ifiilLLSlBR L. XXII HILLSBORO, OREGON4 MAY 13, 1915 NO. 8 ilO O OIECO 'pt rap m jurt' Dual- liWvrn Innings J ol Ginger and Heart failure ja scott is Five to row lt Vlaliers M UK Mart f si al laa Tsfy BmH l KnigbUof Pythias team and jnco met Sunday at Athletic rk-and your Unci Dudley U e to tell you that it waa the St vama yet played on the local junda to far aa the 1915 season Soncerned. The matinee went n Inning, and might have twenty for all that, but for jiaith by King Lytle. that put jr the winning thatch. It was pitchers' duel from start 1 to h. and but for the luck of 'UII break a, not even a clair yant could have told which was entitled to the honors, seman. pitcher for the K. P. ym. struck out ten men. while pnovan. for Orenco, was just I mean, retiring a half-score. Xh pitched league ball -that is I aay we have seen many a Sfue game where lha pitchers 1 nut mix ihem as well, or rike out as many. Nine hits were secured off .Ycmen'a delivery, but they ire well scattered. The 13 la olT tVmovan were also well stributed. Orenco has the making or a e team, and la a nifty aggrav ation. 5 The veteran Pythians played luck, however, and bone-head ys msde no difference. liits were gleaned M follows - lUboro. Engeldlnger. S: Lytle. Hams. 1; Freeman. 3; Moyes. Anderson, 1; Moore, 1; total (Orenco. Faber, 1; Oty. 1: Inv Vie. 1; Parker. 1; Girard. 1; iftdle. 3: Kasmusen. 1. The line up - K.of P. Orenco geldinger. 3 b Welch. 2 b Faber. 1 b Donovan. i Vile, s helps, c !arris, 2 b reeman. p loyes, I f -jrown, c f " Otey, 3 b Imbrie, I f Parker, s s tiirard. r f Vnderson, r f Mesd. c f oore. 1 b Sheidle, c setter, utility Score by innings 1 2 3 4 6 S 7 8 9 10 11 .P. 10001001 10 1-1 )rrn. 0002000020 0-Umuirrs-Wells and Thus. Wil Um. Time of game. 2 hours. 9. P. AND P. 12. R. ill. except (he P. It & N.. trains re electric, and atop at the de- t on Main street To Portland rint Drove Train 6:fi0 a. m. IcMinnville Train 7:M a. m Sheridan Train 9.68 p. m, orent Grove Train .. . 12:60 p. m est nnvil a Train 2:15 d. m rtt Grove train. ...4:10 p. m "gene Train 4:53 a m Minnville Train 0:37 p. m rest Grove Train 9:60 p. m From Portland Eugene Train arrives . 8:15 a. m IcMinnville 9:42 a. m Forest Grove gorist Grove Bhendan sVMinnville rorrst Grove Forest Grove JMcMinnyille (All trains. 11:69 a, m . 3:16 p. m . 4:30 p. m ..6:37 p. m .7:15 p. m ...9:00 D. m. .12:15 a, m except Eugene irains, atop on flag at North Xange and Fir streets and at xth and Fir streets and .Tenth ati-M at Steam Service ...... ...Old Depot I To Portland ,P. K. ft N. Train 4:87 p. m I From Portland ,P. R. ft N. Train 10:24 a. m J. W. Cornelius, who la farm IK BOUUl nr fTnrnalitia tuaa in the city the last of the week Kreting his Hillsboro friends W. says crona are looking K, OUt hia IV BV hit ka visit mm jupiter Pluviua a week or ten daVB Sim wnillri hava hnon 'eryacceptable, Mr. and Mm Rinka! Slnulo OI HlMtintftAfl la anrl , V. "I 7 M,",,w wiiern ina mukaaii la .m..i in the atltA hnalnaaa uaM rnaila the last Of thai waalr mt ka knma ui lie an1 Hm QWy e thinka nmrnii la inmt l va wamwaa aa Bwiiiai reountry. They have just visited aranama r air in uaiirornia, na areenroutahsai, W. II. Forney, of beyond Oak 'ark. it hi houxe and all out building, exciting barn and ta rag, by lire. laat Thursday night. wtwifn eight and nine o clock. hv blaze caught iu the bath room, ami waa !! tindr way before it wan discuvrrrd. The piano and a few minor artuli'n w-re unveil, but the rest of the botiH4hold furniture and all the clothing of the family w-re burn- J. Mr. rorncy went into th building to make an attempt to save tome clothing, but the flame drove him out He scorched hit hair and eyebnmg and sevi-My burnl one of his ears. The Iom W entimuU'd at from $:t.M to i;t..N). ami wan covered by a little ovvr tilKK) in surance. Mr. Forney procured wo tents Friday morning, and atartrd honukt-fping. lie will build at once. 1 represent Spirella corsets not sold in "tores. Will call at homes on rwiutnt. and do the fitting, and tench how to adjunt and wear the corset. Our tailor ed mait-lMiimure corsets, in cluding the latest front lare, with an experienced corset ier service. ctntt no more than high class cor- eta purchase! in stores. Mrs. M. E. Caudle. Hillsboro, Fifth and Jackson Streets. Phone No. Main m. 52 U W. V. Itergen. assintant cashier at the American .National, re turneii rrMay morning irom a two weeks' stay at Klamath 'alls, where he installed one of the Merge n-Comhs lire alarm systems for the city. He was very much taken with the beau ty of the Southern Oregon coun try, and came home laden with pictures of the section. He says thst Klamath Falls is growing right