2-E1SE ;; i ME lnlILLSBE VOL. XXII HILLSBORO, OREGON, APRIL 29, 1915 jk2s KQ.0 j mosses DIBBO T.EUC Pwsssrtaal With DMMcralk Tick et. Forty-Five Years M eMaaTaaBBSBBT nita or cmau was mcti d Jackass Reevar Im tor SsmI seeer f, Hairy Wssreff. Tnaaartf Sheriff J. E. Kmvw wu last week presented with ticket piiatsj in 1870-45 years ago tatiCiring. Iu complexion was democratic, and it will t of In terest to the old timers of the county. Wm. Reeves, father of the present sheriff, was a candi date for the office of sheriff, and was elected. Henry Wehrung. father of W. H. Wehninir. of the Hillsboro National, ran for trea aurer. and Jackson Hoover, now laying In Portland under a stroke of paralysis, wu the candidate for county school superintendent Ulysses Jackson, well known to all the pMoeersse, was a candi date for commissioner. Sheriff Reeves values the relic hlchly. and will keep it as a sou- venir. One of the names on the ticket that is of especial interest. also, is that of Ira E. Purdin. who owns a farm near Forest Grove. Mr. Purdin wu defeat ed, hut subsequently wu elected to the legislature. The ticket had an old fashion eo Doraer around it. and wm about 8 inches In length and 3 in width. At the head was an eagle, with wines spread. The names on the ticket, and adu plicate, u to printing, follows: UEUOCRATIC Ticket Washington County For Representative to Congress JOHN BURNETT Prosecuting Atty.. 4th Jud. Dist. C. B. BELLINGER For Joint Senator A. VAN DUSEN For Representatives J. A. RICHARDSON P. G. BUFORI) For County Commissioners ULYSSES JACKSON W. W. GRAHAIf For Sheriff WU. REEVES 1 For County Clerk IRA E. PURDIN. Jr. rbr Treasurer HENRY WEHRUNG For School Superintendent JACKSON HOOVER For Assessor GEO. R. COREY For County Surveyor WM. K.B1LYOU For Coroner CHAS. J. BULLOCK t . P. AND P. B. & All. except the P. K. s N trains jrv electric, and stop at the de pot on Main street, t To Portland Toreat Grove Train :G0 a. m. MtMinnville Train 7:38 a. m. Sheridan Train 9.58 p. m. forest Grove Train 12:150 p. m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. on. r'on-t Grovs Train.. .4:10 p. m. Stigene Train ......4:63 p. m. c IcMinnville Train 6:37 p. m. orest Grove Train 9:60 p. m. From Portland ugene Train arrives .. 8:15 a. m. IcMinnville 9:42 a. m. forest Grove forest Grove hendan IcMinnville forest Grove orest Grove JcMinnville (All trains. ..11:63 a.m. ' . .3:16 p. m. M ..4:30 p.m. " . . .6:37 p. m. .7:15 p.m. " .. 9:00 p. m. " ,12:16 a.m. except Eugene xrains, stop on flag at North ,iange and Fir streets and at at 'ixth and Fir streets and Tenth street Steam Service ...... ...Old Depot To Portland P. R, & N. Train. ........ 1:37 p. m. From Portland R. A N. Train 1024 a.m. Springtime is here, so now Jk the lima In aalra arAn Rnv your garden seeds st Greer's. f C H. Mslcdm and Adolph Xutschmann, of North of Orenco, .were in the city Friday. I H. C. Toelle, of Shady Brook, .transacted business in town Fri day afternoon. . ( Mr, and Mrs. Frank Imbrie, of Orenco, were Hillsboro visitors thelutof the week. ( Money to loan on first-class arm security. Washington County Abstract Title Com ny; by E. J. UcAltar, liene- Several of the local Knight of ryihias are eonteinilattnir a trip to Crater Uke. 82 mile Kant of Med ford. August 17. The three lug local va ev l k'M In S mi thern Oregon will initiate a class of IOU in the extinct crater. Wiz ard Inland. The ceremonies will Uke place in the very crater it self, which is 150 feet in depth and 3UU feet in diameter. The government ha given the order the exclusive control of Wiziril Uland on August 18. and no one will be allowed to land w ho ha not the semi-annual pan word Grand 1xlxe ollicers will be present, and it i etiinaUd that that WW K. of T. will attend the big ceremonial. The elevation of the crater U 7.0W feet The boys will be st the National Re serve one full day