TEST hiiLLseeiw I XXII HILLSnORO, ORKGON, APRIL 15, 1915 UtXi JID DEIECIttS n you::g cmeu irt Him Near Mountalnilale, iay, tor Prtland KuMwry X4TE0 IN KUHttt OP WI TS Aal to TU at La Campbell, aged eighteen wu raptured near Moun Iiut Saturday, by Port jdetertive. Messr. Helycr, abrrry. Goltze and Abttott, Campbell place above jtalndule. Young Campbell's ) live in Portland, but hi Vr lives in this county. The rtive hive widened con g the ytutnir follow with at (two Portland robberie. and allege they unearthed more at the farm which will eon i him with several other J. )m detective went to North , and from there proceeded ie ranch in the guis of fuh n. A brother of Campbell Cd to have shouted an alarm, the oHkera got to the house placd the prisoner under t they still think that )g Caml-ll would have ud otgunonthem had he known eir approach. tmpbt'll ha a lad record anil liern in the court before, police think the rapture will -t the breaking up of a gang I haa been robbing Portland' ( and residence all Winter, they also think that Camp haa been interested in the .ken and sack thefU to the A of Portland. ?. I. ANl l. li. ft II. except the P. It. & N., trains elctric, and stop at the do on Main street. To Portland W Grove Train 6:50 a. m. ilinnville Train 7:36 a. m. iridan Train 9.58 p. m. W Grove Train 12:50 p. m. linnville Train 2:15 p. nt. Jest Grove Train... 4:10 p. m. Time Train 4 :53 p. m. Minnville Train 0:37 p. m. rest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. ( From Portland Tene Train arrive. ..8:15 a. m. " . 9:42 a. m. " ..11:59 a.m. " . .3:15 p. m. ' .4:30 p. m. , . .r:37 p. m. .7:15 p. m. " ...9:00 p. m. " .12:15 a. m. except teugene (lag at North street and at street and at Depot The county court last Friday sHtU-d with Arthur Itevt-ridge & Co.. of Portland, the firm that had experts go ovr the book of the county. Their original claim was for $1277.3:!. but the court rr fused to audit the bill. Afti-r week of parley the court finally offered the company $.S5.nn. The next day the firm came buck with an offer to take J'JW). The court then made the proMal to split the difference and the bill was paid at IM7G.71. This saved the county nearly four hundred dollars. The ex perting was done und.-r authori ty of the state law. and com pensation is not fixed under the statute. The county board, how ever, promptly told the export ing company that lefore they would pay the original sum they would light the case clear to the Supreme C-ourt on the irround of values. Ir. Uawke came down from Giuton Monday morning, and examined Mrs. Christina Johnson for initatiity. She was orders committed and two guards came down from Salem the same eve ning to convey her to the State lloiipital. She is aged 51 year and has eight children, the younuent of whom is 11 years. The cane is a pitiful one, .and Mr. Johnson slashed herself in an attempt at suicide the other dsy, inllu-ting several serious wounds with a razor. She is an AdventUt in religion, and says the "lrd nrderod her to commit suicide." She also says she has committed the "unpardonable sin," whatever her conception of that may le. I represent Spirella corset -not sold in store. Will call at home on request and do the fitting, and teach how to adjust and wear the corset. Our tailor ed made-to-measure corset, in cluding the latest front lace, with an cxiwrtenced corsetier service, cost no more than high claa cor set purchased in store. Mr. M. R Caudle, MillHU.ro, Fifth and Jackson Street. Phone No. Main Mi. 52-11 O LITTLE GIRLS STH1TLE BY THEFTS Maids U and 10 Years ( Age Aak lr Contribution for IW OCT ACCESS TO NOUSES. THEM STEAL li:.-..tii.. jnimiiviiit- rest Grove pl Grove pruian Minnville est Grove est Grove Minnville II trains. ins, stop on ige and Fir th and Fir th street am Service Old To Portland 11 & N. Train 1:37 p.m. From Portland 11 & NTTrain 10:2! a. m. UHENIERUl)IMllM)Rf-l;R apoleon Grenler. of Baker City, d Miss Anna Iturirdorfer. of ve Mountaindale. were united marriaire at the County Court ambers in this citv. Aur 9. 15, Judge I). B. Keasoner of-it-ting. The ceremony was rformed In the presence of r. and Mr. John G feller, of ountaindale, who have known Jie groom for many years. Mr. renter haa hrrn roulHnnt of iaker for a period extending )ver a number of years. The )nde is a slater of Fred Burg V)rfer. of alnive Mountaindale. hey departed Friday evening or their home in Baker. I. 0. Koark. who formerly inducted the Lauirhlin Hotel. t forest Grove, U missing from m rooms at . San Francisco. hem hn hna Kitnn Hiorutnuin j literature for three of Portland's lading hotels. Roark is Baid to Mve always carried more or less jnoney alMut with him, and it is fought that he haa met with loul play. . Orville Tucker and wife, of Hrtdal Veil. Ore., were guests