along, and is one of the Ix'st interior towns in the state. Millions of dollars, he t tales. have been expended down that way on government irrigation project, and in a few yers the country will bloom like a rose garden. Dr. Willis llaynie has sued his wife. Or. Nellie llayuie. for di vorce. Husband and wife are chiropractors, and it is evident that the doctors have dis agreed " The husband charges that the wife is "quarrelsome, fauH liii. ling, dissatisliinl ami im possible to please." He alleges that l has left htm at times and left him in ignorance of her whereabouts. They were mar ried at Sisikane in llM. Wanted at once: Youngmen for automobile business. Big lay. We make you cxiert in ten weeks by mail, ray us alter we secure vou position. Century Automobile Institute, I.os Ange les. Cal. Mavor G. G. Patterson and Councilinen McGready and Emer son, of torest drove, were in Hillsboro, rriday. Iisiking over our sewer system. They came down not only to see the physical Droixwition. but to see the method of apiHirtioning the costs. The city of Forest Grove exp;cts to have the new system installed by Fall. W. H. Fuller, who returned last week from Ilozeman, Mon tana, with Harding, of Aloha. charged with non-support, says that when he reached ISozetnan the ground was covered with snow and sleighing was in nrogress. Ilu says the old Wi lamette Valley. Garden of Kder an it is. is good enough for him. For Side: A registered Hoi- stein bull, year intf. and one six months old.Gorhardt Goete, (Cornelius. Route 2. south of Blooming. 5-7 At a meeting of the members of the newly organized Sherwood Commercial Club last Thursday night, the slogan: bherwood, the Onion City." was adopted. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grebe, o Laurel, were Hillsboro visitors Saturday. A. L. has joined the Ford brigade, and says he is go ing to quit raising so many oats J. W. Marsh, the Centerville Dioneer. was in Thursday eve ning and while in town invested in a new buggy. J. W. says the auto BDeed is too much for an oldtimer. White Minorca eggs for hntch ins setting of 15 tor $1. Wil lard Tupper, Hillsboro, Telephone City 602. 4Utt Marriage license was granted Geo. Peter Splering and Mary Vanderzanden. of the Banks Greenville section, the last of the week. Theodore Berg and Nellie R Jones, of Beaverton, were mar ried at Vancouver. May 6, 1915 Kodaks and Supplies, develop ing and printing done. The Delta Drugstore, Eastman Agent, v-i GO. Btn GOE i.:ei at sherd I'alruns of Muabandrv Have IUg lime April 28 HVE MMiM THT IS PtEASINfl Bcancrlaa Smm Has I artcal Oraaic is Ibc Caaaly Pomona Grange meeting on Wed nesday. April 28 -Washington County Pomona Grange was en tertained royally at Sherwood by" the local grange. A large crowd (171) registered. The morning session was taken up with routine business and tiie reports from Subordinate Granges, eleven of the twelve in the County having written re ports. At noon all partook of the bounteous spread prepared by the good cooks of Sherwood Grange. The meeting in the afternoon was in charge of the Lecturer. Mrs. A. H. Flint, of Scholia, who had prepared an excellent pro gram, the principal topic for dis cussion being "Co-operation in buying and selling." itev. Blake, of Tualatin, gave an interesting talk on "American Citizenship." In the evening Master. Philip Olsen. of Orenco, assisted by Past Master, B. G. Leedy. of Corvallis. instructed a class of forty-four in the Fifth or Pomo na degree. A fine musical pro gram was rendered by members of the local Grange assisted by members from Scholls Grange. Sherwood Grange is now hold ing its meetings in VVeckert s Hall, one of the fine brick build ings recently erected in the town, snd is growing rapidly, owing to the fact that it is buying com modifies for the farm and home on the co-operative plan at a great reduction in price to its members. "Beaverton! You are still the largest bran go in the county, but look out: ihe next Pomona meeting will bo held with dreen Mt. orange. at Buxton, the 4th Wednesday in July. M. II. D. Corresponding Secy. "TMU SENIOR" taste of real college life with all its fun and suint. and vet with plenty of good serious com mon sense running through it. Is the treat which is being pre pared by the Class of 1915, of the ligh School, in the annual Sen ior play. ine twnior gives the usual variety of characters ound in a "bunch" of college fellows, from the dignified Senior himself to the "graceful Fresh" who falls down more times than he takes steps, and who swears jy what Pa says. The scenes are typical or college lite, and alford many interesting and amusing situations. Fhe class has spent much time and