lUMIn AJMH7S Tbenea April 1 : Poor Mrs. Dolby rswrtaht Ws. tb hMtsre Nmrafs SVyaiMeate. Whea Mr. Ikdhy aal duwa f. t timing be bed hi newspaper vy bta knee 4 Mr. lnH.jf wa ittfli "ttork of A" and cleerkig away th uppr lbl. lie bad b fMdlug fur quarter f aa hour when sb quail; uU-rd Bod Ml dW and Mkl: "tuniuvl, 1 dun't want l diaturb you tmr Mac a yo feel bait, tail I feel bilged to eh yea fw qumlkitta I .aat sight at mktabjhl Un VYaikUia ssw light niovlu' round Is our hack yard. J waa a light nbkb bobbed up au4 bobbed down and klaed tbla aj ad ba and whew It tualijr wu out (at greet wink and splutter It waa whsl lbs rail a (that lantern. Samuel, and M meant that there wuul-t Imi death In tbh bouae tblit wwk. It'll be my death, ( course, l'e got twenty ve different ailments, with brart diss t browed In, a bile ru are aa healthful aa a rorukI. m. It'll be m. but Tut bu( weeplu' ever IL I'm alttUt' right her aa ralui aa rslntp, bul I wsal to know some few things." Mr. lH4b MiMt have knows ut brr presence, but bo waa luo dWpty bit ft Mtrd In bu paper In recognise It ll bad fuund art V I wbk b Mid Itial a spldr could be bolld la water for four hours and I ben com Mil w lib bu snibliki undaunted. - abatl go In baa tan wbu I dla. tf route," continued Mrs. ftoiby, aa Iter vole broke a links. "I ortr g0 hr Any woman wan baa bliewabd Hie relUr evrcy spring fur twssly Miru yeer. baa Ida tnakln' oft op, rutlln rsrpet raft, dyetn ever obj ebitbea and matin' ana aktrt lt bar M Dtlr lara years, will go to bestra. A' lis I bother tu, however, U bow I'm gotit In ai artor I gtt Ibere. Yon know bow mm (Mar alius fluatraiaa ma II Ibrra or four of Iba iialfhtxm mm In I'm alntnal ara lo fall off lujr rberr m knw-k arar aunthln. Ilow'a ll tln' ! b ha 1 til up ibara and wmK a bull tura full pf ati(ilar Tbara'U Iw mlllbma at 'am. Ramnat." Kb MitMd In wlna lb Irani fmw bar ryaa wltb iba tlm f br baml but aa aba bad Mkrd no dlm t iir tbn Mr. Iiolby tnUbfd Iba bin anwir and turned to ana an Iba rr rbitbaallnaa. "I doul want to ba hmkad il an plnfad nut and mda fun of un Ibrra." nab! Mra, Itolby, a aba aat wlifc h ayaa an Iba rarrt "1 may tit np l beaten In iba ni&lit brn all Iba angrla ara aiirp. ami an l it altn In tit rliclit. I bow tbat'll I Iba way, iMM-anaa ti ll rta mo a rbniHv to kind a gtl nwd In I ha lm-a brfura dayllRbt to y.m tblnb Ibry bar any brrakfaat np tlwraf Mra Wmklm any Ibay du i. Imt dn't really ara bow tbry (it abtng wit bout It." Mr, IMby hard a lot) alsb and aarntrd about to nk, but no wont rama, II bad nnlbrd nltU lltarluthra Unra and Mrwb an ankla aUxit thr rrn.iilii(j riowrni i f tba row. ami thr moat dlrrtt qumlkn from Mra. IVilby Wrmlil bara paaaad onbrrdrd. Her Irara fall for I wo or Ibrra mlniita. and Ibra aha aakad; "And how about Iba brda up hrr Ton know wn'ra alr(t on a fratlirr bed rr alnra wa wrra luarrlrd. ami l'r allua bin particular to ammb ll diwu fnm brad to fmt I'ta r-t tinl ! fralbrra, and If I rbanitnl (f I'd Jrai lay tbrrt and kh-k around alt nlcln kti. Iw tbry ba bada, Kamort. nr il Ibry karp an Byln' around all nlisbi bHig and atnain'I daaina lu nir thai ll) m1 and alnitlu' all day wmilil U rnnngh nntra I fral atnmgrr tlin I do now. Tou orter tall ma a I'll fcno wtuit to dVprnd on. If onr nf my biwd ai bra comaa on ontiprrtrdly I wnm to know that I klu be a rup af tm Mra. Watklna any thry don't ilMuk tta In braraa, but 1 don't ar buw lu kin know." Mr. Dolby waa not dlrrrtly piM to, and aa ba waa raadlng that a ro had bm known to Men ibntb to void baring a trowbar thrown ( hot h mada a aln. "Waal. I ra mad np my mind lo a faw thing." Mkl Mra. Potby aa Ihr allrnra grtw pamfuL "I'm goln' up to haarrn to do I ha brat I kin. I'll br bayburly wild all tba angrla I mm and lut Vro nndrratand that I donl want no mura'n my abara of hnrpa and wing and thing. If I don't tlnd any thing to aat or any Ud to altwp un I ahan't ralaa no (una nor go lulu bya trrk-a. Vao, I'll put up with Iblimx aa I And 'am and innka tba boat of It and I won't ba Jralnua If a frw of 'am h hrtter clot bra on or kin atng brttar'n m. That's now I'll art. Samiml, and than If tbry pkk on ma they'll kit aa good aa thry glra. I kin ba Miwwri and pltkrd on jmt ao fur, but artrr that thry want to look out Would II put yon out any, Ramuel, If I died at night Inataad of In tha dnytlma? Aa I aald. If I dlad at night I couM allp Into bra ran wit boat any fuss, but If It'a goln' to maka any extra tronbla I'll prrlah by daylight What will ba tha moat eonranlont how fur yon r Thar, waa daap sllanrs. Mr. Dol by's Irara mada no thud na Ibry fell upon tba carpet, and Mr. Dolby was reading with bated breath thai an a trk-h covers thirteen feet of ground at evrry stride whan In full flight Tha clock ticked, tha alienee grew dreprr, and Iba cricket on the benrth. fell Into dose. Then Mr. Dolby euddenly laid aalda hi paper, atretched hi anna ami leg, with a "llohumt" and looked around to find Mrs, Dolby aalecp In bar chair. She hadn't gone to Join tha an genot yetl Very Dry, A codfish brenkfaat and rubber coat will keep n own dry nil day.