She 1LLSB6M no. n H1LLSBORO, OREGON, JUNK 3, 1915 VOL. XXII .nl inn m raiE RUB) Of ODE AalMi Slewatf to I rr mmiU Lat I'rMay Maralng- LOOKS IIU C4SC or M.icior I Hai ttfa at Kif fH I ... W.S.Tlt.mUvmt.r.,lov,r Din IMIDCUnilCC Inng your eggs . a hew South IWfi.l watch, won n il IJHI1LI1UUUL Thos. Dcr reitas. of near tiar at the J. A. Hoffman more AA..m mnil Mill, wu in town oaiuruay thmiikh a coupon, II LA IK WIW l IIIIII I afternoon. not lottery. Dad wa present IlLTllIU UUI.ll LLIIUII1 timannr,f near Aloha, ami others rr i.ot. . 1 he More I ,u. - v ,ant.r Saturday morn- ini!if the u'xft Saturday, and one . . .m i h . , . .Vi.i '"I'" vonccro vi - ling. f the regulation was that he or .. .. j c......i; the who drew a lucky numla-r WaahlntlMi County - tug i ro,cv. iiuy your i muHt he present Tilton was oi w w w there and hi prweticij iut 1-M Hi ll tHMl rifTV BV HUNDRED TWENTY I mmn Agents. and Z out of Limine. Archie I). G. Lilly, of near Hillsdale, lkman. of South Tualatin.!. . ..... wa a city caller. Saturday, at- camein fiv minute after " hendinit the cow-testing meeting. number had drawn, ho he lout; Cmaia( (Inia Crai t. ., t,., nriA n. ....... ur . ii. in ufi ii aixi ' lir Mmhi rtrrw t ie ntim'M'r.i I .. . .. ..... . .i i 1 1 lovt I'.rown. were oui irum I. nl In. lm, ul h4 ultm'lil. fill.! llli'll I .... . . i t l,. I " - ,. . - cihkm inmnouni eill n. n, wiv . Anuw ' - """""" - : ' jr. i. iwMt of itm .. . .. in ct,i.netl WM Mown W fraiC- mini Ur. hut he was hot were. . rM,rn lo Mr. anu airs. ? fil -.r-LlS iriant ihid Tilton waiti-d it out. and kind in Washington County- is U,ird 0f Portland. May 22. 1915. llli'll r m I, . l.i, u Imtiil. 1. D,.mi.1i.l!iin nnil I h( ma- I rlaiiirhtfr .l I.. I! ;i ...rlh I lilt? Ill l UlU" - i ii. ai iiik i'""!-" v. " ,owuerai m ""rr"'. Tilton will now ni :n.i.iH in tinn " ... I Halllll HUM iMHt . IM"i "'i ii- of Button, and wr milea trom hvi )mt. wjth j)jm ik Standard Hot I A want. .1,1.. i0 tt-tl w hen a lawn mower .Uuit & 30 last Friday nturninir. in riM forcutiinir. ttkn ia 1 Hula, went to I I retirement Suirella roneU- . . . l il u tkl nut M11 lit in store. Will call at h t Darn nouii i 1 - 1 1 ,1 . ' . . .... Ili.imiK mi riiueL and d tin- morninit. and a lew minute mtlMkr ,, tm.h ,oW to adjust ter tba wlf, hla niece, and a via- , lh ..itm.t, oUr tailor- imr aiutihar Pole by the name , mmlo h-meaHiire coimUi. in f Nowaktwaki. heard an explo- clinhnif the latest front luce, with Thin went to the Urn. an eMHTienced ci.rH. t.. r m rvice. nd a few teel away found the font no more than h.tflt cor anu w . , L...U ntin hiiHi..! in Htore. - Mm remain 01 in. , VI V cMitil. HdUI-ro. Fifth kBU vwauwae chinery will t inHtalled in time L take care of the 1915 crop of grain and Lay. The mair. build inn isGtlxllS). ami is ft) teet to the eaves. The winjr ha 10 foot pout. The Lin room will take care of W.OW bushels of grain. and to the west is a frost proof C. IiettHnKer. of Newton, was n town Monday, petlini? reauy for harvesting his hay crop Here vou are Mr. Farmer-7 and 8 per cent, money-see me, K. L Terkins. UKm 1 Commer cial Bldi?.. Hillsbtrf). Ore. Mm. Ravfitld Pooley. of near 1 . it ..:..! .1 Vnain ran t warehouse room for potatoes and . lL Kmrnott, the onions. Thr U n Lucre srrain bin. tOxW. divideil into four sections. Ln.l 9 nmull bins. 10x10. All of last of the week. Monev to loan -on farm secur ity. 1 represent . the Riant M.K. Caudle ,1, .H.ioro ruin and2 sma I t,ns.iuxP f ' insurance companies. twwder aa ameana ot suicide. jacason w.. w inmnwut. call.-r L Kuratiu were uiown - e-. , . . , ui;ikH..rh9nciii three larw fire Give me a Hit anna and leg were owwn -. "- . fw(1 from hit body. , Adoh wimpier. 01 near - -- lh . l u1.ii vi.i4 ih U.".i. ih-:. i. i,.