of U. G. Gardner and wife, the last of the week. Mr. Tucker. Is a stationary engineered has been working for the Bridal Veil Lum per to. for a number of years. - Here you are Mr. Farmer- no o per cent, money see me. ? h. ykm, Room 1 Commer Bldg., Hlllaboro, Ore. That Gov. Withycomle has not lost interest in nor love for live stock since hi- assumed the duties of the otlice seems to be proven by the fact that he ha purchased a $"X) registered Kentucky sad dle mare. The governor says it is his intention to use the mare on Ms trips or inspection about the Hnitentiury and other state institutions, as well as on rides taken solely for pleasure when it is possible to take a tittle time away from hi official duties. Uural Spirit. Wanted - at once: Young men for automobile business. Big pay. We make you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay us after we secure vou position. Century Automobile Institute, Los Ange les. Cal. Wendlin Sohler and L J. Pran ger. of Cedar Canyon, abov! Hanks, were in from the mill. Saturday, bringing in Pete Schneider, an old time engineer, conveying him to the poor farm. The patient is broken in health, and one side is partially para lyzed. lie was admitted to the county farm and will probably end hi days there. The German Speaking Society will meet at the home of Adam Uoemhild, one and one-half miles from Cornelius, near Haines sta tion, North of the Baseline road. the last Sunday in April-Apn 25. All members have a cordial invitation to attend -Fred Bul ling. Pres.: Wm. Schendel, Sec retary. 3-4 Photographer Brvant, of iFor est Grove, lost some cameras the other night, a burglar having entered his studio and helped himself. The sheriff's office was notified and is working on the case. For sale: Barred Plymouth Hock, 0. A. 0. strain, eggs for hatching. Setting of 15, 75c, or 2 settings for $1.25. -C. W. Red mond. Washington Street, be tween 4th and. 5th. 514 Gruver Combs laid the linoleum in the Sheriff s new quarters, the last of the week and the olllco now can't be beaten for convenience and comfort. White Minorca eggs for hatch ing-settingof 15 tor $1. Wil lard Tupper, Hillsboro, Telephone City 502. 4atr Lee Commons, of Ona, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Jos. Wolfersperger, the last of week. Fred F. Hughes, of Center ville, was a county seat visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John G feller, of above Mountaindale, were city callers Friday afternoon. TcH Sianr f CcNctllac far f mt Wtfew, Mrs. Brrns aa4 CkMrce strange story is that of Dial lauer, aged 13 year, and a mailer sister, aged 10 years. who were arrested the last ot the week for theft. The little girls reside at Cornelius, ami they have been out collecting! money and clothing for an al- eged poor family, consisting of widow, using the name Mrs. brown, and small children. The middle of the week they came to lillsboro and visited many homes with their plea of charity, saying that either cast-off clothing or money would be acceptable. They visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J as. Jose, and while Mr. Jose wa looking for ap parel, took ; possession of two small children's banks, in which were a few cent. They alno picked up 25 cent while at the Abbott home. When they left the Jose home thy passed J. C Lamkir.'s place and asked him to open their bank, saying they were unable to do so. He told them he could not open it without the aid of a screwdriver, and they left The euesl girl told Shenti Keeves that they stole no bank, and per sisted in the story for some time. but finally admitted they took one. and threw it away. Many people gave the young sters clothing, their sympathies being excited by the story of the alleged suffering family. 1 he case goes to the Juvenile Court Whether or not the par ent, who are very religious. know ot the action of the girls, is not known. Bring your eggs to Greer'. John I). Koch, of above Bloom ing, wa in town rnday. F. Unger. of Chehalem Moun- KOSOFDOLlJIS FOR CO. n COS wenty-Oa District Collect Tai for Special Ra4 Work ia I9IS m NOW STAITI.N0 TO WOtK lall-Tai Patamt HkWcrs Best aWti -PraMcta im SalatiM AW '&r th Gilgian Hager. of above Moun taindale. was in town rnday. Springtime ia here, so now ia the time to make garden. Buy your garden seed at Greer a. Detective Peter Kelly, of the Southern Pacific Co., was in the city Friday, conferring with Sheriff Keeves. For sale. Cedar fence posts. feet Can deliver. -Wenger Bros., Hillsboro. Or., li. 1; phone North riains, tire. l b Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Good in. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Milne, and Mrs. Jos. Cawrse Jr., of North Plains and vicinity, were in Fri day evening, visiting with Phoe nicia Temple, Pythian Sisters. Win. Pitman, with the Stan lard Box & Lumber Co., above Buxton, was in town the last of the week. He says the company has been operating nght.along. rain or shine. A troop of 35 Mazamas. of Portland, came out to Sherwood on the morning passenger, Sun day, and then hiked across coun try to Hillsboro, leaving here on the 6:37 train for the city. They were a tired bunch, but thor oughly enjoyed the trip. J. R Campbell, of the Dudley mill, had a mishap with his horse and buggy while enroute to town, accompanied by Mrs, Campbell, the last of the week Mrs. Campbell was thrown from the vehicle and suffered a Col les fracture of the wrist Dr. Bai ley attended the injury. Mr, Campbell was enroute to see the Dr. for the benefit of Mrs Campbell, and he says that as long as the arm must be broken it was well that they were on their way. OREOON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 t .'. 7:18 8:28.....:.. 9:68 12:43 3:58 5:43 8:10 9:li8 (Sat only) From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54... 9:20... 11:25 .... 2:05 4:27...... 6:25 7:13 9:12 (Sat a m a m a m a m pm p m pm pm .pm 12:3 only). am .a m a m pm pm pm pm pm - ""'M iJ "den seeds are b-st Buy I'm at dreer a and get the pries and xssortment Dexter Shoudy. of Seattle, was in the city Saturday. Mr. Shou ts interested in coal lands in Washington state. Money to loan on f.rst-clas arm security. Washington County Abstract & Title Com pany; by 11 J. McAlear, Mana ger. 411 Hazel 1edford. of Foreet Grove, came down Saturday eve ning for a short visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. edford. For Sale-3l young 0. I. C pigs for immediate saleMrs. W. B. Itolton. Witch Hazel station. Mrs. Silas Christofferon dj parted Tuesday for San Franci.1- co, to join her husband, after a iit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bissner, of South Tualatin. Kd. Schulmerich. who is super- isor over in District o. was in Saturday. He has been doing considerable road work in the past two weeks. I saw cord wood, poles up to 12 inches in diameter, fence raila, and boards of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Will go into the country, write, phone or call on me.- Carl Skow. Hillsbo ro. Phone. City 4G2, or call at i'ualatin Hotel. D. C. Stokesbury. of Forest Grove, came down Monday to make arrangements with the county court to run the new Buffalo Pitts steam road roller. and he will soon Ik pulling the throttle. I have several inuuiries from eastern people for farm lands in this country. Farmers who de sire to sell their places, and wish to sell right can send me de scription, lowest prices and terms. Victor Callier. 2321 Washington Street Portland. Oregon. 3-4 C. R. Handy and brother, who are interested in land near West Union, were in the city Satur day afternom. They own the Mauzey place and will now cut it up and place it on the market Mr. Handy was long a resident of Pacific County. Wash., where he was engaged in the mercan tiie business. Seme horsethief stole a bay mare, aged 7 years, irom the st Mary's Home barn, last Wednes day .evening, April 7. The ant mal weighed about 13T0 and was first-class ho"se. lhe thie probably went clear through to V ancouver before morning. The halter was the only thing miss ing in the way of equipment Sheriff Reeves is offering a re ward of $25 for the recovery o the animal, her description being Bay mare. 7 years old, weight 1350 to 1400; star in forehead barb-wire cut on left front foot hind feet white to ankle. Do not forget that Greers have the largest assortment of bulk garden seeds in the county. Joseph Brown, of Forest Grove, working at the J. U Smith barn lost a little over $13 and two diamonds. Thursday e v e n i n some time. Browrrwas washing rigs, and his overalls became wet He hanged them on the rack whilo he went to supper, and when he returned he donned them without looking to ste his purse was still in the picket The next morning his wife asked him for some change to make purchase and he then discovered that the purse, money and dia monds were missing. Brown says that he valued the two dia monds highly, as they were gifts from his parents when he was boy, and left the old country They were worth at least $150 and had been taken from rings HealBolost a little silver sou venirring, the property of his wife, who is the daughter of the lady who once married Christ aralwuest Twenty-one road districts in Washington County have voted special levies for permanent roads this year, and work has already started in several. The fact that the half-payment of I taxes came Into vogue baa been an obstacle in the best results of making macadam, for the reason that nearly fifty per eent ot the mone will not be available until ong towards Fall. The levies run all the way rom 2i mills to 10 mills. Those districts which have special tax this year, and which do more or leas rock road work are: Dist 1, Chas Geiberger. sup ervisor. Tualatin. 