hliLLSB MLLSIiORO, OREGON, APRIL 22. 1915 VOL XXII 3 01 tujn. Skrk'S Cl Knw.krl If Smithereens by lavMllgattaa riAlt IN wiMUITS N4N IS CHILD S WU4 tor Lwrit ScfcaUl iHMNi U Ikf Mm The celebrated confesiion of the (n.iiMil. John Sierka. who ii invritiltnl into t confession by the alleged criminologist Thaeh rr. wm knocked Into i wicked hat by th decision of Gov. Withy com be, last Friday moro- Inir. when, aftar an investigation iivlif. of near Foret a in Yakima, last ...... i inir a hii u m .ai neau rrtfUtertd llulatein cattle. I aay a that the triple up there are great admirers of the lloJ t m breed, and htf sold ne cow alone thU brought flTtf-some money, even for a registered row. A ihrre months old calf wm arid for Wit. and the bull brought $'. Hughes savs that the DvKohl atrain predominated -the same Ktr&n in the Ik-ndler h-ni. North Tualatin Putins. Mr. Hughe as the tiiir money in Cittle irt to come from registered nlock. and he think Washington County will go more and more into registered cattle. I rri.rint SuirelU corset - not sold in atore. Will home on request and COUNTY HOT LIKELY io nono bo::os Multnomah AumUmm Tor Wath Ingloa Co. ! Marti Surface WOULD NOT IE Pi4CfC4L WOVE Cut laa Far Sal t4M.M. WmI4 Oct a Nar Vkhm one visits Portland these Jaya he finds that there is a gen eral impression there that Wash ington County is alwut to try to rail at vote bonda for hard surface road do the L urk. There is nothing to this tha dead woman. Mr. Wchr- man. murdered at Scaupoime, it waa found to be the hair of her tittle child, killed at the same iim Thi hair waa claimed bv ft.U.W. - " ( I iwtter to have been tha hair of i..hn Sirka. who worked tor i u.u SrhmidL near Crowland. th Kail of tha murder. Schmidt and thia would do the county IttMltl a Ml I '' " ..-- - - n Vl v- wm fitting, and teach flow to adjust wnn one goes into the subject, and wear the corset. Our tailor- Jef th(J corigtituljof, we couJ Inir. wnan,iwr an in"M ei made to-nuasure coithi. I . .,, i,,n,t iMIM, thkn f ih. hair found in the hand of dudinit the iateat f root lace, with vote no greater bond issue than i. " . . i -- i .,..,.,..(;... uriii'i I X t til (ill and thin wou 4 pui in wt ti.im.ire thun hik-h daiw cor- but 25 milea of hard surface. Ht-tn purchased in store.- Mm. ILK I au,lle. II. iauu. rii in . fe . and JacKHon wwu. . n. . . therefore. Main .mi. r, .iiu.ali.- j,wtff Uurjflara entvred the watch Ueaaoner, in Bpeaktnjf of this, shop of Dudley Stowcll. at Uui'laayt he would not be in favor of tnn. litNl Thuwlav evening and IUch a proceeding, and trunks u nf ininuiwr. ocnmio . . . . j . . t . i. . . - . ... i Libin uiMk'ir iiiiv iKiimrB i tvftniii i iviiin niurt? titan live did not teava tha ranch at tha r1";,: ; are Mie ed to time of tha murder, and that .it Iran I- waa a phyaical impoaaiwuiy tor - v h,t tha name parties theaimpla-minded boy to have J o U ar 1 a n "iId'K an tli todow!thth,job. Mr. l",W!li ?im. f?i br;.akfalt ll.I StowHl mHrU bia l a.: Ten home in t roe for brcakraal the t WJ,lchw; Iiat,.nt PV. Tuars -jock-Macur. sr en. tha letter of whom was con. 1 nectedwith aome priaon i ifi J , , fo,:acdl batu-ry Sherwood and Middleton to con- aociety. !?4tw.hhrS.? flaaNh : about & in caah. nect with the Rax-Tiiiard. Farm- hair found in Mr. Wehrman a and j,,,,. uiooming; hand waa that of Sierka. Mi- The (jerman Sia-akingiety , . ... , . d Mountaindale. croacopie inveatigalion by IT; will me.t at the home ol Adam d lh from l5ank8 t0 iUxton. (Jilbert.f Portland, ahow a that jmhild. one and ona-half miles . ,d benefitted. in her death nght Mra. Wehr- from ,i0rm.tiU!ti near Maine ata- k w itheonly solution man pulled aome of the little tio( MurtH of the lUseline roi thU We. and it ia possible aon'a hair from Il neao. the Just Sunday in Apru-Apn . , th may have a IVnder. convicted by K l. n All memlwra have a cordial Lw---. in vote on thia proposi Tongue for tha Wehrman mur- imitation to attend -rrejt inn- ion tw0 year from now. Judge der. iaaUII In the penitentiary, ,inir pres. ; Wm. SchendeL Sec- ,u.asoner gays that this would and ho will atay there. Mr. .tary. not carry, jn his judgment The MJi WwKr7J. h;ha,x. held. 