lniILLSBIl?a OL.XXII HILLSBORO, ORECON, MAY 6, 1915 NO. 7 c JUEE30 IfilSGFlttlO hd 111 Wife UaeaVHve. and Write Letut Frew ais at tnt Taaes lasi, aa4 tUm Qtatfe WRI CM Nam mm . . - m it a. leorge J naroing. 01 Aiona, aed his wife goodbye, April Sheriff Reeves returned Fridav with John tove, ex-convict, and hi companion. Miller, both of whom are under suspicion of robbing the safe in the Schul merich & Kinton store, at Ranks. April 1. 1. The two fellows were i i- if i - - i rriirvm in ioiu . revolver. L Writes Letlef riM aeaiue with 7 inch barrel. They also! had some fuse and cap, and two! LSNFIKS IS 00.11 PCMVE1 sticks of dynamite. If they had nuro-Kiucvnne, or soup u ll it called, they had it ditched be fore being taken by the aection foreman who held them until heritf Crenshaw got them. Sheriff ltwvea has some evidence showing that they were in Banks ed MS wire gooa-oye. pn. tl lh timj, of the roljb4.ry lf)d 1915. told her ha waa going to u louk Uktf g KOui caHe wMl tattle to get work, and then them. - L I.. ........ kaJ t..k4j.l . I . . ... .. i represent opirt'iia corseu- not sold in store. W ill call at homea on request and do the fitting, and teach how to adjust and wear the cornet. (Jar tailor ed made-to-measure cornet, in cluding the latent front lace, with an exiwrtenrvd corm-tier service. coat no more than high clawi cor set purchased in stores. Mrs, M. K. Caudle. I hi In l,om. Fifth and Jackson Streets, I'hone No. Main 381 62 14 BEII liS HOME FfJllISIl HE W la Out Sunday's dame by Scmn t lllgtit taSevea-Eaclthig Oasae tOTM MTCNEtS TOSS 0000 IUL fter his spouse naa lenaenv icked hlssultcaw, h was so un rmteful that h wrote her from ntUe. telling her ha wm leav- irfher forever. This did not lactlf suit tin. Harding and n aa aha received the missive Iw made an excursion to Judge ilth'a office in Hillsboro, and mre out a warrant for desert- in and non-support to herself nd child. Tha warrant waa placed-in the mda of Constable W. IS. Fuller. iho wired 8attl tolocaU Hard- nr. Ha waa Informed that tha Mf deserter bad bought a ticket l'ark City. Montana, where has two or three brothers. lie Montana sheriff arretted larding and placed him in jail Hillings. Requisition papers ive Deen Dromisea. ana vun- table Fuller departed Friday rrnlug for Helena, to get the ... . a inr writing to give mm barge of Harding. Harding owns a five acre tract rar Aloha, and baa a nice home. le left his wife destitute, how. rer. and she did not relish the Viand leaving so clandestinely. 9. P. AND K E. B. Ill, except the P. K. k N.. trains electric, and stop at tneoe- Dt on Main street. To Portland Toreat Grove Train 6:50 a. m. IcMinnville Train 73 a. m. licridan Train 9.58 p. m. 'oreal Grove Train 12:50 p. m. IcMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. foreat Grove Train.. .4:10 p. m. igene Train 4:53 p. m. cMinnville Train 6:37 p. m. oreat Grove Train 9:50 p. m From Portland ugene Train arrives . 8:15 a. m. IcMinnville oreal Grove Wat Grove ihendan IcMinnville oreat Grove foreat Grove JcMinnvUle All traina. Campbell McDonald, held un til after the inveatigation of the death of John iitoderick. who died at ileidrl Crct-k, last week, waiai a.!-. t4 aVf imta w mninlntr Vf SM M ' mnr wifaaj iiiui aittigka the authorities being satisfied that McDonald waa in the clear. A member of the Portland Kaglea was here the at of the week and stated to the aherilf that Unwlericlt white in Portland, waa subject to fainting or falling spells, and that he frequently fell on his h ad. The brother Kagle knew neither Itroderick orMcDonald personally, but he said that he desired only to see justice done itroderick s com- Rnion. McDonald went Into inland on the first car. Before leaving he called on W. W. Boa cow, who knew many Alaskans in common with McDonald. Sheriff iteeves Friday after noon picked