The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 27, 1915, Image 1

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    Mi LLSBIM.
NO. 10
die rai ii$
Urt lbs Dpe la
SiwMck Nf DiadeM totally
Nanaal leitrtaf
paaaBB aaaa
lt,i for the fact that Ole Jensen
neglected U put the carbolic
arid In his tod water Ole mia-hl
nut t at It to read thete lines
about himself today.
went Into a confectionery
at 409 Hoyt street laat niuht.
I-,! . aiiM nf anda water
urucivu m I an exNTltlHOi oirm iHT m nitr,
from C. J. Glennon, proprietor. c,ml rmmure than hixh cUikh eor-
...i to nour carbolic ai-tii inirchaned in mores. -aim.
im aw w .
The Wiwhinirton County hay
crop promim-s to U abort thin
earnm. o inir to the fact that
clover wait injur-! Ibk. year by
the borer. Obi clover held
NtilTertd from the eKt, while
the newly Kown clover of 1'Jllt
wax laid year a milTerer from the
drouth. The Uirer attacked en
tire iliHtrict. and in ilacnt prac
tically destroyed hulf of the
tanil in fifty acre field. Dairy
man Hay that the county will mt
ram rnouuh hay fur home con-
miption, hut thi may Im over
drawn. Many have aown vetch
thin year, to pn-pare aifainut the
threatened shortage.
I reprexent Spirella eonu'ts
not Hll in vtortK. Will call at
hitiiu tin riNi!ic!,t nml do the
fitting, and t-ut h how to adjunt Wurtemburg
and wear the corset. Our tailor- jective
ed made-to-measure cowls, in
cluding the latent front lace, with
an experienced cormlier service.
Say That (krman Empire la
tailed and Confident of Victory
At Ai
Mkn Cliiuaa HaS m Traaale la
Lcaviaf it Aawrka
..Id into the glaaa. Llennon
called the police. Meantime
Jensen had handed two letter
to a patron of the place and had
(id "down to die."
Patrolmen O'Dale, Collins and
Converse rushed to the scene
and conveyed the man to the
rmergency bospiUl. where no
trace of carbolic acid was found.
One of the letters he wrote
was addressed to his mother.
M.a A. If. Jensen. Hox 18i
Grove. Or. It reau:
M. K. Caudle. HillHboro. Fifth
and Jackson Streets, I'hone No.
Main 38 1.
52-1 1
A suit filed in circuit court the
pant week harks hack to the
days when rn Hoiiaday bunt
the O. & C. railroad throujin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nachbaur,
former residents of Newton, re
turned the last of the week from
an extended visit in Germany,
beinar their ob-
point in the empire
They rewrt a very pleasant re
turn trip, and say that they had
no trouble whatever in making
their return. Germans, they
say, are confident of winning in
the present war, and they are
purnuing a course which spalls
natience and conservation.
Orders are out everywhere.
Bring your eggs to Greer's.
Paul ISeck. of Diltey. was
the city Monday.
Thoa. Talbot, of Cornelius.
was transacting business in the
city Monday.
Buy your Kodaks and Supplies
of the I)elta Drug Store. Kaat
man Agents. 7-11
peter Jossy and little daugh
ter, of near Helvetia, were in
town Saturday.
W It Jotlv. of Portland, was
in the city Saturday, (greeting
friends and transacting business.
Hpm vou are Mr. Farmer-7
and 8 per cent money see me.
E. L. Perkins. noom i tmmer-
cial Bldg., Hillsboro. Ore.
is there a im
Dae Wordiag el SUtatarr Farm
Mesa "None for Beverage?"
if so. oooo-avE sniPMca
For Ptrjory
Mcaas a Heavy
Fiat for
The question now is did some
one slip a joker into the 1915 law
permitting one to order 2 quarts
nf whiskey and 24 Quarts of
beer? The law says that no It-
lear mother: As Ernest has dri,n pf the late Jm llolladsy as
spoiled my lirs I am going w na .fendanls - n Campbell llol
it all. Goadby to alb Your I, , y gnJ ,inda fiotluiiay Dorcy.
iVlfiKoe b.tlr was to Miss The Progressive "M)" Club
Kih.r oiamb 106 Kt 7th held its regular bi monthly social
I'.rei and auw re "red to evening at the home of Mr and
FrTesttteT ' .'Dear Mrs. Austin Sun-, of
Kih! I thouaht I wou d dropM r"""ii""
r .h,1JrrTL. r.ri tables were plsyed. honors
tm J o
m a . .. i. iL
ever as 1 am about to do the
funny atunt so be good and good
luck to you and Ernest So be
Oil. Ml tar. Your friend Ole.