'The entire crop. to one. The Ixiurt thinks we had better keep at macadam work, as we have the past two or three years, and we win oe better ott in the long run. He would like to aee the main (as iim.l'ortland road macadami.ed clear through to the county line. and then laterals bum to accom modate Cedar Mill and liethany: VWlinnrt and Hanks: III Hdak' F.ring your c-k'KS to Crt-er'a. IV ter CroHsen. of near Helve tia, was a county sati vwuor Saturday. John A Johnson, of lielow iieaverton, was up to the count at r nday. Mnnov Ia loan -on farm secur ity. I represent tliree large lire inmimnre eomiMtnie. Uive mea cali.-tl. I. Kuratli. tVmmLHiori ilM Matteion and i' 0. JJo". f Forest drove. were down to the county seat Saturday. Iv knows that bulk garden seeds are t-est. liuy tht.m at t.n-ers and tret the price and assortment. David Wenirer Jr. and John Wenifer came in from. Helvetia. Sntiir.tav nnd took out a flCW auto, purchased frm liartrampf. Here you arc Mr. Farmer-7 aA K tM-r enL monev-Ree me, H 1 l'erkins. Itoom 1 (5ummer- cial I'.ldg.. Ilillhbiro. Ore. Cl i.u. r AUnandr. locomotive nni?itier and mobtrman for the t . was in the citv Saturday. en route for the Tillamook end of ih.. lino, and incidentally for a fishing trip. ur SaloYe.irlinsf registered llolstein bull; al.40 six months n.(i4lpred Ho stein bull; both line et?. South of Cornelius. SIOE 6SE OF 11 no o l ather Keatf BtMa While CMM' Trial U Beta Ca4cte4 S4VS "I TIIST IN THE UCS" Little EIU Baatr 4lw le ta a PvtaaliM. Tnatararilv It would have been an adaman tine heart that would not have been touched with pity at hear ing the trial of thirteen year old Klla Uauer. daughter of people who live south of Cornelius. The little girt in company with her sister, has been around, collect-1 ing clothing for poor people, and while at the J as. Jose home, re cently, took a smalt bank, con taining a small sum of money. She also took about $2 from the apron of a saleslady in the Mer cantile. The little srirl admitted the chanres. and waa lent home temoorarilv. on Drobation. still to be under tha officer or the Juvenile court Mrs. Dora Read Rarber. Tk il (a nniMfiatlnl 0 youngsters. -t,trtia ai uo- briithL but does not appear to so. Cornelius. Ore.. uuie . get along with her Really MADE in HILLSBORO ... t NOT SHIPPED IN; HUT MANUFACTURED 1 IIKRK 1- . The entire stock of the Hillsboro U'amber Co. lul been purchased by the Badger Lumber Company. It is being moved to their yard, Main Street and the P. R. & N. tracks, and is being sold at a great reduction. Badger Lunta Got Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks. , ABSOLU.TE L;Y; Kverything'.in Building Material school. She ia a fine violinist A. Ilendler. of North Tualatin nas rvn meni, ana iiu in.:., .-.I r..,rhrA rt j of care may mate a useiui woman. .t in. i.th l.r.Pilprj 1 ine iainer was in uib cwur of registered Ilolsteina, were in aunng ineinai. ina uianuiy .1 .1... i.,..i ,f 1 h I Dear 10 ue unneceaoaniv ueruirv" in cuuiht seal me 111.H ' .. !j u .. . ni nvnr ine intiiir-iiL lie in Ten week. :.s.:;..TiirL i 1 reiiinous. anu wiiue uic uw ww It is estimated that over seven r.roeeedine had recourse to his hundred automobiles passed bible. He employed no counsel. throutrh town. Sunday, includ- but said. "1 will truat in the tha tm-al mnehines. it was Ird.' mr dav and evervbodv owning With uroner t'ainin? the little a machine was taking advantage Kliss might be redeemed entire- of the beautifgl weatht r. ly. Mrs. Barber says that aside .. i. ,,.i ,ua from the kleptomaniac incidents 'T.intv" who IS a cnestat the.. .... .,. Hotel Reeves, was sent to C-r confesaion. f. P. AND P. E. ft II. All. except the P. It & N.. trains are electric, ana siop at me u.