-Llp "llMM'Hfi'ueetlen Car Dleeueelen. "Rupposa you had framed up a lie to tell If a certain contingency arose." "Ttut," ' "And fully Intended to tell that lie.' "Tea." " "But the emergency doe not arkw and yon do not tell tha He. Stilt, you Intended to tell It Mow will that bo charged np trslnst one an n crlmer- Mat Caoaad k h Hat. "Il. .t yw u,y batr aba aki-t S by, to IpII Iba truth." rrplk-d hrr uam fibod frntikly. "I don't Ilka tb affm try wall. It an-uta lo ma It ir ytMi s rallu r rfumi bub." Hut Kn I llw I.-I." aba ratMHid r4 i liuH. -N..r "l. ni at all. Tbnt roiura rtituvty fmtu tin- U t tbnt I bate jul awn mj bulacd and ba had Jut ea tba bill. "-tk ago fuat A Fortunate Meeting Py t.OUISC B. CL'MMINCS "TUrfa'a a bw buy rutnlngr lUlf s l'.n iMii,k-i..ra ran to tba ttrt-ti. r i.f Mr rnf.l a luiardlns li'l o w tba bow littl. Ha Juuiu d ou of 0. mrrUsa. and wbra be bad diia ao .l ) k still, ataruig at or of tu !) wbo bad rouia to kk kt in or, alt the otbrr atartng st hlui -Why. b a Ik An-brrr wss Iba rtamnlk n of artrfal of Iba naif con atltutml iM'itkHi commit two. Are you kb AnbrT skd Iba nwnim-r of tba my wba waa gaplug I Mm. "T'"n you're my twin brobrc.,, "ltirlni you'rv lisbt" Mr. ami Mra felwant Arrhr right fur U-f.ira llila inwtlng bad er ratnl. bating tuaib an arTaucvmanl thai lb fMlbrr ahiMiUl bate on of ttxlr tn Uya, tA fuur. and Ilia ItMhrr abniikl tin tba other Tbom a bad gun with bbt falbrr. Itobrrt nrltb hla mother. I'rum tha time of Iba artrattMi tbra two divisions of tba fiim 1 1 y bad tir mrt Tbvlr par rnt. unkiHiwB n rarb otbrr, bad srot thrra lo Ilia annul arboul. Tbr altmilun twins bsva for aarb ottii-r U si-nmntwl fur pbyalokigtrstly. Tom and lth Arrtw r from Iba tint tlirjf nii-t St Iba Kuliford M'bnol War Itim-I ruble. MU..'" aald Tra our day, "do yon IVHM'l.llH-f ftbf ".Sin I you rtnMintirr moibrrr "Jn s llttla.- "Wltttt do )''! aiiMM was lb mat Irr U-tMi-ru thr-mr -1 ..(.' t kmw. I dn'l think fattwra aiwl imittipra bare s titflit to iuam4. iki yi.iiT It'a mighty bsnl on the kbla." 'No, don't Wlirn racatkm rotnr suHi4 t'm rt l ai l-aratc again." "I ume ibin't" j "What ran wa d.iF I "I'll writ fnlhrr tbnt I'm gnlni to apriid my. tarsibm wttn yu soma- wtirrr, an, I yu write niothrr you re gitng lo irnd your wlih me." "It would kiHMk nuHlu-r out nt to hflr tiir with bar." 'Humph! I don't think It would trou ble fathi mm h to rt with me. but It wtcht raihim dout show what !! fuel ao much mother. "Wlu re ran we en for our acstkr "Ufa go to a farm." Tlio uialiot of llila eotieplrscy wa tht ib liya wnte to llwlr rraiactl houir Hint thry would not be separat 1 ami wrr gulng to spend their auuv mrr -ntl"n loci-lhrr on a farm. Thla tnn k nu b Minnt with consternation. Mrs. Arilur wrote nr busbsnd to know if be hsd sny objection to her spending Ju'y snd Anmiat with the lioya. Mr. An-lter n-plli-d Ihst he bad. Tliim rfh ly was Informed by the psri'ttt with wbum be llrrd tbnt be muni mine htoe; If he remntned sway no riMiilitnni-e witiilil I snt him. The bora, who h'td mine to llirlr reaolutkm to atnr iiM-vtlirr anitw time liefora tha ami or the ti-rni, bsd Mveil up tha nwn ry aunt tliriii frnu boine for airniUng, Mi,5 rm h bnd emmeh to pay 2 a werg tmnrd for clstit wwks, Ho tbry wrote tlml they could get ou without remit- There was a fnn a few mile from the arhwil thnt Ibry had often rtalted. sml there Ibry tuad armiwroent to pay 12 a week earh for lont and do J work a week, bkb conaliited prin cipally of milking. On leaving rhool Ibry went to thl fnnn, and sine tna work was a novelty to them they quit enjoyed It Mrs, Atvber endured her aona an- satire as long as pnsnllilo, then gnra war to a desire to are both her chil dren together. tv. flllliig her purse with money ami her suit rasa with good things for them. he went to see them. Putting an arm around each of them. aba sat weeping Hint she could nut have both of them with ber alway. Hlie reniHlniHl with them two day, when, fearing thnt her husband might bear