and part of two. Med ford Knight will con vey all visitors to the Lake with aulos. Portland. Or.. April 22: - State school authorities throughout Oregon are cooperating with the State Hoard of Purentry and Ore gon rorent I-ire Association in carrying forest fire h-asona to public school pupil In-fore the 1915 danger season oiiena. Over seventy thousand little booklet are being distributed containing a story entitled "The Friends of the Forest" written by K. T. Al ten. which wesves into attractive tory form, with a boy and mjuir rel a heroes, the age-old pre vslenee of fire in these states, the struisles of the trees for self-preservation nnd the interest of men and children in our forest return reus. 1 represent Spirella corseU- not sold in stores. Will call at homes on reuuent and do the fitting, and teach how to adjust anu wear me corse i. uur isuor ed made-to-measure corsets, in cluding the latent front lace, with sn experienced corse tier service, cost no more than high cla&s cor sets purchased in stores. -Mrs. II. K. Caudle, Hillsboro. nrth and Jackson Streets, Phone No. Msin 381 52-14 Oregon's laws prohibit the sale of tobacco in any form, or the gift of the same to any one un der the age of IS years. It is also unlawful for any hoy under the age of 18 to smoke or use to bacco in any form in any public street, square, place, highway or resort. Conviction for sale or gift means a fine of not less than 5 nor more than $50, and a boy violating the law can be fined not less than one nor mote than ten dollars, or imprisonment of two days for each otTense. You know the symptoms- headache, eyeacbe, dizziness. drowsinessWhat's the use of telling it again. You want re- ief-not talk. Satisfaction is assured if vou patronize Dr. Lowe. Ask your neighbor. Fanny Welch, of Portland. married in l'JOO, has sued Harry Welch for divorce, alleging fail ure to provide and crmi and in human treatment She says her husband is worth ten thousand and she wants $200 suit money, fifty dollars temporary alimony, and such permanent alimony as the court may direct Wanted -at once: Youngmen for automobile business. Big pay. we mane you expert in ten weeks by mail, ray us alter we secure vou position. Century Automobile Institute, Los Ange les, Cal. The Beaverton Hardware Go's store was burglarized last Thurs day during the night SherilT Reeves .went t iieaverton tne next morning, but the robbers had made their getaway success fully. The Earl Fisher brick block at Beaverton, is rapidly nearing comb et on. This is lteavvrton 8 second brick, and it is said all the rooms have been leased at a good rental. For sale: A registered Hoi- stein bull, yearling, and one six months old. Gerhardt Goetze. Cornelius, Route 2, south of Blooming. 6-7 Ralph Withycombe, of South Tualatin, was in , town the last of the week, lie is rushing the last of his Spring work through. White Minorca eggs for hatch Inir settintr of 15 lor $L Wil lard Tupper, Hillsboro, Telephone City 602. ' 49tf Nick Kemmer, of Beaverton, was in the city Friday morning, on business at the court house. C. Rhoades. of Sheridan was down to Hi'.lBboro, Saturday morning. E. L; Maoes. of Laurel, was in the city Monday morning. See Shannon for young bulk City 834. Greer's for all kinds of bulk C!G SCHOOL SFEllO SttHwi SuperlnUntknt's Office Ei petti 2,000 School ChiMres NAV POLE WILL IE A Ft A Tit e EuariUu Frwa SmiIm WiM Bic la tat Mart 4 CMly ineoM county seat will ring with the voices of 2.0UQ school children Saturday. May 1. if the estimates of the office of the county school superintendent do not fall short The exercises will consist ot the annual county school spell, and -the entrants will be from the third grades up to the eighth, and the High School classes. The broirram will open at ten o'clock, and will cloee at five. Superintendent Barnes exoects a big delegation in from the dis- incu along