r I i HlLLSB ME toTxXll HILLSBORO, OREGON, JUNE 10, 1915 NO. 12 uif'c rcfncn oibl? ji Wa Mat &? JV Wor loweiooioiCAie hall LmCMM! ait Mag Ms let lal Tims Acrau t talus r.i.huel PlUilM from Yam- bill and WMWOfwrn UiunHn ... i i. hold on of the moat 'rogrensive DUO Uub home of Mr. and Mm. nn the River Road. Saturday evening. May 29. Six tahlv of W) wit enjoyed, honors ftllir.tr tn Mis F.va In yrnm and A. I'. Ingram. A splendid luncheon was served, ind emel, i.-t. was favored with a mlnittture'Am.-riean Hair which was worn throughout the eve ning In honor nf Memorial Day. The next meeting will I held at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. U. i, Combs. Saturday evening. June 12. All memtera are asked to be prompt for this particular m.eting.-Secretary I represent Sitirella corsets - not HoLl in storm. Will call at Wi "OLE" OLSOil KILLED ABOVE BOS Bring your eggs to Greer's. A. J. Roy has purchased a new Overland auto and is taking les sons in navigation. J. A. Zimmerman, of Rosehnd Farm, was a Hillsboro visitor Jumped Irom Loaded Wagon Friday afternoon. and was Crushed by Lof . Friday A. W. Walker, of South Toil. I. A- I I . 1 T k LT .. tin, was Over W nuiaiAiru, rnjj cnuRivv h tmp iniATBUL pun morntnjr. - i ... . - I.....!. Werener rraw was a wauie .1 . - It.,, .L r. ... Was WcB ...e Areas Mlll.fc- visitor me o, w., . Here you are Mr. Farmer -7 n4 8 tyr rent, monev see me. Andrew Olson, agid 43 rears. y t ierkina. Room 1 Commer- was instantly killed by being cjtl Bldg.. Hillsb'jro. Ore. -i .... tn 1'vthian I ki.tn.Mi mi r.tii,iit H ml ili the ... uii ui mninikiviiw ."-- ...mi. ... - - - l - ... . . . . . . ...: - Nnrth Plains. Batur- niling. ami warn now u iju-i V 7 JllM a .nd ih- and WHr tho corsi'i. uur lauor y evening. June 19. and in .ui-meaaur corset, in i i la tmttinif in 1 . . . . . i mai iuuar - r c uilinif Iheiau-nt ironi luce, wun er minute U mike the enter-in eXiM.rUMiced conM ti r service. lAinment worth whll. Arrange-Umi no more than hiwrh clann cor- - . . 1 ..... i i .. . .1 m-A I train on the Oregon Electric. but of roreil uro, w McMinnvill. North Yamhill. Grove. Gaston and Urne- Sius. as well as Hillsboro delega C. m h rnnvantion town via Drenco and the Weal Unton cut C.,t it ia i netted that over THREEHUNDREO H r. sa4 was as tamarrkJ Maa TKOUSATaD IS COLLECTED Treasurer C B. Sapplngteo Tairwa Statement of Tasea toCewCert TWO HLDE0TnOLS0 TOCOUECT iOver Tare-riltli at Ti la las Llaaitfilt l Callers M. K. 'aulle. HilUI-.ro. Fifth and Jackson Streets. Fhone No Mam asi II.. I MilU Itoval has stud Os man Knyal Jr. for divorce. They were- marrid at htevenson. w n., in January, and the young bride llfiva that the husband has W- " Pt;,. ,.r 7. toorovide for her. She Ihree bundrea rymian. w. My,e husUrui .dm0nlsh. "1,ll!!inC!L4 No. 22. one of kP lh mrri,, f Glencoelg No.oneoi hi recently twiU .undiom wilh her i.ut w0 davs. 1IBII In iuu " crushed by a log at the Garnahan & Oakcs sawmill log-landing. Friday afternoon, about 5 o'clock. Olson was riding in on a truck. loaded with two logs. Ghas. Palmer was driving, and when they reached the log pile, the wagon suddenly tipped