Ole waa a sick man, however.
I when the doctors arainea nis
B stomach, but It was the pump
.. . a. t.j j :o
a uction inst maae mm uisires
td. Journal.
At a meeting of delegates from
the various Pythian lodges of
Washington and Yamhill Coun
ties. Sunday morning at Forest
Grove, it was voted that the dis
trict convention for 1915 bt held
at North Plains, on Saturday
evening. June It at which time
Glencoe Lodge's new Castle I (all
will be dedicated by urand i nan
cellor Dr. Wrightman. of Silver
ton. assisted bf other Grand
Lodge notables, A special train
will be run from Forest Grove
via Hillsboro and Orenco; from
the latter plai a switching to the
Wanted: Beef cattle, fat hogs .K;nnAH nr,Ar th
, . a i . I UUVI vain a. oMiyimwi
ndsheep. w. pay ine n,gne - . M
Stock Exchange Bldg.. or phone affidavjt signed by the party
Main 34'JIj. making me oroer, ana, w quoie
i i .. i tk.t l.nil ! the law:
gardenTed. Bu? "Said affidavit shall be sub.
them at Greer's snd get the stantially in the following form:
price and assortment "County of . State of Ore-
J. B. Stewart and wife are out kon. as: being first
on the farm In South Tualatin duly sworn, depose ndaay ' that
for the Summer. J. U. couldn't my name , 7 .
keep away from the "simple am the consignee of Uiat certain
r A V A Tiao a nf Til. I .7. . it
. u. anu . n. , .., . ... mine possession oi me iouowhjk
lamook. were in the city the last ntmed commorl carrier, to-wit:
of the week, registered at the at . tnat txd
Wnahintrtrin Thev re- . .
turned home Sunday. . that j have not received
Henry Chaliacombe. of Corne- any shipments of intoxicating li-
i : . . .. i u Iahis mm, frnm inv Mmmnn eomee ot
I villus. BUU (1. V. iniwi'i , I v(iiw .wm j -w..... -
victorious, "hey report that Hill, were in town Saturday, and any time wimin me iour weeics
l- u'nt,in,t hnv Utolv met th Arifus office. Thev I last Dart excepting :
..nuiul mi Htm roaliTBtinn that I ivura nai rhhw on the mountain that 1 am over 21 years, and
Hill v vs ea v - aw vvv mo - - - - - - - i - - , - -
ihev have a Herculean task on before Mr. Chaliacombe moved that 1 am not an habitual drunk-
f i ,
If the words "Said affidavit
shall be substantially in the fol-
1 ri miner tnrm "meon on v thin ir.
and the form as prescribed above
must be ioi owed ana wno
is to ssv it is not law then
the ordering for "beverage"
be tabooed. The
and have been since early last
I . . . . ,1 K
Washington County. Ben and Fail, that noming oi Provenoer ur.."
his brother. J.m.. l-M.ght consid- or supp f"y ,
erable land along the line, most- Hundreds of thousands of pns
ly in options, however. John oners are at work, and these ou -Buchanan
hai brought suit to andera s pnear to he Mell aat.
.:........ a ..i i,.n,i i m hed at work, and better, than
..... i.wi,.h i inn 1) 1. C. near if at war. The entire country.
I'omeltus. and names two chil
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't Ell your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You cau do better for
less with this company.
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry- Co's. Tracks.
Everything in Building Material . uff J""1
they say, is united in the feeling
that the Kaiser's arms will be
their hands, and there appears
to be dissatisfaction in both coun
tries over results - witness ine
chantreof ministry in hngland.
Mr. and Mrs. Nachbaur will
remain in Washington umniy,
where they have lived for years.
to town.
Circuit Judge Geo. It Bualey
wont to Salem. Saturday, and
was sworn in as Judge of the
new Washington-Tillamook judi
cial district. He first sat on the
hneh for Judze Camubell. at
Oregon City. Monday to relieve
that jurist who is taxing a
week of vacation.
That said
for sacramental
is to be
nil.iuiul Will
Miss Anna Duffy, daughter of reading of the statute raters aev-
Mr. and Mrs. ihos. uuny, was erai times w me loregoing i
;n lliiisKnm last mIi eniovinffl fidavit"
a short vaemtion with her par-l Here will be a hair-splitting
sh i trnintni? for the i nmnrwition lor nresning out
fallina to Mrs. Sarah Martin and
Harvey Jack, after which a
sumptuous luncheon was served.
