.
Inasrruch as some of these
companies discriminate against
the State of Oregon and all states
west of the liocky Mountains in
their investments, they ahould
be restricted from doing business
within the state except upon
terms which will not react in
hardship to the companies, but
yet will require of them the re
investment of Oregon funds in
Oregon securities. It affords me
great pleasure to mention the
excellent and efficient work of
our last Legislative committee.
and 1 would recommend that our
next Legislative committee be
apttointed for two years, so as to
fully co-operate with the com
mission soon to be appointed by
our (.overnjr.
After the European war has
been brought to a close, which.
let us trust, will not be in the
far distant future, and the de
mand for money has become in
creased, the banks ot the United
States will be the be9t supplied
commercial agencies in the en
re world. America, and not
ranee and England, must soon
become the banking-house of the
entire world, and it is, therefore.
encumbent upon the bankers as
sociations of each state, no mat
ter how insignificant in the n
nancial world, to see to it that
the laws of its state are sufficient
enable it. without being
hampered, to play the game of
banking business as it must nec
essanly be played in the future,
John M. Wall and Aug. Tews,
of this city, and Thos. Talbot, of
Cornelius, with their fami'ies,
will start soon after July 4 for
their overland trip to the Pans
nfa Fair. 1 hey expect to take
some new vaun lurmio.c i.n nr s,.iiih Tin
week, and he will soon have a . . .county seat visitor Utw time makini? the trin. and
per receptacle for an we . , . hgt hig ,iule Ford
la.t wool, tn Mr. and will be right at the heels of the
archives under his care.
White Minorca eggs for hatch- Mm m . T.limhn fnrmerlv of I larger cars, all the time.
ing-settingof 15 lor fl.-Wil- gh k of Portland, a says they are going to live in
hirdTuDDer. Hillatwro, Telephone ""u' splendor all the way down, and
City 502. 49" ' . .. , that they will diminish the ceisus
,. a ur nf rnr. . F. A. Northrup. of Shady fi res on chickens along the
.. .j 6.,...j. tsrooK, waa in wwn oommoj. rnh
ne us. were n town Saturday, K' . ,n rouw-
attending the John White hear- IhU but his wy Simon Wey rick, arrested last
inir before Judge Smith. , , . week for conducting a marriage
iiorvmiare Mr Farmer -7 ?" J y L til brokerage bureau, in Portland,
JJ'-JL? IL -Zme H'bor9i 3Jfi8,t,nK VlVlr was last Saturday fined 30 days
Krkinrimi Commer- l8tci Mra. inoegny, o. iw- in ail and $20 ca9h premium
h. L. Perkins, uoom i wmnur .mi. an(j Mrs. Abraham Grot- w .n inmnrt thai
Cial lilOg.,nillSUOro, w... f CaDfl Hor Wasn thlSL,sU -,A n.rv-nrtiU fnwnmn
. . a i . r i ivn nwoiu auj v uiuv
Geo. W. Stapleton, a rortiano 1 1 week. comoanions to elderly men. and
attorney, who spent h jwynooa first-class when they came 10 the office he
n th a county, was oui oaiuruaj, . '-"t: . . wus wmH te them his c lients want
filing a case in circuit court. " ' .V ed to get married, but that they
Good Real Estate security of
fered for loans at 7 and a .lr OT- 4tf
Complaint is made that boys
nr. doing Home reckless riding
on the Hidewalka in tho residence
dislriet. Mrs. A.- M. Heckwith
was ran down by awheel in East
Jlillsboro, the other day, and se
verely bruised. Mrs. Heckwith
is 75 yimrH old, and is the mother
of Mrs. F. W. Boley.
nns ai i i ner.
cent. Call and look applications
over. E. L. Perkins, Hillsboro,
Martin Vandehey. of Newton,
was a county seat visitor Satur
day morning.
John Swalley, tf lieedville,
transacted husinosH in town the
last of the week.