over. Ol son iumoed. but in so doing. (ale their new borne on that eve ning, and Grand Chancellor. Dr. iWrtghtman. Silywtonj Lou Slin- W Slen. Um Moier' l'ort" 'land, will be there to take perl in the ceremonlet. The result has been a nervous lM.akdown. and she wants her Jiunml ail t a restoration of her maiden name. 1 saw cord wood, poles up to 12 int-h. n diameter, fence raws, tnio into U. UKaKI'innli. lit... Writj tthone or M..rih Plains K.oi r. sav mey -..i nn m -i ar Skow. niiisix- :.. it. hniit ih lima of I nu.. f lu Jr."' nr ran ai thru lives -and they will nwke Tualatin Hotel. good. m IV J Weston, of near Ck.ru.mul li.i Tuesday. June 1, S. P. AND r. E. E. V. ' ti . rT: 3:58 over many monin. . . name was Sarah lieavet. and she : Out of a total tax roll for the as sessment of 1914. amounting to I iOlAOJlJ.W. rs3Ui-ci . i . L. a ..'i. .a . rna inm f i j uid.ua. . . w lurneu over in viuuic v .-1 iX Iteeves. late last Thursday af- sutement shows all the transac ternoon. Itions. even to errors and trea- Mnnev tn loan on farm secur- iirr assessments. The table ity. 1 represent three large fire f 0nowg: insurance companies. Give me a "Greeting-Find herewith call.-t. 1. Kuratii. Uutement of taxes collected by son umpru. u ... - Miss Anna Winers, or ua r. Saucing ton. K)fficio struck a logon me grounu. mu pir s convalescing irom a lau ; - , . u'.KintAn ..i 1..-.. Ti.. i ... ...nrfmv ik. it i frnfliua' tax collector fo' Washington ... K . ......!,. ivi am CAtint. for the vear ISl. u- fnm the load struck niminan- nume, n-ui other with corrections penalty ilifJ:!;,: Kveryoo-iy knows that bulk Ultncedue and .nrWlad: Ulr.i; - . ..fKis are oesi. uuy f r.ir m as- andwasknownbylesouon,ue i-. G . t the BUt.'mtnt $511520.06 of Ole. Ila was inausw-ious anu ; . , . B .menL T. " . ..mt.r,t.. 1.828.S9 1 J a7.l. amtvtIISi ivv - III caa ar awww - - . genial, ana neu .n.nu. .k- Krror. to be added'. ... 226.2 the workingmen. - I . . , M V" " "A" n.w- n.vminU. 47.83 No blame is attached to tne three oay . con rtflSr 0 53 driver, who wm using ine ui- posimaaiera ... ,." UV -ollected 95.39 wv Miaaa in eSfaniiiintr n uim. wmk. . . lilt na L I.BI U III I The Carnahan & Oakes people urn tiiirniMi on with the State In- .i.iairial Aecident Commission. and the state fund will take care i.l ik. Iiuia Cnmner Bariett went dp rn- day and investigated me anair. YES! WE HAVE IT III STOCK! One Million Board feet of GoodLumber A atoclc of lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense of sp:cial sawing. When you want lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment. You cau do better for less with this company. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry- Co's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything in Euilding Material In the ceremonies. inches in oiameier. nnee .ai I Hillsboro Lodge Is expected to intl id f all kinds, ii 'put on the work of the ritual in il0V1.v,ood lengths. Will tc " l.k. v.uki'i Mnli .1.. irv Writi iihone 0KEUON ELCCTKIC TRAINS Clerk Luce will call a jury for ToUj $515,718.4 tha Julv term of court Th AmL collected exclu- new law makes three jury terms. iive 0( Fire Fatrol..S319.073.38 nna in Marcn. one in JUiy ar.u if P Fatro CO ectea BOV one in November. Errors to be deducted 827.49 Penalty 95.39 comulete line of Eastman Kodaks Balance due and un i . . M. i i i . a a. 1 1 am e A1 and supplies, iney ing and printing. mail nuu.Rai ..an do develop- collected. 