up a young man from Tillamook who left the coast city owing a bill without notifying his creditor. He was arrested on telephonic ai'vice from Sheriff Crenshaw and the Washington County sheriff had A. A a very unpiei sani amy io per form, as the young fellow had a wife and year old babe with him. Constable McQuillan conveyed the absconding debtor to the point where the trains meet and turned him over to the Tillamook officials. They had very little money with them, and the hus band said he waa trying to get out where he could get employ ment Mm! Tallies HUt la lb laitfal laatot Five aa4 Fate The Ben Hurs had their rabbit feet with them in Sunday's game with the Farmington nine. In the first frame the Hurs made five and the Farmingtons four and after that the game settled down to a pitcher's duel. Kov Schulmerich pitched a good game, and secured several strike outs, while Hehse, for the visit ors, was a puzzler with the ex ccption of the first inning, when he was as wild as his opponent The game was rather poorly attended, but the way Jim Per kins stole second and then died at third on a steal was well worth the price of admission. Jim had the glory of making the winning score, and he ssys that is bouquet enough for a fat man, any day. The line-up-Ben Hurs Farmington Dillon, 2b Batchelar. 3b ICay. 3b Heater, cf Sigler. lb E Kehse. p Pault. cf Bozarth, If; ss Deaville, 2b Corrieri. as; 2b Schulmerich. p laRue. rf Nelson. If Prhule. If Harrington, c Porter, If; 2b Perkins, rf Shane, c H Kehse. lb rains, lange 9:42 a. m .11:59 a. m. ..3:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 6:37 p. m. Joseoh Lorsung Jr. has sued .7:15 p. m.lAirnes Lorsung for divorce, the 9.-00 p. m. oaoers being filed last 1 hursday. .12:15 a. m. I thev were married in Hillsboro. except Eugene June 13. 1911. and the husband (lag at North alleges that she deserted him in streets and at Seotember. 1913. and has ever streets and at since refused to live with him. There is one child, a son. Mark. aged 3 years. Nothing is said as to the custody of the child. which is now with th- mother. MRS. PORTEOUE Mrs Henrietta Portegue. whose death occurred April 20, 1915, at her home. 764 Last Ankeny Street Portland, and whose funeral was held at the chapel of F. S. Dunning. Wednesdsy, was born in New York state. Janu ary 9. 110. She came to Ore gon in 1800 from Fergus Falls, Minn. Surviving her are her husband. P. Portegue; a dau ghter. Mrs. Merle Magness, and son. Lex Diamond. Also one grandson, Irvin McClure Dia mond of Portland; one sister. Mrs. George Sharp of Marble Rock. Iowa; three brothers, Jos eph Minar. of Albert Lea Minn. 0. E. Minar. of Fairmont, N. D. and H. J. Minar. ot Tolly. N. D. She was also a sister of the late W. W. Minar. of Portland. Mrs l ortegue's family lives at Cedar Mill. Bring your eggs to Greer's. Geo. W. Bacon, of above Dil ley, was in town Monday. Buy your Kodaks and Supplies of the Delta Drug Store. East man Agents. 7-11 L L. Crawford, of Crawford, was down to the city Saturday, taking in the school celebration. J. A. Lynn, of beyond North Plains, was a county seat caller Saturday. Fred Anicker. of Kinton, was greeting friends in the county seat Saturday. Here you are Mr. Farmer-7 and 8 per cent money see me. E. L Perkins, Room 1 Commer cial Bldg., Hillsboro, Ore. Wm. Hanson, of Scholia, where he is engaged in milling, was in the county seat the last of the week. Geo. Ha thorn and Henry Boge, of the Laurel section, were in town Saturday. They report crops looking fine out their wsy. Everybody knows that bulk garden seeds are btrst Buy them at Greer's and get the price and assortment Sam Raffety. of Mountaindalej there since 1852 was gieetlng friends in town Saturday. He says the fishing is good up his way. Money to loan on farm secur ity. I represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call. E. L Kuratli. Cashier Mays, of the North tains Bank, and F. M. Wads- orth. one of the school directors the McKay Creek city, were in town rnday. S. A. V. Meek rarely misses the Champoeg celebration, but this year his trip was vetoed by Mrs. Meek. They brought in 32 people to the school exercises. Saturday, which is some load. For Sale Yearling registered Holstein bull; also six months registered Holstein bull; both fine youngsters. Gerhadt Go- etze. Cornelius. Ore., Route 2; South of Cornelius. 