- imrn i, roll, and a mammoth ieea cnop- tltU Stawney had hM aome w ,(i(lt mm Urm machinery an. be with two I'olHB neignoora. . farm tools, ami some wyan i 7;. .mn- Thl), app thatjoan ? . frBin a uers , .w ;. the pnibilit. riMIKnuur, s r-- i mini, bijxj - a & .k..a 1 1 1 t . 1 i ..... J h which had DOinerea oiawnry r f hinerv . which ne nan momi i fielda. They found their puts structure. The tarn was al dead near 8tawne' oat-field. moHt nt.w. and was a fine Luild and aceuaed him of ahootin -m 'j he shinule on the struc them. They departed and went tlir0 amounted t 210.000 -the to Ituxton. Wedneeday. Bruest shinifle order on a barn dentW Suwney thought he would , dmtrtct up to the y ear it be i rented and became deapond- i,Uiit. The Cerman Mutual enl over tha proapective trouble. carried the insurance. I he Jury found that he came ( p t() 12 lOliauraui r. ,nUM in .Immeter. tencc ran. iplonion.. but did not nominate . of M kmh into stovewoo.1 lenirth. N 111 ifo into the country. Write, pnone or cult on me.-Carl Skow, Hillsbo- ro, I'hone. City l2. or can at Tualatin Hotel. With the change of the moon Ko lout nf tt.e week there was Wtdod thanife for the Letter in the weather. Georsre P. Borchers and Nora L' 1,11 f nfl-ir Sherwood. Were 1 1 r. 1 fun, v, iiv, . ----- . 01 1 .naa in aid nv eiera friction and fire, and the equip- huce Saturday. ment will all be moaern in ever, ht Lnlk .'u,.Ke r0xt'r,7. !i I ihpm lit Hrei'r s and t the which teams may unvr, n ........ - r . ! t.7 i he north wall, where price and assortment farmers can deliver their loads in c. F. Hesse. Walter Heaton ihrfrv. and W. G. Hesse, or &cnous. it aa aukida, thia being only con jecture. f. P. ANU P. H. a B. All. eicept tha P. L k N.. trams re elettrie. and stop at the de pot on Main ttreat. To Portland Forest Grove Train 60 m. McUinnville Train 7:3f. a. m. RhHdan Train 10.02 a. m. C. It. Ituchanan. of the 5u chanan t., departed Friday morning for a trio to the dulf icction of Texas, near Galveston. 11. um I. nlisent iHrhaps a ......,l ti'.i! combines business uiih o e:tsure. lie win siop ai The old Climax mill and ware- house, owned by the company. ;u 1.., niiii.Pil for a hav ware house, and will take care of 6u0 tons. , , . ,i-nH u-pi-o Hillsboro f 1 . ....... in loiinluil I v ine new T ... orial Da on Second aireeu jui norm ... , . the old S. P. depot, and a gravel. J. u. jmlay. 01 tteeaviue. or macadam road win run irom up 10 itinaooro, paiuruj. Iwth K rt tnd Seconu Sirens 10 says tnai trrain w iwum the delivery fliwr. down his way. The investment is a our onr, John fiutliChmidt and hut tin, iirm louna u nevmij to have it owintr to their increas ing business. Mhafinill l rain iwvn mi -i - - Foreit Gnia Train 12:50 p. in. Denver, and may take a lp a I. m ih I. . lemp tf at bait ni-Minnvnii i rain-. v ' . , i, ..... ... - Korett Grova Train ...4:10 p. m. Eugene Train 4:M P- - McMlnnvilla Train 6:40 p. m. Foreat Grova Train 9:B0 p. m. From Portland Eumna Train arrives . 8:15 a. m. Ucllinnville Foreat Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McUinnville Foreat Grove Foreat Grove McMlnnvilla All train. trains, atop on Range and Fir Sixth and Fir . .9:45 a. m. .11:69 a. m. " ..3:16 p.m. .4:30 p. m. " . .6:40 p. m. " .7:15 p. m. " .. 