195.436.11 To Portland -55 minutes. 6:32 a m a m a m , pm p m pm $515,718.41 this 3rd day 7:18.. 8:28.. 9:M .. 12:43. Total Witness my hand i of June. 19io. E. B. Sappington, Ex-officio Tax Collector Washington County, Oregon. DOROTHY KR0OER name was Sarah lieavet. anu sne - p m All except the P. K. 4 N.. trains was born in this county. April 9. g , t pro KSrJlRe. and .top at th.de- 1859. She was wedded to Mr. J ' I pot on Main stmt. r T Portland 'oreat Grove Train. 6:J a. m. 'j..uinniil Train 7:36 a. in. Sheridan Train 10.02 a. m. m - - " i 'ret Grovel rain MrUinnviiie irain am Cmve Train . .. 4W p :.iwm Train 4:W m. McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m. .Forest Grove Train v w P- From Portland r ruin iiiii" iuii-u i .'. tUiacne Train arrives . 8:15 a. m. ihrough one stretch of 00 miles. rTv. . ... .. n.K .ml .i ..... I .1 l.nun Inni nil. McUinnvllle orest Grove f orest Grove Shendan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville .... iu.i a. m. i n 12:50 p.m. ff1 n 2:15 p. m. y in... 4:10 p. m. iti Weston. May 22. 1871. Hr bus band, eight sons and one daugh ter, and 2 grandchildren mourn her death. a L. J. l-'rep recently returneu a... Vrsm. ia driving a ipiii . . . - . 'ord machine, averaging, iw miles ev try day. When he came kr.nih the mountains in North- em Galifornia. Crep e m!i(hirus anch- or..,l in the mud. He shipped 7:54 9:20 11:25 2:05 4:27. . 6:25 7:13 9:12 (Sat only)... 12:25 E. C. Mulloy. one of the fmt to indulge in bop raising out in the Laurel section, was a city caller the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morton went to Hood River the first of i the week for a visit with rels lieoa j.JMra IWothv Kruger. widow ox Chas. Fierce, one oi roruana s - -. KrU(rer died at firemen, sends for another year t Carl y w- f of the Argus. Ghas. is weu "V ' sondav. She was known at Greenville ana me r-- . -.o. She Grove. marriAd inCermanv in 1857. n vi nilianwiUr. wcentlT I inn aha came to America wua elUST REM) TO P i 1 V ,1 a m ..a m .- a m . . n ml oterated on by IV. L. H. Smith, I ... t - 1 pm tor an amputation oi me i-k. was so Tar recoverea mai ne w taken home, Sunday morning. ...p ni ....pm ...a ro NO I ICC TO CONTRACTORS 9:45 a. m .11:59 a. m. . 3:15 P. m. . 4:30 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 7:15 D. m LAnm Simnson. one of the pioneers of the Buxton country. k'Q. rini'ii i dp lira i oi me fc, I T. - the guest of his grandson, Jen her husband in 1871. residing in Illinois four years. They came tn Oretfon in 1880. settling at Pkillina ITpr husband died sev eral vears ago. She leaves four Ionise. Ferdinand. Villiva. viii - . , Emil and Charles, the son living at Phillips, and the daughter at Crwlr ttnA Wn. Rev. TraffllO 0t- flpiat4 Bt the funeral, which was held at tne rnimps m. u. where the nad had been torn up. Simpson