5-7 mo em SAYS STATE L'LT VOTE Probability Nc SUwag Tbat Ju- didal BiU WM a Referred TALK OF tEfKLNDU IS 6 VINO Vast Ai HOWLING Stop OA and Fir Uxth and Fir fenth street. tram orrim. . . win To Portland l & N. Train -1:37 p. m. From TortUnd K. & N. Train 1024 a. m Depot Northern grown eds at Greer's. bulk garden J01. C'swrse. of North Tuala tin hums, waa in the county Veal Friday. I Representative Sam Paisley. M Buxton, was down to Hillsboro aturday. mixing with the nrong. springtime ia here, so now the time to make garden. Buy our garden seeds st Greer's. Judde UcGahey, who is taking re or a twelve acre hopya'U iear uaston. was in town Satur Wanted-at once: Voungmen for automobile business. Big nav. We make you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay us after we secure you position. Century Automobile Institute, Los Ange les, Cal. C. E. Hurst who tor many vears conducted the B. P. Cor nelius farm beyond North Plains, was over from Milwaukie. rriday nd Saturday, ca ling on his North Plains and Hillsboro friends. He s now running a vmrerv on Me Wit. aeon line, but says there is no place quite like old Washington County, For sale: A registered Hol stein bull, yearling, and one bix od. uerhardt iioetze. Friday was ladies' day at Bent- ley's alleys, with scores as to! lows: Mrs King. 77. 100. 126. 107. 134: total. 544; ave. 109. Mrs Dillon. 133. 84. 95. 100, 126; to tal. 538: ave. 108. Mm Mc Carthy. 56, 83, 99. 63. 65; total, 361: ave. 72. Mrs Anderson. 99. 124. 133. 170. 132: total. 640; ave. 128. Mrs Jackson. 76. 105, 81. 115, 113: total. 490; ave, 98. Mrs Phillips, 96. 85. 68. 90. 87; total, 426: ave. 85. Mrs. Anderson then played two more g mes with score of 209 and 145, and her apponent 146 and 158. ORGQON ELECTRIC TRAINS C mAitr Ka Jy, visiting his mother. iwneliua. Route 2. south of G. P. If artln. aJmlnlatrator of Blooming. 67 'the liaae Ball estate, was in the G. A. Plieth, on tho board of Connected with the final settle- waa un to Hillsboro the last of jnent of hla Urm aa in ehanre. Itho week, mingling with the throne at tho school lesuvmes. White Minorca egga for hatch Inir-Bfittinir of 15 lor SI. Wil iii hi a ...a lard Tupper, Hiiisooro, teiepnone City 502. w Thos. Hyland.. of Beaverton. j. a Chanman. of near Mid was up to the city Monday, on UMnn waa unto the city Sat business connected with the As L,t. hrmcrimr un a load of Borsorace. . aehool ch dren. Thos. Carmichael. of Guton. vutwa and Snnnlips. develoo was In town Friday, looking over Una ad printing done. The Delta rvcuraa in connecuon wiui mrug store, uastman Agent, l-ii viaaion acnooi propeny 01 To Portland-55 minutes. 6:32 1:10 i 8:28... ....... 9:58 12:43 3:68 5:43 8:10 9:ii8 (Sat. only) am a ra '....a m 4i m pm pm pm pm pm Nicholas VratMV and Uisa velma Buah. of Portland, were united in marriage in this city. may i, 1915, Rev. Edw. A. liar rts officiating. KM From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54 9:20 11:25 2:05 4:27.... 6:25 7:13.. 