of her preseiiee there, sho bad Iho boys ipM-lliy, hilemllug to go home. She was emlirnelng Inith at onee, Uara streaming down her cheeks, when tba door oKned and there atood ber bus tin ml Now, Mr. Arther In her trouble with ber husband had yielded to Irri tation and when ba aald disagreeable things to ber hud buried them back In kind. Kbo bnd never resorted to wo tuau'a trump enrd, tear. Iter husband, seeing her embracing their boys, weep ing, began to weep himself. Tears, Ilk humbler, are contagious, and, see ing their parent weeping, the boy followed ault The father approached hla aona to embrace them, shedding a few tears over Hub, whom he bad not seen for years, and thua got nilied up with Tom and the wife and mother. Their arum were around each other promiscuously. "Belle." aald Mr. Archer, "these boya have got abend of ua. W can't con tinue; the altuntlon wlthmtt It iertalu lug to them. In aopnnitlng from each oilier we separate ourselves from them. If you'll enmo home and bring them with yon you'll be welcome." "Do It mother," pleaded both the boya. . Thnt waa the end or the separation In tho Archer family. Hoth father and mother placed a guard over them selves, for they knew that aa soon aa they parted the tmy would part front both of them, nut time had changed them, and loneliness bad taught thtm that scrapping Is the result of nervous ness and, after all, doesn't mean much. However, scrapping wan nm ra anted Mwaaa Cant, On a Mississippi Steamboat By F. A. MirOBX Wba b stsgm-ost'b Slid tha stratu boat paaaad out sa tba enlinary ntrsna af trl a rt tu ao lal sutua paaavd out w lib thaw. Wtb tbea matbuda vf tranaporutkia foatarnt ai'uwtlilug that no looter eiiaU-tb aoi-Wty vf trsveL A number of prreou wuuld start en a Journey to a BUgem h. snd tba fst that tbry were fvllvw Uavrlar miui st mum acjualiiUm-K, otWu frWmla sod In ivrt-ilu liwUiirtsi bers. As to Iba atrauilxHit. w bile the grrsU-r nuuibvr on vn of them prevrntnl this autouistk BoetsbUlty, It waa a oul'ju biatitutka la lb fnsil rt of the siaUt salons of a MUntaliif4 sleamlioat waa llllt laitllk atrw iure, In wbk b Iktuor wrra arrvrd. I'aaslng aft one woul.1 aw nuioerou tobtva, some of whkb were ocruplnl by rurj lnji-r wltb starks of i tips or coins U fr tbrui. At Uiraillim-a tbraa tatik-S were ptarrd togHher, forming es king table, sml shortly brfur a luaal wss snuounn-d mala psaaangrrs would Hue Itu-ui wait tog to an-ure smiIs. In Hm strn of tli boat was Ibe Uiltrs rabln. When illiiiM-r waa ready Ilia captain wnt bito Ibis rsbtu, board rrrrmonkiuniy lo tba bulka. off.-n-d bta sriu to on, eseis-tnl bi-r to a arat at the toble, M kiwnl by tu other bulk-s snd Iba ux-ti traveling wltb lbm. Wm-n tbey wrre eatd a colorwl man swung a bugs brsas tn-IU sod tha Drt stroke of Ute rlaiirr wss sunuil for evt-ry nmn who bad bven watting to plungi bito s sat line day a griitk-iuaa la a vsrb-gnted wsUtcost worn by mn of that iky sml long skbted cost with a large rolling vrlvet collar atood among the mrii waiting for tba sttusl to be emit ed. A mottM-nt ttt-fore It rame be turn ed ttxl kt1lnl Into bis stateroom to k-v bia bat there. A be emerged the bell rang, snd a man dropped bito his Sent The sit was a flagrant brrai h of rourti-ay, for the gentleman bad li-n waiting soma time behind lb rhalr. and Ibe otbr mut certsbtly have to swsra of the fact t'wuwbius of some one standing be hind blm, Ibe wst ateak r turned and looked up Into artrr countenance bending over blm. Hut thore waa oiix'tbliig more severe then ttm f.iee a glittering ImiwW knife, whose bbtde was polutod down at a small bald spot on lop of Iba tnterbiper'e bead. Tbe fellow dlvrd under tbe table snd rf fe-ed an etlt on tba other rule. After dinner a young man about twenty -oil years of age approach! the man who had putaed lb bo la knife and aakl: "Colonel Sinclair. I believer "At yo' survlee, sub." "I wss Msr tally gratified at your recovery of your seat at table. Tba msn who proposed to dispossess you took flo.uo out of ma st card this morning." "I was HJokiiut ovah the game, mo." -I think he la a blaekleg." "line of tba worst He la s disgraee to hi calling. I observed hi ntanlpu- latlona of the cya'da, snd I must con- fee that they were such a no respect' shle gambler would use." "My nam la Hartlelgh. sir. I am on my way to New Orleans to bo mar ried. I shall leave tha boat at tbe first fop and return to my horn In Mem phis. Tha money the man took from ma waa Intended to start a borne. I must now break my engagement" "I would not do that