MalAIUVIB B M7 1 1 1 IIH ITITI TU . iw11 v'vra.,"' "i ... .A ck.T Rmvm Saturday com Otto ana mi "," by the ixmnty wun oi nu- " -Lr 6 "int n ;u-k . tn tha State VnnnffWih. roccPP CI I'R COOK BOOKS . - - l .., f-,., n u .wit triD 10 1 Ilia- .. f ik f'nurt Koom in inuunvria. cn-iiwi. - - - i Your money is safer in the bank than in vour cash SAFETY: drawer. PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by beinir able to give a bank reference. DISCOUNTS: Note3 may be discounted and loans often ob tained, if you have a commercial bank account CONVENIENCE: Y'ou have the great convenience of paying I bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount pwu. . . e J . f hanlr BinUnt: COmS ill mere are oaiy a iew BuyaHiasca and see us and we will tell you tnjre. 4 Per Cent. lacerest On Sawing American National Baniy I ftttfst mm faWref Sf., KZmrw,jrw j Th new edition of the Coffee rii,K Pjvlf Knnlc ia now on sale. WBWV WV " ' - - . . Tki. la m M.nri nt nf tha DOflK ... nr. rnrnoliiia I ..Klt.ka in 1Q11 with 100 addl jnnn nunc. i nt w. vuumun. ... - ... onwatprf the last of the tional recioes. and the sal pmt iua- " - - . - ... . i ti ma uvw.v- , i - : - aviis ww . i . i is Miiika ri ww 111 i i M Ma na(?a nr na vinu i ia bj a jaanraa Steam Service Old Depot j. M. Tosend and m son n w. m - rtaok. are on sal at th. . a i .Jh.i . t w 11 w n i ii 1 l 1 1 1 1 i. lie! r uuui i liii ca lchvu v - ToPorliani tun. .im0", " ,'t,.tnr must accompany ir-t rfekrjaum. Judge Smith following places: l0ik?...S r ridowtHl their bids with a certified chtck hte bul at 11000. White is Vaughfs Grocery, sister ol : M fownsend.They in the sum of five per cent, or of nervou3 temperament, and the sister oi iur. , . . , M I uather evidently has eMinnv ills " ,lZ:io a. m. v n.,rt Vvi. w"V.u"'r" 7 -.7 . - .k. I .,a hail, and w await action . . . . i .t eoiumi v rtiirrniisiii uv i;aifi(a inn nil. inuwi ma b,ii i w ..." W.1. ."t. "H ' . :. rUuv.rd.le.Tillmo..MIn -brM All. t ot of lh. mnd Jury. P. l &N. Train - 4:30 p. in. iivni iv....... atliiP nf Mr. lownao.u. '; ' ..-- - '"" - d i f. ki t.: l 12 a. m . " kintf and the r b d. i warm weatner eviaenuy Will reman, uun. n - - j nna miv a i.i j... .i tit latmrn l .ml i m. wi over- nana anu ov:-iiiv.... - imaue inn. iijaii.v... .T" "Ti nwTu":':.u i iii ht h een at theClerk's oa.ee on . n t-irlt. n v mm i iirLisiiiu i hai tnis la'nrai . wiiiit? ijhi - - i itii- siriti mis. nnuvui lfB IBS v.H I IIIV ' - I . . 1 . IE IlllrV I " a a . at t IS1 n. m. from UalimUu and RllnililV OnlV. Foreit Grove Special - (Satur days only) From Portland 10:33 p. m. Tn IWIIand 11:15 P. m. Beach Special (on P. R. & N.) Lv. Hillsboro Sat. at 3:02 P. M, Return " Sun. at 9:22 P. M , .rj n( The Court will reserve i i. Kingkenny and wife, o . . tQ wject any or bids. Portland, were out last , . Keasoner, County Jud UNION STOCK YARDS one of the teamsters L A EjHVW I ui im"i - -, . uiaitintf friends. King is u..