The n.xt meeting will be held at
the home of Ja. Church and
wife, Saturday. May -J. opint. fnr the week have been
Ralph Wann. principal of the cattle. 941; calves, 44: hogs,
iirfav. I he Orenco School board The cattle run was light this
i ...... i ,... ...... ,.r .UuiVium I nmt the nfTpnnirs were
CIITU l) lilt" I'" l'r .v.iv. . wv . . .,!...
High Scb.l; Miss Kdith I renin, la god quarter more than was one ,
Fifth and Sixth; Miss Kuth paid last week, ruip leua aoio . .h MEMORIAL DAY
Jones. Third and Fourth; Miss for m. me ujp pnee ur u.r A. w, i.oisieai, oi near rin c
KdithSulley, nrst ana seconu. seaaor .""? - ngn. pa.a in n-v
the school IS sianuaru, auu wivu, me nwrug ;v -r. n'.a,i at th
rrices went up anuimr "i-"ana went on nis way re-jim-mm j ti
in the hog division. Choice light xhe tax waa written by the trea- Crescent Theatre, Sunday. Hay
u.. ,H tnr H iminir Hnwn 10 L. npR.a Knt iKa mnnov waa 1 30. at 11 a. m. The 0. A. K.
. tk. nr tha waeb L.:j i. .k. .i..jr. 1 and W. It. C. invite all to attend.
Demand good and market strong. . . . ppmrtB th. thw. and the pastors and members of
The receipts in the sheep sec-LiT ! ."P.
linn rnntinue to be liberal.
Lambs did not bring as good
one of the best in the county.
t.u.iraiM--I have some fine!
.,Hut,ir. hind to rent and can
take care or 50 or 75 head cattle,
iv Willi, on the C. J. Hur-
.hn ninro nn the LouHitfnonl!
vii. - - . . ...
i nt.. A m es North or roresi
drove. u
linker bunch as having a .nne -Hial invitation to be Dreantl
A. VT a. " . I
ion.h Hi.i nftt hrinff as eood i mBU.m V ,V,1 and make tms a union service.
ry " . "-.T .k- MM..sA... there he met wim khiub nag- The rhoira of the various church-
P"T "HrSn from 8 ' W to SSS Wil!is ener. Geo. H. Vre requested to. partieipate
o ', "' r. -l-ot.0..,flr mo Wilcox ana oiner ionner n i.s- undep the leadenhiD ot Mr.
,j f w. - . I iiAMMfoa ma Hratps i n ml nuLcr
SAFETY: Your money is safer in the bank thanjin vour cash
drawer, m
PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by
being able to give a bans reierence.
loans often 00-
11444 a, 4ivv
tained, if you have a commercial bank account.
CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience ot paying
bills by check, which is a receipt lor the amount para.
hank account: come in
I lucre arc uiiij a ic uiuii1.
and aee us and we will tell you more.
On aawinsfa '
American National Danu
. M Crtnd?ll left hm weoK wk. drjnpinK from 5 du to and olher"forrner. llills-
far rrmevi e iii mi a "lie m inv a iur urai. uiwu. w,...Ml . u..).... tk.. Wiinr a. .
. i i . . i . . i , l u rn iiaiiiii Lr.T. iiv m va v v. " - a a iitnomAAV an ainnniw mm a i
ci-oit. tni. u u uwrasrr.".TSri"S; SS: JTUZ. S a i. S . of. arm c, taiu ril. nut. 0;rf Dnnb
uim n. .1 IV AnnlevatA were muni 0 arraniu ik iu.v 1 1 ...,. ;n or. II! - w
thi tliratd rmm HillaltorO.
North Flaina has the oldest
lo-lge in the county, and has a
ihandsoma new hall After dedi
cation there will be work exem
plified In the rank of knighthood.
.Judge Goodin has been working
hard far aaverai weeks to land
the district convention, and he
before the
final figures are struck. It win luui three weeks to com-
plete the adjustment, icionaru
Wiley lelt last week to assist in
Hie clerical work.
Kli.vhin Womer. who has Uen
uimtimr i.iti nm) at Laurel for a
v - . . i a
week, returned to nis nome ai
n .L.viii.. WiiaIi.. Sundav. He
vs . r i
. I .ho nIdiimAra nf Glencoe Lou- that he piiii seo that Hills
I J ... I . UmA Mnplhli 1. ... ...,( ot'nrv Tlllll he
iamjkc na ! "' miiru una in 1 1'
Wains put on the Pythian map. visits this section.