suh," replied the colonel, thoughtfully feeling but rhln. Then, pulling a nil of bills from hts pis-ket ha siMed: Ak him fo' yo revenge, suh. I will observe tbe game and will engage that be playa falah." Hartlebtti accepted the offer, and during tbe afternoon he and tbe gam bler took posseasksi of a table and were soon absorbed In a game. Prv eutly (Vtonel Sinclair approached the table and stood opposite the bitter, looking down upon blm with a cold stnre. Thnt look the gambler must hnve Interpreted aa an onler not only to play futr, but to see to It that hla victim wou bark tbe money bo had lost to the morning. At sny nite, he made very large bet on very small bands, by whkh he lost money stead ily, and did not seem a bit reluctant at seeing hla funds passing Into Hurt lelgb'a posseaskiu. All the whllo Colonel Sinclair stood smoking a cigar, tobiliig himself first on one leg, then on the other. After bia first hmk at the gnmblrr be seemed UTba only Interested In the game, Imt occnsliMially the gambler would dart a glance up at his Imiiertnrbable coun tenance and after tlobig so would make another big bet on a smnll hitud. Finally young llartlelgh cotiuteit the pile of tillls nud coin liofore him, sIiovihI over a small mini ami said: "We're nulla. I'm even and with draw from the "mime." The gambler nt u timid glance at the colonel n If for Instruction then put the iimount retnrniHl lu his ixn-ket Hnrttelgh mid the colonel strolled out on to the guard. When they were un olmerved Ilartlclgh seined bis lienefao tor hand. ' "Colonel." he aald,' "you must attend my wedding," "I shall Is very lyippy. to at tend the ceremony. I live In New Or leans." Then Ilartlclgh returned the money advanced as a atake and the two went to the little box In the bow and, stand ing before It llartlelgh raised a glaaa j and aald: "My gratitude, colonel." "Don't mention It nth." OUR UFE. Our life m like the life of a toe again and again stripped of every sign of hla that it hai put forth and yt whkh still has gathered all those apparent failures into Iho weeen of on long, continuous growth. PhiUipa Brooks. Tha Main Int. "What tha beet way to come to the frontr "Get good bcklug."-BalU- A 8 D'ffaraws. "I notice a grrst rban- ia your Uttla toy." "As to bow r "II aard to dawdle and big when you srtit blm in tbe morning to tbe tre. Now b's off Ilk tb wind." "He's j scout now, with me, ass to tisln to tb l's-. Vm grorer." iswbsvlila t'i.urti r JournsL Darwinian. "I'm looking op my family tree." What era tha Ditik-ys dolngf Ef- rhsns THE PUBLIC DEFENDER By f. a. wrrain. In wasiwn rmnmunlty Into whk'b the opi wrra lulri!n lug rmirts af taw John Iirs.baw. a utun to whom every ooa bulked up as a very wk Boon. Silggeated tbst letber with public, pruawntor they bss public defetidr. Mil Conovrr replied to tb SUgrealloll. "II a.iii to me," ba said, "tint it' bant ruougfe to get st tb truth with prwcui to muddle Hi Jury. If w bsv deirudi-r to throw up tbe sam snuuiiit of dui4 who's going to sea through It llr liut Mike hsd no atandlng with tba eommuuily l-ii.. Itra.Ubdw, wbo wss s Isrg bisw with su iinprewive de- t nieniinr and arl.ii si i aike, but when j be illil bia word se-niel to weigh ! ton. The U1'- ilcfemler was spiioittt- kI. Snd Hie rtlteim ii in b rat I! la ted them- ; iw-lv.s tlwl ui-tli tberesfter would be i pruvkled for YUd Nrsnus SS wrli aa for the state. Tba Brut M-ron to mine U-fore tba court wss Mike Conorrr blutarif. A rubbery hsd lieen rommitti-d hi tba town Inrotrlug ibe lues of a wsb u snd slsiot $10 In currency. It bad oc- curred about 12 o'clock at night Joel U ark new bad been walking home when iue one cams up behind blm. put bis srms smiind blm. sml a scuffle hsd euaucd. Tli street was not light ed, sml Ilsrknens dkl not ae his se sa lln nt. who soon reb-aiied his bokt When IIsrkneKS at borne b found Ihst he bad been relieved of gold wsti b sud chain an 1 the money wbk b be bad esrrUil lu bis veat ket IIo rejrt1sl tb malt.T to tbe s.llce. wbb adtisrd blm to say nothing shout the lustier f. tli prwtil, Ttwy were angsged In ferreting out other crind ua till.