9:00 p. m. .116 a ro. eenl Kutfene I c at North al reels and at alrm is and at K6T0:ilL COR. GOES DB IOB Federal Judge Cushmaa.TacMM. Orders Sale Under Mortgage 1 niasBogo COUNTY IWE wcuoto Al Nortkwttl Prtacnics art la the Ut I Paytical Sale he uronerty of the Washington- Oregon Corporation will soon be sold unde the hammer to satisfy a mortgage for $1,569,000. held by Fidelity Trust Co.. of Phila delphia, Pa Federal Judge Cushman. of Tacoma. entered the order last Thursday after noon, and the various properties of the Lankruot Co. will go to sale under mortgage foreclosure within a few weeks. The Washington County prop erty is a valuable one. and about the only system of the entire physical properties that is paying a dividend. It includes me nuts- hnm licrhtintr franchise: tha wa ter supply, and the Sain Creek water Ham and DianL wiin a xAm line reaching from Sain to Hillsboro, and numerous taps along the conduit Manv miles of wire are also strung throughout the body of the county, and hundreds 01 larm places are taking service. Tha electricity has been furn ichori hv the Portland General. and the service has been excel lent since the company took hold of the plant A railway system I httween Centralia and Chthalis. a street railway in Clark County, mi a nower Dlant in Southern were up to the city Saturday, on Washington. Castle Rock and business. Kalama and other points, are in- .Me. and Mrs. John PuVogel eluded in the big property which and Mrs. John Wilkins. of . Port- - ciiiici v,-.i, - - was ordered paid $15,000; and F. n Moiioer nf Taroma. and an attorney of Philadelphia will get $11,500 between tnem ior wr nov' fWa Some of this money. hnwevpr. will oro to attorneys in wife, of the property districts, here and n.r Phi ma. . were ousinesa inerr. visitors to the county seat Sat- YES! WE HAVE IT 111 STOCK! One Million Board feet of Good Lumber A stock, of lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense of speciat sawing. When you want lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Oar specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment. You cau do better for less with this company. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry- Co's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY ' E verything in Building Material visitors was He fine dUT READ W ADVANTAGES OKIKION UL!;CTIC TRAINS To Portland -55 minutes. f.::t2 7:18 8:2S 9:58 12:4 3:58... Tlllll www Steam 8eryice Old Depot To Portland P. U. 4 N. Train 4:!Wp.m. From Portland P. It a N. Train 912 a m I U nn .1.1 4na ml lliilmioro at 2:00 p. m. from Portland' Suturday and Sunday only. Foreat Grove Special-(Saturdays only) .1 From Portland 10:33". m. To Portland H:16 p. m. Beach Special (on P. K. & N.) i.v HOlahoro Sat. at 3:02 P. M. Return " Sud. at9:?2 P. M. UNtSN STOCK YARDS laike lie went r.ast ami Sou in Vft Idaho. Hill Will reiuiu California. It is his first vaca tion for ma-y years, ami 11 win give him a splendid rest. Pasturage I have some fine land to rent and can take care of 50 r 75 head cattle. W. S. Willis, en the C. J. Hur chell place on the Umsignont Uke, 4 miles North ui roresi Crove. 111 cu.nir 1!...vij nicked Ut) Clif- t.ti ii..n..,,i. ii... lust of thei2:05. iuru I'uuo b n mvieen irom" wrin, - - , nnnnh County. , loung wuns- iiuK.r charged with issuing 7;ld. Sll2.lSur. Detective Mai- 9:12r(Sat only) ktt well known here, came out i.nL nn.wm.wir hllltie. The illKI v"" ' - , .. .. .. , a m a m a m a m . p m . p m urday. Judge Geo. II Bagley put in all of last week sitting at Oregon f'itv (nr .In dire Camohell. This is Borne initiation for the Court n..n Tlnimlwr and Toni Sinay, of above Blooming, and Herman Unaa nf Formincton. were in . wp, v. . v. - - w-- the city Saturday afternoon. i.uo.,,. I Alirea uueroer, ui ii'"'w 5-4:1 P m r -in am and over a resident 8:10 J of that section, was m the city 9:l8 (Sat only) Pn Saturday, on business at the From Portland-55 minutes. clerk's office. 1 . . n ... a m John R. Bailey, or above dux- tk fll 1 nr U'QQ in town Saturday, en- a m route home from a week of visit P m at St. Martin's Springs, on the pm Columbia River. Pm 7 m l aRne. of Sheridan. 7:54.. 9:20- 11:25 COFFEE CLL'B COOK BOOKS Thf new edition of the Coffee pi.iK cV Kook is now on sale. This U a re-Drint of the book mo.lUhml in 1911. with 100 addi . 