elTort in producing a phy that will be a credit to itself and the school, and deserves the loy al support of the community. Ihe cast is as follows: Gordon Walnwright. a Senior of Lakeville University, not in society" Elmer Fisher "Perry" Spencer, "Pug" Collins. Nick Meade, seniors in so ciety Sam Bontley, Elmer Batchelder, Chas. Deichman Tommy Thompson, baseball star and sophomore .... Dan hrwin "Dub" Dulheld, champion de bater Wade Zumwalt Roane, a freshman who looks the part James Mahon Eleanor Forbes,, a popular girl . . Ruby Tipton Mrs. Lee, Eleanor's aunt and an aristocrat Ella Bechen Violet, a helpful sort of person. . (Catherine Perry Gertrude Spencer, Spencer's sis ter Anna Berg Miss Jones, a Lnkeville girl Effle Bachelar Miss White, visiting Lakeville... Alma Spicker Jean, chauffeur ...Arthur Connell Mike, a lunch hustler Leon Tamiesie Crescent Theatre. Thursday evening, May 13, at 8:00 o'clock. Popular prices. Race Horse For Sale-A gentle buggy horse, broke double or single. 'also to saddle. Iron gray weighing close to 1000 lbs., age between 5 and 6 years. This horse won over all comers in the pony race, at Beaverton, July 4, 1914 Earl E. Fisher, Owner: Beaverton, Oregon. 8-9 Northern grown eeda at Greer's. bulk garden Bring your eggs to Greer's. W. N. Hathorn. of laurel. was in town the last of the week. Buy your Kodaks and Supplies of the Delta Drug Store. East man Agents. 7-11 Jos. Caw rue. of North Tuala tin Plains, was a city visitor Saturday. J. D. Koch, supervisor of the Blooming section, was in town Saturday. Mrs. A. Solberger. of beyond North Plains, was in the county seat. Friday. Here you are Mr. Farmer -7 and 8 per cent money see me, E. L Perkins. Room 1 Commer cial Bldg., Hillsboro, Ore. M. M. Mead, of near Orenco. has bought a small place over near Kalama. Wash., and is mov ing over this week. EvervDody knows that Dulk garden seeds are best Buy them at Greer's and get the price and assortment J. R. Whitley and Marie John. son. or Portland, were united in marriage, in Hillsboro. May 6, 1915. Itev. T. L Duke officiating. Money to loan on farm secur ity. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call.-H L Kuratli. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thurston. of near Beaverton. were in the city Saturday. Thurston came up for repairs on a road sprtnk- er-sn indication that road work is in progress down that way. E. L James, of near Varley, was in town Saturday. He re ports that Miss Ernestine Brown. of Santa Ana. Cal.. recently in jured in an auto accident is now able to attend school. ' Mr. and Mrs! T. S. Wilkes ar rived here Saturday, arter a honeymoon trip up the Columbia River, a d have taken up house keeping in the Wilkes home on Railroad Street Pasturage I have some fine pasture land to rent and can take care of 60 or 75 head cattle, W. S. Willis, on the C. J. Bur- chell place on the Lousignont Lake, 4 miles North of Forest Grove. 7-11 George Harrow was orer from Oak Park, haturday. carrying barb wire scratch fifteen inches in length. He tumbled through a narb wire ience the other night while running to the For nev fire, and a barb raked him from his elbow to the knuckles. Judge Stevenson, of Gales Creek, was down to Hillsboro, Saturday. The Judge has about the finest private game reserve of his own in the state, and when he wants a deer all he has to do is to go out to hia park, tie one up, ana nave a neighbor come over and shot it , 1 saw cord wood, poles up to 12 inches in diameter, fence rails, and boards of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or, call on me. Carl Skow, Hillsbo ro. Phone. City 462, or call at Tualatin Hotel. Stranger things have happen ed than that Washington County might have a valuable agate mine in the Goodin rock quarry, owned, of course, by the Com monwealth. Commissioner Han ley has on exhibition several pieces of water agate, one larger than a man's fist, and which has every appearance of being fit for the work of a lapidary. Wheth er or not it is commercial remains to be seen, but it certainly would take on a polish more beautiful than fifty per cent of the rock ground for watch fobs, or brooches. One piece, as large as a hair bushel, was last season ground through the crusher, and is scattered on the roads. The agate is found in considerable quantity, and investigation may be made to see whether or not we" have something worth while. OREOON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 .....am 7:18 a m 8:28 am 9:58 .............. .... .......;, .am 12:43 pm 3:58 pm 5:43..:... ....pm 8:10.... pm 9:li8 (Sat. only) ............ pm From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54....... 