Merchant Lilly, of Gales Creek,
waa a city caller Monday, on
legal business. twin np tllfiv u.'iililil mota
Huirh ltogers returned the last e..;ti.i.! iif r.imniininns Wv.
of the week from a ten days stay ricki it A 8tatt,d( was on parole
in soutnernyregonanu iwui- for hnvinfr taken J250 from
em California, on umoer in- Washington County man. Wey
spection for the a. r. rjc iQ secure a divorce for the
sviral Hillsboroite9 were in party. It appeai-s that the wife
Pnrtlnnd. Sundav. to witness the bucked the divorce proposition
Reavers win a double header, and Weyrick was forced to give
" . . tan. i It i . . . I' I . a.
n A Wphrnnir. una of 11 His Do I DflCK me money, oixiy-nve lei
Via ' - ... " I. i. ' .
ro'a catchers Of ZO years ago, lers irom women in response 10
was one of the crowd, going advertisements and letters from
down in his new runabout Weyrick were exnioitea tn court.
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A Stock of lumber so large and vark-d you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry nnny
large dimension timbers, and cm s.uc you t!ic expense
of special sawing. When you want htmhot, promises
don't 611 your bill. Our specialties are (piiiliiy, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. Yon can ! letter for
less with this company.
Badger Lumber Co.
, Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Everything in Ruildiug Material
SAI'UrV: Vour money 4s.safer in the ban than in
PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased Igreatly by
being able to give a bank reference.
DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loan often ob
tained, if you have a commercial bank account.
CONVENIENCE: Yoa have the great convenience of paying
bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come in
and see us and we will tell you more.
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
American National SanK
TklMlStB., HIHs 3 "O. OfO
he new edition of the Coffee
Club Cook Book is now on sale.
f hia is a re-print of the book
Diiblished in 1911. with 100 addi
tional recipes, and tbe sale price
is 60 cents.
The books are on sale at the
following places:
V aught s Grocery.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co,
Combs' Furniture Store.
Gragg & Powell Grocery.
Ross Grocery.
Rest Room, Second bt, near
Morton Greenhouse
A W. Walker, of South Tuala
tin, was in the city Friday after
Recorder Davis and family
visited with relatives at Beaver
ton. Friday afternoon.
A double wedding took place
at the home of Mrs. H. J.
Wright, Forest Grove, June 6,
iai5, when Myrtle Wright and
Frank Pntzlatt, the bride being
a daughter or Mrs. Wright; and
Helen K. Lesser and Otto Pritz-
laff were united in marriage.
the Rev. E. Berthold. of Corne
lius, officiating.
County Clerk Luce has re
ceived an imprint of the various
cattle brands of the state of Or
egon, which the law requires to
be posted. The circular looks
more like an old Egyptian
Hieroglyphic than anything else,
unless it should be a Chinese
washbill. As there are but two
or three cattle brands in Wash
ington County the circular is of
more interest here, as a curioei
ty, than as a matter of brands.
The Shate Sayings Bank
Is an Old Reliable Institution with
Resources ofover
If you are not familiar with banking methods call
and talk it over with us and we will gladly
give you any information desired. All
business strictly confidential. Ac
counts of Women and Child-
dren solicited
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
A! McGill, Pres.
A. C. Shute, Vice-Pres.
W. Mahon, Cash.
W. V. Bergen, Asst.
ft TaKes a Seneca
You can get a real picture of your child just as easily as ha
Chitt Vv-tpn-ac(nuick eve) ol the beneca 1 tibe. i iu t n
get artistic landscapes as well In fact, take anything you
cm. nritK
forRoUnimJUmPacks or Plates
. Simple to work, aasy to load, light to carry. Seneca Ca mm are
all splendid picture makers no matter whether it be a cotit at
$2.00, a Folding Scout at fS.w or a rowing turn rum aencca.
-They accommodate any scanaaru mwe ui mi" "u i j j
v cause of their special features allow the wnlest lati- v-4
tude in every branch of artistic piiotograpuy.
Jo I
1 I