--pot on Main street To Portland Train G M) a. m. McMinn villa Train 7:30 a. m. Sheridan Train .- -9J& p. m. Forest Grove Train 12:)p.m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p.m. k P.mva Train . ...4:10 p. m. MI 1 w - - Tra n : P. . . . . 1 however, has sold at rainy goou prices thia Spring. C. II Hue- hanan, I ine intenanan -, I ami A W (".innell. of tho M?r- I ..until., iinv that the big sales movement was on when tnc ...- ai.n il.2T. There are hut a few carloads of spuds in the county, and the sharp advance will alTect but few ,.,.,i..ra Mimv think that they will 10 to two dollars per sack tf.iri. the advance closes down. Snrinrtime is here, so now ...... .. tb. three is the time to make garden. Buy nd .half v ar old mm ot Mrs. your garden seeds at Greer's. every section would derive some benefit. The trouble, however, with such an election, would lc the fact that many districts, which have paid special tax sev eral vears. and have their main nartiatlv macadamized. would naturally object to paving frr rock roads in other localities. Multnomah is to build only TO j miles of hard surface roads with a million ana quarter uuuam 1 Mum- nf Mi sooro. in 1 ...w.j. . ... Portland, at 1 kio bard and t.rav- McMinnvtU "; - " "" " , FjHtSide. Thu.s roresi urove - v -,,,, Th, mm Portland Eugena Train arrives 8:15 a. m Attorney W. G. Hare and At- K. R. Tonirue have new machines. Mr. Tongue celebrat ed his birthday. Saturday, oy bringing out a new Cadillac. McMinnville Forest drove Portal Grove Shendun McMinnville Forest Giove Foreat Grove McMinnvlll -Ail trains. trains, atop on ltange and Fir Sixth and Fir Tenth street Steam Service day nitfht. The little fellow ran in front of the moving car. m,u . 1... ..l., -man 1riillll,il the Il'tlOCr : unvM th hov's life. Mm. W. M. Tavlor. of near He was slightly bruised as tho Scholls, is nicely convalescing result of his accident. from a critical surgical operation aimtamed a lew daV8 BgO, ur For sale: Barred nymouin , operatinr. .. i. I' ol....m txaita for yuc wiwiamiR. I -.-i.:.. c..nini r ir. 7.ric. or M.mov to loan on first-class .12:15 a. m. o .:!. fnr Sl.25.- C. W. Red- farm security. Washington rnt EutreneL.,1 ivhinirton Street, be- r.ountv Abstract & Title Com flair at North tait. Ath and 5th. 51-4 banv:by E. J. McAlear, Mana streete and at I .u ger. " atreets and at 'las erera. ro ' Wm. Shulmerich aaya that in 9:42 a. m. ..11:59 a. m. ,.3:15 p. m. ..4:30 p. m. . .6:37 p. m. .7:15 p. m. ...9:00 p. m. the child ia well-mannered and with this exception, and that of telling stories about ner acts. the child does nothing that in volves moral turpitude. In fact the juvei die court omcer says that the girl is singularly modest nelius, Monday, to bring down a gasoline road roller, belonging io the county. He wn chaperoned iv Janitor Wm. lunuer. umty is a past master with an engine. and is a good mechanic. I have iteverat innuiries f rom 1 '!ni!trn mmiiiU' for farm land? in L.:.. t.'imre u.'hrt (IA. I sire to sell their places, and wish The new edition of the Coffee l i l . . t f 1. LSu.l So Aa AM MIA I to sell right, can send me oe- wuu vjor "uw."" l This is a re-Dnnt of the book IV w nohtiahed in 1911. with 100 addi- ifrms. i u wji v niin i, 1 1 r -- t I Washincten Street l'ortland. lionat recipes, ana me w ir;c in it your cash I j COFFEE CLUB COOK BOOKS Oregon. . .LexWI,M, ' " 7m SI k. UnW Mr,t of residence here Old Depot ru Wr. StadKhaeToD'isiieet was never so To PorUand J thin a few dava. The build- promising at this particular sea- N. Train 1:37 p. m. . ,. ,,,. hut few finishing tou- son of Spring. - - I Hill IIHUH uw - - P. It & From Portland P, K. & N. Train .... l0:24 a. m. 