the f. it & N.. as an excursion train will run from Buxton and return, maki all along the line. The Hillsboro schools will wind s Maypole for the edification of the visitors, and the movine Die ture houses will ooen foe th edification of the visitors There will be diolnmaa iamuA for the successful soellers. and arrangements are made to take care or the largest school crowd ever assembled in the county seat Since these BDellinir mdImIi have been initiated school author ities State that the advance in spelling has been wonderful It has stimulated interest in one of the sadly neglected branches of the school studv. and the atim. ulus has entered other branches, as well. UNION STOCK YARDS Receipts for the week have been cattle, 1013: calves, 32: hogs, 1807; sheep. 2347. With a fsir run of cattle Mon day the bulk of sales duplicated last week prices. Heavy stuff is not in demand, while light stuff sold readily at a good figure. Choice steers are quoted at 7 50 to 7 75. cows C 25 to 6 75. bulls 4 to 5 75, and stags 5 to 6 50. A light run of hogs in the swine division forced the market up 15 to 20 cents over last week's quotations. One load sold for 7 85 Mondsy while bulk of sales went at 7 65 to 7 80. Prime light hogs are bringing 7 85 at close of week. Demand good. Not many sheep came to mar ket this week and quality offered did not qualify for top prices. Shearling lambs are quoted at tb to 8, ewes 5 50 to 5 75, and vearlings 6 75 to 7. Full wools are $1 higher than prices quoted on above shearlings. Northern grown bulk garden seeds at Greer's. W. 11. Erwin. the Watkins Remedy man for the south of Baseline, has removed his head quarters from Forest Grove to Hillsboro, on Main St, between Fourth and Fifth. 1'hone, Main 85G. . 4-6 F. M. Keenon, of above North Plains, was in town the last of the week. He brought in a pork er that weighed 470 pounds, dressed, and a youngster, which began life last October, that tipped the beam at 107 pounds. OWhy be bothered with two pairs of glasses? Call at Washington Hotel, Saturday, May 8, to 4 o'clock only, and have Dr. Lowe show you the new glasses with which you can see all distances. He guarantees all his glasses to satisfy, wheth er they cost 12 or more. Scores of references. OREOON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 am 7:18 am 8:28 am 9:58 am 12:43 pm 3:58 pm 5:43 pm 8:10 : ..pm 9:li8 (Sat only) pm From Portland 66 minutes. 7:54 9:20 a m ....am 11:25 ...a m 2:05... v pm 4:27 pm 6:25.. .....pm 7:13 pm 9:12 (Sat only)... ... pm Bring your eggs to Greer's. Dr. Lowe will be fo Forest Grove, May 7. Harry Kline, of Laurel, wu in town me last or the week. W. n. Joos and wife were in from beyond North Plains. Sat urday aiternoon. Adam Spies and family, of near t : .. .. n . rumonica, were in me city sac urday. Death to headaches-Dr Lowes glasses. Ask1 you neighbors. C. C. Ams and wife, of Cedar Mill, were in town the hut of the week. Money to loan on farm secur ity. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call.-K L Kuratli. John M. Wall went to Golden a t .a aaie, wasn.. Saturday morn in ir. on legal business, returning the first of the week. Everybody knows that bulk garden seeds are best Buy them at Greer's and get the price and assortment Casper Kehrii. of near Quata- ma,wasup rnday. His broth er, Alexander, is again indis posed. Here you are Mr. Farmer 7 and 8 per cent money see me. L. L. Perkins. Room 1 Commer cial Bldg., Hillsboro. Ore. Wanted: A woman, aged about 25 years, for general housework, in family of three. Apply, mornings, 1153 Oak St, Hillsboro, Ore. 6 For Sale Yearling registered Holstein bull: also six months registered Holstein bull; both fine youngsters. Gerha'dt Go- etze, Cornelius. Ore,. Route 2; south of Cornelius. 