1 1L . ..I. tional recipes, ana me wue to oanla The books are on sale at the following places: Vaught's Grocery. Hillsboro Mercantile Co. cniha' Furniture Store. Gragg & Powell Grocery. Ross Grocery. Unat linnm. Second St near Morton Greenhouse r . t - n,Ma'l jgfl AQED MAN CUTS ARM I M. Ultvue, oi o'lenuBu, iaivin dhiops k -. P m where he is engaged in business, Ujdinjr with his son-in-law, Mr. nml . . ii ii.i o.i.i.. In l ! fmm enmi down lO nilisooro, o.ui- nroUKnuin, muuci mrj .. - -a m .noni thi afternoon hnma Inst Thursday afternoon. I . .Lliimn friunHl. I ..kiU BntTarintr from temtMrarV kinds of bulkT .n h . mental trouble, and walked ,to a niiw wiv. - i o . .n f.AiAn onaro Jersey, was grove near SAFETY: Your money is safer in the ban vour caah drawer. PDirTip.r. vwnrpstipe in business is increased greatly by a MUkjaiviui " lioinff ahlft to mve a bank reference. DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often ob tained, if vou have a commercial bank account. CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying hills bv check, which is a receipt for the amount paiu. There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come in I and see us and we will ten you mure. 4 Per Cent. Interest On .savings Amaeircn National D Oil la Ma mmd Third St., HIIHf fi voiing man says he passeu ine ijreer s lor a.i amua oi p . naner for an ev-ronvai j n garui'ii scn lAmnrioan Polled Jersey, was tv ,: "f ,aua sn his uki in-iy . .,nness ior me viui'..j. acoun,iiuui. li mnm nr started homewaro. tonrtSZwMtor. George Darety. of North Plains Mr and Mrs. J A. Bowen. of Dr F a. Bailey sewed up his turned to me piniuiivmijr. ,.dAI,a. nihmnntv Reat the iwu.h Vpm out Sunday. Mr. L.,a .il thpod gentleman Wanted: Beef cattle, fat hogs ,Mt 0f ne WWfc. Bowen is one of the linotype now thjnk9 better of life and lU a.,.i Wi pay the highest , t ..f.j.i.:... r chniu nnprators on the Portland Jour- aitl,-iiona Bnggs' relatives ....iAM..i ..vii.ika n r ip. ouj i....ii nriiunu invv- , , in the ritv Aaiuruay ui. Saturday Receipts fc?the week have been .itia m calves. 9; hogs, ujLil ih Mttia run for the vviiiiv ---- , , week was not heavy the demand , mawiiat Ho-hter and CVIIIVM " r . I mmnatA t th BUrt tlOfHl light klaVaold.t7 30to7BO cowB8 86to6 60. a . .uii nf amall declines t?ll. Mill mil the best that could bo realized Jor choice light hogs. Many porkers o Inferior quality went at a sightly less figure, prices aecimeu and the market closed at this QUA f alrrun of 3700 sheep came forward (Turing this wee . Year i mA .1 7 and awes at o OU. IlllKB mJiu Eight twenty-five cents was the high spot for lames una ww. tj.L. .ml Siinnliea. develop ing and printing done. The Delta oiM Kaatman Asent. 7-11 tiiUH www. w ri,Ba RliriM. of Orenco, k. iiAa-Af her oarents, L. F. Emmott and wife, the last t.OT"",iV....:-iii.i.. was up to the cuy Stock fcxcnniiae uk.i - H friends. The County will hereafter get I J. "county the tines resu ting from ne o ; - A.h and game u w ntlltt Cook. of Cornelius, .n.i.aa nl a vpar it nuiuu"" " i -, . . ... considerable' and thin, at least, returned last week a iter axr ex consiatmuiv, .l,, ..! otou nt Puva tin. Wn.. will be some return ,2." " work done by. tr wuniy w w, , - in issuing censes :or ihhh air. ana mrs. ut-o. oicvra v in IHuiim "v . , . , iw,., noma anffllntf and hunting, ine mo" son, uoueri, ui niiKO" ...... ,,,...... ci..4n auoninir and re- iLw' K Lained unt after Decoration mmaiuii. -- Hood Real Estate secunly of. w t" i inna nt 7 nnd per rwt forcet the nance a. uar lerco ,. .. . unii. Friday evening, ceni. v ..., iiiiiahnm. i Tn rpnts admission ,.r' tf. Lna K rents oer dance. Under -. - !: 11 P W P nnmmittee. Mr and Mrs. C. Uele and ausp.cea u. . . -family returned Thursday , eve- Thos. Marlin and wile, of ninir " from n two months t-ip in Portland, were out the last of V un,;u rtiith thov ,v, ...L- Marl in s now WOrk- i a lion i n. " ",v 1110 "vv, - , . . . i il L'm. Mr i ii hm Hav, inn in 1 11 M fiiu inn iuuiii ww ...v uiairf.fl liih r tin. " i iiin i" v n that John Dennis is as busy as Hotel Portland . 