r r Ik - . V -b, . W Vka fl BEAYERTON REEbVILLE ACREAGE Is the Finest S iburban Tract within a I alius of )0 miles of Portland, with up-to-date car service A "Home Section Buy a Small Tract here and give yourself elbow room. You cau buy an acre here as cheap as a lot in a small town and still facilities. have all town Rapid Transit Will get you to town in short er time than cars from Port land's other suburbs. Why not tptnd your declining years in this Garden Spot? SHAW-FEAR COHPAHY I02 Fourth Street Portland. Oregon Bast Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros., The Reedville Store WITH AfSPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Reedville, Oregon QoiMmill IHUUUIIIOUV OUUIIIIII Dimension Lumber and Timbers Kough and Dressed Lum- ber of all Kinds. Mil!i 4 miles fromjB. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. I. McCUMSEY Cornelius, Ore., Route I PAiiMtw ism ;nic the Faiwfi Uniort. of Washi5-( ton CountTk emfiractni rVur k-j cals. will have an all-day picnic i at North Plains, in the park, on I atii.tav Inn 1- Tlw h-iV ! invited Gov. Withycombe tode-j liver an adJress, ana u possum j he will be there. There wilt w speeches by Prof. Hector Mc pherson, of o. A. u; state ro$ ident. J. D. Brown; State Secre tary K A Ike, an J others. j - - - . i The Farmer Union orchestra will render music, ana were win be singing by members of the Union. A big basket dinner at noon will be a feature. Hot vf- f .. cn-lttii-liA an,l 4ilhr re freshments will be served on the grounds. A merry-givround. and dancinir in the afternoon 'and evening will interest the I"- " . .... ..-.. ine puonc is generany imuru. SPFAYINU Spray for the Codling Moth as I ?IlVII - v - - - t.een the 15th and LVth or June. "The fruit s-hoild be thoroughly snrave.1 with arsenate of lead 2k lbs. to 50 ga!s of water. Keep trie solution eu sunvu ...k.i.. ....... . . nr.. . , . i v nn v i. ri.n I W IJIIC U94UK. "- "l-'l"J ". I . . . I . :. .k . the trees are cry. mis i uic most important lime to spray ior worms. A. . IVnny, Fruit Inspector. THEi HILLSbORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS .nd PROFITS $25,000 An old, safe and conservative haul, located in the HilUboro Commercul block, S.W. corner Miinaud Sca-ud streets. Hillsboro Coiiunereiiil Hank, PROPOSALS FOR W OOD 1 1 Wriltjn on. I aalil rvniniwnU fitr I furnishing the Hillstx.ro Library twenty cords or nrst-ciass fir wood, to be delivered at tl.e ii- I brary building, will be received by the Board up to six tx m.. June 11. 1915, and contracts thereafter awarded. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Address proposals to S. C. Killen. SecreUrv. Hills- bora, Ore. - Dated this 3rd dav of June. 1915. S. (I Killen. Secretary Library Board. I HpflnmoQw i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be rnoKul hv - - - - - j H. V. Meade, chairman of the Board or Directors or School Uis trict No. 38. Orenco. Washing ton County. Oregon, for the erection and completion of an ad dition to the present school build ing, to M bunt tn accordance with plans and specifications as prepared by S. A. McFadden. architect, until 7 o'clock P. M., Saturday. June lz, 1SU5. A cer tified check for S per cent of the amount or the bid. made payable to "School District No. M Wuh. ington County," will be required. nans and specifications mav be seen by aDD'vinsr to H. V Meade, chairman. Orenco, Ore. The Board reserves the right to reiect anv or all hiita Uv nrtiar of the Board of Directors. Chicken grit, snel! bone and chick food ai Greer's. John Seifert of Phillins trano. acted business in the city Mon day, j A new shipment of Camera3 and Kodaks just in at the Phar macy. Clover hay harvest started in several sections, the last of the week. , ReinhaldSchwanke. of Schief telin, was a citv caller tha (ini of the week. C. H. Fry and wife, of Beaver ton. were in Hillabnrn SahirH.v on legal business. J. Frank Stroud, of Ue-avortnn was in the city the first of the week. Wm. TuDDer and aif- VtUI tori With tMr SOn W A fir Or or City. Sunday. F. W. Phiil