5-7 D. B. Coolev went to Salem the but of the week, and return ed t j his Laurel ranch via the automobile route, bringing home his machine from the capital county. I saw cord wood. Doles uo to 12 inches in diameter, fence rails. and boards of ail kinds, intn stovewood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, ohone or call on me, Carl Skow, Hillsbo ro. Phone. Citv 462. or eall at Tualatin Hotel. Seed for sugar beets for ex. perimental planting has been re ceived by Graver Combs for dis tribution for the Commercial Club. Quite a number have al ready taken some for olantimr. and there is vet three or four days time for seeding. J. P. Finta. with St. Marv'i Home, at Beaverton, was in town Saturday. .He states that the mare recently stolen from th Home barn was seen on the road to Portland, the same night Mr. Minor, of the Portland mountain. passing the man who stole the animal. Geo. McGee. countv surveyor received a telpcram Snnrfav evening, announcing the critical illness of his mother, at Pitts burgh, ra., with a request to hurrv East Mr. U-Hm Honarf. ed Monday morning for home, and mav be awav for several months. C. E. Reiter will have charge of the surveyor s office aunng nis absence. "Gintv" Hoffarber. who has been the guest of the Hotel De Reeves, Public Square, Hillsboro. tor 2) days, was busy all last week with the countv resoline machine. . Hoffarber put the machine in shape and rolled the worth side or the square, and then went out and rolled the baseball park. "Ginty" is a good mechanic and knows how to handle the road car. Dr. Lowe, the welt knnarn olivsical eve specialist, aava- the price of glasses gives title totnemoniy. uiasses, without knowledge and anrvie hanlr nf them, are worth only the cost of tne raw material, x our eyes ire worth more money than moat of us possess. Why take chances? Go where service is first. He nuta the cream nf mora than 99 years experience into his glasses. scores 01 niiisooro references. Consult him May 8. , Mrs. Nancv A. Johnson, of Glencoe, was a city visitor Satur day, accompanied by her daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Holcomb. Mrs. Johnson is a native daughter of Washington County, born on the Johnson Donation Claim. Glen coe. in 1844 Her parents, Mr. and Mrs Anderson Smith, came to Oregon the year prior. Seventy-one years is a long time for residence in one vicinity, and this estimable ladv. aside from a few extended visits to her child ran. hu mads this section her Rio a a IOT1 0 KnlfbU Make Tww Hesse Rnttla One laalag-Was 12 to 4t a wmmmm OA ME WAS FULL tf G3NCZ3 Vcltraas Wm Taelaaty fw tat U ten. Was FaegM Mari The Kn'ghts of Pythias took the opening baseball contest at Ath letic Park, Sunday, defeating the Ben Hurs bv a acore af 12 tA 8. The game was marked bv some good, as well as some loose Disyme. but the battl waa m. piete with interest It wm no ones game until the last hall wu pitched over, for the vnmi. sters on the Ben Hur taun foueht with deeneratlAn all h time. CIV P-Mmin niok tnm - - Sr.w.v .VI me ivnignu, wiin ruelps st the receiving end. while R. Schul- mench was on th imihuI tm the Hurs. Alf Harrington catch ------- -- -" mn ing. The Knitrht aiarnallzAri aim In. ningb; smashing oat two home runs, ueo. nciiee rattling the fence boards for the first and W. N. Harris knoekinw Un one over the left field fence. There was a good natured rivalry between tha nr.anH-i and the rooting was aa brilliant as a Uonnybrook Fair. Dr. Er. win was out with hi Aao when it comes to rooting he is some registered class. there were a good many er. rors, but everything toes in tames like this, and who cares. The Knights and Hum will again meet on the diamond, and th Hurs think they have a show to beat out the veterans. - ! Wm. GaetternmniMrf ktt1'a and strikes, and John ifakr took care of the sacks decisions. The line-up: K.ofP. Ben Hur Enireldinmr. Sh nilA t Kirnr Lvtle. aa twiiu Geo.McGee. lb Sigler. 