I AND P. B. E. 0. Phelps returned the last of
the week f nm a trip to nis rancn
n h mnuntnins." between Phil
All. except the P. K. A N.. trains omath and Toledo. He was ac
are wlectric, and stop at the de- cmpanied by his father, who
pot on Main street. resides in Portland.
twt r. JlSSStijlM a. m. White Minorca es for hatch-
I. ... T. mini n.oa - n.r-sett ntf Ot li) lor "
HIPMinnVlllfl 1 rMIII I .UU IM llli "f. "...
To Portland 55 minutes.
12:43 -
9:i8 (Sat only)
From Portland-55 minutes.
at Newport ter from 8 to 10 a. m., and in
A IT Ho via wpn t to (Columbia the afternoon will attend exer-l
v..r. Katnrdav tn hold ex-1 rises under the direction of the!
.;..iL tnr iho nnalifieationaleitv authorities. Rodotoh Cran-I
lllliiaiivn . ... " - j -n - i
knUmi, inun nna nf the nost-1 dnll rnmmander Gen. Kansom I
m offices over in the Nehalem. Mr. Post No. 69, Department of Ore-
Davis had two or three people gon.
aiml x j iL. till lnKvaw mean I
i" i wrmntr. ana liic jhiibwiw mau, .... . - ..
am Uachool master for Uncle Sam. I Kodaks and buppiies. develop.
P m .oniiitted himself with honors, ing and printing done, i ne ueiw
Pm He returned the first of the urug store, aasunan Agenu
r.eaee E. Douirlas has sued
Wm V. Doiiirlaa for divorce.
Thev were married at Ritzville,
. J I . . nkil.l a I
ami in iMii-i nnn nave uric tuiiui mi
a m bov. aired 6 years. She says that
W T. Kerr went to Castle
Rnolr Wash . the last Of the
week, and while there bought a
general store. He will take pos
session this week.
The next meeting of the Ger-
. , . .f ..j .4 i : J W..k I - C-.b:. Cw.ia nf Wash.
.. i ...hAn wnau nvm ml 1 .11111. iioan.. 1 ouch uubirhj w. .
Lu- kDKnil A raw a revolver on I inffton Count v will be held at I
v II a .k fAim if onnn.l tha Tnni Sinav nlaee. ahove
a nn t rar aariii imi. a c auuisu i if waij a .
"'." n m pleasant that she was obliged to Blooming, at 1:30 in the after-
" m leave him and support her son. noon. Sunday, May 30.
him. r. ' T..iAniktno l v ,c-l nm Thov have a house ana 101 aii uA t P.vnA Koa auan Hpa
.. . nwd ' llll wr I NLK III. 11 V 'imnv I if 1111- UII IV f I I S . . a- at-'-J - I J
Sheridan Train iu.wb a. m. - - rr 49tf - a m Lind. and sne wants one-inira oi Plvne for divorce. They were
Foreat Grove Train 12:60 n. m.wiy w-. , ... the proDerty and such aumony -d in this county in 1907.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p.m. Nohn Nyberir. cf liiaiaun, as the court may direct she alletres desertion, and asks
rus Ereeung iri-m.n ... . - v.w C0FhbtJ culJU wwn kl.nia,t Hnvnmnrof ran
'riday. John says mat w . LfVhe Sorinir came Saturday
rains have impoaea nmu .. . - c ffee - 90ake. tt
Club Cook Book is now on sale. waa general all over the county.
This is a re-Drint of the book -ni we the soil several inches
published in 1911. with 100 addi- in depth. it meant a great ben
Is an Old Reliable Institution with
Resources of over
If yon are not familiar with banking methods call
and talk it over with us and we will gladly -give
you any information desired. All
business strictly confidential. Ac
counts of Women and Child
dren solicited
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Depoalts.
, McG'U, Pres.
. C. Shute, Vice-Pres.
W. Mahon, Cash.
W. V. Bergen, Asst.
McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m. r.in8 have impeded road work
Forest Grova Train 9:50 p. m. down his way. but that ine rocs
From Portland laying will progress from this on
Eugena Train arrlves-. 8:15 a. m.
Foreat Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
All trains.
trains, stop on
Range and Fir
Sixth and Fir
9:45 a. m,
..11:59 a. m.
" ..3:15 p. m.