7 mills; Dist 2, T Cole. Sherwood. 5 mills; Dist 3. F L Brown. Laurel. 10 mills; Dist 5. Otto Voegel, Cor nelius, 10 mills; Dist 7. Jonas Moline, Reed ville. 5 mills; Dist Henry Hesse. 5 mills; Dist 9. Zweiner, Hillsdale. 3 mills; )ist 10. J Oefinger, Beaverton, 2i mills; Dist 11. J J Wismer. 10 mills; Dist 19. 6 mills. Fred C oelle; Dist 20. Gabe Fsner. 5 mills; Dist 26. John Trachsel. ieavertnn. R 2. 10 mills; Dist 2a ohn Zimmerman, 5 mills; Dist Carl Berggren. 3 mills; Dist C C Nelson. Bacon a. 7 mills; list 37. Grant Mann. 5 mills: Dist 42. Otto Bros. Timber. 10 mills; Dist 45. Alfred Pieren, Helvetia. 5 mills; Dist 46. D L Smith. Banks. 6 mills; Dist 47. Nick Kemmer. 6 mills; D.st 43. ohn Schmeltzer. Sherwood. 5 mills. r BOWUNQ Really MADE in HILLSBORO NOT SHIPPED IN; BUT MANUFACTURED HERE The entire stock of the Hillsboro liomber Co. lus been purchased by the Badger Lumber Company. It is being moved to their yard, Main Street and the P. R. & N. tracks, and is being sold at a great reduction. V Bsdger Lumhr Go. Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything invaliding Material he score of the men's bowling game Thursday evening last: Downs. 165. 205. 164: total. 534; ave. 178. tloyes. 115. 182. 08; total. 465; ave. 155. Smith. 213. 12 1 152; total. 489; ave. 163. Shute. 168. 169. 200; total. 537; ave. 179. Olsen. 156. 177. 154; total. 487; ave. 162. Grand, to tal. 2512. Wolfersperger. 169, 161. 129; total, 459; ave. 156. Vie Jack. 5Ti. icy. 179; total. 504; ave. 168. Mahon. 163. 213. 168; total. 544; ave. 181. Moore. 177. 184. 180; total. 541; ave. 180. Bent ley. 202. 218. 136; total. 556; ave. 185. Grand total, 2604. Friday afternoon the ladies bowled with scores as follows: Mrs. Phillips, 80, 6S; total, 146 ave, 73. lira. Boeker. 78. 71 total. 149; ave, 75. lira. Mc Carthy. 109. 94; total. 203; ave. 102. Mrs. England, 47. 113; to tal. 150; ave, 75. Ciarjwa. ts, 65; total, 153; ave, 77. Urs. Bunsen. 43. Grand total. 844. Mrs. King. 97. 85: total. 192; ave, 96. urs. Dillon, ra. bi; total. 200; ave. 100. Mrs. Bent ley, 83.82; total. 165; aye. 81 Mrs. Shute. 68. 66; total. 134; ave. o7. miss Lippscnat, x. oz; total. 129; ave, 65. Mrs. Kroe- Rer. 67. W. H. Erwin, the Watkins Remedy man for the south of Baseline, has removed his head quarters from Forest Grove to Hillsboro, on Main St, between Fourth and Fifth, Phone, Main 856. 3-5 John Vanderwal departed for San Francisco, Wednesday. He received the $1500 check from the London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., for the Connell fire loss, Monday morning, less than a week after J. W. lost his farm house. This is pretty quick set tlement, and Vanderwal is very proud of his company. Mr, and Mrs. L A. Kingken ny have moved to Portland, and will reside there permanently. They have lived on their place in the Garden Tracts for a couple of Years, and have made many friends nere. Mr. Kingxenny will have charge of a coal mine at Centralis This mine has a 14 foot vein, and 300 tons of the product are shipped daily. The Briquetting Company will turn out briquettes, and a good sized crew will be kept operating the mine. The company with which Mr, King is interested al so has a mine at Castl Rock. Several Hillsboro people are as sociated with the mining inter el -! The World is Mine Said Monte Cbristo, because he saw before him the accomplish ment oftPurpose through the possession of wealth. Wa cannot all have the good fortune to obtain the wealth of Monte Christo, but we can strive to place ourselves on a plane of independence through saving a portion of your income each week. To-day ia the time to start. 4 Per Cen. Interest On Saving American National Danll SfflJTE SAVINGS ML American National Den! (affiliated BA 'K Combined Capital and Sorplns..............$ 92.0CO.CO Combined Resources ......30,4231 Demhingin All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deceit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domes tie Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Cheeks. Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Depcdts. DIAMONDS FOR APIUL The Diamond is the birthstone for April. Your gift will be acceptable If its a diamond; you can be sure of that and no other gift could more con stantly remind one of the giver. A gift diamond should be of good quality, whether large or small, and there are probably more wades of diamonds than you ever thought possible. Whether you can judge for yourself or not you will be satisfied always if you buy your diamonds here, and the more you compare try quality and price with others the better ycj'U I satisfied. . LAUREL M. IZOTT llllUboro. . C.-c.