2b-lb rneips, c u H Schulmerich. If r reeman. n R Shiilmui. n W N Harris, 2b Albert Ray. Sb " - - " mi apa AW Jas Anderson, rf P Pauli. 2b u nrown. rr wm Nai m ia ik L Moore, If Jas Perkins, rf Ait Harrington, e scores by Innings: K. Of P. 3 0 3 12O91 .19 Ben Hur 2 Q 0 0 3 0 0 1 2-8 CAMPBELL INSANE Jos. Camnhell tnll.M years age on cne Tillamook road, was brouffht down Satnnfa mtti examined by Drs. Smith and Hyde for his unity. Campbell imagines that his neighbors are Derseeutinar him ant ! tumi. cidsl in tendency. Some years ago he lost his mountain home by mortgage foreclosure, and ha wu never dispossessed. He is suffering from a malignant cancer on his chin, and th thlno Lw as though it had also a tendency ra lupua. ne wu uk en to Salem Saturday nio-ht PamnhAii im na years old. and wu divorced from rus wire several years ago. The seven children went with the mother, who moved to the county seat It will be remembered that Mversl cm-i iim Ae-u.. went to the Camnhll rlsna bKam Gales Creek to take away a sew- inn macnine. uampoell pro ceeded to take down his old mus ket and the official came awav without tha maithtM r'a-m-.W.ii - . vaiul-l the other dav intimati tn Rvaa that had he expected him he might have had some trouble in taking him. but the oWr am not appear to be much intimi dated. An amuainar ineuUnt ahAwlnA Campbell's aberration is sfcn oya mensMnt tothsclert the court when he lost his ft by foreclosure in 1SC3. Itrc JJec. l, 1SC3, summons servt na anMriene eh-M hmhI "BrS"" "- wwwaaaw ySW"r-Ml dockets Of stats court declartd ciosea ior juagment u provided by law on each and aver mhi named in the suit in controvercy of the above named intitled suit two thousand dollars captle and five years imprisment hard laabor receipU of judgment dew plaint iff see sections 441 and 2273 ud 5332 and 17SD of nnitl stfM revised itatutes."Campbell after- waru iniormea some one that his dictum, u above, meant til in the suit, including the offiesn. ine paper caused ripple ef amuaeaant in eourt tdvri. the time-but Campbell caafully arrest for inaanitv. aitV.M-.k v deed had passed from hia moral years ago. iamposji tss ten ciHKiig ana ss.;.za csssr ever i 1 Really ;MADE in HILLSBORO i NOT SHIPPED IN; BUT MANUFACTURED HERE entire stock of the Hillsboro L'umber Co. has C?xelused by the Badger Lumber Company. It ii being moved to their yard, Main Street and the P. R & N. tracks, and is being sold at a great reduction. 1 J Bsdger lumbsr Co. . Main StandPR. &1N. Ry.'.Co's. Tracks. A D 3 O L U r E L Y. llGKverythinginBnilding Material SAFETY: Your money is safer drawer. . PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly hj being able to give a bank reference, DISCOUNTS: Notes may be discounted and loans often c! uunea, u you have a commercial CONVENIENCE: You have vj v u cv-., nit u is a receipt ior me amounc paid. There are only a few advantages of a bank account; coats and see us and we will tell you more. 4 Per Cent. Interest On oavinge x American National Danli SOD TE SAWS BAM American Notions) Uczli (AFPIUATBO BAXK5) Combined Capital and Surplus Combined Resources Onnhinj in All Its Dranchos Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Depodt, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letter of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks. Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificate of De posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid WEDDING GIFTS Have yon a wedding gift to buy? you perpiexear t - Selecting the bride's gift won't be a kird , matter, if you will let me help you, for I have made a pecial provision for wedding gift. ' Here you'll find assembled an asscrtzt , from which you may easily select yocr c'J . and be satisfied in quality, ttyle and pri. IlUlibero. in the bank than in - your etch I bank account the great convenience of caytj I 9li.CC3.C0 .0,43.81 on Savings Arc . 1223 .....am home sines birth. line us CwS ten La.