9:12 (Sat only) 12:25 , as t a ............am am am ..p m ..pm ...pm pm pm am the the two acres, Peter Jsnsen, of, Centerville, ..:IaI mltk mlaHvoa horfl the J. W. Huarhas. of naar Forest I u. ' Vm an INI VI wwwim A WSJ At BctlfpoOtS, TUSS. - . n w.ltartL a fo? s;Jof thTbil ?' PW I Clencoe. were In town the lock men down that way. Fifty- 01 w wce" even held of cows and sires R. F. Peters, of Portland, was were laid fcj tha h'chcrt tidisr. lout titurdiy, on lezal business C. C. Nelson, of Bacona, prob ably has the record for bringing in children the longest distance by team for attendance at the Mav Day spelling contest He brought in the Huffman children hit own and several others, ! distance of 24 miles. They left Bacona at 3:30. and were in Hillaboro before 8 o'clock. That ia some "school patriotism at Wack Mast ba Daat to Od Mailer aa tattat Attorney General Brown has ruled that if there is a referen dum of the judicial bill that placed Washington and Clacka mas counties in one district toes on the ballot at an election that it must go on as a state measure, j pure and simple, because the cir cuit court is a state court in every sense of the word. There has been some talk about a referendum, and those favoring the move thought the vote for or against the bill, if referred, might be taken only in the counties affected. This would have placed the election in six or seven counties. The ruling of the state's attorney, j however, will make it difficult i for ballot placing, and moreover. it will hardly carry if signatures sufficient are secured to get the matter on the lists. Washington County itself would more than likely vote to sustain the new law. as the new district but one hundred dollars additional expense, as against economy in the matter of ex peditious court work, and the in cidental saving in the board of prisoners. 1 be law will become effective May 22, and Attorney Geo. R. Bagley will take his seat as the new judge for the Tillamook Washington district The present jury, now under recess, upon call, wilt likely re main in panel until a new jury shall be called. The probablity of referendum is now so remote as not to be worthy of consideration. It would cost $150,000 to bold the election, and that in itself is somewhat of an obstacle. Really MADE in HILLSBORO NOT SHIPPED IN; BUT MANUFACTURED HERE The entire stock of the Hillsboro Lumber Co. has been purchased by the Badger Lumber Company. It is being moved to their yard, Main Street and the P. R. & N. tracks, and is being sold at a great reduction. Badger Lumber Co. Main Strand P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Kverything in Building Material Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Houslv. of Banks, were in town Monday morning. Mr. Housley is now nterested in the mercantile bus iness at the town at the head of Dairy Creek navigation. PasturageI have some fine pasture land to rent and can take care of 50 or 75 head cattle. W. S. Willis, on the C. J. Bur- chell place on the Lousignont Lake. 4 miles North of Forest Grove. 7-11 Garden Home ia still laboring with the Railway commission. trying to get a Ave cent fare in general, into and out of Port end. The present fare is 20 cents, excepting for commuters. The people there want the city fare established, and they are fighting hard to carry their po sition. The next meeting of the Ger man Speaking Society will be held at the home of Herman Koehnke, 1) miles south of Oak Park station, southwest of Hills bora. Sunday. May 16. 1915. at 1:30 p. m. All members are re quested to be in attendance, as well as German speaking people. Peter Hoffman, of Bacona, came out from Portland, Satur day. after a lengthy stay at one ot the Rose City Hospitals. where he sustained an operation a few weeks ago. He is looking fine, and will again be able to handle the sawmill business in been given bad advice. . He had inches in diameter, fence rails, I extended the time of the note to and boards of all kinds, into young Ball without notifying the stovewood lengths. Will go into surety, Mr. Welch, and. some the country. Write, phone or I attorney told him he could not call on me. Carl Skow, Hillsbo- hold Welch. This was poor law, ro. Phone, City 462, or call at but it is thought he took the Tualatin Hotel. team under the misapprehension. It...