M ..4:30 p. m.
" . .6:40 p. m.
" .7:15 p. m.
" ...9:00 p. m.
" .12:15 a. m.
except Eugene
flag at Norm
streets and at
streets and at
Tenth atrAet.
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. R. & N. Train ...4:30 p. m.
From Portland
P. It & N. Train 9:12 a, m.
1 OwtAJkaaal ftllA Slf Hillahnro
at 2:00 d. m. from Portland"
Saturday and Sunday only.
Forest Urove special oair
ilaya only)
iwo at Naw Helvetia Hall,
Saturday, May 29. by KelTer &
Haulenbeck, Managers. Muaic
I... Mnitlnnlttwlf llreheatra. i0U
are invited. 9-10
C E. Deichman states that the
Odd Fellows will meet at Kose
i.r npvt vear. in the holding
of the Grand Lodge.
The Hillsboro Grays will give
a benefit ball at Hillabow nan,
Friday evening. May 28. All are
cordially invited to attend.
tAhn Wirtz. of Forest Grove,
and Lotus L. Ltingley, Portland,
were in town Monday, aiienum
circuit court.
Money to loan-on farm secur
t three large fire
inaiieaneA comnanies, Give me a
call.-E. I. Kuratli.
m i o. r.hrwtenaen. of near
t niival waa in the county seat
pUUllaneu III liri. mm in aepiu. 1V uicam.
tional recipes, and the sale price enj for grain sown the past two
is 60 cents. weeks and there was a great
The hooka are on sale at the Aaa nt late srain sown on the
fnllowimr Dlaces:
Vaught's Grocery.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co.
Combs' Furniture Store.
Gragg & Powell Grocery.
Koss Grocery.
Hest Room, Second St,
Morton Greenhouse
low lands in particular. Along
the Tualatin Kiver thousands of
acres of grain had just appeared
tkmimh f ho anil, nnn tne HoaK-
ing will send it upward in great
Dr. E. II. Smith has completed
a handsome boat house bungalow
.. . u u,r Tlanrl anrt has inatall-
.... 0i K,c UIS J"-t
tllliSDoro urnya uoocubu ui" jecail ine comioria ui nwus.
will give a benefit dance, at the telephone has been connected,
u:iioi.n Hnll Kridav evenimr. I .a o. Kmnralnw ia enninned
lllliau'riv ' , IQIIU ..... n 1
Man 9t. Admission iuc: aancing r. Uopinncr hmiae. He and Mrs.
M,J . . . . " I .
5c. Dancing begins at smith will spend their
niiia mm Orchestra, every ooay thara Thfi nhvaician has a mo
nnrdinllv invited. tnr hnat to traverse the Tualatin
.j ni Pofato bophHIv of. to the bridge, and from that
. T.r 2 aJ.t within five minutes after
fereu lor loans ni r""7 . ; r, ..
pii onM innk nnnlieations a call he can be In his machine
over E. L, Perkins. Hillsboro. and on the way to professional
Mary Mead.
Black bass are numerous now
in the Tualatin, dui tnev are
. a m a . a
more than foxy about Deing
eaught Old sportsmen are catch
ing a few in reason, out tney are
verv wary. They can maae a
nan amell like a whitt of Fara
Aiao hnorAvpp and the fishermen
are reading upon how to make
the catches.
I saw cord wood, poles up to 12
a a
inches in diameter, ience raus,
and boards of all kinds, into
stovewspd lengths. Will go into
the country, wnte, pnone or
pall on me. Carl Skow. Hillsbo
ro. Phone. Citv 462. or call at
Tualatin Hotel.
Waldo Olson, Ernest Creek-
paum, Miss Marguerite Mann,
Mrs. Creekpaum, Cornelius, Mr.
and Mm Shinnahenrar. Miaa
Myrtle Sninnaberger, and Miss
Gertrude Kay, of Hillsboro, were
oniaata at the. He. and lira. F.. I.
James home, Variey, Thursday
Is Your Watch a'Guessni?
Then discard it, and
at the same time rid
yourself of the men
tal uncertainty and
hesitation caused by
not having the "cor
rect time."
Let me show you the I
New Ebzin with cold
hair spring which I
am offering on the
easiest pos s ible
terms 4;.oo down
and $i.oo a week. Are you from Missouri?
HUUbero. Oregon
l(f to "
i.A' I- .
D.tlant -. 10:33 D. m
Oregon. 'aues-
evening iaau
Xo Portland -U:16 p. m.
Monday. N