Cottonwood, Idaho, the last of the week, on a business trip. Herman Koehnke, of Oak Park, was over to the ritv th first of the week. Carl Pffthl nt aKnvo H was in the citv Saturday Ho ia back to the iurv room in the Fori. eral Court, this week. W. F. Desineer. the Rcavpr ton contractor, was in the cit Monday, bringing in some forms for concrete culverts, belonging to the county. Snappy Bargain in Hillsboro Home-Five hard finished rooms with bath, toilet and pantry; 65x180 ft lot. only four blocks to post ollice. M blocks to Port land car, 12 fine bearing fruit trees, shrubbery, r.ice location, price only $1500.' Call at 1448 rir St., or address t H. Rpy. nolds, Rainier, Ore. nf , ii Hoffman's Sawmill 4. is sawiukj from tbc lcst timber iu Washington county. The hurst Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIKD FLOORING aud RUSTIC always ou hand. Kstimatcs u Buildiugs, Fluurinj:, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds oi fiui-shed lumber for house material. Wc deliver. Thonc: Pac. States, Glcno Ccutral, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Bacou. Oregon 4 11 the credit Our Business Will be conducted along the same broad lines future as it has been in the just, g,rautinj time 10 inobc mai are entitled to it. Everyone in business needs CASH and we are no ex. ception, yet we refuse to prescribe for th patient anything that we would not willingly tae ourselves. All business oannot be done for CASH as thtre i about fifty times a much business done as there is canh in circulation. kn't fool yourself about the great su ing yon niuke by buying for caah. so far as the gnieery business is concerned where the saving is very great in price mu will find the will be greater in quality. It the convenience of having a charu. account, prompt, courteous an. I honest service has any value you get it very cheap if yo i uy t t us. We will sell you 1 ga . solid pick tomatoes T-c 1 gal. slued penehes. :iV 1 gal. tomatcea, pj-ee - - i"c 1 gal. peaches. Halves. 1 can sliced peaches . - 15c 1 can peaches, halves. 1.V 1 can apricots - - 15c 3 cans Iowa sugar corn iC per doz - . . yk: 3 cans tomatoes, puree. 25c. jc r doz !X)c. Country G-ntlennn Sugar Corn. 10c. per doz $1.10. Vaught Grocery Co. Second Street Main 125 Hillsboro, Oregon raro Pure bred JocK The Black Jack, Uoo, the son o (he tjj k Beevhtr, sir of some of the best mules in thi 1 will be for Mrvict at the W. II. French tab!c v i rove, season 1915. Icrtusot tr ceding: fJO 7 aervice; ao to Insure colt to a'.auJ. Scau c.uj u 15 and closes July I. 1 v Copy Stallion Registration Board Shi. 01 wregon, ucense cenmcate of Pure Bred Jack No. 1802 Dated at Coivallin, Oiron, (Kt. ,ft, rrtcted in the studbook of American Itrrrdrrt 7 amiation ol Jacks and Jennets, Owned byW.H. :.t Knrrl drove WakhinLlon (Vi lr IU..I I...' . - - - - ',m ny ni fmimu m iuiivi. miu nil III LHliniS rCDICKCC Ucevhcr jsw, Sire J Tur-Jt. Sift of Sue JJ I turcn, Dam l Sue Freiuhe's licit, Dam J!latk 'f ", ' i Lrut. I Mm t( ham Hired Jack I'mlded iu the year Aug. S, !,n,lm liern r 1 ami tied bv the Stalliou krLMlrjti.m li 1 . f r ."my Oreijoo, aud it is hereby crrtihcd that the said mjDU or jack isuf PURK HRHHDINd, is registered ia,2 studUv.k that is recognized by the aiMxiatioi IUllln iu section uin or an Act or me l.egiitivc Amy. or uie oiaie or trrgon provuiinK ror uic ImiiMuif C I.' I........ ..... ...I .1... .1.. 1 ' w ,hih, inumi; j, iy 1 i, aim 11141 uic itltow MimJ uuion ur jack. ui ixen ciiiiiiuci uy Uic vctcnmtUu appnuiru ny me miiuu KceiMa4ti.u Koitnl auJ hen by refuted free from infection, contagious tnumissible dueike ur uuijtiiii!nr an, w 1 1 t. CICUI Ike used to stand lor public scrvke iu the State if Ortgoi CARL N. KENNEDY Secretary Stallion Registration lUaid NOTICI: The old reliable Orgon Fire lielirf Aiciati.iti. f Mf. Mmnville, is stronger today than ever, tt hat had 3 vsn ot succesand no has mjre thin a Qurtr of a Millwn Hollars to meet its losses. We solicit the biuinwui of th.M who have good riski Thow who are insured in the Or, Hre Helief Asmwation have