1 A. aiara VAf milOh WfOUfiTni UP t,v - n Af Rnponft nur- over his disappearance. ine ' i",3".'r - nhv.ii.iMi .t first feared the JS mWit be infected, but The outfit replaces the team kill- they are clearing up nicely. ea Dy aiamiiK n.MP i unia. . . . OK"" Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester The Shute Savings Bank la an Old Reliable Institution with Resources of over $300,000.00 If you are not familiar with banking methodVjcalV and talk it over with us and we will gladly give you any information desired. AU business strictly confidential. Ac- . counts of Women aud Child dren solicited 4 Per Cent Paid on Saving Deposits. A. McGill, Pres. A. C. Shute, Vice-Pres. V. Mahon, Cash. W. V. Bergen, Asst. Cashier i . a -v M ov. he can te ioorihk wi . hibits in tho Oregon building. White Minorca eggs for hatch I- " n f ir tor $1. Wil lard Tupper, Hillsboro, Telephone City 502. J. S. Lowing returned from Tillamook. Saturday, and his family returned this week., Uie i -0... hnuo finished their con tracts over there and will again m. anA Mrs. IL R. Good in 1HI hre from Salem, friaay ...,.i Gotnivtav R. R. was out Friday, with Gov. Withycombe, ir.l. inrr of nnmn Holsteins for lUunniH - - - ' state institutions. Sam Wtil una son, Vernon, departed the first of the week tor an exienueu vioii. nt Sookane. Wn. Mr. Weil made a business trip to Se attle, this week. . Born, to Mr. ana;c Vnrtninann tMm will visit Stewart, ot ooum luaiauo, c i ....!!.-. , 29 1915 a daughter, lhe little Hillsboro. Sunday next and at XJl", . i II- n.Oii .. nnnolliaiona With the lady, s Pra"?auKnie.r "i : hf PrhiM team. This ami Mrs ,1. U. Oiewari, oi ouum nuir r. " j Tualatir and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. promises to be a.big game and lUBiail! , nnu "'"' I, i u F.m im invitfMi out to ci...imW.h nl this CUV. mi i"" kHllUllllv - - - I .1 gee hib roiiwoh Jf , It, IVUlvil iioo ivv --1 1 - - t door to Monev to loan on nrst-ciass the telephone office, and a store farm security.-Wasbington m, u J:...KiiDh ihoro in m. P.,W Ahatraot & T t e Com- will DU tS to IM loucu vhviv, ivvuaiMj . . . junction with the business on Pany;by E. J. McAlear. Mana- South first ger. n T.11... nf M.-tnrno Tk Hirrh S.-hnol CiaSS BHd r. .... n..,ii dmiiii thelfrianita amoved a DICniC l Demon iuuiij, vBtnv, v... .. -" j - , Mrt, last of the week, and stopped at Roderick Falls, on Gales CreeK, Hillsboro Saturday aiternoon. Saturday. uA ,mt nn nut to KanKS ana remained there until mid-week, when he returned to his home. Mrs. Grace McCallister. of La- Grande, was a guest of Mrs. E. L. James, of Variey, me iasi- oi the week, returning to ner nome Friday. The visitor has just re turned from a trip to San Fran- Piapn. Mrs. Mcualltster is wen known here formerly being a Miss Cronkite. Tk Phormarv has the mOSt complete line of Eastman Kodaks and supplies, iney ao obybiuv tng ana prinuuK For Sale: Auto in first-class Will aell verv reason- VU1IUIWVM " w - able, or trade for a gooa, young team, harness and wniwagon t ! mai ha innri to 1200 each imu tii mo. w - . ' - . , Call lex. U'orest urova smtw 'Seventh Street ou Come in and See W al . ttie LaEXt r 11 'tj VN ip.lli'idlr, " " i . -i . rmaf. I on snow ax oui TKe umnliest. fastest, easiest Camera eve! per fected foe the Amateur. Ask to ee th Scssr Folding Scout. - Films for all Makes t Laurel M Hoyt of (ha week. reside in musooiu. i- iV1K,? ilW.'i f