-, snd il Would aid them If tbe irUiilnal supiHised that llarkueas hsd tHM-krti-d hts lima without n-iortlng U. A few dsys after Ibis Mary i tools went to see Mrs. Conover, but not finding ber st home, nut down In tbe living room, Mary had very kern ear and, hearing ticking, wondered where It csme from. Making a sesnb. she found a gold w an u and chain lu a bu reau drawer. Mike being a woe biborer, Mary knew thai lie could not afford any su.b tlinei.Hu snd talked almot her Oud to ber neighbors. Tbe incbleut reached .the ears of the DoUee. A searcli was made of Mike's borne and tha Wsdb found. llariiMpas without hcsltatlou kleiitloed It as bis property. The bills ha had hwt wer not found, but Ihcy could not bsv been Identified If they bad been found. Mike wss s treated, and the public defender called upon blm to bear what be bad to say sod prvperw bis defense. Tbe lawyer wss young msn full of the dignity of the law. lie waa n bltkms to take a prominent part In .H.l.- .,.! I... 1 .. ,,,.1. Sp L, ... miiiNi-ii uoi .i iiiib uw or&i in aw a.,,.fc. . public defender. Mike assured him that he wss perfectly Innocent He bnd gime out to work very early on morning ami came niwu a gold watch I and chain lying ou the sidewalk, II picked them up and took them horn after his day's work, showing them to his wife and asking- ber what to do about It. UrMiM said that tbe owner of the watch hud duuliUesa dropiied It unawares and would advertise It In a beta notice lacked to tree or In tho town paper, which would be Issued tu a few days. He bad better tie on tbe lookout for such notice. But nothing apiHMired on the tree or lu the papor, ami Bridget told Mike when ba went to work on the day of his arrest that he would try to find the owner. The public defender llsteued to this statement with supreme contempt In the first place he did not bellev It In tho second be could not prove It and In the third he proposed to show hi Ingenuity In getting hts client off. IIo asked Mike how much money he had, and Mike said that Bridget waa his banker and he believed she had something like fMi In a -stocking. Tbe defender told him to bring It to bun. "Mike," he said, "your story would "never go dow n with a jury. We must prove tin alibi' Mike dldn t know what an alibi was, but he produced the WW. At the trial the prisoner waa aston ished to learn Unit on the night of the robbery he was in a town fifty mile distant ami at mldulght waa drlnkin In the Allium1-' saloon with sevewu witnesses who swore to the statement The defendant made a strong caa. and the prosecutor was much troubled to disprove the alibi. lie talked all day to gain lime and during the night paid one of tha defendant witnesses 10 to swear that he had been nits- taken In the man. This broke down iL a a ..... . su as atts Athaa n Itn naana the Btatementa of the other wltnesae for the defense, ami tho facta were so conclusive against the prisoner that he was convicted without the Juror leav ing their aents. "Michael Conover, stand up." aald the Judge. "Have you anything to aay why sentence should not be passed upon you?" "I have," aald a voice, and a man In clerical garb came forward and aak ad to lie sworn. Then he aald: "Bridget Conover. the prisoner' wile, came to me recently to be confessed. She told me that her husband had found ii wnt eh nad ehttln nm. asked tn What he should do t find the owner." Here wm -evidence thnt even tha public prosecutor did not think of re butting. Mil e t'civlvott n new trial aad was acM'iluoil !y the Jury that had convicted L':u am! weat forth a man. Undor Fin By WILLIAM OiANCLER At twestjr ssiaato pMt e'rioeft fa tba morntog; waa tb paopl hi tb tow of Tansoutb, aa tb of Enftancl. wer wwppsst la Uier tsmnded tb atll atr tb strok of baO. Hiiastrad. of prson sUrtad np na With in a faw aacoad tba other sad souths strofca, sntil kt vklnt that not tb bene wwa bssaf stnx-k. bat ss a Ism. Tbaa aa tb strtwva war baaed aouada of nlng. foUowad by n cry. "Turn out! Tba Germans T Then boom, and la a faw deafening etpluatoa. Tb ewbisMtl of tb woasia' regisBaot Jumped out of bed and lato bar uni form, deaeeodad to ber headnnarters on tba floor beiow, wber soambsrs of her ataff war dressing. tbst the waa delay aakl sharply: "Com, get a nov oat that switch. Cantata Blaka. lay. oa. there! Miss Brewstar! What at yoa kioklug for-a brwcalatT Navar gobsd arnaineou. Tba anamy hi apoa aa, snd there's ao Ua to lose. Oeaevl Msln waring, put down thnt hnrnlglaas. torn out and help call tba laglasiat fo arm." Karh woman, as soon a sb bad Ba lsa.! ber toilet, dashed oat and away. Meanwhile members of tb fore earn hurrying In. some Jabbing pins Into their alpln hat, soma button tog tbetr Jsi ket. m presslnc tbetr haada npon tbetr bark hslr to make snr that it wss fsst A tbry srrtvrd tb eoaa panle fell in under tbetr sergeants, and soon a line consisting of tolly half the mater wa drawn up la tha street Then tba cotouel. standing before tba colors, gar tbe