'VnUt Thnmnwti. of (ledar Mill, was in the city Saturday. le says that he made the quicK- est tr;p to Hillsboro the other day in all his o"er4U years oi resi dence. He came up with Ben Croenl in an auto-and Hob may get the "machine bug one oi these days. I saw cordwootl, poles up to 12 inches in diameter, fence rails. nnd hoards of nil kinds, into stovewood length. Will go into tha pnuntrv. Write. Phone or rail on me.-nCarl Skow. Hillsbo m Phone, l.itv 4r.' or call 81 Tualatin Hotel. n m Tif who owns a sever h i, - , .i lUmiinH mrf stork tarm in ill t.uvio.... " ' M.nana na wfll as a big I arm in Yamhill County, was here the . r .l . ... VL'klla in tnnrn 1881 01 ine wn-n. " "" k.. inrrKt four .lersev heifers. fmm Wm. Schulmer- :k tiAAvnomlpd $050 for the vminesters - another example that breeding of good stocn pays l.r, I U fill rents. i-i. i .... The books are on sale at ine following places: Vaught 8 lirocerv. Hillsboro Mercantile Co. Combs' Furniture Store. Gragg & Powell Grocery. Itma Groeerv. Rest Room. Second St Morton Greenhouse UNION STOCK YARDS . ir ino i nsifr uu. iu t,au it r..,lv for use. I his will at v " - . . . h one of tho largest movie ihA Vn ev wnen com- pleted. SAFETY: Your money is safer in the ban than in drawer. PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly by being able to give a bank reierence. nicrmiMT?- N.it mav h discounted and loans oftea t! Ia-'ma-r-' w w v -j tained. if you have a commercial bank account 4 CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of ptyic? bills by check, which is a receipt lor ine amount paia. Tk. ih nnio a fw advantaces of a bank account: CGZt la and see us and we will ten you more. . . 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National Danll sm IaW ( . awLi. near I Tl . a An t Kn tk A For sale; Cedar fence posts. 7 w " r A . i ori . deliver - vvencer neK nuw iiuimh ....... 1 fj v In vaii i i; miunhu ita hotti than Hma. Hi sboro. t)r., IC upnotie uwhuh r. lu nros.. n'liaoonijv i ., v. r - . North nains, or . t on Jlillsboro's street,. MISS FRANCES O08E M!m Franeea Gore, affed 47 years, died at the bona of her sister. Mrs. Helen Jennings, near Sherwood. Apnl 15. ane wn the daughter ot Caot Geo. Gore," who for years waa master of the big transfer steamer, ine that trananorted trains I across the Columbia from Kalama to Goble, in the old aaya. oeiore the railway was built from Ka lomn tn Vancouver. The Grange had charge of the serviqes at thel cemetery, the funeral having Kaon hold laat Friday. Miss Gore waa prominent in i Grange work ror many years. Sh was horn at Detroit Blicnt- can. and came west at an eariy age. LUTE SAVINGS Mi BwawaawawMBWiBwaaMBwaBwaiHBwaBwaawBwaBaaBaa American National Dtri (AFFILIATED BAVK ') Combined Capital and Surplus.... Combined Resources $ 92,CC0.D ..0,01 ReceipU for the week have been White Minorca eggs for hjikh "ttje" 1667Lealves. SI; hogs, n- 1172: aheep. 3.I4U. . iru i'i' "" - Notwithstanding comparative. City WZ ly heavy runs of cattle ine iaaiut ... od 84 C. W. Bloom, of below New ton, was up to the city Saturday 'C: morning. While in town ne cau- leiinuiic nn t) few weeks tha market nas peen - - Frid,y. slightly ower fo steady, cnotce - "hy f;ther"of Mn,: steers are selling 7 60 to 7 75 waa f , f thia with other grades at the usual J.fOTJ; ,The fu 49tf years, dilTerentiaL . nince Snntfav. lummH fnr hom seems to ' - over run the light supply of only v. j " .... i on the Argus, ana reviwcu old times of 29 years ago, when u nnii the Arirus reoorter work- He ed together in South Tualatin, Inez for J. C. Hare. city. "! : funeral OHEOON EtECTRIC TRAINS t Dl"tl fiTi minntps. over run tne Hgni suppiy m Deputy &nenu pih.'ku r fair grade ot offerings, A few ,n i0lthnd Sunday, and was one ;- very good loads touched tha 7 65 nf th 8p0ctators at the big ''" spot Monday, uutiooa 'iitiake-Mcrau urv. 4.rb okM ihun ar hairinninff to I . . ! .t i iu ?. ,,. -M.r -.