9:20 ..........am 11:25 .... - am 2:05.... .....pm 4:27....... ...pm 6:25...... pm 7:13 ptn 9:12 (Sat only) pm 12S m siiormz-sti DeleiMUfit Claims la laaactat of Wroag-Dolaf ao4 Fights Case CAtflED NAtE OP A1CKIE LEONARD Castartd ly Sacraawate Skcrttf IS Niks Fra-a CalifaraU Capital Sheriff J. E. Reeves returned Monday morning from Sacra mento. CaL. bringing with him Charles W. Loudon. cLarged with a statutory offense, the state's witness being Ida Vanderiio. ho accompanied the Loudona when they returned from St Cloud, Florida, over a year ago. After the warrant waa a worn out in justice court Loudon sold his place beyond North Plains. and disappeared. Prior to thia he had turned the Vanderiio girl over- to Trauscher, of the Juven ile court. Loudon aaya he went from here to Winnipeg; Canada. and from there to Wisconsin and to Minnesota. He also says that he went to Florida, and from there to California, sirs. Loudon was located in Los Angeles, some months ago. and when the wife left fork Sacramento she shipped a trunk by freight The Los An- gcles officials then notified Sheriff Keeves of the shipment and he wired the Sacramento aheriff to watch for its arrival. Mrs. Loudon had the trunk taken to Bridge House, at a ranch. 18 miles out of Sacramhnto. where Loudon was working under the name of Archie Leonard. Loudon waa supplied with funds and put up a strong fight for habeas cor pus release when 8heriff Reeves arrived. The aheriff waa unable to take requisition with hia, owing to the fact that WithTCombe w at the Ceiilo celebration, and the court postponed Loodoo'a pro ceedings two days until the nec essary papers arrived. Loudon talked with the Argua representative Monday, and he says he has retained W. G. Hare to defend the case, and that he wm be acquitted, as he is not her been named as Matron at the same institution. Both are wor thy, and will make good officials. Their Hillsboro friends wish them every possible good luck in their new stations. HEISLERCHURCHILL Harrison W.Heislerand Edith "L. Churchill were united in msrri age. May 5. 1915, Rev. J. S. Lucas officiating. Both are pop ular young people of Gales Creek. the bride being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Churchill, and the groom a son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Heisler. TUALATIN Tualatin will celebrate Independ ence Day in grand style this year, the event being staged for Monday. July 5. The Tualatin crass uano, wnicn win give a concert in the afternoon and eve t.ing, has charge of the affair. There will be a parade in the morning, followed by a program. 1 in the afternoon there will be a series of contests, such as tug-of-war, foot races, sack race, fat men's races, etc This will be followed by a good baseball game. There will be dancing all afternoon and evening in the park. All in all. the Band will see to it that there will be some thing doing all the time. Tualatin is the only place in the east end Of the county that has made any plana for a cele bration, therefore it la expected that everybody will be on hand that day. Wilsonville. Oswesro. Tigard. Sherwood and ISiddleton are invited to join with Tualatin In .the big event O. & Kraua, Uantr Tuiiiin End. YES! 17E HAVE IT 111 STOCK! One Million Board feet of Good Lumber A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Oar specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment Yon cau do better for less with this company. t lat Iger Lumber Co. Main St and P. R. & ABSOLUTELY Kverything in Building Material eMJSTMTtlET safe fy: drawer. Your money is safer PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by being able to give a bank reference. DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often ob tained, if you have a commercial bank account CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of payies bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid. There are only a few advantages of a bank account; coma in and see us and we will tell you more. 4 Per Cent. Interest On Svina American National Donll raf su SIIOTE SAVINGS BMK American National Ben! ) (affiliated ba K ) Combined Capital and Surplus.. JOOO.CD Combined Resources... 690,428.81 Banhinrfin All Its Branches Checking Accounts, ' Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't. Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. WHEN YOU BUY A WATCH From your Home Jeweler you buy where any fault at once may be cor rected. When you buy away from home you have to make a trip in case anything goes wrong-the moralt Buy From LAUHEL Hillsboro. N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. in the bank than in vour cash Ma EIOYT Crr n I il.'Vj l-'f