order to break lot column, and placing herself at tb neaa cned in a kind mexzo soprano Voice: "Forwrdr Meanwhile a nnmlsr of shells froni a Genii an war vessel wrra bumtlns here and there, some of them doing serious dsmsge. Tb women's rvt.iment was marc bed to tbe street fronting on tbe wster and came to a rest Irarlug the msreh It was Joined by "member who had not arrived at tbe armory la time to Join at Ibe departure of tb corps. Some of these ladle war buckling on tbetr acroutormeuu, oth ers adjusting theur hastily donned clothing. A lady had com forth la slippers, on of which h lost and was endeavoring to regain. Another a she ran was followed by her poods, who barked ss be galloped after bar, evidently thinking hla miifiasa waa doing It alt for hla avert When tha regiment waa draws p la line It wss quite tight la tba ofAag a German cruiser waa strsmmg alowty past tbe town. The soldiers did not recogutz ber a a ship of Var, and since she wss not firing there waa a ripple of chat along tb Un: "Do lend me a balrpla." Tsk car. Tou'r pointing that gun right ha any face." "Isn't It horrid of tba Oermaaa to wake a up at thl time of tb morning r "What' It all about I don't ae anything of aa enemy. Thsry must have goo borne." Suddenly there wss a flash oa tb cruiser, followed by a report, and a hell cam shrieking over tha water. It struck a bouse back of tb regiment exploded, sml tba detonation waa fot- ' '"""l uy tanina mm. mmt aavnar. .'Conversation stopped at one. Tb ha te t of voices wss hushed ss If It bad ticen shut off by lightning. But not for long. "My goodness gra clous r "Isn't that awful!" "Tlie hiwrkl thing!" "Oh. land, thnt noise must have wmkea my baby!" Another shot came, struck tha ground sloping to the sea a hundred yard be fore the Hue. and there waa a rata of fragments. But fbrtuuately tha shall had struck too far In advance. That part of tbe line before which It fall broke away, but waa quickly rallied by the officer. The ladle atood their grooad Ilk heroine UN the ahootk-t a$9af iM the cruiser, turning aar tow WUitwasl, steamed away. Then It emed that bedlam had broken loo all aloof tha line, Tha color bearer fainted, bat the colors wer picked np by a woman of sterner stuff and held In tbetr former position. A few shrieks area from different part of tb Una, but tha principal dla waa composed of s clamatkma, shouts, cries of horror or victory mingled with maVrdlctlona oa the Germans. Strang to nay, tber waa much more fear now that they were steaming awy than when they were lending "those horrid shells." While the cruiser wss growing lea In the distance the colonel rode along the line and stopping In. tha center halted and made a short speech con gratulating tb women oa tbetr aplee dld behavior under Ore. Tbaa aha gave the order bringing tha regiment Into column of platoon and started tbem for the armory. All would have gone well for tba eclat of Ow women' behavior bad It not been for aom boya whom even German shells could not tarn from their prank. The boy tied together mouse colored rag which they attached to strings, then hid themaelre along t tno ,tre wmj ow by th t wosnen. At a given algnal each boy palled what wa apparently a rodent throngh Hie rank. . ' ' '-:"- i Every company through which the bundle were pulled broke and ran en to tbe atoopa of tbe houae oa tha Una of march. Th leenemy. "Some people bold that a wife ooght to receive a regular salary for bat work la th home." ; "Then It would be Just aa cheap to hire a booMkeerjer." Baltimore An lean. " ' ; Hjstoh Tonsorlal ArUat-And What will yo have on your face when I finish hav ing yoat . . - .... - Optimistic Btude-Oh, probably both Hp and part of say aost-OoraaU Wktow. a IARACTER A toed character is every mm, A gnod heart, benevolent srebngs, aad a baJaaced bmkJ te at the loue, daaaa oi character. Other thmgt assy b deemed (ortutoos; thry fesy coasesad go; but character i mat whach live and aUdr.