-.. '..,11k kin hi i.iuette proitosi UUDT Willi ". . , - tion. and says he is going to hBV an industry that will make him and his associates wealthy. iv ci.r it Auoieiraie is or after Juno 15, 1915, The Court will Hillahoro Mercantile Co. Combs' Furniture Store. Gragg & Powell Grocery. Rest Room. Second St. near 5- -r3A V mTi Rest Room. Sec. OWL ft Morton Greenhouse the city Monday, accompaning 1 1 r . . 1 . . u . 1 in H 1 nmiv. 01 LAurei. . mis. of Mrs. Henry Danneel returned home h. . - , iktrkiann m h sisicr ui iui i..j - C. A. Hanley. Commissioner. ?-"-. ; Kirkland is with last week from Corvallia. wnere I 'nnl ni f IX II K IHIIll 13 TI I V U I IWV - - - , R. Matteson, Comwss'oner. u jj terminal company ai Oak- he has been attending O. A. L, Dated this June 2. 1915. at war wrmi f , . M 1 1 mill hi u uuu 111 rn. vv ui. m , Hillsboro. Ore. nnto visit the Rose Festival i-P denarted yesterday. I -L n aknrt visit With their I ..iif at CinXAatt. 1 are up 10 visit me ivvov ieo. oigier uepancu jciciuij. .. and make a short visit with their for ftn extended visit at Golden 1 . - .11 b!Mla Af Kill If I t anrl an PArtllinn I tlf-a. iiepuiy ouvini "r'r-j I iifeer a lor an Mima v ireiauves utrc mu iaai6t vvasn mo ATikT' 1 : Srtnten Tnd ard?n 8ee(19" J. Teuscher Jr,. field man for , . T u w ; Trir M has been Thos. Emr ck s able to De on ys' and Girls' Aid society, was lltoi nta fnr tha week nave oeen nther routine worn. n a . t ' . The Shute Savings la an Old Reliable Institution with Resources of.over $300,000.00 If you are not familiar with banking methods call and talk it over with us and we will gladly ; give you any information desired. All business strictly confidential. Ac counts of Women and Cbild- dren solicited 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. dale. Wash. Judge Geo. R. Bagley held his cattle 418; calves, 19; hogs, Kiven B nfw nil- op a. - "9 " 2781; sheep, 6288. Jf . this greatly adds to the conven- illness. With depressed condition Qf inCe of this department. Mrs. C. W. Loudon and on the cattle market last week and TheWomenof Woodcraft will came up from Sacramento the jnonaay ueinn a nu..uj. ffiv a midnight danc, ai . v. - fP? Ti ltl5!M,Vil oScioai W. hall. Saturday evening. June w Minorca iA Jfl AST'.nK 19. one mile west 0 Cedar Mill. inKRetting 0f 1 ouying wis aone uy oui v. buyers from Oregon points, who fnr hatch null. Tb. Principl ," "- ' , Cedar Mill. , "''":.?"." iR.. l.-Wil SraLt2 aici,Vd WTUprr:Hill.bo.T.Iephone umjvib iiuiii .r-" , ' . auiirvhOilV inVllOU, - P Iv filVJ .1 nrTir.m at allffhtlV niffn- ' " " w" . "v....-r j n-iii tomorrow vote " ' .VJLT"rJ"'".ii BO ck0ru,nnd w tomorrow vove . rn,0 of A 0ha. was in bitPS TholS l0' fhceLwn"Friday: R. A. is now en- cr . ......u. .i L...nnaanf tk nir over the el c- l , , h rfr irerator busi- 6 & SUW. iU rrightplant, and, if Purchased, an, i8 making bring up to 6. to make extensions. ....Rood. The oualitv of hogs being of- nance at New Helvetia Hall, Vmt)nA Real E8tate security of fered is not as miod M should be Qo,..railv niurht. June 19. "au; fOMd for loans at 7 and 8 per Mlial a thiSHttB-1. ...1. nkai-a Killer l . . nn J Wvnb annl .iwura iui , llenOBCK un"" .no Ccni. VUI. O.iu iwi son. Swine which have oeen in Haulenback, managers, u ...r E. L. Perkins, lowed to run on pasture wnue .,ltMnn nf witch Ha- fattening or which ihave, been ,a I ll7"WeWmbeck,of f c ----- iuiinrn Fr - KeedVllie, were en fattening rations for only a short time are soft and washy and n notmae firm pork. One small lot of hogs brought 8, Monday, while the bulk went at 7 85. A oroal mini nf the sheen of ferings of the last few days have not hfwn atrictlv choice, and tivinA k.ua Minrarl acenrdinffly. Spring lambs, 8; yearlings. 