- L !..!,. aCArns and family, while ItTTZZTZ SETS: had their vehicle's front wheel - - - crushed in a collision with the r.rWa for all kinds of hulk NOTE CANCELLED A juryin circuit court Friday decided that a note - for $500, signed by Arthur Ball as princi pal, and John Welch, surety. was fully satisfied by the ac ceptance of a team by the hold er of the note a Mr. Kruger, of below Beaverton. Young Ball was teaming, and when he left the country all his assests were wrapped up in a team, wagon and harness. These he left be hind, encumbered by a chattel mortgage of 1150, and when the holder of the $500 note went to see Mrs. Ball who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bauer, of Cedar Mill, he took the team, paid off the 150 chattel, and Mrs. Ball. Mrs. Bauer and Mr. Bauer swore that he took the team in full satisfaction of the $500 debt The team was afterward sold by Kruger at auction sale, but it brought only the amount of the $150 chattle. The next day. however, the outfit sold for "310. The plaintiff's contention that Kruger took the team for the debt full payment appears to have been the way the jury viewed the evidence. The note was sued on by Attorney Brazil, who swore it was assigned him as collateral. The contention of the defense, taken care of by W. eJU5T M W ADVANTAGES v i SArril i: Vour money is eater in me uann uuin in your caah drawer. f PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased ' greatly by being able to give a bank reference. DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often ob tained, if you have a commercial bank account; ' '" CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of paying bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount; paid-''-. t There are only a few advantages of a bank account; come in and see us and we will tell you more. ? 4 Per Cent, Interest On Suvina American Notional Donll SBDTE SAMS BAM American National Den! (affiliated basics) . Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources..................... C00,423-8l Danhinj in All lta Dranchea Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposit. city sprinkler. Had it not been that their horse was gentle there might have been a bad accident Mr. Arns was considerably ag itated by the collision, as he had but recently left the hospital. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. L. Wolf, of below Reedviile, heloed celebrate her birth anni versary on the afternoon of April 30. A delicious lunch was served late in the afternoon. Those who enjoyed the occasion were: Mesdsmes Wolf, Heard. Bockmann, Hathaway. Wellborn. Hillier, Hunt Braner, Brock, Sutter, Curtis, Gosper, Cherry, Buehner. Shaw. Wade. Buck, Libby. Townsend; Misses Lyall, Bamford, Burns, Brock; Cyrus Wade Jr. garden seeds. Oglesby Young, of Portland, was out Monday, taking care of a snerin s sale lor a client North Plains is to have a $4,500 school building as one of 1915 s improvements. J. T. Rooks, of Vinelands. was down with the little chaps. Sat urday. W. C. Davidson and wife, of Banks, came down with the ex cursion, Saturday, to witness the spelling contest. - Taken up: Sorrel mare, about two years old. Owner pay tor keeping nd advertising, and take same away. Albert Grits macher, Oreaco, Ore. ' 7-9 The Seneca Puts stop to icture waste Thats what the camera you see here does; no mora dissapointing experiences if you hays one of the NEW SENECA CAMERAS Come in and see them if you want to make every picture count They are the camera that tra practically automatic and really fool-proof. Tho beat films for all makes of kodaks In ststk LAUDEL ML HOYT Hillaboro, Orca 1 -.. .V