--Joha Tadd. The Wamakar. rrlead-Wbos mske ia your ma ehlneT Aoti.t-Th repsirer'. Bjt tyBoatoa TraBarrlpt A TRIFLING MISTAKE By THOMAS ft DUNN , 1 wa draaaing for dinner on even lag when the telephone bell rang, tapping to tbe mstrament 1 beard a vary sweet feminin voice say: "Is that yon. Mr. rembertoar "Tea, I'm Pembertoo." "Too re to b at tb corner of EbrhUt ad Walnut this evening at t. Take tb cab yoa will find tber and "Who sre your I asked, not nndea BMdlnc all thl talk. Tm Effl Htrong. Ton win be drr. ea to tbe park entrance. Go to th fountain, wber you will find Edith. Carry a rose ln- Oh, heaven, some ea la coming!" There waa a click and that wa th end of-three remarkable Instruction. It waa evident that there had been a call for aom one bearing my nam, and tb taiepbon girl or tha person calling or aom on bad mad a mis take. Now, I would not on soy account take advantage of au b a blander to gratify cariosity, pry Into other peo ple' sffstrs or for any other purpose. Bat I fait It Inrumbefit on me to cor rect tb error If possible. This other Pembertoo would not get tba message Intended for him. th driver of th cab might wait all night on bis box, aad Effl might grow ao daap rata as to drown herself In th fountain. It babooved me to net nutter right I calked np tba telephone office and aakad who had given m tbe last calL I might as well have asked th op erator to tell me how many grain there are on an enr of corn. I look ed In tbe directory for tha nam Pem berton. but mine was the only one there. There wa nothing for it but that I should go to tb corner of Eighth sod Walnut streets, take th cab, proceed to tbe fountain and tell Edith that she needn't wait sny longer bees use the res I ber real Pemberton had not bees Informed of tba meeting. I confess I wss somewhat curious to know why a conveyance bad been pro vided and what wa to be tbe upshot of the business. But I resolved .sim ply to state that a mistake hsd been made and ask no questions. I thought it necessary to carry s rose In order that I shiNikl be recognized for the other fellow or I might aa well stay away. So on my way to the place wber 1 Mould meet the carriage I topped at a flower shop and bought one, Th csh was la position, and I opeaed tb door. The driver asked If I wa Mr. Pemberton, snd I told him that I wss. Then he drove me to th park. I alighted and went up tbe walk to tbe fountain. Two girl were standing looking at the dripping water, and one of them aa seeing the rose In my hand left ber friend and made straight for me. "I have come to tell you," I said, rais ing my hat "that there baa been mistake." "Good gracious! What gone wrong? I It all off r "A telephone message came to me thla afternoon from a lady whom 1 eWtknow." "Certainly yon don't know ber. Too are not expected to know her." "Ton see, I'm net-that Is, there' only one person of my name in the telephone book" "Tou r Mr. Pendletoa, aren't your "Certainty I'm Pendletoa. There's B doubt about that but" "Cease! let ua hurry. Well be too lata, Maud lokl me tha if I failed tu seJa break her all np; she wouldn't . ever since. On th envelop eae writ be able to get throngh with It" j ten "To be delivered whan tba eta la If thla young woman had been a old enough to act for herself." cart crow or suspicious looking l Steven Marmaduke advised the gfet mlgbi. have attempted further explamv ; to open the letter, and sb dU aa ta Uoa. But she waa a pretty a a hla presence. It read: peach, and If she wouldn't give me a chance It aeemed to me that 1 waa sxcuaable for letting her pav her way. Patting her arm through mhe, ah harried me to the cab. We got In, and tbe cabman drove away without any Insfjuctlons. I presumed be had been gtven them before. "Now ril explain," aald my kidnap er. "Toil aeet Maud Farnsworth and Ned Buries have been dead lu love with each other for a long while. Maud'a parent think they know bet ter whom Maud want to marry than aba doe herself. She and Ned are to ba married secretly, and yon and I are to be the witnesses." "Obi Tbatalir "That" all! Why. Isn't that a good deair "Bat pteaa tell me what 1 have to do wttb It" "Why, llaad has made all the ar rangement. She asked m whom 1 would like to take me to the parsonage, and I aald It didn't matter to me; she might find some one herself. Bbe said he would and made all the arrange ments." . I leaned back on tbe cushion and chuckled. "What amuses youT" asked my com- naiilott. "t tried to tell youfhat a mistake haa been nmttc. button vwuldn't listen to me. i nm p envu .to Team tnat barm h.