7 to 7 25; ewes, 5 25 to 6 GO; wethers, 8 76, . - . , , .. f. I Id IWI - lenback orchestra.-KHier t Can and look PPicons Hav. 9. M. Chapman, of Varley, was in town the first of the week. Mrs. Fred Heckminn, of Bth m, was in the county seat bri- dsy. H. H. Hall, of, Shady Brook, was in town Saturday. . 1 II Hr.nHA m-w. k. L. rerKins, ninwni 1 v . a. m Oregon. a v. sntt. editor of the "ft.. AS w . m Tu.ia was in Port and ncw.""i " - --- - . the last of the week, one pi a large class for 32nd 1eree non ors in the Masonic iraieninj. . . ...:..k tn kava horl Pfim 11 you wio.i iu iii. r . madA nr lace curiums i..,n,iriod irive me a call. Prices .HAMnh o rvi m iv. javc. vui ner Fourth and Washington 1 Sts. Phone Main ava. ys' and Girls' Aid Society, was fl r of CQUrt in the new di8 in thecity, aaiuraay. tonn:r....K . . t Friday in this city KtAT L CStv.!F, ih Several motions were heard. Wiwuru ui w-v;v, ----- 1 . n.tt.o naiianrpr ill n. . maiuv in mn tin urBi-vtan D Galloway, of Banks. The girl farm security. Washington who is sixteen, will be operated County Abstract & Title Com- . . U .n!.. I i. 13 1 M.i ... HI an Q. on for curvature 01 mc 0. ipsny, oy c. - and the father came Sown, and Uer. ' . tf Supt McKay went to Portland! fnr a wsok'a I stay, after which he goes to Ok- loknma tn visit rfiatives. tie Will inuviiiii , " - - - - 1 return in time to take charge at the opening of school. 1 For Sale: Auto in first-class Will nail verv reason-1 he and Fred Townsend had an trade for a good, youni altercation, and that he caUed hrne8 and lijrht wagon. Townsend a liar, whereupon feani must be 1000 to 1200 each. Townend drew a jacK-Kniie nu c u Jg Fore8t Grove.North assaulted him. Howell had a yenth gtreet ? 5tf I bad cut oyer eacn eye. . , siilo nf the heaa. ana a uuu mu siae oi me ocau, Thursday afternoon in the arm. in tr,. .K -.-. :- - - ------ . Mnndav morning nowe i swore irnuwu u -.i ST -k.J fBiit aninst F. VanLoo and Paulina Hermens. Ill am ajlltBI BftW "V I " . ... i a . I iT - j tu .a Kad hopn Tha Fritzian Doys reaiue on iOWnsenu. "IT; lr anna nf ft 1 . xaunM it wnnia nriTiia aura 1 ji can aviiai bbv wwa'w T" FriUPritilaff. utvasM McGill, Pres. C. Shute, Vice-Pres. W. Malum. Cash. W. V. Berset;.Af.st. ftpp a lenchtv conference, put up $50 toward defraying the ex penses. w p h,vp11 of Bethany. was brought in to Dr. F. A. Bailey's oltice late aunaay eveii .ntrarintr with several severe imh,u..v...? ":;". . .... knife wounds, tioweu uma u.ai. (CLe to the Seneca selling ir policy, "Your money back I y without queStran.1 When a j JT Seneca Camera is sold, it stays sold. That' I because of its superiority of eqmpment, ks ease of nianipulation and the pictures it makes. I Films for all Mahes II ) V Laurel M. HoytA'