pjltcie that are worth Om Hundred J'ents on the Dollar. W. P. Dke, I or en t ioe, Aqt. for Wash. Count Nirtbom Ndqusytm t M, B. Bumfi'v 0ri. flCormick Machinery It would please us to have you tall and b-ok ever our stock of McCormick Math inery. Wc have anything in thin line that you may be iu demand for, such as Rakes, Mowers, Seeders, Cultivators, Plows, Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools and many other useful articles that can be .appreciated by the Gardner or Farmer. THE MAJESTIC RANGE Our third shipment of the Great Majestic Ranges are now on display in our store. "The Store Th.t Satisfies" Percy Long HILLSBORO Second Street OREGON Klk tl SWrtll i SJ U Ik ClrrtM CuiM Vf u Ml I el r.t0 rr lb Cum, f Wt.ki iu. U.ll. I'ultMf, pllt(f. I. Ur-, n, KI.o K. ll( -. H tlrlua of .i 1.1 ..UM) (umiiiwh . it 1.1 All. IIA. uum U.. wil r.i..rk tml m jni ,, nr itw an mi n, tr.t. in i... .. ' , ""ro. lurthf mi., 1 in. n.i 11.. m,,h.f ,u, , UVo!h. u.m una mii. n, eummiiid la A. .,.. , 10, II, U ai.4 U. B Bio,, , H I W. Will M.r, M (,ip, .u. Sum iliaralara l, tirtua of aal.1 uiin, Ju.lcit.ani, ,,,,1.,, ' ur.laM.faalaii.llnw.ii,,,n h .i..m.mUor..li, I ill on HmtiW U A M. ..I m.1 ilar, ,h. ibatomuy Curl llouaa. .i M.h, ra.(Pin,, .w , ,. ,,fh bWll, .Ulrn.lm wM J,,.,,.,.,, uf USX?, " ' t'''lalaul ll urm,aharalu U.tm lltaaal.l atuva .lWr, i,f,r, . ,,, ' , part iharfHif. u. ...,.1. 1" T"' " . .' i-r ;.i.7u0r:' Bllltl Biw..!.,,. i'.la.ni,i,,lMhlUri,f April. Ult Kr.l la.ii. Marti, ia Hh-r.ff.fW.,MN.fo0V"Vi",.,ll y J. C. ApplagtU, Daputy. Patterson Undertaking Company Ii. A I'. 11.. .. .. . 1 uuut w in 7 Gnaranteei Used ArooBobiles Oi Easy PaymenU J.iV.LEAVnT&C0. PORTLAND CITY BAKERY J. WoHersperger, Prop, We .re now loc.led in our new auarl.r. ,W,..door,WeS,.f ur M ZiVCZ rtv. ee,,,,nl0Ur eh""f "We.u. 10 .ve oU, customer, . much better service il'MHoajB. IN TUH CIRCUIT COURT Or THI STATIC Olf OKKOON, rOK VV'AHII INOTON COUNT V. OffirmU llarrliiKioii. I'lalnllir, CI IV IH'MM lltfotMit 1 mi n.mtMM.l ill ca.iaiWUM luclaar iim aMrnaf - I u. 1 , it I t...i, 1. tfsM4a ' ' '' !.. u.ii.f i na.1 11111 up lh rtiltaaaa a-l M ""'"I" t'-ai., Ililnr. H, alu. i uaMli'lry, ' ,lf" thm tnlrtaa a.l haa kaws hak4. aal Jlia y i. kr b. J.,1,0 llMaiay, an tar i'lh...l f t,.l...l ... ..... Alif r. ,n ,t, Ul Uas h. (maka lUtltt bfurliM lh. kmm t. vj . 1 1 anil aii lrn uting ib Mm .11 k Mll leapt.n.H.w n,.,,,, uar ll.aal aia., 11,1. j, ,1,. , A), BU w. a. HAithkrr, Maior. NOTICI O PINAL ACCOUNT. NOTICE 1.4 liruKliY i:iVEM. ,h 4"laJ. tha Julf ,..Bia. tialinNj ana rwo Klriil..r ol lk n in tt. 1.1 ... 11 .. 1 11. ... . . ... ... ...I ,m rriil k.r Wkelilnaliin lla, Bla Una I immM n, i., .... iw mi Duiimini. .1 .... 1 . . . .... ... u( J.na. mia. at Ilia hour ni u . a '" aa'.i iiajr, m ll. t'uuai t ur Mm IB Ilia I .111 II ( W I ...III ll.... ... 11,1!.!.. OraaHin. II. ll,.,. ... l ..i.". i ... i.Mu ,11. 1., M, ,lf filial MliSlli.Ht ..i.l . 1 1 mi rat h.wi.l h1.......- . i " ' -aaiB. B-imuiitr ina HIU Twet. j.nl or It.rw. Tlwa. Toihm, Jr.. AUonxf fal Mwgl.ir. GET YOUR PICTURE Ukeu once a year. Call ou J. fc. Jidinsnn the Hills horo "hotoura tdier fur an ii it u orlt. Kpert eularuioR, or kmlak uuisniug. J. E. Johnson Hidcl Huilditit; Jar..i,il, Harrli,K,m, IM ,4 j In I Iim iihiiik uf ln Hlala ..I 11.. ti.n i.iih ,1.; u r ;ri,""'i". iruult Curio iXt of ,h Insure Full Milk Pail Cowl five mm milk .n.t rn.lt milami ul'r iihI mm mhtn r I aniiinrtd aM killrn by ftita Kl.a Wall di.li.H Vr ,Bm lh(m ConlceyVFly Knocker, not l.lni mill, m avncowt lh pat M ml"tl llwl iniun lull nulk pail. Keep Pliei Away From Cattle and Honea J'" minr, , , t, ,Mim,, &, 'n. IU. I, .... B,i,i . Try It 15 l)y,1 Mormv Rark If M.t 1 il ..n tha Wth dk ol J nm iiaia Of H I, i,l.ll.... 1 7' ' . 1 ""I Hiiiiiniiina ib ThudSWteltek,!j Jiiiib. luin ,Hr""ri MM IMlh day or tar-uo &B. , A.J. HARTRAMPT Hillaboro . . Orison Wanted-atonce: Ydungmen ior automobile buHlneaa. IH Pay. We make you expert in ten weeks by mall. Pay ua after " . , , 'vt wiiion. oeniui tomobiU Inatltute, Log Ann