-vr--- .- F0r sale: a regimei iVAn,. come wiraaraov aim . - and although not ..-; . nne gix - strictly fat are commanding very u" riiorhanit GoeUr., SS! ' ! ! .V.:;.'. nvimaa MnOCIBI OUIIHK .7 ...... th nf . . Warfl .mha m maror wnne mno ifliliun mtv - - - choice lambs are steady a 8 75 to 9 25, for full wools. Shear lings 1 25 leas Other sheep steady; y . : Wanted-tt oneaj Youngmen w Hy , jtor Saturday morn for automobile business. B g y nay. we maw. you expe ... ' n. . ..-..ii.iu Ibtnte 2. soutn OI Blooming. ' John Friday, of Hanks, was in town the last of the week, on road business. Alfred Ouerber. of Helvetia, a m am a m ..a m . pm pm .pm ..pm .pm xio 9:li8 (Sat only) From Portland 65 minutes 7R4...... am V a" 11:25 .... 2:05. i ... .......p m 4:27 ... ..... pm 6'25 ' P 7:13 iv,... .-um B!i2 Sat only Pl u T Hncev. ex-mavor. was down to the auarry with Judge tJooannni-. the other dav. and savs that the output is the best ever shipped in for county roads. The Sherwood Commercial rinh is to make an effort to rrenteanew county,' ostensiblv with Sherwood 83 the county seat. The Club wants portions of Washington. Clackamas and Yamhill County welded into the new affair. . It will be interest in to spe tho vote for and mrninst the oronosal. if it shal get on the ballot tfnrl I.. House, attending Stan tnn TTniversitv. carries the .oharneter of Prince John, in the outdoor production, bherwooa at the University uam pus. to morrow evening. Mr. House hna nnn of the two Ftronff ch&t neters in the version. There is nonatnf ihi in the d av. ana thousands of people from San Francisco and Oakland win nreaent. Mr. House ia a son Danhingin All Its Dranchea Checking Accounts, Demand Certificatea of Deceit Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Lettcra of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Cfcsv Savinirs Derjosit Book Acc't Time Certiflcatea of Da- posit Farm Loans. Collateral MRS. SARAH CROWTHERS Mm Samh Pmwthprs. aired 83 vears. died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. L. G. Morlev. " . a t 4 1AIB .4 orest urove, Apni io, ivio, 4 a. m. Her maiden name was Turner, and she was born uarcn 7. 1832. at Kendall ureen. mr: ka mo tn the United liliiu. kf.iv States when she waa aged seven teen years. She married israei Crowthers in 1857. and has lived nf vnrMt r.mA for 25 veara and ten children were born to the union, eight surviving: iww ana Eli, of Wisconsin; William, Galea Creek; Joseph and Mrs. Agnes He flrerson. Ualias: ura. oeruia Morley, wife of L. G. Morley, Forest Urove; f rame rowiavn, Idaho, and Irwin, of California. The funeral toolt place rnuay and interment waa in iri View Cemetery. , vv H Rrwln. the Watkins fiomodv man for tha sooth of Baseline, has removed his bead 4lfr Cent Paid on Savings D?cc; nuarters from Foraat Grove to ,v " ----- tiii.LHMI a iaiN re MiVMn I tir IIaiioa rvf llil Oltrkftl i n rilllBUUIVa waa wiwu i vv . an ii inn. w a. iiuiuuui i . . play iathe largest ever essayed Jourth and NItn. P.t. hetween Phone, Csla 4-9 DONT FORGET Thaf there is no better place to tivt your eyes fitted to glasses at reasonable pricSr and the work acientiftically and correctly dci -than hererlNo additional charge made torecl ; sultation. Here are some of my prices: , Lenses fitted to your frame $i.oo up. ; . Lenses in Alumnico frames, $1.50 np Lenses in Qbld filled frames, $3.50 np Kryptok lenses, $8.00 to 15.00.. f , LAUDEL M. I-O" UlUxbero . e Pi . a!S!1 Ange- the big Are of the Blake-McFall am at tne univereuy. lt CCJ. I UUiHHH f -