-i In- n done. On the contrary, I han in: tie a very pleasant ae- iualntHUce " ' I told tier the whole story, at which she wa greatly smiiaed. remarking that tt waa a good Joke on llaad. At the parsonage Maud st irted on aaelag a atranger In me. bur as I wa only In tended for a wltnes and she waa vary neb rattled at tbe atep ah waa tak lE3beaU noCg. Aad tbafa Uw 1 xdt Cut lit 1 cr ALetterTbtOz aDayTcoL By MAY C mtTZJCS Edwin Marmaduk at hta a large eatat. B wa a with a children, at laaat a at boma. Bat no on nmsd much about him, and. habsg a man, ba kept hi past Marmadak had brad kn ft a kt, houa wkk-b be bad ci:plad whea bta wife wss Uttug. Wbea a died aaab- w wb bad sa aye to Id i to his hooae and ksoksd far a wGt, fimnd aona. This gar the I to the betrs-at law. Th aepbew, Jaam Willis ms, bunted up the psrwoaa aadT found Urge number of thane. Baa they wer sit dewcendanta of tba da eeasMl' brother and easier, aaaa af wbotn could claim dearest direct. Win isms called a maettog f 1 duka's relative and told I iesa they took concerted acttoa k tba matter the estate waa babes a ba wasted In chancery. A great aataa claims might be made by peraoaa wba would try to prove falsely that they wer related to the deresaed. Boa eff thee claims might he allowed, nd money might be wasted by tb coart ha disproving other. Of coot tba mat ter of tb dbetrlbatioa waa la the) coorts, but the heir would farUMata matter and sure wastage by actual together so a to secure a proper das trl button of th property. Among those who attended tbe asset. Ing wss a young girl of listeea. . She took a back seat and listened to what wa said without remark, bctag tba only one present who aald nothing. Sb waa very poorly dressed aad beat a hungry look. Whea those praaeal were requested to step forward aad put then- name oa paper, grvUg that relationship to the accessed, thla girt hung bark. Williams, seeing ber, Bak ed her if she had any claim ea tba Marmadaka estate. Ia reply aba aJd that aba had recently arrlvad la tba city from Canada, where sbe had been d UK-barged froea a foaadUag asylum. At leaving sbe bad been gtvaa tba baby clothe sbe bad oa whea hcSt aa tba asylum and a letter aiklressad to Edwin Marmaduke. She had ea money by a director f tba tion to go and deliver tbe letter. 04 arriving she had Inquired whet Kd win Marmaduke Uved and ea loach big tbe bouse had found crape eavtbal door. Person to whom sb bat toka ber story Informed ber of tbe iHng of the heir-at-law to Mr. Manas aabafa estate and suggested that aha adsht find ont something riinrnihsg tar ant. aion from some of them. 1 Williams asked tbe girl way aba dJ not open the letter, and she wpflaal that It was stated on th envelop that It was to be opened by Edwla Mar unke and by no otner person. i A young man wb signed bia aaaMl Steven Marmadak and i a grand-nephew of tbe i ed the girl and pitied signed no name on tbe flat of lehrtlia. for sbe had not come aa a cktbnaat. bat for Information. Wheal adjourned young Mrmadnka the girl and asked her If he eoafJ da anything for her. 8b tsmnbai hint and said that sine tbe parson aba bad com to see waa dead aba wants r torn to the place from which aba had come. lie naked ber name, aal aba sakl ah had no name. At tba found lings' home she had been calhd Bath, but thla bad been glvea ber there to distinguish ber from the other i Stereo Marmaduke waa pressed by the story of tbe girl Who had been born Into the world aader acb unfortunate etrco mat news. Ea weat with her to the boa when staying, asklmr ber to tell bout herself. What could aa tout The letter she bore to oa wba waa dead and her baby cloth ware 3 the evidence tber waa aa to fear tfia tity. When she had baea left at tbe foundlings' home, whoever had re ceived her had wrapped the laOr tm the clothe, and there It bad i Father-IVr the love yo bora me " ii. my ohiia some day hand row thl, beta I is oC your own blood. Henry kt i my days sre member, year BSale, JKAtaV "f When Marmaduke read thla letter ba turned to the girl with woodsr km V eye and aakl: ' "Rejoice, little one, for yoa ara heiress to a princely astata Cr) ' well tula letter and any other OTta yon may have aa to your IdeaO. An investlgatlen proved that t f3 was Alice Marmaduke tymta. hJt . mother had married at TaOoa her father's expreaa TCmataad, aad 14 bad never forgiven bar. Poverty ail sickness had eons to ber aad bar tz band, and Jnat before ber daatra at had sent her child to tb fona.rT' home. Learning of bta daughter da O wta Marmaduke bad eadTr4 t And ber child, but had failed, Co ktl never made a will, hoping Cat ICt granddaughter might ba bst ri had com too late to give tba ti' 1 an opportunity to benefit bar Wi-- - , Uved. but Ua, fortune was iCy & her before ta wa told m tc para. Alice Kpencer married Etoro 1! maduke, and the family naasa T"? : to red m their children, . . Willing to AeV " "Toung man, la th- ' - J f ' your family r T . ' craay abort to t tam v 1 eaanet lTJ 3 I ' taatcd tt tu - J I -7 c "baar?-7 to t' t V tag ka, Ibttu: "Tou are too vaoiM, eV K.U Carnuv trt C' I ftsaw te;'::"vr j f yaw worii r kaaa knt.. anO kO 1